Plumbing For Rainwater Harvesting System
Plumbing For Rainwater Harvesting System
Plumbing For Rainwater Harvesting System
Plumbing Guideline
Rainwater tank installations may be designed, visitors, may be displayed advising that rainwater
installed and maintained so as to allow a cross is in use.
connection with the potable water supply. Where
a property has both a rainwater tank system and Identification tape marked ‘AIR HUJAN’ shall
a potable water supply from a reticulated system, be at least 75mm wide. The identification tape
the plumbing for rainwater tank should have a shall be installed on top of the rainwater pipeline
cross-connection control and backflow installed within the trench, running
prevention. longitudinally, and fastened to the pipe at not
more than three meter intervals.
The need for a secure water supply means that
many people want the ability to switch back to
the mains water supply if their pump fails;
electricity fails or the tank needs to be cleaned.
Plumbing Water Closet Cisterns
Figure 5.3: Typical Installation of Dual Check Figure 5.6: Typical Schematic Layout for
Valve for Rainwater Tank. Rainwater Tank at Ground Level.