TR Concrete Pump
TR Concrete Pump
TR Concrete Pump
This section gives the details and contents of the core units of competency
of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.
2. Identify own role and 2.1. Individual role and responsibilities within the team
responsibility within environment are identified
team 2.2. Roles and responsibility of other team members are
identified and recognized
2.3. Reporting relationships within team and external to team
are identified
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Integrate personal 1.1 Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards
objectives with improving the qualifications set for the profession
organizational goals 1.2 Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the
course of managing oneself based on performance
1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is
demonstrated in the performance of duties
2. Set and meet work 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal,
priorities team and organizational goals and objectives.
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to
manage work priorities and commitments
2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of
equipment and facilities are followed as per established
3. Maintain professional 3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and
growth and development availed of based on job requirements
3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as
proof of career advancement
3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career
are obtained and renewed
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify hazards and risks 1.1 Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard
control practices and procedures are clarified and
explained based on organization procedures
1.2 Hazards/risks in the workplace and their
corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or
eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and
environment in accordance with organization
1.3 Contingency measures during workplace accidents,
fire and other emergencies are recognized and
established in accordance with organization
2. Evaluate hazards and risks 2.1 Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when
exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified
based on threshold limit values (TLV)
2.2 Effects of the hazards are determined
2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety
hazards are reported to designated personnel in
accordance with workplace requirements and relevant
workplace OHS legislation
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variable
1. Identify materials 1.1 Materials are listed as per job requirements
1.2 Quantity and description of materials conform
with the job requirements
1.3 Tools and accessories are identified according to
job requirements
3. Receive and inspect 3.1 Materials and tools issued are inspected as per
materials quantity and specification
3.2 Tools, accessories and materials are checked for
damages according to enterprise procedures
3.3 Materials and tools are set aside to appropriate
location nearest to the workplace
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify and access 1.1 Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed
specification/manuals as per job requirements
1.2 Version and date of manual are checked to
ensure that correct specification and procedures
are identified
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variable
1. Select measuring instruments 1.1 Object or component to be measured is
identified, classified and interpreted according to
the appropriate regular geometric shape
1.2 Measuring tools are selected/identified as per
object to be measured or job requirements
1.3 Correct specifications are obtained from relevant
1.4 Appropriate measuring instruments are selected
according to job requirements
1.5 Alternative measuring tools are used without
sacrificing cost and quality of work
1. Geometric shape Including but is not limited to:
1.1 Round
1.2 Square
1.3 Rectangular
1.4 Triangle
1.5 Sphere
1.6 Conical
3.10 Conductance
3.11 Capacitance
3.12 Displacement
3.16 Inside diameter
3.17 Circumference
3.18 Length
3.19 Thickness
3.20 Outside diameter
3.21 Taper
3.22 Out of roundness
3.23 Oil clearance
3.24 End play/Thrust clearance
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Check condition of tools and 1.1 Materials, tools and equipment are identified
equipment according to classification and job requirements
1.2 Non-functional tools and equipment are
segregated and labeled according to
1.3 Safety of tools and equipment are observed in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions
1.4 Condition of PPE are checked in accordance
with manufacturer's instructions
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Analyze signs, symbols and 1.1 Technical plans are obtained according to job
data requirements
1.2 Signs, symbols and data are identified according
to job specifications
1.3 Signs symbols and data are determined
according to classification or as appropriate in
2. Interpret technical drawings 2.1 Necessary tools, materials and equipment are
and plans identified according to the plan
2.2 Supplies and materials are listed according to
2.3 Components, assemblies or objects are
recognized as required
2.4 Dimensions are identified as appropriate to the
2.5 Specification details are matched with
existing/available resources and in line with job
2.6 Work plan is drawn following the specifications
Range of Variables
1. Perform visual 1.1 Concreting and asphalting equipment is selected based on
check of job volume requirements / job specifications.
equipment 1.2 Operator serviceable (OS) parts are checked in accordance
with equipment checklist and manufacturer’s procedures.
1.3 Walk-around check is performed with equipment checklist
and with engine stopped/not running.
2. Perform “B L O W 2.1 “BLOWAF” check is performed with checklist form and with
A F” check engine stopped/not running.
2.2 Deficiencies in fluid levels are identified and if below normal
level are refilled/topped up in accordance with equipment
maintenance manual.
2.3 Abnormal conditions are noted in checklist and reported to
authorized person.
