Dental Biomaterials: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?: Stephen C. Bayne, M.S., PH.D., F.A.D.M
Dental Biomaterials: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?: Stephen C. Bayne, M.S., PH.D., F.A.D.M
Dental Biomaterials: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?: Stephen C. Bayne, M.S., PH.D., F.A.D.M
iomaterials science is in the midst of the larg- shifting emphases from traditional synthetic
est transition in its history in terms of refo- biomaterials toward a time when the routine options
cusing and embracing new and exciting tech- involve truly biological materials.
nologies. For older academics or clinicians, this The purpose here is to examine the near-future
change might be viewed as the death of conventional or the next five-to-ten-year period (see Figure 1 for
dental materials, but for most others, this is the birth impacts of this transition). This state-of-the-
of true biomaterials. biomaterials report will be examined in terms of bio-
For many years, one of the in-house questions logical materials fabrication (tissue engineering,
among biomaterials teachers1 was if or when any- nanoengineering, self-assembling systems), leading
one would move the field of biomaterials from the edge synthetic biomaterials utilized in chairside den-
materials engineering side (materials) more toward tal applications (bonding, composites, curing, ce-
the biological engineering side (biology). The earli- ments, and ceramics), and assessment of the perfor-
est dental materials science began in the laboratory mance outcomes of these strategies (longevity).
of G.V. Black at Northwestern University in 1900 It is easy to list the large number of doors now
with the first controlled experiments on dental amal- open for biomaterials research, but it is much more
gam. The field vaulted forward when the excellent complicated to define an accurate timeline for the
textbooks in the field became available (e.g., EW future. Most of the crucial steps for biological mate-
Skinner, The Science of Dental Materials, 19362). In rials success have yet to become well defined. It may
those earlier times, dental materials were focused be possible now to demonstrate the production of a
exclusively on synthetic restorative dental materi- biologically new tooth using stem cell pathways, but
als. By the early 1970s, the term “biomaterials” be- it is very hard to imagine the moment in the future
came more prominent with the formation of the So- when practical and low-impact methods will exist
ciety for Biomaterials, yet even its focus remained for placing these entities into full function in patients
primarily on orthopedic applications that utilized by general practitioners. In the excitement of the
existing dental materials for the next thirty years. moment, we dream of those possibilities. However,
Despite continual discussions about refocusing the at the moment, a safer guess about translation of bio-
field of biomaterials, the greatest impetus for change logical materials into routine practice is twenty years.
did not arrive until the decoding of the human ge- Any impact of truly biological materials de-
nome at the end of the last century. Suddenly, the pends on a combination of both technology and cost.
real potential for biological engineering of tissues If replacement teeth were available today from a
and organ systems was revealed. The question for us hypothetical personal tissue bank, would this be a
today is how to paint the future for biomaterials. practical option for most restorative circumstances?
Perhaps the correct image is that we are now im- Would a patient with pit-and-fissure caries be better
mersed in a twenty- to twenty-five-year transition of served with a minimal composite restoration or an
N ear F ar
Figure 1. Timeline of the recent past, near future, and far future for the use of synthetic dental biomaterials versus
truly biological materials
this potential in regeneration experiments conducted can be biological assemblies (e.g., viruses, cells, tis-
in animal models. However, significant technical sues, organisms) or nonbiological ones (e.g., crys-
hurdles still exist. tals).13 These can produce domains at nano-, micro-,
Scaffolds, cells, and signals have been com- milli-, and macro “scales.” Assemblies can be made
bined without much elegant control until relatively from metals, ceramics, polymers, or complex con-
recently. The same lithography and printing tech- structions of several materials. However, at the mo-
niques discussed for ceramics are also available to ment, the most intriguing systems are nanoscale ob-
lay down scaffolds, cells, and signals in a well-con- jects involving organic or ceramic construction.
trolled three-dimensional architecture.12 Printing is Production of assemblies occurs in orchestrated
a special tissue engineering tool for the future. stages of initiation, propagation, and termination.
