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Witricity Tech

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Review of “Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly

Coupled Magnetic Resonances (WITRICITY)”

Karan Bir Singh (7050509043)


Abstract- In this paper, Wireless power accessibility for the public. The most popular
transfer via magnetic resonant coupling is wireless power transfer technologies are the
reviewed. Recently, a highly efficient mid- electromagnetic induction, and the microwave
range wireless power transfer technology power transfer. However, the electromagnetic
using electromagnetic resonance coupling, induction has a short range, and microwave
Witricity, was proposed. Studies show that power transfer has a low efficiency as it uses
the resonant frequencies of the two antennas radiation. Recently, a highly efficient mid-range
change according to the air gap in between wireless power transfer technology using
the antennas. To achieve maximum efficiency electromagnetic resonance coupling, WiTricity,
using this system, the resonance frequencies was proposed.
of the antennas and the frequency of the In a July 2007 article published by
system has to be matched. However, when Andre Kurs et al. in Science, the group of
this technology is applied in the MHz range researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of
(which allows small sized antennas), the Technology claimed that they had produced a
usable frequency is bounded by the method of transmitting power wirelessly. By
Industrial, Scientific, and Medical(ISM) using resonant coils coupled magnetically, the
band. researchers were able to power a 60W light bulb
wirelessly from over 2 metres away.
Index Terms- Wireless power transfer, Until now, this phenomenon was
Resonance, Coupling, Magnetic Resonance, explained using the Mode Coupling theory.
Mode Coupling Theory. However, this theory is complicated when it
comes to designing the circuits around the

The problem with many of today's electronic II. WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER
devices, such as cell phones, laptop computers, SYSTEM USING MAGNETIC
and personal digital organizers, is that despite RESONANCE COUPLING
their portability and ability to communicate
wirelessly, these devices still require regular Two resonant objects of the same resonant
charging - usually by plugging into a wall frequency tend to exchange energy efficiently,
outlet. The ability to provide power for these while dissipating relatively little energy in
and other electric devices wirelessly would extraneous off resonant objects. In systems of
greatly increase their portability and coupled resonances (e.g., acoustic,
electromagnetic, magnetic, nuclear), there is sectional radius a wound into a helix of n turns,
often a general “strongly coupled” regime of radius r, and height h.
operation. If one can operate in that regime in a
given system, the energy transfer is expected to
be very efficient. Midrange power transfer
implemented in this way can be nearly
unidirectional and efficient, irrespective of the
geometry of the surrounding space, with low Fig. 1
interference and losses into environmental
objects. B. Range and rate of coupling:
The above considerations apply irrespective
of the physical nature of the resonances. Here, An appropriate analytical framework for
we focus on one particular physical modeling this resonant energy-exchange is that
embodiment: magnetic resonances. Magnetic of the well-known coupled-mode theory (CMT).
resonances are particularly suitable for everyday The field of the system of two resonant
applications because most of the common objects 1 and 2 is approximated by
materials do not interact with magnetic fields, so F(r,t) a (t)F (r)+a (t)F (r), where F (r) are
1 1 2 2 1,2
interactions with environmental objects are
the eigenmodes of 1 and 2 alone, and then the
suppressed even further. We were able to
field amplitudes a (t) and a (t).
identify the strongly coupled regime in the 1 2

system of two coupled magnetic resonances by

exploring non-radiative (near-field) magnetic
resonant induction at megahertz frequencies. At
first glance, such power transfer is reminiscent
of the usual magnetic induction however, note where are the individual eigenfrequencies,
that the usual non-resonant induction is very are the resonance widths due to the objects’
inefficient for midrange applications.
intrinsic (absorption, radiation etc.) losses, and
is the coupling coefficient. At exact resonance
A. Theoretical model for self-resonant ( = and = ), the normal modes of the
coils: 1 2 1 2
combined system are split by ; the energy
The scheme consists of two self-resonant exchange between the two objects takes place in
coils. One coil (the source coil) is coupled time and is nearly perfect, apart for losses,
inductively to an oscillating circuit; the other which are minimal when the coupling rate is
(the device coil) is coupled inductively to a much faster than all loss rates 2 / . It is
resistive load (Fig. 1). Self resonant coils rely exactly this ratio 12/ that we will set as our
on the interplay between distributed inductance figure-of-merit for any system under
and distributed capacitance to achieve consideration for wireless energy-transfer, along
resonance. The coils are made of an electrically with the distance over which this ratio can be
conducting wire of total length l and cross- achieved. The desired optimal regime is called
“strong-coupling” regime.
C. MIT Experiment:

Two identical helical copper coils, one for the

source and one for the load, were constructed by
the MIT team for magnetic coupling. By fine
tuning the height of the coils, they were able to
cause strong magnetic resonance coupling
between the two coils at a midrange distance.
Coils are aligned coaxially.
The source coil was in turn inductively coupled
to a single copper wire loop which is attached to
a Colpitts oscillator. A Colpitts oscillator is a
simple electronic oscillator that consists of two Fig. 2 (Without Barrier)
capacitors and one inductor to determine
frequency .The receiving magnetic coil was
inductively coupled to a copper wire loop
attached to a 60W light bulb. The direct
couplings between single loops S are negligible.

