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Plumbing For Rainwater Harvesting System

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Plumbing for Rainwater Harvesting System

Plumbing Guideline

Rainwater tank installations may be designed, visitors, may be displayed advising that rainwater
installed and maintained so as to allow a cross is in use.
connection with the potable water supply. Where
a property has both a rainwater tank system and Identification tape marked ‘AIR HUJAN’ shall
a potable water supply from a reticulated system, be at least 75mm wide. The identification tape
the plumbing for rainwater tank should have a shall be installed on top of the rainwater pipeline
cross-connection control and backflow installed within the trench, running
prevention. longitudinally, and fastened to the pipe at not
more than three meter intervals.
The need for a secure water supply means that
many people want the ability to switch back to
the mains water supply if their pump fails;
electricity fails or the tank needs to be cleaned.

Suggested plumbing configuration for rainwater

tanks in urban areas with a reticulated supply –
direct connection with the potable supply is
shown in Figure 5.1.

Proximity to other services - Separation between

above ground rainwater services and any parallel
potable water supply must be a minimum of Figure 5.1: Typical Direct Connection
100mm, below ground rainwater services must Plumbing Configuration
be separated by a minimum of 300mm from any
parallel potable water supply pipe.

Marking and labeling – It is a common practice

in marking and labeling of the rainwater services
for identification and future maintenance

Above and below ground rainwater pipes shall

be continuously marked ‘AIR HUJAN’.

Every rainwater tank outlet and all taps, valves

and rainwater tank apertures shall be identified as
‘AIR HUJAN’ with a sign complying with (refer
Figure 5.2) or a green colored indicator with the
letters ‘SPAH’. Alternatively, a permanent sign,
at the front of the premises and visible to all Figure 5.2: Typical Signage for rainwater
tanks and outlets

Plumbing Water Closet Cisterns

The interconnection of rainwater and reticulated

potable water for flushing purposes requires
separation of the potable supply by the
installation of a dual check valve (Figure 5.3).

Typical installation options are shown below

(Figure 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 & 5.7). A Dual Check Valve
should be fitted at the cross-connection point
between the two water sources.

A pump is shown at the rainwater tank outlet to

pressurize supply for satisfactory operation of Figure 5.5: Installation of Check Valve
the ball float valve in the cistern. for Water Cistern

Figure 5.3: Typical Installation of Dual Check Figure 5.6: Typical Schematic Layout for
Valve for Rainwater Tank. Rainwater Tank at Ground Level.

Figure 5.4: Typical Connections Figure 5.7: Typical Schematic Layout

at or Near Cistern for Rainwater Tank on Stand.


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