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Ohfma PDF
Ohfma PDF
Administrator's Guide
March 2017
Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide, Release
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2 Managing Applications
Application Administration .................................................................................................................... 2-2
Creating Applications .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
Creating a New Application ................................................................................................................... 2-2
Defining Frequencies ....................................................................................................................... 2-5
Editing Periods ................................................................................................................................. 2-6
Defining Features ............................................................................................................................. 2-7
Creating Custom Dimensions ........................................................................................................ 2-9
Saving Application Profiles .......................................................................................................... 2-11
Creating an Application from a Profile File........................................................................................ 2-12
Copying from an Application ............................................................................................................... 2-12
Modifying Applications......................................................................................................................... 2-12
Registering Applications ....................................................................................................................... 2-13
Opening Applications ............................................................................................................................ 2-14
Closing Applications .............................................................................................................................. 2-14
Changing Application Server Clusters ................................................................................................ 2-14
Viewing the Application List ................................................................................................................ 2-15
Deleting Applications ............................................................................................................................ 2-15
Loading Application Elements ............................................................................................................. 2-16
Extracting Application Elements.......................................................................................................... 2-16
Duplicating Financial Management Applications ............................................................................. 2-17
Importing Applications.......................................................................................................................... 2-18
Creating a Database Link for an Oracle Database ..................................................................... 2-19
Creating a Linked Server for a SQL Server Database ............................................................... 2-20
Using Sample Applications ................................................................................................................... 2-21
Working with System Messages........................................................................................................... 2-21
Viewing System Messages ............................................................................................................ 2-22
Deleting System Messages ............................................................................................................ 2-22
System Message Detail Strings..................................................................................................... 2-23
Managing Application Access .............................................................................................................. 2-23
Logging Out Users ......................................................................................................................... 2-24
Disabling and Enabling Connections .......................................................................................... 2-24
Viewing Application Connection Status..................................................................................... 2-25
Managing System Users ........................................................................................................................ 2-25
Viewing Users................................................................................................................................. 2-25
Logging Out Selected or All Users............................................................................................... 2-26
Managing Servers and Applications.................................................................................................... 2-27
Enabling and Disabling Admin Mode ........................................................................................ 2-27
Synchronizing Servers ................................................................................................................... 2-27
Auditing Tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 2-27
Auditing Data.......................................................................................................................................... 2-30
Monitoring Running Tasks.................................................................................................................... 2-32
Viewing Running Tasks ................................................................................................................ 2-32
Stopping Running Tasks ............................................................................................................... 2-33
Refreshing Running Tasks ............................................................................................................ 2-33
Scanning For and Clearing Invalid Records ....................................................................................... 2-34
Monitoring System Status Using HFM Insights................................................................................. 2-35
Accessing HFM Insights................................................................................................................ 2-35
HFM Insights Main Dashboard.................................................................................................... 2-35
Filtering Applications in HFM Insights ...................................................................................... 2-36
Application Details in HFM Insights........................................................................................... 2-36
Launching the Shared Services Console from Financial Management............................................. 3-2
Selecting Users and Groups for Assigning Security Classes ..................................................... 3-3
Setting Up Security Classes............................................................................................................. 3-3
Assigning User Access to Security Classes................................................................................... 3-5
Setting Up Email Alerting ............................................................................................................... 3-7
Running Security Reports ............................................................................................................... 3-7
Loading Application Security ................................................................................................................. 3-8
Clearing and Loading Security Information ................................................................................ 3-9
Before Clearing Security Information.......................................................................................... 3-10
After Clearing Security Information............................................................................................ 3-11
Extracting Application Security............................................................................................................ 3-12
4 Managing Metadata
Defining Accounts .................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Account Type Behavior ................................................................................................................... 4-6
Defining Dynamic Accounts........................................................................................................... 4-8
Defining Custom Members ..................................................................................................................... 4-8
Defining Entity Members ...................................................................................................................... 4-10
Defining Scenario Members .................................................................................................................. 4-12
Defining Application Settings............................................................................................................... 4-16
Organization by Period.......................................................................................................................... 4-20
Defining Consolidation Methods ......................................................................................................... 4-21
Using Consolidation Methods...................................................................................................... 4-22
Assigning Consolidation Methods Manually ............................................................................ 4-23
Using POWN or POWNMIN Consolidation Methods............................................................. 4-23
Defining Currencies................................................................................................................................ 4-25
Defining Cell Text Labels....................................................................................................................... 4-26
System-Generated Accounts ................................................................................................................. 4-28
Consolidation Accounts ................................................................................................................ 4-28
Ownership Accounts ..................................................................................................................... 4-29
Editing System-Generated Accounts........................................................................................... 4-30
Setting Up Intercompany Partners....................................................................................................... 4-31
Editing System-Generated ICP Members ................................................................................... 4-32
Editing System-Generated Value Members ............................................................................... 4-32
Metadata Filtering Based on Security .................................................................................................. 4-33
Creating Metadata Files of the APP Format ....................................................................................... 4-34
File Format....................................................................................................................................... 4-35
Version ............................................................................................................................................. 4-35
Application Settings....................................................................................................................... 4-36
Currencies........................................................................................................................................ 4-37
Members .......................................................................................................................................... 4-37
Consolidation Methods ................................................................................................................. 4-40
Hierarchies ...................................................................................................................................... 4-41
Dimensions Not Included in Metadata Files.............................................................................. 4-43
Using Metadata Manager Views .......................................................................................................... 4-44
Changing the Metadata File Format............................................................................................ 4-45
Tree View Tasks.............................................................................................................................. 4-45
List View Tasks ............................................................................................................................... 4-50
Sorting Metadata in List View...................................................................................................... 4-52
Creating Metadata Reports in File Properties ............................................................................ 4-52
Metadata Referential Integrity.............................................................................................................. 4-53
Metadata Referential Integrity Checks........................................................................................ 4-53
Metadata Log File Referential Integrity Errors .......................................................................... 4-53
Using the Metadata Merge Utility........................................................................................................ 4-54
Loading Metadata................................................................................................................................... 4-55
Viewing Metadata Load Changes ........................................................................................................ 4-58
Extracting Metadata ............................................................................................................................... 4-59
6 Managing Journals
Creating Journal Files............................................................................................................................... 6-1
File Format Section........................................................................................................................... 6-2
Version Section ................................................................................................................................. 6-2
Journal Group Section ..................................................................................................................... 6-3
Standard Section ............................................................................................................................... 6-3
Recurring Section ............................................................................................................................. 6-3
Header Section .................................................................................................................................. 6-3
Loading Journals....................................................................................................................................... 6-6
Extracting Journals ................................................................................................................................... 6-7
Using Data Form Scripts.......................................................................................................................... 7-5
AddMember ...................................................................................................................................... 7-9
BackgroundPOV............................................................................................................................. 7-10
Blank................................................................................................................................................. 7-11
Cn...................................................................................................................................................... 7-11
Calc1 ................................................................................................................................................. 7-13
CalcByRow ...................................................................................................................................... 7-13
Cell_Link.......................................................................................................................................... 7-13
CellText ............................................................................................................................................ 7-14
CustomHeader................................................................................................................................ 7-14
CustomHeaderStyle ....................................................................................................................... 7-15
DynamicPOV .................................................................................................................................. 7-15
FormInputBoxLength .................................................................................................................... 7-16
FormNumDecimals........................................................................................................................ 7-16
FormRowHeight ............................................................................................................................. 7-16
FormScale ........................................................................................................................................ 7-17
HeaderOption ................................................................................................................................. 7-17
HideInPov........................................................................................................................................ 7-18
Instructions...................................................................................................................................... 7-18
LineItemDetailSinglePeriod.......................................................................................................... 7-19
Link................................................................................................................................................... 7-19
MaxCells .......................................................................................................................................... 7-19
MaxColsForSparseRetrievalMethod............................................................................................ 7-20
NoSuppress ..................................................................................................................................... 7-20
NumDecimals ................................................................................................................................. 7-20
OnDemandRules ............................................................................................................................ 7-21
Override........................................................................................................................................... 7-21
POVOrder........................................................................................................................................ 7-22
PrintNumDataColsPerPage .......................................................................................................... 7-23
PrintNumRowsPerPage ................................................................................................................ 7-23
PrintRepeatHeadersonAllPages................................................................................................... 7-24
Rn...................................................................................................................................................... 7-24
ReadOnly ......................................................................................................................................... 7-25
ReportDescription .......................................................................................................................... 7-25
ReportLabel ..................................................................................................................................... 7-26
ReportSecurityClass ....................................................................................................................... 7-27
ReportType...................................................................................................................................... 7-27
RowHeaderPct ................................................................................................................................ 7-27
SCalc ................................................................................................................................................. 7-27
Scale .................................................................................................................................................. 7-29
SelectablePOVList .......................................................................................................................... 7-29
ShowDescriptions........................................................................................................................... 7-30
ShowLabels...................................................................................................................................... 7-30
String ................................................................................................................................................ 7-31
Style .................................................................................................................................................. 7-31
SuppressColHeaderRepeats ......................................................................................................... 7-33
SuppressInvalidCols ...................................................................................................................... 7-34
SuppressInvalidRows .................................................................................................................... 7-34
SuppressNoDataCols ..................................................................................................................... 7-34
SuppressNoDataRows................................................................................................................... 7-35
SuppressRowHeaderRepeats ....................................................................................................... 7-35
SuppressZeroCols .......................................................................................................................... 7-35
SuppressZeroRows ........................................................................................................................ 7-35
Using Relative Time Periods ................................................................................................................. 7-36
Order of Precedence for Conflicting Attributes ................................................................................. 7-37
Editing Data Forms................................................................................................................................. 7-38
Loading Data Forms............................................................................................................................... 7-38
Extracting Data Forms ........................................................................................................................... 7-39
Deleting Data Forms............................................................................................................................... 7-39
9 Defining Reports
Defining Journal Report Scripts.............................................................................................................. 9-1
Defining Intercompany Matching Report Scripts................................................................................ 9-2
Selecting Member Lists for Intercompany Matching Reports ................................................... 9-2
Selecting Accounts for Intercompany Matching Reports........................................................... 9-2
Specifying Decimal Places in Intercompany Matching Reports................................................ 9-3
Selecting Style Sheets for Intercompany Matching Reports ...................................................... 9-3
Specifying Currencies in Intercompany Matching Reports ....................................................... 9-3
Suppression Options for Intercompany Matching Reports ....................................................... 9-3
Intercompany Matching Report Script Keywords ...................................................................... 9-4
Defining Intercompany Transaction Report Scripts .......................................................................... 9-11
10 Managing Rules
Rule Types ............................................................................................................................................... 10-1
Rule Considerations ............................................................................................................................... 10-5
Calculation Commands ................................................................................................................. 10-5
Current Dimension Members..................................................................................................... 10-10
Account Expressions.................................................................................................................... 10-11
Functions Automatically Clear Data ......................................................................................... 10-12
Error Messages.............................................................................................................................. 10-12
Rule Execution During Consolidation............................................................................................... 10-13
Default Translation............................................................................................................................... 10-14
Financial Management Objects........................................................................................................... 10-14
Using VBScript in Rules....................................................................................................................... 10-15
VBScript Operators ...................................................................................................................... 10-15
VBScript Statements..................................................................................................................... 10-16
VBScript Keywords ...................................................................................................................... 10-17
VBScript Functions....................................................................................................................... 10-17
VBScript Objects ........................................................................................................................... 10-21
Commonly Used Rules ........................................................................................................................ 10-22
Reusing Data ................................................................................................................................. 10-22
Setting Accounts by Calculating Amounts............................................................................... 10-23
Conditional Rules ......................................................................................................................... 10-23
Setting Opening Balances of All Accounts ............................................................................... 10-25
Creating Rules Files .............................................................................................................................. 10-25
Loading Rules........................................................................................................................................ 10-27
Extracting Rules .................................................................................................................................... 10-28
Rules Profiling....................................................................................................................................... 10-29
Adding Profile Information to Rule Files ................................................................................. 10-29
Starting and Stopping Rules Profiling....................................................................................... 10-30
Viewing Rules Profile Results .................................................................................................... 10-30
Deleting Rules Profiles ................................................................................................................ 10-32
11 Rule Functions
Functions Overview ............................................................................................................................... 11-1
ABSExp................................................................................................................................................... 11-10
AccountType ......................................................................................................................................... 11-11
AccountTypeID ..................................................................................................................................... 11-12
AddEntityToList ................................................................................................................................... 11-14
AddEntityToListUsingIDs................................................................................................................... 11-14
AddMemberToList ............................................................................................................................... 11-14
AddMemberToListUsingIDs .............................................................................................................. 11-15
Alloc........................................................................................................................................................ 11-15
AllowAdjFromChildren....................................................................................................................... 11-22
AllowAdjs .............................................................................................................................................. 11-23
ApplicationName.................................................................................................................................. 11-23
CalculateExchangeRate........................................................................................................................ 11-24
CalculateRate......................................................................................................................................... 11-24
CalcStatus............................................................................................................................................... 11-25
CellTextUnitItem .................................................................................................................................. 11-27
Clear........................................................................................................................................................ 11-28
Con .......................................................................................................................................................... 11-29
Consol1, Consol2, Consol3 .................................................................................................................. 11-31
ConsolidateYTD.................................................................................................................................... 11-31
ContainsCellText................................................................................................................................... 11-32
ContainsCellTextWithLabel ................................................................................................................ 11-33
Currency................................................................................................................................................. 11-34
CustomTop ............................................................................................................................................ 11-35
DataUnitItem......................................................................................................................................... 11-35
Decimal................................................................................................................................................... 11-36
DefaultFreq ............................................................................................................................................ 11-37
DefaultParent......................................................................................................................................... 11-38
DefaultTranslate.................................................................................................................................... 11-39
DefaultView........................................................................................................................................... 11-40
DefCurrency .......................................................................................................................................... 11-40
DOwn ..................................................................................................................................................... 11-41
Dynamic ................................................................................................................................................. 11-42
Exp .......................................................................................................................................................... 11-43
Dimension Intersection Considerations.................................................................................... 11-44
Period and Year Keywords ......................................................................................................... 11-45
Mathematical Calculations.......................................................................................................... 11-46
Placing Other Functions Within Exp ......................................................................................... 11-47
Simultaneously Setting Several Accounts ................................................................................ 11-47
Exp and Dimension Intersection Considerations .................................................................... 11-47
GetCell .................................................................................................................................................... 11-50
GetCellNoData ...................................................................................................................................... 11-51
GetCellRealData.................................................................................................................................... 11-52
GetCellText ............................................................................................................................................ 11-53
GetCellTextWithLabel.......................................................................................................................... 11-53
GetCellType ........................................................................................................................................... 11-54
GetCustomLabelArray......................................................................................................................... 11-55
GetItem ................................................................................................................................................... 11-56
GetItemIDs2........................................................................................................................................... 11-57
GetItemIDs2ExtDim ............................................................................................................................. 11-58
GetNumItems ........................................................................................................................................ 11-59
GetNumLID........................................................................................................................................... 11-59
GetRate ................................................................................................................................................... 11-60
GetSubmissionGroup ........................................................................................................................... 11-60
GetSubmissionPhase ............................................................................................................................ 11-61
Holding .................................................................................................................................................. 11-61
ICPTopMember..................................................................................................................................... 11-62
ICPWeight.............................................................................................................................................. 11-63
IDFromMember .................................................................................................................................... 11-63
ImpactStatus .......................................................................................................................................... 11-64
Input........................................................................................................................................................ 11-65
IsAlmostEqual ....................................................................................................................................... 11-66
IsBase ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-67
IsCalculated ........................................................................................................................................... 11-69
IsChild .................................................................................................................................................... 11-69
IsConsolidated....................................................................................................................................... 11-71
IsDescendant ......................................................................................................................................... 11-72
IsFirst ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-74
IsICP........................................................................................................................................................ 11-74
IsLast....................................................................................................................................................... 11-75
IsTransCur ............................................................................................................................................. 11-76
IsTransCurAdj....................................................................................................................................... 11-76
IsValidDest............................................................................................................................................. 11-77
IsZero ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-78
List........................................................................................................................................................... 11-79
Member .................................................................................................................................................. 11-80
MemberFromID .................................................................................................................................... 11-81
Method ................................................................................................................................................... 11-82
NoInput .................................................................................................................................................. 11-83
NoRound................................................................................................................................................ 11-84
NumBase ................................................................................................................................................ 11-84
Number .................................................................................................................................................. 11-86
NumChild .............................................................................................................................................. 11-87
NumCustom .......................................................................................................................................... 11-88
NumDescendant ................................................................................................................................... 11-89
NumPerInGen ....................................................................................................................................... 11-91
NumPeriods........................................................................................................................................... 11-92
OpenCellTextUnit................................................................................................................................. 11-92
OpenDataUnit ....................................................................................................................................... 11-93
OpenDataUnitSorted............................................................................................................................ 11-94
Owned .................................................................................................................................................... 11-94
Owner ..................................................................................................................................................... 11-95
PCon........................................................................................................................................................ 11-95
PEPU ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-96
PeriodNumber....................................................................................................................................... 11-96
PlugAcct ................................................................................................................................................. 11-97
POwn ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-98
PVAForBalance ..................................................................................................................................... 11-99
PVAForFlow .......................................................................................................................................... 11-99
RateForBalance.................................................................................................................................... 11-100
RateForFlow......................................................................................................................................... 11-100
ReviewStatus ....................................................................................................................................... 11-101
ReviewStatusUsingPhaseID.............................................................................................................. 11-102
Round ................................................................................................................................................... 11-103
Scale ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-104
SecurityAsPartner............................................................................................................................... 11-105
SecurityClass ....................................................................................................................................... 11-106
SetCellTextWithLabel......................................................................................................................... 11-107
SetData.................................................................................................................................................. 11-108
SetDataWithPOV ................................................................................................................................ 11-108
SubmissionGroup ............................................................................................................................... 11-109
SupportsProcessManagement........................................................................................................... 11-110
SupportsTran....................................................................................................................................... 11-110
SwitchSign ........................................................................................................................................... 11-111
SwitchType .......................................................................................................................................... 11-112
Trans ..................................................................................................................................................... 11-113
TransPeriodic....................................................................................................................................... 11-114
UD1...3 .................................................................................................................................................. 11-115
ValidationAccount.............................................................................................................................. 11-117
ValidationAccountEx ......................................................................................................................... 11-117
XBRLTags............................................................................................................................................. 11-117
12 Custom Functions
Management Reporting Functions....................................................................................................... 12-2
Average............................................................................................................................................ 12-2
Cumulative...................................................................................................................................... 12-4
Difference......................................................................................................................................... 12-7
DSO - Days Sales Outstanding ..................................................................................................... 12-9
Opening ......................................................................................................................................... 12-12
Rate ................................................................................................................................................. 12-14
Business Rules Functions..................................................................................................................... 12-19
Custom_Alloc................................................................................................................................ 12-19
Increase_Decrease ........................................................................................................................ 12-22
Pro_Rata_Ratio ............................................................................................................................. 12-25
Spread ............................................................................................................................................ 12-26
Units_Rates.................................................................................................................................... 12-29
14 Managing Intercompany Transactions
Setting Up Intercompany Transactions ............................................................................................... 14-1
Opening Intercompany Periods ................................................................................................... 14-1
Setting Matching Tolerances......................................................................................................... 14-2
Setting Match/Validate Before Post Option............................................................................... 14-3
Closing Intercompany Periods ..................................................................................................... 14-4
Managing Reason Codes ....................................................................................................................... 14-4
Adding Reason Codes ................................................................................................................... 14-5
Editing Reason Codes .................................................................................................................... 14-5
Deleting Reason Codes .................................................................................................................. 14-6
Monitoring Intercompany Transactions.............................................................................................. 14-6
Locking and Unlocking Entities ........................................................................................................... 14-8
Viewing the Intercompany Transactions Summary .......................................................................... 14-9
A Configuration Settings
Available Configuration Settings ........................................................................................................... A-2
Changing Configuration Settings........................................................................................................... A-8
Overriding Values .................................................................................................................................... A-8
Changing the Settings Table Display..................................................................................................... A-9
Searching for Settings............................................................................................................................... A-9
Viewing Effective Settings....................................................................................................................... A-9
Exporting Settings................................................................................................................................... A-10
Deleting Settings ..................................................................................................................................... A-10
B Optimizing Performance
Performance Overview ............................................................................................................................ B-1
Common EPM Installation Directory References ................................................................................ B-1
Financial Management Records and Subcubes .................................................................................... B-2
Tuning Recommendations for Financial Management....................................................................... B-3
Diagnosing Performance Problems........................................................................................................ B-3
Using Monitoring Tools .................................................................................................................. B-3
Using Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) ....................................................................................... B-6
Using a Reference Application ....................................................................................................... B-7
Tuning Operating Systems Parameters ................................................................................................. B-7
Tuning Windows Parameters......................................................................................................... B-7
Tuning Exalytics Settings ................................................................................................................ B-8
Tuning the Web Server ............................................................................................................................ B-9
Tuning HFM Web............................................................................................................................. B-9
HFM Web Tuning Parameters...................................................................................................... B-11
Web Browser Optimizations......................................................................................................... B-13
Tuning Financial Management Applications ..................................................................................... B-14
Commonly Tuned Financial Management Settings.................................................................. B-14
Financial Management Memory Settings for Larger Applications......................................... B-18
Application-Specific Settings........................................................................................................ B-18
Tuning Financial Management Application Servers ................................................................ B-19
Application Database Maintenance............................................................................................. B-21
Basic Design Considerations......................................................................................................... B-21
Tuning Oracle 11g Databases for Financial Management ................................................................ B-22
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... B-22
Common Performance Issues ....................................................................................................... B-23
Tuning Guidelines for Oracle 11g Databases ............................................................................. B-23
How to Determine Memory Settings for Oracle Database Release 11g ................................. B-28
How to Calculate the Number of Processes for Oracle Database Release 11g...................... B-30
Other Considerations..................................................................................................................... B-30
Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................................................. B-33
Documentation Accessibility
Documentation Feedback
About Financial Management
Related Topics:
EPM Workspace
User-Defined Elements
• "Fast virtual close" features trim days and weeks off your close cycle including
using Web-based process management, Web-based intercompany reconciliations,
journal adjustments and a consistent set of data and business measures.
• Customizable and extensible application solves your issues quickly and cost-
effectively, using industry standard tools.
• Architected for the Web so users can easily and securely access global financial
information from any location, using a standard Web browser. Relational data
storage ensures mission critical data is available to users 24x7x365.
In addition, Financial Management provides:
EPM Workspace
Oracle Hyperion Financial Management is available within Oracle Hyperion
Enterprise Performance Management Workspace. For information on tasks performed
in EPM Workspace, such as preferences or features in the Navigate, Favorites,
Manage, or Tools menu, see the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management
Workspace User's Guide and online help.
Scenario Dimension
The Scenario dimension represents a set of data, such as Actual, Budget, or Forecast.
For example, the Actual scenario can contain data from a general ledger, reflecting
past and current business operations. The Budget scenario can contain data that
reflects the targeted business operations. The Forecast scenario typically contains data
that corresponds to predictions for upcoming periods. A Legal scenario can contain
data calculated according to legal GAAP format and rules.
You can define any number of scenarios for an application and define attributes for
Scenario dimension members, such as the default frequency, the default view, and
zero data settings.
Year Dimension
The Year dimension represents the fiscal or calendar year for data. An application can
contain data for more than one year. You specify a year range when you create the
application and select a year from the Year dimension to process data.
Period Dimension
The Period dimension represents time periods, such as quarters and months. It
contains time periods and frequencies by displaying the time periods in a hierarchy.
For example, if the Actual scenario maintains data on a monthly basis, generally 12
periods of data are available for this scenario in a year. Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management supports years, months, and weeks for the Period dimension.
Entity Dimension
The Entity dimension represents the organizational structure of the company, such as
the management and legal reporting structures. Entities can represent divisions,
subsidiaries, plants, regions, countries, legal entities, business units, departments, or
any organizational unit. You can define any number of entities.
