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The ‘Well Control School’ (WCS) is a part of the ‘Institute of Drilling Technology’, ONGC and
located in Dehradun, India. It is a premier training establishment, established in the year 1997,
with the aim to provide core knowledge and job related skills to rig crew for handling of well
control situations.
We integrate decades of experience with state-of-the-art training technology to deliver
fundamental principles that bridge old school learning with cutting-edge techniques and helps
minimize risk & maximize safety for workers and well sites alike.
We use the latest drilling and well control simulators, including DrillSIM-5000 Cyber chair
Combo, DrillSIM-5000 and DrillSIM-50 systems. E-Board in the classroom helps expedite
learning by allowing instructors and students to engage interactively with well control
information and technology during sessions. These technologies combined provide a
comprehensive simulated learning experience for students at every level.
WCS has a team of seasoned professionals and young dynamic instructors who are committed
for delivering the highest possible standard of well control training. We know our way around a
well site and are well versed with the emergencies drillers and operators faces during well
control situations. Its serious business and we’re eager to use our expertise and the latest
teaching solutions to help you learn fundamental safety principles that could save your life and
the lives of others when wells slip into an uncontrolled situation.
Supervisor (Level 4)
3. IADC WELLSHARP WORKOVER : Well Servicing (Equipment operator and Oil & Gas
operator representative)
Behaviour of different types of influx 55
Closed in Condition Circulation 56
String Wash Out 100
Lost Circulation 101
Barite Plug, Gunk Plug 103
Low Choke Pressure Method 104
Over Kill Method 105
Reversing out of Influx through Drill Pipe 105
Use of Pill ahead of Kill Mud 106
Bull-heading 107
Hydrate Formation 108
Well Killing operational problems 109
Problems and their remedial actions during Well Killing by
Driller’s method ( 1st Circulation ) 109
Problems and their remedial actions during Well Killing by
Driller’s method ( 2nd Circulation ) 110
Problems and their remedial actions during Well Killing by
Wait & Weight Method. 112
Kelly Cock 160
Safety Valve & Inside BOP 161
Drop in Check Valve, Bit Float 164
Choke Manifold 165
Kill Manifold 168
Diverters 169
Selection of Well Control Equipment 172
Classification of Well Control Equipment 173
Control System for Surface BOP Stack 178
Function & Pressure Test – Surface BOP Equipment 182
Pressure Testing of inside BOP, Kelly Cock etc. 185
Trip Tank 187
Mud Gas Separator 189
Vacuum Degasser 191
Pit Volume Recorder 192
Mud flow Indicator 192
Mud flow Sensor 193
BOP Drills 194
Ring Gaskets & Connections 196
Table for Annular Preventer 200
Closing and Opening Ratio 202
Table for Ram BOP 203
Rotating Head 206
Rotating BOP 206
Marine Riser & Riser Dump Valve 227
Hydraulic Latch, Low Pressure Connector 229
SPM Valve & Shuttle Valve 230
Sub-sea BOP Control System 231
Operating Sequence of Indirect Hydraulic Control System 236
Functional problems during operations of a subsea installed bop 239
Multiplex BOP Control System 241
Acoustic Backup Control System 242
ROV Intervention 243
Sub-sea Blowout Prevention Equipment 246
Single Stack System Subsea BOP 246
Two Stack System Subsea BOP 246
Control System for Subsea BOP Stack 250
Testing of Subsea BOP Stack 250
Sizing of Accumulator for Sub-sea Unit 255
Hydrates 257
Inverted test ram in subsea BOP stack 259
Emergency system 261
Conversions 324
Trip Sheet 326
Interpretation of Trip Sheet 328
List of API standard related to well control 329
Figure Title Page No.
Artesian Effect 09
Faulting 10
Abnormal Pressure due to Salt Dame 10
Gas Cap Effect 11
Abnormal Pressure due to charged Sand 12
Hydrostatic Effect 13
U – Tube Effect 16
Leak off Test Graphs 18
Mud weight Window 22
Equivalent Circulation Density 33
Figure Title Page No.
Line Up for Soft Shut –in 45
Line Up for Hard Shut –in 46
Open Well Gas Migration 51
Closed Well Gas Migration 52
Figure Title Page No.
Pressure Profile 1st cycle of Driller’s Method 61
Pressure Profile 2nd cycle of Driller’s Method 62
Pressure Profile Wait and Weight Method 64
Pressure behaviour during Killing 67
Casing Shoe Pressure Profile 70
Volumetric method – Mud Bleeding Process 73
Stripping & Snubbing 75
Swabbed Gas Kick In Horizontal Well 80
Gas Kick From High Pressure Zone In Horizontal Well 80
Step Down Schedule For A Highly Deviated & Horizontal Well 81
Junction Classification In Multilateral Wells 83
Free Expansion Of Gas 89
Ballooning Effect 91
Pressure and Volume Graph 92
Figure Title Page No.
Well Barriers Schematic 95
Figure Title Page No.
Operating Pressure Graph of Hydril & Shaffer Annular Preventer 116
Hydril GK Annular Preventer 117
Closing sequence of Annular Preventer 117
Cameron `D’ type Annular Preventer 118
Shaffer Spherical Annular Preventer 118
Hydril MSP /GK/GX Annular Preventer 119
Hydril GL Annular Preventer 120
Different hook Ups of GL Annular Preventer 120
Piston Stroke Indicator 122
Replacement of Packing Element 123
Pipe Rams, Blind Rams 126
Variable Bore Ram, Blind Shear Ram 127
Cameron Ram Preventer and its fluid path 131
Cameron Wedge Lock 132
Shaffer Poslock 133
Shaffer Ultralock 134
Koomey Autolock 135
Hydril MPL 136
Hotline Assembly 137
Hydril Ram Preventer 138
Parts of Cameron U type Ram BOP 139
BOP Control Unit with pneumatic Annular Regulator 142
Accumulator Bottle with Charging & Gauging Assembly 144
BOP Control Unit with Manual Annular Regulator 146
BOP Control Unit showing Unit/Remote Switch 148
Bypass Valve in Low Position 150
Bypass Valve in High Position 151
Ram BOP Operation from the Remote Panel 152
Manipulator /Selector Valve in open Piston 155
Manipulator Valve, Selector Valve 155
Bypass Valve in Low & High Pressure Position 156
Kelly Cock / FOSV 160
Safety Valve in Top Drive System 162
Inside BOP, Bit float 163/164
Choke Manifold 165
Remote & Manually Operated choke 166
Gate valve & Fail Safe Valve 168
Diverter with Low Pressure Annular Preventer 170
Diverter with insert type Packer 171
Hydraulic Schematic of Diverter System 172
Blow Out Preventer arrangement for 2M 175
Blow Out Preventer arrangement for 3M and 5M 176
Blow Out Preventer arrangement for 10M, 15M and 20M 177
Surface BOP Remote Control Panel 178
Electro-Pneumatic remote panel - Operating sequence Close 180
Cup Tester,Test Plug & Pr.Testing with Cup Tester / Test Plug 184
Trip Tank 188
Mud Gas Separator 190
Vacuum Degasser 191
Mud Flow Sensor 193
Different type of Connection 197
Ring Gaskets, Type 6B Flanges & Type 6BX Flanges 198
Rotating Head & BOP 207
Figure Title Page No.
Rise Pipe collapse 210
Loss Of Buoyancy 211
Choke Pressure Fluctuations 219
Use Of Two Choke Lines As BOP Separator Effect 220
LMRP & main Stack 223
Subsea BOP Hook Ups and Controls 225
Subsea BOP System and its components 226
Marine Riser System and its components 228
Lowering of Hydraulic Latch 229
Shuttle Valve 230
General arrangement Sub-sea Hydraulic System 233
Operation of SPM valve 235
Subsea BOP Operating Sequence Close Function 237
Subsea BOP Operating Sequence Block Function 238
Subsea BOP Operating Sequence Open Function 240
Multiplex BOP Control System 244
Acoustic BOP Control System 245
Example of Subsea BOP Stack illustrating operational location 247
for Kill and Choke Line
Example of BOP arrangement for 2M and 3M rated Working 248
Pressure Service Subsea installation
Example of BOP arrangement for 5M, 10M rated Working 249
Pressure Service Subsea installation
Subsea BOP Testing 252
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
At times the cost of handling a blowout can wipe out the entire net worth of a drilling
Through the Well control courses, it is ensured that the drillers and supervisors are having
requisite knowledge of procedures and equipment involved to handle all probable situations
of well control and also have the necessary skills to execute the well control operations.
Promotion of crew to next higher level cannot be ascertained unless crew is able to
demonstrate requisite knowledge and skills.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well depth;
Well location–onshore, inland waters, offshore, deep water;
Casing string design; and
Drilling technique employed–conventional, underbalanced, or drilling with casing.
The main objective of performing the dynamic barrier analyses is to identify steps of the
operation where two barriers are not present, or to identify combinations of unreliable
Once all the risks associated with control of well issues are determined, then they can be
individually assessed, analyzed and compared to the organization’s predetermined risk
threshold which is the level of risk that the organization is willing to assume.
Proper risk management requires quantification of the associated risks and their respective
consequences. The assessment allows the organization to fully understand each risk and its
potential for loss. The analysis of the identified risks will compare the costs of the risks (and
their associated consequences) versus the costs to mitigate, transfer or manage the risks and
associated consequences. Once the assessment and analysis is completed, the organization will
have identified those risks that should be mitigated, transferred, managed, or avoided.
Risks can mitigated through self-imposed restrictions on drilling environments (onshore,
offshore, deep water) or taking a different position as an organization – i.e. shared working
interest; or, transferred through insurance and/or turnkey drilling plans.
Those identified risks that cannot be mitigated, transferred or avoided must be properly
managed in a proactive manner. This requires the development of a risk management plan to
ensure the protection of personnel, the environment, and the assets.
improve its effectiveness and the organization’s overall drilling efficiencies. A properly
developed risk management plan does not have to be complex; rather, it should be focused,
practical and cost effective in its implementation.
The development and implementation of an effective and comprehensive risk management
plan to address control of well issues is becoming a requirement for drilling oil and gas wells.
Implementation of such a plan requires the long-term commitment by the organization to be
effective and reduce the number and magnitude of well control events.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The term ‘pressure’ is defined as force exerted per unit area. The field unit for pressure is psi.
Thus Force = Pressure x Area
Various pressure terms used in well control are discussed below:
Drilling fluid density is one of the major factor in the calculation of hydrostatic pressure. Barite
is the most commonly used density control materials. Proper well planning requires that a
sufficient quantity of barite be maintained on the drilling location to kill the well.
The following equation can be used to calculate required barite volumes.
Where W2 is the final mud density in ppg and W1 is the original mud density in ppg
Dynamic pressures are exerted by either due to fluid movement (Annular pressure losses) or
pipe movement in the well bore ( Swab/ Surge pressure).
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
formation will break down followed by loss of fluid, loss of hydrostatic pressure, loss of BHP.
Fracture pressure will vary from area to area.
The pressure on the stand pipe gauge is the sum of the friction pressure losses that occur in the
circulating system. This pressure is the total system pressure losses.
The pressure losses occur in the following area:
Surface equipment
Drill pipe or work string
Drill collars
Bit nozzles or down hole tools
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
1.3.6 Porosity
This indicates the “pore” spaces with in the rock matrix. It is measured in % by volume.
1.3.7 Permeability
Permeability is the capacity of a porous medium to transmit fluids. Pore spaces are connected
allowing pore fluids to flow through the rock. Permeability is measured in darcy.
1.3.8 Overburden
The pressure exerted on a formation at a given depth due to the total weight of the rock and
fluids above that depth.
As the rock layers are deposited one upon another, formation water is squeezed out of the
pores due to the overburden. This process is called compaction. As long as the formation water
has escape avenues, the formation pressure bleeds down to the ‘normal value’. The generally
accepted normal value is ranging from 0.433 to 0.465 psi/ft. as determined from studies done
in the basins of Gulf Cost areas of United States. This is equivalent to hydrostatic pressure
gradient of a column of salt water.
When formation water, which is trying to escape due to overburden is trapped by impermeable
formations which does not allow its normal escape, abnormal formation pressure develops.
This is because the water now supports more of the overburden than in the normal case.
Basically, in any given situation the overburden is supported by both the formation fluid & the
matrix of the rock
Matrix stress is the amount of overburden pressure that is supported by the rock itself & pore
pressure is the amount of overburden which is supported by the fluid in the pore spaces of the
rock. The sum of the two is necessary to support the overburden.
If the normal overburden gradient is taken as 1.0 psi/ft (assuming average rock density of
19.66 ppg, though it is somewhat less at shallow depths ) and the normal pore pressure
gradient as 0.465 psi/ft then the normal matrix stress gradient works out to be 0.535 psi/ft.
Abnormal pore pressure gradient ranges from 0.465 psi/ft to 1.0 psi/ft. Whereas, subnormal
pressure are pore pressure gradients less than 0.433 psi/ft, such pressure are usually found in
depleted reservoirs.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
1.5.3 Faulting
Faulting is up-thrusting of deep rocks. Most rocks are fractured during earth crust movement,
resulting in cracks called joints. If the rock layers on one side of a fracture have moved as shown
in figure 1.2 in relation to the other side, the fracture is called a fault. Displacement of
formations may range from only a few centimeters to kilometers. Since the formation pressure
normally increases with depth, when deep rocks get faulted up, they have higher than normal
pressure with respect to the new depth they now occupy. Therefore, when drilling across a
fault, there is a possibility of encountering abnormally high formation pressure.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Moreover as it has little strength and underlying formations have no fluid escape possibilities,
the water in the shale just below the salt bears the entire burden of the salt plus the burden of
sediments above, which together can approach 1 psi/ft. In the salt dome areas, movement of
salt upwards brings strata from deeper depth to shallower depth and causes abnormal
7000 ft
8000 ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Nearby well
------ ----------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Hydrostatic effects due to different density of fluids in the bore hole can be realized by
following example:
Fluid column Density Hydrostatic pressure
1. 3,500 ft 10 ppg 3,500 10 0.052 = 1,820 psi
2. 4,000 ft 09 ppg 4,000 9 0.052 = 1,872 psi
3. 0500 ft 11 ppg 0500 11 0.052 = 286 psi
Hydrostatic Pressure at 7500 ft = 1820+1872 = 3692 psi
Hydrostatic pressure at bottom = 1,820 + 1,872 + 286 = 3,978 psi
0 ft
10 ppg mud
3,500 ft
9 ppg mud
7,500 ft
11 ppg mud
8,000 ft
Figure 1.6 a
Similarly in case wellbore contains different density fluids & also has some back pressure at
surface, pressure at various points in wellbore can be worked out:
10 ppg mud
3,500 ft
9 ppg mud
7,500 ft
11 ppg mud
8,000 ft
Figure 1.6 b
Pressure at 3500 ft= Hydrostatic at 3500 ft + Surface pressure = 1820+500 = 2320 psi
Pressure at 7500 ft= Hydrostatic at 7500 ft + Surface pressure = 3692+500 = 4192 psi
Pressure at bottom= Hydrostatic at 8000 ft + Surface pressure = 3978+500 = 4478 psi
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Primary well control involves maintaining hydrostatic pressure equal or more than formation
pressure. If due to some reason hydrostatic pressure becomes less than formation pressure
,well becomes underbalanced and influx from formation may enter into the well bore.
The various causes of reduction in hydrostatic head are listed below.
Level drop in annulus and drill pipe due to failure of filling mud after pulling out 10 stands dry:
Metal Displacement (bbl/ft) Length of pipe pulled out(ft)
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{Casing Capacity(bbl/ft) - Metal Displacement(bbl/ft)}
Therefore, failure to fill hole after pulling out 10 stands of drill pipe dry shall cause a reduction of 59 psi
in hydrostatic pressure.
In the above example, if the string is pulled out wet without filling the hole then reduction of
hydrostatic head will be more .This can be calculated as follow:
Level drop in annulus due to failure of filling mud after pulling out 10 stands wet
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Therefore failure to fill hole after pulling out 10 stands of drill pipe wet shall cause a reduction
of 253 psi in hydrostatic pressure.
NOTE: Reduction in bottom hole pressure due to pulling out without filling hole will be much
higher for drill collars , if pulled out dry or wet without filling the hole.
1.7.3 Removal of barite from the mud, by mud handling system, such as centrifuge etc.
Removal of some barite particles by centrifuge can be neutralized by checking mud density of
fluid after centrifuging and weighing up to the required value before pumping back to the well.
Drill string in a well bore can be compared to a U-tube, where drill string is one limb of the U-
tube & annulus is the other limb. The U–tube shown below describes the well system where
the bit is on bottom and it is possible to circulate from bottom. As illustrated in the figure 1.7
the left side of U–tube represents the drill pipe while the right side of the U–tube represents
the annulus. As per the U-tube principle the pressures in both the limbs balance each other. For
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
example, in the figure below if the density of the fluid in the two limbs is different & if the tube
is closed at the top, then the pressure gauge of that limb whose density is less shall show some
back pressure equivalent to the difference of fluid hydrostatic pressure of the two limbs.
Well TVD - 10,000 ft
Hydrostatic pressure left limb = 5200 psi, Back pressure = 520 psi, BHP = 5720 psi
Hydrostatic pressure right limb =5720 psi, Back pressure = 0 psi, BHP = 5720 psi
As a result the combined pressure ( surface back pressure & hydrostatic ) acting at the bottom
of the two limbs shall balance each other. This principle helps in comparing the shut-in drill pipe
& casing pressures and working out the density of influx when a well is closed on a kick.
Figure 1.7 U-TUBE EFFECT
If there are two different fluids between inside of string and annulus, fluids always flow from a
higher pressure area to a lower pressure. If the system is not closed, lighter fluid will be flown
out and it will be stopped when pressure is stabilized.
If a denser mud goes into the drill pipe, mud flows up the annulus, and vice versa. The practice
of putting a dense slug pill in the drill pipe for dry pull out makes use of the U-tube effect. The
volume of slug to be pumped depends upon the length of drill pipe to be kept dry. However
drop of level in drill string doesn’t affect bottom hole pressure .
A leak off test is conducted to determine the pressure at which formation begins to leak. Such a
test also establishes the integrity of cement at the casing shoe. Test is usually conducted after
drilling out the shoe and 10-15 ft of new hole. For a long open hole section whenever a weaker
formation has apparently been drilled, another test (formation competency or integrity test) is
made to determine whether the formation can support mud of higher density, which may be
required at some future time.
Note : Another practice being followed in industry is to pump another increment after first
deviation has been obtained. This gives one more deviation away from straight line as shown in
figure 1.9. When the points corresponding to these two deviations are joined we get another
straight line which when extended intersects the straight line already plotted. The point of
intersection of these two lines is taken as surface leak-off pressure.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
ix) Release pressure and measure the volume of fluid lost to the well so as to ensure whether
leak-off has occurred or not.
Pressure so recorded plus the hydrostatic pressure at casing shoe TVD is the sub surface leak-
off pressure
Formation Leak-off pressure (Sub surface leak off pressure)
= Surface leak-off pressure + Hydrostatic pressure at casing shoe
Fracture pressure
x Fracture propagation Bleed off
x pressure
Volume Pumped
Volume Pumped
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Casing shoe depth - 8,000 ft (TVD)/ 8,250 ft (MD)
Mud weight - 10 ppg
LOT pressure - 1,200 psi
Find out Formation Leak - off pressure & LOT equivalent mud weight value.
Solution :
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
MAASP is the maximum surface pressure that can be held on the casing with complete safety.
MAASP is the minimum of
a) The maximum surface pressure that the casing and/or well head will hold.
b) The maximum surface pressure that the shoe will hold.
(Since the selection of well head and the casing is based upon the maximum anticipated
surface pressure, the limiting factor usually is the pressure that the shoe will hold.)
MAASP is the maximum annular surface pressure which can be applied over and above the
hydrostatic pressure before the shoe gets fractured. At the time of LOT, MAASP is equal to the
surface leak-off pressure for the test fluid density. Therefore, subsequently while drilling when
ever the mud density changes the MAASP should be recalculated.
A leak-off test is conducted at 9,000 ft casing shoe TVD with mud density of 11ppg & surface leak-off
pressure is 1,500 psi. What is the MAASP for 11 ppg mud density?
MAASP with 11 ppg mud density is 1,500 psi (surface leak-off pressure).
Note:- MAASP value must be known & posted on the rig at all times during drilling. As the mud weight is
changed or another LOT is conducted, MAASP must be recalculated accordingly.
For casing shoe at 9,000 ft. (TVD) MAASP with 11 ppg mud was 1,500 psi, what shall be the MAASP if
mud density is increased to 12 ppg, while drilling at 12,000 ft.
MAASP with 11 ppg mud = 1,500 psi
Maximum. mud density that can be used without formation breakdown
= 11 + 1,500 ( 9,000 0.052) = 14.2 ppg
MAASP with 12 ppg mud = (14.2 - 12) 0.052 9,000 = 1,030 psi.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
1.11.1 Maximum Influx Volume that can be safely shut in ( Kick Tolerance )
If the MAASP is known, the maximum influx volume that can be safely shut in, can be calculated
as below:
Example :
Influx Volume - 10 bbl
SIDPP - 600 psi
SICP - 750 psi
TVD - 9,000 ft
Mud Density - 11 ppg
Drill Collar - 500 ft
Annular Volume against drill pipe - 0.046 bbl/ft
Annular Volume against drill collar - 0.03 bbl/ft
MAASP - 1,200 psi with 11 ppg Mud
Calculate influx gradient & maximum influx volume that can be safely shut in.
Solution :
a ) Influx Gradient
Influx Volume (bbl)
Height of Influx = -----------------------
Annular Capacity (bbl/ft)
Once the value of the influx gradient is known, the maximum height of influx that can be safely closed in
can be calculated using the same formula :
In the above equation maximum influx height can be calculated by substituting the value of MAASP in
place of SICP
0.122 = 11 0.052 – {(1200 – 600) Influx height }
Influx height = (1200 – 600) (11 0.052 - 0.122)
= 600 0.450 = 1333 ft
Now the height of influx can be converted into annular volume.
Mud weight or density, is the primary source of hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Drilling
mud with an excessively high mud weight exerts a hydrostatic pressure that may exceed the
fracture strength of the formation, forcing drilling fluid into natural fractures. This will result in
lost circulation into the wellbore. The fracture strength of any formation is measured by the
leak off tests conducted, immediately after a new casing string has run and cemented,
immediately after drilling out few feet below casing shoe. A drilling fluid of insufficient density
may contribute with a hydrostatic pressure that is lower than the pore pressure. This may lead
to an unplanned influx into the wellbore resulting in a kick. Drilling mud weight must be heavy
enough to counter the instability in the borehole that is created when rock is removed through
the drilling process. The drilling mud weight must be planned within the hydrostatic pressure
range that avoids a kick or a lost circulation situation.
The lower limit of the mud weight (with ECD effect) is determined by the formation pore
pressure or the wellbore collapse pressure, below which the uncontrolled flow of formation
fluids may be caused in the wellbore. The upper limit of the mud weight (with ECD effect) is
typically the margin for fracture gradient, the pressure that would cause the drilled formation
to fracture, creating potential loss of formation fluid in the wellbore.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In upper part of the hole, drilling rate is normally too fast, hole sizes are large & porosity is very
high. Cutting carrying capacity of the drilling fluid is poor since hole is about 30% to 40% larger
than nominal size & high annular velocities cannot be obtained. This leads to concentration of
cuttings in the annulus thereby increasing the equivalent mud density in the annulus.
Formation strength in the top hole section is normally low, more so in a marine well since part
of the overburden there consists of seawater rather than formation. As such, while drilling a
top-hole section the chances of bulk mud losses are high, which if happens can lead to a
shallow formation flows. The various problems faced while drilling top hole section are as
The shallow gas kicks are difficult to detect at an early stage because most of the standard flow
detection techniques fail. Flow checks on drilling breaks become impractical as drilling rates
generally are very fast & penetration rates vary tremendously. Mud volume is continuously
being added to active mud system therefore pit level indicator at times cannot be made use of.
The only reliable indicator is differential flow sensor. On the other hand reaction time is
minimal since gas expands almost immediately upon entering the well bore, which further
reduces the hydrostatic head and allows more and more influx to enter the well bore. As such
well cannot be closed because flow might broach to the outside of the shallow casing.
Shallow hazards are accumulations of gas or salt water which are abnormally pressured and
occurring at a sufficiently shallow depth that precludes having the BOPs yet installed. Shallow
hazards posed a severe threat since, when encountered , they can only be flowed to the surface
and diverted.
Shallow gas flows can be extremely prolific and flow of rock and sand can be severe to the point
of causing diverter failure. If shallow gas is encountered , preparations should begin
immediately to evacuate all non-essential personnel.
A typical approach to a shallow gas kick is to allow the well to flow through a diverter. The
diverter system is designed to pack off around Kelly, casing or drill string. It does not shut in the
well, but allows the flow to be diverted through a vent line to a safe distance away from the rig.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well is allowed to flow and simultaneously mud or water is pumped through the drill string at
maximum rate to keep as much fluid in the well as possible. Either the well shall flow till the
formation depletes (or annulus bridges) or the well is brought under control by increasing the
mud weight.
Diverter system should be used to control shallow gas kicks as discussed below.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
a) Penetration Rate:- The rate of drilling is normally very fast in top holes, it adds tons of
drilled cuttings in the hole to create mud density much higher than what is required. It can
lead to fracture of formations & bulk mud losses & therefore result in shallow gas influx.
Thus there is need for limiting the actual penetration rates to a value less than that can be
c) Tripping:- Higher tripping speeds should be avoided, upper formations are usually sticky
(more so in offshore) & has more tendency to ball the bit thus enhancing the probability of
swabbing. If necessary the drill string should be pumped out of the hole to limit swabbing.
Whenever the pilot hole has been drilled, hole enlargement with under reamer should be
preferred as it can be collapsed before starting pulling out in order to reduce the swabbing
In addition to above, following measures are suggested.
of the bit in the hole & closing pressures. Control over the well is not lost as long as the kick is
recognized at an early stage and an appropriate killing procedure is carried out.
1.15.1 Comparison
S. no Deep Kick Shallow Kick
1 Equipment BOP stack choke & kill manifold Annular BOP/Diverter and diverter lines
2 Kill pump rate 1/2 to 1/3rd of normal rate Increased to maximum possible
3 Kill Mud weight Based on shut in pressures Based on fracture pressure at casing
shoe/whatever light fluid available like
sea water
4 Closing Stop pump, close BOP Open Diverter line, close diverter,
sequence increase pump rates
5 Kick indications Reliable kick warning signals Kicks occur quickly and normal
indications of kicks difficult to recognize.
(W1-W2) BHCP
Change in BHP (psi) = 32.72 -------------- log ----------
(W2) 14.22
Gas cutting alone does not indicate that the well is kicking unless it is associated with other kick
signals like flow rate etc. Nevertheless, the severity of the gas cutting depend upon the
penetration rate, permeability & is independent of mud weight. More the penetration rate,
porosity & permeability of the gas bearing formation, more severe shall be gas cutting.
While drilling tight formations i.e. formation with low permeability which contain gas at high
pressure, small quantities may enter the borehole and cause significant gas cutting at the
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
surface by expansion. As such gas cutting while drilling any gas bearing formation cannot be
prevented or reduced even by increasing the mud weight. Degassing is necessary to insure that
clean mud is being pumped back into the hole to prevent the percentage of gas from increasing
with each circulation. Not doing so shall cause greater and greater bottom hole pressure
reduction and a possible kick. Therefore it is advised to make regular flow checks and if the well
is not flowing, resume drilling. If flow is suspected, close the well and check the shut-in
pressure. Some casing pressure and zero drill pipe pressure indicates expanded gas in the
Before pulling out in such conditions, it is advised to make a short trip and circulate bottoms up
to ensure that hole is gas free. At times when the drilled gas reaches the surface it causes
‘belching’ of drilling fluid through the bell nipple, if it continues for considerable time it may
cause reduction of hydrostatic head in the annulus. To prevent the expanding gas to cause
‘belching’ of the mud through bell nipple, annular preventer must be closed & drilling fluid be
circulated through full open choke.
b) At no time there should be more than one slug of connection gas in the borehole
Movement of drill string down hole creates pressure surges in the borehole. These pressure
surges could either add to the BHP (+ve surge) or reduce the BHP (-ve surge) depending upon
whether the pipe is being lowered or pulled out of the well. The +ve pressure surges commonly
known as ‘surge pressures’ if excessive can cause formation to fracture & lost circulation. The -
ve surge pressure known as ‘swab pressure’ may reduce the BHP sufficient to permit the flow of
formation fluid into the well.
Though accurate calculations of these swab & surge pressures are complicated, but since they
are caused mainly by friction while ‘moving the drill string through mud, they are function of
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a) Pipe speed
b) Mud properties such as viscosity & gel strength.
c) Annular clearance (pipe/hole diameter)
d) BHA length & size etc.
An acceptable rough estimate of swab pressure or decrease in BHP while pulling the pipe can
be obtained by considering the friction effect values same as the circulating annular pressure
losses. Or we can say that the minimum BHP while pulling pipe could be static BHP minus the
circulating annular friction losses.
Though as the pipe is pulled up, some loss in BHP due to swabbing effect cannot be avoided,
however, adequate measures should be taken to check that the pressure reduction should not
exceed the overbalance pressure especially against permeable zones. Swabbing during trips
could be detected by filling the trip sheets. If the swabbing remains undetected during initial
stage, more and more formation fluid will reduce the BHP continuously and a stage will come
when the well will start kicking and unloading the mud from the well.
The formation permeability & pulling out through horizontal reservoir sections can compound
the amount of formation fluid swabbed in.
