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Make Questions. /different Cases

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Make questions.

/different cases/
Үгүй , Би өчигдөр гэртээ бай гаагүй .
Тэр өнөөдөр ирсэн.
Бид нар хоол хий сэн.
Тэд нар гэртээ бай сан.
Тий м, Би түүний г хүлээсэн.
Би най зтай гаа уулзсан.
Үгүй , Би ой лгоогүй .
Тий м, Би багштай ярьсан.
Би сая гэрээсээ ирсэн.
Үгүй , Би багшаас асуугаагүй .
Би 2 өдөр амарсан.
Answer the questions.
Чи өчигдөр хэнтэй ярьсан бэ?
Чи өнөө өглөө хаана бай сан бэ?
Чи хэзээ Монголд ирсэн бэ?
Чи өнгөрсөн сард хаашаа явсан бэ?
Чи ямар хоол идсэн бэ?
Чиний ажил хэдэн цагт дууссан бэ?

Translate in to Mongolia.
1. Did you meet Amraa? _________________________________________
2. Why did not you wait for me? _________________________________________
3. He asked me about it. _________________________________________
4. I did not do this. _________________________________________
5. We helped the people. _________________________________________
6. She gave me a book. _________________________________________
7. He did not understand me. _________________________________________
8. I talked to him about it. _________________________________________
9. They did not come from England. ___________________________________________
10. I went to there with my friend. ___________________________________________
11. Who did you live with? ___________________________________________
12. I met him 2 weeks ago. ___________________________________________
13. I meet them at the park. ___________________________________________
14. I will talk to you later. ___________________________________________
15. Can you wait for me for a while? ___________________________________________
16. They didn`t understand us. ____________________________________________
17. I saw you on the street this morning.________________________________________
18. He called his friend. __________________________________________________________
19. I know her. ________________________________________________
20. I will give it back to you next week. __________________________________________
21. I live in Zaisan. ___________________________________________________________
22. Don`t tell him. ___________________________________________________________
23. I visited there a month ago. __________________________________________________________
24. I stayed home all day. ___________________________________________________________
25. Come to my house. ___________________________________________________________
26. I will be there on Sunday. ___________________________________________________________
27. I will help you. ___________________________________________________________
28. There is a shop next to my house.___________________________________________________
29. Don`t ask me about it. ___________________________________________________________
30. I buy fruits from here. ___________________________________________________________
31. Look at me. ___________________________________________________________
32. I go to work by my car. ___________________________________________________________
33. I will call you tomorrow. ___________________________________________________________
34. I sent you an e-mail. ___________________________________________________________
Translate in to Mongolian. /байна, байгаа, байдаг/
1. I have a many things. ___________________________________________
2. They had the CD. ___________________________________________
3. We have good books. ___________________________________________
4. I do not have time now. ___________________________________________
5. I did not have time. ___________________________________________
6. He does not have the money. ___________________________________________
7. He did not have the money. ___________________________________________
8. He is at his home now. ___________________________________________
9. He is not his home now. ___________________________________________
10. They were not home yesterday. ___________________________________________
11. I am in Mongolia now. ___________________________________________
12. I was here yesterday. ___________________________________________
13. I was not here yesterday. ___________________________________________
14. They will be there tomorrow. ___________________________________________
15. We will not be there on Monday. ___________________________________________
16. There are not many people here. ___________________________________________
17. There weren`t many people there yesterday. __________________________________
18. There will be many people in my house tomorrow night. _________________________
19. There is no meat in my fridge. ___________________________________________
20. I have coke in my fridge. ___________________________________________
21. There are 4 chairs in my house. ___________________________________________
22. There is no TV in his house. ___________________________________________
23. I do not have food in my house. ___________________________________________
24. We did not have enough people. ___________________________________________
25. We were not in UB last year. ___________________________________________
26. I will stay home tonight. ___________________________________________
27. I stayed home last night. ___________________________________________
28. He is at Mexikhan now. ___________________________________________
29. He was not in this restaurant this morning. ____________________________________
30. He will not be in Mongolia o Saturday. _______________________________________
31. I have many friends in Mongolia. ___________________________________________
32. I do not have friends in Mongolia. ___________________________________________
33. I had very good books. ___________________________________________
34. I did not have good books. ___________________________________________
35. There is no good movies here. ___________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian. /-я, -е, -ё/