Numerous surfaces of nonbiological materials Control systems for initiation and/or propagation may
such as implants could benefit by pre-treatment (pre- be templates (e.g., template polymerization of pro-
integration) with those tissues that would normally teins, patterning for silica templates for electrical
result from healing or osseointegration. This has al- circuits), or they might depend simply on natural rules
ready been evaluated with existing implant systems.6 corresponding to energetically favorable physical,
This may make possible a much more biologically chemical, mechanical, and/or biological events (e.g.,
and physiologically stable, immediately loaded im- capillary forces,14 heterogeneous nucleation of
plant. Eliminating long healing phases is desirable crystallization, surface energy reduction, phase sepa-
for dental implant acceptance by patients. ration, micelle formation, steric probabilities for mo-
lecular folding). The intrigue for current engineers
Self-Assembling Systems is that self-assembling nanoscale objects can become
nanoscopic pharmaceuticals, nanosensors, nano-
Self-assembling systems are ones that auto-
domains, or nanophases with special properties,
matically construct prespecified assemblies. These
nanobuilding blocks,15 nanocontrol systems, nano-
Figure 3. Nano-AFM image of collagen fibrils in dentin after decalcification in preparation for hybrid layer formation
Top: Mixed-mode surface plots of tapping and phase mode AFM images of dentin collagen fibrils, obtained a) in liquid and
b) in air. The axial repeat pattern is still present after dehydration.
Bottom: AFM images of dentin collagen fibrils obtained in liquid: a) tapping mode image: gap and overlap zones of adjacent
fibrils interlock; b) phase mode image reveals the presence of mineral particles attached to fibrils.
Source: Habelitz S et al. In situ atomic force microscopy of partially demineralized human dentin collagen fibrils. J Struct
Biol 2002;138:227-36. Reprinted with permission.
nant point of view is that, during shrinkage, com- equate or ineffective, then interfacial failures may
posite restorations place high levels of stress on rela- occur. At the same time, other key interfaces between
tively immature dentin bonding films. A simple ex- the matrix and filler phases may be affected. Incom-
ample follows. For a composite formulated with 75 plete or non-uniform silane bonding to the filler par-
weight percent filler (~50 volume percent filler), half ticles prevents appropriate coupling, and local shrink-
of the restoration is resin undergoing shrinkage. age may result in either separation or porosity along
Bisphenol-A-glycidyldimethacrylate (BIS-GMA) or the filler interfaces. In addition to these porosity ef-
similar monomers shrink about 10-12 volume per- fects on fracture resistance, the same sites act as water
cent.41 Polymerization only produces about 65 per- absorption reservoirs.
cent reaction conversion because steric hindrance Low shrinkage or no shrinkage composites
limits the extent of reaction of monomers. Actual have already been demonstrated42-43 as prototypes
polymerization shrinkages of about 3-3.5 percent are using varying chemical approaches. The first evi-
typical. With adjustments in filler levels or mono- dence of these systems was revealed by 3M44 and
mer combinations, this level can be controlled down- ESPE45 during conferences in 2000. In this particu-
ward. During curing, the majority of the reaction (and lar case, prototypes utilized ring-opening reactions
shrinkage) occurs literally in five to ten seconds. With typical of epoxy systems to compensate for the
the emphasis on chairside speed during dental pro- double-bond reaction shrinkage.43,46 These particu-
cedures, the push is toward even faster curing pro- lar systems are not entirely trouble-free. The reac-
cedures. Polymerization stresses occur quickly and tion chemistry is tainted by contact with other dental
unevenly. After a few minutes, stresses relax for a materials and requires some accommodation in for-
variety of reasons, but they potentially have done mulation of other dental materials products. How-
some damage. Despite the fact that newer genera- ever, this was a valuable demonstration that shrink-
tions of dentin bonding systems produce better hy- age could be managed with existing technologies.
brid layers, they are not necessarily any stronger at Silane chemistry has been part of the polymer
the start and can be dislodged by early stresses. If chemistry and composite fields for almost seventy
polymerization of dentin bonding systems is inad- years. These systems work only with Si-O based sub-