High volume swabbing caused by piston effect of balled up bit, reamer or stabilizer associated
with thick filter cake is clearly indicated at the surface when there is
Excessive over pull, drag or torque
No drop in mud level in the annulus
Rise in mud level in the annulus when the drill string is being pulled.
High rheology mud properties
Drilling in reactive formation(Like Gumbo shales)
Drill pipe rubber also may swell if gas has been in the mud, and this too can increase the
swabbing action. Therefore only drill pipe protectors which are highly resistant to swelling in
the presence of hydrocarbons should be used. The swabbing tendency is maximum at the bit
occurring proportionally alongside the whole drill string length. The greatest tendency to swab
occurs as the bit is lifted off bottom, therefore a careful watch on the mud level in the annulus
should be kept as the pipe is pulled. (The mud level should go down unless swabbing is taking
place). A short trip may be necessary in critical situations.
The greatest tendency to swab occurs just as the bit leaves bottom. At this time the most
careful checks need to be made to determine if formation fluids are being swabbed into the
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While trip out monitor trip sheet carefully and if well takes less volume than pulled out volume,
it indicates swabbing and some influx has been sucked into the well. Make a flow check and if
flow check is positive, immediately shut in the well and then plan for strip-in. If flow check is
negative, the pipe must be run back to bottom monitoring the return rate on trip sheet. After
reaching bottom, the influx is to be circulated out with the same mud which was used at the
time of drilling.
The best method is based on checking the volume of mud needed to replace the volume of
steel removed. Pipe displacement can be read from tables or calculated by the formula:
The amount of mud used to fill the hole can be measured by counting the pump strokes needed
to fill the well or by using a trip tank. A trip tank allows the accurate measurement of relatively
small volumes of mud. Volume measurements in the mud pits are generally too inaccurate to
detect the small changes in volumes required. Companies use trip books to record the volumes
used on each hole fill and the running sum. The recorded volumes can be compared at intervals
with records of previous trips.
Keeping the hole full is most critical when drill collars are pulled from the well, because the
collars have more volume than drill pipe, the mud level will fall four to five times as far. To
prevent a reduction in well pressure greater than when pulling drill pipe , the hole should be
filled every stand when pulling collars.
Procedure to be followed:
Monitor hole fill up on trips
Limit pipe pulling and running speeds
Add trip margin
If swabbing is severe , consider pumping out of hole
Trip sheet should be used to compare actual and calculated volume displaced.
Trip tank must be accurately calibrated and monitored by crew members
Plan the trip –have a set schedule of stands pulled between fill ups, have a sound
procedure for refilling trip tank and transferring surface mud volumes.
During pulling out, upward motion of the drill string in the borehole (which is assumed to be full
of mud) creates a swab pressure. This decreases BHP when pipe is in motion. One way of
minimising this is to use safe tripping speeds and having close monitoring of pipe volume pulled
out & mud volume pumped in to keep the hole full. Another practice to tackle the problem is to
keep mud weight gradient greater than the formation pressure gradient. The resulting
overbalance permits safe tripping and connection operations. This extra mud weight is called
trip margin. For normal drilling operation trip margin is kept 0.2 to 0.3 ppg . However, the swab
pressure being a function of yield point (yp) of mud, trip margin can be calculated as follows:-
Trip margin (ppg ) = 8.33Yp 98(dh-dp)
Yp = Yield point of mud in lbs/100 sq.ft
dh = Hole diameter in inches
dp = Pipe outside diameter in inches
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During well control operations, to avoid further entry of formation fluid it is essential to keep
BHP at least equal to formation pressure. This is done by imposing certain calculated back
pressure in addition to system pressure losses on the well bore as long as old mud is in the well.
Kicks have to be circulated out at slow circulation rates to ensure that the sum of this back
pressure and system losses does not exceed the rating of high pressure lines and other rig
equipment. Various reasons for circulating out the kicks at slow circulation rates are :-
a. To ensure that the slow circulation pressure plus the shut in drill pipe pressure is total
pressure for the pump and does not exceed the surface line ratings.
b. To allow mud returns to be weighted up and re-circulated within the capabilities of
available mud mixing system.
c. To allow longer reaction time for choke adjustments.
d. To allow sufficient time for disposal of kick fluid /de-gassing at the surface.
e. To reduce the annular pressure losses.
f. To reduce the risk of pump breakdown and other mechanical problems.
g. ECD on open hole
h. Choke line friction pressure (floaters)
Equally important are the less tangible benefits which accrue from conducting a kill in a slow,
methodical manner. The supervisor has more time to analyze the pressures and what they may
be saying about the down hole conditions. Better judgment and wiser decisions invariably will
The common practice so far had been to select a rate which is about half the pump speed at the
time of drilling. This practice was fairly good with duplex mud pump earlier in use on drilling
rigs. Now with the use of triplex pumps this convention gives much higher speeds than the
actual requirements. Theoretically speaking the kill rate or slow circulation rate should be the
minimum possible pump speed at which pump can run smoothly without any knocking etc. But
since at minimum pump speeds more time will be required to kill the well, a compromise has to
be made which can meet all the requirements. Therefore slow circulation rate should be 1/2 to
1/3 of pump SPM at the time of drilling.
The slow circulation rate for each pump on the rig is selected before any well control problems
arise. Standard policy in drilling operations is to measure the pump pressure periodically noted
kill rate for each pump. Knowing the kill rate circulating pressure is a valuable and sometimes
necessary adjunct to the information used to plan and execute a kill procedure.
It should be recorded near to the bottom for each pump at regular intervals and / or when
drilling conditions change such as :-
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On the rig there are a no. of places where drill pipe pressure gauges are installed such as stand
pipe, mud pumps, driller’s console, choke & kill manifold and remote choke panel. Slow
circulation pressure should be recorded from the gauge that is to be used for well killing
operation . So, it should be recorded at remote choke panel, if available on the rig.
P Q1.86
For practical purposes it can be approximated as :
P Q2
or P (SPM)2,
Since Q SPM
(SPM = Pump Strokes per minute)
Approximate pressure changes due to change in pump speed can be calculated by using this
equation. If P1 is slow circulation rate pressure recorded at pump rate SPM1, than P2 circulation
pressure at SPM2 can be calculated.
P2 = P1 ---------
Friction pressure increases exponentially to the circulating rate. This means that if the
circulating rate doubles, there would be a fourfold increase in the corresponding circulating
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A pump pressure of 1,000 psi was recorded at pump speed of 40 SPM. What is the new pump pressure
at a speed of 30 SPM.
Solution :-
P2 = P1 --------
(30) 2
= 1,000 ------ = 562 psi
(40) 2
Similarly, if the mud density has been changed and slow circulation pressure has not been
recorded after mud density change, the same can be approximately calculated
A pump pressure of 1,000 psi was recorded with a mud density of 11 ppg at 40 SPM. what shall be pump
pressure at 40 SPM if the mud density is increased to 13ppg.
New pump pressure = 1,000 ----- = 1,182 psi
During drilling, due to suspension of cuttings, equivalent mud density in the annulus happens to
be more than that of drill string. Though in deep hole sections the effect is not much
pronounced but in top holes where the cuttings accumulation is enormous this increase may at
times lead to total loss situation.
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Pump pressure is a measurement of total friction pressure of the circulating system, but only
the annular pressure loss is applied against the well bore. This a pressure in addition to that of
hydrostatic pressure. Converting the annular pressure loss to ppg and adding this value to
mud/fluid weight yields the equivalent circulating density.
Bottom hole pressure during circulation is more than that of static condition by an amount
equal to annular pressure losses. As soon as the pumps are shut off, the APL component of BHP
becomes zero & ECD effect is lost. Thus before tripping out a flow check should be conducted
on every well.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Exercises of mud gradient, hydrostatic & formation pressure, BHP & MAASP
Exercise : 1
Consider following Well Data :
Well Measured Depth - 9,800 ft
Well TVD - 8,200 ft
Mud Density - 11.5 ppg
Calculate :
a) Mud Gradient
b) Hydrostatic Pressure
c) Hydrostatic Pressure if 11.5 ppg mud in the well is replaced as below :
0 – 7,000 ft TVD - 11.5 ppg
7,000 – 8,200 ft TVD - 12.0 ppg
Solution :
Exercise : 2
Consider following Well Data :
Well Measured Depth - 11, 900 ft
Well TVD - 9, 600 ft
Formation Pressure Gradient - 0.65 psi / ft
Mud Density - 12.4 ppg
Annular pressure Loss @ 90 SPM - 90 psi
Minimum Swab Pressure( while lifting string ) - 80 psi
Calculate :
a) Formation Pressure.
b) Bottom Hole Pressure while making a connection ( string is idle)
c) Bottom Hole Pressure during circulation @ 90 SPM.
d) Bottom Hole Pressure during lifting the string with pump off.
Solution :
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Exercise : 3
A Casing is lowered to a depth of 9,500 ft, shoe TVD is 8,700 ft. After drilling shoe & 15 ft of formation ,
leak-off test was conducted with 11.6 ppg mud.
Calculate :
a) MAASP if sub-surface formation leak-off pressure is 6,500 psi.
b) MAASP if formation fracture gradient is 0.75 psi/ft.
Solution :
Exercise : 4
Consider Following Well Data :
Well MD - 13, 500 ft Well TVD -12, 400 ft
Casing Shoe MD - 10, 400 ft Casing Shoe TVD - 9, 300 ft
Leak – off Mud Density -10 .6 ppg Surface Leak –off pressure- 2, 200 psi
Calculate :
a) Casing shoe strength in psi
b) New MASSP if mud density is increased to 12.6 ppg
c) New MASSP if mud density is increased to 13.5 ppg
Solution :
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A kick can be defined as a well control problem in which the pressure found within the drilled
rock is greater than the mud hydrostatic pressure acting on the borehole . When this occurs,
the greater formation pressure has a tendency to force formation fluids into the well bore. This
fluid flow is called a kick. If the flow is successfully controlled, the kick has been killed. A blow
out is the result of an uncontrolled kick.
The severity of kick depends upon permeability and porosity of the rock. A rock with high
permeability and porosity has a greater potential for a severe kick than a rock with low
permeability and porosity. Another controlling variable for kick severity is the amount of
pressure differential involved. Pressure differential is the difference between the formation
fluid pressure and the mud hydrostatic pressure. If the formation pressure is much greater than
the hydrostatic pressure , a large negative differential pressure exists. If the negative
differential pressure is coupled with high permeability and porosity in a rock, a severe kick can
The pressure differential between the formation and well bore i.e the degree of underbalance,
is proportional to the influx flow rate and kick volume for a given flow period. The situation can
only deteriorate with time because less dense formation fluid volume further reduces well bore
pressure and thereby serves to increase flow rate into the well. Permeability is another
significant factor as are exposed thickness and fluid viscosity. We cannot control permeability
or reservoir fluid properties, but the amount of exposed kick is governed by how long we
continue to drill with kick entry.
Kicks occur as a result of formation pressure being greater than mud hydrostatic pressure which
causes fluid to flow from the formation into the wellbore. The main factors which can lead to
this condition can be classified as :
More than 50% of the kicks occur due to first two of the causes listed above.
hole, the well may not flow until enough fluid has entered to reduce the hydrostatic pressure
below the formation pressure.
Therefore, while pulling out the well should be filled continuously by using trip tank and
differences of calculated and actual mud volume be recorded at regular interval. Similarly while
running in drill string, trip tank should be used to monitor displacement volume correctly at
regular intervals.
If the hole is not filled to replace the calculated volume, the fluid column in the wellbore shall
go down and reduce the hydrostatic pressure. At the same time the pulling out of drill string
causes a reduction in BHP due to swabbing effect. Therefore to avoid the possibility of any
formation fluid entering the bore hole due to combination of above two factors the hole should
be properly / regularly filled during tripping out. Displacement factors representing the pipe
volume per unit length are used to determine the mud volume. Metal displacement of a pipe
can be calculated using the following formula:
In the field normally the practice is to fill up the hole either on a regular fill up schedule or to fill
up continuously with a re-circulating trip tank. Irrespective of the practice being used an
accurate method of measuring the amount of fluid actually being taken by hole should be
monitored and an accurate record of actual volume v/s theoretical volume should be kept. If at
any stage during pulling-out it is observed that the actual filled in volume is significantly less
than volume of steel that has been removed, it means that some formation fluids must have
entered the well bore.
Prior to Tripping:
Circulate the hole clean prior to the trip.
Limit pipe speed to minimize surge/swab pressure
Line up and use a trip tank
Maintain hole fill /displacement data on trip sheets
Hole fill up = Displacement factor x Stand length x No of stands
Discuss with driller the purpose of a trip.
Prepare the drill floor.
Tripping Procedure:
Flow check the well prior to tripping
Pump a slug so that pipe can be pulled dry.
V slug = {MW (ppg) x planned length of dry pipe (ft) x Pipe capacity(bbl/ft) }/ (SlugWt(ppg) - MWt(ppg))
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As a rule of thumb , the slug should be mixed to maintain a minimum of 2 stands of dry
pipe. Accurate displacement is necessary so that the depth and height of the slug is
known at all times during the trip.
Ensure the level in the annulus is falling by monitoring the hole through the rotary for
the first 5-10 stands pulled off from bottom. After confirming that there is no swabbing
then install the pipe wiper.
Circulate the hole across the trip tank and continue the trip out, check correct hole fill
via trip tank and trip sheets.
Conduct a flow check when BHA is first pulled into casing and prior to pulling the BHA
into the BOP stack.
Trip sheet: Trip sheet should be used to record hole fill up volumes for all trips. The trip
sheet allows for comparison of actual vs calculated fluid volumes so that any
discrepancies can be easily detected.
A trip tank should also be used during all trips to assist with accurate hole fill up
2.2.2 Swabbing
Swab pressures are created by pulling out the drill string from the borehole. It reduces the
bottom hole pressure. If the reduced bottom hole pressure becomes less than the formation
pressure, a potential kick may enter the wellbore. Various factors conducive to swab pressures
are pipe pulling speed, mud properties, filtration cake, annular clearance, hole configuration
and effect of balling up of BHA & bit.
Pulling speed is the only variable that can be controlled during the drilling process when a trip is
made. In order to reduce the swab pressure , the pulling speed must be reduced.
It is important to remember that swab pressure aggravates the pressure reduction resulting
from not keeping the hole full as pipe is pulled. Also the swab pressure is exerted at every point
throughout the open hole below the bit, even though the drill string may be inside the casing
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Detecting a kick early and limiting its volume by shutting in the well is critical to secondary
control, and may make the difference between a manageable situation and one that leads to a
loss of control. Thus it is important to have appropriate kick detection equipment in working
order and to have crews alert to the warning signs and trained in the shut in procedure.
When a kick occurs, the surface pressure required to contain it will largely depend upon closing
in quickly and retaining as much mud as possible in the well. The more mud unloaded , the
higher the back pressure needed.
Following are the early warning signs & positive indications for kicks while drilling.
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but careful observation of drilling rate or some such related parameter as “d” exponent can
provide a timely warning of increasing pressure.
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The most common error with gas cutting is the tendency to maintain the mud weight at its
original value with addition of barite and without removing all the gas. Since moderate gas
cutting contributes so little to bottom hole pressure reduction, additional barite may increase
the mud weight enough to cause lost circulation.
Since the d-exponent tends to indicate the pressure differential between formation pressure
and well bore pressure, mud weight will effect d -exponent. The original calculation should be
corrected as follows :
dc = d (MW1 MW2 )
dc = modified d-exponent
MW1 = mud density equivalent of formation fluid at normal pressure condition
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dc values are plotted on a semi log graph paper at every 15 or 30 ft. interval depth to give
normal trend line. Abnormal pressure transition zone top is detected at the depth where dc
exponent values against shale tends to decrease in comparison to normal values.
To determine kicks early while drilling , the driller should have instantaneous readouts or charts
of average pit volume of the active pits, mud gained or lost and return flow rate. Preferably the
pit volume and return flow rate will be recorded on the floor to establish trends. The driller
should learn to monitor this outputs closely and insist that he be informed prior to any change
in operating status of the mud equipment. As soon as an unexpected change in the monitors
occurs, he should pick up and check for flow.
When the fast rise in pit volume /increase in flow rate is noted, pick up the string, stop the
pumps, and check for flow. If the well is flowing, shut in or divert the well. Proceed to kill the
well. When an unexpected , slow rise in pit volume occurs in areas or intervals not known to be
tight formation , same action as stated above is taken.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
When the pump is switched off, a reduction in BHP equal to annular pressure losses occurs.
Hence the beneficial aspects of the ECD will be lost during a trip and a flow check should be
conducted on every well before starting pulling out. It is common in most areas to slug the drill
pipe while preparing for a trip. Slugging refers to the procedure wherein a quantity of mud is
densified relative to the mud in the hole and pumped down the drill pipe. The mud in the drill
pipe fall to a stable level which allows the string to be pulled in dry condition. Kick detection will
be more definitive and any subsequent well control procedures will be less complicated if the
pipe is slugged after rather than before the flow check. To prevent kick while tripping, basic
requirement is that hole must be kept full of mud and the volume of mud required to fill the
hole must be equal to the steel displacement of drill string pulled out.
The sequence of events to a kick while making a trip-out of hole is :
Hole remains full or does not take proper amount of mud. Whenever such situation is
noticed the pipe should be run back to bottom and mud be circulated to clear the hole.
Flow from the flow line
Increase in pit volume.
In order to avoid well kicks while tripping, trip schedule must be made and trip tank must be
used to monitor the hole fill up (in case of tripping-out) and mud displacement (in case of
A kick occurring while coming out of the hole will be indicated first by failure of the well to take
a volume of mud equal to the pipe volume removed. When going in the hole, the pit level will
increase more than the volume of pipe run. The Driller should know the volume of 10 stands of
pipe and check the volume of pit gain at intervals when recorders are in use to make certain
that the pits are not gaining too much mud. When a drill pipe in the hole and flow is noted
during tripping, a safety valve is stabbed immediately and the well closed in observing pressure
Management of Non Shearable and Non Sealable tubulars: The drill string constitutes of Kelly,
drill pipes and bottom hole assembly commonly known as BHA. The drill pipe section includes
conventional drill pipe and heavy weight drill pipe. The BHA section includes drill collars,
stabilizers, jars, reamers, directional drilling tools etc.
The heavy weight drill pipe and most of the BHA tools are thick walled tools. These tools and
tubulars cannot be sheared in emergency with the pressure available from the BOP control unit
and are categorised as non shearable tubulars.
The downhole tools like bit, stabilizers, casing scrappers, under reamers etc. are having
irregular shapes and some have also got cutting structures on the outer body. In the event
when these tools are positioned against the BOP and with some activity in the well it becomes
to shut-in the well against these tools. The cutting structure will damage the rubber sealing
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elements of the preventers and will not seal properly on shut-in. These tools are categorized as
non-sealable tools.
The following precautions must be taken while tripping out or tripping in of these non-sealable
and non shearable tools and tubulars.
Proper flow check should be done prior to pulling out the last stand of drill pipe
connected with the BHA.
The safety valve (FOSV) should be made up with the proper size of the cross over as per
the connection of the BHA prior to pulling out.
Since RAM BOP will not close and seal on the BHA tubulars it becomes necessary to
close the annular preventer for shut-in of the well.
Attempts should be made to trip in one stand of conventional drill pipe stand so the well
can be shut-in properly on the drill pipe.
If situation does not permits to shut-in the well on the BHA tubulars or tools then
arrangements should be made with all precautions to drop the string in the wellbore
and shut-in the well on Shear/Blind ram.
If the flow is detected with the bit out of hole, blind rams should be closed immediately
observing pressure restriction.
When crews are busy changing bits, breaking down core barrels etc. , they sometimes forget to
observe the flow line and hole. Before sufficient mud flow shows on a pit level device, a small
flow will begin at the flow line. If this noticed there will be time to take control measures before
serious difficulties develop. If it is detected after the rate has built, control is more difficult.
There is also a danger of the fluid level dropping when pipe is out of the hole, due to seepage or
static losses. Therefore the well must be monitored while pipe is out of hole.
When one or more positive kick signs are observed, flow check is made. In case of self-flow well
can be shut-in in two ways:
a) Soft shut-in: Choke is open during the shut in procedure and is closed after the BOP
b) Hard shut-in: Choke is closed during the shut in process so that the well bore is
contained upon BOP closure.
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Mud Vent To
tanks line MGS
Pressure Gauge
Remote Manual
choke choke
Annular BOP
Pipe ram HCR
Pipe ram
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Mud Vent To
tanks line MGS
Pressure Gauge
Remote Manual
choke choke
Annular BOP
ram OPEN
Pipe ram HCR
Pipe ram
As per API following are the shut-in procedures for land/jack-up rigs.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
a) Position tool joint above rotary table and set pipe on slips.
b) Install full opening safety valve (FOSV) in open position & close it. Following methods
are recommended for shut in the well.
2.8.3 While string is out of hole on land and jack up rig ( Soft Shut in)
a. Open HCR valve on choke line.
b. Close shear or blind ram.
c. Close choke.
d. Record SICP and pit gain.
Note : In case of hard shut-in the sequence at a) & b) above shall be interchanged
a) Open choke slightly and bleed ¼ bbl (or less) of mud from well.
b) Close choke and record shut in pressures.
c) If casing and drill pipe shut in pressures are reduced, repeat first step.
d) If casing and drill pipe pressure remains the same- record these values as the correct shut
in pressures.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kill Mud Density (ppg) = ---------------------------- + Original Mud Density(ppg)
0.052 Well TVD( ft)
The shut in drill pipe pressure should be read & recorded from the gauge on the choke control
panel. Since true SIDPP is determined for the calculation of kill mud density, it is recommended
to read and record the SIDPP immediately after the closure and subsequently after every 3-5
minutes. The recorded values of SIDPP should be tabulated/plotted to ascertain the true value
of SIDPP . Once the well is closed initially, the SIDPP starts increasing till the BHP becomes
equal to the formation pressure. The time taken for stabilization depends upon the
permeability of the formation. SIDPP may further increase but at a slower rate if the influx is
gas/gas mixture.
For well control procedures it is required to record a “stabilized” SIDP and SICP after closing in a
well. One suggested procedure is to record the SIDPP and SICP every minute and plot the data.
Regardless of the permeability , the pore pressure build up in the early time period will
dominate the migration build up and a reasonable guess is to select a SIDPP somewhere near
where the plot makes a major change in curvature.
A float presents a problem in obtaining the SIDPP because flow into the drill string is
obstructed. The most accurate way to obtain the SIDPP is to pump down the drill pipe at a low
rate while monitoring the drill pipe and annulus pressures. A subtle break in the drill pipe
pressure should be detected when the valve opens. The SIDPP to use in the kill mud calculation
and displacement procedure is the pressure at which the valve opens.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The type of influx can be determined provided the amount of the pit gain and shut-in
pressures are correctly recorded. Having closed a well after a kick, stabilized pressures are read
and recorded and the volume of influx is calculated from the amount of increase in the surface
active system volume.
a) Kick fluid weight less than 3 ppg indicates the fluid is gas.
b) Kick fluid weight between 3 to 9 ppg indicates the fluid is mixture of gas, water or oil.
c) Kick fluid weight between 9 to 10 ppg indicates the fluid is salt water.
A well was shut in after a kick, given below are the tabulated values of SIDPP and SICP. Find out
the stabilised value of SIDPP .
Time SIDPP(psi) SICP(psi)
0600 100 150
0605 200 270
0610 275 370
0615 340 450
0620 400 520
0625 405 525
0630 415 535
0635 430 550
0640 450 570
As evident from tabulated values, SICP is increasing faster than SIDPP up-to 0620 hrs but later
both the pressures are rising by same amount. This shows that the pressures have stabilized at
0620 hrs and subsequently due to close well gas migration both the pressures are rising by same
amount. Therefore the value recorded at 0620 hrs i.e. 400 psi is the true SIDPP. The proper
recognition of stabilized value of SIDPP is very important as this value is used for the calculation
of kill mud weight and formation pressure.
A well was shut in after a kick, given below are the tabulated values of SIDPP and SICP. Find out
the stabilized value of SIDPP .
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Solution: As is evident from tabulated values, SIDPP and SICP were increasing considerably up
to 0900 hrs & later there is no change in the pressures up to 1100 hrs Therefore the value
recorded at 0900 hrs i.e. 500 psi is the stabilized value of SIDPP. Further increase in both the
pressures is due to closed well gas migration.
For calculating height of influx the position of top of the influx must be ascertained. If annulus against
the drill collar is full with influx, it would occupy volume as calculated below.
Volume Of influx = Height Of Drill Collar Annular Volume Against Drill Collar
= 600 0.03 = 18 bbl
As the volume of kick is only 10 bbl the entire kick will remain in the drill collar. Hence in the following
formula for influx height the annular capacity around drill collar should be used for calculating the height
of influx.
(610 – 500)
= (10 x 0.052) --------------------- = 0.189 psi/ft.
Kick fluid weight = ------------- = 3.6 ppg
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0 16 bbl
8 bbl
2500 ft 4 bbl
5000 ft 2 bbl
7500 ft
10000 ft 1 bbl
BHP (psi) 5200 5181 5163 5125 5050
EMW(ppg) 10.0 9.96 9.92 9.85 9.71
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
directions creating extra pressure at the shoe and on the bottom of the hole, whilst the gas
bubble pressure remains unchanged.
The effect is summarized as below :
500 psi 3100 psi 4400 psi 5050 psi 5700 psi
0 5700psi
2500 ft 5700psi
5000 ft 5700psi
7500 ft
10000 ft 5700psi
Gas migration without expansion ( When gas is at bottom).
T.D. = 9,000 ft Mud density = 12 ppg
Well Bore = 8 1/2” Formation Pressure = 6,000 psi
Influx volume = 40 bbl Influx height = 570 ft
Influx gradient = 0.12 psi/ft
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Example :
After pressure stabilisation, due to close well migration the rise in drill pipe pressure is 100 psi
per 20 minute. Calculate the percolation rate.
Solution :
Increase in drill pipe pressure ( psi/hr. )
Percolation Rate =
Drill fluid density ( ppg ) 0.052
Percolation rate = = 480.8 ft/hr
0.052 12.0
In case the rise in drill pipe pressure due to closed well gas migration is known in psi, the above
equation can still be used ( without time factor ) and it will give the percolation height not the
percolation rate.
Solution :
In order to use the above formula for finding the volume of mud to bleed to keep BHP constant,
formation pressure has to be calculated.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
200 9.5
= = 0.31 bbl/hr
6281 – 200
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The maximum pressure at the casing shoe reaches when top of the influx is at the shoe and not
when the influx is at the surface. This is because once the influx is past the shoe, hydrostatic
pressure below the influx becomes constant provided bottom hole pressure is constant.
Therefore closed-in well circulation leads to :
a) Decrease in Gas influx pressure.
b) Increase in pressure above the influx.
c) Pressure at any point below the influx will initially remain constant till kill mud starts
entering the annulus, thereafter it decreases & again becomes constant once kill mud
reaches that point.
d) Increase in surface casing pressure.
Exercise 1 :
Calculate the vertical height of influx with the following data:
Hole Size : 8 ½” Sin 10º : 0.1736
Well depth : 11460 ft Cos 10º : 0.984
Hole inclination at the bottom : 10º tan 10º : 0.1763
Drill Collars : 6 ½” , 2 5/8” ID, 360 ft
Open Hole x D/C capacity : 0.0289 bbls/ft
Open Hole x D/P capacity : 0.0451 bbls/ft
Pit Gain : 28 bbls
Exercise 2 :
Calculate the influx gradient and find type of influx with the following data:
Mud weight - 12.3 ppg
SIDPP - 350 psi
SICP - 700 psi
Influx height - 963 ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Exercise 3 :
Well is shut in on a gas kick. After pressure stabilization, both the pressures are found to be rising
100 psi in every 10 min. Calculate the gas migration rate.
TVD - 11,000 ft
Mud weight - 12.3 ppg
SIDPP - 350 psi
Gas gradient - 0.115 psi/ft
Exercise 4 :
After observing self flow the well is shut in. Killing could not be resumed
due to power failure. The following data have been recorded:
TVD - 11,000 ft
Mud weight - 12.3 ppg
Kick size - 25 bbls
SIDPP - 350 psi
Gas gradient - 0.115 psi/ft
It is observed that after 1 hour the drill pipe pressure has risen to 550 psi due to closed well
migration. Calculate volume to bleed to keep the BHP constant.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The main principle involved in all well killing methods is to keep bottom hole pressure constant.
The various kill methods are as follows:
a) Driller’s Method
b) Wait and Weight Method
c) Concurrent Method
d) Volumetric Method
In the first three methods the influx is circulated out and the heavy mud is pumped in the well
keeping the bottom hole pressure constant. The fourth method i.e. Volumetric method is a
non-circulating method in which the influx is brought out & heavy mud is placed in the well
bore without circulation.
The Drillers method of killing may be preferred when sufficient barites or weighing materials
are not readily available and MAASP is not critical. As this method can be started immediately,
it has an advantage in case of salt water kicks as sand settling around BHA is minimum and in
cases where gas migration may create problems.
Wait and Weight method of killing has advantage of lower annulus pressures and can be used
when casing shoe strength is weak and MAASP is critical. The maximum shoe pressure will be
lower if kill weight fluid starts up the annulus before the top of the influx is displaced to the
shoe. If sufficient weighing materials are available at the site, the well can be killed in one
circulation thereby saving time. Concurrent method is used when mud density cannot be
increased to kill weight during the initial circulation, at least two complete circulations are
It is important to understand the startup procedure, irrespective of kill method, for bringing the
pump up to kill speed .