The Entity dimension is the consolidation dimension of the system. Hierarchies in the
Entity dimension reflect various consolidated views of the data. Various hierarchies
can correspond to geographic consolidation, legal consolidation, or consolidation by
activity. All relationships among individual member components that exist in an
organization are stored and maintained in this dimension. Entities in an organization
can be categorized as base, dependent, or parent entities. Base entities are at the
bottom of the organization structure and do not own other entities. Dependent entities
are owned by other entities in the organization. Parent entities contain one or more
dependents that report directly to them.
You define attributes for Entity dimension members, such as the default currency and
security class, and to specify whether the entity allows adjustments and stores
intercompany detail.
Value Dimension
The Value dimension represents the types of values stored in your application, and
can include the input currency, parent currency, adjustments, and consolidation detail
such as proportion, elimination, and contribution detail. For example, the Entity
Currency member stores the value for an entity in its local currency. The Parent
Currency member stores the value for an entity translated to the currency of the
parent entity. The Value dimension is useful for providing an audit trail of the
transactions applied to data.
Account Dimension
The Account dimension represents a hierarchy of natural accounts. Accounts store
financial data for entities and scenarios in an application. Each account has a type,
such as Revenue or Expense, that defines its accounting behavior.
You define attributes for Account dimension members, such as the account type, the
number of decimal places to display, and whether the account is a calculated,
consolidated, or intercompany partner account.
Intercompany Dimension
The Intercompany dimension represents all intercompany balances that exist for an
account. This is a reserved dimension that is used in combination with the Account
dimension and any custom dimension. Oracle Hyperion Financial Management can
track and eliminate intercompany transaction details across accounts and entities. You
can also run Intercompany Matching reports to view intercompany transactions.
View Dimension
The View dimension represents various modes of calendar intelligence such as
Periodic, Year-to-Date, and Quarter-to-Date frequencies. If you set the view to
Periodic, the values for each month are displayed. If you set the view to Year-to-Date
or Quarter-to-Date, the cumulative values for the year or quarter are displayed.
Custom Dimensions
Custom dimensions are dimensions associated with accounts. These dimensions
enable you to specify additional details associated with accounts, such as products,
markets, channels, balance sheet movement, or types of elimination. For example,
Custom dimensions could include Product Line, Region, Channel, or Customers. A
Custom dimension for products associated with Sales and COGS accounts enables you
to track sales and cost detail by product.
User-Defined Elements
Many elements in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management are user-defined. For
example, when you create a journal, you specify a label and description.
User-defined elements, the minimum and maximum length for each element, and
additional restrictions are listed below. The table groups the elements by the modules
in which they are found.
Application Profile
Language 1 20 None
Create Application
Application labels are not
case-sensitive. For
example, App1 and APP1
are considered the same
application label.
Metadata Manager
You cannot use ALL as
the name of an entity.
You must use the same
delimiter character
throughout the file. Using
different delimiter
characters within the same
file causes an error when
you load the file.
Data grids
Document names also
cannot contain trailing or
leading white space.
• List users
To assign users to the Administrator Group, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System User Security Administration Guide.
Application Administration
You define an application using these steps:
1. Create an application shell, in which you specify the application server where the
application resides, an application label and description, calendar, language, and
frequency properties. See Creating Applications.
2. Define security for the application, including which users have access to the
application and what type of access each user has. See Managing Application
3. Define metadata for the application, including accounts, entities, scenarios, and
custom dimensions, application settings, consolidation methods, and currencies.
See Managing Metadata.
4. Load data, data forms, member lists, rules, and journals to the application.
Creating Applications
• Create a new application. This option launches the Create Application wizard.
You can define the application calendar, module configuration, and custom
dimensions. See Creating a New Application.
• Create an application from a profile file. You can also view and modify the
calendar. See Creating an Application from a Profile File.
To create an application:
3. From Application options, select New application, and then click Next.
4. In the Application Properties section, for Name, enter a name for the new
Do not create applications with the same name even if they are on different
Oracle Hyperion Financial Management application servers. Applications of
the same name but from different Financial Management application servers
cannot coexist on one Oracle Hyperion Shared Services server.
The application description can have a maximum of 255 characters, and can
include spaces. It cannot contain an ampersand (&). HFM, HSV, and HSX are
reserved names and cannot be used for application descriptions.
• Consolidation
• Tax Provisioning
7. From the Cluster list, select the application server cluster on which to run the new
If the server cluster is not listed, you may need to register it. See the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.
8. From the User Management Project list, select the Shared Services project to which
to add the application.
Each application must belong to a project. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System User Security Administration Guide.
9. For Languages, you can specify up to 10 languages for descriptions that are used
throughout an application. Use a comma to separate the language names. Each
After you create an application, you cannot change the languages in the
10. Define a calendar using the Year, Period, and View dimensions. The members in
the Year dimension define the start year and the total number of years in the
application. The member hierarchy in the Period dimension defines the base-level
and summary-level time periods. The View dimension defines the period-to-date
views, such as year (YTD), half-year (HYTD), quarter (QTD), and month (MTD).
After you create an application, you cannot change the start year, period
descriptions or labels in the application.
• In the Years section, for Start Year, enter the start year for the calendar.
• For Number of Years, enter the total number of years to include in the
The number of years in an application is the only profile definition that can be
modified for existing applications. See Modifying Applications.
11. In the Time Periods section, select the time periods to include:
• Months
Select the time periods to include (Half-Years, Quarters, or Trimesters)
From the Start Month drop-down list, select the first month in the calendar.
• Quarters
Optional: Select to include Half-Years.
• Custom. If you choose to define a Custom calendar, you must define the
period label prefix and number of base periods. A flat list is created and you
can modify the hierarchy later.
– For Period Label Prefix, enter a prefix for the periods to include.
The label can contain a maximum of 10 characters and can include spaces.
– For Number of Base Periods, enter the number of periods in the year.
If you enter any number less than 10 for the number of periods and
NewPeriod as the label prefix, these periods are added to the hierarchy:
NewPeriod1, and so on. If the number of periods is more than 10 but less
than 100, the periods start with NewPeriod01. If the number of periods is
more than 100 but less than 1000, the periods start with 001, and so on.
If you choose to define a Manual calendar, leave the period label prefix and
number of base periods blank. You can then enter the frequencies and periods
that you need.
Defining Frequencies
The frequency specifies the time period level at which you can input data, for
example, months or quarters. Frequencies and their corresponding views (YTD,
HYTD, QTD, MTD) are created based on the time periods that you selected when
defining the calendar. You can add, modify, and delete frequencies. You can also enter
a descriptive label for each frequency and view in each language that you previously
Year-to-Date (YTD) is provided by default in the first row of the Frequency column.
You cannot delete or change the YTD label. However, you can enter a YTD description
for each language that you define.
In addition to the frequencies that you can define, each application contains
two system-defined frequencies and corresponding views: Scenario View and
If you selected to define a calendar manually, the Frequencies grid is empty, and you
must enter the necessary views and their descriptions. You should enter one frequency
for each level of the Period dimension.
After you create an application, you cannot change the frequency descriptions
or labels in the application.
To define frequencies:
1. From the Frequencies screen, click the (+) Add Frequency button, or select
Actions, and then Add Frequency.
By default, YTD is the first frequency. The number of frequencies that you define
should be equal to the number of generations in the Period tree.
The label can contain a maximum of 40 characters. The description can contain
a maximum of 80 characters.
Labels cannot include these characters: + - * / # { } ; , @ "
3. Click Next.
Editing Periods
The period hierarchy is a combination of the time period and frequencies that you
define. You can make changes to this hierarchy by adding or deleting periods. For
example, you may want to add another month to the fourth quarter to display a 13-
month year.
When you select a period, you can change the period label or description. You cannot
edit the label or description for the [Year] period.
You cannot edit period labels based on language. If you change a period label
in one language, the change is carried over into all other languages defined in
the application profile. However, you can have a unique period description
for each language.
To add sibling and child periods to the hierarchy, see Adding Sibling and Child
1. From the period hierarchy, select a period, and enter or edit the period label or
The period label can contain a maximum of 40 characters. The period description
can contain a maximum of 80 characters. Note that a space is counted as a
If you do not include a description and choose to add one later, you must modify
the application profile and recreate all applications that use the profile.
2. Select an option:
• Click the Insert Child button, , or select Actions, and then Insert Child.
• Click the Insert Sibling button, , or select Actions, and then Insert
2. Click the Insert Many button, , or select Actions, and then Insert Many.
4. Enter a label prefix for the new periods, and click OK.
If you enter any number less than 10 for the number of periods and NewPeriod as
the label prefix, these periods are added to the hierarchy: NewPeriod1, and so on.
If the number of periods is more than 10 but less than 100, the periods start with
NewPeriod01. If the number of periods is more than 100 but less than 1000, the
periods start with 001, and so on.
Deleting Periods
When you delete periods from the hierarchy, all descendants of the period are also
To delete a period:
Click Next.
Defining Features
The Feature screen lists the Application Settings and default values based on the
application modules that are enabled. You can change any of the default values.
• Application Currency - The currency to use in the application. You can specify a
currency and it will be added to the Currency dimension. See Defining
• Rate Account for Balanced Accounts - The rate account for BALANCE accounts.
You can specify an account and will be added to the Account dimension. See
Defining Accounts.
• Rate Account for Flow Accounts - The rate account for FLOW accounts. You can
specify an account and will be added to the Account dimension. See Defining
• Translate Method for Flow Accounts - The translation method for FLOW
accounts. See Defining Accounts.
1. From the Features screen, specify values for these Application Settings, or use the
default values:
• Application Currency - Enter a currency for the application. All currencies are
listed and available to select. For example, if you type US, the USD - US Dollar
currency is displayed and available to select.
• Rate Account for Balanced Accounts - Enter the rate account to use for
BALANCE accounts.
The account name can contain up to 80 characters, including spaces, but cannot
start with a space. See Defining Accounts.
• Rate Account for Flow Accounts - Enter the rate account to use for FLOW
The account name can contain up to 80 characters, including spaces, but cannot
start with a space. See Defining Accounts.
• Translate Method for Balanced Accounts - From the dropdown list, select the
translation method for BALANCE accounts:
• Translate Method for Flow Accounts - From the dropdown list, select the
translation method for FLOW accounts:
certain applications. When you disable a module, it is not displayed for any
application user.
If you have documents associated with a module that you want to disable,
such as journal or intercompany transaction reports, make sure to also remove
them from the system.
After you make changes to modules, close and reopen the application to see the
The application module configuration information is saved as an XML file named
application name_Moduleconfig.xml. You can load and extract module
configuration information from the Load Application Elements and Extract
Application Elements pages.
If you do not enable Process Control, you cannot enable Submission Phases.
• Enable Journals
2. Click Next.
Custom dimension for these two entries. You cannot change the size, and you cannot
delete these dimensions.
In addition to the default dimensions, you can create additional Custom dimensions
with these guidelines:
• You must enter a unique Custom dimension name and dimension alias for the
application. Both the name and alias must be unique. For example, if you have a
dimension name of PROD, the dimension alias cannot be PROD. The Custom
dimension name also cannot be the same as a Currency name.
• The dimension name and alias cannot contain spaces, and cannot be blank.
• You must select a size for the Custom dimension: Small, Medium, or Large.
The maximum number of Custom dimensions depends on the database type and the
size of each Custom dimension.
• The Large Custom dimension supports 2 billion members, and requires 4 bytes of
space in a database column for storage.
• IBM DB2 supports primary keys up to 900 bytes, = 800 bytes total available space
At least two Custom dimensions are required. Below are the formulae for calculating
more than two Custom dimensions:
Migrating applications: 4xLD + 2xMD + SD <= MAXBYTES - 8
Oracle recommends that you use the Large size for Custom dimensions only if you
plan to have more than 32,536 members in that dimension over the lifetime of the
The following example shows sample Custom dimensions.
1. From the Dimensions table, click the (+) Create Custom Dimension button, or
select Actions, and then Create Custom Dimension.
6. Optional: If you have completed all the steps to create an application, click Create
After you create an application, you cannot modify the number of dimensions.
If you need additional Custom Dimensions, you must create a new application
with additional Custom Dimensions.
3. From Application options, select Application from Profile File, and then click
4. From the Browse Profile File screen, click Browse, and select an application Profile
(.PER) file, and then click Next.
5. Modify the Application Properties if needed, and then click Create Application.
To create an application:
3. From Application options, select Copy from an application, and then click Next.
The wizard is populated with the information from the selected application,
including application settings and module configuration. You can change the
current values.
Modifying Applications
After you create an application, modifications to the Application Profile are generally
not allowed. However, an administrator can change these settings:
• The new profile end year should exceed the current end year. You can only
increase the number of years; decreasing the number is not supported.
Current start year: 2005
Before the application profile end year can be processed, the system sets the
application into Admin Mode. The current application process is stopped and all users
logged into the application are forcefully logged out.
To modify an application:
4. To change the Number of Years, enter the number of years for the application.
The system displays a warning message before processing the modified application. If
you click Yes, it sets the application to Admin Mode, and validates the number of
years. If there are no validation errors, it updates the Year dimension, and then
disables the Admin Mode.
Registering Applications
During the installation process, you configure and register server clusters. After you
create an application, you can register the application against the preferred server
To register applications:
6. From the User Management Project list, select the Oracle Hyperion Shared
Services project.
7. Click Register.
Opening Applications
In Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, all data is processed within applications.
You can open and work with multiple applications at one time.
To access an application, you must be assigned as a user of the application.
To open an application:
2. Select an application.
Closing Applications
You can close the current application in which you are working, or if you have
multiple applications open, close them all simultaneously.
To close an application, take one of these actions:
• Click the X on the top of the tab in which the application is open.
4. Click OK.
Deleting Applications
Before you delete an application, ensure that no other user is currently using the
To delete an application, you must have these security roles:
To delete an application:
• To view the application users, click See Users. From the System Users page,
you can log out users.
• Loading Metadata
• Loading Rules
1. Open an application.
3. Enter the file name to load, or click Browse to locate the file that you want to load.
If you reload existing files, the system displays a warning prompt asking if you
want to use them again. If you do, click Yes.
To reset the file options to the default values, click Reset or Reset All.
7. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
• Extracting Metadata
• Extracting Rules
When the extract process is complete, a link displays for the log so that you can view
any errors.
1. Open an application.
6. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
To duplicate an application:
5. For Name, enter the application name of the new application that you want to
7. For Cluster, select the cluster on which the application should be registered.
8. For User Management Project, select the project on which the application should
be registered.
9. Optional: Select the Duplicate Audit Tables option to duplicate the Data Audit
and Task Audit tables from the source to the destination application.
10. Optional: Select the Duplicate Data Tables option to duplicate the data tables from
the source to the destination application.
When you start the duplication process, the Admin mode is enabled. All users are
logged out of the application and are not allowed to log in again until the process is
The system displays the Admin Tasks page, where you can monitor the progress of
the Duplicate Application task.
After the system successfully duplicates the source application, it registers the newly
created application to the cluster and project that you specified, and you can open the
new application.
Importing Applications
You can import an application across databases or across EPM systems using
homogeneous databases. Both EPM systems should use Oracle DB or SQL Server. To
import an application, you must have the Application Administrator role, and be
provisioned in Shared Services for the Financial Management Application Creator
You can import an application to the same environment and rename it, or you can
register the new application in a different project and cluster.
You can import data for all years and scenarios, or select specific years and scenarios.
By default, the process duplicates the application profile information, metadata, and
security information. You can also select to import the task and data audit information
from the source application to the destination application.
• You must create a data communication link between the source and destination
• If you are using Oracle databases, you must create a Database Link.
• If you are using SQL Server databases, you must create a Linked Server.
• You must make sure that the HFM database has the rights to create a Database
Link or Linked Server.
• You must grant a one-time explicit DB privilege for users rather than provisioning
the users through roles.
To import an application:
4. Select Database Link if you are importing between Oracle databases, or select
Linked Server if you are importing between SQL Server databases.
When you select Database Link or Linked Server, the source applications are listed.
7. For Cluster, select the cluster the application should be registered on.
8. For User Management Project, select the project the application should be
registered on.
9. Optional: Select the Import Audit Tables option to import the Data Audit and
Task Audit tables from the source to the destination application.
10. Optional: Select the Import Data Tables option to import the data tables from the
source to the destination application.
If you select Import Data Tables, you must also specify the Scenario and Year
When you start the import process, the Admin mode is enabled. All users are logged
out of the application and are not allowed to log in again until the process is
The system displays the Admin Tasks page, where you can monitor the progress of
the Import Application task.
After the system successfully imports the source application, it registers the newly
created application to the cluster and project that you specified, and you can open the
new application.
1. Log in as sysdba user and Grant privileges to create a database link to HFM
2. Log in to HFM Schema of the destination system and perform the following
For example, to connect HFM Schema on host SLCK58001, and Oracle running on
port 1521 with service name ORCL:
3. Validation step: The following command should list the applications in the source
1. Execute the following four commands in order (each starting with exec) on the
destination HFM database:
For example, to create a linked server with the name ToTestSystem to sqlserver on
stm10082, and the source sqlserver HFM database credentials are hfm/hyperion:
exec sp_addlinkedserver
exec sp_serveroption@server=N'ToTestSystem',@optname=N'rpc',@optvalue=N'true'
2. Validation step: The following command should list the applications in the source
SQL Server:
Sample applications are only available if you installed the HFM Client..
Administrator Group, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User
Security Administration Guide.
See these procedures:
• Application
• Server
• Date Range
– To specify a date range, select Range, and then specify Minutes, Hours,
Days, or Months.
– To specify specific dates, select Custom, and then enter a Start and End
date, or click the calendar icon to select dates.
4. From the list of system messages, select a message for which to view detail.
5. Double-click the message to open it, or click View, or select Actions, and then
3. From the list of system messages, select one or more messages to delete.
• To delete selected messages, click Delete Selected or select Actions, and then
Delete Selected.
• To delete messages based on the current filter settings, click Delete based on
the current filter settings, or select Actions, and then Delete Filtered.
• To delete all system messages, click Delete All or select Actions, and then
Delete All.
To refresh the list of messages, click Refresh or select Actions, and then
Num: 0x800415c6; Type: 1; DTime: 1/3/12 12:20:10 PM; Svr: SERVER1; File:
CHsxServerImpl.cpp; Line: 1842; Ver:;
Field Description
• Log out all users for a specified application. See Logging Out Users.
• Enable and disable application access for all users. See Disabling and Enabling
Only members of the Administrator group that you specify when you configure the
application server can manage access-related settings. To assign users to the
Administrator Group, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User
Security Administration Guide.
3. Click Logout All Users, or select Actions, then Logout All Users, and then click
Yes from the confirmation prompt.
• Disable Connections - This option disables connections for all users, including
the Administrator. No users are allowed to access the selected application.
• Enable Connections for Admin Only - Application access is only allowed for the
• Enable Connections for All Users - Application access is allowed for all users.
• Click Enable Connections for Admin Only, or select Actions, and then Enable
Connections for Admin Only.
• Click Enable Connections for All Users, or select Actions, and then Enable
Connections for All Users.
4. To refresh the list of connections, click Refresh, or select Actions, and then
Only members of the Administrator group that you specify when you configure the
application server can log out users. To assign users to the Administrator Group, see
the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.
Viewing Users
You can view logged-on users for all application and servers, or filter the list to view
users of specific servers and applications.
To view users on system, you must be assigned the Financial Management
Administrator security role.
• User name
• Server name
• Application name
• Status
3. From the list of users, select one or more users to log out.
• Click Logout Selected User(s) or select Actions, and then Logout Selected
• Click Logout All Users, or select Actions, and then Logout All Users.
To refresh the list of users, click Refresh or select Actions, and then Refresh.
3. Select an application.
5. When you are done working on the application, select the application and disable
Admin Mode.
Synchronizing Servers
The synchronization between Oracle Hyperion Financial Management application
servers is based on system time. Changing the clock can affect this synchronization.
For the time change to and from Daylight Saving Time (DST), Oracle recommends that
you stop the servers before the time change and restart them afterward.
Auditing Tasks
You can use the Task Audit feature to view the tasks performed by users. You can
filter audited tasks by date range, application server, user, and task performed.
If you are assigned the Application Administrator role, you can view, export, and
delete task audit information. If you are not an administrator, but have the View Task
Audit role, you can view and export task audit information.
These user activities are logged in the task audit:
• Allocate
• AutoMatch by Account
• AutoMatch by ID
• Consolidation
• Create Transactions
• Data Clear
• Data Copy
• Data Entry
• Data Extract
• Data Load
• Delete Transactions
• Document Attachments
• Document Detachments
• Edit Transactions
• IC Manage Periods
• IC Manual Match
• IC Matching Report by ID
• IC Transaction Report
• Idle
• Journal Entry
• Journal Posting
• Journal Unposting
• Lock/Unlock Entities
• Logoff
• Logon
• Metadata Extract
• Metadata Load
• Metadata Scan
• Modify Application
• Post Transactions
• Rules Extract
• Rules Load
• Rules Scan
• Security Extract
• Security Load
• Transactions Extract
• Transactions Load
• Transactions Scan
• Translation
• Unmatch IC Transactions
• Unpost Transactions
The task audit log includes this information:
• Username
• Activity performed
• Server name
• Description
• Current module
The task audit log information is stored in the (APPNAME_TASK_AUDIT) table. You
can back up or extract the information in the table to a file, then clear the table. You
should monitor the size of the log and clear it on a regular basis.
• Application
• Server
• Date Range
– To specify a date range, select Range, and then specify Minutes, Hours,
Days, or Months.
– To specify specific dates, select Custom, and then enter a Start and End
date, or click the calendar icon to select dates.
• Users
• Tasks
4. Optional: To export the audit information to a CSV file, click Export, or select
Actions, and then Export and follow the download instructions.
5. Optional: To delete entries based on the current filter settings, click Delete based
on the current filter settings, or select Actions, and then Delete Filtered.
6. Optional: To delete all entries from the log, click Delete All, or select Actions, and
then Delete All.
When you clear the log, a record of the clear process remains in the log and
cannot be erased.
Auditing Data
You can use the Data Audit feature to view data changes performed by users. You can
filter the data changes by date range, application server, user, and dimension
In the Metadata Manager, you can enable the EnableDataAudit metadata attribute for
the accounts and scenarios for which you want to audit data changes. The audit
settings for the scenario override the audit settings for the account. If the
EnableDataAudit attribute is set to Yes for a scenario, all accounts in the scenario are
audited, even accounts for which EnableDataAudit is set to False. If EnableDataAudit
is set to Override for a scenario, all accounts for which EnableDataAudit is set to True
are audited. To disable auditing of Scenario and Account members, change the
EnableDataAudit attribute to No.
If you are assigned the Application Administrator role, you can view, export, and
delete data audit information. If you are not an administrator, but have the View Data
Audit role, you can view and export data audit information.
• Data Entry
• Data Clear
• Data Copy
• Data Load
• Journal Entry
The data audit log includes this information:
• User name
• Activity performed
• Time modified
• Server name
• Point of view
3. Optional: From the Point of View, click a dimension to select dimension members.
• Application
• Server
• Date Range
– To specify a date range, select Range, and then specify Minutes, Hours,
Days, or Months.
– To specify specific dates, select Custom, and then enter a Start and End
date, or click the calendar icon to select dates.
• Users
5. Optional: To export the audit information to a CSV file, click Export, or select
Actions, and then Export and follow the download instructions.
6. Optional: To delete entries based on the current filter settings, click Delete based
on the current filter settings, or select Actions, and then Delete Filtered.
7. Optional: To delete all entries from the log, click Delete All, or select Actions, and
then Delete All.
When you clear the log, a record of the clear process remains in the task audit
log and cannot be erased.
• Application
• Server
• Users
• Tasks
• Status
• Consolidation
• Data Load
• Data Extract
• AutoMatch by ID
• AutoMatch by Account
• IC Matching Report
• IC Matching Report by ID
• IC Transaction Report
• Journals Report
You can filter the running tasks by these status types:
• Initializing
• Running
• Paused
• Uninitializing
• Stopped
• Aborted
• Completed
• Not Responding
• Scheduled Stop
• Scheduled Start
To stop a task:
1. From the Running Tasks module, select a task that you want to stop.
task. By default, the system automatically refreshes the Running Tasks screen in 5-
second intervals and performs the automatic refresh process a maximum of 120 times.