Let me help you. ___________________________________________
Let`s go to the restaurant. ___________________________________________
Let`s do this. ___________________________________________
Let me do this, you do that. ___________________________________________
Let me speak in Mongolian you listen. _______________________________________
I will wait for them for a while. ___________________________________________
Let`s buy this. ___________________________________________
Let me stay here. ___________________________________________
I will walk. ___________________________________________
I will tell you about it. ___________________________________________
Let`s meet tomorrow at the bank. ___________________________________________
Let`s talk about that people. ___________________________________________
Let`s speak in English. ___________________________________________
I will finish it today. ___________________________________________
Let`s start now. ___________________________________________
Let me think about it. ___________________________________________
i will study tonight. ___________________________________________
I will go later. ___________________________________________
I will come tomorrow. ___________________________________________
Let me think about it. ___________________________________________
Let me open the window. ___________________________________________
Let me close the door. ___________________________________________
I will give you a book. ___________________________________________
I will come tomorrow again. ___________________________________________
I will ask you a question. ___________________________________________
I will tell you about it. ___________________________________________
I will see you tomorrow. ___________________________________________
I will write to you to night. ___________________________________________
I will wait for you there. ___________________________________________
I will stay here today. ___________________________________________
I will buy one coffee. ___________________________________________
I will teach you English. ___________________________________________
Let`s go to the park. ___________________________________________
Let`s finish now. ___________________________________________
Let`s take a break. ___________________________________________
Let`s just walk. ___________________________________________
Let`s wait for a while. ___________________________________________
Let`s stop here. ___________________________________________
Let`s start now. ___________________________________________
Let`s meet in UB. ___________________________________________
Let`s have a coffee. ___________________________________________
Let`s eat lunch together. ___________________________________________
Let`s ride a motorcycle on weekend. ________________________________________
Let`s cook Chinese food. ___________________________________________
Let`s play soccer on Saturday. ___________________________________________
Let`s clean the house. ___________________________________________
Let`s travel to Gobi. ___________________________________________
Let`s talk about it. ___________________________________________
Let`s listen to nice songs. ___________________________________________
Let`s forget about it. ___________________________________________
Let`s watch a movie on weekend. __________________________________________
Let`s study Mongolian. ___________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian. /-аарай4/

Please speak slowly ___________________________________________
Come quickly, please. ___________________________________________
Please ask it again. ___________________________________________
Do it properly. ___________________________________________
Please say it again. ___________________________________________
Clean it. ___________________________________________
Put it there. ___________________________________________
Please say it again. ___________________________________________
Please speak slowly. ___________________________________________
Please come quickly. ___________________________________________
Please take a break. ___________________________________________
Please listen carefully. ___________________________________________
Please wake up early tomorrow. ___________________________________________
Please write message. ___________________________________________
Please be on time. ___________________________________________
Please come tomorrow. ___________________________________________
Please read it. ___________________________________________
Please clean this room. ___________________________________________
Please waut for 5 minutes. ___________________________________________
Please study hard. ___________________________________________
Please work hard. ___________________________________________
Please open the door. ___________________________________________
Please help me. ___________________________________________
Please give that book to me. ___________________________________________
Please do exersice everyday for 30 minutes._________________________________________________
Please think about it. ___________________________________________
Please think about it. ___________________________________________
Don`t come tomorrow. ___________________________________________
Do not forget this. ___________________________________________
Do not do that. ___________________________________________
Do not ask. ___________________________________________
Do not run. ___________________________________________
Don`t wait for me. ___________________________________________
Don`t tell him. ___________________________________________
Don`t laugh ___________________________________________
Please don`t forget. ___________________________________________
Please don`t ask again. ___________________________________________
Please don`t close the door. ___________________________________________
Please don`t go. ___________________________________________
Please don`t get tired. ___________________________________________
Please don`t get cold. ___________________________________________
Please don`t cry. ___________________________________________
Please don`t eat junk food. ___________________________________________
Please don`t talk. ___________________________________________
Please don`t get upset. ___________________________________________
Please don`t run. ___________________________________________
Please don`t buy milk. ___________________________________________
Please don`t drink too much. ___________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian /-ж байна, -даг4, -сан4, -на4/

What are you doing?
What will you do?
What do you do?
What did you do?

Where did you go?

Where will you go?
Where are you going?
Where do you go?

When did you come?

When do you come?
When will you come?

Why is he working today?

How long did they stay here?
Who came here yesterday?
Who took the picture?
How will you get there?
What are you listening to now?
What kind of food are you gonna cook tonight?

Are you listening to music?

Did you have lunch today?
Do you work here?
Are you coming tomorrow?
Does she speak English?
Do they come here very often?
Will you take photos?
Did they go to country side?
Is he studying Mongolian?
Are you drinking coffee or tea?
Will you come next week?
Do you speak Mongolian?
Translate in to Mongolian.
What did you do today? ___________________________________________
What did you eat for lunch? ___________________________________________
What did you drink this morning? ___________________________________________
Where did you go yesterday? ___________________________________________
Why did you buy this? ___________________________________________

Did you work on Saturday? ___________________________________________

Did you have pizza yesterday? ___________________________________________
Did you go to the bank today? ___________________________________________
Did you go to a restaurant yesterday? _______________________________________

What will you do tomorrow? ___________________________________________

When are you going to Spain? ___________________________________________
Where are you going tomorrow? ___________________________________________
Are you coming on Friday? ___________________________________________
Will you come on Tuesday? ___________________________________________
Will you be at home on Sunday? ___________________________________________

Where are you now? ___________________________________________

What do you have now? ___________________________________________
Do you have some money? ___________________________________________
Are you at home now? ___________________________________________
Is there any TV here? ___________________________________________
What are you doing now? ___________________________________________
Are you working now? ___________________________________________

What do you need? ___________________________________________

Do you need work? ___________________________________________
What do you have to do now? ___________________________________________
Do you have to go to work tomorrow? _______________________________________