Pump should be brought to kill speed patiently. During this period if the casing pressure is
allowed to increase it can cause formation breakdown or if the casing pressure is allowed to
decrease it can cause entry of more influx into wellbore. To prevent this, following procedure is
a) Bring the pump to kill speed holding casing pressure constant by manipulating choke.
Record drill pipe pressure as the correct initial circulating pressure (ICP). Compare it to the
pre calculated ICP value.
b) When the pump is at the desired kill speed follow the pressure schedule according to the
kill method being used.
Note : While bringing the pump to kill speed keeping casing pressure constant , there might be
slight reduction in bottom hole pressure due to expansion of gas but this is compensated by
the annular pressure losses.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
If actual ICP is greater than the calculated ICP, use the actual ICP and correct same on the kill
sheet. If the actual ICP is less than the calculated ICP, stop the pumps, close in the well and
determine if a problem exists in the circulating system. Then retry bringing the pump on line.
Formulae required :
SIDPP (psi)
a) Kill Mud Weight (ppg) = Old Mud Weight + -----------------------------
(ppg) 0.052 TVD (ft)
Drill string volume( bbl)
b) Surface to bit Strokes = -----------------------------------
Pump output (bbl/stroke)
First Circulation
a) Bring the pump up to kill speed in steps of 5 SPM, gradually opening the choke holding
casing pressure constant.
b) When the pump is up to kill speed, maintain drill pipe pressure constant .
c) Circulate out the influx from the well maintaining drill pipe pressure constant.
d) When the influx is out, stop the pump reducing the pump speed in steps of 5 SPM ,
gradually closing the choke, maintaining casing pressure constant. Record pressure,
SIDPP and SICP should be equal to original SIDPP.
Note : In case recorded SIDPP & SICP are equal but more than original SIDPP value, it indicates
trapped pressure in wellbore. Whereas if SICP is more than original SIDPP, it indicates that
some influx is still in the wellbore.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Casing pressure
Second Circulation
a) Line up suction with kill mud.
b) Bring the pump up to kill speed in steps of 5 SPM, gradually opening the choke, holding
casing pressure constant.
c) When the pump is at kill speed, pump kill mud from surface to bit, maintaining casing
pressure constant.
d) Pump kill mud from bit to surface, maintaining drill pipe pressure constant equal to
e) When the kill mud reaches surface, stop the pump reducing the pump in steps of 5 SPM ,
gradually closing the choke maintaining casing pressure constant. Record pressures,
SIDPP and SICP both should be equal to zero.
Open & observe the well. Add trip margin before resuming normal operation .
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
R L Drill pipe pressure
F G Casing pressure
F-G Casing pressure is held constant till kill mud is pumped from surface to bit.
G-H Casing pressure reduces to zero as kill mud is pumped from bit to surface.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
L-M Drill pipe pressure reduces as kill mud is pumped from surface to bit. During this
period SIDPP drops & becomes zero whereas KRP increases to FCP value. On the whole
drill pipe pressure reduces from ICP to FCP.
M-N Drill pipe pressure is held constant as the kill mud is pumped from bit to surface.
In Wait and Weight method well is killed in one circulation using kill mud.
In this method operations are delayed (wait) once the well is shut in, while a sufficient
volume of kill (weight) mud has been prepared. As the kill mud is pumped to the bit the
hydrostatic pressure in the Drill Pipe increases, this causes the drill pipe pressure to fall. At
the same time, influx which is on its way up the annulus expands continuously and gains
volume / height, thereby causing the hydrostatic pressure in annulus to fall and casing
pressure to rise. Because of this , for maintaining BHP constant a calculated step down plan
for the drill pipe pressure must be used while pumping the kill mud from surface to the bit .
Formulae required :
SIDPP (psi)
a) Kill Mud Weight (ppg) = Old Mud Weight + -----------------------------
(ppg) 0.052 TVD (ft)
g) Pressure drop / 100 strokes = ------------------------- 100
Surface to bit strokes
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Open & observe the well. Add trip margin before resuming normal operation .
Original Mud
Kill Mud E
C Casing pressure
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Driller's Method
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Simple to understand Higher annulus pressure
2. Minimum calculations Higher casing shoe pressure in gas kick.
3. In case of salt water kick, sand settling Minimum two circulations are required. More
around BHA is minimum. time on choke operation.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Lower annulus pressure. High non circulating time.
2. Lower casing shoe pressure when open In case of salt water kick, sand settling around
hole volume is more than string volume. BHA is maximum.
3. Well can be killed in one circulation. Calculations are more.
4. Less time on choke operation. More chances of gas migration.
Pressure behaviour at different points of annulus during the process of well killing can be
analysed by an example discussed below. For the purpose of understanding, the annular
hydrostatic has been divided in two parts i.e hydrostatic pressure below & above the casing
shoe. The well is shut-in & the killing has started with influx at bottom, it is assumed that while
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
killing the well the BHP has been kept constant equal to formation pressure i.e 1200 psi. (Refer
figure 3.4)
Now let us compare Driller’s Method ( First circulation ) with Wait & Weight Method. If we are
killing the well by W& W method then there will be some kill mud in annulus, provided open
hole volume is more than drill string volume. In that case hydrostatic pressure below shoe will
be more than 300 psi ( suppose now it is 325 psi).
BHP = Hydrostatic Pr. below shoe + Hydrostatic Pr. above shoe + Casing Pr
= 325 + 600 + Casing Pressure = 1200 psi
Therefore, Casing pressure for Wait & Weight Method = 1200-(325+600) = 275psi
Pressure at shoe for wait & weight method =275 +600 = 875 psi ( maximum pressure at
casing shoe)
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
A B C (Drillers) C(W&W )
In case of wait & weight method annulus below shoe is now full of kill mud, whereas in case of
driller’s method at this stage annulus below shoe was full of original mud. Because for driller’s
method the pressure below shoe was 450 psi, so in case of wait & weight method pressure
below shoe will be more than 450 psi( suppose it is 500 psi).
i) drillers method
BHP = Hydrostatic Pr. below shoe + Hydrostatic Pr. above shoe + Casing Pr.
BHP = 450 + 150 + Casing Pressure = 1200 psi
Therefore, Casing pressure for drillers method = 1200-(450+150) = 600psi
Pressure at shoe for drillers method =150 +600 = 750 psi
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Driller’s Method
H Wait & Weight Method
Top of influx at shoe
E 900 psi (Driller’s)
S Kill mud enters annulus 875 psi ( W& W)
R 850 psi Influx crosses shoe
E 800 Kill mud at shoe
s 700
Bit to Shoe String Vol.
The volumetric method is a non-circulating killing method used for removing gas influx when
there is little or no drill pipe in the hole, a wash out in the string or when the hole cannot be
circulated. It works equally well for a situation where the well is closed-in and waiting on
orders or equipment or for stripping in or out of hole. In this method the influx is brought up to
the surface by means of migration & controlled expansion. This process involves bleeding of
calculated volume of mud at the surface till the influx reaches the surface, thereby allowing the
casing pressure to increase to maintain BHP constant. After the gas influx is brought to the
surface in this manner of controlled expansion, the calculated volume of mud is pumped in to
the well & gas influx is bled thereby allowing the casing pressure to decrease while maintaining
BHP constant.
The basis of the volumetric method is that each barrel of mud contributes a certain pressure to
the bottom of the hole. This may be measured as psi/bbl. This term of psi/bbl must be co-
ordinated with pit volume or trip tank volume so that the number of barrels can be read
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
A record of casing pressure is kept, if the casing pressure rises mud can be bled from the well
according to the psi/bbl value calculated to maintain a constant bottom hole pressure.
The volumetric method works by bleeding off (or adding) mud because the BHP is the sum of
the casing pressure & the pressure exerted by the mud column.
The Volumetric method of well control should not be equated with classic well killing methods .
Volumetric method is used to control BHP within limits by co-ordinating the increase (
because of gas migration ) or decrease ( because of bleeding of gas ) in annulus surface
pressure with the corresponding decrease or increase in annular hydrostatic pressure ( by
decreasing or increasing height / weight of mud column in the annulus ).
Volumetric method is implemented mainly in two steps namely the “bleeding” and
“lubrication” process. In the bleeding process the gas influx is allowed to migrate in the
annulus and thereby causing an increase in the annular surface pressure as well as the BHP.
The goal of maintaining the BHP constant is achieved through corresponding reduction in
annular hydrostatic pressure by bleeding calculated volume of mud which in turns reduces the
mud column height in the annulus and allows the gas to expand. The bleeding process has to be
repeated several times till the gas reaches the surface.
Once the gas is at the surface the process of lubrication starts. In lubrication process annular
hydrostatic pressure is increased by injecting a calculated volume of same or heavy mud
through kill line while the BHP is maintained constant by bleeding gas through choke and
reducing surface pressure by the same amount. The process may be repeated several times till
all the gas influx is fully removed from the annulus and the annular surface pressure is brought
down to zero or at a level wherein tripping / stripping of the bit to the bottom or removing/
replacing of choked or damaged string becomes feasible . Once the bit is at the bottom, the
well can be killed / circulated with appropriate kill weight mud .
Well TVD = 10,000 ft
Influx = 20 bbl
Mud weight = 10.0 ppg
Annular volume = 0.047 bbl/ft (8 1/2” 5”)
SICP = 500 psi
SIDPP = 0 psi
As indicated by SIDPP value ( 0 psi ) the bit nozzles are plugged, therefore the well has to be
killed by Volumetric method.
Calculations :
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Height of mud column for 100 psi of Hydrostatic pressure = 100 / 0.52 ft
= 194ft
Volume of Mud for 100 psi hydrostatic pressure = 194 0.047
= 9.04 bbl
b) For Lubrication process
0.052 TVD
As the SIDPP may not be known SICP may be taken in place of SIDPP. If the value of SICP is very
high then SIDPP can be calculated by assuming some gas gradient by the following formula :-
Influx gradient = Mud Weight 0.052 – -------------------
Height of influx
Since kill mud is to be placed only in the top section of the well which is being occupied by gas,
the height of gas column is to be calculated.
Total pit gain = Initial pit gain + Total amount of mud bled
= 20 bbl + 100 bbl (say) = 120 bbl
Height of gas column when gas is at the surface = ------- = 2553 ft
KMW = 10 + = 13.76 ppg
0.052 2553
Kill mud gradient = 13.76 0.052 = 0.715psi/ft Bleeding
a) Allow the casing pressure to increase to 650 psi ,this causes the BHP to increase by 150
psi , don’t start bleeding now ( this 150 psi may be kept as safety margin).
b) Allow the Casing pressure to increase by another 100 psi to 750 psi , this causes the
BHP to increase by 250psi. Since it is planned to keep only 150 psi extra pressure at the
bottom as safety margin, we can now reduce 100 psi of BHP by bleeding 9.04 bbl of
mud. While bleeding mud the surface casing pressure should not be allowed to reduce
more than 100 psi which may require the bleeding to be completed in number of steps.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
c) Allow the pressure to increase by another 100 psi to 850 psi and bleed 9.04 bbl of mud
in the same way.
d) This procedure should be repeated until gas reaches surface . Thereafter, Lubrication
technique is to be used for reducing the casing pressure.
C 1100
S 1000
I Bleeding is continued until gas is at top
N 900
R 700
S 600 Safety margin 150 psi
S Initial SICP 500 psi
9.04 18.08 27.12 36.16 45.20 54.24 63.28
Volume of mud bled off from annulus (bbl)
Figure 3.6 MUD BLEEDING PROCESS Lubrication
The lubrication technique is used to Kill the well / reduce the casing pressure when gas is at the
surface so that other operation such as tripping / stripping can be performed.
1. Slowly pump the calculated volume of mud(6.57 bbl ) which shall give 100 psi equivalent
hydrostatic pressure into the annulus. Allow the mud to fall through the gas. This is a slow
process, but can be speeded up by using a low yield point mud.
2. Bleed gas from the annulus until the surface pressure is reduced by 100 psi or the amount
equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the mud pumped in. In no case mud is to be bled off.
3. Repeat the process until all of the gas has been bled off and the well is killed or the desired
surface pressure is reached.
Note: During the pumping and gas bleeding process, it will usually be necessary to decrease the
volume of mud pumped before gas is bled off particularly near the end of the operation. This is
because the annular volume occupied by the gas decreases with each pump & bleed sequence.
Watch the pumping pressure closely and when it reaches 50-100 psi above the shut in casing
pressure, stop pumping. Measure the volume of mud pumped, calculate the hydrostatic
pressure of that volume in the annulus and bleed sufficient gas to drop the casing pressure by
the amount of hydrostatic pressure plus any increment of trapped pressure because of
pumping operation.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Start circulating immediately and simultaneously start increasing mud density as soon as
possible. Build mud to kill weight while circulating. It allows circulation to begin immediately
after Well closure, but requires coordination of drill pipe pressure with increasing mud density
in order to maintain a constant bottom hole pressure. Casing and casing seat pressure are
between the Wait and Weight and Driller’s method.
The operation is termed as stripping when the resultant of upward and downward forces is
acting downward, thus forcing the string into the well. Stripping is a technique for moving the
string through BOP stack when the well is shut in under pressure. In most cases, stripping is
required to return the drill string to bottom after shutting in on a kick with the bit off bottom.
Stripping requires a high level of coordination among crew members.
The operation is termed as snubbing when the resultant of upward and down forces is acting
upward, thus forcing the string out of the well. Additional force will be required in this case to
force the string into the well. The snubbing operations require the use of a snubbing unit. An
external force is applied by snubbing unit to counteract this force and the work string is pushed
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
into the hole. The state is designated commonly in the industry as a ‘pipe light’ condition. Pipe
is stripped when the string enters the well because of its weight, hence stripping refers to a
‘pipe heavy’ condition. Either one or both of the techniques may be used in a given job.
Snubbing Force
String Weight
Frictional Force
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
While stripping in the hole to maintain bottom hole pressure constant, mud is to be bled off at
regular interval. The amount of mud which is to be bled off should be equal to the closed end
volume of the pipe striped in. If more mud is bled off than the calculated volume the
hydrostatic pressure in the annulus decreases causing the bottom hole pressure to reduce. The
string is also to be kept full by filling mud at regular intervals. Care should be taken when the bit
starts entering into the influx, as the increase in height of the influx shall increase the surface
casing pressure.
A well started flowing after pulling out 20 stand of drill pipe. It was shut in and after analysing
the pressures it was decided to strip the pipe back in to the hole and circulate out the influx
using Driller’s method . Well data is as follow:
Calculate : a) The amount of mud to be bled off after stripping-in one stand.
b) The amount of mud to be filled in the pipe after stripping-in one
Closed end volume of the pipe = 0.0178 bbl/ft + 0.0082 bbl/ft
= 0.026 bbl/ft
Length of one stand = 92 ft
Amount of mud to be bled off after one stand = 0.026 bbl/ft 92 ft
= 2.39 bbls
Amount of mud to be filled in the pipe after one stand = 0.0178 bbl/ft 92 ft
= 1.63 bbls
a) Drill pipe rubber i.e. bettis protectors should be removed while stripping through
annular preventer.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
b) The pressure regulating valve of the annular preventer allows the hydraulic fluid from
the annular to pass back through it when a tool joint passes through the annular
preventer as the annular preventer has to open slightly. This valve must be in good
condition. The lines from the valve to the annular preventer also have to be large
enough to let the fluid come back. On some rigs with subsea BOP stacks, there is an
annular preventer accumulator bottle for this purpose.
c) Use closing pressure as low as possible. The operating pressure should be reduced until
the annular weeps when the pipe is being stripped in. Low pressure on the annular
preventer will prevent the packer from early wear or destruction.
d) If the closed in annular pressure is too high, the pressure will push the pipe out of the
hole or prevent it from stripping-in without a push down. To strip-in the hole with an
annular preventer, the weight of the drill pipe and collars must be greater than the
force acting upwards. If drill string does not strip-in on its own weight, additional
downward force will be needed to push the string in the well. For an early estimate of
possible conditions, the following equation can be used.
String weight = [(T.J.D) ---- Annular Pressure] + 1000 lbs
a) Adjust the pressure on the annular preventer until it weeps when the pipe is going in
the hole. On rigs with subsea stacks, use the value from the operating characteristics
b) Run the pipe not faster than one foot per second and slower when passing the tool joint
through the annular preventer. On rigs with subsea stacks, a measurement will have to
be made to check this area. If the vessel is heaving, it may be better to go ahead and not
slow down when going through the annular to avoid reversing the direction of the tool
joint when in the preventer.
c) Maintain the annulus pressure constant with a choke as the pipe goes in the hole. The
mud displaced out of the hole can be measured and corrections made to get the exact
annulus pressure changes as stripping in the hole continues. For most stripping jobs,
holding the casing pressure constant should be adequate.
d) Every stand of pipe should displace mud. If the stands do not displace mud, circulation
has been lost.
e) If the pressure starts rising between stands it means gas migration is taking place,
use the volumetric correction.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
a) Select the two rams to be used and measure the distance from the rotary table to the
top of the upper ram and to the top of lower ram.
b) Reduce the closing pressure on the ram to 500 psi, or less.
c) With the upper ram closed, lower pipe slowly measuring it until the tool joint is two feet
above the upper ram. (On floating rigs the distance would include an allowance for
vessel heave).
d) Stop lowering, close the lower pipe ram.
e) Bleed off the pressure between the rams and open the upper ram.
f) Lower the pipe, measuring it until the tool joint is between the two rams.
g) Stop lowering & close the top ram.
h) Pressurize up to well pressure between the rams with the test pump. Open the bottom
i) Continue by going back to step no. 3.
While doing this, maintain the casing pressure constant by bleeding mud from the
choke. For most stripping jobs, if gas migration is not taking place holding the casing
pressure constant should be adequate. If the pressure starts rising between stands it
means gas migration is taking place, use the volumetric correction.
Note : While stripping Ram to Ram, the hydraulic pressure required to open ram with
wellbore pressure acting below depends on opening ratio of ram. e.g. if the opening
ratio for the preventer being used for stripping is 2.3 and manifold pressure is 1500 psi,
then the maximum well pressure at which ram preventer can be opened would
2.3 1500 = 3450 psi
With manifold pressure kept at 1500 psi , rams with high differential pressure across it
will not open. Generally , rams are not opened with differential pressure across it and
it is safe practice to equalize the pressure before opening.
If the gas is not allowed to expand in a controlled manner, the surface pressures will become
too great and it might lead to:
- Formation failure at shoe
- Casing failure
- Well head failure
- BOP failure etc.
Since the casing pressure and pit level must be allowed to increase as a gas kick is circulated
out, the maximum of these values can be calculated as below :-
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Vgain maximum = 4 ( P V C ) W
Where Vgain maximum is the total of the original gain and the pit gain due to gas expansion. So,
the gain due to expansion is
Vexpansion = Vgain maximum - V
These are not exact equations, but are as close as can be estimated.
The basic well control parameters/procedures such as causes of kick, warning signs, well shut-in
& well killing etc. are same for both vertical & horizontal wells. But due to non-vertical section
of horizontal wells there exist following differences from well control point of view.
Influx Volumes
For the same difference between formation pressure & mud hydrostatic & for the same
duration during which the well remains under-balance, the influx volume can be greater for
horizontal wells as compared to vertical wells. This is due to the fact that the horizontal wells
expose more productive formation to the well-bore & therefore the rate at which the influx
enters the well-bore is considerably higher.
This shall result in high pressures at the casing shoe which may lead to an underground blow
Shut-in Pressures
In a well kick situation during drilling, if the influx is in the horizontal section then the stabilized
SIDPP & SICP shall be same for a horizontal well whereas for a vertical well there shall be
difference in the two shut-in pressures. In case of a swabbed-in kick in a horizontal well, both
SIDPP & SICP shall be zero as long as the influx is in horizontal section whereas in case of a
vertical well under similar condition both the above pressures shall be equal & more than zero.
Therefore, a swabbed-in kick situation ( i.e influx below the bit) in a vertical well having both
SIDPP & SICP equal does not require the mud density to be increased to kill the well. Whereas,
in horizontal wells even with a kick entering during drilling shall result in stabilized SIDPP &
SICP being equal & will require an increase in mud density in order to kill the well.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
It is prudent to note that during killing in horizontal wells, the gas removal is not very effective
as the gas has a tendency to get segregated to top side of the hole especially due to annular
velocities while killing at slow pump rates. Due to this reason, more circulation time may be
required than calculated. This problem can also be dealt by killing the horizontal wells at
comparatively higher pump rates in cases where the possibility of loss circulation due to
increased annular pressure losses is not anticipated.
While drilling a horizontal well there is a possibility to come across several faults which may not
be having same pore pressures hence lost circulation often occurs in faults where the pore
pressure are less than the BHP.
Swabbed Influx
PSI 400
STB stks.
STB stks.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In recent years many multilateral wells have been drilled both on-shore & off-shore for the
purpose of cost reduction in development of the field & improved oil recovery. Drilling of these
wells has application in the following areas :
Multilateral wells basically are off-shoot of horizontal wells where a mother well has two or
more branches below the junction point called laterals. Depending upon the multi-lateral
junction techniques multi-laterals can be divided in to following six principle categories & one
sub category.
Level 1
Wells having open or unsupported junction.
They can also be described as standard “open hole” sidetracks
Level 2
Wells having mother bore cased & cemented with open lateral
In these wells whip stock & milling technology is used to exit the existing casing string.
Level 3
Wells having mother bore cased & cemented with lateral cased but not cemented.
These wells require special equipment & techniques so as to attach the lateral liner with
main casing without any cement support.
Level 4
Wells having mother bore and lateral cased & cemented.
In these wells the lateral liner is attached to the main casing & cemented.
Level 5
Wells having pressure sealed multilateral junction which is achieved with the completion &
cement is not considered as the sealing mechanism. The junction pressure seal capability
has significant increase in the cost of the well
Level 6
Wells having pressure integrity at the junction which is achieved with the casing & cement is
not considered as the sealing mechanism.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Level 1 2 3
4 5 6 6S
Parent - Bore cased Junction Pressure Integral junction Pressure Integrity by Casing
& cemented Lateral integrity by completion
cased & Cemented
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Prevention
Though practically all the measures considered for preventing kicks in conventional wells hold
true for multi-laterals as well, some of the additional considerations on account of high angles,
longer lateral bore holes & small hole sizes are as follows:
i) High kick intensity
ii) Relatively higher ECD effects, which requires flow checks between connections.
iii) Relatively higher swab pressures during pulling out, which require mud conditioning
prior to pulling out & controlled tripping speeds.
Kick detection
Although all the conventional well kick indications are valid for multi-lateral wells too, but since
a multilateral has more than one bore holes, the specific indications need to be evaluated in
order to know that whether it’s the static or the active bore hole which is kicking. Following
points may help in making the judgement.
i) When the active borehole is non-horizontal & if both shut-in casing & drill pipe
pressures are equal subsequent to a kick, it clearly indicates a kick in the static well
ii) During initial shut-in both SICP and SIDPP shall be same & thereafter during gas
migration both shall increase by same amount till the gas reaches the junction point. As
the gas shall move past the junction point, the SICP shall become more than SIDPP
(though as gas continue migrating beyond junction the rate of increase in both the shut-
in pressures shall be same).
In case of multilaterals where there is a tendency of losses in one of the well bore, this may
create a situation where mud is being lost in one well bore while influx is taken from another.
Such a situation may mask both the basic kick indications e.g. pit gain and increase in return
flow. In such cases well should be monitored closely for any change in normal trends of pit
levels, loss rate etc.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
MAASP Consideration
Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP ) is the maximum pressure that can be
held on the annulus surface pressure gauge during well killing with complete safety. Even
during planning of conventional wells the casing seat design is based on MAASP, for example
during drilling operations if at any stage the difference between max. mud density & current
drilling fluid density nears 0.5 ppg most of the operators plan to lower a casing string rather
than continue drilling. Similar consideration applies for multilateral wells with slight
modification in case the static well bore is not isolated , e.g.
i) MAASP should be calculated for both active & static well bores considering the weakest
formation & respective mud densities in two holes.
ii) Smaller of the two MAASP values should be taken as the final MAASP.
I. On detecting a kick, preferably use hard shut-in method so as to minimise the influx
II. After shutting-in the well with definite pit gain during trips ( i.e swabbed in influx) if it is
found that both SIDPP & SICP read zero, it does not mean that there is no kick rather it
implies that the kick is in horizontal or highly deviated section of the borehole.
III. On detecting a kick during drilling, if after shutting-in the well it is found that both SIDPP
& SICP are nearly equal, it means that the kick is in horizontal or highly deviated section
of the borehole.
IV. When the kick is taken from highly deviated section during drilling, as the SIDPP & SICP
are almost equal, it becomes difficult to analyse that whether the influx is gas or liquid.
However the continuous increase in shut-in surface pressures indicates that the kick is
gas & has started migrating.
Kill Procedures
When the kick is taken from the active well bore the standard well killing methods i.e Driller’s &
W & W method may be used in the similar fashion as these methods are used in case of kicks in
single well bore. However, as stated earlier due consideration should be given to the MAASP of
static well bore.
i) The part of the static well bore from junction point to zone of influx cannot be circulated
if the standard killing method is followed with string in active well bore.
ii) Due to above reason after the kill there shall be some remaining surface pressure.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Hence, the alternative would be to calculate the kill mud weight based on the depth of the
junction point ( due consideration should be given to MAASP) & circulate the active well bore
with this mud. After the well is circulated with this mud there would not be any remaining
surface pressures. Now the string can be pulled out from active well bore & tripped in to static
well bore monitoring the returns closely . After the influx is above bit, it would be required to
close the well again & circulate. After which the BOP can be opened & tripping continued again
monitoring the returns. (It may be noted that while tripping below junction point it might be
required to close the well & circulate at more than one occasion). When the bit is at bottom in
the static well bore, the well should be circulated with required mud density (to be calculated
considering the initial SIDPP & TVD of static well bore ).
After adding the trip margin, the string can be tripped out from the static well bore up to
junction point & tripped in to active well bore. When the bit is at bottom of active well bore, it
would be required to circulate with the same density mud as was finally used in static well bore.
Casing Burst
In deep holes, where the liner is set below a long string of casing, it is possible that during killing
the surface pressure may approach the burst rating without inducing a fracture at shoe.
Therefore, while planning such a liner job this aspect should be given due consideration. In the
event of surface casing pressure approaching casing burst value, low choke pressure method
may be considered.
In cases where casing string is set relatively at shallow depth, it is difficult that surface pressure
build up can approach the casing burst rating since the shoe shall fracture first.
a) Initial build up in SIDP, SICP & then decrease as the fracture is induced.
The drill pipe pressure may drop down to zero.
b) After the fracture is induced & under-ground blow-out is initiated, the
casing pressure may not change much initially but will steadily increase
with time.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In some cases the drill pipe pressure may be found to be higher than the casing pressure, which
usually is the result of formation fluid entering the drill string after the underground blow out
has been initiated.
Consequences of underground blow out
a) Loss of reservoir
b) Contamination of fresh water zones
c) Loss of rig if surface broaching occurs
a) Temperature Log :
This is the most common tool used to detect the loss zone. The tool when lowered in
the drill string shall show thermal anomalies on temperature log depending upon
position of loss zone vis-à-vis kick zone if the underground blow-out is in progress, e.g.
Case 1. If loss zone is above the kick zone then there shall be higher temperature then
normal temperature gradient across loss zone.
Case 2. If kick zone is above the loss zone then there shall be lower temperature then
normal temperature gradient across loss zone.
b) Noise Log
This is a sonic tool that records the sounds created by fluid movement down-hole.
Indications on Noise log can delineate the static fluid column above the loss zone from
the dynamic fluid column below it.
c) Radioactive tracer
A radioactive tracer tool is a logging tool, usually a gamma ray detector. A radioactive
material is pumped in the well, the depth at which high radioactive concentration is
found is assumed to be the loss zone.
a) Use the smaller annular section to calculate the volume to bleed for first
cycle only & then use the upper annular capacity for remaining bleed
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
b) Use a larger value for the safety margin( 200 to 300 psi) & use the upper
annular capacity for calculating the volume to bleed each cycle.
a) Open choke slowly and bleed about ¼ bbl of mud from the well.
b) Close choke and record shut-in pressures.
c) If casing & drill pipe pressures are reduced then repeat step ‘a’.
d) If casing and drill pipe pressures remain constant then accept these
values as correct shut-in pressures.
Here kill mud shall be calculated with well TVD of 11231 ft & not 12070 ft.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Gas Expansion:
As per the Gas law, ignoring gas compressibility, the gas expansion follows following equation :
PV P1 V1 P2 V2
= Constant or = ___________ = _____________
T T1 T2
Assuming a Gas kick of one barrel at a depth of 10000 ft & bottom hole temperature of 200 o F
in a well having mud density of 10 ppg, shall expand to 179 bbls ( assuming surface atmospheric
pressure of 14.2 psi & temperature of 98 o F) if the well is not shut-in & gas is allowed to
expand freely. During well killing, the gas is not allowed to expand freely as it shall result in
unloading the well mud at the surface & shall result in considerable reduction in bottom hole
pressure. The diagram below shows the relationship between the free expansion of gas v/s well
SURFACE Gas Volume
( Pressure)
10000 FT
Well Depth
Gas Migration :
After the well has been shut-in on a gas kick, the gas being lighter fluid can start migrating or
percolating up in the hole as the well remains shut-in. The average migration speed accepted by
the industry world-wide is about 1000 ft/hr, though in some cases it could be more or less than
this value since the migration speed depends upon several factors which are listed below ;
a) Degree of mixing : The rate of migration depends upon the degree of mixing of
gas with well-bore fluid as it enters the well. For example, a swabbed in gas kick
being largely in continuous phase shall migrate faster as compared to a gas kick
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
taken during drilling as in this case the gas gets dispersed in the drilling fluid till
the time the pumps are stopped.
b) Density difference: The rate of migration also depends upon the difference in
densities of drilling fluid & gas influx, the larger the difference the faster shall the
gas migrate.
c) Viscosity of drilling fluid : The higher the viscosity the lower shall be the gas
migration rate.
d) Annular Clearance : The gas percolates in the annulus on one side whereas
the drilling fluid falls below the gas on the other side. The smaller the annular
clearance the lower shall be the migration rate.