Concrete Pump
3.12 Proximity switch
3.13 Accumulator charging
Transit Mixer
3.14 Gate valves
3.15 Tracks
3.16 Sensor
3.17 Conveyor belt
3.18 Tamping belt
3.19 Cross joints
3.20 Cylinders
Concrete Pump
4.1.6 Pipelines and accessory condition Delivery pipes
4.1.7 Delivery elbows
4.1.8 Clamps
4.1.9 Seals
4.1.10 Tee piece
4.1.11 Welding rings
4.1.12 End flexible hose
4.1.13 Sponge ball (hard and soft)
4.1.14 Catch basket
4.1.15 Reduction set
4.1.16 Shut-off valves Hydraulic Manual shut-off valves
4.1.17 Placing body Pin Hydraulic cylinders
4.1.18 Upper structure (turntable)
Transit Mixer
4.1.19 Side mirror
4.1.20 Cab condition / windshield
4.1.21 Wiper bottle / blade
4.1.22 Underchassis component
4.1.23 Drum, roller, spiral fins, roller guide
4.1.24 Discharge chute and lever cylinder
4.1.25 Missing parts
Transit Mixer
4.2.6 Water condensation in air tank
Concrete Pump
4.2.7 Remote and control function
4.2.8 Unusual sound
Transit Mixer
6.5 Wiper fluid
6.6 Brake fluid
6.7 Steering oil
6.8 Water tank
Concrete Pump
6.9 Forming grease
6.10 Water (cleaning and spraying)
7.3 Maintenance supervisor
7.4 Equipment dispatcher / foreman
Concrete Pump
7.5 Ground supervisor
Transit Mixer
8.1.15 PTO
8.1.16 Steering
8.1.17 Shifting lever
8.1.18 Mixing / discharging lever
8.1.19 Differential lock
8.2 Gauges
8.2.1 Battery charging
8.2.2 Pressure (oil and air)
8.2.3 Temperature (oil and water)
Concrete Pump
8.2.6 Vacuum pressure
Transit Mixer
8.2.7 Tachometer
Concrete Pump
8.3.1 Hour meter
8.3.2 Stroke count
8.3.3 Reset horn
8.3.4 Proximity lit
Transit Mixer
8.3.5 Differential and inter axle lock
8.3.6 PTO
8.3.7 Parking brake
8.3.8 Engine / exhaust brake
8.4 Leaks
8.4.1 Coolant
8.4.2 Fuel
Concrete Pump
8.4.5 Form grease
8.4.6 Water
Transit Mixer
8.4.7 Suspension charge
8.4.8 Lubricating
8.4.9 Washer fluid
8.4.10 Exhaust pipes
8.4.11 Fuel
8.4.12 Oil
Concrete Pump
8.6 Grout leaks
8.6.1 Water box
8.6.2 Transfer tube
8.6.3 Agitator paddle shaft bearing
8.6.4 Pressure connection
Transit Mixer
8.7 Steering and brakes
Concrete Pump
15.4 Shut off valve
15.5 Proximity switch
15.6 Agitator shut off switch
15.7 Accumulator pressure relief valve
15.8 Overload indicator
Transit Mixer
15.9 Emergency brake
15.10 Anti lock brake system
15.11 Wheel choke
15.12 Early warning device (EWD)
15.13 Back-up alarm
15.14 Parking brake
15.15 Railing light
15.16 Neutral lock switch
15.17 Battery disconnect switch
Range of Variables
1. Perform adjustments/ 1.1 Minor defects are identified and remedied in accordance
replacements with company/manufacturer’s procedures.
1.2 Tools are selected based on job requirements.
1.3 Major defects are identified with checklist and referred to
appropriate personnel.
