Commodities, Inc. v. Daewoo Industrial Co. LTD., G.R. No. 100831, December 17, 1993)
Commodities, Inc. v. Daewoo Industrial Co. LTD., G.R. No. 100831, December 17, 1993)
Commodities, Inc. v. Daewoo Industrial Co. LTD., G.R. No. 100831, December 17, 1993)
A: NO, because under the "Independence The Exception to the Independence Principle
Principle", conditions for the drawdown on the (2010 Bar)
Letters of Credit are based only on documents, like
shipping documents, and not with the condition of The “Fraud Exception Principle” is the exception to
the goods subject of the importation. the Independence Principle. It provides that the
untruthfulness of a certificate accompanying a
Q: X Corporation entered into a contract with demand for payment under a standby letter of
PT Construction Corporation for the latter to credit may qualify as fraud sufficient to support an
construct and build a sugar mill within six (6) injunction against payment.
months. They agreed that in case of delay, PT
Construction Corporation will pay X Under the fraud exception principle, the
Corporation P100,000.00 for everyday of the beneficiary may be enjoined from collecting on the
delay. To ensure payment of the agreed amount letter of credit if the beneficiary committed fraud
of damages, PT Construction Corporation by substituting fraudulent documents even if on
secured from Atlantic Bank a confirmed and their face the documents complied with the
irrevocable letter of credit which was accepted requirements.
by X Corporation in due time. One week before
the expiration of the six (6) month period, PT This principle refers to fraud in relation with the
Construction Corp. requested for an extension independent purpose or character of the L/C and
of time to deliver claiming that the delay was not only fraud in the performance of the obligation
due to the fault of X Corporation. A controversy or contract supporting the letter of credit
as to the cause of delay which involved the (Transfield vs. Luzon Hydro Corp., supra).
worksmanship of the building ensued. The
controversy remained unsolved. Despite the Remedy for fraudulent abuse
controversy, X corporation presented a claim
against Atlantic Bank by executing a draft Injunction against payment is the remedy; provided
against the letter of credit. the requisites enumerated immediately below this
item are present.
a. Can Atlantic Bank refuse payment due to
the unresolved controversy? Explain. Requisites in order to enjoin the Beneficiary
b. Can X Corporation claim directly from PT from drawing or collecting under the Letter of
Construction Corp.? Explain. (2008 Bar) Credit on the basis of fraud (PAI)
A: 1. Clear Proof of fraud;
a. NO. Atlantic Bank cannot refuse to pay X 2. Fraud constitutes fraudulent Abuse of the
Corporation. This is because of the Doctrine of independent purpose of the letter of credit and
Independence which provides that the not only fraud under the main agreement; and
obligation of the issuing bank to pay the 3. Irreparable Injury might follow if injunction is
beneficiary does not depend on the fulfillment not granted or the recovery of damages would
or non-fulfillment of the contract supporting be seriously damaged (Ibid.)
the letter of credit. The only instance where
Atlantic Bank can refuse payment is when X
Corporation was not able to strictly comply
with the letter of credit. DOCTRINE OF STRICT COMPLIANCE
b. YES. X Corporation may directly claim from PT
Construction Corporation. A letter of credit by
itself does not come into operation without a
contract supporting it. It is no a contract that
The documents tendered by the seller/beneficiary credit has been transmitted to it on his
must strictly conform to the terms of the L/C. The behalf, has confirmed the letter of credit.
tender of documents must include all documents Consequently, FE Bank is liable under the
required by the letter. It is not a question of letter of credit. Is the argument tenable?
whether or not it is fair or equitable to require Explain. (1993 Bar)
submission of documents but whether or not the
documents were agreed upon. Thus, a A.
correspondent bank which departs from what has a. FE Bank cannot be held liable under the letter
been stipulated under the L/C acts on its own risk of credit since the certificate is not issued by
and may not thereafter be able to recover from the BV. It is a settled rule in commercial
buyer or the issuing bank, as the case may be, the transactions involving letters of credit that the
money thus paid to the beneficiary (Feati Bank and documents tendered must strictly conform to
Trust Company v. CA, supra). the terms of the letter of credit. The tender of
documents by the beneficiary (seller) must
Q: BV agreed to sell to AC, a Ship and include all documents required by the letter. A
Merchandise Broker, 2500 cubic meters of logs correspondent bank which departs from what
at $27 per cubic meter FOB. After inspecting the has been stipulated under the letter of credit,
logs, CD issued a purchase order. as when it accepts a faulty tender, acts on its
own risks and it may not thereafter be able to
On the arrangement made upon instruction of recover from the buyer or the issuing bank, as
the consignee, H&T Corporation of LA, the case may be, the money thus paid to the
California, the SP Bank of LA issued an beneficiary. Thus the rule of strict compliance.
