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Recurrent Miscarriage - Pregnancy Loss

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- Recurrent Miscarriage
- Pregnancy loss
Recurrent Abortion

• three or more consecutive pregnancy losses at ≤ 20 weeks or
with a fetal weight < 500 grams.
• Most of these are embryonic or early losses, and the
remainder either are anembryonic or occur after 14 weeks.
• Seen in ~ 1% of all women
• Risk increases with each successive abortion
• No underlying cause is found for 50% of recurrent pregnancy
Genetic factors (3–5%):
Parental chromosomal abnormalities
The most common abnormality is a balanced translocation.
This leads to unbalanced translocation in the fetus, causing early
miscarriage or a live birth with congenital malformations
Risk of miscarriage in couples with a balanced translocation is >
This is the most common cause for 1st trimester loss
Endocrine and Metabolic:
– Poorly controlled diabetic patients
– Presence of thyroid autoantibodies
– Luteal phase defect
– Hypersecretion of luteinizing hormone (e.g. in PCOS).
– Infection in the genital tract - (Transplacental fetal infection)
– Syphilis
Inherited thrombophilia
– Protein C deficiency, Protein S deficiency, factor V Leiden mutation,
prothrombin gene mutation,antithrombin III,

Thrombosis on maternal side of the placenta impair placental

Late fetal loss, IUGR, abruption, or PIH
Immunological cause:
• Autoimmunity “immunity directed against self”
-Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus
– Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome(15%).
• Alloimmune factors “immunity against another person”
– Immune response against paternal antigens in the fetus
• Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE)
-Risk for loss is 20%,mostly in 2nd and 3rd trimester of
pregnancy and associated with antiphospholipid antibodies.
• Antiphospholipid syndrome (APA)
5 - 15 % of womenwith RPL may have APA
• APA likely induce microthrombi at placentation site. Altered vascularity affects developing embryo,
induces abortion
Antiphospholipid syndrome

An Autoimmune disorder having specific clinical & lab criteria.

Diagnosis requires at least one of each.

CLINICAL 1) Thrombolic events-arterial,venous,small vessel

2)Pregnancy loss- ≥3 losses at <10wks gestation, fetal death after
10wks,premature birth at <34wks associated with severe preeclampsia or
placental insufficiency.
LABORATORY 1) Lupus Anticoagulant
2) Anticardiolipin antibodies(IgG or IgM)
• Any lab test results must be observed on at least 2 separate occasions 6
wks apart.
Alloimmune mechanism

• Theory: Normallypregnancy(foreign tissue graft) is tolerated by

the maternal immune system through formation of antigen
blocking antibodies.
• In some women, there is inadequate formation of blocking
antibodies in the maternal environment.
• Therefore the maternal immune system mounts an immune
response to the implanting pregnancy and a spontaneous
abortion occurs.

Anatomic abnormalities - responsible for 10– 15% of recurrent

Causes may be
(a)Congenital - defects in the mullerian duct fusion (e.g.
unicornuate, bicornuate, septate or double uterus)

(b) Acquired - intrauterine adhesions, uterine fibroids and

endometriosis, cervical incompetence
• Uterine Causes
• Defects of mullerianfusion
– Double uterus, septate or bicornuate uterus
• – About 12% cases of recurrent abortion.
– Implantation on the septum leads to defective placentation
• Asherman syndrome – Intrauterine adhesions due to previous curettage –
can lead to early miscarriage
• Transvaginal ultrasound is used for diagnosis;
• Hysteroscopic resection for septum or division of adhesions in Asherman’s
• Submucous fibroids - managed by myomectomy
Septate Uterus. Double Uterus
Cervical Insufficiency (Incompetence)
• Painless cervical dilatation with ballooning of
amniotic sac into vagina, followed by rupture of
membrane and expulsion of fetus
• Usually at 16 – 24 weeks
• Congenital
– Developmental weakness of cervix – Uterine anomalies
• Acquired (iatrogenic)—common, following:
(i) D&C operation
(ii) Induced abortion by D and E
(iii) vaginal operative delivery through an undilated cervix
(iv) amputation of the cervix or cone biopsy.
• Multiple gestations, prior preterm birth.