It may also be noted that during well killing too the gas percolation occurs & therefore
the gas reaches the surface earlier than the estimated time lag. The higher the annular
velocity of mud the faster shall the gas migrate during killing.
Exploration and appraisal wells where the undisturbed bottom hole temperature is greater
than 300F (150C) and where either the maximum anticipated pore pressure gradient of any
formation exceeds 0.8 psi/ft, (18.1 kPa/m, 15.4ppg)
Where RWP requirement of pressure control equipment exceeds 10000 psi (69,000kPa), such a
well can be termed as High Pressure, High Bottom Hole Temperature wells, or HPHT.
The following should be kept in mind during operations on this type of well.
• In HPHT wells, usually the margin between fracture gradient and pore pressure gradient is
small. Formation breakdown is always a possibility.
• HPHT wells also have a tendency towards problems due to hydrate formation.
• Temperature effect on fluid density: Mud expansion due to heating is a very common
phenomenon in HPHT wells. The expansion rate will depend on the initial temperature
differential between the bottom of the hole and the mud. It may take days for the fluid column
to achieve equilibrium with the geothermal gradient but in general most expansion takes place
in the first few hours. Expansion leads to an effective well bore fluid density which is lower than
the one measured at surface mud tanks. As a result hydrostatic pressure is reduced if corrective
measures are not taken.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
condition. Remember, a negative flow check means that the permeable zones in the well are
apparently balanced by the mud column. It does not mean that there is NOT an influx in the
3.14.2 Ballooning
Hydrocarbon bearing source rocks when subject to high temperature and high mud weights
approaching the fracture gradient exhibit a behavior described as ‘wellbore breathing’
(Supercharging or Ballooning) leading to a Loss / Gain situation.
Well ballooning is a common phenomenon in which the formation absorbs drilling mud while
the rig’s pumps are activated and then releases the mud back into the well when the pumps are
off. This creates a situation where the borehole returns more or less drilling mud than what
would be expected compared to the normal rigid wellbore volume. This can be misinterpreted
as a kick. Rig crews can therefore miss critical kick indicators if they mistakenly believe that
ballooning is occurring in the well.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Create a profile for thermal expansion using competent cased hole before drilling the
shoe track.
Run a profile check after displacing to SOBM.
o Monitor well on trip tank during connections (trip tank pump off).
o Determine the expected volumes from connections before running in below
o Conduct dummy connection in the cased hole prior to drilling ahead.
Measure drain back volume (pit gain in trip tank after stopping pump) for different
circulation rate in use, time for pits to stabilize, shut in pressure if any etc.
Measure volumes taken for all mixing and transfer pumps, mud cooler, degasser.
Determine the possible combinations that may happen and name the assignments so
that an accurate volume is available.
Additional Mud
weight requirement
Fingerprinting pressure build up
Time Time
During finger-printing of well, when the well is closed in (shut in) on the BOP, the formation is
charged up to some degree and there will be some temperature effect. So there will be a
pressure build up & volume gain after stopping pump due to ballooning or formation charging
as shown in figure 3.17.
A check trip on bottom is a technique often used on HPHT wells. The well is flow checked on
the trip tank for 15 minutes with the kelly cock shut. The string is then pulled back by the length
of a stand (or as high as possible if using a kelly) and run back down to TD, say five times, to
simulate the pulling of five stands. The well is then flow checked on the trip tank for 15 minutes
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
and then circulated bottoms up. After bottoms up, check shakers for cavings and confirm for
any swabbed gas peak with the mud loggers. Flow check again, and if the well is stable, pump a
slug and POOH.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
A barrier or barrier element is defined as any device, fluid or substance that prevents the flow
from a well. They are envelopes of one or more independent barrier elements to prevent fluids
or gasses from flowing unintentionally from a formation, into another formation or back to
surface. The type and number of barriers that must be in place depends upon the operation,
company policy, local legislation and commonly accepted industrial practices.
Well barrier should be clearly defined prior to commencement of any operation by description
of the required well barrier elements to be in place and the specific acceptance criteria. Well
barrier acceptance criteria are technical and operational requirement that need to be fulfilled
in order to qualify the well barrier for its intended use.
The numbers and type of barriers recommended for a given job depend on the well’s general
risk classification. Generally, TWO independent and tested barriers must be in place in a flow
path for any given operations.
Primary barrier : The barrier which provides first line of defense during normal
operating conditions. Generally, a fluid or a closed barrier.
Secondary barrier : Second line of defense in case the primary barrier fails.
Generally, a closable barrier e.g. BOPs
Tertiary barrier : The last and final means of pressure control. Generally, a shear
seal BOP.
The barriers may be fluid or mechanical barriers. A fluid is considered a barrier only when the
hydrostatic pressure of the fluid is more than the formation pressure. Combination of one or
more well barrier elements which surround or enclose the area to prevent flow of fluids are
known as “barrier envelope’’.
For example in a flowing oil or gas well, the tubing and packer isolate well pressure from the
casing and the casing gives secondary pressure containment if the tubing or packer leaks. Some
of the elements that form barrier envelope (at the time of drilling /tripping) are:
Casing/Cement/Safety valves/Choke and kill line valves /well head/Rams/BOPs/Drill
In a drilling operation:
Primary Barrier - Drilling muds
Secondary Barrier - Rams / annular BOP
Tertiary Barrier - Shear Blind Ram (SBR)
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
All barrier / well integrity tests should be documented and signed by an authorized
person. The authorized person can be driller, tool pusher, drilling supervisor or the equipment /
service provider’s representative. The chart and test documentation should contain details
regarding the type of test, test pressure, test fluid and system or components tested.
Sometimes it may not be possible to test a barrier from the direction of flow, and in that case
the only option is to pressure test the devise from above provided the barrier is constructed to
seal from both directions.
4.2.1 Function and Pressure Integrity Test of Well Barrier Elements: All the well barrier
elements should be function and pressure integrity tested as per guidelines mentioned in API-
STD 53. The frequency of test should also be maintained as per the guidelines.
Corrective Action: The following table shows the corrective action to be taken in case any of
the following mentioned barrier element fails during the routine test.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Closable barriers for annulus in this case are Annular BOP, Ram BOP matching to the casing size
or Variable Ram BOP used at the time of drilling with size limit of more than casing. Generally
minimum one ram is dressed with the Casing/Liner size packer before starting the casing/liner
operation. NRV in the shoe and float collar act as two temporary internal barriers. An
arrangement of stabbing of FOSV with X-Over to match the casing thread should be kept ready
on derrick floor.
While lowering casing/liner, every joint should be filled with mud to maintain sufficient
hydrostatic pressure in the casing. If the casing is lowered without filling, differential across
the shoe may break the NRV in shoe / float collar resulting in the annulus mud rushing into the
casing to fill the empty casing. This will lead to decrease in the mud level in annulus and reduce
the BHP of well and may cause kick if BHP reduces below formation pressure.
Sometimes operators prefer Auto Fill Float Shoe or self-fill float assembly which permits the
casing to fill automatically while being into the hole. It is in the open position while running in
allowing maximum filling of the casing as it is lowered into the well bore. The circulation may be
established at any time during or after casing is run. The flapper type back pressure valve does
not become operative until the drop ball is dropped or pumped down. From this point onwards
like Differential Fill-up Shoe, Auto Fill Float Shoe acts as conventional Floating Equipment. Self-
fill float assembly are PDC drillable and minimizes trip time while also reducing surge pressures.
Trip tank monitoring should be done while lowering or P/O of casing to check for any loss or
swabbing. In case the well is not taking proper volume then string be run in to bottom on drill
pipe monitoring the returns for safe removal of swabbed fluid by circulation by Drillers’ method
first cycle.
While lowering casing, the clearance between the casing and well walls is less for the entire
length of string and this condition is very conducive for surging or swabbing if string is to be
pulled out for some reason. If the casing lowering speeds are not checked, it may induce losses.
If the losses are minor, stop lowering and monitor the well. If well is static, circulate to correct
the mud properties and then resume lowering with reduced speed.
If the loss is major or total loss is observed, then stop lowering the casing and start filling the
annulus with lightest possible fluid available at site to maintain hydrostatic pressure in the
annulus. If well permits, try to place LCM pill and check the losses later. The volume
displacement for casing should be the closed end volume for lowering the casing.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
e) Open FOSV
f) Record shut in pressures.
Following are some of the unusual situations normally faced during well killing operations.
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In case of first circulation of Driller's method if the well is shut-in the SIDPP and SICP shall be
equal when the influx is below the communication & in this case it will not be possible to
circulate out the kick with constant bottom hole pressure techniques. In case of gas influx one
alternative is to allow the influx to migrate above the leak point by volumetric method and to
circulate out thereafter by conventional well control techniques. Another alternative, if depth
and pressures are not too high & washout is at shallow depth, is to strip out, replace the
leaking joint, strip back to bottom and kill the well. Yet another alternative is to run a smaller
string or tubing inside the drill pipe with a packer at the end and circulate with smaller string
with new KRP and pressure schedule.
If the well is shut-in and the influx is above the leak point, the shut-in drill pipe pressure shall be
less than shut in casing pressure. Since the influx is in U-tube the well can be killed in
conventional way. A new circulating pressure will have to be established keeping the casing
pressure constant while bringing the pump to kill speed. Thereafter keep the drill pipe constant
till influx is circulated out.
In case wait and weight method was being used, the analysis becomes little complicated. Since
kill mud has been pumped in, the new shut in drill pipe pressure now shall depend on how far
the kill mud has gone inside drill pipe or if it has gone past the bit. Thereafter the difference
between the mud hydrostatic in drill string and annulus has to be taken into account to
determine the relationship between shut-in drill pipe and shut in casing pressure. Once the
relationship is established the alternatives are the same as in case of killing by Driller's method.
However, it must be remembered that while circulating with a hole in drill string, hole
enlargement will occur which will continuously change the circulating pressure. Therefore, it is
required to re-establish the circulating pressure periodically during well killing.
I. If the loss is not substantial and mud volume can be kept up by mixing, continue with
'Wait and Weight' method.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
II. Reduce the drill pipe circulating pressure by a small amount (in any case drill pipe
pressure should not be reduced more than the amount of annular frictional loss, so as to
avoid additional influx) and wait to see, if it increases the return. Continue to do this
until lost returns are reduced enough so that the mixing of new mud can make up for
the loss
III. Stop and shut in the well. Wait for 1 to 4 hours to cure itself. During this time keep
SIDPP constant by bleeding through choke/filling through kill line.
IV. Pump heavy slug of mud at the bottom of the hole if loss is taking place above kick
zone. Thereafter solve the loss problem.
Note : In simultaneous loss & kick situations , generally the complication which is at the
bottom is handled first.
V. If none of the above work, use a barite or gunk or cement plug to seal off the kick zone,
then solve the loss problem.
Volume of heavy mud to be pumped at the bottom when thief zone is above the kick zone:
Pump heavy mud about 2-3 times the capacity of the annulus below the loss zone . The excess
volume is to allow for severe contamination of the kill mud by the influx from the formation.
A well was shut-in after kick indications. The closed-in pressure initially built up and subsequently
decreased. Maximum built up SIDPP was recorded as 500 psi. Other well data is as below.
Well depth - 10,000 ft Casing depth - 7,000 ft
Mud density - 10 ppg Drill collar - 450 ft
Annular volume drill pipe open hole - 0.0447 bbl/ft
Annular volume drill collar open hole - 0.03 bbl/ft
Find out the volume of heavy slug to be pumped at bottom.
Maximum SIDPP = 500 psi
In loss situation though SIDPP is not a true indicator of formation pressure, still maximum value of SIDPP
can be considered for calculating the density of heavy mud to be placed at bottom. In this case minimum
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
500 psi increase in hydrostatic is required in the annulus below the loss zone & assuming the loss zone is
in the vicinity of the shoe.
Additional 500 psi of head can be obtained by either 14, 15 or 16 ppg mud as per calculations given
below :
Height of 16 ppg mud = 500 {(16-10) 0.052} = 1,600 ft
Height of 15 ppg mud = 500 {(15-10) 0.052} = 1,923 ft
Height of 14 ppg mud = 500 {(14-10) 0.052} = 2,404 ft
Selecting 15 ppg mud of 1,923 ft height, annular vol. can be calculated as:
Annular Volume against drill collar = 0.03 450 = 13.5 bbl
Annular Volume against drill pipe = 0.0447 (1,923-450) = 65.8 bbl
Total volume of 1,923 ft annular column = 13.5 + 65.8 = 79.3 bbl
Volume of slug of 15 ppg to be pumped = 3 79.3 = 238 bbl
Note : The above method of gaining control is basically a hit & trial method, therefore if 15 ppg
mud column of 1,923 ft does not work than the next higher mud density ( say 16 ppg mud,
1,600 ft column ) may be used.
b) Barite Plug
In case repeated placement of heavy mud as described above does not solve the problem, it
may become necessary to attempt a barite plug. A barite plug bridges the hole due to high
water loss and rapid setting when pumping is stopped. Subsequent to placement barite settles
and stops flow without contaminating the drilling fluid system. The use of a barite plug has
several advantages over the use of cement e.g. barite has a higher density & has more
tendency to set without any channeling and contamination to the drilling fluid. Some back
pressure either by means of hydrostatic or casing pressure helps barite to settle without
channeling/ honey combing. The plug volume depends upon hole size, depth and kick severity.
Normally, 450-500 ft of open hole is covered with barite plug. To avoid contamination and
abrupt settling, pumping should be done continuously & at higher rate.
Barite Required
c) Gunk Plug
The gunk plug is very quick setting plug that is especially effective with water flows. It is mixture
of bentonite and diesel oil. The mixture does not set until it comes in contact with water. An oil
spacer should be run ahead and behind it, to avoid mixing and setting in the drill pipe. When
the plug is pumped down the hole, the oil is washed away from the gel which sets in the
presence of water. The plug volume should be enough to cover 200-250 feet of hole. When
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
the plug is in place, pumping mud down the annulus at about 1 bbl/ min. helps to hold it down
and facilitates setting.
After placing the plug, strip out above the plug. Once the plug is set, thick slurry or coarse lost
circulation material might be used to bridge and plug off the upper zone. This can be pumped
down the annulus.
With shallow casing the fracture pressure at casing shoe is small (much smaller in case of
offshore). Maximum allowable surface pressure therefore is very less and it is impossible to
stop the flow immediately without risking formation breakdown and a possible broaching to
surface. There is risk of underground blowout surfacing around the well in onshore operations
and collapse of seabed and other serious problems in offshore. It is for such contingencies that
the diverters are used.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
reversing out the kick normally does not cause drill string plugging, bit plugging or bridging in
the annulus as apprehended by some people in the industry.
Example :
Well depth - 10,000 ft Normal circulation rate - 6 bpm
Hole size - 8 ½” Slow circulating kill rate - 500 psi @ 3 bpm
Drill pipe size - 5” Fracture Gradient - 0.70 psi/ft
9 5/8” shoe - 4,000 ft Mud Gradient - 0.52 psi/f t
Annulus Pressure - 300 psi Drill pipe Pressure - 200 psi
Pit Level Increase - 10 bbl
1. Maximum Allowable Annulus Surface Pressure
= (Fracture Gradient - Mud Gradient) shoe depth
= (0.70 - 0.52) 4000 = 720 psi
MAASP ( 720 psi ) should not be exceeded to avoid fracturing at casing shoe.
if open hole volume is more than string volume. However maximum density of pill should be
less than fracture value and amount should be less or equal to the open hole volume.
In this case the open hole volume is approximately 180 bbl. Therefore pill volume should be less
than 180 bbl i.e. less than open hole volume as to have positive effect in reducing annulus
Note :Heavy pill method is difficult to handle if the drill pipe goes on a vacuum which happens
in most cases.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
regaining the ability of circulate from as deep as possible. Fishing the stuck drill string should be
postponed until pressure control has been ensured.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Depth : 5,579 ft SIDPP : 450 psi KRP @ 30 SPM : 250 psi
Drill Pipe Strokes : 900 SICP : 600 psi Mud Weight : 10.4 ppg
Annulus strokes : 2,700
b) The value of SIDPP will remain constant at 450 psi. If the drill pipe pressure is more ,
bleed the excess pressure through choke. If it is less, pump and bring the pressure to
calculated value.
c) Keeping Casing Pressure constant bring pump to kill speed. Keep original drill pipe
pressure constant for remaining strokes of first circulation.
4.5.3 Choke Wash out
After pumping 600 strokes of mud, decrease in both Drill pipe and Casing pressure is observed.
Drop in the drill pipe pressure is gradual. This is the problem of choke washout. The following
procedure must be followed .
a) Stop pump immediately , close HCR. Line up alternate choke and open HCR.
b) The value of SIDPP will remain constant at 450 psi. If the drill pipe pressure is more ,
bleed the excess pressure through choke. If it is less, pump and bring the pressure to
calculated value.
c) Keeping Casing Pressure constant bring pump to kill speed. Keep original drill pipe
pressure constant for remaining strokes of first circulation.
Well Depth : 5,579 ft SIDPP : 450 psi KRP @ 30 SPM : 250 psi
Drill Pipe Strokes : 900 SICP : 450 psi Kill Mud Weight : 11.95 ppg
Annulus strokes : 2,700 Original Mud weight : 10.4 ppg
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In case problem occurs after kill mud enters the annulus, follow the steps from a to b. In this
case the remaining value of SIDPP would be zero. Bring pump to kill speed keeping casing
pressure constant & keep new drill pipe pressure constant till kill mud reaches the surface.
In case problem occurs after kill mud enters the annulus, follow the steps from a to b. In this
case the remaining value of SIDPP would be zero. Bring pump to kill speed keeping casing
pressure constant then keep drill pipe pressure constant till kill mud reaches the surface.
a) Close choke and bring pump throttle to zero. Line up alternate pump.
b) Calculate the remaining value of SIDPP and set it at calculated value.
Remaining value of SIDPP = 450 – 450 (700/900)= 100psi
If the drill pipe pressure is more , bleed the excess pressure through choke. If it is
less, pump and bring the pressure to calculated value.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In case problem occurs after kill mud enters the annulus, follow the steps from a to b. In this
case the remaining value of SIDPP would be zero. Bring pump to kill speed keeping casing
pressure constant then keep drill pipe pressure constant till kill mud reaches the surface.
Well Depth : 5579 ft SIDPP : 450 psi KRP @ 30 SPM : 250 psi
Drill Pipe Strokes : 900 SICP : 600 psi Mud Weight : 10.4 ppg
Strokes Pressure
0 700
ICP = 700 psi 100 655
KMW = 11.95 ppg 200 610
FCP = 287 psi 300 565
Pressure drop = (700-287)100 900 = 45 psi 400 520
per 100 stroke 500 475
600 430
700 385
800 340
900 287
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In case problem occurs after kill mud enters the annulus, follow the steps from a to b. In this
case the remaining value of SIDPP would be zero. Bring pump to kill speed keeping casing
pressure constant then keep drill pipe pressure (New FCP) constant till kill mud reaches the
In case problem occurs after kill mud enters the annulus, follow the steps from a to b. In this
case the remaining value of SIDPP would be zero. Bring pump to kill speed keeping casing
pressure constant then keep drill pipe pressure (Original FCP) constant till kill mud reaches the
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In case problem occurs after kill mud enters the annulus, follow the steps from a to b. In this
case the remaining value of SIDPP would be zero. Bring pump to kill speed keeping casing
pressure constant then keep drill pipe pressure (Original FCP) constant till kill mud reaches the
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Annular preventer can be closed on drill pipe, drill collar, casing pipes, square & hexagonal
Kelly, tapered pipe, tool joint, logging tool, wire line and on an open hole in case of any
emergency. When annular preventer is closed on open hole, the rubber packing element is
subjected to high stress and the overall life of the element is reduced. Therefore, the annular
preventer should be closed on open hole only if there is an emergency & the condition of the
packing element is good. However the operating pressure required to close in open hole will be
more than normal operating pressure.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Under certain conditions, hydraulic pressure has to be reduced so as to minimize any wear to
rubber of the packing element and to avoid any possible damage to large diameter tubular.
Manufacturers recommended closing pressures that depend on shut-in casing pressure, for
stripping operations should be followed. A special design feature of annular preventer is that it
allows stripping operation to be carried out while maintaining seal as pipe/tool joint passes
through it. When sub-sea stripping is done, surge bottle(s) have to be used for faster closure of
annular preventer’s element after tool joint passes.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Wear Plate
Element Segment
Packing Element
Latched Head
Opening Chamber
Closing Chamber
Piston Seals
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Quick Release
Access Flaps
Outer cylinder
Locking Groove Lock down
Packer Insert Vent
Pusher Plate
Closing Port
Opening Port
Packing Element
Adapter Ring
Opening Chamber
Closing Chamber
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In sub sea operations, annular preventer requires different operating pressures due to
hydrostatic head of drilling fluid in riser, which tries to force open the annular preventer when
it is in closed position.
M/s Hydril is manufacturing different models of annular preventers for surface and sub sea
services. MSP model is low pressure annular normally used as diverter, GK models are used on
surface BOP, GL model is used on sub sea BOP and GX models are of higher rated working
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
pressure used in both surface & sub sea BOP. The only difference in the GL & other models is
that it has secondary chamber in addition to opening and closing chambers. This secondary
chamber can be connected to closing line or to the riser pipe with a separator in between when
used in sub sea to compensate for riser mud hydrostatic head. If GL model is to be used on
surface than secondary chamber should be connected to opening chamber so as to minimise
packing element’s wear.
The control hoses from the BOP control unit should be isolated before starting visual
a) Cracked rubber surfaces and excessive wear like a section of rubber missing or worn
b) Ensure none of the steel segments are cracked protruding or missing.
c) Check the packing element is relaxing to its full opening diameter since due to age factor
hardness of rubber increases and it hinders the flow of rubber.
d) Inspection of slots between the packing element steel segments and void area above
the packing element is necessary in certain models. These are common locations where
cement and other solids become lodged, which can hamper or even prevent the packer
from closing fully. Flushing with the jetting tool or high pressure gun cures the problem.
e) Check for blistering or swelling which can be attributed to previous exposures to carbon-
dioxide or oil based mud environments.
f) Packing element should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place. This helps in maintaining
rubber integrity as heat, atmosphere & light can accelerate deterioration.
g) Some annular preventers are equipped with piston indicator hole as shown in figure
5.12 that permits the measurement of piston travel. Once the packing element is closed,
the remaining piston stroke is used to indicate the remaining life of the packing element.
Subsequent measurements help in establishing a wear trend.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
h) In emergency situations, packing element can be replaced with the string inside the well
bore as shown in figure 5.13, this involves splitting of the packer, cutting one side of the
element between two of the steel segments using a sharp knife. A hacksaw is not to be
used to cut because it removes the part of rubber, possibly affecting the performance.
As the packing elements are manufactured with the rubber in compression, placing the
rubber surface in tension by spreading the steel segments with a bar will help to make
an easier cut. Once the packing is split it can be stretched apart and slipped around the
pipe. Instances have been recorded where split packers have prevented entry of
bits/tools from BOP on subsequent trips, to avoid this the cut packing element should
be replaced with unsplit packing element as soon as possible.
5.3.2 Bore
a) The bore of the annular should be inspected for key seating and gauging. Key seating occurs
where rotating or stripping pipe wears away at the bore in a localised area. This is easily
recognised at the top of the bore, where the varying wall thickness of remaining steel can be
observed by using the stainless steel ring groove as a reference. If wear has increased the
bore diameter by more than 3/16 of an inch, it should be repaired as per the manufacturer
b) Metal burrs and rolled edges resulting from key seating or gauging can be carefully removed
using an emery cloth or fine file.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The hydraulic operator test determines the integrity of hydraulic chamber and associated seals.
This test identifies the leaks that go undetected during routine well site BOP pressure tests. To
ensure that any leak that is identified is in the annular preventer and not in the control unit, a
hot line assembly should be used to isolate the pressure between annular preventer and the
control unit. The procedure is as follows:
a) Close the annular preventer on the pipe size to be used, with 1500 psi closing pressure.
b) Allow the element to stabilise. Due to large amount of rubber in the element it will take
couple of minutes for element to creep in.
c) Close the isolation valve on the hot line assembly and monitor the pressure.
d) Carefully remove the opening line and monitor the fluid draining out. Ensure the fluid is not
contaminated by mud & and is free from sand and other abrasives.
e) If there is no pressure drop in 10 minutes, the seals are holding.
f) If there is any pressure drop then there are two possible leak paths.
i) Closing chamber to opening chamber.
ii) Closing chamber to the well bore.
g) If fluid is continuously flowing out of the opening chamber, then the seal between the
closing chamber and opening chamber needs replacement.
h) If fluid stops flowing out of opening chamber, then the leak is into the well bore and seal
between piston and well bore needs replacement.
i) To test the opening chamber side, remove the hot line connection from the close side and
connect it to the open side and open the annular with 1500 psi pressure. Close the isolation
valve of hot line and monitor the pressure.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
j) Monitor the fluid draining out of the closing chamber and inspect the hydraulic fluid.
k) If the pressure remains constant for 10 minutes, seals are holding & test complete.
l) If there is any pressure drop then there are two possible leak paths.
i) Opening chamber to the closing chamber.
ii) Opening chamber to the well bore.
m) If the fluid is continuously flowing out of the closing chamber then the seal between the
opening chamber and closing chamber needs replacement.
n) If the fluid stops flowing out of the closing chamber the leak is into the well bore, and the
seal between the opening chamber and well bore needs replacement.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Blind rams are designed to seal the well if there is no pipe in the well bore. The front packers of
blind rams are flat faced and contain a rubber section. When the ram is closed both the flat
faced rubber sections make contact with each other and seal the annulus.
Variable bore rams (VBR) have the capability to seal on several pipe sizes depending on the
range of variable bore ram. For example 3 1/2” - 5” variable bore ram can be closed on any
pipe size from 3 1/2” to 5” i.e. 3 1/2 “, 4”, 4 1/2” and 5” etc. The front packer of VBR have
small steel segments embedded in the rubber and will take the shape of the pipe around which
it is closed.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Shear blind rams (SBR) are designed to shear the pipe in the well and seal the wellbore
simultaneously. It has steel blades to shear the pipe and seals to seal the annulus after shearing
the pipe. Shearing capability varies with size of pipe & its weight. The shearing force will also
vary with type and size of BOP. When shear blind rams are closed, both upper and lower blade
assembly moves closer and shear the pipe in the wellbore, after shearing the upper blade
moves over the lower blade. The blade packer seals between the blades and top seals seal the
annulus area. Some of the manufacturers use side packer along with the top seals.
Shearing operation should be done on no load condition which can be achieved by hanging the
pipe/ string on the lower pipe ram to avoid any accident. Whenever the pipe is hanged the
rams should be locked properly.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Dual rams are used when two production tubing strings are lowered for two separate zones.
These type of rams have front packers with two grooves which will seal around both the tubing
strings when ram is closed.
Stripper rams has special PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluro Ethylene) seal in front packer, which enables
the string to be reciprocated when stripper rams are closed and well is under pressure. When
the stripper rams are to be used for both reciprocation as well as rotation than the PTFE seals
with anti rotation edges are used in front packers. These rams are normally used in a snubbing
unit BOP & not in the normal drilling BOP stack.
Slip rams are used to hold the string weight and not to seal the well bore. These types of rams
have a front packer made-up of steel with dies which will hold the pipe body when it is closed
and will not allow the pipe to move up or down. Such rams are used in snubbing units and
sometimes in capping stack in combination with inverted rams.
Ram type preventer consist of two ram blocks that have front packers and top seals, and are
mounted on independently operating piston rods that have a common hydraulic supply.
Closing pressure forces the ram blocks across the BOP bore into one another thereby
providing the seal.
5.6.1 Bore
The bore of the ram preventer should be inspected for key seating and gauging. Key seating
occurs when rotating or tripping pipe wears away at a localized area in the bore. This is easily
recognised at the top of the bore, where varying wall thickness of the remaining steel can be
observed by using the stainless steel ring groove as a reference. If wear increases the bore
diameter by more than 3 /16" of an inch, repair should be done as recommended by BOP
manufacturer. Metal burrs and rolled edges resulting from key seating or gauging can be
carefully removed using an emery cloth or fine file.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
bolts and the preventer body should be checked with a thread profile gauge. The surface
where the bolt head sets against the bonnet door should be inspected for galling. Galling
indicates that much of the bolt make-up torque is lost at this surface, rather than being
transferred to the threads. Insufficient make up torque may result in leaks between the bonnet
door and body. Minor galling can be repaired using a file or emery cloth. Lubrication of the
bonnet bolts will reduce galling and distribute the proper make up torque throughout the bolt.
The threads and the surface under the bolts head should be coated with recommended
lubricant. Never apply excessive lubricant as it can cause a hydraulic lock within the threaded
bolt hole.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Locking devices are designed to hold the rams in the closed position when the string is hanged
on the ram, and if accumulator operating pressure is lost or removed. Manual locking system
are commonly used for surface BOP stacks. Depending upon the type, manual locks hold the
rams closed by either screwing the locking screw or unscrewing it. In either case, the threads on
the locking shaft should be in a condition that allows the locks to be easily closed. Since each
manual locking system works independently both sides must be locked.
