Housekeeping Checklist PDF
Housekeeping Checklist PDF
Housekeeping Checklist PDF
The tables below outline the cleaning methods and frequencies required for the main areas
within a childcare facility that need cleaning. In addition, a sample cleaning schedule is
provided that can be modified to suit an individual childcare facility.
These schedules are available in Microsoft Word format so that they can be
modified for your own use. See
Clean with neutral Before and after use; if soiled with blood
detergent, warm water and or body fluids, following cleaning,
High chairs/dining tables disinfect, rinse and dry
clean cloth and dry with
disposable paper towels
Clean with an approved Clean carpets only when children will not
carpet cleaning method be present to ensure the carpet is dry
Carpets before next use
Vacuum Daily
Clean with warm water and Routine cleaning not required except in
Walls/ general purpose detergent. areas of frequent hand contact, such as
Ceilings lower wall/door frames in areas
If soiled with blood or body occupied by toddlers
fluids, following cleaning,
Wash hand basins, taps, Clean with detergent and If soiled with blood or body fluids,
surrounding counters, soap warm water. following cleaning, disinfect, rinse and
dispensers. dry.
Soft toys – if Machine washed in a hot cycle according
shared. to manufacturers instructions. If soiled, take out of use
Sheets and
individual cloth Weekly or after each use if used by
Machine washed in a hot cycle according
towels (if used), different children. Take out of use
to manufacturers instructions.
combs and immediately when visibly soiled.
hairbrushes, face
cloths. (None of
these items should
be shared among
See below for a version of the sample checklist that is modifiable in Word.
Daily, after
use and
prior to food
being served
Window sills