• History - Repeated mid trimester painless cervical dilatation

and escape of liquor amnii followed by painless expulsion of the
products of conception
• Internal examination:
preconceptual period:
– Passage of no. 6–8 Hegar dilator beyond the internal os
without any resistance or pain
– Funnelling of internal os seen in hysterosalpingography
During pregnancy
– Clinical digital – Painless cervical shortening and dilatation
– Sonography: Trans vaginal ultrasound is performed. Short
cervix < 25 mm; Funnelling of the internal Os > 1 cm.

Surgical management
– Cervical circlage
Ususally at 12-14 weeks
The procedure reinforces the weak cervix by a non-absorbable
tape, placed around the cervix at the level of internal os.
Normal cervix Incompetent cervix
Competency restored after encirclage operation
– Intrauterine infection
– Ruptured membranes
– History of vaginal bleeding
– Severe uterine irritability
– Cervical dilatation > 4 cm.
2 main methods
– McDonald and Modified Shirodkar
Success rates - 80 – 90%
Indication of circlage
History Indicated
– Definite history of 3 previous second trimester losses/ preterm
Ultrasound indicated
– Short ended cervix or early funnelling in ultrasound in
a woman with 1 or 2 spontaneous losses
Examination indicated / Rescue circlage – Performed after the cervix
is found dilated – Also called emergency circlage
• Methods
• The non-absorbable suture material(Mersilene)is placed as a
purse string suture, as high as possible (level of internal os)
• The suture starts at the anterior wall of the cervix. Taking
successive deep bites (4–5 sites) it is carried around the lateral
and posterior walls back to the anterior wall again where the
two ends of the suture are tied.
• Commonly performed method nowadays.
II. Modified Shirokdar Circlage
• A transverse incision is made on the vaginal wall and the
bladder is pushed up to expose the level of the internal os.
• The non-absorbable suture material—Mersilene tape is passed
submucously with the help of any curved round bodied needle
so as to bring the suture ends to the posterior.
• The ends of the tapes are tied up posteriorly by a knot.
• The anterior incision is repaired using chromic catgut.
• III. Transabdominal Cerclage
• Rarely done in cases of repeated failure of vaginal
• Cerclage is placed at the level of isthmus
• Delivery by CS
• Postoperative care:
– The patient should be in bed for at least 2–3 days
– Progesterone supplementation - Weekly injections of 17 α
hydroxy progesterone caproate 500 mg IM
– Patient is asked to avoid sexual inercourse
• Removal of stitch:
– The stitch should be removed at 37th week, or earlier if labor
pain starts or features of abortion appear.
– If the stitch is not cut in time, uterine rupture or cervical tear
may occur.
• Complications:
– Slipping or cutting through the suture
– Chorioamnionitis
– Rupture of the membranes
– Cervical scarring and dystocia requiring cesarean delivery.
1)Anatomical distortions of the uterine cavity (surgical
correction, hysteroscopically, laparotomy)
2) Control of Endocrinological diseases (control of diabetes,
thyroid disease, progesterone luteal support)
3) Antiphospholipid antibodies (aspirin and Low Molecular
weight Heparin )
4) Thrombophylia (The combined use of low-dose aspirin (75-
80mg/dl) and subcutaneous unfractionated heparin (5000unit
twice daily)
5)Genetic councelling
Assisted reproductive technologies, including PGD
(preimplantation genetic diagnosis)
use of either donor oocyte or donor sperm
depending on the affected partner
Management of Patient with Idiopathic RPL

1. Folic acid
2. Correct nutritional deficiencies
3. Luteal support with HCG / natural progesterone
There is definite role of progesterone.
Natural progesterone
Injectable 17 – hydroxyl progest caproate
Post conception :
1. Prophylactic aspirin
2. Prophylactic cervical circlage
3. Test for Toxoplasmosis and anticardiolipin antibodies
4. Steroids for pulmonary maturity
5. Monitor closely near term [ NST, USG ]
Prognosis of recurrent miscarriage

The overall risk of recurrent miscarriage is about 25–30%

irrespective of the number of previous spontaneous miscarriage.
The overall prognosis is good even without therapy.
The chance of successful pregnancy is about 70–80% with an
effective therapy.

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