The document provides the marks obtained by Imaran Hussain in semester V of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering examination held in December 2019. It shows the marks received in each subject, including theory papers, practical papers, and term work papers. Overall, Imaran received a total of 510 out of 750 marks, earning a SGPA of 7.08 and obtaining a first class with distinction.
The document provides the marks obtained by Imaran Hussain in semester V of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering examination held in December 2019. It shows the marks received in each subject, including theory papers, practical papers, and term work papers. Overall, Imaran received a total of 510 out of 750 marks, earning a SGPA of 7.08 and obtaining a first class with distinction.
The document provides the marks obtained by Imaran Hussain in semester V of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering examination held in December 2019. It shows the marks received in each subject, including theory papers, practical papers, and term work papers. Overall, Imaran received a total of 510 out of 750 marks, earning a SGPA of 7.08 and obtaining a first class with distinction.
The document provides the marks obtained by Imaran Hussain in semester V of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering examination held in December 2019. It shows the marks received in each subject, including theory papers, practical papers, and term work papers. Overall, Imaran received a total of 510 out of 750 marks, earning a SGPA of 7.08 and obtaining a first class with distinction.
Registration No : 1212017053 Roll No : 511212017053
Following are the marks obtained by IMARAN HUSSAIN
of New Government Polytechnic, Patna - 13 at Semester V of Diploma in Electrical Engineering Examination 2019 (ODD) held in the month of DEC, 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT FULL MARKS PASS MARKS MARKS OBTAINED NAME OF SUBJECTS CREDITS INT FIN TOTAL FIN TOTAL INT FIN TOTAL GRADE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEORY PAPERS SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION 4 30 70 100 28 40 26 39-5 60 C A.C. MACHINES 4 30 70 100 28 40 26 30 56 D UTILIZATION OF ELECT. ENERGY 4 30 70 100 28 40 26 33 59 D ELECTRIC TRACTION-I 3 30 70 100 28 40 27 28 55 D INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION 3 30 70 100 28 40 27 23+5 55 D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL PAPERS SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION LAB 1 15 35 050 - 20 13 33 46 A+ A.C. MACHINES LAB 1 15 35 050 - 20 13 33 46 A+ ELECTRIC TRACTION LAB-I 1 15 35 050 - 20 13 33 46 A+ INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION LAB 1 15 35 050 - 20 13 33 46 A+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERM WORK PAPERS INDUS. PROJ. & ENTP. DEVT. 1 07 18 025 - 10 05 16 21 A PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES-V 1 07 18 025 - 10 04 16 20 A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND TOTAL 24 750 510 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGPA 7.08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS : First Class (U/R)