BOP stack with auto-lock system in ram preventer is also used now days. The preventers
equipped with automatic locking system remain locked in closed position even if the closing
pressure is lost or removed, and hydraulic opening pressure is required to unlock the locking
There are different kinds of locking mechanisms for different makes of ram preventers & are
described below.
It is a hydraulically operated lock in which a wedge is energised hydraulically when the rams
are closed. Two hydraulic lines are required to open or close the wedge locks. A wedge lock is
interchangeable with manual locking screws. When opening pressure is applied first the wedge
moves back & unlocks the piston allowing the piston rod to open the rams.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
It has locking segments which lock at the locking shoulder on the cylinder wall. To energise the
locking segments, a locking cone is provided in the main operating piston. When the closing
pressure is applied locking cone moves and the pushes the locking segments out to get locked
at locking shoulder. The locking cone blocks the segments from retracting and keeps the ram in
closed position. When the opening pressure is applied first the locking cone moves back which
in turn allows the locking segments to move radially inwards, unlocking the ram and allowing
the main piston to open the ram. This locking system locks the ram in a unique position. No
special operating pressure or lines are required in this locking system.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
It has locking dogs which locks on the locking rod provided inside the cylinder. To energise the
locking dogs there is locking dog retainer on the back of the main piston. When the closing
pressure is applied the locking dog retainer moves along-with main piston and pushes the
locking dogs out to get locked on locking rod which keeps the ram in closed position. When the
opening pressure is applied first the locking dog retainer moves back which in turn unlock the
locking dogs from the locking rod and allows the main piston to get opened. This feature locks
the rams in closed position regardless of packer wear. No special operating pressure or lines are
required in this locking system. The preventers with poslock can be upgraded to ultralock
Secondary Unlocking
Retaining Screw Rod Dog Spring Ultra LockRam Shaft
Dog Piston
Locking Rod Plate
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
It has got locking dogs which move in to the groove when the rams are closed. The groove is at
the end of the liner. When the rams come together the locking piston holds the dogs in-place. It
has a self adjusting feature which locks the rams in closed position regardless of packer wear.
The rams remain locked until opening pressure pushes the piston back. When opening pressure
is applied, first the locking piston moves back allowing the dogs to unlock and then moves the
piston rod to open the rams. No special operating pressure or lines are required in this locking
Piston Liner
Locking Dog
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
To check the integrity of the seals of the ram preventer a hydraulic test should be done. With
this test, damaged seal of the ram preventer can be found out without opening the ram
preventer. The rams should be closed on the proper pipe size and no pipe should be used for
blind/shear rams.
A hot line assembly is to be used to isolate the ram preventers with the BOP control unit
(accumulator unit) and test the seals. Hot line assembly will have an isolation valve, bleeder
valve, a gauge & hydraulic supply of 3,000 psi from the accumulator unit.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Bleeder valve
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Ram block seals are changed when they are not holding pressure or sometimes prior to specific
operations like casing lowering etc. Steps to change ram block seals are as below:
a) Open bonnet bolts and check that all are loose.
b) Open the bonnet by swinging it to one side on hinge or applying closing pressure to the
ram, depending on the type of BOP in use.
c) Screw the ram lifting eye bolt on top of ram block, position the ram block and take out the
block either picking it straight up or sliding it.
d) Place the block on floor/work bench. Remove lifting eye.
e) Take out the top seal with the help of screw driver and a small hammer and than remove
front packer.
Note: i) Front packer will not come out first because it is locked by the pin of top seal.
ii) Some of the ram blocks are in two pieces. One is holder and other is seal block, both
are kept together with the help of two screws. To remove the seals, first screws are
opened and holder is removed and then seals are taken out with the help of screw
driver and a light hammer.
f) After cleaning it properly and checking the centralizer ribs for any damage first install front
packer and then the top seal. Now the ram block is ready for installation.
g) Lift the ram block and install it.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
h) After checking the bonnet door seal and threads of bonnet bolts close bonnet and tighten
the bonnet bolts.
Before lowering casing in a well it is recommended to install suitable casing rams in the
preventer so as to meet any eventuality either during casing running in or during waiting on
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Item Item
No. Description No. Description
1. Body 23. Pin, Ram Guide
13. Stud, Locking Screw Housing 35. Cap Screw, Intermediate Flange to
14. Nut, Locking Screw Housing 36. Gland, Bleeder
20. Seal Ring, Connecting Rod 42. Wear Ring, Operating Piston
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
BOP control unit consists of accumulator bottles, a reservoir tank, charging system to pump
hydraulic fluid into accumulator bottles, pressure regulating valves, an operating manifold,
pressure relief valve, pneumatic pressure transmitters and air junction boxes. The purpose of
BOP control unit is to provide pressurised hydraulic fluid that will promptly operate the
blowout preventers.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Gas fluid
Relief Port
Flow Port
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Maximum pressure limit for the manifold regulator is 1500 psi to operate any ram preventer
except shear ram. The manifold pressure should not be less than the calculated value on the
basis of expected surface pressure and closing ratio of the ram preventer and in any case it
should not be less than 1200 psi when BOP is in operational mode.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Item Item
No. Description No. Description
1. Air Connection 24. Manifold Protector Valve
2. Air Lubricator 25. Bleeder Valve
3. Air by Pass Valve 26. Unit / Remote Switch
4. Hydro Pneumatic Pressure Switch 27. Annular Regulator
5. Air Pump Isolation Valve 28. Accumulator Pressure Gauge
6. Air Pump 29. Manifold Pressure Gauge
7. Air Pump Suction Valve 30. Annular Pressure Gauge
8. Suction Strainer for Air Pump 31. Pneumatic Transmitter for
9. Check Valve 32. Pneumatic Transmitter for
10. Electric Pump 33. Pneumatic Transmitter for
11. Hydro-electric Pressure Switch 34. Air Filter
12. Starter for Electric Pump 35. Housing for Unit /Remote Switch
13. Suction Valve for Electrical Pump 36. Air Regulator
14. Strainer for Electrical Pump 37. Air Junction Box
15. Check Valve for Electrical Pump 38. Level Indicator of Reservoir
16. Accumulator Isolation Valve 39. Fill Up Cap
17. Accumulator Bottles 40. Four Way Valve for External
18. Accumulator Relief Valve 41. Check Valve
19. Discharge Filter 42. Relief Valve for Outside Supply
20. Manifold Regulator 43. External Supply Line
21. Manifold 44. External Supply Line
22. Three Position Four Way Valve 45 1’’ Port
23. Manifold By Pass Valve 46. Inspection Port
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Valve Low High
Bypass Valve
open close
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Valve Low High
Bypass Valve
open close
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Valve Low High
Bypass Valve
Activating Switches
o c open close
2 3
Air Remote Panel
Air Annular
1 Annular 4
Inc. Dec
Pipe Ram
Electrical signals Master
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
To check the integrity of the seals and seal seats in 3-position 4--way valves, pressure
regulators, check valves and to check the pressure control lines for any leakage, unit is to be
pressurised to its working pressure.
5.11.1 Monitor the accumulator pressure gauge, if there is no pressure drop the high pressure
system up to the manifold and annular regulator is in good condition. If the pressure drops,
there are several possibilities of leaks as described below.
a. Leakage in the high pressure discharge line connections.
Any leakage found in the line should be rectified, caution should be taken while doing
any repair / maintenance job on the high pressure line. Make sure that line should not
have any pressure at the time of repair.
b. Leaking in accumulator bank bleeder valve
Open the inspection ports and watch the return line from bleeder valve, if fluid is
draining out from the line it indicates that the valve is leaking & needs repair or
c. Leakage in the pump's check valve.
d. Leakage in the pressure regulators.
If fluid is dripping out of the drain line of the pressure regulators this indicates that the
seat of the regulator is worn out and it needs servicing.
e. Leakage from the pressure relief valve.
This is also called safety valve, if the fluid is dripping out of the vent line of safety valve,
this indicates that either the spring of the valve is broken or seats are worn out; needs
f. Leakage from by-pass valve.
The fluid dripping out of the drain line or the pressure building up in manifold indicates
that the seat of the rotor or shear seals are worn out, valve needs servicing.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
5.11.2 Put the bypass valve in the high pressure mode and monitor the manifold pressure
gauge. If there is no pressure drop it indicates that there is no leakage in the manifold
connections and different valves connected to it. If pressure drops there are several leak points
as described below.
a. Leakage in the manifold connections.
Any leakage found should be repaired when lines are not under pressure.
b. Leaking in manifold bleeder valve.
The fluid dripping out of drain line of the valve indicates that valve is leaking and
needs servicing or replacement.
c. Leakage through the 3-position 4--way manipulator or selector valve.
The fluid dripping out of the drain line of the valve indicates that there is leakage in
the valve and valve needs servicing.
d. Leakage in the manifold protector relief valve (if applicable).
This valve is set at 5500 psi. If the fluid is dripping out in the tank from its vent
line, this indicates that either the spring of the valve is broken or seats are worn out
& valve needs repair or replacement.
5.11.3 Operate each 3-position 4-way manipulator or selector valve to open & close side one
by one and check the control lines for any leakage, if any leakage is found it should be repaired
when line is not under pressure. Care should be taken when closing blind or shear blind ram
that there should not be any pipe in the BOP. Never close pipe ram when there is no pipe in
the BOP.
5.11.4 If leakage is not found in the control line and accumulator pressure is dropping there can
be two possibilities.
5.11.5 Put the bypass valve in low pressure position . Keep all the 4--way valves of ram
prevents in open position and HCR in close position.
5.11.6 Regulate the annular regulator to 1500 psi, operate the 4-way valve to open and close
side and check the control line for leakage.
Note : While closing annular, make sure that there is pipe in the BOP stack. Any leakage found
in the control line should be repaired when lines are not under pressure. After testing
keep the 4--way valve in open position.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
All these valves are 3-position 4-way valves. When a manipulator or selector valve is kept in
open position, the pressure port gets connected to open port and drain port gets connected to
close port. When these valves are kept in close position the pressure port gets connected to
close port, and drain port gets connected to open port. When a manipulator valve is kept in
Block(neutral) position the open and close ports get connected to drain. When a selector valve
is kept in Block(neutral) position all the ports except drain get isolated.
Pressure port
Open Close
Drain port
When in block position open and close When in block position all the
ports will be connected to drain ports except drain will be isolated
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Connected to Manifold
Pressure port
Low High
Regulated Accumulator
Supply port Supply port
Drain port
Pressure port
Low High
Regulated Accumulator
Supply port Supply port
Drain port
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
A bladder type accumulator bottle of 11 gallons capacity was pre-charged with nitrogen at a
pressure of 1,000 psi. The hydraulic fluid is pumped to it's rated working pressure of 3,000 psi.
The hydraulic fluid of bottle was used to operate the BOP function. The pressure of the bottle
has dropped to 1,200 psi. The volume of bladder and puppet assembly in the accumulator
bottle is one gallon. Calculate how much fluid has been used to operate the BOP functions.
Actual capacity of accumulator = 11 - 1 = 10 gallons.
Pre charge Pressure of Nitrogen (P1) = 1,000 psi
Volume occupied by Nitrogen (V1) = 10 gallons.
Pressure of Nitrogen when fully charged (P2) = 3,000 psi
Volume of the Nitrogen at 3000 psi (V2) can be worked as follows :
P1V1 1,000 10
V2 = -------- = --------------- = 3. 33 gal
P2 3,000
P1V1 1,000 10
V3 = --------------- = ----------------- = 8. 33 gal
P3 1200
Volume of fluid used to operate BOP function will be equal to the amount of fluid
pushed out of the accumulator bottle by expansion of nitrogen gas from 3000 psi to
1200 psi.
Usable fluid = (Volume of Nitrogen at 1,200 psi -Volume of Nitrogen at 3,000 psi)
= V3 - V2
= 8. 33 - 3. 33 = 5 gallons
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The accumulator bottles in the surface BOP control unit should be designed to have usable fluid
equal to the volume required to close all the blow out preventers(only one annular) and to
open one HCR valve in BOP stack. Accumulator bottles also should maintain a minimum
operating pressure based on Closing pressure for ram, annular BOP & HCR, which ever
pressure is maximum, when all the above functions are operated with pumps off (Both
pneumatic and electric).
The purpose of the drawdown test is to verify that the accumulator system is able to support
the fluid volume and pressure requirements of the BOPs in use, to be capable of securing the
well in the event of total loss of power. This test shall be performed after the initial nipple-up of
the BOPs, after any repairs that required isolation/partial isolation of the system, or every 6
months from previous test.
a) Position a properly sized joint of drill pipe or a test mandrel in the BOPs.
b) Turn off the power supply to all accumulator charging pumps (air, electric, etc.).
c) Record the initial accumulator pressure. Manifold and annular regulators shall be set at the
Manufacturer’s recommended operating pressure for the BOP stack.
d) Individually close a maximum of four pipe rams with the smallest operating volumes (except
blind or Blind shear ram BOPs) and record the closing times. To simulate closure of the blind
or blind shear rams, open one set of the pipe rams. Closing times shall meet the response
times in 6.3.8.
NOTE: Volumes associated with substituting a pipe ram for a BSR may be different, but closing
the same ram combination confirms consistent operation.
e) Open the hydraulic operated valve(s) and record the time.
f) Close the (largest volume) annular BOP and record the closing time.
g) Record the final accumulator pressure. The final accumulator pressure shall be equal to or
greater than 200 psi (1.38 MPa) above precharge pressure.
NOTE: 1. when performing the accumulator drawdown test, wait a minimum of 1 hour from the
time you initially charged the accumulator system from precharge pressure to operating
pressure. Failure to wait sufficient time may result in a false positive test.
NOTE: 2. because it takes time for the gas in the accumulator to warm up after performing all of
the drawdown test functions, you should wait 15 minutes after recording the pressure, if the
pressure was less than 200 psi (1.38MPa) above the precharge pressure. If there is an increase
in pressure, indications are that the gases are warming and there is still sufficient volume in the
accumulators. If the 200 psi (1.38 MPa) above precharge pressure has not been reached after 15
minutes you may have to wait an additional 15 minutes due to ambient temperatures
negatively affecting the gas properties. After 30 minutes from the time the final pressure was
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
recorded, if the 200 psi (1.38 MPa) above precharge has not been reached, bleed down the
system and verify precharge pressures and volume requirements for the system.
Symptoms Analysis
1 Manifold and accumulator pressure dropped & Bulb has blown / Electric
manifold recovered to regulated value. Green circuit failure
light went out & red light does not illuminate.
2 Manifold pressure and accumulator pressure did Blocked hydraulic line
not drop. Green light went out and red light between BOP control
comes on. system and the BOP
Identify the problem from gauge readings observed on the remote panel. The manifold,
annular and accumulator settings are 1500, 1000 & 3000 respectively.
Indications Analysis
Accumulator Pr. Manifold Pr. Annular Pr.
1 2900 and steady 1500 Steady 1000 Steady All OK
2 3000 and steady 1800 Increasing 1000 Steady Malfunction in manifold
regulator valve
3 2400 and falling 1300 steady 1000 Steady Leakage in Hydraulic
4 3200 and 1500 Steady 1000 steady Malfunction in
increasing Hydroelectric pressure
5 2900 and steady 1500 steady 900 and Malfunction in Annular
decreasing regulator
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The upper kelly cock is used to isolate the rotary hose, swivel or stand pipe from drill string
when the drill pipe pressure exceeds the rotary hose pressure rating or if there is any leakage
developed in swivel rotary hose or stand pipe at the time of well activities / operations.
Lower kelly cock is used when upper kelly cock is damaged, not easily accessible or any damage
in kelly. In well control operations when kill pressure is nearing to rotary hose rated pressure or
string is to be hanged off on the rams in case of well kick - the lower kelly cock is closed and
kelly to be disconnected and set back and circulating head with a high pressure hose is
connected and operations to be resumed after opening lower kelly cock.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
a) The pressure rating of the kelly cock should be equal to or greater than the blowout
preventer stack in use.
b) The inside opening should be equal to the inside diameter of the kelly in use.
c) The key/ wrench required to operate the kelly cock should be kept on rig floor at an
accessible place and should be known to crew working on rig floor.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Lock Screw
Release Rod
Upper body
Upper Body
Lower body
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
It is a type of inside BOP, it is also known as pump in check valve. This type of valve needs a
special type of sub which is to be run along with Bottom hole assembly. In any kick
situation a drop in assembly or simply a rod depending on the type of sub run in BHA is
pumped down and now this sub will act as an inside BOP i. e. check valve. This type of valves
are used where stripping operations are expected, particularly stripping out operations.
Some of the valves are wire line retrieval type, when the well is controlled and pressures
are zero, the drop in assembly can be pulled out by lowering a special tool with wire line and
picking it up.
This is also an inside BOP. It is installed just on top of bit along with bit sub to prevent back
flow during connection. This type of preventer normally gets damaged by the solids
present in the drilling mud which can cause wash outs and wear in the seat of the check valve.
These check valves are either flapper type or puppet type. In flapper type valves, slotted
flapper is commonly used, because this reduces the back flow to a minimum and
allows to read and record shut in drill pipe pressure when well is shut- in at the time of kick.
These valves can be used in top hole drilling where back flow during connections due to
imbalance annular mud density is more likely.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The choke manifold is an arrangement of valves, lines and chokes to control the flow of mud
and kick fluids from the annulus during the killing process. The chokes are used to create
pressure loss/ hold back pressure in kick control circuit while killing a well. Design of choke
manifold depends on variety of factors such as type of fluids (mud, oil, water or gas),
pressure, up-stream flow rates, down-stream velocities and solids in the fluid flowing out of the
well ( sand, shale and pipe protector rubbers etc). In sour gas applications the choke manifold
should be H2S trim.
Manual choke
Distribution Block E
Drilling T
Spool A
HCR Manual HCR K
Remote choke
Shale shaker
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Remote control choke consists of two tungsten carbide plates with half-moon orifice that
control fluid flow depending on the relative position of the orifices. The orifices are offset in
closed position and as one plate is rotated with respect to the other, the orifices beome aligned
which allow fluid flow through choke.
Remote choke control panel
The control panel is normally used to operate the Hydraulic Choke from a remote location. The
panel is portable and may be located at any safe location to satisfy specific needs or
requirements. The control panel is a completely self-contained unit with the exception of an air
supply. There are no electrical requirements for the panel or choke.
Air operates the hydraulic pump which pressurizes the oil and moves the choke. If the air
operated hydraulic pump fail, the choke may still be operated by using the manual hydraulic
pump located on the control panel base. This method of operation will work only if the
remaining hydraulic systems are intact. If air pressure is lost the position indicator gauge will
not work.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Recommended practices for installation and selection of choke manifold should be as follows:
a) All the connections and valves in the upstream of choke, should have a working
pressure at least equal to the rated working pressure of blowout preventer in use.
b) For working pressure of 3000 psi and above flanged, welded or clamped
connections should be used on the component subjected to well pressure.
c) Line size of upstream of chokes should be minimum 3 inches nominal diameter.
d) Line size of downstream of chokes should be of min. 3 inches nominal diameter.
e) For high volumes and air or gas drilling operations, 4 inches nominal diameter lines are
f) In down stream of choke line alternate flow and flare routes should be provided so that
eroded / plugged or malfunctioning parts can be isolated for repair without interrupting
g) The bleed line should be at least equal in diameter to the choke line.
h) When buffer tanks are employed in down stream of chokes, provision should be made
to isolate a failure or malfunctioning without interrupting flow.
i) The choke manifold should be placed in a readily accessible location preferably outside
of the rig structure.
j) The lines in the manifold should be as straight as practicable and be firmly anchored to
prevent excessive whip or vibration.
k) All the choke manifold valves should be full opening and designed to operate in high
pressure gas and drilling fluid service.
l) For installation up to 3,000 & 5,000 psi rated working pressure the following are the
a. Use two manually operated adjustable choke (use of one remotely operated
choke is optional).
b. At-least one valve should be installed in upstream of each choke.
c. When buffer tank is used one valve should be installed down stream of each
d. Bleed line should be provided with one valve.
m) For installations of 10,000 psi rated working pressure and above, the following are
the recommendations:
i. One manually operated adjustable choke and at-least one remotely operated
choke should be installed. If prolonged use of this choke is anticipated, a second
remotely operated choke should be used.
ii. Two gate valves should be installed in upstream of each choke.
iii. When buffer tank is used, one valve of same rating should be installed in down
stream of each choke.
iv. Bleed line should be provided with at least one valve.
n) Choke manifold should be pressure tested .
o) The spare parts for equipment subjected to wear or damage should be readily
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
When drilling at shallow depth with only conductor pipe set, often well cannot be shut-in after
a kick, because of low fracture gradient of formations near surface. Diverter system is not
designed to shut in the well. Shut –in can cause flow around the surface casing resulting in
surface blowout. If a kick occurs, the well is permitted to flow, with the flow being diverted
according to the prevailing wind conditions.
On surface and offshore jack up installations a low pressure annular preventer with large
diameter vent lines is mostly used as diverter. Normally after lowering surface casing, a drilling
spool with one or two outlets is installed on conductor casing having diverter assembly on top
of it. The outlet of spool is connected to diverter lines containing ball valves. These valves can
be pneumatic, manual or hydraulically operated. But the system should be such that when the
diverter closes the ball valve fitted in the diverter line should get opened up simultaneously.
There are diverters which are insert type, mostly used on the floating drilling rigs. This type of
diverter has insert assembly, with a diverter packer. This type of diverter can also be used on
onshore and fixed drilling installations of offshore by installing it below rotary beams and
securing it. In floating drilling rigs this type of diverter is connected to the telescoping joint and
lowered in the rotary opening. Once the diverter is landed it is latched by hydraulic pressure.
The hydraulic fluid will push the locking dogs out and will lock with diverter assembly below
rotary table, the outlet in the diverter is connected to flow line in normal drilling conditions.
When any shallow gas is encountered the diverter is closed, this closes the flow line valve and
opens the diverter line valve simultaneously.(for diverting the flow depending on the prevailing
wind direction the diverting line to the port or starboard side has to be selected)
i) The minimum nominal internal diameter of the diverter outlets / line should not be less
than 6".
ii) The equipment should be selected to withstand the maximum anticipated surface
iii) The diverter lines should be straight as far as possible & properly anchored at the end of
the lines and sloping down to avoid blockage of the lines with cuttings etc.
iv) The diverter and mud return lines should be separate.
v) Diverter valves shall be full opening valves with an actuator (pneumatic or hydraulic).
vi) The diverter control system should preferably be self contained or may be an integral part
of the BOP accumulator unit and control system. It shall be located in a safe area.
vii) When a surface diverter system and a sub sea BOP stack are employed, two separate
control / accumulator systems are required. This will allow to operate the BOPs and to
disconnect the riser in case the diverter control system gets damaged and loose pressure.
The diverter control system should be capable of operating the diverter system from two
or more locations, one to be located near the driller's console.
viii) At least 1 inch hydraulic line should be used for operating diverter systems.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
ix) All spare operating lines of the control system and connections which are not used should
be properly plugged off.
x) Control systems of diverters should be capable of closing the diverter within 30 seconds
and simultaneously opening the valve in the diverter lines.
xi) In case of floating rigs telescopic/slip joints should be incorporated with double seals to
improve the sealing capabilities when gas has to be circulated out of the marine riser.
Flow Line
Packing Element
Port Annular
Diverter Flow
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Drill Pipe
Insert Packer Lock Down Dogs
Closing Port
Diverter Lock
Down Dogs
Flow line Seals
Flow line
The diverter control system shall be operated such that the well will not be shut-in with the
diverter system. For installations with the annular sealing device below the flow line,
equipment should be designed and installed such that the desired vent valve(s) is opened
before the annulus is closed. On installations with more than one vent valve, both valves should
remain open during this operation with the upwind valve being subsequently closed, if so
desired. For non-integral valve installations where the flow line is below the annular sealing
device, the desired vent valve(s) should be opened (if not already open) while simultaneously
closing the shale shaker (flow line) valve and the diverter. Regardless of the vent valve
sequencing, to maintain the fail-safe objective, at least one vent valve shall remain open at all
times to prevent a complete shut-in of the well if there is a partial failure of the control system
and/or vent controls system pressure.
The sequencing action is executed by the vent line valve opening & then closing the flow line
valve and then subsequently closing annular sealing device.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
When in primary diverter service (no BOP installed), function tests should be performed daily
using the driller’s panel to verify that functions are operable; i.e., valve(s) fully open or closed.
Fluid should be pumped through each diverter line at appropriate times during operations to
ensure that line(s) are not plugged.
The following considerations should be made when selecting well control equipment:
a) All the equipment shall be selected to withstand the maximum anticipated surface
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
b) The blow out preventer stack shall consist of remotely operated equipment capable of
closing in the well with or without the pipe in the hole.
c) Only welded, flanged or hub connections are recommended on all pressure systems
above 2000 psi.
d) In sour gas areas H2S trim equipment should be used.
e) Kill lines must be of minimum 2 inch nominal size and choke line must be of minimum 3
inch nominal size.
f) During drilling and work over operations, blind / shear rams shall be provided in the BOP
stack. The shear rams shall always be capable of shearing the drill pipe, tubing, wire
cable in use under no-load conditions and subsequently provide a proper seal.
g) Closing systems of surface BOPs should be capable of closing each ram preventer and
annular preventer smaller than 18 ¾” size within 30 seconds and annular preventers of 18
¾” or bigger size within 45 seconds.
h) Closing systems of sub sea BOPs should be capable of closing each ram preventer and
annular preventer smaller than 18 ¾” size within 45 seconds and annular preventers of 18
¾” or bigger size within 60 seconds.
i) All 4 way valves should be either in the fully closed or open position as required, they
should not be left in the blocked or neutral position.
j) All spare operating lines and connections which are not used in the system should be
properly blocked off with blind plugs at the hydraulic operating unit.
k) All master and remote operating panel handles should, at all times, either be in the full
open or closed position, and be free to move into either position.
l) The shear ram operating handles should be properly protected.
Surface blow out prevention equipment is used on land operations and operations where the
well head is above the water level. Given below are the minimum requirements for each
working pressure classification.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
c) The BOP stack should have kill and choke lines. Each line should have minimum one gate
d) When the BOP stack consists of a double ram type preventer with proper size of side
outsets, the kill and choke lines may be connected to the side outlets of the lower
preventer. In this case the drilling spool may be dispensed with.
5.22.2 3,000 psi & 5,000 psi Working pressure Classification (figure5.60)
The BOP stack for above classification should consist of the following:
a) One annular preventer.
b) One double, or two single ram type preventers one of which must be equipped with correct
size pipe rams the other with blind or blind shear ram.
c) One full opening drilling spool with minimum two, 3" bore side outlets.
d) The BOP stack should have kill & choke lines.
e) Kill line should have two gate valves.
f) Choke line should have two gate valve. In 5000 psi stack preferably one valve should be
hydraulically operated.
g) When the bottom ram type preventer is equipped with proper size outlets, the kill and
choke lines may be connected to the side outlets of the bottom preventer. In that case the
drilling spool may be dispensed with.
a) One annular preventer with a working pressure of 15,000 psi or a 10,000 psi working
b) Three single, or one double and one single, ram type preventers, one of which must be
equipped with blind shear ram and the other two with the correct size pipe rams. Variable
ram can also be used in one of the ram blowout preventer.
c) One full opening drilling spool with minimum two, 3 inch bore side outlets.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
d) When the pipe ram type preventer are equipped with side outlets of the proper size, the kill
and choke lines may be connected to these side outlets and in that case drilling spool may
be dispensed with.
e) The BOP stack should have kill and choke lines.
f) Kill line should have two gate valves.
g) Choke line should have two gate valve one of which should be hydraulically operated.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Control systems for surface BOP stacks shall consist of the following:
a) One independent automatic accumulator unit rated for 3,000 psi working pressure with a
control manifold, clearly showing open and closed positions for preventer(s) and the
hydraulic operated kill / choke line valves. It is essential that BOP operating unit be
equipped with two regulator valves, one for manifold and another for annular. The
accumulator capacity shall be adequate for closing all preventers and opening HCR valves
without recharging accumulators. The unit shall have minimum two power sources i.e. duel
power source as per API which include minimum one electrically driven pump and two or
three air driven pumps for charging the accumulators.
b) The unit shall be located at a safe area minimum 100 feet away from well centre.
c) All BOP stack installations should have two remote control panels, each one clearly showing
open and closed positions for each preventer and the remote operated choke line valves.
Each of these panels should include a master shut off valve. One panel should be located
near to the driller's console, the other panel to be located near the rig supervisor's office.
d) Minimum 1 inch high pressure steel lines / fire resistant control hoses having a working
pressure of 3,000 psi should be used.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Electro pneumatic BOP control system is similar to pneumatic control system except that the
signal from remote panels in this type of system is electrical instead of an air signal. The main
advantages of electro pneumatic system are :-
1. Only electrical cable connects remote panels to the main accumulator unit without the
need of separate pneumatic hose bundle.
2. More rugged
3. Faster response time as compared to full pneumatic system
4. Problems associated with choking of air lines are eliminated
5. Pressures readings on the remote panels are more accurate due to use of electrical
However due to additional solenoid junction box consisting of pneumatic solenoids associated
piping etc the price of the system is marginally higher.
Operation :-
In the electro pneumatic panels only electrical switches are provided. Similar to the air master
valve on a pneumatic panel, a master push button switch is provided to safe guard against
accidental activation of any function. When this master push button switch is pressed, electrical
supply is made available to all the function switches. For operating any function, the
corresponding function push button switch ( e.g. open /close) is pressed along with master
push button switch enabling the electrical signal to be sent to solenoid valve on the junction
box installed at accumulator unit.