If no running task is found after 120 times, the refresh cycle stops, and you must do a
manual refresh. The refresh cycle continues until all of the running tasks are
If you are the Financial Management System Administrator, you can configure
Default Refresh Count and Default Refresh Interval See Changing
Configuration Settings.
1. From the task list, click Refresh, or select Actions, and then Refresh.
• Default
• Manual
• 5 seconds
• 10 seconds
• 15 seconds
• 30 seconds
• 60 seconds
The refresh mode setting is retained the next time that you log on to the
4. Select an action:
• Chart based on the following Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The data is
limited to the last two weeks:
• Status Overview:
⁎ Admin Mode
⁎ Crash
⁎ Unresponsive
– Start Time - the last time the XFMDatasource process was started
– Up Time - Uptime calculation, which is the difference between the Start Time
and the last ping time
• Show - Filter for time periods to display. By default, data is displayed for the last
14 days.
Application Summary
Performance Overview
This section displays a chart based on the same KPI as on the main screen.
Frequent users - Bar graph displaying the top 10 users with the maximum number of
sessions over a time period, based on the Task Audit data. By default, data is
displayed for the last 14 days, but you can change the time period using the Show
Session Details - Details of user sessions, including User name, Time Started, Time
Ended, and Duration. You can sort any of the columns.
You can filter by User. In the User Search box, type a full or partial user name.
In the Duration Search box, to view only users logged in for a specific duration, enter a
time value. For example, to view users logged in for 1 hour, enter 1h. You can use the
percent sign (%) as a wildcard. For example, to view users with a duration less than
one hour, in the Search box, enter %h.
The Memory section displays a graph of system memory parameters, based on System
Messages data. It includes:
• Total Memory
• Used Memory
• NumCubesInRAM
• NumDataRecordsInRAM
• NumRecordsInLargestCube
• MinDataCacheSizeInMB
• MaxDataCacheSizeInMB
• MaxNumCubesInRAM
For details on memory parameters, see Available Configuration Settings.
This section contains four tabs that display Task information.
Tasks View
The Tasks view displays the top 10 frequently executed tasks in the selected time span,
based on Task Audit data. For example, you can quickly view the number of Logons,
or Consolidations that occurred during the last two weeks.
– Total Time - Total time taken by the tasks that occurred in the selected time
– Average Time - Average time taken by the tasks that occurred in the selected
time span
• User - filter by User who performed the task. In the User Search box, type a full or
partial user name, or use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard.
Users View
The Users View tab contains a bar chart showing the top 10 users who performed a
particular task.
– Frequency - Count of tasks performed by the users in the selected time span
– Total Time - Total time taken by the tasks performed in the selected time span
– Average Time - Average time taken by the tasks performed in the selected
time span
Months View
The Months View displays a bar chart showing a particular task on a monthly basis.
You can compare task activity by month.
– Total Time - Total time taken by the tasks for the selected month or months
– Average Time - Average time taken by the tasks for the selected month or
Task Details
This tab displays detailed information about each task, based on Task Audit data. It
includes the User name, Activity name, Time Started, Time Ended, Duration, and
Description. You can sort any of the columns.
You can filter by User, Activity, Duration, and Description.
The Errors section displays the top 10 frequent errors, based on System Messages data.
• Error Frequency - Displays the Error Code. You can hover over the error code to
view its description.
• Error Details - Displays the Error Code, System Message Summary, Date and
Time of the error for the selected application on the selected server for a particular
span of time. You can sort on Error Code and Date-Time. You can filter by Error
Code and System Message Summary.
Security and access rights enable you to control access to Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management applications and application elements. Setting up security enables you to
protect data and prevent unauthorized users from changing data. For example, you
can restrict access to certain data elements or forms within an application.
Security exists at two levels:
• Use the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console to set up security information.
See Launching the Shared Services Console from Financial Management.
These security roles are required for application administration. For information on
assigning roles, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security
Administration Guide.
• How do you want to group and classify Financial Management tasks and
application elements?
• What level of access right should be assigned for your users and groups?
• What security classes do you want to assign to application elements as they are
2. Provision users by assigning users and groups to applications and assigning user
roles. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security
Administration Guide.
You can then use the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console to set up security for
Financial Management applications. In the console, you can do these application tasks:
1. From the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand Application Groups,
right-click the application name, and select Assign Access Control.
4. From Available Users, or Available Groups, select users and groups to assign to
the application. and use the arrow keys to move them to the Selected Users or
Selected Groups column.
5. Click OK.
The information in this section is provided for use with Classic Financial
Management applications only. For information on setting up security using
Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect, see the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance
Management Architect Administrator's Guide.
Only users assigned to the Provisioning Manager role can define security
classes for applications.
After you define security classes for an application, you can assign the security classes
to application elements such as accounts and entities.
A user's or group's ability to access application elements depends on the security
classes to which the user or group belongs and on the security class associated with
the application elements.
A system-generated security class called [Default] is created as part of an application.
It cannot be deleted or modified by users. Access rights can be assigned to the
[Default] security class. Any member that is not assigned a security class is treated as
if it has the Default security class.
1. From the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand Application Groups,
right-click the application name, and select Assign Access Control.
2. Select Add Security Class, or select Actions, and then Add Security Class.
The name must be unique and can contain a maximum of 80 characters. It can
include spaces, but it cannot start with a space. These characters are not allowed:
• Asterisk (*)
• At sign (@)
• Comma (,)
• Period (.)
• Semicolon (;)
4. Click OK.
1. From the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand Application Groups,
right-click the application name, and select Assign Access Control.
2. From the list of security classes, select the security class row/column header based
on its view in the table.
To delete multiple security classes, use the Ctrl key and select row/ column
3. Select Delete Security Class, or select Actions, and then Delete Security Class.
1. From the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand Application Groups,
right-click the application name, and select Assign Access Control.
3. From Available Security Classes, select the security classes to assign to the
application, and use the arrow key to move them to the Selected Security Classes
4. Click OK.
When you grant users access to a security class, you can enable email alerts, which can
be used for intercompany reporting, and also to inform users of process unit status
changes for entities and scenarios that use the security class. To receive email alerts for
process control, a user must have All or Promote access to the security class.
A user assigned to the Application Administrator role for an application has
access to all information in the application.
1. From the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand Application Groups,
right-click the application name, and select Assign Access Control.
Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple cells. Select a column or row by
clicking in the column or row header. To change the display of columns and
rows, click Pivot.
See Table 1.
• None
• Metadata
• Read
• Promote
• All
4. Optional: To add an email alert, select cells in the table, right-click and select
Enable Email Alert.
The alerting process uses the email addresses stored in the authentication files,
such as MSAD, LDAP, or Native Directory.
To remove email alerts, select the cell and click Disable Email Alert.
5. Click Save.
The alerting process uses the email addresses that are stored in your external
authentication provider, such as LDAP, MSAD, or Native Directory.
Users with the Application Administration role do not automatically receive email
alerts. For a user with the Application Administrator role to receive email alerts, set up
the user as a separate user and assign the security role to receive alerts.
1. From the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand Application Groups,
right-click the application name, and select Assign Access Control.
– Classes by User
– Roles by User
• Users by Group
6. Select an option:
• Export to File to save the report in the selected report file format.
You can only load security classes for Classic Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management applications.
You must load application security before you can load other information to an
application. If you are loading several application elements at once, the system loads
the security files first.
Security information load files can be in an ASCII or Unicode format. The default file
name extension for security information load files is SEC.
You can load users, security classes, role access, and security class access.
To remove a role from a user or group, you must modify the role in the Shared
Services Console. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User
Security Administration Guide.
Oracle recommends that you add Financial Management to the exceptions for
your Web pop-up blocker. When you perform some tasks such as loading
data, a status window pops up showing the task status. If you have a pop-up
blocker enabled on your computer, the status window is not displayed.
3. In the Security section, enter the file name to load, or click Browse to find the file.
By default, application security information files use the SEC file extension.
The load process accepts other file extensions such as TXT or CSV, however,
Oracle recommends that you use the SEC file extension.
4. Optional: Select Clear All to clear security information for the application before
loading the new security information.
You can use the Clear All option only if you have been assigned the
Application Administrator and Provisioning Manager roles. Also, if you use
this option, you will have to reprovision users, as all users (including the user
doing the clear) will be removed in this process. For information on
provisioning users, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System
User Security Administration Guide. Before selecting the clear option, review
Clearing and Loading Security Information.
5. From Delimiter, select the character used to separate information in the file. These
characters are valid:
, ~ @ $ % ^ & | : ; ? \
You must use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way
in the file. For example, if you use the comma in an entity description, you
cannot use the comma as the delimiter.
6. From the Filters section, select the types of security information to load.
7. Click Load.
8. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
1. Extract application elements from the application. See Before Clearing Security
2. Select to clear existing security information and load a new security file.
To update metadata before clearing and loading security information:
To update journals before clearing and loading security information:
To update grids before clearing and loading security information:
Data Forms
To update data forms before clearing and loading security information:
To update metadata:
To update journals after clearing and loading security information:
2. Post journals that you unposted before clearing and loading security information.
3. Approve journals that you rejected before clearing and loading security
To update grids after clearing and loading security information:
Data Forms
To update data forms after clearing and loading security information:
To update folders after clearing and loading security information:
To update reports after clearing and loading security information:
Task Lists
To update task lists after clearing and loading security information:
• Security classes
• Role access
Oracle recommends that you periodically extract security to a backup file. For
information on backing up security information, see the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.
3. In the Security section, from Delimiter, select the character used to separate
information in the file.
You must use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way
in the file. For example, if you use the comma in an entity description, you
cannot use the comma as the delimiter.
5. Click Extract.
The instructions vary depending on the Web browser that you are using. Make
sure to save the file in the Web directory that you set up.
7. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
The information in this chapter is provided for use with Classic Financial
Management applications only. For information on managing metadata for
applications created using Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect, see the Oracle
Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Architect Administrator's Guide.
Metadata is defined as the structural elements of an application that describe and store
data, for example, dimension names, member names, properties, exchange rates, and
security. You can define metadata for Classic Financial Management applications in
two ways:
• Use Metadata Manager to create an XML or APP metadata file and load it to an
You must set up security for an application before you can load metadata.
Sample metadata files are included when you install Sample Applications for Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management. The files are located in the Sample Applications
folder in the directory to which you installed Financial Management.
Defining Accounts
The Account dimension defines the chart of accounts for an application. You define
accounts with the attributes in the Account Member Attributes table.
Attribute Description
AccountType (Required) One of these values:
• ASSET—Store values that represent the
assets of a company
• LIABILITY—Store point-in-time
balances that represent the liabilities of a
• REVENUE—Store periodic and year-to-
date values that increase net worth if the
value is positive
In Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management releases prior to 4.1, this
account type was called Income.
Attribute Description
CustomTop Which TopMember in the hierarchy of a
Custom dimension is valid for the account
Only the specified member, including all
descendants, is valid for the account.
The number of attributes is based on the
number of Custom dimensions defined for
the application. The attribute name changes
to reflect the Custom dimension alias. For
example, Custom in the attribute name is
replaced with the Custom dimension alias.
The number of attributes is based on the
number of Custom dimensions defined for
the application. The attribute name changes
to reflect the Custom dimension alias. For
example, Custom in the attribute name is
replaced with the Custom dimension alias.
Attribute Description
IsCalculated Whether the account is calculated
Only base-level accounts can be calculated. If
a base-level account is calculated, you cannot
manually enter values. Specify Y if the
account is to be calculated; otherwise, specify
Attribute Description
PlugAcct Specifies the account name used for
identifying discrepancies in intercompany
transactions. The PlugAcct attribute is
required when the IsICP attribute for the
account is selected. It must be blank or the
name of a valid account. If blank,
intercompany eliminations for the account
are not processed.
If you change this attribute after line-item
detail is entered, the stored line-item detail
may no longer be valid for the account. These
behaviors occur:
XBRL Tags Specifies XBRL tags for the account. You can
enter a maximum of 225 characters.
When you load data, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management assumes that
the natural sign for the data is positive.
For example, the ASSET account type does not total across periods. If you debit an
ASSET account, the value that you enter is added to the account. If you credit it, the
value is subtracted. The default translation for this account type is the value in the
DefaultRateforBalance Accounts field.
A REVENUE account provides a year-to-date total. The DYNAMIC account type is
needed for correct calculation of parent values for Custom dimensions, time periods,
and period-to-date views. You can use the GROUPLABEL account type to group
related accounts that do not need to be aggregated to a total. For example, you can
create a top-level account named Balance Sheet Accounts that groups balance sheet
accounts. All account types, except for GROUPLABEL, store data.
Scaling does not apply for FLOW, BALANCE, or DYNAMIC account types.
The following table indicates how an account type behaves when totaled into a
specific type of parent account. The columns represent the account type of the parent
accounts. For example, when aggregated, ASSET account values are added into parent
ASSET and EXPENSE accounts and subtracted from parent LIABILITY and REVENUE
The abbreviations represent the first one or two letters of the account types. A
No displayed in the column indicates that the account type is not aggregated
into the parent account.
Table 4-3 Account Type Behaviors During Aggregation into Parent Accounts
Account A L R E F B BR C G D
ASSET Add Sub Sub Add Add Add Add No No No
CURRE No No No No No No No No No No
GROUP No No No No No No No No No No
Table 4-3 (Cont.) Account Type Behaviors During Aggregation into Parent Accounts
Account A L R E F B BR C G D
DYNA No No No No No No No No No No
This example illustrates how account types are aggregated into parent accounts:
In this example, Total Assets is an ASSET account and the parent of Fixed Assets (an
ASSET account) and Amortization (a LIABILITY account). When the accounts are
aggregated into the parent account, the Fixed Assets value of 100 is added, the
Amortization value of 20 is subtracted, and the resulting value for Total Assets is 80.
For more information on writing calculations, use the guidelines for creating rules.
Attribute Description
The name of a Custom dimension member
cannot duplicate the name of a consolidation
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
You cannot use ALL as the name of an entity.
UserDefined1, UserDefined2, UserDefined3 Stores custom information for the entity. You
can enter a maximum of 256 characters. The
UserDefined1, UserDefined2, and
UserDefined3 functions retrieve the text
stored in this attribute.
you input data as year-to-date values, when you select Periodic as the data view, the
system automatically derives the periodic values from the year-to-date values.
For each scenario, you can specify how to display missing data. Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management interprets missing data as zero for display on reports and for
calculating summary periods. You can specify whether a zero for missing data is
interpreted as zero for the current period (Periodic) or as zero for year-to-date (YTD).
You also enable process management options by scenario. You can select whether to
enable process management, select the maximum level of reviews for process units,
and select the start year for phased submissions.
Attribute Description
If you set ConsolidateYTD to N, you must
also set both ZeroViewForAdj and
ZeroViewForNonadj options to Periodic.
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
If you change this attribute after line-item
detail is entered, the stored line item detail
may no longer be valid for the scenario.
These behaviors occur:
Attribute Description
If you set ConsolidateYTD to N, you must
also set both ZeroViewForAdj and
ZeroViewForNonadj options to Periodic.
If you set ConsolidateYTD to N, you must
also set both ZeroViewForAdj and
ZeroViewForNonadj options to Periodic.
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
The number of attributes is based on the
number of Custom dimensions defined for
the application. The attribute name changes
to reflect the Custom dimension alias. For
example, Custom in the attribute name is
replaced with the Custom dimension alias.
The number of attributes is based on the
number of Custom dimensions defined for
the application. The attribute name changes
to reflect the Custom dimension alias. For
example, Custom in the attribute name is
replaced with the Custom dimension alias.
Attribute Description
Organization by Period
Organizational structures can change for many reasons, including acquisitions,
disposals, mergers, and reorganizations. The Organization by Period functionality
enables the most recent consolidation structure to coexist with past structures in the
same application.
To support organizational changes, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management uses the
Active system account as a filter of the entity hierarchy. The Active account is an
intercompany account that stores data at the parent level and uses the ICP dimension
to store information about children. It specifies whether the consolidation status of a
child entity into its parent is active or inactive.
For an ICP member that corresponds to a child of a parent, the Active account
indicates to the system whether the child should be considered an active consolidation
member for the current year, scenario, and period. Children that correspond to ICP
members for which the Active account is equal to 0 are considered inactive children
and are not consolidated. Children that correspond to ICP members for which the
Active account is equal to 1 are considered active children and are consolidated.
Changes to active child data affect the parent; changes to inactive child data do not
affect the parent. You can view or change Active account values in data grids.
The DefaultValueForActive attribute controls the status of children for which the
Active account is blank. Therefore, you do not need to specify every parent-child
intersection as active or inactive. By default, every child is active in relation to its
parent unless otherwise specified.
Attribute Description
ConsolMethod Specifies the name for the consolidation
method. This attribute is required. The name
must be unique and can contain up to 80
characters, including spaces.
Do not use these characters in the name:
• Asterisk (*)
• At sign (@)
• Comma (,)
• Curly brackets ({})
• Double quotation marks (“)
• Minus sign (-)
• Number sign (#)
• Period (.)
• Plus sign (+)
• Semicolon (;)
• Slash mark (/)
Attribute Description
PercentConsol Specifies the consolidation percentage
applied by the ownership calculation process.
Specify a value for the percent (such as 100)
or one of these keywords:
For information on POWN and POWNMIN,
see Using POWN or POWNMIN
Consolidation Methods.
One of the method records must have a value
of 100.
• You can manually assign the method through data load or data entry.
• You can automatically assign the method in the Calculate Ownership process,
which is based on the ultimate percent control assigned to the entity. For details
on calculating ownership, see the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management User's
Value: [None]
Custom: ToCurrency
Row: ICP entities. For parent entities, you use the ICP Entities system list, or a
user-defined list of selected ICP entities.
Method assignment information is stored in the account method of the data file of the
parent entity. For each child of a parent, the system stores the consolidation method
assignment in the ICP dimension. The assigned method is used when the children are
consolidated to the parent.
For an intersection of the grid, use 1 to indicate the method assignment to the ICP
entity. For example, if a parent group has two children, A and B, and you assign the
Global method to A and the Equity method to B, enter 1 in the intersection for the
Global method and entity A and 1 in the intersection for the Equity method and entity
• Entity Owners are any entities within the descendants of the current parent that
own shares of the entity being processed
• B is owned by A: 80%
• C is owned by A: 70%
• D is owned by B: 20%
• D is owned by C: 20%
The Parent entity GROUP has entities A, B, C, and D as dependents (A is the holding
company). The system calculates percent ownership as follows:
• A: 100%
• B: 80%
• C: 70%
• D: 30%
Suppose the Percent Consolidation of D (from the consolidation method table) is
If the consolidation process is done in stages, the POWNMIN process would be:
Defining Currencies
Currencies store translated values for entities. Every application must include a
Currency dimension. The Currency dimension must include a currency for each
default currency assigned to an entity in the Entity dimension. Each currency added to
the Currency dimension is displayed as a system-generated member in the Value
dimension. You can select a currency from the Value dimension to view data values
translated to the currency.
You define currencies for an application by creating a dimension with the Currency
dimension type, and by using the attributes in the Currency Attributes table. You
create members in the Currency dimension for each currency needed in your
Attribute Description
Attribute Description
The [Currencies] system member list is available for the From Currency and To
Currency dimensions. Currencies that you add to the application are added to the
[Currencies] member list. The [Currencies] list enables you to enter currency
translation rates for pairs of currencies and filter out non-currency members.
application, and are available for selection when users enter cell text information. See
the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management User's Guide.
These are the guidelines for defining cell text labels:
• The label name can be a maximum 80 characters. It must be unique within a data
• It can contain spaces but cannot start with a space. If you are using an Oracle
database, labels cannot contain spaces.
– Ampersand (&)
– Asterisk ( * )
– At symbol ( @ )
– Comma ( , )
– Curly brackets ( { } )
– Number sign ( # )
– Period (.)
– Semicolon ( ; )
System-Generated Accounts
When you create an application, system accounts for consolidation and ownership are
automatically created for the application.
You can change only the description, security class, and decimal location for
system accounts. All other attributes for system accounts are predefined and
cannot be modified.
Consolidation Accounts
These Consolidation system accounts are required for each parent in the Entity
dimension and are used in the consolidation process.
All system accounts that are used for consolidation, except for the Active
account, are BALANCE accounts. The Active account is a
Account Description
Account Description
For subsequent periods, derived as 0.
Therefore, you must enter the percentage in
all subsequent periods.
Ownership Accounts
These Ownership system accounts are used for ownership calculations.
All system accounts that are used for ownership calculations are BALANCE
Account Description
Total shares owned must be less than or
equal to the total shares outstanding.
Total voting shares owned must be less than
or equal to the total voting shares
Enter the number of shares outstanding, or
enter shares outstanding as a percentage.
Enter 100 for percentage.
Enter the number of voting shares
outstanding, or enter voting shares
outstanding as a percentage. Enter 100 for
You can edit only the description, security class, and the decimal location for
system account members. All other attributes are predefined and cannot be
1. In Metadata Manager, open the file that contains the system-generated account
3. From the list, select a system account, and modify the description, security class, or
decimal location as needed.
You must load the updated metadata file into your application for your
changes to take effect.
• Indicate the accounts that perform intercompany transactions and indicate a plug
account for each intercompany account (IsICP and PlugAcct attributes in account
You can modify only the description and security class for ICP members. All
other attributes are predefined and cannot be modified.
2. From the list, select an ICP member and, as needed, modify the description and
security class.
You must load the updated metadata file into your application for your
changes to take effect.
You can modify only the description for Value members. All other attributes
are predefined and cannot be modified.
After you load metadata, the system automatically creates three Value dimension
members for each currency in your application:
• CurrencyName
• CurrencyName Adjs
• CurrencyName Total
Where CurrencyName is the currency label.
For example, for a currency of USD, the system creates these Value dimension
members: USD, USD Adjs, and USD Total.
The metadata file must have a description specified for the <Currency> Value
member. If descriptions for currencies are not specified in the metadata file,
when you load metadata, the currency descriptions are not displayed.
1. In Metadata Manager, open the file that contains the system-generated Value
2. On the Member Attributes tab, in the hierarchy, select a member, and modify its
description attribute.
You must load the updated metadata file into your application for your
changes to take effect.
• Currencies
• Entity dimension
• Scenario dimension
• Custom dimensions
• Account dimension
• Value dimension
• Application settings
• Consolidation methods
For each type of dimension-related metadata, sections are processed in this order:
• Members
• Hierarchies
For Custom dimensions, these sections must use the Custom dimension alias
Metadata for the Entity, Scenario, Account, and Custom dimensions is placed in the
members and hierarchies sections. Custom dimensions may include the dimension
section. The sections for each type of metadata can exist only once in a metadata file.
You can use these characters as a delimiter:
, ~ @ $ % ^ | : ; ? \
You must use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way
in the file. Delimiters are necessary only for ASCII files with the APP file
extension. Delimiters are not necessary for extensible markup language (XML)
A line starting with an exclamation point (!) indicates the beginning of a new section in
the metadata file and must be followed by a valid section name; for example,
currencies, members, or hierarchies. True or false values are represented as Y for true
or N for false. A line starting with an apostrophe (') is considered a comment line and
is ignored by the system.
You can use these sections in a metadata file:
• File format
• Version
• Application settings
• Currencies
• Dimension
• Members
• Hierarchies
• Consolidation methods
File Format
This section of a metadata file indicates the file version number. The version number
changes only when changes are made to the file format. The file format is
automatically generated when you extract metadata; if you are defining a file to load,
you must include a valid file format. This syntax specifies the file format:
!FILE_FORMAT = majorNumber.minorNumber
majorNumber and minorNumber consist of one or two digits. majorNumber can contain a
leading zero, and minorNumber can contain a trailing zero. You must include
majorNumber and minorNumber and use only a period ( . ) as the decimal separator.