Frequency Erms Hrms Srms Power

(MHz) (V/m) (A/m) (W/c radiated
m2) (W)

10 185 21 0.08 3.3 83%

1 40 14 0.04 0.005 60% Fig. 3 (With Barrier)

At 10MHz, note the significant reduction in the

electric field strength with respect to the
selfresonant coils. Lowering the operating
frequency down to 1MHz further reduces the
electric field, Poynting vector, and power
Power transfer efficiency was similarly
compared by the researchers, resulting in the
graph depicted in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4: Efficiency as a function of distance transportation terminals, libraries, and other
gathering spots. In addition, plug-in charging
As labeled on the figure, the experimental kiosks for EVs are intended to be deployed in
power transfer efficiency of the coupled coils municipal, commercial, and institutional
decayed with distance, as expected from the settings. The electrical and commercial
theory derived by the MIT team. At the highest infrastructure required for deploying these
tested coil separation of 225 cm, the efficiency kiosks can be directly leveraged to eventually
was just below 40%. convert them to also support a cordless charging
option, and even streamline cordless fast-
III. Commercialization
charging stations. Such charging stations are
considered an important complement to cordless
Witricity Corporation
at-home charging for EVs.
Substantial progress towards developing and As wireless electricity begins to make its
commercializing the fundamental Witricity way to the commercial marketplace, WiTricity
technology has taken place since the first will work with the FCC to develop any new
experimental demonstration at MIT. In certification tests and/or procedures that may be
November of 2007, Witricity Corporation was needed to support the great potential for this
formed to transition the technology out of the technology while balancing the need to coexist
laboratory and into commercial applications. with the universe of other wireless products and
The company received venture capital funding; services already available. WiTricity welcomes
acquired office space in Watertown, the chance to provide insight and guidance into
Massachusetts; hired a seasoned management the operation of wireless power transfer systems
team with previous start-up successes; and and to suggest ways to harmonize standards
developed an engineering team that includes across technologies and markets.
experts in power electronics, circuit design,
IV. Applications
electromagnetic modeling and physics.
WiTricity is the sole and exclusive licensee of
• Automatic wireless charging of mobile
the MIT patents relating to this technology and
electronics in home, car, office while
has continued to develop its own extensive
devices are in use and mobile.
patent portfolio. The company was recently
• Direct wireless powering of stationary
honored as one of the GoingGreen 100 Top
devices…eliminating expensive custom
Private Companies in the U.S. and was the
wiring, unsightly cables and “wall-wart”
winner of the “Energy Management, Smart
power supplies.
Grid, and Energy Efficiency” category.
As WiTricity technology gains market • Robots, package machinery, assembly
acceptance, there are potentially limitless uses machinery, machine tools.
of wireless power transfer applications. For • Direct wireless power for wireless
example, an infrastructure of WiTricity sources sensors and actuators, eliminating the
could be deployed in locations that currently need for expensive power wiring or
advertise Wi-Fi “hotspots” such as shops, battery replacement and disposal.
• Automatic wireless charging for future example, midrange wireless power transmission
hybrid and all-electric passenger and as discussed here can be used in particular
commercial vehicles, at home, in situations where building wired infrastructure is
parking garages impossible or highly unfeasible. It can also be
used to increase the autonomy of both portable
V. Merits and non-portable devices. This development
brings to life the idea of a fully wire-free
• No need of line of sight. electronic lifestyle.
• No need of power cables and batteries.
• Does not interfere with radio waves. VIII. References
• Wastage of power is small .
• Negative health implications. 1. Efficient wireless non-radiative mid-
range energy transfer - Aristeidis
• Highly efficient than electromagnetic
Karalis*, J.D. Joannopoulos, and Marin
Solja i .
VI. Limitations 2. Basic Study of Improving Efficiency of
Wireless Power Transfer via Magnetic
• The resonance condition should be Resonance Coupling Based on
satisfied and if any error exists, there is Impedance Matching - Teck Chuan
no possibility of power transfer. Beh*, Takehiro Imura*, Masaki Kato**
• If there is any possibility of very strong Yoichi Hori.
ferromagnetic material presence causes
low power transfer due to radiation. 3. Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly
Coupled Magnetic Resonances - André
VII. Conclusion Kurs,* Aristeidis Karalis, Robert
Moffatt, J. D. Joannopoulos, Peter
The research team at MIT succeeded in Fisher,
demonstrating the ability of magnetically Marin Solja i .
coupled coils to transfer power wirelessly over a
short distance. They successfully powered a 4. Magnetic Resonant Coupling As a
60W light bulb over 2.4 m wirelessly, with 40% Potential
efficiency between the magnetic coils. The Means for Wireless Power Transfer to
experimental implementation yielded results Multiple Small Receivers - Benjamin
that agreed very well with the theoretical L. Cannon, Student Member, IEEE,
predictions, confirming the validity of the James F. Hoburg, Fellow, IEEE, Daniel
magnetic resonance coupling model. More D. Stancil, Fellow, IEEE, and Seth
research in this area will help optimize the Copen Goldstein, Senior Member, IEEE.
system further. With the current performance of
the system, however, it is already practical for
implementation in real-world applications. For

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