When this signal energies the solenoid valve, air is sent to the air cylinder attached to the 4 way
selector valve moving it to the desired position directing the hydraulic fluid to the BOP to
perform the function.
The indicator lights on the remote panels are activated similar to the pneumatic remote panels.
Action Sequence
1. Press master push button Electrical supply made available to all the function
switch switches
2. Press the desired function Electrical signal sent to corresponding air solenoid on
switch the main accumulator unit
Air solenoid operates and directs the air to air cylinder
attached to the 4 way valve
4 way valve position is changed and hydraulic fluid is
sent to the BOP function and simultaneously to
corresponding pressure switch
The pressure switch is activated and sends electrical
signal back to the remote panel indicator light
The light is switched on confirming shifting of 4 way
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
1500 Psi Regulator
3000 Psi
Isolation Valve Low High
The main advantage of PLC based control systems is that it can be programmed to any
configuration as per the operators requirement. Further , the system is more compact as
compared to conventional systems.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC Recommendations
i) Test BOP using cup tester or test plug.
ii) Clear water should be used as test fluid for water base mud.
iii) For high pressure gas wells, use of inert gas such as nitrogen as test fluid is desirable.
iv) Diesel or an acceptable alternative should be used as test fluid for OBM.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
A BOP is to be tested at 8,000 psi using a cup tester. The area of cup tester which will be
subjected to test pressure is 33.6 square inches. Calculate the amount of load at which the test
pipe will be subjected ?
Force on cup tester due to test pressure = Test Pressure Area
= 8,000 33.6 = 2,68,800 pounds
The amount of load at which the test pipe will be subjected = 2,68,800 pounds
So the test pipe should have minimum tensile strength more than 2,68,800 pounds.
ii) Test pressure will be limited to 60 – 80% of the burst of upper part of casing so testing of BOP
at rated working pressure will be difficult.
iii) This cannot be used to test blind / shear blind rams.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
b. The low pressure test should be stable for at least five minutes.
c. The pipe used for testing should be of sufficient weight and grade to safely
withstand tensile, yield, collapse, or internal pressures.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
All the above equipment should be pressure tested to at least maximum anticipated surface
pressure but limited to rated working pressure of BOP. While carrying out pressure testing, it is
recommended that test pressure should be applied from the direction in which they would
experience pressure during actual well kick situation.
5.27.1 Test Pressure
All the above equipment should be tested at low pressure i.e. at 250-350 psi . High pressure
test should be conducted at rated working pressure of the item being tested or of the weakest
member exposed to test pressure upon installation and the subsequent test should be
conducted at greater than the maximum anticipated surface pressure. Both the test should be
stable for at least five minutes.
5.27.2 Procedure
i) Pick up Kelly.
ii) Make up full opening safety valve (FOSV) on bottom of lower Kelly cock.
iii) Make up inside BOP on bottom of FOSV.
iv) Make up adapter sub on bottom of inside BOP and complete the connection of test
line from cementing unit or test pump to adapter sub.
v) Apply test pressure and test as explained in 5.31.1
vi) Release pressure and disconnect adopter sub from inside BOP. Disconnect inside
BOP and connect adapter sub to FOSV with test lines.
vii) Close FOSV and apply test pressure and test as explained in 5.31.1
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
viii) In the same way test lower kelly cock, kelly, upper kelly cock, swivel, rotary hose
and stand pipe valve one by one.
Table 1—Pressure Test, Surface BOP Systems, Initial Test (Source: API-53)
Pressure Test Low Pressure a Pressure Test High Pressure b c
Component to Be Tested
psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
Auxiliary equipment
In accordance with equipment owner’s
Poor boy degasser/MGS d PM program.
Flow test.
Trip tank, flo-show, etc. Visual and manual verification. Flow test.
a The low-pressure test shall be stabilized for at least 5 minutes with no visible leaks. Flow-type test shall be of sufficient duration to
observe for significant leaks.
b The high-pressure test shall be stabilized for at least 5 minutes with no visible leaks.
c Well control equipment may have a higher rated working pressure than required for the well site. The site-specific test requirements shall
be used for these situations.
d The MGS requires a one-time hydrostatic test during manufacturing or upon installation. Subsequent welding on the MGS vessel shall
require an additional hydrostatic test to be per formed .
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The other important factors which effect the swabbing and make it more pronounced are :
High viscosity of mud
Balling of bit
High tripping speed
To prevent a kick on a trip, the hole must be filled with a volume of mud equivalent to the
displacement of the drill pipe. If it is observed that the hole is taking less amount of mud than
required, it means swabbing is taking place and all out efforts should be made to contain the
same. Trip tank is one of the most important equipment which is used during tripping operation
for early detection of the kicks / swab.
While pulling out of the hole, if less mud is taken by hole than the steel volume of the string /
pipe pulled out, it must be assumed that the formation fluid has
entered the well bore and swabbing is there. When this is detected the pipe should be run
back to bottom, the contaminated mud / swabbed formation fluid should be circulated out
and mud should be thoroughly conditioned, before pulling out.
5.28.2 Construction of Trip Tank
i) Trip tank is a small mud tank with a capacity of 40 bbl. To 50 bbl. Used to determine
accurately the amount of mud necessary to keep the well bore full during tripping
ii) Trip tank should be tall and relatively less cross sectionals base area so that the
volume changes of ½ bbl. Can be read easily.
iii) Use of graduated indicator on rig floor which should have graduation on one side
number of stand and other side in bbl. Easily visible from the Driller’s console
iv) Rig up trip tank for rapid refilling so that very little time is taken.
v) One / two centrifugal pumps with fill up line and a return line from the bell nipple to
the tank should be used.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The continuous filling of the hole keeps the hole full and allows mud volume that the hole is
taking to be read at any time during pulling out.
A mud / gas separator is an essential equipment used on the rig for removing high percentage
of gas from the mud, which is coming out from downstream of the choke during gas kicks.
i) Mud / gas separator provides a means of safely venting the gas away from the rig.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
ii) A liquid seal/goose neck arrangement at bottom permits mud to flow to shale shaker /
vacuum degasser tank while maintaining a fluid head to hold the gas in the upper part of
the separator.
iii) Many of the mud / gas separators are constructed from a length of large diameter pipe
with interior baffles, to slow down the mud – gas stream, which assist in separation of
i) The pressure loss in the gas vent line at the top of separator must be less than the
hydrostatic pressure of the mud column in the bottom of the separator in order to vent
the gas at safe distance from the rig. Most of the separator have a working pressure
ranging from 50 psi to 125 psi.
ii) Lines from choke manifold to separator should be straight or with targeted turns.
Note: Rubber hoses should not be used.
iii) Flanged openings should be provided near the bottom to permit clean out. This
opening can be used for drain line if necessary.
iv) Vent line should be firmly anchored to ground anchors to prevent movement when
blowing off large volumes.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
i. Vertical height of the liquid seal (mud seal)/ goose neck limits the maximum allowable
internal pressure of the separator before the blow through takes place.
ii. The length/height and the internal diameter of the vent line determine the pressure
build up in the separator. Flow rate is also limits the MGS capacity to handle gas. This
should be less than the maximum allowable internal pressure to avoid the gas blow
through the shale shaker.
Vacuum degasser is used to remove gas from the gas cut mud during drilling, circulation and
well killing. Degasser has a vacuum pump on top and a horizontal tank with inclined flat surface
in it. The vacuum pump creates 2 to 6 psi depending on the weight of the mud being handled.
Mud enters the degassing vessel through the pipe on one side of the tank, the fluid being raised
from pit by the low pressure in the vessel and enters the horizontal tank. Mud flows across
inclined flat surfaces and creates thin layers so that the gas bubbles can be separated from
mud, The degassed fluid falls to the bottom of the vessel and this mud flows to the active pit. In
some of the degasser units an auxiliary pump on the rig is used to operate a hydraulic jet which
is used to pull mud from the vessel despite the vacuum. Vacuum degasser of this type handles
sizeable volume of mud, and with one pass through this unit a density of as high as 2 ppg can be
Mud seal
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
One of the devices used to continuously monitor the level of the drilling mud in the mud pits is
a pit level indicator. The indicator usually consists of a float device that senses the mud level
and transmits data to a recording and alarm device called a pit volume recorder or (pit volume
totalizers). PVT is a gauge mounted on the driller’s console on the rig floor.
Pit volume indicator and totalizer devices use electric signal to record or indicate the mud level
in different tank. PVT instruments are calibrated in total barrels of fluid which is directly
indicated on the gauges installed on driller panel. These indicators have low and high-level
alarms that sound a warning or turn on light in case of lost circulation or well kick. Normally this
indicator is set for loss / gain depending on the size of hole drilled which varies from 5-10 bbl .
For slim hole drilling this limit is set as less as 1 bbl gain / loss, so that in case of any eventuality
in the well timely action can be taken.
5.32.1 Purpose
The mud volume control is designed for the purpose of providing the driller with a continuous
flow of information to keep him informed of mud flow rate and pump stroke rate or fill count
and total strokes and to warn him of an oncoming kick or loss of mud into an unconsolidated
5.32.2 Display
This displays return mud flow status on the flow meter. Pump strokes per minute, fill strokes
and total pump strokes are displayed on the electromechanical digital display on the front
panel which can be viewed up to twenty feet away, even in direct sunlight.
5.32.4 The Flow Sensor are of two types, one the potentiometer type or other non contacting
sensor type. The sensor senses the percent of mud returns from the well bore and this is
displayed on the return flow meter.
5.32.5 Pump Switches which are attached to the mud pumps, provide input pulses to the
console to be registered on the digital display as strokes per minutes fill strokes and total
strokes. These pump switches are either in contact closure models or non-contacting sensor
5.32.6 Smoothing
The smoothing pot on the front panel can be adjusted to provide dampening for the flow meter
to enable it to give more stable readings.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
5.32.7 Alarms
Alarms to indicate increase or decrease of flow are provided. An alarm lamp on the front panel
and optional external alarms, consisting of a horn and lamp, inform the driller that preset high
or low return flow limits have been reached which may indicate an impending kick (high) or loss
of mud to an unconsolidated formation (low).
The purpose of the mud flow sensor is to monitor the mud flow level in the return flow line.
The signals from the flow sensor are registered on the mud flow indicator providing the
operator with indications of mud flow changes and initial mud flow returns during trips. The
location of the flow sensor in the return flow line gives the driller his first indication of a gas kick
or the beginning of lost circulation.
0 100
Bell Nipple
Drill Pipe
The Flow Sensor monitors mud flow through the return line to the shaker using a paddle type
sensor. The assembly is mounted on the return line with the paddle extending through a 9.25 x
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
2.50 inch cut-out in the pipe into the mud flow. Deflected by the force of the mud flow, the
paddle drives a potentiometer which provides a DC analogue signal (O to 10 Volt DSc) that is in
proportion in amplitude to the position of the paddle in the mud flow. The resultant signal
registers on the percent of Flow Dial in the console.
1. BOP drills shall be performed to ensure that crew is adequately trained and remain alert to
implement early kick detection and closing procedures of BOP to shut in the well correctly.
2. BOP drills shall be conducted once a week with each crew, in order to maintain their
alertness and competence.
3. The drill should be initiated at unscheduled times when operations and hole condition
4. To conduct drill a kick should be simulated by manipulating primary kick indicator such as
the pit level indicator or the flow line indicator by raising its float gradually and checking for
the alarm.
5. The reaction time from float raising to the designated crew member is ready to start the
closing procedure shall be recorded and response time should not be more than 60
6. Total time taken to complete the drill shall be recorded and it should not be more than 2
7. Following drills should be performed:
On bottom drill
Trip drill
Drill collar in blowout preventer drill
String out of the hole drill
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
3. Install full opening safety valve in open position. Close FOSV after installation.
4. Close Annular Preventer.
5. Close adjustable choke.
6. Open HCR valve
In case there is no HCR valve on choke line then open mechanical valve adjacent to drilling
7. Make up Kelly or circulating head and open FOSV.
8. Record SIDPP & SICP.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The most common connections for BOPs, Spools, and side outlets are Studded connection,
Flange connection & Hub connection. There are two basic type of flanges type 6B & type 6BX.
6B type of flanges are for all sizes in maximum working pressure rating of 2,000 psi and 3,000
psi. In case of 5,000 psi the type of flanges for sizes smaller than 13 5/8” will be 6B where as
type of flanges for sizes 13 5/8” & above will be 6BX . All sizes of 10,000 psi , 15,000 psi and
20,000 psi rating flanges will be of 6BX type .
Type 6B flanges are for R or Rx type rings having flat bottomed grooves. Since the type of flange
for R and Rx is same that’s why these rings are interchangeable. Type BX – flanges use Bx type
of rings only. Rx and Bx type of ring gaskets are not interchangeable but both provide a
pressure – energized seal.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
There is considerable merit to the energised seal. With the non- energised type, the weight of
the stack above rests on the seal ring. Weight and vibration deform the rings, loosening the
flanges bolts, and tightening is required from time to time. Energised rings still seal despite
some loosening. Rx rings also carry load, but Bx rings are even better since the design allows
the flanges faces to come together and carry weight. Bx ring gaskets have some interference
and are not recommended for re-use.
Clamp – type connections of the bolted half – ring are also used and are much quicker to
assemble and disassemble than API flanges. These are designed to withstand external loading,
both bending and tension. The Grayloc ring combines tapered, flexible lips on each side of a
rigid rib. The angle of the lips is slightly less than the mating hub thereby forming a surface seal
as the connection is brought together. The rigidity of the seal provides a definite stop on make
– up and prevents crushing by over tightening the seal. The seal is pressure energised. These
two clamps type connections are similar in appearance.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Type Rx Type Bx
Figure 5.60 RING GASKETS
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
13 5/8”, 10,000 psi, Cameron U type ram preventer
Closing ratio = 7:1, Manifold pressure = 1,500 psi
Calculate pressure required to close the ram if well head pressure is 10,000 psi.
Well bore pressure or well head pressure
Closing Ratio =
Pressure required to close the Ram Preventer
Pressure required to close the Ram Preventer = Well bore pressure Closing Ratio
= 10,000 7 = 1428 psi
It means 1,500 psi manifold pressure is sufficient to close the ram preventer if the well is
flowing at 10,000 psi .
13 5/8”, 10,000 psi, Cameron U type ram preventer
Opening ratio = 2.3:1, Well bore pressure = 10,000 psi
Calculate pressure required to open the ram under pressure. Can the ram preventer be
opened when the well is under pressure ?
Well bore pressure or well head pressure
Opening Ratio =
Pressure required to open the Ram Preventer
Pressure required to open the Ram = = 4,348 psi
As this pressure is more than the Manifold pressure, the ram can not be opened under
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Rotating heads are used to pack off the annulus, diverting the air and gas flow down the
blooey line. Without the rotating head, the air and gas would come up through the rotary
table and onto the rig floor.
Newer-generation heads have sealed bearings rather than external oilers.
Most are driven by a Kelly driver. This attaches to the Kelly and is mated to a machined
piece on the top of the bearing assembly.
The Kelly driver transfers rotation of the drill string to the sealing element in the rotating
The bearing assembly provides a seal and allows rotation of the stripper rubber while the
bowl remains stationary.
The stripper rubber is designed to rotate with the Kelly since rotating the Kelly within the
stripper rubber would cause the stripper rubber to wear out much faster.
Hexagonal Kelly allows for a better seal than do square Kellys. These should be used
whenever possible for air drilling applications.
The life of the sealing element will be increased by proper lubrication and minimal tripping
through it.
The drill pipe can be tripped through the stripper rubber when necessary but it will reduce
the life of the rubber.
Pressures on the sealing element are to be kept to minimum so that life of the rubber can
be increased.
It is a weak link in well control in areas where induced gasification or high GOR is
The manufacturers do not rate the equipment with regard to pressure containment.
Wear on the rubber element cannot be monitored or predicted. Once the element begins to
wear, its ability to seal reduces continuously until complete failure.
They do not comply with API specification and as per API RP 53 these are defined as
diverters instead of pressure containment devices.
It is used with conventional BOP to maintain the surface backpressure during
Under-balance / Horizontal Drilling operations.
Commonly available nominal flange size available are 7 1/16" x 5000 psi,
11"x 3000 psi, 11"x 5000 psi, 13 5/8" x 5000 psi
The packing element is hydraulic actuated and is supported on large rollers bearings
isolated by mechanical seals inside a large pressure vessel.
It has a flange to mount on the BOP stack and a flange on the side for return
The bearing of the rotating BOP get lubricated and cooled by the hydraulic Oil used for
actuating rubber element.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kelly packer's rubber loss is compensated by increase in hydraulic oil supply. Sealing
element does not fail catastrophically and provides same rated seal throughout the life of
the packer element.
Provides greater safety to rig personal and environment.
Reduces drilling fluid cost by using less mud / brine or water.
Increases drill bit life by drilling with less Hydrostatic pressure.
Assist in reduction of formation damage.
Increase penetration rate resulting from drilling with lighter fluid.
Reduces time in circulating out gas kick.
RBOP consists of main bowl, top cover, bearing assembly, and packing element.
Surge bottles hydraulic assembly installed close to the inlet hydraulic line for quick
response and smooth operation.
Hydraulic Power Unit
Control panel
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Even though the basic well control principles remains same for wells drilled from a jack-up rig
or a land rig as well as for a floating rig, however, a situation on a floating rig can become much
more complicated, especially in deep waters due to following reasons :
The long distance between the BOP stack and the drill floor.
Significant additional pressure drop when circulating through the riser choke line.
Significant changes in the annulus pressure when an influx enters the choke line.
The possibility of formation of hydrates in the BOP stack or riser choke line & thereby
further complicating the well killing process.
Delayed response time of stack functions due to long control lines running from rig floor to
sub-sea stack.
The complex control system consisting of pilot valves for remote function of BOP stack has
more chances of system failure which is much more difficult to diagnose & repair.
Adverse weather conditions could delay implementation of well killing operations.
Excessive wear inside the wellhead & BOP stack due to rig movement.
Offshore fracture gradients are calculated in fundamentally the same manner. However, since
the uppermost interval is water, which is considerably less dense than rock, the overburden
stress is less as compared to onshore location. As a result, fracture gradients are also lower.
Increasing water depth will reduce the margin between mud weight and fracture pressure. At
the same water depth, the fracture pressure at the shallower section will be decreased more
than the deeper depth
At a shallow depth where the average overburden is greatly reduced by water column, more
casing strings are required to reach the plan casing depth.
the rig to become unstable & sink. In general, submersible rigs are less affected by aerated
water whereas moored drilling vessels, with decks closer to the sea’s surface, are at more risk.
The degree of risk depends upon vessel design, load & weather conditions. To overcome the
problem of possible broaching, diverter systems have been used extensively. The system should
be such that the response time for diverter closing should not exceed 45 seconds on large
diameter holes & should be less on smaller holes. The internal diameter of vent lines should be
minimum 10 inches.
In view of above, the main well planning decision involving handling of shallow gas flows is
whether to drill with or without the riser. Merits or demerits of both the options are discussed
below :
a. A riser provides a flow path for mud returns to the surface, thereby providing a relatively
early warning of shallow gas influx.
b. It reduces mud cost.
c. Allows easy diverting of shallow gas kicks in shallow to medium water depth, since flow rate
is not high & diverter / riser can easily handle it.
d. In shallow waters, while drilling with riser, no risk to floating rig because of loss of buoyancy
due to shallow gas influx.
a. Very high pump rates may be required to kill the well with a riser.
b. It has been seen that even low flow rates of shallow gas will rapidly unload a riser of mud.
With riser becoming void, a very high flow rate may develop. Whereas without riser, the
seawater itself shall maintain a constant hydrostatic head on the formation and as a result
gas influx will be reduced.
c. In dynamic kill, use of higher mud weight is not possible as it may cause formation
breakdown at shoe.
d. In deep waters, the riser with gas inside may collapse due to hydrostatic head of sea water
acting outside.
e. In emergency situations process of unlatching of hydraulic connector from well head will
hamper the immediate release of floating rig from the location.
However to prevent the riser collapse & to retain the sea water hydrostatic head against a
flowing well & to be able to use large volumes of heavy mud without risk of formation
breakdown, the bottom joint of riser should be provided with a dump valve that can be
operated from the rig floor immediately after it is known that the mud is being displaced from
the riser. The possibility of breaking down of formation due to buildup of cuttings in riser
annulus too could be avoided up-to a large extent by use of booster pumps.
Also Because of hazards of handling shallow gas, particularly when the flow rates are high, it is
advisable to drill a pilot hole thereby restricting the rate of flow & relatively easy handling of
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
the shallow flows with the diverter. With floating rigs, normally no marine riser & BOP stack is
used when drilling a pilot hole. If the pilot hole encounters shallow gas, the gas is allowed to
flow from the hole & in to the water.
6.2.2 Effect of gas expansion in the riser
In shallow/ medium water depths ( 150 – 1,000 ft ) , there is no significant change in gas flow
rate with or without a riser . As flow rate normally is not high so diverter - riser
combination can handle it. In deep waters the magnitude of the pressure in gas zone is
quite high & therefore the flow rate of gas will be high.
There is a big difference in gas flow rate with or without a riser. The reason is that if the riser
is not used and returns are discarded at mud line ,the hydrostatic pressure of sea water is
constantly acting on the formation and hence flow rates are considerable reduced.
In deep waters while drilling shallow gas sands the use of riser can be hazardous due to very
high flow rates which may have to be sustained for an indefinite period. It can cause :
a) Large volume of gas venting on the rig creating a fire hazard
b) A seabed blow out if efforts are made to reduce the flow.
c) Riser collapse in deep waters if mud is evacuated from the riser as shown in figure 6.1 & it
is filled with low density gas. The collapse resistance of riser is further reduced due to riser
tension & bending , it may fall below the sea water hydrostatic pressure acting on the
outside of the riser.
Figure 6.1
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One area of concern is that when shallow gas broaches to the mud line the water beneath the
drilling vessel can be aerated enough to reduce the buoyancy & cause the rig to become
unstable & sink. However, recent studies have indicated that the loss of buoyancy is acceptable
since as the water depth increases the loss of buoyancy becomes lesser & lesser as shown in fig
6.2, but that vessel heeling will occur. Current speed and direction should be considered while
analysing the loss in buoyancy.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In the event of riser getting accidentally disconnected due to vessel drive-off or riser failure
etc. the bottom hole pressure shall be reduced due to loss of hydrostatic pressure as the riser
mud column is replaced by sea water. To compensate this reduction in bottom hole pressure,
some margin has to be added to the drilling mud density which is known as riser margin.
Water depth - 700 ft
RKB to Sea level - 50 ft
Mud Density - 11 ppg
Seawater density - 8.5 ppg
Well TVD - 10000 ft
Solution :
[ Air Gap + Water depth] x Mud density – [ Water Depth x Sea Water Density]
TVD – Air Gap – Water Depth
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Corrected choke line friction losses for new mud density can be calculated as follows:-
Drill pipe pressure should be recorded at two or more slow circulation rates. Choke line
pressure should also be measured over the same range of rates. Both drill pipe pressure &
choke line pressure losses can be plotted separately on Log-Log paper and extrapolated to
provide respective estimated pressure losses at various pump rates because due to high friction
losses in the choke line it may be necessary to circulate out a kick at a very slow rate if
formation breakdown is to be avoided.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Due to the cooling effect of a long riser, flow-line mud temperature is not an effective tool in
assessing formation temperature or abnormal pressure. An on-line sample heater on the mud
prior to measuring gas units should be used, otherwise, cold mud may give lower gas units.
Therefore, measurement while drilling ( MWD ) kick detection methods should be used.
a. MAASP & maximum allowable mud density values should be displayed preferably at the
driller’s console subsequent to a Leak Off Test. These values should be periodically updated
when the mud properties change.
b. Slow pump rate should be recorded at two or more different SPM, directly through riser &
through choke/kill line with both the pumps. Pressure should be recorded from at least two
gauges so as to rule out the possibility of an error due to gauge failure. Ensure that cuttings
in hole and riser do not affect slow pump data.
c. A sub sea BOP kill sheet duly filled in with current well data should be maintained.
d. A float valve ( NRV ) should always be used in the drill string to prevent back-flow through
drill pipe during an emergency disconnect and / or failure of the shear rams to seal.
e. Choke & Kill line valves’ position ( open/close ) & fluid contents in the lines should be
displayed on a chart or board near the driller’s console.
f. Tool joint space –out for various ram preventers should be displayed.
Note: With increase in water depth, the variation in drill pipe joint length can create
uncertainty in tool joint position, this can be reduced by arranging joints such that the
average length of 8-10 stands do not vary by much.
g. Gas handling capacity of mud – gas separator should be displayed
h. Immediately after lowering BHA the insert packer should be installed & locked.
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i. Hang-off ram should be identified & its hang-off capabilities for the various DP sizes should
be displayed
j. The BOP Drills (including tool joint space out) should be conducted regularly to ensure crew
If motion compensator is not working or not reliable, following steps should be followed after
step e) :
a) Set slips and close lower kelly cock. Bleed off stand pipe pressure and break away kelly
above kelly cock.
b) Pick up circulating head make up the same above lower kelly cock, pick up the string to
hang off point and remove slips.
c) Close the upper pipe rams.
d) Reduce hydraulic pressure on annular hang the string and ensure rams are locked.
e) Open annular BOP after bleeding trapped pressure between annular and pipe ram.
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
e) When surface flow from the riser indicates that annular preventer is leaking.
f) When Casing pressure increases above operating limits.
g) When unable to establish full returns, or there is evidence of an underground flow.
Hang-off procedure
The general procedure for running a hang-off tool is as follows, assuming drilling has been in
a) Pull the bit into the casing shoe plus the distance from the rotary table to the wellhead.
b) Install the inside BOP and make up the hang-off assembly to the string.
c) Run the tool to the wellhead and land on the bore protector, compensating for the weight
of the running string.
d) Turn to the right to release the running sub from the top sub.
e) Pull the running sub above the shear rams. Close both pipe and shear rams and circulate the
riser to seawater (if time and conditions allow).
i) Most of the gas will rise to the top of the BOP cavity & shall exit through upper choke
line, as a result upper choke line shall have more gas as compared to lower choke line.
ii) Consequently, hydrostatic head in upper line shall be less which causes reverse flow
from lower line due to U-tube effect. As shown in figure, upper line takes higher flow
rates as the mud flow from lower line is added to it. Due to this the fluid entering lower
line has more mud in it.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
iii) This affects the pressure behaviour at the surface as it reduces surface pressure
fluctuations & degree of choke adjustment.
Gas Reaches The Choke
2400 Floating Rig
Choke Pressure (psi)
Gas Filling The Choke Line
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Volume of Mud Pumped (bbl)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Volume of Mud Pumped (bbl)
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To choke manifold
Flow reversed
More gas due to
in upper U-tube
choke line
If the magnitude of this pressure is considered excessive then a slower value of pump rate
should be selected. Alternatively, the returns could be taken up both the kill & choke lines.
If this extra pressure is not considered excessive , the resulting ICP shall be higher by the
difference of CLFL & SICP. Therefore, the drill pipe pressure step down schedule values shall
also be higher as compared to pre-determined values.
After the kill operation, some gas will remain trapped in the space between the close preventer
and the choke line outlet used for circulation.. Volume of this gas can be significant if the
closed preventer is an annular preventer. In surface operations this gas does not pose any
problem because pressure of the gas, being at surface, is minimal. Whereas, in sub sea stacks
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
the pressure of the gas trapped below preventer is equal to hydrostatic head of kill mud in the
choke line. Volume of trapped gas depends on following factors :
a) The arrangement of BOP stack and size of preventer.
b) Type of drilling fluid in use.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Each component in the blowout preventer assembly usually has several functions to perform.
Ram type preventers, for example, when equipped with pipe rams are used to seal against a
pre-designated size and to support or to suspend the drill string weight when the need arises.
When equipped with shear blind rams, ram preventers can be used to part the drill string and /
or seal over an open well bore. Annular preventers can seal on different shapes ( except bit ,
stabiliser & underreamer) in the well bore and are also used to strip the drill string in the well
bore under pressure. The kill and choke valves are used to provide flexibility in circulating fluids
out of the well bore and to isolate the BOP stack in the event of a kill and /or choke line
rupturing. The hydraulically operated BOP connectors are used to remotely connect and
release the riser, and the BOP stack. The connections, other than those made hydraulically,
are made with clamps or flanges. However, clamps are preferred because they reduce overall
stack height, can be connected faster and are stronger.
Sub sea BOP stack is mainly in two parts one is Main BOP stack other is Lower Marine Riser
Package (LMRP). The lower marine riser package is upper most part of BOP which consist of
normally a high pressure connector, an annular which is optional, a flex joint to compensate
the movement of risers and a top riser connector to connect riser on top of it. The high
pressure connector on LMRP is hydraulically operated which can latch or unlatch to LMRP with
main BOP stack.
In sub-sea BOP stack, there are normally two annular preventers, one in LMRP and one in Main
stack known as upper annular and lower annular respectively. There are two basic reasons for
having two annular preventers. First, the upper annular preventer would be used as the
"working" preventer. When its sealing element fails, it can be replaced by tripping the
preventer with the riser, without the added expense of plugging the well and pulling the entire
BOP stack. Secondly, if the drill string has to be stripped to the bottom or if the drill pipe is
reciprocated through the closed upper annular preventer during hanging off operations, an
additional annular preventer would be available to complete the well operations.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Riser Adapter
Flex Joint
Choke and kill Coflex hose
Control POD
Accumulator Bottles
LMRP Connector
(Riser Connector)
Wellhead Connector
Sub sea BOP stack are mostly equipped with four ram type preventers. Which are hydraulically
operated and having an automatic locking system, which lock them in the closed position.