Can I come tomorrow? ___________________________________________

Can you come tomorrow? ___________________________________________
You can come now. ___________________________________________
I cannot work today. ___________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian. /дуртай, дургүй/

I like coffee. _________________________________________

I like to drink coffee. _________________________________________

She likes fish. _________________________________________

He does not like milk tea. _________________________________________

I like to travel. _________________________________________

He likes to take photos. _________________________________________

We like nature. _________________________________________

I like to play golf. _________________________________________

I like walking. _________________________________________

I like watching movies. _________________________________________

I do not like living in big city. _________________________________________

He does not like to people. _________________________________________

We do not like to go there. _________________________________________

They like to stay here. _________________________________________

They do not like to clean. _________________________________________

I like people. _________________________________________

I do not like to wait. _________________________________________

They do not like to ride horse. _________________________________________

She does not like to drive. _________________________________________

She likes running. _________________________________________

We like skiing. _________________________________________

Translate in to English.
Тэр жүүсэнд дуртай . _________________________________________
Би үхрий н маханд дуртай . _________________________________________
Чи юунд дуртай вэ? _________________________________________
Та зай рмаганд дуртай юу? _________________________________________
үгүй , Би дургүй . _________________________________________
Та ямар хоолонд дуртай вэ? _________________________________________
Та кофенд дуртай юу? _________________________________________
Translate in to Mongolian.
Do you like hamburger? _________________________________________
I like milk. _________________________________________
Do you like honey? _________________________________________
I do not like lamb. _________________________________________
He likes soccer. _________________________________________
They do not like winter. _________________________________________
Some people like beer. _________________________________________
What kind of movie do you like? ________________________________________
Do you like rain or snow? _________________________________________
Why do you like this movie? _________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian. /хэрэгтэй/

I need rest. _________________________________________

He needs job. _________________________________________

She doesn`t need money. _________________________________________

We do not need many people. _________________________________________

They need coffee. _________________________________________

We need a big room. _________________________________________

I need to go now. _________________________________________

I have to do this. _________________________________________

I do not have to stay here. _________________________________________

I have to get up early tomorrow.________________________________________

He has to start today. _________________________________________

I have to talk to them. _________________________________________

I do not have to wait. _________________________________________

They have to choose one of them.______________________________________

We have to finish it by Friday._________________________________________

What do you have to do? ________________________________________

Where do you need to go? _________________________________________

Why do you have to wait? _________________________________________

Do you have to stay here? _________________________________________

Do you need to do exercise? _________________________________________

Do you have to talk to them? _________________________________________

Do you have to help them? _________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian. /random sentences/
1. Where were you? ______________________________________________________________
I was in New York for the weekend. ______________________________________________________________
2. Do you have a car? ______________________________________________________________
Yes, I do. ______________________________________________________________
3. Is there a pharmacy near here? ______________________________________________________________
Yes. There is a pharmacy next to the post office.____________________________________________________
4. Who wrote this one? ______________________________________________________________________
They wrote it. ______________________________________________________________________
5. Is this your book? ______________________________________________________________________
No, it is not mine. ______________________________________________________________________
6. Whose bag is it? ______________________________________________________________________
It is hers. ______________________________________________________________________
7. What do you like? ______________________________________________________________________
I like apples. ______________________________________________________________________
8. How was the party? ______________________________________________________________________
It was good. ______________________________________________________________________
9. What are you going to do this evening?______________________________________________________________
10. I'm going to visit some friends this evening._________________________________________________________
11. What is he doing? ______________________________________________________________________
12. His is fixing a car. ______________________________________________________________________
13. Do you have to go there? ________________________________________________________________
14. No, I do not have to go there. ________________________________________________________________
15. What do you need now? ________________________________________________________________
16. I need some money. ________________________________________________________________
17. Where are you now? ________________________________________________________________
18. I am at home now. ________________________________________________________________
19. Where do you live? ________________________________________________________________
20. I live in DC. ________________________________________________________________
21. Does he play soccer? ________________________________________________________________
22. No, he doesn`t. ________________________________________________________________
23. How do you get to work? ________________________________________________________________
24. By car. _______________________________________________________________
25. Who will you go with? ________________________________________________________________
26. With my friends. ________________________________________________________________
27. How is it? ________________________________________________________________
28. It is not interesting. _______________________________________________________________
29. What do want to do? _______________________________________________________________
30. I want to watch that movie. _______________________________________________________________

Answer the questions. /random sentences/

Та одоо хаана бай на?
Танай гэр хаана бай даг вэ?
Танай унтлагын өрөөнд юу юу бай даг вэ?
Та юу хий х дуртай вэ?
Та одоо хий х хэрэгтэй вэ?
Та кофенд дуртай юу цай нд дуртай юу?
Танд ус хэрэгтэй юу пиво хэрэгтэй юу?
Та хаашаа явмаар бай на?
Та юу хий мээр бай на?
Та ер нь ямар ресторан явдаг вэ?
Та өчигдөр орой 5 цагт хаана бай сан бэ?
Та ирэх сард ажиллах уу?

