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Grandmaster Ascension PDF

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Grandmaster Ascension Level


Reiki is a gentle healing energy which flows where it does

the most good, and is passed by initiation. It came from
Japan to Hawaii and then to the west.

Qi Gong is the system of using natural energy to keep

personal force lively and healthy. It has been used in China
for millennia.

Grandmaster Reiki, for levels 5 to 17, an attempt to

combine the two, was thought to be advanced Reiki and
came from Germany originally. Students would add new
symbols but the Chinese energy did not get much of a
write-up. This manual aims to correct that.

Gathering Qi

Qi is a natural and invisible energy found in nature.

Humans can take it into their bodies by breathing, by walking barefoot on the earth, by
soaking in water, by basking in the sunlight, and from food and drink. Trees also help, as
does the moon and the stars of the Big Dipper. Any place you enjoy outdoors will help
you get Qi. Exercise and fun and positive laughter will bring Qi. Respectful sex will
bring Qi.

One way to get Qi is by stepping into postures, almost like a graceful dance for one

Standing Meditation

This is a very good thing to do. It relaxes you and lets your qi move correctly. You can
do it near other people and they will feel better.

Stand with your feet apart, and head up as if suspended on a string. Now let your knees
bend a little, as if you were sinking into the ground, Let your stomach and bottom push
out a bit in opposite directions.

Curve your arms gently so the elbows do not bend tightly. You should look like you are
holding a giant ball. Your hands can face out, at face level. Or down, and face each other
at belly level. Or at chest level, facing inwards, not too close to yourself
Let your breathing relax now. Let your eyes rest on the horizon. Let your thoughts come
and go. Give yourself permission to feel and think and do not get concerned. Just be
comfortable and aware. Try for about five to ten minutes.

Healing With Qi and Reiki Together

First try some standing meditation to quiet your personal energy. If a tree or fountain or
soothing wind-chime is near, that would be good.

Now you will switch on your reiki but you will also “reach by intention” into the
patient’s body with your senses. The energy body will feel “noisy” or “electric” or
“warm” when you have found it. This sets healing into motion, because the body will
begin to respond to your quietness.

Another very gentle method is to hold your hands on either side of a person while doing
some Standing Meditation.

Another technique is to circle your palm over trouble areas. It has been suggested that
clockwise heats things up. Counter clockwise cools things down. But it may be different
for you.

Pushing your palm back and forth in a pulsing manner (without touching) can break up
energy blocks. Using only two fingers to project energy can help stubborn blocks. You
can even physically and rapidly tap a person to change an energy knot.

You often use only one hand on the patient. The other hand faces the ground or even a
tree for energy help.

The Three Treasures

Jing is of a water nature and tends to sink within the human body. It comes out as sexual
fluids or saliva. It keeps you young. It is a yin energy. Mist and water gardens with carp
fish are good for this one.

Shen is of a fire nature and tends to rise within the human body towards the head. It
comes out as a fierce look in the eyes. It keeps you strong. It is a yang energy. You can
pretend you are “breathing light through your eyes” as you inhale and exhale for this.
Don’t tense up. Stay light and clear.

Qi or Chi is of an air nature and neither rises nor falls. It can gather near the upper burner
(the heart area), the middle burner (the belly) or the lower burner (guts and legs). It keeps
you peaceful and aware of the Universal Flow. It brings good luck. It is yin-yang.
Stagnant Qi and Earth Ascension

While Reiki energy is always helpful and healthful, Qi is just a natural energy and can
turn somewhat harmful if it is trapped and stagnant. Part of primitive Qi Gong was
simply to get the qi moving through the body. This is relevant to Ascension since we are
working with geological energies that need releasing and redirection. The human thing
we call the Crystal Grid (a product of us, not really the Earth) also gets out of balance and
behind our potential evolution.

How To Set Up A Vortex

Walk back and forth in a straight line preferably north and south. Then do the same for
east and west. The energy will follow you temporarily. Where the lines meet, move your
energy in a descending spiral. Picture this quite strongly. Intend to set up a sort of Earth
Portal or Earth Acupuncture Point to receive energy in a steady fashion. And then intend
to “lock” it into position. You are done.

Now you can send energy down into the earth or up into the crystal grid as you need. If
you want, you can request helpful angels or guides to watch over this new portal. You
can thank the Earth for her patience with your work.

How to Link Into A Dimension

The easiest way is simply to relax into the “spirit of the place”. You know how you can
sit by a riverbank and close your eyes and hear the water, and feel the wind, and hear the
leaves rustling? How it all adds up to a lovely atmosphere?