These examples represent valid file format values:
!FILE_FORMAT = 11.12
!FILE_FORMAT = 11.120
!FILE_FORMAT = 011.120
!FILE_FORMAT = 011.12
This section of a metadata file indicates the version of Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management that was used to extract metadata. The version number is automatically
generated when you extract metadata; if you are creating a metadata file for loading,
you do not need to specify a version. This syntax represents the version:
!VERSION = major version.minor version.build version
Application Settings
This section of a metadata file defines settings that apply to the entire Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management application. For information on application settings attributes,
see Defining Application Settings.
This example specifies application settings attributes:
This section of a metadata file defines currencies. This syntax specifies a currency:
Label; Scale; Descriptions
EURO;0;English=European Euro
This section of a metadata file defines the members of a dimension. You can use
delimiters to represent missing values as empty. Enter dimension members by using
this syntax:
For Custom dimensions, this section must use the Custom dimension alias
These topics list the formats for the members sections of the Account, Scenario, Entity,
Custom, Value, and ICP dimensions.
Syntax for Account dimension members:
'Label, AccountType, IsCalculated, IsConsolidated, IsICP, PlugAcct, CustomTop,
NumDecimalPlaces, UsesLineItems, EnableCustomAggr, UserDefined1, UserDefined2,
UserDefined3, XBRLTags, SecurityClass, ICPTopMember, EnableDataAudit, DefaultParent,
The following example specifies attributes for two accounts, AdminExpenses and
AdminExpenses;EXPENSE;N;Y;Y; ;AllCustom3;AllCustom1;AllMarket;AllFlows;2;N;Y;Y;Y;Y; ;
; ; ; ; ;N;DefaultParent=NetIncome
CapitalStock;LIABILITY;N;Y;N; AllCustom3;[None];AllMarket;AllFlows;6;N;Y;Y;Y;Y;
; ; ; ; ; ;N;DefaultParent=TotalEquity;English=Capital Stock
Syntax for Scenario dimension members:
'Label, DefaultFreq, DefaultView, ZeroViewForNonadj, ZeroViewForAdj, ConsolidateYTD,
UserDefined1, UserDefined2, UserDefined3, SupportsProcessManagement, SecurityClass,
MaximumReviewLevel, UsesLineItems, EnableDataAudit, EnableJournalsAutoLabel,
DefFreqForPostingFlowTrans, DefaultParent, Descriptions
Syntax for Entity dimension members:
'Label, DefCurrency, AllowAdjs, IsICP, AllowAdjFromChildren, SecurityClass,
UserDefined1, UserDefined2, UserDefined3, HoldingCompany, SecurityAsPartner,
DefaultParent, Descriptions
California;USD;Y;Y;Y;US;;;;;;DefaultParent=Imbler;English=State of
Syntax for Custom dimension members:
'Label, IsCalculated, SwitchSignForFlow, SwitchTypeForFlow, UserDefined1,
UserDefined2, UserDefined3, SecurityClass, DefaultParent, Descriptions
You can use the members section to define descriptions for system-defined members
of the Value dimension. In addition, for Value dimension members that the system
creates for currencies, you can define descriptions that will be appended to the
currency descriptions.
Syntax for Value members:
You can specify the label of a system-defined Value member. You also can use these
labels to create descriptions that are appended to the descriptions for the
corresponding Value members that the system creates for user-defined currencies:
<Currency Total>
<Currency Adjs>
For example, suppose that you define the currencies USD and EUR with descriptions
of “US Dollars” and “Euro,” respectively. In addition, suppose you define these Value
member descriptions in a loaded metadata file:
<Currency Total>;English=Total
<Currency Adjs>;English=Adjs
The following table describes the Value dimension member triplets that the system
creates for the USD and Euro currencies.
The metadata file must have a description specified for the Value member
<Currency>. If descriptions for currencies are not specified in the metadata
file, when you load metadata, the currency descriptions are not displayed.
Intercompany Partner
You can use the members section to define security classes and descriptions for these
system-defined members of the Intercompany Partner dimension:
• [ICP Top]
• [ICP None]
• [ICP Entities]
Syntax for Intercompany Partner members:
This example shows how to define descriptions for [ICP Top], [ICP None], and [ICP
Entities] without specifying security classes:
[ICP Top];;English=Top ICP
Consolidation Methods
This section of a metadata file defines the consolidation methods.
Syntax for consolidation methods:
This metadata file section defines parent-child relationships. A parent-child
relationship is referred to as a node. A node can have its own set of attribute values.
A node record is a delimited list. The first two items of each line of the list identify a
parent and child. You can use delimiters to represent missing attribute values as
empty. All top-level members in a hierarchy should be represented as children of an
empty parent.
Node records for Custom dimensions contain a third attribute. See Custom
To begin a hierarchies section, enter this line, replacing the <> characters with the
dimension name:
Do not include spaces when starting sections for Custom dimensions. For example,
begin the Hierarchies section for the FLOW dimension with this line:
For Custom dimensions, this section must use the Custom dimension alias
These topics list the formats for the Hierarchies sections of the Account, Scenario,
Entity, and Custom dimensions.
Account Hierarchies
Syntax for Account dimension hierarchies:
Scenario Hierarchies
Syntax for Scenario dimension hierarchies:
Entity Hierarchies
Syntax for Entity dimension hierarchies:
Custom Hierarchies
Syntax for Custom dimension hierarchies:
member in which the IsICP attribute is set to TRUE. You can define security
classes and descriptions for some Intercompany Partner members as described in
Intercompany Partner.
Metadata Manager can open files in extensible mark-up language (XML) and APP file
formats. You can use Metadata Manager to create an XML or APP file or to edit an
XML or APP file that was extracted from a Financial Management application.
Metadata files created in Metadata Manager are automatically encoded with the
Unicode format, using Little Endian byte ordering. After you create or edit a metadata
file, you can load the metadata contained in the file into an application.
You cannot edit metadata directly in an application. When you make changes to
metadata in Metadata Manager, you are making changes only to the file, not to the
metadata in the application. After you extract and modify the metadata in the file, you
must reload the modified file into the application for your changes to take effect.
Tab Description
Tree View Use a hierarchical view to add or modify
You must use List View for AppSettings,
ConsolMethod, and Currencies.
For most metadata, you can add or modify members in Tree View or List View.
You must use List View for AppSettings, ConsolMethods, and Currencies
In Tree View, you can add or modify members in a hierarchical view. You add each
member as a child or sibling of a member. You enter attributes for each member on the
Member Attributes tab. To modify data, select a member and modify it or its
attributes. See Tree View Tasks.
In List View, you add and modify members and member attributes in a flat list. To
arrange members in a hierarchy, switch to Tree View and drag the members into the
hierarchy. See List View Tasks.
Changes made in Tree View are carried over to List View, and changes made
in List View are carried over to Tree View.
4. Modify the file name, and change the file extension to APP.
5. Click Save.
When you open a newly converted APP file in Metadata Manager, you are
prompted to enter the delimiter character. Delimiters are required only for
APP files.
If a new member is a child and the parent exists more than once in the tree, the
new child is added as a child of all instances of the parent.
When you add a member to or select a member from Tree View, the member
attributes are displayed in the right side of the Metadata Manager workspace.
Tab Description
1. Make sure that the Tree View tab is selected and from the Metadata Item drop-
down list, select a dimension.
• To add a child member to a specific member, select a member, and then click
• To add a sibling member to a specific member, select a member, and then click
You can add children only to the TopMember in the hierarchy.
3. On the Member Attributes tab, enter or modify attributes for the member.
5. Repeat these steps until you have added or updated all members.
1. Make sure that the Tree View tab is selected and, from the Metadata Item drop-
down list, select a Custom dimension.
3. On the right side of the Metadata Manager workspace, select the Node Attributes
1. Ensure that the Tree View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
You can select multiple members by holding down the Ctrl key as you select
each member.
The members are not removed from the Member List tab; they are only copied
into the hierarchy.
Moving Members
You can move members in the hierarchy by dragging the members. You can move
multiple members simultaneously.
To move members:
1. Ensure that the Tree View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
You can select multiple members by holding down the Ctrl key as you select
each member.
Promoting Members
You can promote members in the hierarchy by using the Promote toolbar button .
When you promote a member, it moves it up one level in the hierarchy.
To promote members:
1. Ensure that the Tree View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
3. Click .
Repositioning Members
You can reposition members in the hierarchy by using the Move Up and Move
Down toolbar buttons. Repositioning does not promote members to a new level
but moves them up or down within their current level in the hierarchy.
1. Ensure that the Tree View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
member in the Member List tab. Deleting a member completely from the hierarchy
also deletes it from List View.
1. Ensure that the Tree View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
• Remove from parent to remove the member from its parent but retain the
member in the Member List tab
1. Ensure that the Tree View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
2. On the right side of the Metadata Manager workspace, select the Member List tab.
3. Select Only Show Orphaned Members to view all orphaned members of the
A metadata file that contains orphaned members cannot be scanned or loaded
into an application.
1. Ensure that the Tree View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
2. On the right side of the Metadata Manager workspace, select the Member List tab.
3. Select Only Show Orphaned Members to display the orphaned members of the
selected dimension.
2. To expand the hierarchy, select a member and click to expand the current
member and all members below it in the hierarchy.
3. To collapse the hierarchy, select a member and Click to collapse the current
member and all members below it in the hierarchy.
After you use List View to add members, use Tree View to add the members
to the hierarchy.
1. Ensure that the List View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
2. To add a member, click and, in the new line, enter the member name and
4. Repeat these steps until you have completed all member additions and
1. Ensure that the List View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
To select an entire row or column, select the row number or the column
4. Perform an action:
Deleting Members
When you delete a member you must also delete all attributes associated with the
member. Therefore, to delete a member, you must select the entire member row.
Changes made in List View are reflected in Tree View.
To delete members:
1. Ensure that the List View tab is selected, and from the Metadata Item drop-down
list, select a dimension.
3. Click .
Validating Metadata
Changes that you make to members are not validated until you change to a different
view (for example, Tree View) or until you select the validate toolbar button. If an
error is found during the validation process, the system displays the row number
where the error occurred.
1. Make sure that the List View tab is selected, and, from the Metadata Item drop-
down list, select a dimension.
1. Make sure that the List View tab is selected, and, from the Metadata Item drop-
down list, select a dimension.
4. Click OK.
To sort a column:
1. Make sure that the List View tab is selected, and, from the Metadata Item drop-
down list, select a dimension.
1. In Metadata Manager, select the File Properties tab, and then open a metadata file.
2. Optional: Click View XML to view the metadata before generating the report.
3. In the XSL Style Sheet Filename text box, enter the style sheet name to apply to the
By default, metadata report style sheets use the XSL file extension.
Locking data prevents stored data from being changed. It does not prevent
aggregated data from changing if hierarchies are changed. To change a
hierarchy total without affecting old aggregations, you should add a new
hierarchy and retain the old hierarchy, rather than changing an existing
Each line in the referential integrity check section refers to a metadata integrity error in
the load file. Errors found during the integrity check are displayed in this format:
Journals::SINGLECA1 Scenario::Actual Year::2014
Value::[Contribution Adjs]
Period::January has 1 occurrences of
Changed::[SCENARIO::Actual::ZeroViewForAdj: Periodic to YTD]
This example shows that the metadata integrity error occurs in the SINGLECA1
journal with this point of view: Scenario Actual, Year 2014, Value [Contribution Adjs],
Period January. The error is that the ZeroViewForAdj attribute for the Actual scenario
was changed from Periodic to YTD. This change is not allowed because a journal exists
for the Actual scenario.
The Metadata Merge utility works only with metadata in XML format; it does
not work for APP format.
MetadataMerge.bat -b<Base File>[i<Ignore descriptions>]-l <Latest file>-m <Modified
file>[-o <Output File>]
-b,-base <Base File> = Base version of metadata file full path including the file name
with extension
-l,-latest <Latest File> = Release version of metadata file full path including the file
name with extension
-m,-modified <Modified File>= Modified metadata file full path including the file name
with extension
-o,-output <Output File> = Output metadata file path, to which the updated metadata
and Metadata Difference report will be saved
-i,-ignoredesc <Ignore Descriptions> = Ignore member description changes
-b c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_V1_B.xml
-l c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_V2_R.xml
-m c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_Customer_M.xml (User-modified
metadata based on Comma_V1_B.xml file)
-i true
Command: MetadataMerge.bat -b c:\temp\MetadataMerge
\Comma_Metadata_B.xml -l c:\temp\MetadataMerge
\Comma_Metadata_R.xml -m c:\temp\MetadataMerge
\Comma_Metadata_M.xml -i true
2. During the merge process, if there are any metadata conflicts, the system displays a
warning message. Select one of these options:
• Y - Yes. The system will apply changes from the latest release file and merge
them into the existing file.
• N - No. The system will not apply changes from the latest release file.
• MA - Merge All. All changes will be applied from the latest release file. The
system will not prompt you for further conflicts.
• MN - Merge None. No changes will be applied. The system will not prompt
you for further conflicts.
3. Copy the two images under the Images folder to the path where the Metadata
Differences Report.html file is generated. These images are the Expand and
Collapse icons for the tree in the Metadata Differences report.
Loading Metadata
When you load a metadata file, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management replaces
metadata with new metadata from the load file. Replacement is useful for making
minor changes to the metadata, such as adding an account. For example, if your
application includes a North America entity, and you load entities from a metadata
file, the attributes for the North America entity in the file replace the attributes for the
North America entity in the application.
Do not use the ampersand character (&) in a metadata file. If you do, an error
When you load metadata files, the system waits for other tasks such as consolidation,
data entry or other load processes to finish before proceeding to load the files. Oracle
recommends that you load metadata during periods of light activity across the server
cluster instead of, for example, during a long-running consolidation. You can check
the Running Tasks page to see which consolidations or data loads, for example, are in
Loading large metadata files can result in a proxy timeout error. If this error occurs,
increase the Web proxy timeout setting.
After you load a metadata file to an application, users using the application are
notified that the system has changed and that they must log off from the application
and log back on.
You must delete orphaned members before loading; if orphaned members are
not deleted, metadata is not updated.
You must select either the Merge or Replace load option. You can clear all metadata
before loading the new metadata and also check the data integrity.
Clear All Metadata Before Loading All dimension members and corresponding
data, journals, and intercompany transactions
in the application database are deleted.
If this option is selected, it overrides the
function of the merge and replace methods.
Oracle recommends that you add Financial Management to the exceptions for
your Web pop-up blocker. When you perform some tasks such as loading
data, a status window pops up showing the task status. If you have a pop-up
blocker enabled on your computer, the status window is not displayed.
To load metadata:
3. In the Metadata section, enter the file name to load or click Browse to locate the
By default, metadata files use the XML or APP file extension. The load process
also accepts the TXT file extension, however, Oracle recommends that you use
the XML or APP file extension.
If you select this option, you cannot select elements in the Metadata Options
5. Optional: Select Check Integrity to check the metadata file against the data in the
current application.
It is highly recommended that you select this option, because it ensures that the
application is not adversely affected by the metadata in the load file.
If integrity errors occur, they are written to the metadata log file, and no
portion of the file is loaded into the application.
You must fix the errors before you can continue with this procedure. See Metadata
Log File Referential Integrity Errors.
• Merge
• Replace
7. From Delimiter, select the character to be used to separate the metadata in the file.
Delimiter characters are required only for ASCII files with the APP file extension.
Delimiter characters are not required for XML files. These characters are valid:
, ~ @ $ % ^ | : ; ? \
Use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way in the file.
For example, if you use the comma in an entity description, you cannot use
the comma as the delimiter.
11. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
• Members added
• Members deleted
** Account **
** Scenario **
3. From the Task Audit Activity column, click the Link icon next to the Metadata
Load process that you want to view.
4. Click Open and view the report with any text editor.
Extracting Metadata
You can extract metadata to view or modify it in Metadata Manager. When you extract
metadata, you save the file as an XML or APP file and specify the file name and
location. After you modify metadata, you must reload the modified file into the
application for the changes to take effect.
You cannot extract members of system-defined dimensions, such as the Value
dimension. In addition, you cannot extract members of dimensions that are defined in
application profiles, such as Year and Period.
To extract metadata:
3. In the Metadata section, from Delimiter, select the character to be used to separate
the metadata in the file.
Delimiter characters are necessary only for ASCII files with the .app file extension.
Delimiter characters are not necessary for XML files. These characters are valid:
Use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way in the file.
For example, if you use the comma in an entity description, do not use the
comma as the delimiter.
6. Click Extract.
The instructions vary depending on the Web browser that you are using. Make
sure to save the file in the Web directory that you set up.
8. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
Member lists enable you to specify a subset of members within a dimension, and can
reduce the time spent browsing the hierarchy of members. For example, if Italy,
France, and UK are used frequently in the point of view for the Entity dimension, you
can create a member list named European Region that includes the frequently used
members. You can then select a European member from this list instead of browsing
through the entire hierarchy of the Entity dimension.
You can also use member lists in rules. For example, you can write a rule that
calculates all members of a member list.
Oracle Hyperion Financial Management uses two types of member lists:
You can combine static and dynamic member lists in the same file.
Sample member list files are included when you install Sample Applications for
Financial Management. The files are located in the Sample Applications folder in the
directory to which you installed Financial Management.
The member list name cannot contain quotation marks (“) or an ampersand
• Sub EnumMemberLists (): Specifies which dimensions have member lists, and
defines the member lists for each dimension. You define the number of lists for
each dimension and the name of each member list within that dimension.
• Sub EnumMembersInList (): Defines the members within each member list.
The HS.Dimension function returns the dimension alias of the dimension. For
Custom dimensions, in which you can specify a dimension name and
dimension alias (long name), the HS.Dimension function returns the
dimension alias (long name).
For information on adding dynamic member lists to the script, see Dynamic Member
Each member list file must include an EnumMemberLists subroutine to specify which
dimensions have member lists, the number of lists for each dimension, and the name
of each member list. Within the EnumMemberLists () subroutine, you use the syntax
and functions in this table to define member lists:
Syntax Description
Dim EntityLists(3)
Syntax Description
EntityLists(1) = "NewEngland"
EntityLists(2) = "Alloc"
EntityLists(3) = "AllEntities(@POV)"
HS.SetMemberLists EntityLists
You use the EnumMembersInList subroutine to add members to a list. For a static
member list, you list all members of the list in the script. Within the
EnumMembersInList () subroutine, you use the syntax and functions in this table to
define the members of each member list:
For all dimensions except Entity, you use the HS.AddMemberTo List statement, in
which you must specify a member. For the Entity dimension, you use the
HS.AddEntityToList statement, in which you must specify a member and its parent.
Syntax Description
HS.Dimension = "Element" where Element is the dimension. For example:
If HS.Dimension = "Entity" Then
Syntax Description
HS.MemberListID=n Specifies the member list by its numeric ID
where n = numeric ID assigned to the
member list in the EnumMemberLists
HS.MemberListID = 1
HS.AddMemberToList "July"
This section shows a sample of the EnumMembersInList section of the file. In this
example, the entities for three entity lists are defined. The members of the Account list
are also defined.
Sub EnumMembersInList()
If HS.MemberListID = 1 Then
End If
If HS.MemberListID = 1 Then
HS.AddMemberToList ”Sales”
HS.AddMemberToList ”Purchases”
HS.AddMemberToList ”Salaries”
HS.AddMemberToList ”OtherCosts”
HS.AddMemberToList ”TotalCosts”
HS.AddMemberToList ”GrossMargin”
HS.AddMemberToList ”HeadCount”
HS.AddMemberToList ”AdminExpenses”
HS.AddMemberToList ”InterestCharges”
HS.AddMemberToList ”NetIncome”
HS.AddMemberToList ”Taxes”
HS.AddMemberToList ”NetProfit”
End If
End If
End Sub
You can have as many member lists for each dimension as you need, and you
do not need to create member lists for all dimensions.
If HS.MemberListID=1 Then
ELi=HS.Entity.List(” ”,” ”)
If (StrComp(HS.Entity.DefCurrency(ELi(i)),
”USD”,vbTextCompare)=0) Then
HS.AddEntityToList ” ”,ELi(i)
‘String compares default currency for entity to USD. If there is a match, the entity
is added to the member list.
End If
End If
End If
In this example, the lists of entities is received into an array. For each entity in the
array, the value of the DefaultCurrency property is compared with the preferred value
of USD. If the value is equal to USD, the entity is added to the list. The system then
processes the next entity in the array.
Dim EntityLists(5)
EntityLists(1) = "AllEntities"
EntityLists(2) = "AppCur"
EntityLists(3) = "NoAppCur"
EntityLists(4) = "Global(@POV)"
EntityLists(5) = "POWN(@POV)"
HS.SetMemberLists EntityLists
End If
End Sub
Sub EnumMembersInList()
If HS.MemberListID = 1 Then
HS.AddEntityToList "","Corp_Ops"
HS.AddEntityToList "","China"
HS.AddEntityToList "","Colombia"
HS.AddEntityToList "","Germany"
HS.AddEntityToList "","Spain"
HS.AddEntityToList "","UK"
End If
If HS.Entity.DefCurrency(Ent)=AppCur Then
End If
EntList=HS.Node.List("E#" & EntPOV, "[Descendants]", "S#" & ScenPOV & ".Y#" &
YearPOV & ".P#" & PerPOV)
If IsArray(EntList) Then
If HS.Node.Method("S#" & ScenPOV & ".Y#" & YearPOV & ".P#" & PerPOV &
".E#" & EntPOV & "." & Ent)="GLOBAL" Then
End If
If HS.Node.POwn("S#" & ScenPOV & ".Y#" & YearPOV & ".P#" & PerPOV &
".E#" & EntPOV & "." & Ent) > 0.5 Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
3. In the Member Lists section, enter the file name to load, or click Browse to locate
the file.
By default, member list files use the LST file extension. The load process also
accepts the TXT file extension, however, Oracle recommends that you use the
LST file extension.
5. Click Load.
If an invalid member list is loaded, users may not be able to access the data
grid. If the following error message is displayed, you may need to correct the
member list and load the file:
6. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
The instructions vary depending on the Web browser that you are using. Make
sure to save the file in the Web directory that you set up.
5. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
y] X X X X X X X X
nts] X X X X X X X X
s] X
es] C
ethod] C
nts] X
Currencie X
Generatio X
Generatio X
Generatio X
Generatio X
Generatio X
Generatio X
Many external general ledger systems can generate ASCII text files containing journal
information that you can load into a Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
application. If necessary, you can edit the ASCII file using a text editor before loading
Sample journal files are included when you install Sample Applications for Financial
Management. The files are located in the Sample Applications folder in the directory
to which you installed Financial Management.
• File Format
• Version
• Journal Group
• Standard
• Recurring
Character Description
& ampersand
@ at sign
\ backslash
^ carat
: colon
Character Description
, comma
$ dollar sign
# number sign
% percent sign
| pipe sign
? question mark
; semicolon
~ tilde
You must use the same delimiter character throughout the file. Using different
delimiter characters within the same file causes an error when you load the
Version Section
This file section contains the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management version that you
used to extract journals. The version number is automatically generated when you
extract journals.
This section is not required.
Standard Section
Standard templates apply to all scenarios, years, and periods in an application. They
are not dependent on a specific combination of scenario, period, and year.
This syntax specifies a standard template:
!STANDARD = <label>, <balancing attribute>, <type>, <journal group>,
<securityclass>, <SingleParent.SingleEntity>
!DESC=<journal description>
Recurring Section
Recurring templates apply to all scenarios, years, and periods in an application. They
are not dependent on a specific combination of scenario, period, and year, but are
dependent on Value Adjs.
You cannot create a recurring template for an auto reversing template. For the
type attribute, the value must be R for regular.
!DESC=<journal description>
Header Section
This file section contains the scenario, year, and period information. The journal type
header information and corresponding detail lines follow the Header section. This
organizes journal information according to a specific scenario, year, and period. You
can specify multiple Header sections in the journal file.
This syntax specifies the scenario, year, and period:
!YEAR = 2014
!PERIOD = January
The Header section is followed by journal detail information for Actual, January, 2014.