Answer the questions.

Та одоо юу хий ж бай на?
Та чигдөр юу хий сэн бэ?
Та маргааш юу хий х вэ?
Та юу хий дэг вэ?
Та юу хий х дуртай вэ?
Та юу хий х хэрэгтэй вэ?
Та юу хий мээр бай на?
Та одоо хаана бай на?
Та уржигдар 2 цагт хаана бай сан бэ?
Та нөгөөдөр орой 8 цагт хаана бай х вэ?
Танд мөнгө бай на уу?
Танай гэрт жимс бай гаа юу?

Answer the questions.

Та Монголд амьдардаг уу?
Та өчигдөр бууз идсэн үү?
Та ирэх сард Герман явах уу?
Та одоо ажиллаж бай на уу?
Та пиво уух дуртай юу?
Та архи уух хэрэгтэй юу?
Та тамхи татмаар бай на уу?
Танай ээж Америкт бай даг уу?
Танай гэрт хонины мах бай гаа юу?
Танд ай раг бай на уу?
Та I padтай юу?
Та одоо ажил дээрээ бай на уу?
Make questions.
Үгүй , Би гэртээ бай хгүй
Би дэлгүүрт ажилладаг.
Тэд нар ажиллаж бай на.
Бид нар хоол хий сэн.
Тэр маргааш гэртээ бай на.
Үгүй , Би хүлээх хэрэггүй .
Надад мөнгө хэрэгтэй .
Би кофе уумаар бай на.
Үгүй , Би машингүй .
Тий м, бид нарт мөнгө бай гаа.
Би заримдаа ресторан явдаг.

Тий м, энд олон музей бай даг.


Make questions.
________________________________________________ Би Австралиас ирсэн.
________________________________________________ Үгүй , Гадаа халуун бай на.
________________________________________________ Би оюутан.
________________________________________________ Энэ миний ном биш.

Answer the questions.

Та юу авах вэ? ________________________________________________
Та хаашаа явах вэ? ________________________________________________
Гадаа ямар бай на? ________________________________________________
Та хэдэн хүүхэдтэй вэ? ________________________________________________
Монгол ямар бай на? ________________________________________________
Put in order.
1. Орос мэдэхгүй хэл Би. ________________________________________________
2. уух юу Та вэ? ________________________________________________
3. ямар Та уух кофе вэ? ________________________________________________
4. их бай на халуун Гадаа. ________________________________________________
5. хүүхэдтэй хэдэн Та вэ? ________________________________________________
6. бороотой уу? Гадаа бай на _____________________________________________
7. авах Та вэ?юу ______________________________________________
8. хаашаа Та явах вэ? ______________________________________________
9. кофенд та юу? дуртай ______________________________________________
10. ямар мэдэх ямар Та хэл вэ? ___________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian.
Let me teach, you study. ________________________________________________________________

Let us ask, you say. ________________________________________________________________

Let me cook, you eat. ________________________________________________________________

I cooked yesterday. ________________________________________________________________

I had a pizza this morning. ________________________________________________________________

I went to Zaisan last week. ________________________________________________________________

We bought a new table. ________________________________________________________________

I got up early this morning. ________________________________________________________________

I`ll go to the market next week. ________________________________________________________________

I`ll rest next month. ________________________________________________________________

I`ll buy new house next year. ________________________________________________________________

We`ll study next week. ________________________________________________________________

They`ll watch a movie tomorrow. ________________________________________________________________

We`ll not buy a car. ________________________________________________________________

He`ll not go to school tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________

We`ll not go to Beijing by airplane. ________________________________________________________________

I didn`t go by car. ________________________________________________________________

He did not have a meal. ________________________________________________________________

We did not buy a computer. _______________________________________________________________

I did not see well. _______________________________________________________________

She did not come here last week. _______________________________________________________________

I did not study Mongolian last year._______________________________________________________________

I did not hear anything. _______________________________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian.

I need a computer. Where can I buy?_____________________________________________________________

I need a book. ______________________________________________________________

I need a table. ______________________________________________________________

What is the weather like today? ______________________________________________________________

Where are you going tomorrow? ______________________________________________________________

Where did you go yesterday? ______________________________________________________________

What did you do last week? ______________________________________________________________

When will you come from gobi? ______________________________________________________________

When did he come from England? ____________________________________________________________

How did you go to gobi? ____________________________________________________________

What do you do? ____________________________________________________________

What time will you finish? ____________________________________________________________

When will you rest? ____________________________________________________________

Did you cook yesterday? ____________________________________________________________

Will you come here next month? ____________________________________________________________

What are you going to eat for lunch?___________________________________________________________

Did you come by train? ____________________________________________________________

Are you going by bus? ____________________________________________________________

Did you buy a book? ____________________________________________________________

Do you speak Mongolian? ____________________________________________________________

Is it cold today? ____________________________________________________________

Is it snowy today? ____________________________________________________________

Was it windy yesterday? ____________________________________________________________