More number of ram preventers are used in sub sea stack than land rig because, the BOP once
lowered to sea bed will have sufficient back-up for ram preventer in case any ram fails to hold
pressure. The provision of shear blind ram is always made in BOP stack so that in case of any
emergency the drill string can be sheared off and by unlatching the LMRP drilling vessel can be
moved to the shore, leaving the BOP stack on the well head.
For sub sea stack operation, the closing units hydraulic fluid reservoir is a combination of two
storage sections, one containing mixed fluid to be used in operation and other, section
containing the concentrated water soluble hydraulic fluid to be mixed with water to form the
mixed hydraulic fluid. The mixing system has a air pump fitted on concentrated soluble oil tank,
fresh water line with flow meter, a regulator and fluid level indicator. The mixing system is
automatically controlled system, when the mixed fluid reservoir level drops to a certain point,
the mixing system will turn on and water and hydraulic fluid concentrate will be mixed into the
mixed fluid reservoir.
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a) It provides an annular flow path around the drill pipe for transporting drilling fluid and
cuttings from the well bore to the surface of vessels.
b) It serves as a critical flow link between the vessel and BOP stack to aid in well control
c) It is used to run sub sea BOP stack and LMRP to the ocean floor.
d) It helps in guiding the drill pipe, bit and other tool to the well.
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Drilling with returns requires a hydraulic latch, flex joint, marine risers and diverter to provide
the necessary closed circuit for circulation and means to control shallow gas if encountered.
Hydraulic latch/low pressure connector is the sealed interface connection between conductor
casing’s well head housing and marine risers. In most of the hydraulic latches, four hydraulic
cylinders are attached to the main body, and are used to drive the dog ring downward which
forces dogs to come out & latch with well head housing. Internal latch and external latch type
low pressure connectors are available with some of the manufacturers. Internal latch type
connectors are lowered and latched on the well head housing from inside. External latch type
connectors are lowered on the top of the well head housing and latched on the outside. A flex
joint is provided on the top of the hydraulic latch, which allows for any deflection from vertical
to which the drilling vessel might be subjected.
Riser with slip/telescopic joint on top is used to get the mud returns to the surface and
compensate for up and down movement of the drilling vessel. Diverter on the top of slip joint
is used to diverter the flow in case of shallow gas and in normal condition allows the return to
go to shale shakers through flow line.
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a) Prior to running the hydraulic latch, it should be function tested and latch dogs should be
free and greased.
b) Seals of the hydraulic latch should be checked prior to lowering.
c) Preferably hydraulic latch with flex joint and riser connector should be stored in the
moon pool areas as a package.
d) Hydraulic locking pressure should be maintained during operation..
e) While releasing the latch from housing, motion compensator or riser tensioners should be
used to avoid damage to the dogs of the latch and profile of well head housing.
Connection to
Inactive pod Pressurised
fluid from active
To function
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In order to overcome the above problems indirect operating systems have been developed.
They are mainly of two types-
1. Indirect Hydraulic control system
2. Multiplex Electro-hydraulic control system
Out of the above two systems, the indirect hydraulic system is by far most commonly used
This system consists of an Umbilical hose comprising of one main large diameter hydraulic line
and several smaller diameter pilot lines. The power fluid is carried by the large diameter line to
a manifold installed on the BOP ( called Pod) on which several valves( called SPMs ) are
mounted. The pilot line corresponding to the BOP function actuates the corresponding SPM
valve which in turn supplies the fluid to the BOP function.
- Transmitting hydraulic signals down smaller lines to pilot valves which in turn direct the
operating power fluid to the appropriate BOP function.
As the BOP is placed at sea bed level, it is uneconomical to pull it out every time for any kind of
repair , hence 100% redundancy backup is provided by having two identical hoses and pods to
the BOP. These are usually referred to as the blue and the yellow pods.
As with increasing water depths it is not possible to have return line of the main hydraulic fluid
because of frictional losses and extra line considerations, no attempt is made to recover the
hydraulic power fluid once it has been used to operate a function. As cost of use of hydraulic oil
will be prohibitive, hence a special water based fluid having lubrication and corrosion inhibition
properties is used. Normally the oil to water mix ratio is 1: 50 or 1:100.
The main manufactures of control systems are NL Shaffer, Koomey, Steward and Stevenson
and the Valvcon Division of Hydril. The general system will be discussed in details to illustrate
the general concept. All systems work on same principle with very little variation in equipment.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Fig. 6.13 shows the general arrangement. The operation command can be given in following
ways :-
1. From Main panel( at drillers station), Mini Panel( tool pusher/DIC station) whereby an
electric signal is sent to main surface control unit where the pilot valve is operated by
solenoid actuated air operators.
The operation of pilot valve at surface sends a pilot signal down to the pod mounted on BOP
stack. The pilot signal operates the corresponding SPM and the fluid from the main line after
regulation is sent to the appropriate function.
The pilot fluid is sent to the sub sea control pods through individual, small diameter hoses
bundled around the larger diameter main fluid hose which delivers the power fluid. In order to
provide complete redundancy for the sub sea portion of the control system there are two
independent hydraulic hose bundles and two independent control pods.
The hydraulic hose bundles ( or umbilicals ) are stored on two hose reels, each of which is
equipped with a special manual control manifold so that certain stack functions can be
operated whilst the stack is being run. The Hydraulic hose bundles connecting the surface
hydraulic control unit to the two hose reels are called jumper hoses.
For repair purpose each pod along with its umbilical can be retrieved and run independently of
the BOP stack. In order to do this, the pod and umbilical is run on a wireline which is usually
motion compensated. In some designs especially in deeper water depths, the umbilical is run
attached to the riser in order to give it more support and reduce fatigue at hose connections.
The pod is still attached to a wireline for retrieval purposes. This design has the advantage of
not having to handle the umbilicals whenever the pod is pulled but has the disadvantage of
requiring more sub sea remote hydraulic connections. Guidance of the pod is provided by the
guidewires and guideframes.
The power fluid is routed to the sub sea control pod selected by the pod selector valve which is
located in the central hydraulic control manifold. The line to the non-selected pod is vented to
surface. The power fluid at the pod is at 3000 psi pressure.
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This pressure is then regulated down to the pressure required to operate the stack function, by
a sub sea regulator situated in the control pod. i.e 1500 psi for ram, connector and fail safe
valve operation and 600-1500 psi for annular operation. Adjustment of this regulator is
performed from the surface via dedicated pilot and read-back lines in the hose bundle.
Pilot fluid is always directed to both pods at the same time. When the pilot fluid for a particular
function reaches each pod it lifts the spindle of its associated SPM ( sub plate mounted ) valve
in both pods. This allows the fluid to pass through the SPM valve and be routed to the stack
function via a shuttle valve in the pod where the power fluid is available.
Pilot Pressure
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Operating Sequence
Each BOP stack function has a corresponding pilot control valve on the surface control unit
which is actuated either manually or by an air operator.
Close function
In fig 6.14, one of the BOP rams is being closed using the drillers master control panel. By
Pushing the `close’ button on this panel an electric signal actuates the close solenoid valve on
the surface control unit thus allowing air pressure to move the pilot control valve to the `close
position’. The open side solenoid valve on the right in the diagram vents the other side of the
air cylinder. With the pilot control valve in the `close’ position, pilot fluid at 3000 psi is sent
down the umbilical to the RAMS CLOSE SPM valve in the sub sea control pods. The pressure lifts
the spindle in this valve so that it seals against the upper seat, thus blocking the vent.
As the valve lifts up and seals against the top seal the regulated fluid is allowed to flow
through the shuttle valve to the `close’ side of the BOP ram cylinder. Simultaneous reciprocal
action in the RAMS OPEN SPM valve vents the hydraulic fluid from the `open’ side of the BOP
Block Function
The block function as the name indicates is for blocking a particular function i.e Pilot signal of
both the SPMs of a particular BOP function are vented which in turn vents the open and close
chamber of the BOP. This is particularly helpful in locating leaks in SPMs, Shuttle Valves, Seals
or Hoses so that remedial action can be taken.
Blocking is achieved by centering the pilot valves on the surface control unit which vents the
pilot lines to the tank. It is always a good practice to block all functions when the unit is being
pressurized for the first time so as to prevent unintentional and inadvertent operation of any
BOP function.
Referring to fig. 6.15, when the `block’ button is pressed, electrical signal actuates the solenoid
valves in such a way so as to apply pressure to both sides of the air operator. This causes the
pilot control valve to be centered which then allows both the pilot `open’ and `close’ lines to be
vented. The springs in both the SPM valves then push the spindles down so that they seal
against the bottom seats and block the flow of any regulated fluid through the SPM valves. At
the same time this also vents both sides of the BOP ram operating cylinders.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valve
Pilot Control Mix Water Tank
Air Valve Pod Selector Valve
3 Position
Rig Air
4 way valve
Main Hydraulic
Fluid at 3000 psi
Close Open
Pilot Pressure at SPM SPM
3000 psi
Rig Air Pressure Inactive
at 125 psi pod
Vented Pressure
Shuttle Valve
Shuttle Valve
BOP Rams
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valve
Pilot Control Mix Water Tank
Air Valve Pod Selector Valve
3 Position-
4 way valve
Rig Air
Main Hydraulic
Fluid at 3000 psi
Close Open
Pilot Pressure at SPM SPM
3000 psi
Rig Air Pressure Inactive
at 125 psi pod
Vented Pressure
Shuttle Valve
Shuttle Valve
BOP Rams
Operating Sequence
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Open Function
This sequence is the parallel opposite of the CLOSE function. As shown in fig. 6.16, when the
`open’ button is pressed, the open solenoid valve on the surface control unit is actuated and
allow air pressure to move the operator on the pilot control valve to the `open’ position. The
solenoid valve on the left in the diagram vents the `close’ side of the operating piston.
The pilot fluid then flows down to the sub sea control pod where it lifts the spindle in the RAMS
OPEN SPM valve thus blocking the vent and allowing regulated fluid to flow through the shuttle
valve to the `open’ side of the BOP ram cylinder. Simultaneous reciprocal action in the RAM
CLOSE SPM valve allows the fluid from the `close’ side of the operating cylinders to be vented.
6. No change in read back pressure and flow Malfunction Put manipulator valve in
meter. manipulator neutral. Try operating another
valve BOP.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Solenoid Valve
Rig Air
Main Hydraulic
Fluid at 3000 psi
Close Open
Pilot Pressure at SPM SPM
3000 psi
Rig Air Pressure Inactive
at 125 psi pod
Vented Pressure
Shuttle Valve
Shuttle Valve
BOP Rams
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
to and from control computers, via copper wires. The cable goes from the rig and down along the
riser to the BOP. The multi conductor cables carry the multiplexed signals in both directions. The
power is provided by the Power and Communication Cabinets (A & B).Each cabinet has a dedicated
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) delivering 230 VAC electrical power. It has the ability to power
the BOP system for a minimum of two hours, should the main be lost.
The MUX control pod is an electro-hydraulic valve control mounted on the LMRP. Normally there are
two pods, but systems including three do exist. They are identical, interchangeable and can be
installed in the blue or yellow position. Each pod consists of hydraulic pressure regulators, solenoid
pilot valves, subsea electronic modules (SEMs), subsea transducer modules (STMs), hydraulic valves
and hydraulic accumulators. Both pods receive commands from the MUX and initiate solenoid valve
actions; however, only one does it with hydraulic fluid, causing the effect of the other pod to be
The hydraulic fluid is transported from the reservoir bank, through rigid and flexible conduit lines in
the umbilical and ending in the conduit valve package. In the conduit valve package a pod selector
directs the fluid to one of the pods. Before entering the pod, the fluid pressure is controlled/adjusted
by a hydraulic regulator.
Each pod contains a low-pressure accumulator and a solenoid valve for each preventer. The
generated low-pressure fluid is directed via a shuttle valve and into a pilot valve, opening for the high
pressure fluid to go to the preventer(s) through hard lines.
An example of the process could be: For Situations requiring a BOP ram to close, a MUX signal would
be sent from the central control unit to the pod for decoding. The decoded signal would notify the
specific solenoid valve to open, causing the low-pressure hydraulic fluid to open the pilot valve. As a
result, the pilot valve would shift and send stored high-pressurized hydraulic fluid from the
accumulator to the BOP ram for closure.
In addition to the dual main control system, back up systems are also often installed. These are
normally an acoustic control system as described later, and a ROV operated hot line system. The
hot line system allows a hydraulic line to be connected to the desired function on the BOP stack (such
as the LMRP) connector, the wellhead connector, etc. by means of a ROV.
Acoustic control systems have a longer response time than the main hydraulic or E/H systems and are
therefore not suited for emergency disconnect situations.
Subsea accumulators are less efficient with increasing water depth. The reason is because of the
higher nitrogen precharge pressure that is required (surface accumulator precharge pressure plus
hydrostatic pressure of the sea). This causes less expansion of the gas (smaller relative difference
between maximum and minimum gas pressure). For that reason operations in 2000m water depth
will require about 30%-50% more accumulator volume than in the more normal water depths. The
accumulator bank required for the acoustic system on a deep water BOP stack will therefore occupy
most of the available space inside a normal BOP stack envelope. Increasing this envelope size may
have significant impact on the handling and storage systems on board the drilling unit.
It should be noted that the maximum absolute pressure in subsea accumulators is the sum of the
surface accumulator pressure plus the hydrostatic pressure between the surface and the subsea
accumulators. This pressure (about 5900 psi in 2000m water depth) would be trapped in the
accumulators when pulling the BOP stack to surface. Therefore either a system (or procedure) for
bleeding down the pressure must be provided or the pressure rating of the system must be
Acoustic back-up systems are manufactured by Shaffer (formerly Koomey), Cooper Oil Tools
(formerly Cameron Iron Works), Tri-Tech Systems and Simrad.
b. ROV Intervention
The BOP stack shall be equipped with ROV intervention equipment that at a minimum allows
the operation of the critical functions (each shear ram, one pipe ram, ram locks, and unlatching
of the LMRP connector).Hydraulic fluid can be supplied by the ROV, stack mounted
accumulators (which may be a shared system), or an external hydraulic power source that shall
be maintained at the well site. The source ofhydraulic fluid shall have necessary pressure and
flow rate to operate these functions.All critical functions shall be fitted with single-port docking
receptacles designed in accordance with API 17H.If multiple receptacle types are used, a means
of positive identification of the receptacle type and function shall be required.
Frequency of testing and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with Table 1 and Table 2.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Reference :
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The underwater BOP equipment may comprise of either a single stack or two stack system. The
single stack system should be preferred.
The single stack system consists of one large bore BOP stack (generally 18. 3/4") with a working
pressure classification of 10,000 psi or 15,000 psi. The configuration of this stack is shown in
The two stack system consists of a 2,000 psi working pressure large bore BOP stack (generally
21") and a smaller bore stack (generally 13 5/8") with working pressure rating sufficient to meet
the maximum anticipated surface pressure.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Ram Preventer
Ram Preventer
Ram Preventer
Ram Preventer
Optional location for kill/choke
Line shown schematically depending
On ram preventer placement. Choke Connector
Line has two hydraulically operated
(at least one fail safe ) gate valves
installed adjacent to Blowout preventer Optional location for kill/choke
Line shown schematically depending
On ram preventer placement. Choke
Line has two hydraulically operated
(at least one fail safe ) gate valves
installed adjacent to Blowout
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Connector Annular
Ram Preventer
Ram Preventer Ram Preventer
Connector Connector
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Connector Connector
Connector Connector
Annular Annular
Preventer Preventer
Annular Annular
Preventer Preventer
Double Double
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In under water operations, BOP operating and control equipment shall include:
i) An independent automatic accumulator unit rated for 3000 psi WP for use with the sub sea
BOP control system complete with a soluble oil/water reservoir and automatic mixing
system for soluble oil / water.
ii) The accumulator capacity should be adequate depending on the make of BOP used for
closing and opening all ram type preventers and annular preventers without recharging
accumulator bottles. The unit shall include minimum one electrically driven charging pump
and two air driven pumps for charging the accumulators. The unit shall be located in a safe
area away from the drill floor and the spider deck / moon pool.
Part of the accumulators may be installed on the BOP stack for quicker response of the
functions, and for operation via an acoustic control.
iii) Two remote control panels, each one clearly showing open and close positions for all
under water functions. When a two stack system is used, the panels should each
contain an overlay, clearly showing all functions and provided with controls for the 2000 psi
WP BOP stack. One panel must be located near the driller's console. The other panel to be
located at the tool pusher's office. A flow meter for indicating control fluid flow should be
located on each remote panel. The panels should be connected to the control manifold in
such a way that all functions can be operated independently from each panel.
iv) Two hydraulic or Electro-hydraulic cable and / or hose system providing 100% redundancy of
control for all functions of the BOP stack. The nature of the interconnection between the
surface control equipment and the underwater BOP stack depends upon the type of control
system. For the direct hydraulic and pilot operated hydraulic systems, integrated multiple
hose bundles are used. For Electro-hydraulic systems the electrical interconnections may
be combined into integrated umbilical cable bundles. Alternately, the original total length
of the flexible control cables and hoses should be 300 feet longer than the maximum water
depth for which the system is designed.
v) An emergency control system, known as acoustic system, can be used in the event that the
BOP functions are inoperative due to a failure of the control system to close at-least one
ram type preventer, blind shear ram and to open Lower Marine riser Package (LMRP)
hydraulic connector.
vi) The accumulator bottles on the BOP stack should be fitted with non return valves to
prevent accidental dumping.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
v) All ram locks should be tested by locking the rams and bleeding off the hydraulic
closing pressure while holding rated BOP pressure below the rams.
vi) All hydraulic connections and stack connectors should be carefully inspected for
vii) It is advisable to keep a log of reaction times for all the functions. Changes in
reaction times denote changes in the hydraulic efficiency of the control system.
These changes may indicate impending failure. Testing of Lower Pipe Ram (LPR) and Lower Outer Kill Valve(LOK)
Close LPR and LOK valve and make a low pressure test at 200-300 psi and the test pressure
should be stable at least for 5 minutes. Check for any leakage. If pressure is holding, increase
it up to its rated working pressure and the test pressure should be stable at least for 5 minutes.
After testing, bleed off the operating pressure maintaining the test pressure to check the ram
locking function. After testing the ram locking function, bleed off the test pressure and open
LOK to make sure there is no pressure trapped inside BOP stack and open LPR.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Inner Choke
Middle Pipe Ram
Outer Choke
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC Testing Middle Pipe Ram (MPR), Lower Inner Kill Valve (LIK) and Inner Choke Valve
Close MPR, LIK and IC valves and conduct low pressure test at 200-300 psi and the test
pressure should be stable at least for 5 minutes. Check for any leakage. If pressure is holding,
increase it up to its rated working pressure and the test pressure should be stable at least for 5
minutes. Test the ram locks in the similar manner as explained in
Bleed off the test pressure, open LIK and IC to make sure that there is no pressure trapped
inside BOP stack and open MPR . Testing of Lower Annular Preventer (LA). Upper Annular Preventer(UA) and Riser
a) Lower Annular Preventer: Close LA and IC, UIK and LTK valves. Conduct low pressure at
200-300 psi and the test pressure should be stable at least for 5 minutes. Check for any
leakage. If pressure is holding, increase it up to 70% of its rated working pressure and the test
pressure should be stable at least for 5 minutes. Bleed off the test pressure and open UIK to
make sure that no pressure is trapped inside stack, and open LA.
b) Upper Annular Preventer and Riser Connector: Close UA and repeat the test as in After testing, bleed off the test pressure and first open fail safe valve and than open
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While testing the BOP, the differential pressure of mud vs. seawater should be considered
because BOP body is subjected to this differential pressure. For example, for 5000 ft water
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
depth, 14 ppg mud & 8.4 ppg sea water will create a differential pressure of 1456 psi [( 14 – 8.4
) × 5000 × 0.052]. Therefore, the maximum test pressure under this condition for 10, 000 psi
working pressure BOP should be 8544 psi ( i.e. 10, 000 – 1456 ).
Accumulator bottles should also maintain a minimum operating pressure of 1,200 psi or 200 psi
above pre-charge pressure or based on C/R of RAM which ever pressure is maximum when all
above functions are operated with pumps off. (All pneumatic and electric).
Example: Using following data calculate the number of bottles required at surface & sub sea if
the stack mounted bottles are to be designed to close 1 Annular & 1 Ram & surface bottles are
required to close & open the remaining functions.
There are 2 Rams, 1shear Ram & 1 Annular preventer.
For stack mounted bottles:
P1 x V1 2335x10
V2 = --------------- = ------------- = 5.4 gallons
P2 4335
P1 x V1 2335x10
V3 = --------------- = ------------- = 9.2 gallons
P3 2535
Usable fluid = V3 – V2
= 9.2 – 5.4
= 3.8 gallons
For Surface bottles:
Capacity of accumulator (V1) = 10 gallons
Pre charge pressure (P1) = 1000 psi
Pressure of Nitrogen when fully charged (P2) = 3000 psi
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P1 x V1 1000 x 10
V3 = --------------- = ------------- = 8.33 gallons
P3 1200
Usable fluid = V3 – V2
= 8.33 – 3.33
= 5 gallons
No. of bottles required :
Gallons to close 1 Annular = 17.98
Gallons to open 1 Annular = 14.16
Gallons to close 2 Ram ( 2 x 5.8 ) = 11.6
Gallons to open 2 Ram ( 2 x 5.4 ) = 10.8
Gallons to close 1 shear Ram = 10.9
Gallons to open 1 shear Ram = 10.5
Total = 75.94 gallons
Plus 50 % safety factor = 37.97 gallons
Total usable fluid required = 113.91 gallons
As sub sea mounted bottles are required to close 1 Annular & 1 Ram, so
Note: The stack mounted bottles must have Rated Working Pressure of 5000 psi.
Hydrates are a mixture of hydrocarbon gas & water that form a solid substance (clathrates ).
Hydrate formation is a function of pressure, temperature, gas composition & free water
available in the drilling fluid. In deep water drilling with water base mud, the likelihood of
hydrates formation while removing a gas influx is much more because of low sea bed
temperature & higher hydrostatic head. They can form in temperature above 32ºF under
sufficient pressure. For example, at water depth of 2000 ft, hydrostatic pressure of 10 ppg mud
is about 1040 psi In such condition, Hydrate can form at about 48ºF which is just above the sea
floor temperature of about 46ºF. Whereas at water depth of 4000 ft hydrate equilibrium
temperature is 61ºF. Formation of hydrates can plug the choke and kill lines & prevent normal
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
BOP functioning. Plugging or partial plugging of choke lines as a kick is being circulated can
cause bottom hole pressure to become so high that the formation breaks down.
a) At no time the circulation should be stopped when the gas is at or near sea bed.
b) The time factor favours Driller’s method of well control .
c) Salt mud inhibit the formation of hydrates as it lowers the temperature required for the
hydrate formation.
d) Glycol are effective inhibitors. Continuous injection of glycol/methanol @ 4-5 litre per
seconds through kill line before the gas is expected to reach sub sea stack should be tried.
e) During unavoidable prolonged shut-in, choke & kill lines & BOP cavity should be displaced
by glycol.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
The SSTV can be thought of as a set of standard ram blocks turned upside down, with the
sealing surfaces contacting the bottom of the cavity instead of the top. The BOP test pressure
applied above the rams energizes the downward-facing “top seal,” while the packer is bi-
directional. This arrangement allows pressure to be applied above the SSTV to test all the
cavities above it, while isolating the well from the test pressure.
In the SSTV cavity design, what normally is referred to as the “top seal” is actually a bottom
seal, effecting a seal on what is usually a wearing surface. This surface can be designed with a
replaceable wear plate to allow the cavity to be returned to manufacturing tolerances during
overhaul and repair activities. Using the SSTV replaces the traditional practice of running and
setting a BOP test plug, potentially saving a great deal of tripping time.
Normal procedures for conventional subsea BOP testing require the drill string to be pulled
from the well and a test plug that seals in the wellhead be run into the bore. Once testing is
complete, the test plug is removed from the well, and the drill string is tripped back in and
drilling can be resumed. These operations can be summarized as:
• POOH (drill string)
• RIH (wear bushing/test plug)
• Test the plug
• Test BOPs
• POOH (wear bushing/test plug)
• RIH (drill string)
• Resume drilling
Using the SSTV can mitigate much of the risk associated with BOP testing, as any tripping time is
significantly reduced, and the drill string never needs to be completely tripped. To test the
BOPs using the SSTV, the drill string is only pulled up either off bottom, to a casing shoe or to a
point where a suitable-size pipe is in the SSTV cavity. If there is only one size of pipe in the hole,
the drill string can be pulled up to a hang off point, or where the rams being tested and SSTV
can be closed on pipe and not on a tool joint.
These operations, which reduce the number of drill string round trips to the surface from the
conventional 4 to 0, can be summarized as:
• Pick up off bottom to appropriate test point (depending on drill string and spaceout)
• Close SSTV
• Test BOPs
• Open SSTV
• Repeat for tapered string
• Resume drilling
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Autoshear System
Autoshear is a safety system that is designed to automatically shut-in the wellbore in the event
of a disconnect of the LMRP. Autoshear shall be installed on all subsea BOP stacks. The
autoshear system shall be armed while the BOP stack is latched onto a wellhead. A documented
MOC shall be required to disarm the system unless covered in equipment owner’s standard
operating procedures (SOP). The dedicated accumulator system may be used for both the
autoshear and Deadman systems, as
well as for secondary control systems (e.g. ROV and acoustic systems).This accumulator system
can be replenished from the main control supply, but shall be maintained, if the main supply is
Frequency of testing and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with Table 1 and Table 2.
Deadman System
The Deadman system is designed to automatically shut in the wellbore in the event of a
simultaneous absence of hydraulic supply and control of both subsea control pods. A Deadman
system shall be installed on all subsea BOP stacks. The Deadman system shall be armed while
the BOP stack is latched onto a wellhead. A documented MOC shall be required to disarm the
system unless covered in equipment owner’s SOP. The dedicated emergency accumulator
system may be used for both the autoshear and Deadman systems, as well as for secondary
control systems (e.g. ROV and acoustic systems).This dedicated emergency accumulator system
is supplied from the main control system and shall be maintained (e.g. check valves) if the main
supply is lost.
Frequency of testing and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with Table 1 and Table 2.
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
New Mud Density (ppg)
Old Pump Pressure (psi) x
Old Mud Density (ppg)
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[ Maximum Allowable Mud Density (ppg) – Current Mud Density(ppg)] x 0.052 x Shoe TVD (ft)
Length of Collars (ft) x Metal Displacement (bbl/ft)
Riser/Casing Capacity (bbl/ft)
Length of Collars (ft) x Closed End Displacement (bbl/ft)
Riser or Casing Capacity (bbl/ft)
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Drilling fluid density = 11.5 ppg
Well TVD = 11,000 ft
Well MD = 12,500 ft
Example :
Drilling fluid density / mud weight = 11.5 ppg
Calculate pressure gradient.
Example :
Pressure = 6500 psi
Well TVD = 10,000 ft
Calculate drilling fluid density/ mud weight.
Drilling fluid density = = 12. 5 ppg
10000 x 0.052
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Example :
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Example :
Annular velocity = = 131 ft / min
Example :
Equivalent circulating density = + 11.5 = 11.67 ppg
11,000 0.052
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Mud density with trip margin included = + 11.5
11000 x 0.052
= 11.7 ppg
Example :
Pump pressure at 30 SPM = 800 = 200 psi
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
New Mud Density (ppg)
Old Pump Pressure (psi) x
Old Mud Density (ppg)
Example :
Pump Pressure with 11 ppg mud = 800 psi
Well TVD = 11,000 ft
Well MD = 12,500 ft
Pump pressure with 12 ppg mud = 800 = 873 psi
Example :
Max. allowable drill fluid density = + 11.5 = 14.25 ppg
7,000 0.052
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
[ Maximum Allowable Mud Density (ppg) – Current Mud Density(ppg)] x 0.052 x Shoe TVD (ft)
Example :
Example :
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Example :
Example :
300 12.5
Final circulating pressure = = 326 psi
11. 5
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Example :
Example :
Percolation rate = = 669 ft / hour
11.5 0.052
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Example :
New volume of gas bubble = 14 = 28 bbl
Example :
Drill fluid density = 11.5 ppg
Metal Displacement = 0.008 bbl/ ft
Casing capacity = 0.148 bbl/ ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Well TVD = 9,700 ft
Well MD = 10,500 ft
Casing shoe TVD = 7,000 ft
Casing shoe MD = 8,500 ft
Drill fluid density = 11.5 ppg
Metal Displacement = 0.008 bbl/ ft
Casing capacity = 0.148 bbl/ ft
Pipe Capacity = 0.0178 bbl/ ft
Calculate pressure drop per ft tripping out wet pipe.
Closed end displacement = 0.008+ 0.0178 = 0.0258 bbl/ft
Length of Collar (ft) x Metal Displacement (bbl/ft)
Riser/Casing Capacity (bbl/ft)
Example :
Well TVD = 9,700 ft
Well MD = 10,500 ft
Casing shoe TVD = 7,000 ft
Casing shoe MD = 8,500 ft
Length of drill collars = 500ft
Metal Displacement = 0.008 bbl/ ft
Casing capacity = 0.148 bbl/ ft
Calculate level drop for pulling drill collars out of the hole ( Dry ).