The Journal subsection of the Header section provides journal detail information for
the specified Scenario, Period, and Year.
Table 1 describes the attributes that are used in the Journal subsection. These attributes
are used for regular journals and recurring and standard templates.
Attribute Value
You cannot load system-generated auto
reversals, but you can extract them.
<status> • W = Working
• S = Submitted
• A = Approved
• P = Posted
• R = Rejected
Groups must be preloaded.
Attribute Value
If you do not assign a security class, the
journal assumes the Default security class.
Only users who have access rights to this
security class can access the journal.
!DESC=<journal description>
Loading Journals
You can load working, rejected, submitted, approved, and posted journals as well as
standard and recurring journal templates. You cannot load automated consolidation
journals because they are created by the consolidation process.
Before you can load journals, you must first open the periods to which to load
journals. See “Managing Periods” in the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management User's
Journals are loaded using the Replace mode, which clears all data for a particular
journal label before loading the new journal data. You must load posted journals to
periods that are open. If you load a posted auto-reversing journal, an approved
reversal is automatically generated in the next period, and you must manually post
the generated reversal.
By default, journal files use the JLF file extension. The load process accepts other file
extensions such as TXT or CSV, however, Oracle recommends that you use the JLF file
When you change the default load options, the options are updated for all the rows.
You can use the Override option to enable a specific row and update the options for
that row.
When the load process is complete, a link displays for the log so that you can view any
To load journals:
2. For Delimiter, enter the delimiter used to separate the journals data in the file.
These characters are valid:
, ~ @ $ % & ^ | : ; ? \
Use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way in the file.
For example, if you use the comma in an entity description, you cannot use
the comma as the delimiter.
3. Optional: If you are using Firefox as the browser, you can load multiple files. Select
Multiple selection if it is not already selected, and click Browse to locate the files.
You can select a maximum of 10 files at one time. The system then populates the
detail rows with the selected files.
You can also drag and drop files into the File Selection Content area.
5. Optional: To override the default file settings for a row, click Override.
6. Click Load.
If you reload existing files, the system displays a warning prompt asking if
you want to use them again. If you do, click Yes.
Extracting Journals
You can extract journals, recurring journals, and journal templates from an
application. You can select the Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions
for which to extract journals. You can select the journal status, journal type, and
journal balance type to extract.
When you extract journals, they are saved to an ASCII file that supports multibyte
character sets (MBCS). By default, journal files use the JLF file extension. After you
extract journals, you can view and modify the journal information in a text editor.
You can extract automated consolidation journals to external systems, however you
cannot re-import them into Oracle Hyperion Financial Management. When you extract
these journals, the Balance type is blank for automated consolidation journals.
When the extract process is complete, a link displays for the log so that you can view
any errors.
To extract journals:
For the Period, Entity, and Value dimensions, if you do not select specific
members, the system assumes that you want to extract all members for the
dimension. However, if you specifically select members, the system displays a
plus sign (+) next to the dimension to indicate multiple selections.
5. For Delimiter, enter the delimiter used to separate the journals data in the file.
These characters are valid:
, ~ @ $ % & ^ | : ; ? \
Use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way in the file.
For example, if you use the comma in an entity description, you cannot use
the comma as the delimiter.
• Templates
• Recurring Templates
• Journals
7. Optional: Enter the Label and Group for the journals to extract.
8. Select the journal Status, Type, and Balance Type to extract, or select All.
9. Click Extract.
The instructions vary depending on the Web browser that you are using. Make sure to
save the file in the Web directory that you set up.
Data forms are templates with predefined rows and columns that you set up for users
to view and enter specific data. Users cannot add rows and columns to or remove
rows and columns from data forms. They can change point of view selections only for
the dimensions that you specify when you set up the form. You can define links from
one form to another to enable users to drill through to view data in the linked form.
To create data forms, you must be assigned to the Administrator or Manage Data
Entry Forms security role. To load, extract, and delete data forms, you must be
assigned to the Manage Data Entry Forms role.
You can create data forms in two ways:
2. Click New, and then Data Form, or select Actions, then New, and then Data Form.
6. Optional: To add rows or columns, click Add New Row, Add New Column, or
select Actions, and then Add New Row or Add New Column.
To reset the form to the default values or the last saved definition, click Reset.
9. Click Save to save the form, enter the information for the form, and then click Save.
• If you do not select a member or member list and the dimension is not used in a
row or column, the system uses the member from the user POV for the initial
value for the dimension.
• If you specify values in a Background and Selectable POV for a dimension, and
the member for the Background POV is not in the member list for the Selectable
POV, the system uses the first member in the member list of the Selectable POV as
the Background POV member.
• Users need full access to the member hierarchy to be able to work with all the
members in the hierarchy. For example, if you want users to access all Custom 4
members, you must enable access to the parent entity, in this case, CustomTop.
The Form Designer grid contains rows and columns. In a new form, by default the
Scenario dimension is used for the grid column, and the Period dimension is used for
the grid row. You can add a column or row to the form, and then drag and drop
dimensions from the POV bar to the grid rows and columns to define the data form
layout. If you drag and drop more than one dimension in the same row or column,
you can reorder the dimensions. When you click a dimension, you can select members
from the Member Selection page to include in the grid or POV.
When you select a row or column in the grid, the corresponding row and column
options are displayed in the Form Details property pane. You can include calc
expression in a row or column. In this case, you cannot drag and drop dimensions in
the row or column, instead you must enter the calc expression in the row or column
using the property pane. Dimensions that are used for rows are not available for
columns and vice-versa.
The items in the Form Details section are only updated in the script if you
change the default settings. If you leave the default settings unchanged, the
keywords for these items do not display in the script.
For valid values for each option, see Using Data Form Scripts.
2. Click New, and then Data Form, or select Actions, then New, and then Data Form.
3. In the Form Details panel, for On Demand Rules, use one of these methods:
• If you know the rule names, enter them in the text box in a comma-separated
• To search for available rules, click the Edit button next to the text box, then
from the Available Rules pop-up dialog box, select one or more rules to use in
the form and click OK.
4. Click OK.
You can use Other to specify syntax for row or column keywords not
displayed in the Options section, such as Blank and ReadOnly. In addition, if
the definition of a row or column in the script contains deprecated or invalid
syntax, that syntax is displayed in Other.
• If syntax is added for the HeaderOption keyword, you can specify that syntax in
• If the form contains invalid syntax for the HeaderOption keyword for a
dimension, the Other text box displays that syntax.
For valid values for each option, see Using Data Form Scripts.
Sample data form scripts are installed with Sample Applications for Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management. The files are located in the Sample Applications folder in the
directory to which you installed Financial Management.
You cannot use these keywords for Custom
• <pre>
• <textarea>
• <script>
• <javascript>
• <jscript>
• <vbs>
• <vbscript>
• strings such as <XonX=X>, where X =
any string
Use this option within a Row definition to add an icon to the form which, when
clicked, enables users to select members to add to the form. The new members are
added to the form and the user can then enter data for these members.
You can use the AddMember option with the Account, ICP, and Custom dimensions.
Replace MemberList with the list name from which users will be able to add members
to the form.
You can reference only one member list per AddMember line.
• A summary row that displays totals for the member list and has the AddMember
The summary row cannot be suppressed.
• A list row that has the same POV specified in the summary row, except that it has
a list for the dimension to which members are being added. The list must contains
at least the members from the summary row list.
The list row can be placed before or after the summary row.
R2=A#SalesInterco.I#[ICP Entities],
In this example, Row 1 specifies the [Base] member list for the Intercompany Partner
dimension. Row 2 specifies the total for the member list and the member list to be used
with the AddMember icon.
You can use the AddMember option in multiple rows in a form, but each
summary row needs its own list row.
Use this keyword to specify the background dimension members for the form.
Dimensions not specified in the Background POV are considered dynamic and are
taken from the user’s point of view when the form is opened.
Users need full security access to the member hierarchy to be able to work with all the
members in the hierarchy. For example, if you want users to access all Custom 4
members, you must enable access to the parent entity, in this case, CustomTop.
Parameter Description
A valid view.
Parameter Description
You do not need to specify all dimension members in the Background POV.
For dimensions for which you do not specify a member, the system uses the
dimension member from the user’s point of view.
Use this option to specify a blank row, column or cell in the form. Use this option
within a row or column definition or within a cell override definition. The blank row,
column, or cell is empty and is read only, and the context menu is disabled on the cell
because it contains no data or POV. The Blank option is considered a server-side
calculation, therefore it can be used anywhere that SCalc is used.
Use this keyword to define a column in the form. The keywords such as C1, C2, C3
provide the definition of each column in the specified order. The column identifier
must begin with 1 and proceed in sequential order.
Dimension elements specified for the column override elements that are set in the
BackgroundPOV or SelectablePOVList. You can use member and system lists in
column definitions.
You can use these values and options within a column definition:
• Blank
• Calc1
• CellText
• CustomHeader
• NumDecimals
• Override
• ReadOnly
• SCalc
• Scale
• String
• Style
Parameter Description
This value is Deprecated. If you have forms that use this keyword, you must manually
edit them to use SCalc.
A keyword used to change the default calculation order (columns first) to rows first.
This keyword applies to the entire form.
Where Boolean is True if row calculations are used; False if column calculations are
ReportDescription=Demonstrate CalcByRow
C4=SCalc(Col(3)/Col(1)),CustomHeader:Variance %
Use this option to specify a link to another data form. Links are references in row
definitions. Use with Link. You can specify up to 64 links (Link1 - Link64). Links do
not need to be numbered sequentially.
Replace x with the number to assign to the link and replace FormName with the form
name to which to link.
R1=A#Salaries, Cell_Link1
Use this option to display cell text for a row, column, or cell. The first 69 characters of
the cell text entry are considered the title of the entry.
When you extract a data form containing cell text, only the title (first 69
characters) of a cell text entry is extracted.
CellText:<cell text label>
R1=A#Salaries, CellText:[Default]
R2=A#Salaries, CellText:Validation
Use this option to specify a custom header for a column or row. This is useful when
you have a calculated column or row and want to hide the specific formula and
replace it with a description, such as Variance. If you have nested dimensions in rows
or columns, the custom header applies to the entire header in the row or column, not
just to the dimension.
You can use a semicolon as a delimiter to specify custom headers for subsequent cells.
For example, this syntax replaces the three dimension headers in the row with custom
headers Scenario, Year, and Month:
To replace some header cells but not others, use a period (.) to indicate that the
original header should be displayed. You can also hide a header by leaving out the
period. For example, the following syntax shows the original header for the first
dimension, hides the header for the second dimension, and shows the original header
for the third dimension.
When the CustomHeader option is used with calculated rows or columns, you
can only set the text for the first cell of the header.
You cannot use a comma (,), colon (:), or ampersand (&) in the custom header.
This example sets the custom header for column 3 to Variance.
Use this option to assign custom style attributes to a row or column header. This is
different from the Style option of the HeaderOption keyword in that it applies to a
row or column header as a whole as opposed to a single dimension across all headers.
When there is a conflict, the CustomHeaderStyle option will be used over
HeaderOption:Style keyword. To mix the two styles instead of the
CustomHeaderStyle being used, insert a semicolon before the CustomHeaderStyle
option as in the example below. See Style.
This option uses the standards supported by the W3C.
This keyword is deprecated.
If you have a form that contains the DynamicPOV keyword, use these steps to account
for this deprecation:
1. Remove all dimensions specified with the DynamicPOV keyword from the
BackgroundPOV keyword.
Use this keyword to specify the input box width. The default is 20 characters wide.
This keyword does not determine the number of characters that can be
entered into the input box.
Replace InputLength with the number of characters for the input box width.
Use this keyword to specify the number of decimals for the entire form. If this
keyword is specified, it overrides the number of decimals set for the cell. If this
keyword is not specified, the number of decimals for the cell is used.
You can override a column, row, or cell decimal setting by using NumDecimals.
When you use a value of 9, maximum precision is used and therefore, up to 14
digits are actually included after the decimal.
Use this keyword to specify the height of all rows in the form. The default is 16px.
FormRowHeight=Pixels px
Replace Pixels with the number of pixels for the row height.
You must include px after Pixels. If you omit px, rows and columns may not
align correctly when the form is printed.
FormRowHeight=16 px
Use this keyword to specify the default scaling for the form.
If specified in a form, this keyword overrides the scale in the entity currency,
otherwise the system uses the scaling defined for the currencies assigned to entities.
You can override the form scale setting by using the Scale option within row or
column definitions or within a cell override.
Use this keyword to specify heading defaults for each dimension. The options
currently supported are:
• Length - the maximum length for row headers. This can be a number or can be the
word “Fixed” if you want the maximum and minimum length to be the same.
Row headers are truncated with ellipses if they are longer than the specified
• Style
Replace Dimension with the row dimension name, n with the length for the header or
“Fixed”, Property with the style property and Value with the property value. See Style.
Use this keyword to specify the HideInPOV option for each dimension. If this value is
present, the dimension is not shown in the POV Bar of the data form. If this value is
not found, the dimension is displayed in the POV Bar.
Dimension names can be either the short name or the long name, and are listed in a
comma-separated list.
The dimension is ignored if it is already part of the selectable POV, since all
selectable dimensions are shown in the POV bar.
In the following example, Scenario, Year, and Period are hidden in the POV bar when
the data form is opened.
Use this keyword to specify the instructions for form users. If you do not specify this
keyword, the instructions window opens with this message: "There are no detailed
instructions defined for this form".
Replace HTMLInstructions with HTML-formatted text and links.
Instructions=Please enter your cost center budgets for the year.Any questions,
please contact the Budget Administrator.
Use this keyword to specify whether line item details are displayed for just the
selected cell or for all input periods. The default is True, which displays details for
only the selected cell.
Replace Boolean with True to display line item detail for the selected cell or False to
show line item detail for all input periods.
Use this keyword to specify a link to another data form. Links are references in row
definitions. Use with Cell_Link. You can specify up to 64 links (Link1 - Link64). Links
do not need to be numbered sequentially.
Replace x with the number to assign to the link and replace FormName with the form
name to which to link.
R1=A#Salaries, Cell_Link1
This keyword specifies the maximum number of cells allowed in the data form. If the
form results in more than the MaxCells value, an error occurs. The default is 25000.
The value is for the number of visible cells on the form including calculated
cells. It does not include suppressed cells.
This keyword is Deprecated. If you have a script that uses this keyword, the
form loads correctly, however you cannot edit the value.
Use this keyword to specify the number of columns in the form to optimize
performance of sparse data forms. You specify this keyword for forms that have more
than 10 columns. If your form has 10 or fewer columns, the optimization occurs
Use this option to turn off suppression for one or more rows or columns. Thus,
regardless of the form suppression options, the row or column is displayed. Use this
option within a row or column definition.
Use this option to specify the number of decimal places to show for calculated or
uncalculated rows or columns or in a cell override. If this keyword is specified, it
overrides the number of decimals set for the cell or set by FormNumDecimals.
Use this option to specify which on-demand rules are available for the data form. Use
a comma-separated list of rule names. See Specifying On-Demand Rules for Data
Use this option to specify different POV dimension members, formula calculations, or
text for one or more consecutive columns or rows or to change a style. Use this option
within a row or column definition.
To override cells that are not consecutive, you can enter the override in the
Other field of the form options. You can enter multiple overrides by
separating each override by a comma. The following example overrides three
individual cells:
You cannot use member lists with the Override option. You can apply multiple
overrides to a cell, with the last value being used when there is a conflict. In most
cases, you can also mix the overrides on a cell. For example, if an override on a row
specifies a value for NumDecimals while an override on a column specifies a value for
Scale, there is no conflict except if the same dimension is used. If you use a leading
semicolon, you can mix values for Style.
You can also mix overrides where they intersect by including a semicolon after the
Override keyword. Note that without the semicolon, the style defined for the row is
used because row values supersede column values when they conflict in the form. To
mix the overrides from the row and column definitions, you must include the
semicolon on the row keyword.
Parameter Description
R2=A#Sales, Override(2,3,A#SalesTP)
In the following override example, the system overrides columns 2 and 3 for row 2
with January as the period and the PriorSales amount instead of the sales amount for
the month:
R2=A#Sales, Override(2,3,Y#2014.P#January.A#PriorSales)
In the following override example, the system overrides columns 2 and 3 for row 2
with a formula calculation of the average of Sales1, Sales2, and Sales3:
R2=A#Sales, Override(2,3,SCalc((A#Sales1+A#Sales2+A#Sales3)/3)
In the following override example, the system overrides columns 2 and 3 for row 2
with the read only option.
R2=A#Sales, Override(2,3,readonly)
Use this keyword to specify the order of dimension names in the POV. Dimension
names can be either the short name or the long name and are listed in a comma-
separated list in the order in which they should display. Any dimension not specified
on the list is appended in order by dimension number to the end of the list.
In the following example, the dimension order on the POV bar is Account, Period,
Year, Scenario.
If the Account dimension was specified as hidden, Period would display first
on the POV bar.
Use this keyword to specify the number of columns to print on each page. The default
is 6.
Users can override this setting in the printer-friendly display of the form.
When setting the value for this keyword, you should also take into account the
specifics of the form, such as the row height, and the printer and printer
settings used, including resolution and orientation.
Use this keyword to specify the number of rows to print on each page. The default is
Users can override this setting in the printer-friendly display of the form.
When setting the value for this keyword, you should also take into account the
specifics of the form, such as the row height, and the printer and printer
settings used, including resolution and orientation.
Use this keyword to specify whether to print headers on all pages. The default is True.
Users can override this setting in the printer-friendly display of the form.
Use this keyword to define a row in the form. The keywords such as R1, R2, R3
provide the definition of each row in the specified order. The row identifier must
begin with 1 and proceed in sequential order. You can use member and system lists in
row definitions.
Dimension elements specified for the row override elements that are set in the
BackgroundPOV or SelectablePOVList.
You can use these values and options within a row definition:
• AddMember
• Blank
• Cell_Link
• CellText
• CustomHeader
• NoSuppress
• NumDecimals
• Override
• ReadOnly
• SCalc
• Scale
• String
• Style
Parameter Description
R1=A#Sales.I#[ICP Entities],AddMember:I{[Base]}
R3=A#HeadCount.I#[ICP None],NoSuppress
R4=A#Purchases.I#[ICP None],CustomHeader:ABC
Use this option to specify a read-only row, column, or cell in the form. Use this option
within a row or column definition or within a cell override definition. The read-only
cell is similar to all other cells but you cannot edit its contents. You can modify the
style of a read-only row, column, or cell to differentiate it from editable rows, columns,
and cells. See Style.
When you export to Excel, the read-only formatting is maintained.
Use this keyword to specify the form description.
Replace Description with a description for the form. The description can contain a
maximum of 255 characters.
ReportDescription=Intercompany Detail
Use this keyword specify the form name. This keyword is required.
Replace Label with the form name. The name can contain a maximum of 40 characters.
You cannot use these characters in the name:
• Asterisk (*)
• At sign (@)
• Backslash (\)
• Colon (:)
• Comma (,)
• Parentheses (
• Period (.)
• Pipe (|)
• Semicolon (;)
You can use an underscore (_) in the report label but it must be used between
two characters. It cannot be used alone as the label name and it cannot be used
at the end of a label name.
ReportLabel=ICP Detail
Use this keyword to specify the security class assigned to the form. The default is
Use this keyword to specify the report type. This keyword is required and the value
must be set to WebForm for the file to be loaded as a data form script.
Use this option to resize the row header width in reference with the total width of the
form. This is applicable only when the actual width of the row header exceeds the
specified percentage.
For example, if the actual row header width is 25% of the total form's width, and the
specified value is 40%, the row header would not increase to 40%, as it could display
the content in 25%. However, if the specified value is 10%, the row header width
would decrease from the actual width of 25% to fit in the specified 10% width with a
scroll bar. If a row header has multiple columns, the system adds the width of all the
columns, and compares it with the total width of the form.
You can use the Scalc function to create, in columns and rows, custom formulas that
use standard mathematical operators. Use this value within a row or column
definition or within a cell override definition. The specified calculations are performed
on the application server. The following example subtracts column 2 from column 1:
You can also use this value to create text within the form.
SCalc(<expression> [<operator> <expression>])
You can include multiple pairs of [<operator> <expression>] in an SCalc
Parameter Description
• Row references, using the syntax Row(rowIndex). This example divides row 4 by
row 2: R3=SCalc(Row(4)/Row(2))
For rows or columns that contain member lists, the calculation occurs on the
total for the members of the list.
SCalc calculations are not performed until the data is saved and the calculated
results are not displayed on the form until the form is refreshed.
An SCalc row or column can reference another SCalc row or column in its calculation,
however you cannot forward reference in a SCalc row or column for another Scalc row
or column. For example, this SCalc forward reference is allowed:
Use this option to specify the scale for uncalculated columns, rows, or cells.
Use this keyword to specify the members of a dimension that can be selected by users.
The initial value for a selectable dimension comes from the Background POV if one is
specified for the dimension; otherwise, the initial value comes from the user’s point of
view. If the initial value is invalid for the list, the system defaults to the first member
of the list.
When the user selects a new member, the selected member becomes part of the user’s
point of view.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Use this keyword to specify whether descriptions are displayed for the dimension
elements in the form. The default is False.
Use this keyword to specify whether labels are displayed for the dimension elements
in the form. The default is True.
If ShowLabels and ShowDescriptions are set to True, then labels and descriptions are
separated by hyphens. If both are set to False, the system displays labels.
Use this option to specify a text string in a column, row, or cell. Use this option within
a row or column definition or within a cell override definition. The String option is
considered a server-side calculation, therefore it can be used anywhere that SCalc is
C4=String("Show this read-only string")
Use this option to specify the style attributes for a row, column, cell, custom header, or
dimension header. Use this option within a row, column, cell override, custom header
or header option definition.
Use care when applying style attributes to a form. The Style option is a
powerful feature and, if used incorrectly, can significantly change the
appearance of a form.
Each style property consists of a property name, colon, and value. The value may be
one or more words, separated by spaces, for example:
The Style option is interpreted by the browser, not by Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management, so it is limited only by what the browser supports. The Style option uses
the standards supported by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
You can use the Style option keyword one time on a line and add multiple
Property:Value pairs. For example:
The Style Example table lists some of the properties and potential values that can be
used. For a full list, see the Property Index from the W3C.
Property Value
You can combine up to six font properties in
a Style value. For example:
Style: font-style:italic;font-
You can combine styles at row and column intersections by including, for a row, a
semicolon as the first character in the Style text box or Cust Header Style text box.
Note that without the semicolon after the Style keyword, the style defined for the row
is used because row values supersede column values when they conflict in the form.
Each cell in the grid displays only its right and bottom borders, so that a single pixel
separates adjoining cells. You can use Style to change the color or set the line to
dashed for the right or bottom borders. However, if you enable the top or left border,
it will be in addition to the bottom border of the above cell and the right border of the
cell to the left, respectively. This means you will have two borders. You can avoid
double borders by turning off the adjacent border.
You must also set the CustomHeaderStyle of an axis to keep the headers aligned with
the grid.
In the following example, the styles from Row 1 (pink background) and Column 1
(pink background and bold, green text) are combined by adding a semicolon after the
Style keyword in the row definition. The example for SuppressColHeaderRepeats
shows a sample data entry form if this syntax is used.
R1=Blank, CustomheaderStyle: font-weight: bold, CustomHeader: Balance sheet
accounts, Style:; Background-color: pink
Use this keyword to specify whether to suppress repeated column headers. The
default is True.
This example shows the data form where repeated column headers are suppressed. If
suppression is turned off, the column header Actual would also be displayed above
Use this keyword to specify whether columns containing invalid cells are suppressed
from the form. The default is False.
Replace Boolean with True to suppress invalid columns or False to display invalid
Use this keyword to specify whether rows containing invalid cells are suppressed
from the form. The default is False.
Replace Boolean with True to suppress invalid rows or False to display invalid rows.
Use this keyword to specify whether columns containing nodata cells are suppressed
from the form. The default is False.