Translate in to english. / Causative/

Би Оюукагаар Монгол хэл заалгадаг. ___________________________________________________
Оюука надаар гэрий н даалгавар уншуулсан. _____________________________________________
Багш надаар гэрий н даалгавар хий лгэдэг. ________________________________________________
Мишээл хумсаа будуулсан. ___________________________________________________
Тэр өчигдөр үсээ тай руулсан. ___________________________________________________
Би нар өнгөрсөн сард ханаа будуулсан. ___________________________________________________
Тэр надаар И-мэй л бичүүлсэн. __________________________________________________
Багш оюутнуудыг Англиар яриулдаг. __________________________________________________
Ганаа гэрээ хүнээр цэвэрлүүлдэг. __________________________________________________
Сараа машинаа засуулах хэрэгтэй . __________________________________________________
Ээж хүүхдүүдээ 8 цагт унтуулдаг. __________________________________________________
Тэр намай г инээлгэсэн. __________________________________________________
Ганаа Мишээлий г хүлээлгэсэн. __________________________________________________

Translate in to Mongolian. __________________________________________________

 We had our sink fixed. __________________________________________________
Peter had his house repaired  last year. __________________________________________________
 I want to have my teeth checked. _________________________________________________
 I want my teeth checked. _________________________________________________
 I got my car washed. _________________________________________________
She got her nail polished. _________________________________________________
They had John arrive early. _________________________________________________
She had her children cook dinner. _________________________________________________
I had my hair cut last Saturday. _________________________________________________
Peter made her do her homework.  _________________________________________________
They had their house painted. _________________________________________________
Samuel got his dad cook supper. ________________________________________________
The manager had her employee write letter. _____________________________________________
He let his daughter go to the party. ________________________________________________
The teacher made the students stay after class. __________________________________________

John let me drive his new car. ________________________________________________

Will your parents let you go to the party? ________________________________________________

Complete the sentences. /яагаад гэвэл, тийм учраас/

Би Монгол хэл сурдаг.
Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________

Би өчигдөр их ядарсан.
Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________

Би янз бүрий н хүмүүстэй яримаар бай на.

Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________

Би дараа сар энд бай на.

Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________

Би энд амьдрах дуртай .

Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________

Энэ ресторан надад таалагддаг.

Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________

Би түүний ярьсныг ой лгоогүй .

Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________
Би их өлсөж бай на.
Яагаад гэвэл ___________________________________________
Тий м учраас ___________________________________________
Äàñãàë 1 ªã¿¿ëáýðèéã ã¿éöýýíý ¿¿.
1. ________________________ ó÷ðààñ áè îéëãîîã¿é.
2. ________________________ ó÷ðààñ õºäºº ÿâàõã¿é.
3. ________________________ áîëîõîîð õè÷ýýëäýý ÿâààã¿é.
4. ________________________áîëîõîîð äóó äóóëäàãã¿é.
5. ________________________ áîëîõîîð áè èõ äóðòàé.
6. ________________________ ó÷ðààñ ñîëîíãîñîîð ÿðüäàã.
7. ________________________ õîíèíû ìàõ èääýãã¿é.
8. ________________________ ó÷ðààñ èðýýã¿é.
9. ________________________ áîëîõîîð êèì÷èíä äóðòàé.
10. ________________________ áîëîõîîð õààÿà èääýã.

Äàñãàë 2 Àñóóëòàíä õàðèóëààðàé.

1. Òà ÿàãààä ìîíãîëä èðñýí áý?
2. Òà ÿàãààä õîîë ñàéí õèéäýã âý?
3. Òà ÿàãààä ìîíãîë õýë ñóðäàã âý?
4. Òà ÿàãààä хотын төвд àìüäàðäàã âý?
Äàñãàë 3 Ǻâ õîëáîíî óó.
1. Áè àíãëèàð ÿðüæ ÷àäàõã¿é ó÷ðààñ äàíäàà àâ÷ èääýã.
2. Õàíèàä õ¿ðñýí ó÷ðààñ òàíòàé ÿðüæ ÷àäààã¿é.
3. Áè òàíû óòñûã ìýäýõã¿é áîëîõîîð Ìîíãîëîîð ÿðüäàã.
4. Àâòîáóñ èðýýã¿é ó÷ðààñ õè÷ýýëäýý ÿâààã¿é.
5. Ìàøèí ýâäýðñýí õºäºº ÿâæ ÷àäààã¿é.
6. Áè øîêîëîäàíä äóðòàé áîëîõîîð áè õîöîðñîí.

Áè - ¿éë ¿ã + õäàà íàìàéã - ¿éë ¿ã + õàä

Áè áàãà áàéõäàà èõ ñàõèëãàã¿é õ¿¿õýä áàéñàí.
Ìàíàé ä¿¿ æîîõîí áàéõäàà ààâ ýýæ õî¸ðòîé õàìò äàíäàà õºäºº ÿâäàã áàéñàí.
Íàìàéã èõ ñóðãóóëüä ñóð÷ áàéõàä ìàíàé ä¿¿ äóíä ñóðãóóëüä áàéñàí
Áîëîðûã äóíä ñóðãóóëüä áàéõàä òýäíèéõ ýíä èðñýí.
Äàñãàë 1 ªã¿¿ëáýðèéã ã¿éöýýæ áè÷ýýðýé.
Áè äóíä ñóðãóóëüä áàéõäàà______________________________________________
Áè хүүхэд байхдаа _____________________________________________________
Áèä íàð тэнд áàéõäàà__________________________________________________
Íàìàéã áàãà áàéõàä_____________________________________________________
Ìàíàé ä¿¿ã æîîõîí áàéõàä_______________________________________________
Ò¿¿íèéã õ¿¿õýä áàéõàä___________________________________________________
Äàñãàë 2 Ǻâèéã äóãóéëààðàé.
1. ×è / ÷àìàéã ãýðòýý áàéõäàà þó õèéäýã âý?
2. Áè / íàìàéã ãýðòýý áàéõäàà çóðàãò ¿çäýã.