500 0.008
Level drop for POOH drill collars ( Dry ) = = 27.02 ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Length of Collar (ft) x Closed End Displacement (bbl/ft)
Riser/Casing Capacity (bbl/ft)
Example :
Well TVD = 8900 ft Well MD = 9,500 ft
Casing shoe TVD = 6,000 ft Casing shoe MD = 6,500 ft
Length of drill collars = 500ft Metal Displacement = 0.008 bbl/ ft
BHA Capacity = 0.009 bbl/ft Casing capacity = 0.148 bbl/ ft
Calculate level drop for pulling drill collars out of the hole ( wet ).
Example :
Drill fluid density = 11.5 ppg
Metal Displacement = 0.008 bbl/ ft
Casing capacity = 0.147 bbl/ ft
Pipe Capacity = 0.0178 bbl/ ft
Well TVD = 11,000 ft
Well MD = 12,500 ft
Formation pressure = 6,400 psi
One stand length = 93 ft
Calculate number of stands which can be pulled out dry before the well starts flowing
Hydrostatic pressure = 0.052 11,000 11.5 = 6578 psi
Overbalance = Hydrostatic pressure - Formation pressure = 6578 - 6400 = 178 psi
178 (0.147 – 0.008)
Pipe to pull before well starts to flows = = 5171 ft
11.5 0.052 0.008
Number of stands = 5171 93 = 55. 6 stands
So ,stands which can be pulled out safely = 55
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Drill fluid density = 11.5 ppg
Metal Displacement = 0.008 bbl/ ft
Casing capacity = 0.147 bbl/ ft
Pipe Capacity = 0.0178 bbl/ ft
Well TVD = 11,000 ft
Well MD = 12,500 ft
Formation pressure = 6,400 psi
One stand length = 93 ft
Calculate number of stands which can be pulled out dry before the well starts flowing
Hydrostatic pressure = 0.052 11,000 11.5 = 6578 psi
Example :
SIDPP = 500 psi
SIDPP after one hour = 600 psi
Original kick volume = 20 bbl
Formation pressure = 6,400 psi
Calculate volume to bleed to maintain BHP.
Increase in pressure in one hour = 600 – 500 = 100 psi
100 20
Volume to bleed to maintain BHP = = 0 .317 bbl / hour
6400 – 100
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Well TVD = 9,700 ft
Well MD = 10,500 ft
Casing shoe TVD = 7,000 ft
Casing shoe MD = 8,500 ft
Length of dry pipe required = 153 ft
Mud density = 11ppg Slug Trip tank
Slug density = 12.5 ppg Mud
Pipe Capacity = 0.0178 bbl/ ft
Calculate Slug volume required.
153 0.0178 x 11
Slug volume required = = 20 bbl
12.5 -11
Example :
Slug volume = 20 bbl
Mud density = 11 ppg
Slug density = 12.5 ppg
Calculate increase in mud volume in trip tank after slug.
Increase in trip tank level = 20 x -1
= 2.72 bbl
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Water Depth - 1810 ft. RKB
Air Gap - 90 ft.
Well TVD - 3800 ft.
Sea Water Density - 8.6 ppg 90 ft
Mud in use - 9.5 ppg
1810 ft
Reduction in BHP when riser removed = (9.5 1900 0.052) – ( 8.6 1810 0.052)
= 1.3 ppg
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
In a well while lowering casing, 10 joints of 40 ft each were lowered without filling mud. If
the casing shoe fails, what will be reduction in BHP with following data :
= 131 psi
BOP Rating = 10,000 psi
Closing Ratio = 7:1
Calculate the minimum hydraulic pressure required to close the rams anticipating 10,000 psi
pressure acting from bottom.
Hydraulic pressure required to close =
= 1428 psi
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
BOP Rating = 10,000 psi
Opening Ratio = 2.3 : 1
Calculate the minimum hydraulic pressure required to open the rams anticipating 10,000 psi
pressure acting from bottom.
Hydraulic pressure required to open =
= 4348 psi
Example :
Height of influx =
= 443 ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Calculate the vertical height of influx if hole angle in the above example is 60 º
Example :
(700 – 500)
Influx gradient = 11.5 0.052 - = 0.198 psi / ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Example :
Calculate SICP.
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Volume = 5 × 30 × 6 = 900 cubic feet = --------- or 160 bbl
(for conversion from cubic feet to bbl divide by 5.6146)
Calculate displacement volume of 30ft of 6 ½ ” OD drill collar having 3”internal diameter
(6.52 - 32) × 30
Displacement Volume = --------------------- = 0.974 bbl
Similarly closed end displacement of 6 ½” drill collar, 30 feet length, can be calculated.
OD2 × L
Closed end Displacement = ------------------
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
6.52 × 30
= ------------------ = 1.23 bbl
Annular capacity per unit length too can be calculated in the same way.
Calculate Annular capacity of 8 1/2” × 6 1/2” drill collar per foot.
( 8.52 - 6.52 ) × 1
Annular capacity / foot = ----------------------------
= 0.029 bbl/foot
Let us calculate annular volume of 1,500 feet of 5”drill pipe in 8 1/2” hole.
( 8.52 - 52 ) × 1,500
= ---------------------------- = 69.21 bbl
Example :
Compare overburden pressure for land and offshore operations, with following well data :
Depth of interest - 10,000 feet
Water depth - 1,000 feet
Assume over burden gradient - 1.0 psi/feet
Sea water gradient - 0.465 psi/ft.
Overburden pressure for land = 10,000 × 1.0
= 10,000 psi
Overburden pressure for offshore = 9,000 × 1.0 + 1,000 × .0465
= 9,465 psi
In offshore fracture strength at shallow depths is less because of
(a) Water depth and
(b) Less compact sediments below sea bed (mud line).
7.2.4 Exercise
A well is being drilled at 8,700 feet. with 12 ppg mud. Last casing (9 5/8", N-80, 47 ppf) was
lowered at 7,000 feet TVD. LOT was conducted after drilling 9 5/8" shoe and Leak off Pressure
was 2,000 psi with 11 ppg mud. Burst rating of 9 5/8" casing is 6,874 psi. Well head and BOP
stack rating is 5,000 psi. At 9,000 feet a reservoir pressure of 6,000 psi is expected. Calculate
the following :
a. Static Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) at 8,700 feet.
b. Circulating Bottom Hole Pressure at 8,700 feet and equivalent mud density, assuming
friction losses of 100 psi.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
a. Static BHP at 8700 feet = 12 × 0.052 × 8,700
= 5,429 psi
b. Dynamic BHP = Static BHP + Annular friction losses
= 5,429 + 100 = 5,529 psi
Equivalent mud density = ---------------
0.052 × 8,700
= 12.22 ppg
c. MAASP with 11 ppg mud = Surface Leak Off Pressure
= 2,000 psi
(Note that casing burst value and well head rating is more than Leak Off Pressure)
7.2.5 Exercise
In a well, while drilling 8 1/2” hole at 10,000 feet with 10 ppg mud, pit gain was noticed. After
closing the well pit gain was found to be 14bbl. The shut in stabilized pressures read 360 psi and
550 psi respectively on drill pipe and annulus. BHA consisted of 500 ft of 6 1/2” drill collar.
annular volume against drill collar - 0.03 bbl/ft
annular volume against drill pipe - 0.0447 bbl/ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
a) The height of the influx
b) The influx gradient
c) Increase in mud density required to balance the formation pressure
d) BHP if SIDPP and SICP had increased to 550 and 740 psi respectively
e) SICP, if gas influx migrates by 700 feet in the annulus after closing
f) What would be the difference in increase in SICP in case of gas migration in
uniform annulus of drill pipe and of migration from drill collar to drill pipe
a) Annular volume against Drill collar = 500 × 0.03 = 15 bbl
(Since pit gain is 14 bbl, therefore all the influx is against drill collar annulus)
Height of influx = ------ = 467 feet
b) Influx gradient = Original mud gradient - ---------------------
Height of Influx
(550 - 360)
= 10 x 0.052 - ----------------
= 0.52 - 0.407 = 0.113 psi/feet (Indicates gas influx)
c) Increase in mud density required to balance formation
pressure = ------------------ = ------------------- = 0.69 ppg
Depth × 0.052 10,000 × 0.052
d) After the shut-in, the surface pressures have increased & BHP has also increased.
Now BHP = SIDPP + Hydrostatic pressure in drill string
= 550 + 10 × 0.052 × 10,000
= 5,750 psi
e) Shut in stabilized pressure on casing was 550 psi. After the gas influx has migrated (in
closed well conditions) by 700 ft, mud hydrostatic above gas has reduced equivalent to
700 ft.
New casing pressure = SICP + Hydrostatic pressure of 700 ft of 10 ppg mud
= 550 + 0.052 × 10 × 700 = 914 psi
f) When gas influx migrates from drill collar to drill pipe annulus, the height of influx
decreases due to more annular volume per unit length against d/p.
Difference in increase in casing pressure
= Mud gradient (Height of influx in D/C - Height of influx in D/P)
14 14
= 0. 52 ---- - ------- = 80 psi
0.03 0.0447
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Before calculating pressure at casing shoe when gas top reaches that point, familiarization of
following equation is necessary.
BHP on Drill pipe and Annulus side after the well is shut-in is given by following
For Drill String P1 (BHP) = SIDPP + DW1 .........(i)
For annulus P1 (BHP) = SICP + (D-h) W1 + Hgas ........ (ii)
D = depth of the well, feet.
h = height of influx, feet.
W1 = original mud gradient psi/ft
SICP = shut-in casing pressure
SIDPP = shut-in drill pipe pressure
P1 = Formation pressure or Bottom hole Pressure
Hgas = Hydrostatic pressure of gas, psi
Equating and simplifying equations (i) and (ii)
Hgas = h W1 - (SICP - SIDPP) ..... (iii)
During killing by constant bottom hole pressure method, we are allowing controlled
expansion of gas.
P1 V1 P2 V2
As per gas law -------- = --------
T1 Z1 T2 Z2
V1 T2 Z2
P2 = P1 × ----------- × ------
V2 T1 Z1
V1 T2 Z2
V2 = P1 × ------------ × ------
P2 T1 Z1
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
or we can say V2 = -------
P1 V1 T2 Z2
K = ----------------
T1 Z1
For wait and weight method, at any stage during killing, when the kill mud has entered the
annulus, equation (i) can be written as:
P1 = Pcsg + hydrostatic head of original mud + Hydrostatic head of
kill mud + Hydrostatic pressure of gas ...... (iv)
Pcsg. = Casing pressure when gas has reached a point at depth ‘d’ from surface
= (P2 - d W1),
where P2 is Pressure of gas bubble at depth d.
Hydrostatic head of original mud = (d + l) W1
hydrostatic head of kill mud = (D - d - l - ------ ) × W2
where W2 = kill mud gradient
------- is height of gas influx at depth ‘d’
(V2 being gas volume and Cdpa being annulus capacity against d/p.)
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
P2 + X - --------- W2 = 0
K P1 V1 T2 Z2
Now, V2 = -------- where K = ------------------
P2 T1 Z1
P2 + X - -------------- W2 = 0
P2 Cdpa
P22 + XP2 - ------------- W2 = 0
X2 K 1/2
P2 = ------- + -------W2 - -------- ........(vi)
4 Cdpa 2
7.3.1 Example:
A well being drilled with 12 ppg mud at a depth of 9,000 ft (8 1/2”) had to be shut in on kick
indications. Pit gain was recorded as 14 bbl, SIDPP and SICP were 350 and 580 psi respectively.
Last casing shoe ( 9 5/8”, N-80, 47 ppf) was set at 3,000 feet. BHA consists of 500 ft of 6 1/2” ×
3”d/c. MAASP as per LOT conducted at 3,000 ft with 10 ppg mud was 1,500 psi.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Find out:
a) Kill mud density
b) Initial circulating pressure
c) Final circulating pressure
d) Pump pressure schedule
e) Influx height and gradient
f) Maximum casing shoe pressure when gas top reaches that point and check
whether well can be killed without risk of formation break. Ignore
compressibility factor.
Solution: 350
a) Kill mud density = 12 + -------------- = 12.75 ppg
9,000 × 0.052
= 1,089
e) Influx height = -------- = 467 feet
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Influx gradient = old mud gradient - -------------------
Influx height
( 580 - 350 )
= 12 x 0.052 - -------------------
= 0.624 - 0.492 = 0.132 psi/ft
a) Maximum casing shoe pressure is given by equation
X2 K 1/2
Max. Pcsg. shoe = ------ + ------- W2 - -------
4 Cdpa 2
X = (D - d)W2 - l(W2 - W1) + Hgas - P1
D = Well depth, feet.
d = casing shoe depth, feet
W1 = original mud gradient, psi /ft.
W2 = kill mud gradient, psi/ft.
Hgas = Hydrostatic head of gas, psi
P1 = Bottom hole pressure (formation pressure)
l = Height of string volume in the annulus, feet
h = height of influx ,feet
Cdpa = Annular capacity against drill pipe,bbl/ft
Hgas = h(W1) - (SICP - SIDPP) = 467 ×12 ×0.052 - (580 - 350)
= 291 - 230 = 61 psi
P1 = SIDPP + hydrostatic head in drill string
= 350 + 12 × 0.052 × 9,000 = 5,966 psi
Drill string volume = 157.35 bbl (as calculated in (d))
String Volume (bbl) 157.35
l = ------------------------- = ------------ = 3,520 feet
An. Vol. bbl/ft. 0.0447
X = (9,000 – 3,000) 12.75 × 0.052 – 3,520 (12.75 × 0.052 - 12 × 0.052) + 61 – 5,966
= 3,978 - 137 + 61 – 5,966 = - 2,064 psi
P1 V1 T2
K = ------------- (Ignoring compressibility factor)
P1 = 5,966psi V1 = 14 bbl
9,000 × 1
T1 = 60 + --------------- + 460 = 610 oR (oF + 460 = oR)
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
3,000 × 1
T2 = 60 + --------------- + 460 = 550 oR
(60oF is surface temp. and geothermal gradient is 1oF/100ft)
5,966 x 14 x 550
K = ---------------------- = 75,308
Now MAASP as per LOT conducted with 10 ppg mud at shoe is 1,500 psi therefore, max.
pressure that casing shoe can support = 1,500 + 0.052 x 10 x 3,000
= 1,500 + 1,560
= 3,060 psi
Since maximum pressure that casing shoe can support is 3,060 psi and maximum pressure
anticipated at casing shoe while killing is 2,509 psi, therefore well can be safely killed without
formation breakage at shoe.
7.4.1 Exercise:
Riser length : 1200 ft
Kill mud weight : 14.7 ppg
Original mud weight : 12.9 ppg
Atmospheric pressure : 14.6 psi
Volume of gas trapped in BOP stack: 4 gallons
Calculate the volume of gas at surface when it is circulated out after killing the well .
917.28 4
Volume of gas at the surface = ------------- = 251.309 gallons
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
7.4.2 Exercise:
Choke line is full of water and well is shut-in. The recorded SICP is 950 psi, calculate the SICP if
choke line is full of mud with following data :
Increase in hydrostatic pressure due to mud in choke line = (13.5- 8.4 ) 1500 0.052
= 397.8 psi
7.4.3 Exercise:
RKB to MSL (Air gap) : 90 ft.
MSL to Ocean Floor (Water depth) : 610 ft.
RKB to Casing Shoe : 1500 ft.
Sea water gradient : 0.46 psi / ft.
Formation strength gradient below sea bed: 0.665psi / ft.
What maximum mud weight can be used without exceeding formation strength ?
( Neglect annular pressure loss )
Maximum pressure at casing shoe = 610 0.46 + {1500- (610+90)} 0.665 = 812.6 psi
Maximum mud weight = ---------------- = 10.4 ppg
1500 0.052
7.4.4 Exercise:
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
7.4. 5 Exercise:
FCP at new SPM = ----------- 711 = 779 psi
Increase in pressure losses after pumping 500 strokes = ------------ 68 = 34 psi
Drill pipe pressure at 40 SPM = 711 + 300 + 34 = 1045 psi
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Data
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
12860 ft.
30 spm 600 psi
Pre-Volume Data: Length Capacity Volume Pump Strokes Time
Ft. Bbls/ft. Bbls minutes
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Data
SIDPP 450 psi SICP 680 psi Pit Gain 12 bbls
Kill Mud Weight SIDPP 450
Current Mud Weight + ----------------- = 13.9 + = 14.57 ppg
TVD X 0.052 12860 X .052
Kill Mud Gradient SIDPP
Current Mud Gradient + -------------- = psi
Initial Circulating
Pressure Dynamic Pressure Loss + SIDPP = 600 + 450 = 1050 psi
Final Circulating Kill Mud Weight 14.57
Pressure ------------------------- x Dynamic Pressure Loss =------x 600 = 630 psi
Current Mud Weight 13.9
Final Circulating Kill Mud Gradient
Pressure ------------------------- x Dynamic Pressure Loss = psi
Current Mud Gradient
( K ) x 100 420 x 100
( K ) = ICP – FCP=1050-630 = 420 psi ------------------ = ----------- -= 21 psi /100 strokes
( E) 2012
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
(680 – 450)
Influx gradient = (13.9 0.052) - -----------------
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LOT DATA : SHOE LEAKED AT 1120 psi WITH 10.4 ppg MUD
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Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Data:
Circulating Pressure
at KOP ( KOP CP ) ( O ) + ( P ) = 653 + 524. 5 = 1177.5 psi
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
(T) = ICP – KOPCP = 1500 – 1177 = 323 psi (T) x 100 = 323 x 100 = psi per-
(L) 297 108 100 strokes
(U)= KOPCP – EOBCP=1177- 825 = 352 psi (U) x 100 = 352 x 100 = psi per-
(M) 504 70 100 strokes
(W)= EOBCP – FCP = 825 - 818 = 07 psi (W) x 100 = 07 x 100 = psi per -
(N1+N2+N3) 1188 0.6 100 strokes
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
7.6.2 Fill the following data from filled deviated kill sheet
m. Pressure drop /100 strokes from KOP to EOB = 70 psi / 100 stks
n. Pressure drop /100 strokes from EOB to bit = 0.6 psi / 100 stks
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Internal Capacities:
Drill pipe 5” : 0.0177 bbl/ft
HWDP 5” 400 ft. : 0.0088 bbl/ft
Drill Collar 8” 800 ft. : 0.006 bbl/ft.
Choke line 2 13/16” 820 ft. : 0.0088 bbl/ft
Marine Risers 20” 800 ft. : 0.3886 bbl/ft
Mud pump to rig floor volume : 5.0 bbls.
Annular Capacities:
Drill collar in open hole : 0.0829 bbl/ft.
Drill pipe/HWDP in open hole : 0.1194 bbl/ft.
Drill pipe/HWDP in casing : 0.1288 bbl/ft.
Drill pipe in riser : 0.3626 bbl/ft.
Pump Data:
Pump output at 97% efficiency : 0.119 bbl/stk
Through riser @ 40 SPM : 750 psi
Through choke line @ 40SPM : 880 psi
Formation strength: Casing shoe leaked at 1200 psi with 10 ppg mud.
Kick Data:
SIDPP : 400 psi
SICP : 600 psi
Pit gain : 20 bbls.
Mud weight in use : 10.5 ppg
Seawater weight : 8.6 ppg
Active surface mud volume : 460 bbls
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Sub sea BOP ( Vertical Well ) Kill Sheet API Field Unit
Formation Strength Data: Current Well Data :
Sub sea BOP Data:
Surface Leak-off Pressure ( A ) 1200 psi
Riser 800 Ft.
Mud Weight (B) 10 ppg
Choke Line 820 Ft.
aximum Allowable Mud Weight
Mud data:
(B) + Mud
Shoe True Vertical Depth X 0.052 Weight 10.5 ppg
10.0 + 1200 ( 6300 x 0.052) (C) 13.66 ppg
Total Well System Volume (D+I)=(J) 1362.7 bbl 11451 stks 286.3 min
DP x Marine Riser 800 x 0.3626 = 290.08 bbl 2437 stks
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Data
SIDPP 400 psi SICP 600 psi Pit Gain 20 bbls
Kill Mud Weight
KMW Current Mud Weight + ----------------- =10.5 + ------------------ = 11.28 ppg
TVD X 0.052 9900 x 0.052
Kill Mud Gradient SIDPP
Current Mud Gradient + -------------- = psi/ft.
Initial Circulating
Pressure Dynamic Pressure Loss + SIDPP = 750 +400 = 1150 psi
Initial Dynamic
Casing Pressure at SICP - Choke Line Friction = 600-130 = 470 psi
Kill Pump Rate
Final Circulating Kill Mud Weight 11.28
Pressure ------------------------- X Dynamic Pressure Loss = -------x 750 = 806 psi
FCP Current Mud Weight 10.5
Final Circulating Kill Mud Gradient
Pressure ------------------------- X Dynamic Pressure Loss = psi
FCP Current Mud Gradient
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
( C) ppg Size in
DC x Open Hole x =
DP / HWDP x Open x =
Open Hole Volume (F) bbl stks min
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Data
SIDPP psi SICP psi Pit Gain bbls
Kill Mud Weight SIDPP
Current Mud Weight + ----------------- = ppg
KMW TVD X 0.052
Kill Mud Gradient SIDPP
Current Mud Gradient + -------------- = psi
Initial Circulating
Pressure Dynamic Pressure Loss + SIDPP = psi
Final Circulating Kill Mud Weight
Pressure ------------------------- x Dynamic Pressure Loss = psi
FCP Current Mud Weight
Final Circulating Kill Mud Gradient
Pressure ------------------------- x Dynamic Pressure Loss = psi
FCP Current Mud Gradient
( K ) x 100
( K ) = ICP – FCP= psi ------------------ = psi /100 stks
( E)
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
(T) = ICP – KOPCP = …………-...........= psi (T) x 100 = x 100 = psi /100 stks
(U)= KOPCP – EOBCP=……. - …….. = psi (U) x 100 = x 100 = psi /100stks
(W)= EOBCP – FCP =…….. - …………= psi (W) x 100 = x 100 = psi /100 stks
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Sub sea BOP ( Vertical Well ) Kill Sheet API Field Unit
Formation Strength Data: Current Well Data :
Sub sea BOP Data:
Surface Leak-off Pressure ( A ) psi
Riser Ft.
Mud Weight (B) ppg
Choke Line Ft.
aximum Allowable Mud Weight
Mud data:
(B) + Mud
Shoe True Vertical Depth X 0.052 Weight ppg
(C) ppg
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Data
SIDPP psi SICP psi Pit Gain bbls
Kill Mud Weight
KMW Current Mud Weight + ----------------- = = ppg
TVD X 0.052
Kill Mud Gradient SIDPP
Current Mud Gradient + -------------- = psi/ft.
Initial Circulating
Pressure Dynamic Pressure Loss + SIDPP = = psi
Initial Dynamic
Casing Pressure at SICP - Choke Line Friction = 600-130 = psi
Kill Pump Rate
Final Circulating Kill Mud Weight
Pressure ------------------------- X Dynamic Pressure Loss = = psi
FCP Current Mud Weight
Final Circulating Kill Mud Gradient
Pressure ------------------------- X Dynamic Pressure Loss = psi
FCP Current Mud Gradient
( L ) X 100
(L) = ICP – FCP psi ------------------ = psi / 100 strokes
( E)
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
DC x Open Hole x =
DP / HWDP x O/ H x =
Open Hole Volume (F) bbl stks min
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Kick Data:
Circulating Pressure
at KOP ( KOP CP ) ( O ) + ( P ) = ………….. + …………… = psi
Dynamic Pressure Loss
at EOB ( R ) PL + (FCP – PL) x EOB MD = ……. + [ (….. . .- …….. ) x -------------]
= psi
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
(T) = ICP – KOPCP = …….. - ……. = ……..psi (T) x 100 = x 100 = psi /100 stks
(U)= KOPCP – EOBCP =…….- …….= …….. psi (U) x 100 = x 100 = psi /100 stks
(W)= EOBCP – FCP = ……. - …….. =------- psi (W) x 100 = x 100 = psi /100 stks
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
As the casing was lowered without filling mud so the complete 13 3/8’’ casing will be empty and
annulus between 20’’ x 13 3/8’’ casing will be full with 11.5 ppg mud as shown in figure-A .
After the shoe failure mud from annulus will enter into the 13 3/8’’ casing and due to U-
tube effect the height of mud column in both 13 3/8’’ casing & it’s annulus will be same as
shown in figure-B
Height of mud column in casing/annulus after shoe failure = 44.08 ( 0.116 + 0.149)
= 166 ft
Drop in mud level in the annulus = 380-166 = 214 ft
Reduction in BHP due to shoe failure = 0.052 214 11.5 = 128 psi
214 ft
380 ft
Figure -A Figure -B
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Blow through can take place when peak gas flow rates are experienced under following two
1. When friction pressure of the gas through the vent line exceeds liquid seal
2. When Internal Diameter of the MGS body is small which may cause insufficient
retention time for the gas to separate from mud.
Steps for sizing the MGS on the basis of vent line friction pressure losses ( 1st
criteria) :
Pmax = 200 ( P V W ) C
Pmax – Maximum Pressure of gas upstream of the choke
P - Formation pressure in thousand of psi
( Pressure of gas at bottom of hole )
V - Pit gain, bbl
W -Kill mud weight ppg
C - Annular capacity at surface, bbl / 1000 ft
Vmax =4 (PVC)W
Kill rate ( bbl / min )
Pc X Vc = Pmax X Vmax
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
d) Calculate Peak gas flow rate to be handled by the MGS ( Qmax ) in bbl / min
Qmax =
n = No. of bends of each type
5 X 10 -12 X Le X (Qmax ) 2
Pf =
( ID of vent line) 5
g) Calculate hydrostatic of liquid seal ( PL) in psi
To avoid blow through, MGS sizing should be such that PL is more than Pf
Steps for sizing the MGS on the basis of separator ID ( 2nd criteria ) :
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
To avoid blow through sizing of MGS should be such that VL is less than Gas migration
rate in ft/ min which can be taken as 8.4 ft / min assuming gas migration rate of 500
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Precharge valves
1 1
2 5 6 12 14 15 17 18
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Feet x 0.3048 to give Metres ( m)
Metres x 3.2808 to give feet ( ft )
( U.S. ) Gallon x 0.003785 to give Cubic Metres ( M3)
( U.S. ) Barrel x 0.1590 to give Cubic Metres ( M3)
Cubic Metre x 6.2905 to give Cubic Metres ( M3)
psi x 6.895 to give Kilo Pascals ( KPa)
KPa x 0.14503 to give Pounds pser Square Inch ( psi)
Kg/cm2 x 98.1 to give Kilo Pascals ( KPa)
Bar x 100 to give Kilo Pascals ( KPa)
Specific Gravity x 8.33 to give Pounds per Gallon ( ppg)
ppg x 119.8 to give Kilogram per Cubic Metre( Kg/m3)
Kg/m3 x 0.00835 to give Pounds per Gallon ( ppg)
psi/ foot x 22.62 to give Kilo Pascals per Metre( KPa/m )
KPa / Metre x 0.0442 to give Pounds per Square Inch per Foot ( psi/ ft
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Gallon / Minute x 0.003785 to give Cubic Metres per Minute
( M3/ min)
Barrels / Minute x 0.159 to give Cubic Metres per Minute (M3/min)
Cubic Metres / Minute x 6.2905 to give Barrels per Minute ( bbl/ min)
Cubic Metres / Minute x 264.2 to give Gallons per Minute ( gals / min)
Feet / Minute x 0.3048 to give Metres per Minute ( m / min)
Pounds x 0.454 to give Kilograms ( Kg )
Tons ( Long – 2240 lbs ) x 1017 to give Kilograms ( Kg )
Tons (Metre – 2205 lbs) x 1001 to give Kilograms ( Kg )
Kilograms x 2.2026 to give Pounds ( lbs )
Pound / Foot x 1.49 to give Kilograms / Metre
Kilogram / Metre x 0.671 to give Pound / Foot
R.K. Khanna
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Displacement Drill collar 1 Drill Collar 2 HWDP Drill Pipe 1 Drill Pipe2
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
Displacement Drill collar 1 Drill Collar 2 HWDP Drill Pipe 1 Drill Pipe2
Size 8 5 5
bbls/ft 0.0535 0.01795 0.0076
Length(ft) 90
0 40
10 33 3.5 3.5 7 - -
20 26 3.5 3.5 14 - -
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
It is easy to say investigate every deviation from calculated figures, and of course this is exactly
what should happen.
Sometimes our calculations may not be entirely accurate(e.g. not allowing for tool
joints).However in the field, this level of accuracy is acceptable.
So whilst we must investigate any discrepancies , we must be aware of the general trend.
For example, your calculations may give a hole fill of 3.5 bbl./stand. If on every trip out and trip
in on the well we record a displacement of 3.25 bbl./stand with no further happening then
obviously this is the norm.
On subsequent trips we would regard 3.25 bbl./stand as the norm and investigate any
discrepancy from this.
It is important to be aware of the normal trend and investigate any deviation from this . If at
any time there is doubt – CHECK FOR FLOW FROM THE WELL.
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
API Specification 16D, Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems
for Diverter Equipment
API Specification 17H, Recommended Practice for Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) Interfaces
on Subsea Production Systems
API Recommended Practice 64, Recommended Practice for Diverter system equipment and
API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 16ST, Coiled Tubing Well Control Equipment Systems
API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 59, Recommended Practice for Well Control Operations
API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 16 E, Recommended Practice for Design of Control Systems for
Drilling Well Control Equipment
Well Control School, IDT-ONGC
This training manual is designed solely for the purpose of training in accordance
with IWCF,IADC curriculum for well control course. The content and coverage is
based on references drawn from similar manuals of well control techniques
during drilling operations available worldwide form major companies.