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PHC Plastering

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rooms elements units rate(13) rate(11.5) rate(7) rate(15)

medical office+toilet room ceiling sft 205.7
beam sft 20
wall sft 835
e.wall sft 46.8
dispensary ceiling sft 66.4
wall sft 326.8
b.h.e ceiling sft 117
wall sft 448.1
e.wall sft 58.5
laboratory ceiling sft 100
wall sft 409.5
injection ceiling sft 126
wall sft 464.5
l.toilet ceiling sft 70
wall sft 492.5
p.wll sft 22.5
g.toilet ceiling sft 70
wall sft 492.5
p.wll sft 22.5
operation theatre ceiling sft 234
wall sft
store ceiling sft 98.3
wall sft 410.888
meeting hall ceiling sft 438.75
wall sft 903.5
beam sft 284.55
reception and ent.lobby ceiling sft 216.84
beam sft 61.92
wall sft 384.34
e.wall sft 117.63
portico ceiling sft 260
beam sft 164
wall sft
projection sft 147.5
c.column sft
pani.patti rft
passage 1.8m ceiling sft 326.48
beam sft 28.16
wall sft 721.47 172.5

total measurments 3490.1 5479.598 222.93 172.5

total amount 45371.3 63015.377 1560.51 2587.5

grand total amount ₹ 122
rate(10) rate(25)




650 155

6500 3875
rooms elements m^2 sft rate amount
female ward ceiling 20.13 216.6793 16 3466.86912
beam 1.09 11.73276 16 187.72416
wall 54 581.256 16 9300.096
toilet ceiling 6.39 68.78196 16 1100.51136
wall 52.98 570.2767 16 9124.42752
male ward ceiling 15.18 163.3975 16 2614.36032
wall 49 527.436 16 8438.976
toilet ceiling 2.25 24.219 16 387.504
wall 18.27 196.6583 16 3146.53248
preparation(2) ceiling 18.1 194.8284 16 3117.2544
wall 71.4 768.5496 16 12296.7936
toilet ceiling 2.25 24.219 16 387.504
wall 18.27 196.6583 16 3146.53248
delivery room+sluice ceiling ceiling 22.59 243.1588 16 3890.54016
wall 50.67 545.4119 16 8726.59008
sterlisation ceiling 6.74 72.54936 16 1160.78976
wall 30.6 329.3784 16 5270.0544
nurse room ceiling 8.39 90.30996 16 1444.95936
wall 37.7 405.8028 16 6492.8448
toilet ceiling 2.58 27.77112 16 444.33792
wall 20.14 216.787 16 3468.59136
2.1m wide passage ceiling 46.51 500.6336 16 8010.13824
beam 4.41 47.46924 16 759.50784
wall 125.8 1354.111 16 21665.7792
p.wall 3.65 39.2886 16 628.6176
total 7417.365 118677.83616
pending work
stair case ceiling 9.7 104.4108 16 1670.5728
wall 67.84 730.2298 16 11683.67616
sluice room wall 25.91 278.8952 16 4462.32384
total 1113.536 17816.5728

grand total amount ₹ 136,494.41

description of work unit qty rate amount
outer wall
single coat sft 1235.25 10 12352.5
double coat sft 2665.42 18 47977.56
770 12 9240

chejja plastering
top sft 432.34 22 9511.48
botom sft 533.45 12 6401.4

guru rft 893.2 15 13398

pani patti
chejja rft 381.15 10 3811.5
slab rft 322.66 10 3226.6

slab projection sft 589.73 12 7076.76

grand total amounts ₹ 112,995.80

description of work work holder name unit qty rate amount
parapet wall plaster prakash sft 840 12 10080
daskir sft 1963.65 12 23563.8

parapet wall patti prakash rft 120 25 3000

daskir rft 310 25 7750

s.p water proofing prakash sft 118 22 2596

daskir sft 387 22 8514

d.column plaster daskir nos 18 150 2700

nos 14 400 5600

head room plaster daskir sft 352.5 15 5287.5

grand total amount ₹ 69,091.30

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