3. ×è / ÷àìàéã ãýðòýý î÷èõîä õýí áàéñàí áý?

4. Áè / íàìàéã ãýðò î÷èõîä õýí ÷ áàéãààã¿é.

5. Áèä íàð / áèä íàðûã ñóðãóóëèàñ ãàðàõàä áîðîî îðæ áàéñàí

6. Òýä íàð / òýä íàðûã îðîéí õîîëîî èäýæ áàéõàä áè î÷ñîí.

Äàñãàë 3 –õäàà, -õàä òîõèðîõûã íºõºæ áèíý ¿¿.

1. Áè õè÷ýýë õèéæ áàéõ............ äàíäàà êîôå óóäàã.

2. Íàìàéã õè÷ýýëýý õèéæ áàéõ........... òýð èðñýí.

3. ............... áèä õî¸ð õîòûí òºâ ÿâàõ............. òàêñèãààð ÿâäàã.

4. Ò¿¿íèéã ÿâàõ................ áè õîîë õèéæ áàéñàí.

5. Ìàíàé íàéç Австралиас èðýõ............. íàäàä энийг өгсөн.

6. Johnûã Аìåðèêààñ èðýõ................. áè óóëçàæ ÷àäààã¿é.

 If you don’t leave, I’ll call the police. ___________________________________

 If you don’t drop the gun, I’ll shoot! ___________________________________
 If you drop that glass, it will break.___________________________________
 Nobody will notice if you make a mistake.___________________________________
 If I have time, I’ll finish that letter. ___________________________________
 What will you do if you miss the plane? ___________________________________
 If you drop that glass, it might break. ___________________________________
 I may finish that letter if I have time. ___________________________________
a. If I was a plant, I would love the rain.
b. If you really loved me, you would buy me a diamond ring.
c. If I knew where she lived, I would go and see her.
d. You wouldn’t need to read this if you understood English grammar.
e. Would he go to the concert if I gave him a ticket?
f. They wouldn’t invite her if they didn’t like her
g. We would be able to buy a larger house if we had more money

If I’d known you were in hospital, I would have visited you.

I would have bought you a present if I’d known it was your birthday.
If they’d had a better goalkeeper they wouldn’t have lost the game.

If you had told me you were on the Internet, I’d have sent you an e-mail.

e. Would you have bought an elephant if you’d known how much they eat?

1. If I have enough apples, I will bake an apple pie this afternoon.

2. I will fix your bicycle if I have a screwdriver of the proper size.
3. I will make a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are ripe.
4. If she comes, I will give her the message.
5. If you study hard, you will pass the final exam.
6. If she wins the competition, they will give her a gold medal.
7. He will not go to the picnic, if it rains.

1. I wouldn’t be a student in this class if English were my native language

2. I would fix your bicycle if I had a screwdriver of the proper
3. Sally would answer the phone if she was in her office right now
4. Jack will shave today if he had a sharp razor.
5. If i had enough money, I would go with you.

1. If he had studied hard, he would have passed the final exam.

2. If I had had enough money, I would have gone with you.
3. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we would have gone to the zoo
4. If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
5. If the team had played well, it would have won the competition.
6. If Alter Bridge had been here, I would have been very happy.

Translate in to Mongolian.

1. If you don’t believe me open the box and see.

2. If you want to go, you can go.
3. If you have time please come to my home.
4. If I plant the tree far from my house somebody will take it.
5. If I meet a man who stronger then I am, I will give him all the money I have.
6. If it is cold tomorrow, I will stay at home.
7. If you ask me, I will answer.
8. If she get visa she can go to America.
9. If you have time you can join us.
If she late, they won`t be surprised.
If you help me, I would be happy.
Would you be surprised if it snowed next week?
If I had lot of money, I would have travelled many countries.

Translate in to Mongolian. /-х гэж/

1. He invited his friends to his house to see it.
2. I came here to help my friend.
3. The king called him to show his pictures.
4. They have to pay money in order to receive letters.
5. I went to the store to buy some food.
6. The tourists come to Mongolia to see Gobi.
7. People work to get money.
8. He`ll go to London to see Olympus.
9. I am trying on my best to study well.
10. She is studying Japanese to go to Japan.
11. She does exercise in order to lose weight.