irrevocable letter of credit available at sight in (Feati Bank and Trust Company v. CA, supra).
favor for the total purchase price of the logs. b. The argument made by BV is untenable. The FE
The letter of credit was mailed to FE Bank with Bank in this case is only a notifying bank and
the instruction "to forward it to the not a confirming bank. It is tasked only to
beneficiary". The letter of credit provided that notify and/or transmit the required documents
the draft to be drawn is on SP Bank and that it and its obligation ends there. It is not privy to
be accompanied by, among other things, a the contract between the parties, its
certification from AC, stating that the logs have relationship is only with that of the issuing
been approved prior shipment in accordance bank and not with the beneficiary to whom he
with the terms and conditions of the purchase assumes no liability.
Q: At the instance of CCC Corporation, AAA Bank
Before loading of the vessel chartered by AC, issued an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of
the logs were inspected by custom inspectors BBB Corporation. The terms of the irrevocable
and representatives of the Bureau of Forestry, L/C state that the beneficiary must present
who certified to the good condition and certain documents including a copy of the Bill
exportability of the logs. After loading was of Lading of the importation for the bank to
completed, the Chief Mate of the vessel issued a release the funds, BBB Corporation could not
mate receipt of the cargo which stated that the find the original copy of the Bill of Lading so it
logs are in good condition. However, AC refused instead presented to the bank a Xerox copy of
to issue required certification in the letter of the Bill of Lading. Would you advice the bank to
credit. Because of the absence of certification, allow the drawdown on the Letter of Credit?
FE Bank refused to advance payment on the (2012 Bar)
letter of credit.
A: NO, because the rule of strict compliance in
a. May FE Bank be held liable under the Letter commercial transactions involving letters of credit,
of Credit? Explain. requiring documents set as conditions for the
b. Under the facts above, the seller, BV, argued release of the fund has to be strictly complied with
that FE Bank, by accepting the obligation to or else funds will not be released.
notify him that the irrevocable letter of
Principle Documents tendered by the seller or Relationship of the buyer and the bank is
beneficiary must strictly conform to the separate and distinct from the relationship
terms of the letter of credit. of the buyer and seller in the main contract.
Consequence of the A correspondent bank which departs The bank is not required to investigate
Doctrine from what has been stipulated and acts whether the contract underlying the L/C
on its own risk may not thereafter be has been fulfilled or not.
able to recover.
Payment of Beneficiary cannot draw on the letter Fraud Exception Principle can enjoin
the of credit if he did not comply with its beneficiary from drawing or collecting
Beneficiary terms and conditions. under the L/C if there is fraud in relation
with the independent purpose of the L/C.
When both parties enter into an agreement knowing fully well that the return of the
goods subject of the trust receipt is not possible even without any fault on the part of the
trustee, it is not a trust receipt transaction penalized under Sec. 13 of PD 115 in relation
to Art. 315, par. 1(b) of the RPC, as the only obligation actually agreed upon by the parties
would be the return of the proceeds of the sale transaction. This transaction becomes a
mere loan, where the borrower is obligated to pay the bank the amount spent for
the purchase of the goods (Hur Tin Yang vs. People, supra).
1. Loan feature - is brought about by the fact that the entruster financed the
importation or purchase of the goods under TR (Sps. Vintola vs. Insular Bank of Asia
and America, G.R. No. 73271, May 29, 1987).
2. Security feature - property interest in the GDI to secure performance of some
obligation of the entrustee or of some third persons to the entruster (Rosario Textile
Mills Corp. v. Home Bankers Savings and Trust Company, G.R. No. 137232, June 29,
The real owner of the articles subject of the TR is the entrustee who binds himself to hold the
designated GDI. The entruster merely holds a security interest. If under the trust receipt, the
bank is made to appear as the owner, it was but an artificial expedient, more of legal fiction than
fact, for if it were really so, it could dispose of the goods in any manner it wants, which it cannot
do, just to give consistency with purpose of the trust receipt of giving a stronger security for the
loan obtained by the importer. To consider the bank as the true owner from the inception of the
transaction would be to disregard the loan feature thereof (Rosario Textile Mills Corp. vs. Home
Bankers Savings and Trust Company, supra).
The entrustee, however, cannot mortgage the goods because one of the requisites of a valid
mortgage is that the mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the property mortgaged or must
have free disposal thereof. Entrustee is not the absolute owner of the goods under trust receipt
nor has free disposal thereof.
The entruster is not responsible as principal or vendor under any sale or contract to sell made by
the entrustee.