Replace Boolean with True to suppress columns with no data or False to display
columns with no data.
Use this keyword to specify whether rows containing nodata cells are suppressed
from the form. The default is False.
Replace Boolean with True to suppress rows with no data or False to display rows with
no data.
Use this keyword to specify whether to suppress repeated row headers. The default is
Use this keyword to specify whether columns containing zeros are suppressed from
the form. The default is False.
Replace Boolean with True to suppress columns with zeros or False to display columns
with zeros.
Use this keyword to specify whether rows containing zeros are suppressed from the
form. The default is False.
Replace Boolean with True to suppress rows with zeros or False to display rows with
• @Cur
• @First
• @Last
• @Next
• @Prev
For example, if the period selected in the POV is January, the column or row that is
created using this formula displays data for February:
For the system to apply the relative year when the period extends past the current
year, or if you need to refer to a prior year, you must specify Y#@Cur as part of the
row or column definition.
For example, you need to specify C1=Y#@Cur.P#@Cur(+1) to return the correct year if
the current period is the last period. If the current Point of View is 2013 December:
C1=Y#@Cur.P#@Cur(+1) returns 2014 January.
If the current Point of View is 2013 December: C2=P#@Cur(+1) returns 2014 January (if
January is the first period in the year, and December is the last). Therefore, for the
system to correctly reflect the year information, you specify the year in the column
definition. For example, C2=Y#@Cur.P#@Cur(+1)
The @CUR function can be used for other dimensions to retrieve the current POV.
However, @CUR for the other dimensions does not support using an offset, for
example, +2, since the other dimensions are not chronological. For example, if the
current POV had the Actual scenario, a valid example for a column would be to use
C1=S#@CUR to return “Actual”. If you changed the POV scenario to Budget, this same
column definition would return “Budget”.
• Cell Override
• Row
• Column
• Form
• Default - For number of decimals, the default comes from the account. For scale,
the default is taken from the entity currency.
In the POV, the value for each dimension is independently resolved. For
example, the Account dimension might be set at the form level and the
Scenario dimension at the row level.
The system resolves conflicting attributes according to the order of precedence. For
example, if the number of decimals attribute is defined on a cell override, this value is
used instead of the form, row, column or default.
Similarly, if a cell has conflicting data and calculations specified, this order of
precedence is applied:
• SCalc
• Data
SCalc formulas in a form are evaluated in a left to right, top to bottom order.
For example, all of the columns in row 1 are evaluated sequentially, then all of
the columns for row 2 are evaluated. An SCalc formula can refer to another
SCalc cell that precedes it in the evaluation order.
After you edit a data form, you must reload the updated script to the
application to see the changes that you made.
5. Click Save.
By default, data form scripts use the WDF file extension. The load process
accepts other file extensions such as TXT or CSV, however, Oracle
recommends that you use the WDF file extension.
• To override the security class specified in the file being loaded, select Override
Security Class, then select the security class from Security Class.
• To make this form available only to you, select Private. If you select this
option, the Override option and Security Class list are not available.
5. Repeat these steps until you have added the forms to load.
6. Optional: Select Overwrite Existing Documents if you are updating data forms.
7. Click Load.
All data forms that you load must include a valid ReportLabel. If you selected
to load multiple forms and one of the forms has an invalid ReportLabel, none
of the selected forms are loaded.
If you are reloading a script into an application, you must select the Overwrite
Existing Documents option to replace the old file in the application.
5. Click Extract.
6. Click Save and specify the location to which to save the file.
3. Select a data form, then click Delete, or select Actions, and then Delete.
To extract data as flat files, see the Extracting Data section in the Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management User's Guide.
You can extract data and use an Oracle Essbase database to analyze the data and
produce reports. You use a star schema to send data to an Essbase database. You can
also use a star schema with third-party products.
You create the database after you export data to the star schema. To create a
database, see the database documentation for your release.
Before you extract data to a database, you must set up a data source name (DSN) for
the database to store star schemas. To store star schemas in multiple databases, you
can create a DSN for each database. For instructions, see the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.
To extract data to a database, you must be assigned the Administrator or Extended
Analytics security role.
If you are not assigned the Extended Analytics security role, these restrictions apply
for extracting data:
• You can extract only base level data for ICP and all Custom dimensions.
• You can select only one Scenario and one Year dimension.
• You can select only the Periods that are in the Scenario's default frequency.
To create a DSN:
5. From the Database Type drop-down list, select a database type: Oracle, SQL
Server, or DB2.
Ensure that the user is granted privileges to create, update, and delete tables.
12. When the system displays the "Successful" confirmation, click Save to save the
After you have created and saved a connection, it is displayed on the Configure DSN
page. If you need to edit it at a later time, you can edit it by clicking Edit DSN, or you
can delete it when it is no longer needed.
Star Schemas
You can create multiple star schemas per application. The table names in each star
schema begin with a prefix that you specify. You can select multiple members in all
dimensions to create the star schema that best reflects the information to export.
Cell text and line item detail are not exported to the star schema.
The data combinations in the star schema are created based on the dimension
members that you select to export. The more dimension members selected, the more
possible data combinations that need to be created in the star schema, and the more
time needed to complete the export process. You can calculate the number of data
combinations by multiplying the number of members selected for each dimension.
Do not select to export all members from every dimension; select segments of
data to export. Depending on the application size, the number of data
combinations, and the amount of time to complete the export time could be
• Scenario - Actual
• Year - 2014
• Period - January
• View - Periodic
• Value - USD
• ICP - [None]
• C3 - [None]
• C4 - [None]
The star schema that is created can then be used by Oracle Essbase Integration Services
to create one or many data cubes to reflect the audience that needs to see and use the
information. The star schema contains 180 data combinations for these members (1 * 1
* 1 * 1 * 4 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 3 * 5 * 1 * 1 = 180).
When you export metadata to Oracle Essbase through Integration Services, the
Extract Data to a Database feature uses metadata in a different order than it
displays in the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management application.
You can extract only local currency data if you prefer. To extract only local currency
data, use the Entity Currency member from the Value dimension in the Point of View.
Entity Currency acts as placeholder for the currency and extracts the default currency
for each entity that is selected.
If the selected Scenario is YTD, the data extract extracts periodic derived data. For
example, suppose the Scenario is ZeroView=YTD. There is a value of 100 in an
expense account in the first period. In the second period, no data is reported for that
account. The derived periodic value for the second period is –100, forcing the YTD
amount to 0. If Extract Data to Database is run for this Point of View on a periodic
basis, for the first three periods, the values are 100, –100, and 0, respectively.
• Standard
• Metadata Only
• Essbase
• Data Warehouse
The extract format option that you select determines the schema format used. Each
schema format generates a different set of tables. These schema formats are available:
• Standard Essbase Schema - this schema is used for the Standard, Metadata Only,
and Selected Metadata Only extract format types.
• SQL and Essbase Schema - this schema is used for the Essbase extract format type.
• Warehouse Normalized Hierarchy Schema - this schema is used for the Data
Warehouse extract format type.
Prefix Tables
For each schema format, the system creates a PREFIX_FACT table that contains keys
to the dimension tables and one data field. The system also creates
PREFIX_DIMENSION tables, and the HFM_EA_EXTRACT table to track extract
timestamps for metadata. The system creates two tables for the Entity dimension:
For the SQL and Essbase Aggregation Schema format, the system also creates
For the Warehouse Normalized Hierarchy Schema format, the system creates
Base and Parent tables are not created for the View, Year, and Parent
For example, if the Relational Table Prefix is DEMO, the system creates these tables for
the Essbase format:
If you are extracting a large amount of data, make sure that you have
adequate disk space for the extract.
Oracle recommends that you add Financial Management to the exceptions for your
Web pop-up blocker. When you perform some tasks such as loading data, a status
window pops up showing the task status. If you have a pop-up blocker enabled on
your computer, the status window is not displayed.
• If you are not using a template, select the POV dimension members to export.
3. From the Extract Destination section, for the Type option, select Database.
• Standard
• Selected Metadata Only - extracts only the metadata for the selected
dimension members.
• Essbase
• Data Warehouse
• Calculated Data
• Derived Data
• None
8. From Destination Database (DSN), select the database to which you are exporting
the star schema.
Do not use the same Financial Management database from which you are
exporting data as the destination database.
9. For Relational Table Prefix, enter a prefix to identify the tables for the star schema,
or use the default application name prefix.
The prefix can contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters and must start with a
letter. It cannot contain an underscore. The default prefix is the application
When you update a star schema, the system updates the Fact table.
Oracle recommends that you add Oracle Hyperion Financial Management to the
exceptions for your Web pop-up blocker. When you perform some tasks such as
loading data, a status window pops up showing the task status. If you have a pop-up
blocker enabled on your computer, the status window is not displayed.
• If you are not using a template, select the POV dimension members to export.
• Standard
• Selected Metadata Only - extracts only the metadata for the selected
dimension members.
• Essbase
• Data Warehouse
• Calculated Data
• Derived Data
• None
8. From Destination Database (DSN), select the database to which you are exporting
the star schema.
Do not use the same Financial Management database from which you are
exporting data as the destination database.
9. For Relational Table Prefix, enter a prefix that to identify the tables for the star
schema, or use the default application name prefix.
The prefix can contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters and must start with a
letter. It cannot contain an underscore. The default prefix is the application
3. From Destination Database (DSN), select the database that contains the star
4. For Relational Table Prefix, enter the prefix that identifies the star schema’s tables.
The prefix can contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters and must start with a
letter. The default prefix is the application name.
3. From Destination Database (DSN), select the database to which you are exporting
the star schema.
4. For Relational Table Prefix, type the prefix that identifies the star schema’s tables.
The prefix can contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters and must start with a
letter. The default prefix is the application name.
You can define these report types in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management:
• Journal reports, which display information for a specific journal or list of journals
based on criteria that you select in the Journals module
• Specifying values using the Report page options. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management User's Guide.
ReportDescription=Tax Journals
If you select not to suppress the Entity/Partner transactions, the system does not
suppress them even if the Entity and Partner amounts are within the matching
tolerance amount or percentage. Using the previous example, even if the difference
amount is 99 and if it is within the matching tolerance, the system does not suppress
the transactions. The matching tolerance specified is displayed in units.
Suppressing Reversed Transactions
By default, the system displays the reversed transactions from an Intercompany
Partner every time a transaction is displayed for the Entity. You can select to suppress
these reversed transactions when you generate a report.
This option is very useful when you have one matching account for the report. For
example, you might have a “Cash” account used to store intercompany transactions
for Revenue and Expense. In this case, you must use the Suppress Reversed
Transaction option to avoid a double entry because there is only one matching account
for the report.
Suppressing Details
If you want to display only the different amount in the report, you can suppress the
intercompany details. When you select this option, the report does not display the
intercompany transactions and prints only the total difference for each Entity/Partner
section. If there is a discrepancy and you need to view each intercompany transaction,
you can regenerate the report and show intercompany details.
Suppressing Custom Dimensions
You can select to suppress the columns for any of the Custom dimensions.
Member Display Option
You can display the label, description, or both for the dimension member in the report.
Group By Option
You can group your intercompany partner transactions by Custom dimension. The
system sorts the details based on this option and provides a subtotal for the group.
This keyword specifies the report type. This keyword is required in the script.
This keyword specifies the description for the report. The report description can
contain a maximum of 40 characters. This keyword is required in the script.
Replace ReportDescription with the description for the report. For example:
ReportDescription=Intercompany Elimination Report
This keyword specifies the style sheet to use for the report.
Replace StyleSheetFileName with the style sheet for the report. For example:
If you do not specify a style sheet in the report definition, the system uses the default
style sheet.
This keyword specifies the point of view for the report. This keyword is required in
the script.
Replace Scenario, Year, Period, Value, and View with valid dimension members. For
Adjs value members, for example parent curr adjs, are not supported.
This keyword specifies the entity or entity member list to be displayed on the report.
Replace Entity.Parent with the entity-parent combination. Replace EntityList with the
name of a valid member list. For example:
This keyword specifies the partner or partner member list to be displayed on the
This example uses these keywords to show all accounts in one matching report:
This example uses the Entity and Partner keywords to create different reports with
different account pairs. This is an example of one report with one account matching
two accounts (one to many):
Report 1
This example shows one report with two accounts matching one account (many to
Report 2
Report 3 is an example of one report with one account matching with one account (one
to one).
Report 3
Report 4 is an example of one report with two accounts matching with four accounts
(many to many).
Report 4
This keyword suppresses transactions if the entity and partner amounts are within the
matching tolerance amount.
For example, if an Entity has an amount of 299 and the Partner has 200, the difference
is 99. If the matching tolerance amount is 100 and the difference between the Entity
and Partner is less than 100, as in this example, the system suppresses the transactions
because it is within the matching tolerance.
If you select not to suppress the Entity/Partner transactions, the system does not
suppress these even if the Entity and Partner amounts are within the matching
tolerance amount. Using the previous example, even if the difference amount is 99 and
if it is within the matching tolerance, the system does not suppress the transactions.
This keyword suppresses reversed transactions from partners for each corresponding
entity transaction.
This keyword suppresses intercompany detail and prints only the Total difference for
each Entity/Partner section.
To create an Intercompany Matching report that displays only the difference amount,
you can suppress the intercompany details when you create it. When you select this
option, the report does not display the intercompany transactions and only prints the
Total difference for each Entity/Partner section. If there is a discrepancy and you need
to view each intercompany transaction, you can regenerate the report and show
intercompany details.
This keyword enables you to specify a value to view only out-of-balance transactions
over a certain amount, or use the default value of 0.
Matching tolerance is specified in units.
Replace ToleranceValue with a number that is less than 1 billion. The limit for this
keyword is 999999999. For example:
For example, if an Entity has an amount of 299 and the Partner has 200, the difference
is 99. If the matching tolerance amount is 100 and the difference between the Entity
and Partner is less than 100 as in this example, you can use the SuppressIfMatch
keyword to have the system suppress the transaction because it is within the matching
This keyword suppresses Custom dimensions.
Replace Boolean with Yes or No. The default is Yes. For example:
This keyword specifies the unit in which amounts are displayed by identifying where
the decimal point is placed. For example, if you enter a scale factor of 3, the report
amount is displayed in thousands. If the scale factor is 0, the report amount is
displayed in units.
• 0 = Units
• 1 = Tens
• 2 = Hundreds
• 3 = Thousands
• 4 = Ten Thousands
• 5 = Hundred Thousands
• 6 = Millions
• 7 = Ten Millions
• 8 = Hundred Millions
• 9 = Billions
For example:
This keyword specifies the number of decimal places to display in the report and can
override the number of decimal places defined in the account.
Replace NumberDecimalPlaces with a number 0-6. If you do not specify a decimal value,
the system uses the default decimal setting as defined in the account. For example:
This keyword specifies if member labels are displayed on the report.
Replace Boolean with Yes or No. The default is Yes. For example:
This keyword specifies if member descriptions are displayed on the report.
Replace Boolean with Yes or No. The default is No. For example:
This keyword specifies if a summary of plug accounts affected by the intercompany
transactions is displayed.
This keyword groups Custom dimension transactions by dimension. This keyword is
Replace Custom with the Custom dimension alias by which to group the Custom
dimensions in the report. For example:
Keyword Description
Keyword Description
Keyword Description
Keyword Description
You use Oracle Hyperion Financial Management rules to automate the calculations of
data within an application. You can use rules for these purposes:
• Calculate data entry level amounts for a specific entity, scenario, and period.
• Prevent data entry for a specific cell in a specific entity, scenario, and period.
Rule Types
You can write rules that set and clear values, calculate data, translate currency,
consolidate data, allocate data from one location to another, and prevent data input.
All VBScript methods are
supported for NoInput rules.
You create rules for Financial Management in a unique script, which is based on the
Microsoft VBScript language. Rules are constructed through the combination of
functions, objects, and other arguments to generate the scripting syntax. Within each
routine, you use two types of functions to write rules:
Rule Considerations
Following are considerations for writing rules for applications:
• Rules execute in sequential order within a routine and there is a set order in which
routines run before other routines. See Rule Execution During Consolidation.
Calculation Commands
Calculate routines are executed for a specified intersection of scenario, year, period,
entity, and value. Executing Calculate routines results in writing or clearing data in
the current data table, which corresponds to the current intersection of scenario, year,
period, entity, and value. When users execute Calculate routines, the system can read
data from anywhere in the application. However, data is only written to the current
data table.
The calculate routine will fail if the [None] entity exists in a hierarchy when
you consolidate.
You run these processes in data grids by selecting one of these commands:
• Calculate
• Force Calculate
• Calculate Contribution
• Consolidate
• Consolidate All
• Translate
• Force Translate
When you select a calculation command, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
executes the Sub Calculate() routine in the RLE file. The Calculate() routine calculates
accounts and custom dimension members for a specified Entity-Value combination
within a specified Scenario, Year, and Period.
Force Calculate
The Force Calculate option forces rules to run only on the Value member selected, and
any Value member on which it depends. For example, Force Calculate on entity
currency runs rules on the entity currency member only. Force Calculate on the entity
currency total runs rules on entity currency, entity currency adj, and entity currency
total. Force Calculate is the only command for which it is possible to affect only a
single member of a value triplet.
Carefully read these sections before writing rules. You might want an
operation to occur only for certain members of the Value dimension, and if
this is the case you must test for the current member with VBScript’s If
structure and the Member function before executing the operation. For steps
and examples on using If structures and the Member function, see Conditional
When a user selects the Calculate or Force Calculate command, Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management runs the application’s Calculation rule for the intersection of
the current entity member and the Value member for the entity’s default currency,
Entity Currency. If the entity’s AllowAdjs attribute is enabled in the metadata,
Financial Management also runs the rule a second time, applying the rule to the
intersection of the entity and the member of the Value dimension that stores
adjustments to the entity’s default currency, Entity Curr Adjs.
For example, if an entity named California has a default currency of USD and its
AllowAdjs attribute is enabled in the metadata, the calculation rule runs twice, once
for the intersection of California with USD and once for the intersection of California
with USD Adjs.
1. The rule is run for the intersection of the child entity and the Value member that
stores the child entity’s default currency (Entity Currency).
2. If the child entity’s AllowAdjs attribute is set to Y, the rule is run for the
intersection of the child entity and the Value member that stores adjustments in
the child entity’s default currency (Entity Curr Adjs).
3. If the child’s currency differs from the parent’s currency, the rule is run for the
intersection of the child entity and the Value member that stores amounts
translated to the parent’s home currency (Parent Currency).
4. If a child’s currency differs from the parent’s currency and the rules file contains a
Translation rule, Financial Management executes the Translation rule before step
5. If the child’s currency differs from the parent’s currency, and the child entity’s
AllowAdjs attribute is set to Y, the rule is run for the intersection of the child
entity and the Value member that stores adjustments translated to the parent’s
home currency (Parent Curr Adjs).
7. The rule is run for the intersection of the child entity and the Proportion value.
8. The rule is run for the intersection of the child entity and the Elimination value.
10. For each additional child entity that contains previously unconsolidated data,
repeat steps 1 through 9.
11. The rule is run for the intersection of the parent entity and the Value member that
stores the parent entity’s default currency.
For example, a parent entity named UnitedStates has children named EastUS and
WestUS. The children have the AllowAdjs attribute enabled. The UnitedStates entity
has the AllowAdjs and the AllowAdjFromChildren attributes enabled. All three
entities share a default currency of USD.
If you change data for EastUS and WestUS and consolidate UnitedStates, Financial
Management runs the rule for each of these intersections of the Entity and Value
2. EastUS and Entity Currency Adjs. (EastUS’s AllowAdjs attribute has been set to
9. WestUS and Entity Currency Adjs. (WestUS’s AllowAdjs attribute has been set to
The following example shows the process when the entity currency and the parent
currency are the same.
• The cell in the data grid in which the user’s cursor is placed when the user runs a
calculation, translation, or consolidation.
• For consolidations, the current members of the Entity and Value dimensions
change each time the rule is executed. See Calculation Rules with Consolidation
• Rules process for the currently selected dimension members, except for
calculation rules in which case the calculation rules process across all accounts in
the application.
If a dimension member of the cell in which the cursor is placed differs from the
corresponding member of the corresponding dimension in the Point of View bar, the
cell’s dimension member overrides the Point of View bar’s dimension member. For
example, if a user has specified an entity named Europe in the Point of View bar and
runs a translation with the cursor placed in a cell for an entity named Germany,
Germany is the current entity.
By specifying a dimension member as an argument, you can use some functions to
work with a specific dimension member regardless of the current dimension. For
example, you can use the NumBase function with the Entity object to get the number
of base entities for the entity that you specify in the argument.
For more complex functions, you can create Account Expressions to specify the
dimension members.
Account Expressions
Some functions require an Account Expression as an argument. In its simplest form,
an Account Expression is a string that specifies the account to which Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management applies the function.
The Account Expression characters are listed in the following table.
Character Dimension
A# Account
I# Intercompany Partner
C# Custom
S# Scenario
Y# Year
P# Period
W# View
E# Entity
V# Value
The A# characters represent the Account dimension, and the word Sales is the member
name of the Account dimension to which Financial Management applies the Clear
function. This Account Expression tells Financial Management to clear the data stored
in the Sales account.
When you use an Account Expression, Financial Management applies the function to
the intersection of the account that you specify in the Account Expression and the
current members of these dimensions:
• Entity
• Period
• Scenario
• Value
• View
• Year
• Custom - Uses the CustomTopMember that was set for the account in the
metadata. For example, if the Account Expression does not specify a member of
the Custom 3 dimension, Financial Management uses all valid Custom 3 members
as defined by the CustomTopMember specified for the account.
The adjustment-related Value members are those that include the code “Adjs”
in their name, for example, USD Adjs, EURO Adjs, LIRA Adjs.
Error Messages
When Oracle Hyperion Financial Management detects a syntax error, it displays an
error message that contains this information:
• The line number in the RLE file that is causing the error.
• An error description.
14. Default consolidation and eliminations are performed for the total amount of
Parent and ParentAdjs.
After the previous steps have been repeated for each base child, this sequence takes
place for the parent entity:
2. The sum of the total of Proportion, Elimination, and ContributionAdjs for every
child is written into EntityCurrency of the parent entity.
Default Translation
Following is the sequence in which default translation takes place.
1. The system checks the current entity for the direct translation rate and uses that
rate for translation.
2. If the translation rate is not found, the system derives the direct rate from the
indirect rate in the current entity.
3. If neither the direct rate nor the indirect rate is found in the current entity, the
system looks at the [None] entity and uses the direct rate.
4. If the direct rate is not found in the [None] entity, the system derives the direct
rate from the indirect rate in the [None] entity.
5. If the indirect rate for the [None] entity does not exist, the system derives the rate
by triangulation using the application currency in the [None] entity.
The system first looks for a translation rate within the current entity. If not
found in the current entity, the system looks for a translation rate within the
[None] entity. If the system cannot find a translation rate in the [None] entity,
the system translates using triangulation. Triangulation is a way to convert
balances from one currency to another using a third, common currency.
For example, if you want to convert EURO to YEN, but the system cannot find a direct
or indirect rate to perform the translation, if EURO and YEN can both translate into
USD then, using triangulation, the system can convert the EURO balance to USD and
then convert the USD balance to YEN.
If you do not precede Clear with the HS. characters, an error occurs.
You cannot use the HS. characters before a standard VBScript function. If you
do, an error occurs. Use the HS. characters only before a Financial
Management function.