1. сурах ________________________________________
2. ажиллах ________________________________________
3. уулзах ________________________________________
4. авах ________________________________________
5. үзэх _________________________________________
6. хий х _________________________________________
7. амьдрах _________________________________________
8. явах _________________________________________
9. мэдэх _________________________________________
Орчуулаарай. /-чих/
1. I just finished my work. ______________________________
2. The food is now ready. ______________________________
3. The bus is arrived. ______________________________
4. Please hurry. The bus will leave. ______________________________
5. Have you finished your homework.______________________________
6. They have just come. ______________________________
7. Why have you gone? ______________________________
8. Have you done? ______________________________
9. Who has broken this plate? ______________________________
10. I have just written. ______________________________
11. I`m sorry. I have forgotten. ______________________________
12. We had finished our lesson by 5pm. ______________________________
13. He has sold all of clothes. ______________________________
14. We will have finished our book by December.

Өгүүлбэрийг гүйцээнэ үү.
1. 6.30 гэхэд манай ажил______________/тар/
2. За, хурдал хурдал. Хичээлээсээ________________ /хоцор/
3. Тэр хоолоо_________________/хий /
4. Сараа багш бай хгүй бай на. Түрүүн __________________ /яв/
5. Өө, Би утсаа__________________ /орхи/
6. Өө, би Урнаатай утсаар ярихаа /март/
7. Билет авч чадсангүй ээ. Билет _________________ /дуус/
8. За, хоол__________________ /бол/ идээрэй .
9. Өө, яанаа. Авсан 10 өндөг маань хоёр нь_________________ /хагар/
10. Хурдлахгүй бол банк _________________ /хаа/

Зөв холбоно уу. /-тал4/

ядартлаа даарах
залхтлаа уурлах
элгээ хөштөл орилох
хөлдөж үхтлээ суух
хагартлаа хүлээх
яс арьс болтлоо инээх
хоолой гоо сөөтөл зогсох
цөхөртлөө идэх
галзууртлаа турах
Өгүүлбэрийг гүйцээнэ үү.
1. __________________________________ хүлээж бай гаарай .
2. Би орой болтол ____________________________________
3. Тэр сургуулиа төгсөтлөө ____________________________
4. Тэд нар намай г иртэл _______________________________

I wil wait until you come. ____________________________________
Until the guests go, we were busy. ____________________________________
You have to wait until tomorrow. ____________________________________
We waited until she finished teaching. ____________________________________
I thought about it until I returned home.___________________________________
The movie was very interesting from start to finish.

Translate in to Mongolian. /-лгүй яахав/

Q: Can I come in? _________________________________________
A: Sure. _________________________________________
Q: Can you sing a worship song? ____________________________________
A: Of course, I can. ____________________________________
Q: Can you come tomorrow? ____________________________________
A: Of course, I can. ____________________________________
Translate in to Mongolian. /adj-than with verb/
1. Going by taxi is better than going by bus.
2. Walking is better than going by bus, when there are traffic jams.
3. Staying at home is better than going outside, when it is cold.
4. Getting hot is better than getting cold.
5. Drinking coffee is better than drinking tea.
6. Living in city is better than living in country side.

Translate in to Mongolian. /-даг байж/

I must call Zula. I should have gotten Zula`s phone number.

It seems like the movie already has started. I should have come earlier.
I don`t know how to do it. I should have asked them.
Q: I went to the shop and brought what you asked me
A: will you please go to the store again. I need onion.
Q: Oh no, Why didn`t you tell me before?
A: I forgot. /I have forgotten/ please go again.

Q: You did it wrong.

A: How would I know. You should have told me.
Q: Yes that`s right. I should have told you.

Q: Why didn`t you wake me up. I gonna be late.

A: You should have asked me to wake you up.

Q: You all met. Why didn`t you call me.

A: We thought you were busy. We should have called you if we knew.
 Би Зулаатай ярих хэрэгтэй бай на. Зулаагий н утасны дугаарыг авдаг бай ж.
 Кино аль түрүүн эхэлчихсэн юм шиг бай на. Эрт ирдэг бай ж.
 Би яаж хий хээ мэдэхгүй бай на. Тэд нараас асуудаг бай ж.

А: Би дэлгүүр яваад таны захисан юмыг аваад ирлээ.

Б: Чи дахиад дэлгүүр яваад ирээч. Сонгино хэрэгтэй бай на.
А: Өө тэгээд түрүүн хэлэхгүй яасан юм.
Б: Би мартчихаж. За дахиад яваад ир л дээ.
А: Чи буруу хий чихсэн бай на шүү дээ.
Б: Би яаж мэдэх юм. Хэлэхгүй яасан юм.
А: Харин тий м. Хэлдэг бай ж.

А: Намай г сэрээхгүй яасан юм бэ. Би хоцорлоо шүү дээ.

Б: Сэрээгээрэй гэж хэлэхгүй яасан юм.

А: Та нар уулзсан юм бай на шүү дээ. Намай г дуудахгүй яасан юм бэ?

Б: Чамай г завгүй бай х гэж бодсон шүү дээ. Мэдсэн бол дууддаг бай ж.

