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Pepsi Screening Case Study

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PEPSI Screening Case Study: Education Psychology

Shade Evans

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 220


The PEPSI screening model has helped to understand the development of a child in five

different areas, such as Physical, Emotional, Philosophical, Social and Intellectual development.

These five developmental stages help teachers and other professionals assess children to see if

they are developmentally on track for their age. The subject of my PEPSI case study is Jayden

Alverado-Evans. He is 9 years old and was born on October 14th,2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He

is being raised by his Mother and step- father. Is biological father being unknown. He is the

oldest of 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. He and his family live in Indian Springs Nevada.

He attends Indian Springs Elementary and is in the 3rd grade. He is much closer with his

mother than stepfather. His stepfather is the only one who is working and his mother cares for

her 4 children at home. Jayden is outgoing and loves to play indoors and outdoors. His favorite

things to do it splay video games with his stepdad. Living in a small town has made it easy to

make friends and keep in contact with hem before and after school. He enjoys playing with all

his siblings but takes advantage of being alone and having time to himself playing video games.

Some weekends he does go in town and visit his grandma Mae. She lives on the outside of Las

Vegas and enjoys when he comes to see her to do fun activities that they are not able to do in a

small town like Indian Springs such as going to the movies, indoor trampoline parks, and even

go karts. She sometimes will take him to these places alone and often will take him and his

siblings together as a family.

Jayden says he loves to play video games especially the racing ones that have fast cars.

Right now, he says he wants to be a football player when he grows up. His mom says she tries to

have him do things outdoors with friends and family instead of playing video games all day.

Physical Development

Jayden is a smaller skinnier child than some children his age. He is a bit taller and is

skinnier and lankier than some 9-year-old boys. Jayden’s mother says he is a good eater. She

tries to have him eat 3 meals a day with maybe a snack or two in between but not a lot of

snacking during the day. She says he is not a very picky eater at all he will usually eat what she

serves and doesn’t complain much. Jayden is 55lbs and 48 inches tall. which is a bit below

average for a child his age. "Nutrients -- including protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals -- are

high on the list of the building blocks for proper growth," says Jonathan Scheff. Although, he

does not eat much junk food or sweets his mom says on special occasions and events she allows

him to indulge in candy and soda. Jayden plays baseball, he has practice twice a week for one

hour. He loves basketball and football also and plays other days with his friends after school. He

is quite fast and can balance quite well. His mother says he will rough house at home with his

siblings and stepdad often and she constantly has to make sure he doesn’t play too rough with


While playing many sports at a young age this will help him get into the routine and

prepare himself when he gets older to continuously be fit and active. Dwyer says, “Physical

activity is essential for promoting health and wellbeing in young children, and physical inactivity

and sedentary behaviors are factors contributing to the escalation in childhood obesity.”

I do feel that he is slightly below average when is comes to physical activity and fitness for his

age. I feel he is because of the amount of time he plays video games instead of playing outdoors.

He is an older 3rd grader so that may put him in a class of children who are a bit smaller and his

weights is a bit below average. “The emerging behaviors and subsequent activity habits that

develop in early childhood, which potentially track into later childhood and adulthood, are also

strongly influenced by extrinsic influences including the child's family and social networks, and

community environment.” Jayden spends more time playing video games than doing much of

anything else during his free time. This could be a pattern of what the family usually does

during down time and what his parents have done in their childhood years.

Emotional Development

Jayden’s father is unknown. His mother was in another relationship and Jayden has

never known his biological father. His stepfather who is the biological father of his other

siblings has taken on the responsibilities in taking care of Jayden and his wellbeing. Even

though Jayden has somewhat of a father figure in his life he does know that he is not his

biological father. His mother stated that they do sometimes have struggles when is comes to

Jayden because he is the oldest boy and he does not have a strong relationship with his stepdad.

In a study Leah says, “Both lone parents and their children face unique challenges and life

stressors.” Jayden is a great child and does not have a hard time knowing that his real father is

not in the picture, but I feel as he gets older, he may have some questions regarding the situation.

Leah also says, “Family resilience refers to the ability to face, overcome and experience growth

from adversity, with family relations and/or extended members being an imperative component

of family resilience.”. His mom and stepdad work together to let all their children know that

they are a team and one family. They have many things that they do together to stick together as

a family unit.

Jayden has 2 younger sisters and a younger brother they all play together. Jayden shares

easily for the most part. The one thing he has a hard time with is not playing his video games.

When he is getting punished his parents take video games away, he will usually cry and throw a

small fit but his mother said he actually has hit her before on her leg because she would not let

him play his video games or get something he wants. It does not happen often these events

happen far apart and very few incidents in between. His mother stated that he is much closer to

her than any other sibling and adult figure. I feel this may be because he is the oldest and at one

point it was just him and his mother for the first year of his life, she is all he knew.

Philosophical Development

Jayden is a bright and well rounded 9-year-old boy. I feel he is Stage 3 of Kohlbergs

stages or Moral reasoning, Conventional Morality where he is learning the rules of society. He

respects his parents and adults in his life. He does not have a hard time in school with his

teachers and those in charge. He is learning that he needs to be a good child. His actions lead to

an impressive reaction to those around him. It is typical for children at his age to want to do

things to please others and help.

Being a good boy helps him understand that he needs to be a role model to his younger

siblings. He doesn’t give his teachers a hard time when it comes to listening the first time. His

mother said she usually does not have to tell him things repeatedly. When Jayden was an infant,

he was an only child and was raised by his aunts, uncles, and grandparents when his mother was

in high school. He is a lot like his mother when it comes to his reactions with things and his

behavior in school. He usually keeps to himself in class completers his assignments and does

what he is told.