1.8 Incorrect track tension
1.9 Misaligned conveyor belt
1.10 Stuck-up rollers
1.11 Busted bulbs
2.5 Leakage on
2.5.1 Air
2.5.2 Fuel
2.5.3 Cooling
2.5.4 Hydraulic system
2.5.5 Gas
Transit Mixer
2.6 Weak / defective brakes
2.7 Busted hydraulic hose
2.8 Worn-out track group
4.6 Battery terminal / connection
4.7 Track tension
4.8 Grease / lube points
4.9 Cylinders
4.10 Electrical and electronic components
4.10.1 Sensors
4.10.2 Switches, relays
4.10.3 Fuses
Concrete Pump
5.8 Forming grease
Transit Mixer
5.9 Washer fluids
5.10 Brake fluid oil
5.11 Steering oil
5.12 Gear oil
5.13 Automatic Transmission Fluid
Concrete Pump
6.1.11 Blunt chisel
Transit Mixer
6.1.12 Paint brush
6.1.13 Grease gun
6.1.14 Multi-scale kit
6.2 Equipment
6.2.1 High pressure washer
6.2.2 Air compressor
Concrete Pump
7.4.3 Vacuum filter
7.4.4 High pressure filter
7.4.5 Vacuator valve
Transit Mixer
7.8 Clean internal / external walls
7.8.1 Drum
7.8.2 Chute
7.8.3 Chassis
7.8.4 Hopper
7.9 Adjust track tension
7.10 Replace defective fluid caps
7.11 Loose bolts and nuts
8.7 Chart
8.8 Memo
Range of Variables
1. Set pumping station 1.1 Safe work practices are observed in accordance with
and check pipes company and government rules and regulations.
laid 1.2 Concrete pump is positioned in good and stable ground bearing
area accessible by transit mixer discharge chute.
1.3 Outriggers are secured with pins in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations.
1.4 Pipes are laid / positioned for effective bends with respect to job
1.5 Communication is established and maintained with pumping
crew using acoustic signals.
1.6 Pipes installed are checked in accordance with established
4. Pumping 4.1 Pour several bucket of grout mix into the hopper.
procedure 4.2 Insert two sponge balls for the grout mix to moisten the pipeline
4.3 Pump slowly until full flow of grout mix comes out of the end
4.4 Ensure the concrete mix is uniform.
4.5 Do not allow hopper to remain empty in case the next transit
mixer is delayed. Maintain concrete mix in the hopper ¾ filled
and stop pumping. Keep the agitator running so as to avoid
concrete setting.
4.6 In case of delay in the delivery of concrete mix, perform short
reverse operation.
6. Context for 6.1 Assessment maybe conducted in the normal work site venue.
assessment 6.2 Competency shall be assessed while work is being undertaken
in a team environment.
Nominal Training Hours: 18 Hours (Basic) + 24 Hours (Common)
Course Description:
Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Participate in 1.1 Obtain and convey Group • Demonstration
workplace workplace information discussion • Observation
communication 1.2 Complete relevant work Interaction • Interviews/
related documents questioning
1.3 Participate in workplace
meeting and discussion
Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Interpret 1.1 Read / Interpret blueprints Lecture Demonstration
technical and plans Demonstration and oral
drawings and 1.2 Perform freehand Practical questioning
plans sketching exercises Written test
Course Description:
To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved:
Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Perform pre- and 1.1 Identify and explain the Lecture • Observation
post-operation functions of controls, Practical • Demonstration
procedures for gauges, instruments, Demonstration with oral
Concrete Pump safety devices and questioning
hydraulic implements • Written test
1.2 Explain the importance of
and elaborate on
equipment cleaning and
checking procedures
1.3 Perform checking, testing
and cleaning procedures
4.3 Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic and
common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with the core
4.4 The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
Perform pre- and post- Perform basic preventive Perform productive Perform productive Perform productive Perform productive
operation procedures for earth maintenance servicing for operation for operation for wheel operation for motor operation for road
moving equipment earth moving equipment hydraulic excavator loader grader roller
Perform productive Perform productive Perform pre- and post- Perform basic preventive Perform productive Perform productive
operation for operation for operation procedures for maintenance servicing for operation for rough- operation for
bulldozer backhoe loader lifting equipment lifting equipment terrain crane crawler crane
Perform pre- and post- Perform basic Perform productive Perform productive Perform productive
operation procedures for preventive maintenance operation for off-highway operation for off-highway operation for on-highway
hauling equipment servicing for hauling dump truck (articulated) dump truck (rigid) dump truck (rigid)
Perform pre- and post- Perform basic preventive Perform productive Perform productive Perform productive
operation procedures for maintenance servicing for operation for transit operation for operation for paver
concreting and asphalting concreting and asphalting mixer concrete pump
equipment equipment
Receive and respond Work with others Demonstrate work Practice Participate in Work in a team Practice career
to workplace values housekeeping workplace environment professionalism
communication procedure (5s) communication
Practice occupational Lead workplace Lead small team Develop and Solve problems Use mathematical Use relevant
health and safety communication practice negotiation related to work concepts and technologies
Utilize specialized Develop teams and Apply problem- Plan and organize Collect, analyze Promote
communication individuals solving techniques work and organize environmental
skills in the workplace information protection