Complete the sentences

Би /миний найз/__________________ хамт амьдардаг.
Би Японд байхдаа /тэр/______________________ хамт ажилладаг байсан.
Тэр өчигдөр /би/ ______________________ хамт манайд байсан.
Тэр /би/ __________________ бүжиглэсэн.
Тэр /түүний найзын дүү/ ______________________________ гэрлэсэн.
Би /тэд нар/ ___________________ маргамаалгүй байсан.
Монголчууд /танихгүй хүн/ _______________________ мэндэлдэггүй.
Би нар /Япончууд/ ____________________ өрсөлдсөн.
Би /дарга/ ________________________ уулзах хэрэгтэй байна.
Би /эхнэр/ ______________________ анх найзынхаа төрсөн өдөр дээр танилцсан.
Чамд ямар нэгэн асуудал гарвал /би/ ______________________ ярилцаарай.

Make sentences using the verbs.

Танилц ________________________________________________________

Уулз _____________________________________________________

Амьдар ________________________________________________________

Марга ________________________________________________________

Ярь ________________________________________________________

Гэрлэ ________________________________________________________

Ажилла ________________________________________________________

Мэндэл ________________________________________________________
Дасгал 1. Complete the sentences with –руу, рүү, луу, лүү
Ярьж байхдаа нөгөө хүнийхээ нүд _______ харж яриарай.
Сара Испани ________ буцсан.
Тэр гэр ____________ их яарч байна.
Би бөмбөгөө /тэр/______ шидсэн.
Тэр англиас монгол________ орчуулж чадна.
Тэд нар маргааш сургууль ________ ирнэ.
Чи маргааш /би/_________ залгаарай.

Complete the sentences with –аар, -ээр, -оор, -өөр

Тэр цонх_____ харж байна.
Би энэ номыг арван мянга_______ авсан.
Бид нар хичээл дээр Монгол_______ ярьдаг.
Би дэвтэр дээрээ харандаа______ бичдэг.
Зарим Азийн улсын хүмүүс савх______ иддэг.
Би энэ киног зурагт_______ үзсэн.
Би цана_____ гулгаж чадахгүй.
Хүүхдүүд бөмбөг______ тоглодог.

Дасгал 2. Make sentences with –аар4, –руу4 using the verbs.


Тохирох нөхцөлийг бичнэ үү.

Мэдэхгүй бол хэн__________ асуух вэ?
Мэдэхгүй бол /Би/_______________ асуугаарай.
Та энийг хаана___________ авсан бэ?
Би энийг их дэлгүүр_____________ авсан.
Та юу____________ айдаг вэ?
Би өндөр__________ айдаг.
Би энэ кино___________ уйдаж байна.
Тэр дандаа алхах_________ залхаж байна гэнэ.
Тэр цагдаа__________ зугтсан.
Тэр /чи/__________ ичиж байна.
Би найз____________ ичдэггүй.
Чи энэ тухай хэн____________ сонссон бэ?
Би /тэр/______________ сонссон.
Тэр өнөө өглөө ажил___________ хоцорсон.
Тэр өрөө___________ гарсан.
Өгүүлбэр зхиогоорой.
Авах ____________________________________________________

Гарах _____________________________________________________

Айх ____________________________________________________

Асуух ____________________________________________________

Залхах ____________________________________________________

Зугтах ____________________________________________________

Ичих ____________________________________________________

Сонсох ____________________________________________________

Хоцрох ____________________________________________________
Таарах нөхцөлийг бичээрэй.
1. Дэвтэр ___ àâààðàé.
2. Áàãøèéí дэвтэр___ àâààðàé.
3. Áè ÷àìä íîì___ ºãüå.
4. Áè òýð бал___ ¿çüå.
5. Ãàíàà Ñàðàà 2 íîì___ àâñàí.
6. Áèä íàð ýíý öàìö___çàõààñ àâñàí.
7. Ö¿íõ__ õàðñàí óó?
8. ×è Áàòûí ö¿íõ___ õàðñàí óó?
9. Áè õîîë___ èäìýýðã¿é áàéíà.
10. Áè ýíý ãýðèéí äààëãàâàð___ õèéгээгүй.

Таарах нөхцөлийг бичээрэй.

Би өчигдөр /чи/____________________ гудамжинд харсан.
Тэр /тэр/___________________ дуудсан. Харин тэр сонсоогүй.
/би/__________________ битгий мартаарай.
Багш /оюутан/_______________ магтсан.
Би /тэр/_________________ дагасан.
Тэр /би/________________ таниагүй.
Би /тэр найз/__________________ мэдэхгүй.
Тэр /найзууд/ ______________________ гэртээ урьсан.
/Би/ __________________ уучлаарай.
Би /багш/_______________ хүлээсэн.
Би зарим Монгол /хүмүүс/_______________ ойлгодоггүй.
Хүлээх ___________________________________________________________
Харах ___________________________________________________________
Урих ___________________________________________________________
Мэдэх ___________________________________________________________
Таних ___________________________________________________________
Мартах ___________________________________________________________
Ойлгох ___________________________________________________________
Уучлах ___________________________________________________________
Дуудах ___________________________________________________________
Дагах ___________________________________________________________
Сонсох ___________________________________________________________

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