Some Financial Management functions apply only to objects that are children of the
HS object. These functions require you to put the applicable object’s name between the
HS characters and the function name. These objects are children of the HS object and
are used in Financial Management:
• Account
• AppSettings
• Custom
• DataUnit
• Entity
• Node
• Parent
• Period
• Scenario
• Value
• Year
VBScript Operators
These VBScript operators are supported in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
• And
• Eqv
• Imp
• Is
• Mod
• Not
• Or
• Xor
• =
• <
• >
• <=
• >=
• <>
• +
• &
• -
• /
• \
• *
• ^
VBScript Statements
These VBScript statements are supported in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
• Call
• Const
• Dim
• Do...Loop
• Erase
• Exit
• For...Next
• ForEach...Next
• Function...End Function
• If...Then...Else If...Else...End If
• On Error Go to 0
• Option Explicit
• Private
• Public
• ReDim
• ReDim Preserve
• SelectCase...Case...End Select
• Set
• While...WEnd
• With...End With
• '
• Sub...EndSub
VBScript Keywords
These VBScript keywords are supported in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
• Empty
• Nothing
• Null
• True
• False
VBScript Functions
These VBScript functions are supported in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
Function Description
DatePart DatePart(inverval,date[,firstdayofweek[,first
Function Description
DateSerial DateSerial(year,month,day)
Format Functions
Function Description
Conversion Functions
Function Description
Function Description
Math Functions
Function Description
Array Functions
Function Description
Function Description
String Functions
Function Description
Other Functions
Function Description
Function Description
VBScript Objects
These VBScript object are supported in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management rules:
• CreateTextFile
• OpenTextFile
• DeleteFile
• FileExist
• FolderExist
• GetBaseName
• GetParentFolderName
• GetFile
• CopyFile
File Objects
• OpenAsTextStream
• Size
• AtEndOfStream
• Close
• WriteLine
• ReadLine
Err Objects
• Description
• HelpContext
• HelpFile
• Number
• Source
• Raise
• Clear
These procedures assume that you have a rules file and code you write is
placed in the Calculate() subroutine. See Creating Rules Files.
Reusing Data
Use the EXP function to insert data from one account into another account. EXP’s
argument contains the account to be set and the account from which the value is
retrieved. The argument is in the form of an equation, with the target account on the
left side of the equal sign and the source account on the right side.
EXP inserts data into the intersection of an account with the current dimension
members (see Current Dimension Members). In addition, you can use Account
Expression characters to override the current Custom and ICP members.
In this example, the Calculation rule sets the PrevCash account to the value in the
Cash account:
HS.EXP "A#PrevCash = A#Cash"
You can use Account Expression characters to specify dimension members on both
sides of the equal sign in EXP’s argument. See Exp. This example inserts the data
from the previous year’s intersection of the PrevCash account and the Golf member of
the Custom 3 dimension into the current year’s intersection of PrevCash and Golf:
HS.EXP "A#PrevCash.C3#Golf = A#Cash.Y#Prior.C3#Golf"
Conditional Rules
You may want a rule to execute an action only when certain dimension members are
the current members in the Point of View. For example, you might want an account’s
value to be calculated in one way when Actual is the current scenario and a different
way when Budget is the current scenario.
To do this, use the Member function in a VBScript If structure. Member gets the name
of the current member of these dimensions:
• Entity (Use the Entity object to get the current entity or the Parent object to get the
parent of the current entity.)
• Period
• Scenario
• Value
• Year
If structures enable you to execute statements only if certain conditions are true. The
following sections show a few different ways of using Member with If structures to
test for dimension members.
These sections cover only a few of the If structure aspects. For more details on
If structures, consult Microsoft’s VBScript documentation. (You can download
VBScript documentation from Microsoft’s Web site.)
End If
All If structures must begin with an If...Then statement and end with an
End If statement. The actions to be executed if the condition is met are
sandwiched between the If...Then and End If statements as shown
You can use this technique to test for more than two members. For each
member to be tested, include an additional combination of the Member
function and the Or keyword.
End If
End If
In this example, A# is followed by the keyword ALL; this means that the rule
applies to all accounts. In addition, the P# characters are followed by the
keyword Prior; this means that EXP gets the account data from the period
prior to the current period.
Owner = Hs.Entity.Member
Owned = Hs.Entity.Owned
OwnerDefaultCurrency = HS.Entity.DefCurrency("")
lPown = Hs.GetCell("E#" & Owned & ".I#" & Owner & ".V#[None].A#[Shares
Hs.Exp "A#IncomeFromSubsidiary.I#" & Owned & " = E#" & Owned & ".V#" &
OwnerDefaultCurrency & ".A#NetIncome.I#[ICP Top] *" & lPown
End Sub
HS.Exp "A#CogsTP=15424"
HS.Exp "A#Admex=32452"
End Sub
Note that all HS functions that can be used in Sub Calculate (but no others) can also be
used in On Demand rules. Also note that unlike Sub Calculate, data previously written
to an IsCalculated data-point is not cleared when an On-demand rule is run.
Loading Rules
Rules changes can affect data and are dependent on metadata. As a result, the rules
load process applies a global lock on the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
server cluster. The rules load cannot proceed until any previously started operations
of these types have finished:
• Consolidation
• Data entry
• Metadata load
The rules scan process has the same restrictions as the load process to enable the
system to validate dimension members and other parameters. Rules scan and load
processes are queued and started automatically after any blocking tasks are finished.
Oracle recommends that you load rules during periods of light activity across the
server cluster instead of, for example, during a long-running consolidation. You can
check the Running Tasks page to see which processes, such as consolidation or data
loads, are in progress.
After you load a rules file to an application, users using that application are notified
that the system has changed and that they must log off from the application and log
back on.
If the rules files contains intercompany transactions, you can verify the posted
transactions in the application against new transactions in the rules file. The Sub
Transactions section of the rules file defines the accounts that support intercompany
transaction detail.
Oracle recommends that you add Financial Management to the exceptions for
your Web pop-up blocker. When you perform some tasks such as loading
data, a status window pops up showing the task status. If you have a pop-up
blocker enabled on your computer, the status window is not displayed.
To load rules:
2. In the Rules section, enter the file name to load, or click Browse to locate the file.
By default, rules files use the RLE file extension. The load process also accepts
the TXT file extension, however, Oracle recommends that you use the RLE file
5. Click Load.
6. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
Extracting Rules
When you extract rules, they are saved to an ASCII file that supports multibyte
character sets (MBCS). By default, rules files use the RLE file extension. After you
extract rules, you can view and modify them in a text editor.
To extract rules:
The instructions vary depending on the Web browser that you are using. Make
sure to save the file in the Web directory that you set up.
4. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the
log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.
Rules Profiling
You can use rules profiling to capture in-depth information about rules execution at
the major subroutine level. Rules profiles include statistics about time spent
calculating, translating, and consolidating each entity during a consolidation task. You
can view rule profiles to ensure that rules are run efficiently, and to address any issues
that occur during rules execution or entity processing during consolidation.
You must have Application Administrator security access to run and view rules
1. Open a rule file and update the major subroutine with Block level information as
• Define a unique timer ID in the rule file; use any positive integer.
• Define the user action, such as Calculate. The block name is appended with
HS.StartTimer 1, "Calculate", "", "", ""//1: Unique Timer ID, Calculate: User
Defined Block Name
If profiling has not been run on the application, the Profile Summary page does not
display any results. If profiling has been run previously, you can view the results
from prior runs.
5. The system displays the following confirmation: "It is recommended not to enable
profiling in production systems with active users. System performance can be
negatively affected if profiling is enabled. Do you want to enable profiling?" From
the confirmation prompt, click Yes.
The Profile Summary page lists the rules profiles, including the task, user, and date
and time that the rules were run. If multiple profiles exist, from the dropdown,
select the profile that you want to view.
Rules View
• Amount of time spent processing rules (as a percentage of the total system time)
• Average Time - Average time spent executing each subroutine It is the sum of all
individual elapsed times, divided by the total of the number of invocations for the
• Total Time - Sum of all individual elapsed subroutine times. For example, if the
Calculate major subroutine was run for ten entities in parallel, and each took one
second, the total time would be ten seconds.
• POV Details - Top Entities by time spent (sorted from highest to lowest time) in
executing the subroutine
Entity View
The Entity View provides information about user-initiated consolidation tasks, such as
Consolidate All, Consolidate All with Data, Consolidate Impacted, and Calculate
Contribution. From the Entity bar graph, you can hover over a row to see the block
timing percentages. You can collapse and expand the entity rows.
Per Entity
Time spent in consolidating each branch in the entity hierarchy. You can expand
entities in the hierarchy to the base-level entities. Entities with multiple parents are
displayed as duplicated entries.
• Cumulative Time - The time in the left panel indicates the total time spent for
consolidating branches in the entity hierarchy. The value shown for each entity is
the real clock time spent processing the entity and its descendants. Due to the
multi-thread nature of consolidation, the sum of individual total time from the
child entities may be more than the total time from the parent entity.
• Operations- Each row in the right panel shows a separate thread that performs a
subtask during the processing of the entity highlighted in the left panel.
• Thread Time - Amount of time for each thread to complete each subtask
• To delete results for a specific action, from the drop-down list, select an action
and click the Delete icon next to it.
• To delete all results, click Delete All from the top menu.
• Allocation rules
• Calculation rules
• Consolidation rules
• Input rules
• NoInput rules
• On-Demand rules
• Transactions rules
• Translation rules
Some functions are unique to specific routines, while others can be used with multiple
types of rules within multiple routines.
For an overview of all functions, see Functions Overview.
Functions Overview
Table 1 summarizes the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management functions, the objects
with which they can be used, and the type of rules in which they can be used.
Functions are listed alphabetically. Detailed sections for each function are provided
after the table.
Legacy applications migrated from Financial Management releases prior to can still use the "Custom1...4" objects. All applications created in should use the new "Custom(Alias)" object syntax to specify which
Custom dimension is being referenced using the Custom Alias/short label/
long label.
• Alloc - Allocation
• Calc - Calculation
• Con - Consolidation
• EPU - EquityPickUp
• Tran - Translation
• Trans - Transactions
MemberFromID Gets the member for Account, Custom1 Calc, Tran, Con,
the specified ID through Custom4, Alloc
number. Entity, ICP, Parent,
Year, Period,
Scenario, Value,
XBRLTags Gets the XBRL tag for Account Calc, Tran, Con,
the account. Alloc
Executes a calculation expression and stores the result as an absolute value. This
function is the same as the Exp function except that it stores the resulting value as an
absolute value. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Allocation
HS.ABSExp "DestPOV = Expression"
Parameter Description
Return Value
This example sets the amount in the StateTax account. The example calculates the
absolute amount by multiplying the amount in the Sales account for 2014 by the rate in
the StateRate account for 2014.
HS.ABSExp "A#StateTax = A#Sales.Y#2014 * A#StateRate.Y#2014"
Gets the account type for the current Account member or for a specified account. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The account type for the specified account.
In this example, if the account type for the Sales account is REVENUE, then statements
between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Account.AccountType("Sales") = "REVENUE" Then
End If
Gets the account type ID for the current account member or for a specified account.
This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
• Dynamic Calculation
• Transactions
Return Value
The ID for the specified account. Table 1 lists valid account types with corresponding
Account Type ID
If HS.Account.AccountTypeID("Investments") = 2 Then
End If
Adds the specified member to a member list. This function can be used only in the
Member Lists file.
HS.AddEntityToList("Parent", "Child")
Parameter Description
Return Value
HS.AddEntityToList "UnitedStates", "Maine"
Using the ID for the entity and parent, adds the specified member to a member list.
This function can be used only in the Member Lists file.
HS.AddEntityToListUsingIDs(ParentID, ChildID)
Parameter Description
Return Value
Adds the specified member to a member list. This function can be used only in the
Member Lists file.
Return Value
HS.AddMemberToList "July"
Adds the specified member to a member list. This function can be used only in the
Member Lists file.
Return Value
Allocates data from one point of view to another. This function can be used in
Allocation rules.
HS.Alloc ("SourcePOV","DestPOV","EntityList","AllocExp","PlugAccount")
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Return Value
In this example, data from the TangibleAssets account is allocated to the Cash account.
Call HS.ALLOC ("A#TangibleAssets","A#Cash","NewEngland","A#TangibleAssets","A#Plug")
Specifies if journal postings from children are allowed for the specified entity or parent
member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
HS.Entity.AllowAdjFromChildren(" ")
HS.Parent.AllowAdjFromChildren(" ")
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if journal postings from children are permitted for
the specified entity, False if journal postings from children are not permitted.
In this example, if journal postings from children of France are allowed, then
statements between the If…Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Entity.AllowAdjFromChildren("France") = TRUE then
End If
Specifies if journal postings are allowed for the specified entity or parent member. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
HS.Entity.AllowAdjs(" ")
HS.Parent.AllowAdjs(" ")
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if journal postings are permitted for the specified
entity, False if journal postings are not permitted.
In this example, if journal postings for France are allowed, then statements between
the If…Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Entity.AllowAdjs("France") = TRUE then
End If
Returns the name of the application in which rules are running. This function can be
used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
Name of the application in which rules are running.
Calculate the exchange rate from one currency to another.
HS.CalculateExchangeRate (ScenarioID, YearID, PeriodID, EntityID, RateAccountID,
FromCurrencyID, ToCurrencyID)
Parameter Description
ToCurrencyID The ID for the currency that you are going to.
Return Value
The exchange rate.
Gets the current exchange rate for the specified entity.
HS.CalculateRate (ScenarioID, YearID, PeriodID, EntityID, ValueID, RateAccountID)
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Return Value
The exchange rate for the specified entity.
Gets the calculation status for the specified point of view. This function can be used in
these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string that contains the calculation status for the specified point of view. Valid status
codes are listed below.
You can use the Alloc function to modify data
in a locked destination POV.
In this example, if the status for the specified point of view is “OK”, then statements
between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.CalcStatus("S#Actual.Y#2014.P#January.E#Connecticut.
V#<EntityCurrency>") = "OK" Then
End If
Returns the cell text unit item to process during consolidation, calculation, or
translation. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
HS.OpenCellTextUnit("", "[Default]", "Entity", "Ascending")
Return Value
The entry for the specified item.
Set MyCellTextUnit = HS.OpenCellTextUnit("", "[Default]", "Entity", "Ascending")
NumItems= MyCellTextUnit.GetNumItems
For i = 0 to NumItems - 1
Scenario = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).Scenario
Year = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).Year
Period = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).Period
Entity = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).Entity
Value = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).Value
Account = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).Account
ICP = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).ICP
Flow = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i)Custom("Flows")
Nature = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).Custom("Nature")
CellText = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).CellText
POV = MyCellTextUnit.Item(i).POV
Removes data from combinations of Account, ICP, and Custom members. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
HS.Clear "Account.ICP.Custom1.Custom2.Custom3.Custom4"
Parameter Description
To remove data from all cells that intersect the current point of view, which consists of
the current Entity, Period, Scenario, Value, View, and Year members, place the ALL
keyword after the A# characters as in this example:
HS.Clear "A#ALL"
To clear all intersections of cells and Custom or ICP dimensions, use the ALL keyword
or omit the A# characters. This example omits the A# characters to clear data from all
account intersections with the GolfBalls member of the Custom1 dimension:
HS.Clear "C1#GolfBalls"
Return Value
This example clears the data stored in the intersection of the Sales account and the
GolfBalls member of the Custom1 dimension.
HS.Clear "A#Sales.C1#GolfBalls"
Puts data into the [Proportion] and [Elimination] Value dimension members. This
function can be used in Consolidation rules.
Hs.Con (*"DestPOV", Factor, "Nature")
Parameter Description
Return Value
Call HS.Con ("V#[Elimination]",-1*dPCon,"")
• Calculation
• Allocation
Combination of scenario, year, period, and parent.entity members.
HS.Node.Consoln ("S#Scenario.Y#Year.P#Period.E#Parent.Entity")
HS.Node.Consoln ("")
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current scenario, year,
period, and entity.
Parameter Description
Return Value
The value in the Consol1, Consol2, or Consol3 system account.
This example gets the Consol1 value for the Group1.Ent1 node in the actual scenario.
dVar1 = HS.Node.Consol1 ("S#Actual.E#Group1.Ent1")
Determines if the current Scenario member or a specified scenario member is
consolidated year to date. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the scenario is consolidated using the year-to-date
method, False if the scenario is consolidated using the periodic method.
In this example, if the Actual scenario is set up to be consolidated using the year-to-
date method, then statements between the If...Then and End If statements are
If HS.Scenario.ConsolidateYTD("Actual") = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the specified cell contains cell text. This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
• Account - [none]
• Custom1...4 - [None]
The default entries apply when you use this function in Calculation rules.
When used in Allocation, Translation, or Consolidation rules, you must
specify the full sub-cube Account/ICP/Customs POV. The Scenario, Year,
Period, View, Entity, and Value dimensions default to the current members.
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the specified data cell contains cell text for any cell
text label; False otherwise.
In this example, if the specified cell does not contain cell text for any cell text label,
then statements between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.ContainsCellText("A#Sales.C1#Prod1.C2#Region1") = "False" then
End If
If you are using cell text labels, this function returns a “True” value if any of
the existing cell text labels (including “[Default]”) contain a cell text entry.
Determines if the cell contains cell text for the specified label and updates the cell text
information. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
HS.ContainsCellTextWithLabel("POVExpression", “CellTextLabel”)
• Account - [none
• Custom1...4 - [None]
The default entries apply when you use this function in Calculation rules.
When used in Allocation, Translation, or Consolidation rules, you must
specify the full sub-cube Account/ICP/Customs POV. The Scenario, Year,
Period, View, Entity, and Value dimensions default to the current members.
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the specified data cell contains cell text for the cell
text label specified; False otherwise.
In this example, if the specified cell does not contain cell text for the cell text label
specified, then statements between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.ContainsCellTextWithLabel ("A#Sales.C1#Prod1.C2#Region1", “Rating”) = "False"
then ... End If
Gets the currency for the application or for the current Value dimension member. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A string that contains the currency name for the application or for the Value member.
In this example, if Euro is the currency of the application then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.AppSettings.Currency = "Euro" Then
End If
Returns the CustomTopMember for the current or specified Account member. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string (" ") to apply this function to the current member.
Return Value
The CustomTopMember for the specified Account member.
Returns the data unit item to process during consolidation, calculation, or translation.
This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
Return Value
The member label for the specified item.
Set MyDataUnit = HS.OpenDataUnit("")
NumItems= MyDataUnit.GetNumItems
For i = 0 to NumItems - 1
Account = MyDataUnit.Item(i)Account.
ICP = MyDataUnit.Item(i).ICP
Flow = MyDataUnit.Item(i)Custom("Flows")
Nature = MyDataUnit.Item(i).Custom("Nature")
Data = MyDataUnit.Item(i).Data
POV = MyDataUnit.Item(i).POV
Gets the number of decimal places for the specified account. This function can be used
in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current account when
using the Sub Consolidate subroutine.
Parameter Description
Return Value
An integer representing the decimal value assigned to the account. Valid values are 0
to 9.
In this example, if the number of decimal places assigned to the Sales account is 2, then
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Account.Decimal("Sales") = 2 Then
End If
Gets the default frequency for the current Scenario member or for a specified scenario
member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Return Value
A string that contains the default frequency for the scenario.
In this example, if the default frequency for the Actual scenario is YTD, then
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Scenario.DefaultFreq("Actual") = "YTD" Then
End If
Gets the default parent for the current member or a specified member. This function
can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string (" ") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string that contains the default parent for the member.
Calculates translation by bypassing rules. This function overrides the Application
settings and can be used in SubTranslate rules only.
HS.DefaultTranslate(dRateForBalanceAccounts, dRateForFlowAccounts,
bUsePVAForFlowAccounts, bUsePVAForBalanceAccounts)
Parameter Description
Return Value
In this example, if the parent member is United States, then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Parent.Member=”UnitedStates” Then
End If
Gets the default view for the current Scenario member or for a specified scenario
member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Return Value
A string that contains the default view for the specified scenario. Valid values are YTD
and Periodic.
In this example, if the default view for the Actual scenario is YTD, then statements
between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Scenario.DefaultView("Actual") = "YTD" Then
End If
Gets the default currency for the current entity or parent member, or for the specified
entity or parent member. If you specify an entity, the system returns the entity
currency. To obtain the parent currency, you must specify the parent entity. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string that contains the default currency for the specified entity or parent.
In this example, if the default currency for Connecticut is different from the default
currency for EastRegion, then statements between the If...Then and End If statements
are executed.
If HS.Entity.DefCurrency("Connecticut")<> HS.Parent.DefCurrency("EastRegion") Then
End If
Gets the percentage of direct ownership for the specified parent.entity node. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Combination of scenario, year, period, and parent.entity members.
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current node.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A number that is a percentage of direct ownership.
dVar1 = HS.Node.DOwn("S#Actual.Y#2014.P#Q1.E#Group1.Ent1")
Specifies the formula for the dynamic accounts that need calculations. This function
can be used in Dynamic rules.
This function can only reference data in the same subcube. If you need to reference
data from a different subcube, you may need to create a “parking” account to store
information from other cubes. For example, to reference a prior year’s data in the
formula, you need to use a “parking” account to store the last year’s data information
so that it can be referenced in the dynamic calculation within the same cube.
HS.Dynamic "DestPOV = Expression"
Parameter Description
If you do not specify a view, the formula is
executed for Periodic and YTD. To have
different formulas for different views, you
must specify Periodic or YTD in the formula.
Return Value
Sub Dynamic
End Sub
Puts data into a combination of Account, ICP, and Custom1...4 members. This function
can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Allocation
HS.Exp "DestPOV = Expression"
Parameter Description
The destination for the data is on the left side of the equal sign, and the data to be
assigned is on the right side. This example sets the cell that intersects the UnitsSold
account and the [None] members of the Custom dimensions to 40000:
HS.Exp "A#UnitsSold.C1#[None].C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[None]" _
On the right side of the equal sign, you can use Account Expression characters to
represent dimension members. Thus, you can assign data for a group of cells to
another group of cells. This example sets the cell that intersects the Taxes account and
the [None] members of the Custom dimensions to 6 percent of the data in the cell that
intersects the Sales account and the specified Custom dimensions:
HS.Exp "A#Taxes.C1#[None].C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[None]" _
You can set multiple accounts with one Exp statement. See Simultaneously
Setting Several Accounts.
• Source. If a member of a dimension is not specified on the right side of the equal
sign, there are several possibilities:
– If a dimension has only one member, then Exp gets data from the intersection
of this member and the source account.
– If a dimension has only one valid intersection with the source account, then
Exp gets data from this intersection.
– If a dimension has several intersecting members with the source account, then
the source intersection of the data is determined by the left side of the
⁎ If a member is specified on the left side, then Exp attempts to get the data
from the intersection of this member and the source account.
⁎ If a member is not specified on the left side, then Exp attempts to put data
into each valid intersection of the destination account and the
dimension’s members. Exp gets the data for the destination intersections
from the corresponding intersections of the members and the source
If a source intersection is invalid, then Exp does not change the data in the
corresponding destination intersection.
For detailed examples that illustrate these considerations, see Exp and Dimension
Intersection Considerations.
Keyword Description
Keyword Description
Period and Year keywords are case-sensitive and must be in all uppercase
You can use the plus (+) and minus (-) signs with the Period and Year keywords. This
example sets the MiscPast account to the amount in the Misc account two years before
the current year.
HS.Exp "A#MiscPast = A#Misc.Y#CUR-2"
If you use the keywords Prior, First, Last, Current, or Next, immediately followed by
the plus (+) and minus (-) signs and a digit, you must be careful to use the correct
syntax for the order of the equation. In these cases, you can use one of these methods
to write the rule:
Always use parentheses to correctly separate the variable. For example:
HS.Exp “A#9001_Group.C4#[None] = A#9001_Group.P#Prior” & “+(“ &
VAR & “*A#9001_Group.V#[ParentTotal])”
HS.Exp “A#9001_Group.C4#[None] = (A#9001_Group.P#Prior” & “+” &
VAR & “) *A#9001_Group.V#[Parent Total])”
Mathematical Calculations
You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide on the right side of the equal sign. You
must use these standard VBScript characters:
+ - * /
This example adds the values in the prior year’s Taxes and Purchases accounts and
then inserts the sum in the Cash account.
HS.Exp "A#Cash = A#Taxes.Y#PRIOR + A#Purchases.Y#PRIOR"
If you multiply or divide with an account that has a NoData status, the data in
the account on the left side of the equal sign will not be changed. Zero (0) is
considered data. In other words, an account that contains 0.00 as data will not
have a NoData status.