Well, you can do this with alien dimensions. For example, to sense and attune to the
bright energy of the galactic origin, the Big Bang. Let the Big Bang wrap itself around
you using the metaphor of that riverbank. You will be surprised how easy and strong this
is! Just close your eyes and use your imagination. Photons brush by like wind on your
cheek. Dark Matter is warm and solid like boulders by the water. The center point shines
like the sun. You can reach out and touch the ruffled energy of time and space. You are
as big as a god and as gentle and aware. You “fit” here.

You will find yourself meeting spirits and learning things in dimensions you did not
dream you could reach.

Ascension Lore
Some lightworkers call meditating about life on other planets “activating a star code”.
Especially when the place visited are the Pleiadean star systems, Orion, Sirius, or
Arcturus. It is supposed that some human souls came from way out in the galaxy through
these star systems as “gates” to reach Earth. The Nazca lines, giant figures scratched in a
desert topsoil in South America are supposed to help people attune to different stars. The
Great Pyramid at Giza is supposed to be aligned in a manner with the star Sirius and
Orion and the Pole Star. Dolphins are supposed to be linked with Sirius and the fabled
lands of Atlantis and Mu. Crystals are thought to contain knowledge from these
civilizations. Pyramids and the 5 ideal shapes of Plato’s Solids are thought to amplify
mental resonance.

Healing the Grid

You can even contact the Crystal Grid. This is a web of forces generated partly from the
planet Earth and partly from Humans. As we make war, the grid shifts energy around to
match our concentration of desire and emotion and mental operations. It gets out of
balance. You can sense the grid as a sort of Reiki Patient and “heal” it. You can heal
yourself, and then send this new feeling of comfort and peace into the Grid with the
intention to help it settle down. You can request angels and spirits and Ascended Masters
to help you. You will discover that random and wild spirits and angels are attracted to
emotional energy (hence cemeteries with weeping widows) and mental energy (hence
libraries and school dorms). You can reason with these beings and send them on their
way. You can tune into the sacred energy of famous places through photographs and help
the lightworkers across the globe.

Grandmaster Meditation
It is suggested to imagine the symbol of your level above your head. To let it shine down
and enter your crown. To slowly work its way through your whole body, filling it with a
bright glow. Intend to learn the feeling and power of this symbol.

Washing A Student Method

Standing behind:
One method is to hold one palm at the forehead and with the other, sweep down the
spine, intending to wash away negativity and blocks to growth, going further and further
down towards the base. See the energy going into the ground.

Standing in front:
Another method is to hold one palm at the belly and with the other sweep up from the
base chakra along the front midline, going higher and higher, whooshing the energy into
the student as a blessing from the earth mother.

How to Attune A Student

You can use the symbol of the level if you want, plus any booster symbols that appeal.
You should intend to attune the student to the GrandMaster system, and the Qi Gong
Ascension energy system as well. You can put it all in a chi ball.
How to Draw Down An Attunement
Just relax in a natural outdoors place and intend to receive the attunement to Qi and Reiki
and the Grandmaster system. Breathe deeply.

Grandmaster Symbols Appendix

1 chokurei – put the power here, restore natural rhythms, physical healing, unblock
2 seiheiki – soothe emotional pain, calm
3 honshazeshonen – heal across distance and time, open energy portals
4 daikomyo – seal an attunement, focus spiritual light, rebirth

5 daichowa – harmony
6 daifashu – purify and guard
7 daijiyu – set things free
8 daiheiya – peace
9 daifuku – joy
10 daikibo – hope
11 daichikara – strength

12 dai ai – great love

13 dai hama – guiding teacher
14 dai moku – great eye, personal contemplation
15 dai michi – spiritual path in a certain situation
16 dai kei – future and revelations
17 dai ji – temple, ascension, reverence
18 dai tetsu – great wisdom

AA daijiro - the wisdom symbol used in all levels
BB the antakharana symbol used in meditation


In some reiki systems such as the Lavender Flame of Quan Yin, people learn the basics
and then add optional discoveries. These are arranged as levels but are not really in order
nor do they give added mastery. I feel Grandmaster Reiki is like this. You learn the Qi
Gong basics, the ascension basics, and the 18 symbols are options to explore, in any order
you like. Perhaps imagining the heart of the system like a daisy center with petals works.
2 3 4

5 6 7 8

10 12

13 14 15

17 BB

An original manual by the Jade Fox. Feel free to copy and distribute it as you wish.

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