His mom said the only time she has to constantly talk to him is when he hits his siblings.

That is one thing that hse does have to speak wit him about that comes to mind. Jayden is not an

aggressive child however when he does not get what he wants from his siblings he does hit them

and has a punishment for it. His mom has him got to his room by himself or has him sit in a

corner until he speaks to her about what he did wrong and can go back and play. Jayden is

learning from his surrounding at school and at home. With having such a large family he is being

taught many ways on making the right decision and being a child that makes good choices.

Social Development

While Jayden is a very friendly and social child, he does play with himself often. He

enjoys playing video games alone in his room or in the living room at home. When his friends

come over, they usually play outside or play video games together. Groeben states in a study

“Social participation, assertiveness including leadership skills and ability to set limits to peers are

skills based on consideration of own interests and benefits.” Jayden plays video games very well

and is active in basketball. I observed Jayden forming teams when playing imagination games

outside and saying who’s turn it is when playing video games.

He sometimes gets picked on at school for answering the questions all the time in class,

but has no problem talking to his parents about it and how to handle a situation when someone is

not being nice. He does get sad on the days when he gets picked on at school but does not take it

home with him. He continues to talk to his parents about it and has fun playing at homeand with

his friend around him. “Research studies have demonstrated that having positive peer

relationships in the early elementary school years is associated with an increase in social

competence and acceptance throughout the later school years”, says Eva Oberle. Jayden chooses

to have positive relationship with children in his class and likes to go to the park and make new

friends. He enjoys being around kids that are nice and doesn’t like being mean to anyone around


Jayden is a calm, gentle child majority of the time. He doesn’t like when anyone is hurt

and does not like to hurt others. He enjoys having fun and being around his family and close

friends. His mom says he doesn’t really have many friends who do wrong or make bad

decisions. Eva also states “The positive psychology movement, as it has been called, aims to

examine the positive features of human development including the study of personal traits such

as, ‘‘subjective well-being, optimism, happiness, and self-determination’’. Jayden likes to be

first in many areas. He loves being the fastest child in class and enjoys getting good grades and

being smart.

Intellectual Development

Jaydens mother says he has average grades and loves to participate in class. He reads

very well and enjoys doing homework. I believe Jayden is level 4 on Piagets stages of cognitive

development. Concrete development helps him learn and solve others problems from those

learning experiences. “Teacher’s instructional behavior should concern students’ thinking

development stages on the concrete operational stage and implementing personal and social

constructivism learning approach, by concretizing learning close to students’ environment, so the

learning would be real for the students and indeed can be understood in their development

stages.”says Ni Putu. Jayden does well when he does his homework and rarely gets frustrated

when he get stuck on a problem or subject he is learning about.

A study done by David Moshman about Intellectual Freedom for Intellectual

Development says “Intellectual development, the development of the intellect, is the

emergence of increasingly sophisticated forms or levels of cognition, the progress of

understanding, reasoning, and rationality. We can describe the outcomes of intellectual

development by specifying steps, stages, or levels of development for cognition as a whole

and/or for various cognitive domains. Fundamentally, however, intellectual development is an


ongoing process of reflection, coordination, and social interaction that begins in early childhood

and continues, at least in some cases, long into adulthood.” Jayden often thinks about things

before he does them. He does not act on impulse and understand what is going on around him

and right from wrong. His parents teach him school is important and doing you school work is a

priority and should be taken seriously. These practices and habits will follow him into his high

school years and even into a career one day.


Jayden is well rounded and an all-over great child. He does very well in school and is a

great brother to his siblings. He makes good choices in everything he does. He handles his

emotions well and understands his mistakes and works on how to do better. I would recommend

his parent to not allow him to sit inside as often as he does simply playing video games. Being in

a sedentary state for long periods of time for children can lead to many troubling things as they

get older. I would recommend him and his stepfather to spend more time together and form a

closer bond and understanding of one another.

Jayden is active in sports and has a great group of friends. He spends time with them in

school and out of school. I would recommend his teacher to address some of the situations going

on with Jayden being called out by his friends for doing great things in class.

I would recommend Jayden to stay in sports and to stay active in and out of school as

much as he likes. Not only will this help with staying physically active but it will help gain

friends and goals in life.

I have learned so much about children and their capabilities and how they are able to

function in certain area in life. Jayden is on a good path with school his family and his friends to

continue these things in his continuing years and in school will only take him to more

opportunities in life.

Jayden PEPSI Chart







Physical Emotional Philosophical Social Intellectual

Works Cited

PRESS RELEASE: Health net urges parents to start children's healthy eating habits while they're

young. (2013, Mar 05). Dow Jones Institutional News Retrieved from



Dwyer, G. M., Baur, L. A., & Hardy, L. L. (2009). The challenge of understanding and assessing

physical activity in preschool-age children: Thinking beyond the framework of intensity,

duration and frequency of activity. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12(5), 534-6.

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East, L., Hutchinson, M., Power, T., & Jackson, D. (2017). A qualitative study of men's recollections of

growing up with father absence: Childhood father figures and family resilience. Contemporary

Nurse : A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 53(4), 436-444.


Groeben, M., Perren, S., Stadelmann, S., & von Klitzing, K. (2011). Emotional symptoms from

kindergarten to middle childhood: Associations with self- and other-oriented social skills.

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 20(1), 3-15.


Oberle, E., Schonert-Reichl, K., & Thomson, K. C. (2010). Understanding the link between social and

emotional well-being and peer relations in early adolescence: Gender-specific predictors of

peer acceptance. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(11), 1330-42.


Ni Putu, E. A. (2018). Teacher’s instructional behaviour in instructional management at elementary

school reviewed from Piaget’s cognitive development theory. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences.


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