End If
To insert data into all intersections of accounts and Custom or Intercompany Partner
dimensions, use the All keyword or omit the A# characters. This example, which omits
the A# characters, inserts data into each account that intersects the GolfBalls member
of the Custom1 dimension. For each valid intersection of GolfBalls and an account, the
amount in the prior period’s intersection is placed in the current period’s intersection.
HS.Exp "C1#GolfBalls = C1#GolfBalls.P#PRIOR"
Return Value
This example sets the amount in the StateTax account. The example calculates this
amount by multiplying the amount in the Sales account for 2014 by the rate in the
StateRate account for 2014.
HS.Exp "A#StateTax = A#Sales.Y#2014 * A#StateRate.Y#2014"
• All intersections are valid for the source and destination accounts. See All
Intersections Valid.
• Some intersections are valid and others invalid for the source and destination
accounts. See Invalid Intersections.
• One member is valid for the source account. See One Valid Member on the Right
All of these examples use accounts named TargAcct and SourceAcct in conjunction
with members of the Custom1 dimension named Member001, Member002, and
Member003. The source intersection data for all the examples is listed in Table 1:
Member001 10
Member003 15
The function puts this data into the intersections of the TargAcct account and the
Custom1 members:
This example uses Exp with the Member001 member on the left side of the equal sign:
HS.Exp "A#TargAcct.C1#Member001 = A#SourceAcct"
The intersection of TargAcct and Member001 is set to 10. Exp gets the data from the
intersection of SourceAcct and Member001 because Member001 is specified on the left
This example uses EXP with Member003 on the right side of the equal sign:
HS.Exp "A#TargAcct = A#SourceAcct.C1#Member003"
The function puts this data into the intersections of the Custom1 members and the
TargAcct account:
Invalid Intersections
In these examples, the source and destination accounts each have an invalid
Exp does not change data in the TargAcct account because Exp attempts to perform
these operations:
The function puts this data into the intersections of the Custom1 members and the
TargAcct account:
The function puts this data into the intersections of the Custom1 members and the
TargAcct account:
In this example, Exp is used with Member001 specified on the left side of the equal
HS.Exp "A#TargAcct.C1#Member001 = A#SourceAcct"
The intersection of TargAcct and Member001 is set to 15, which is the data in the
intersection of SourceAcct and Member003.
If there were more than one valid intersection for the SourceAcct account and
the Custom1 dimension, Exp would attempt to get data from the intersection
of SourceAcct and Member001. If this were an invalid intersection, then Exp
would leave the destination account unchanged.
Gets the data contained in a cell. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The data stored in the specified cell.
This example assigns to the dData variable the amount stored in the intersection of the
Sales account and the Golfballs member of the Custom1 dimension:
Dim dData
dData = HS.GetCell("A#Sales.I#[ICP
Gets the data contained in a cell and also indicates whether the cell contains data. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
Return Value
The possible return values depend on what is found in the cell:
• If the cell contains real data, the data value is returned and the boolean value
returned for Var1 is False.
• If the cell contains no data, 0 is returned for the data value and the boolean value
returned for Var1 is True.
• If the cell contains derived data, the derived value is returned and the boolean
value returned for Var1 is False.
If the argument causes GetCellNoData to return more than one value, an
error occurs.
In this example, the amount in the Sales account is assigned to the dSalesAmt variable.
If the Sales account has no data, the statements between the If Then and End If
statements are executed.
dSalesAmt = HS.GetCellNoData("A#Sales.I#[ICP
End If
Gets the data contained in a cell and also indicates whether the cell contains real data.
This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
Return Value
The possible return values depend on what is found in the cell:
• If the cell contains real data, the data value is returned and the boolean value
returned for Var1 is True.
• If the cell contains no data, 0 is returned for the data value and the boolean value
returned for Var1 is False.
• If the cell contains derived data, the derived value is returned and the boolean
value returned for Var1 is False.
dData = HS.GetCellRealData("A#Sales.C1#Prod1",bIsRealData)
End If
Gets the default cell text from the point of view. This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The [Default] label cell text for the POV.
Currency>.A#Sales.I#[ICP None].C1#[None].C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[None]")
If you are using cell text labels, this function retrieves the cell text for the cell
text label “[Default]”.
Gets the cell text from the Point of View for the specified cell text label. This function
can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
HS.GetCellTextWithLabel("POVExpression", "CellTextLabel")
• Account - [none]
• Custom1...4 - [None]
The default dimension member values apply when you use this function in
Calculation rules. When used in Allocation, Translation, or Consolidation
rules, you must specify the Account, ICP, and Custom1…4 members. The
Scenario, Year, Period, View, Entity, and Value default to the current
Return Value
The cell text for the POV and cell text label specified.
Gets the cell type. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The type for the specified cell.
Valid types are:
This example checks to see if the cell type is EXPENSE. If it is, then statements
between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.GetCellType("S#Actual.C4#[None]") = "EXPENSE" Then
End If
Returns a list of Custom dimension labels in an array. This function can be used in
these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
Returns two arrays, one with Custom short names and one with Custom long names.
Gets an individual record to process for consolidation. This function can be used in
Consolidation rules.
This function can only be used for 4 or fewer Custom dimensions. For more
than four Custom dimensions, use DataUnitItem.
DataUnit.GetItem (lItem, strAccount, strICP, strCustom1, strCustom2, strCustom3,
strCustom4, dData)
Parameter Description
Return Value
An array containing the account, ICP, Custom1...4, data.
Call DataUnit.GetItem(lItem, strAccount, strICP, strCustom1, strCustom2, strCustom3,
strCustom4, dData)
If dData = 0 Then
End If
Using dimension IDs, gets an individual record to process for consolidation. This
function can be used in Consolidation rules.
This function can only be used for 4 or fewer Custom dimensions. For more
than four Custom dimensions, use GetItemIDs2ExtDim.
DataUnit.GetItemIDs2(lItem, lAccountID, lICPID, lCustom1ID, lCustom2ID, lCustom3ID,
lCustom4ID, dData)
Parameter Description
Return Value
Variables containing the account, ICP, Custom1...4, data.
Call DataUnit.GetItemIDs2(lItem, lAccount, lICP, lCustom1, lCustom2, lCustom3,
lCustom4, dData)
If dData = 0 Then
End If
Using dimension IDs, gets an individual record to process for consolidation. This
function can be used in Consolidation rules.
This function is used when you have more than four Custom dimensions.
DataUnit.GetItemIDs2ExtDim(1Item, lAccountID, lICPID, lCustomID, dData)
Parameter Description
Return Value
A two-column array containing the IDs for both the dimension and member.
Call DataUnit.GetItemIDs2(lItem, lAccount, lICP, lCustom5, dData)
If dData = 0 Then
End If
Gets the number of records to process for consolidation. This function can be used in
Consolidation rules.
NumItems = DataUnit.GetNumItems
Return Value
The number of records in the data unit.
Set dataUnit = HS.OpenDataUnit("")
lNumItems = dataUnit.GetNumItems
Gets the number of line item details for the specified point of view. This function can
be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
• Account - [none]
• Custom1...4 - [None]
Return Value
The number of line item details entered for the specified cell.
In this example, if no line item details have been entered for the specified cell, then
statements between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.GetNumLID("A#Sales.C1#Prod1.C2#Region1") = 0 then
End If
Gets the currency rate for the current point of view or for a specified point of view.
This function can be used in the these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The currency rate for the specified point of view.
dVar1 = HS.GetRate("S#Actual.Y#2014.P#March.V#Euro.E#Connecticut.A#AvgRate")
Gets the process management submission group for the cell.
Return Value
An integer representing the process management submission group. Valid values are
Gets the process management submission phase for the cell.
Return Value
An integer representing the process management submission phase. Valid values are
Gets the holding company for the current or specified Entity or parent dimension
member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
where Entity is the name of a valid Entity dimension or parent member. You can use a
blank string (“) to apply this function to the current member.
Return Value
A string that contains the name of the holding company for the specified entity
member or parent.
In this example, if Europe is the holding company for the entity France, then
statements between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.Entity.Holding("France") = "Europe" Then
End If
Gets the ICPTopMember of the current Account dimension member or the specified
account member. This function can be used in the these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
You can use a blank string (“ “) to apply this function to the current account
only if you are using it in the Sub Consolidate subroutine.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string with the name of the ICPTopMember for the account.
In this example, if the ICPTopMember of the Sales account is TotalProd, then
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Account.ICPTopMember("Sales") = "TotalProd" Then
End If
Gets the ICP weight for the application. The percentage of intercompany partner entity
[ICP Entities] amounts that aggregate to the [ICP Top] member of the Value
dimension. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The percentage of ICP entities that are aggregated into the ICPTopMember. The value
is a percentage scaled to hundreds, with 1.0 equalling 100 percent.
In this example, if the ICPWeight of the current application is 1, then statements
between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.AppSettings.ICPWeight = 1 Then
End If
Gets the ID number for the specified member. This function can be used in these types
of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
Return Value
The ID number of the specified member. If the member entry is not a valid member,
the return value will be -1.
This example gets the ID number for Connecticut:
1EntityID = HS.Entity.IDFromMember("Connecticut")
Changes the status of the specified data unit to impacted. This function can be used in
Calculation rules.
Combination of Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value members. If the scenario is
the same, the year and period combination must be a future period. If no value
member is specified, it is assumed to be current.
Parameter Description
If the specified POV is the same scenario, year, period, and entity as the data
unit being processed, an error occurs and there is no impact to the data unit. If
the target Period is locked when the rule is run, the system returns a VBScript
error and there is no impact to the data unit.
Return Value
HS.ImpactStatus "S#Actual.Y#2014.P#January"
Enables data input into <Entity Currency> of parent entities for data-points that can
entered to at a base entity level. This does not include data-points flagged as
IsCalculated and data-points set as NoInput. Only the entity currency Value
dimension is supported. When you use this function, the value at the Parent Entity
level is not equal to the sum of its children’s contributions.
Because this function enables input at the Parent entity level, the children
contributions do not roll up to the Parent entity’s entity currency Value dimension.
However, the parent-child contribution value is stored, and you can still post journals
to the Contribution Adjustments Value dimension. This function can be used in Input
For accounts where you allow input at the parent entity level, it is important
to remember that the value at the Parent entity’s entity currency Value
member will not be equal to the sum of all the children’s contributions.
Return Value
This example enables input into the cells that intersect the Sales account and the
Budget scenario:
Sub Input
End Sub
Checks to see if the passed in values are equal based on a predefined Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management epsilon. This function can be used in all types of rules.
A difference of -0.0000000000001 to 0.0000000000001 is considered zero difference.
BooleanValue = HS.IsAlmostEqual(Value1, Value2)
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the passed in values are equal ; False if they are
not equal.
Dim BoolVal
Dim Value1
Dim Value2
Value1 = 10.1299999999
Value2 = 10.13
// do processing
// do Processing
End If
Determines if the current member or a specified member is a base member of the
application or of the specified parent. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Parent is mandatory only when used with
For Node, determines if the element is an active base member of the specified
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the element is a base member below the specified
parent or, when no parent is specified, is a base member in the application. False if the
element is not a base member.
For Node, True if the element is an active base entity below the parent in the specified
point of view. False if the element is not an active base entity.
In this example, if Connecticut is a base entity under EastRegion, then statements
between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.Entity.IsBase("EastRegion","Connecticut") = TRUE Then
End If
End If
Determines if the current Account dimension member or a specified account member
is a calculated account. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
You can use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member
only if you are using it in the Sub Consolidate subroutine.
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the account is a calculated account; False if the
account is not a calculated account.
In this example, if the Sales account is calculated, then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Account.IsCalculated("Sales") = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the current member or a specified member is a child of the specified
parent. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
For Node, determines if the member is an active child of the specified parent.
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the element is a child of the specified parent; False
if the element is not a child of the specified parent.
For Node, True if the element is an active child of the specified parent; False if the
element is not an active child of the specified parent.
In this example, if Connecticut is a child of EastRegion, then statements between the
If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.Entity.IsChild("EastRegion","Connecticut") = TRUE Then
End If
End If
Determines if the current Account dimension member or a specified account member
is a consolidated account. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
You can use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member
only if you are using it in the Sub Consolidate subroutine.
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the account is consolidated into a parent account;
False if the account is not consolidated into a parent account.
In this example, if the Sales account is consolidated, then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Account.IsConsolidated("Sales") = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the current member or a specified member is a descendant of the
specified parent. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
For example, in this hierarchy, FosterCity and Sunnyvale are descendants of California
and UnitedStates.
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
When you use node as the object, the function determines if the member is an
active descendant of the specified parent.
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the element is a descendant of the specified
parent; False if the element is not a descendant of the specified parent.
For Node, True if the element is an active descendant of the specified parent; False if
the element is not an active descendant of the specified parent.
In this example, if Connecticut is a descendant of Regional, then statements between
the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.Entity.IsDescendant("Regional","Connecticut") = TRUE Then
End If
If HS.Custom("Prod").IsDescendant("All_Phones", P3000_Phones")
End If
Determines if the current period or year is the first period or year of the application.
The default frequency of the current scenario is used to determine if the current period
or year is the first period or year of the application. This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
• Period
• Year
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the current period or year is the first period or
year; False if the current period or year is not the first period or year.
In this example, if the current period is the first period then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Period.IsFirst = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the current Account or Entity dimension member or a specified account
or entity member is an intercompany partner (ICP). This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the account or entity member is an intercompany
partner; False if the account or entity member is not an intercompany partner.
In this example, if the Sales account is an intercompany partner, then statements
between the If...Then and End If lines are executed.
If HS.Account.IsICP("Sales") = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the current period or year is the last period or year of the application.
The default frequency of the current scenario is used to determine if the current period
or year is the last period or year of the application. This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
• Period
• Year
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the current period or year is the last period or
year; False if the current period or year is not the last period or year.
In this example, if the current period is the last period, then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Period.IsLast = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the current Value dimension member is a translated currency member.
This function can be used in Calculation rules.
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if the current Value member is a translated currency
member; False if the current Value member is not a translated currency member.
In this example, if the Value member is a translated currency member, then all
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Value.IsTransCur = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the current Value dimension member is a translated currency Adj
member. This function can be used in Calculation rules.
Return Value
A Boolean that is True if the current Value member is a translated currency Adj
member; False if the current Value member is not a translated currency Adj member.
In this example, if the Value member is a translated currency Adj member, then all
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Value.IsTransCurAdj = TRUE Then
End If
Determines if the specified point of view is a valid destination. This function can be
used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
This function does not check to see whether the cell is a calculated cell.
Return Value
A Boolean that is True if the specified point of view is a valid destination; False
In this example, if the specified destination is valid, then all statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.IsValidDest("A#Sales.I#CT.C1#P1.C2#R1.C3#[None].C4#[None]") = TRUE Then
End If
Checks to see if the passed in value is close to zero based on a predefined Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management epsilon. This function can be used in all types of
This function is recommended instead of an exact comparison to zero where floating
point arithmetic introduces errors of less than 1 x 10 E-10 that can be ignored.
Instead of:
Difference = Value1 – Value2
If Difference = 0 Then
End If
Difference = Value1 – Value2
If HS.IsZero(Difference) Then
End If
BooleanValue = HS.IsZero(Value)
Return Value
A Boolean that is True if the passed in value is close to zero. False otherwise.
Dim BoolVal
Dim Value
Value = 0.000000001
BoolVal = HS.IsZero(Value)
// do processing
// do Processing
End If
Gets the elements contained in the specified list. This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
For node, must be a valid entity system list.
Parameter Description
Return Value
An array that contains all elements of the specified list. For Node, only the active
elements in the list.
This example gets the elements of the user-defined list MyBaseList for the current
This example gets the elements of the system list [Base] for the TotalAssets account:
Gets the name of the current member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
• Entity
• Parent
• Period
• Scenario
• Value
• Year
• View
Return Value
A string that contains the current member name.
For the Value object, Member returns the name of the current Value member, not the
currency associated with the value. For example, if the current Value member is Entity
Currency and the value is associated with the USD currency, HS.Parent.Member
returns Entity Currency, not USD.
To get the currency of the current Value member, use the DefCurrency
In this example, if the current entity is California then statements between the If...Then
and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Entity.Member = "California" Then
End If
Gets the dimension member for the specified ID number. This function can be used in
these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
Return Value
The dimension member name.
This example gets the member for the ID number 001:
strEntity = HS.Entity.MemberFromID(001)
strCustom = HS.Custom("Prod").MemberFromID(001)
Gets the consolidation method for the specified member. If there is more than one
non-zero value, the system returns the first one found. This function can be used in
these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A string that specifies the consolidation method for the specified point of view.
In this example, if the method for the point of view is GLOBAL, then statements
between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Node.Method("S#Actual.Y#2014.P#January.E#Regional.Connecticut") = "GLOBAL" Then
End If
Prevents users from entering data into specific cells or slices of cells. This is useful
when there are accounts that are not input or calculated.
When you set up a calculated account, you in effect, are preventing users from being
able to input to that account. However, if you have accounts in which data input is
enabled for some dimension intersections but not for others, you can use NoInput.
This function can be used in NoInput rules.
HS.NoInput "POVExpression"
Return Value
This example prohibits input into the cells that intersect the Sales account and the
Budget scenario for 2014:
Sub NoInput
HS.NoInput "S#Budget.Y#2014.A#Sales"
End Sub
Turns off rounding for all following Exp statements. This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Allocation
You can also turn off rounding by entering 0 as the argument for the Round
function. For example, HS.Round(0) turns off rounding.
Return Value
This example rounds the amount inserted into the SalesRound account’s cells to the
nearest tenth, then uses NoRound to turn off rounding for the amount inserted into
the SalesNoRound account’s cells:
HS.Round 0.1
Gets the number of base members for the current member or for a specified member.
This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
A member is a base member if it has no children (that is, it is at the end of
branch in a tree hierarchy).
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
You can also embed the NumBase function in the Exp function. If you embed the
NumBase function, do not surround NumBase’s argument with quotation marks, as
in this example:
Return Value
A Long that identifies the number of base members. For Node, gets the number of
active base elements of the specified member.
In this example, the application contains an account named SalesAlloc that stores the
average sales amount for the base entities under the Regional entity. To calculate the
SalesAlloc amount, the example divides the Sales account's amount by the number of
base entities under Regional.
If HS.Exp"A#SalesAlloc = A#Sales/HS.Entity.NumBase(Regional)" then
End If
If HS.Exp"ASalesAlloc = A#Sales/HS.Custom("Prod").NumBase("TotalProducts")
End If
Gets the current period number. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The current period number.
In this example, if the current period is the first period then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.View.PeriodNumber = 1 Then
End If
Gets the number of child members for the current dimension member or for a
specified member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
You can embed the NumChild function in the Exp function. If you embed the
NumChild function, do not surround NumChild’s argument with quotation marks.
Return Value
A string that identifies the number of child members. For Node, gets the number of
active children of the specified member.
In this example, the application contains an account named SalesChild that stores the
average sales amount for the entities immediately under the Regional entity. To
calculate the SalesChild amount, the example divides the Sales account’s amount by
the number of children directly under Regional.
HS.Exp "A#SalesChild = A#Sales/HS.Entity.NumChild(Regional)"
Returns the total number of Custom dimensions defined for the application. For
example, if you create five Custom dimensions, delete one Custom dimension, and
add two Custom dimensions, the value returned for this function should be six, which
is the total number of Custom dimensions defined for the application. This function
can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
The number of Custom dimensions for the application.
nCustoms = HS.NumCustom
Gets the number of descendants of the current dimension member or a specified
member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
For example, in this hierarchy, FosterCity and Sunnyvale are descendants of California
and UnitedStates.
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
The number of descendants of the specified member. For node, the number of active
descendant entities below the specified member.
If a descendant entity appears twice in a branch, the entity is counted twice.
In this example, if the entity France has no descendants, then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Entity.NumDescendant("France") = 0 Then
End If
If HS.Custom("Product").NumDescendant("P3000-Phones") = 0 Then
End If
Gets the number of periods in the generation for the current period being processed.
This function can be used in Dynamic SUB functions.
Return Value
One value for the number of periods of the view.
HS.Dynamic "A#MarginPct=A#GrossMargin/HS.Period.NumPerInGen"
For example, if the current period is April, and April is in the fourth generation in the
calendar file (monthly generation), the number of periods for the monthly generation
is 12. If the current period is Q2, which is in the third generation of the calendar file
(quarterly generation), the number of periods is 4.
Monthly generation (4th generation):
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,
November, December
System returns 12 for the number of periods in this generation.
Quarterly generation (3rd generation):
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
System returns 4 for the number of periods in this generation.
Half-yearly generation (2nd generation):
HY1, HY2
System returns 2 for the number of periods in this generation.
Yearly generation (first generation):
System returns 1 for the number of periods in this generation.
Gets the number of periods defined for the frequency of the specified scenario. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
Numeric value for the number of periods for the frequency. For example, if the
scenario is monthly, the system returns 12 for the number of periods. If the scenario is
quarterly, the system returns 4 for the number of periods.
This example returns the number of periods defined for the frequency of the Actual
Retrieves the cell text for multiple cells. This function can be used in these types of
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
You can specify part of the POV for which to retrieve cell text, for example, Scenario
and Year, instead of the entire POV. If you do not specify a page dimension member,
(Scenario, Year, Period, Value, Entity), then cell text is returned only for the current
member. If you do not specify a sub-cube dimension (Account, ICP, Custom), then the
system returns cell text for all base and parent members. You can specify the Scenario
and Year member to retrieve cell text for a sub-cube that is not the current sub-cube.
You can also specify a member list for Period, Value, and/or Entity to retrieve cell text
for more than one sub-cube. You can specify to retrieve cell text labels, and also
whether to sort the cell text by Ascending or Descending order of dimension member
or cell text label. If you do not specify a value for sorting, then no sorting is performed
on the cell text unit, and results are returned based on their order in the database.
Set CTU = HS.OpenCellTextUnit(POVExpression,Label(s),Sort_Dimension,Sort_Order)
Where POVExpression is a POV, Label is none, one, or more cell text labels, and
Sort_Order is Ascending or Descending.
Return Value
Returns information on all the cell text and labels for the specified POV.
Set CTU = HS.OpenCellTextUnit("S#Actual.Y#2014","","","")
If you want to retrieve cell text for multiple labels, you can enter the labels as comma-
separated values. If you do not specify any value for Label(s), all labels are retrieved.
Set CTU = HS.OpenCellTextUnit("A#Sales","Label-1,Label-2","Label","Descending")
Gets the data unit to process during consolidation, calculation, or translation. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
where POVExpression is a POV. As part of the POV Expression, the function supports
user-defined and system lists for Account, ICP, C1, C2, C3, and C4.
Return Value
When used in the Sub Consolidate subroutine, returns all records with data but
returns only accounts that are flagged as consolidated.
When used in the Sub Calculate or Sub Translate subroutine, returns all records
containing data, including accounts that are flagged as consolidated.
Set DataUnit=HS.OpenDataUnit{“A{TotalRev.[Base]}.C1{C1Top.
Gets the data units to process during calculation, translation, or consolidation, with
data sorted in the order specified. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
HS.OpenDataUnitSorted(POVExpression, <dimension to be sorted>, Ascending or
Set DataUnit= HS.OpenDataUnitSorted(“S#Actual.E#Group1”,”C1”,”Ascending”)
Gets the owned entity of the entity pair currently processed. This function is used in
Equity PickUp rules.
Return Value
The owned entity.
Gets the owner of the entity pair currently processed. This function is used in Equity
PickUp rules.
Return Value
The owner entity.
Gets the percentage of consolidation for the current member or a specified member.
This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
The percentage of consolidation for the member.
This example gets the percent consolidation for the specified point of view:
Pcon = HS.Node.PCon("S#Actual.Y#2014.P#January.E#Regional.Connecticut")
Gets the percentage of ownership from the Equity Pickup (EPU) table. This function is
used in Equity PickUp rules.
Return Value
The ownership percentage from the EPU table.
HS.PEPU(S#Actual.Y#2014.P#Jan, Group, CT)
Default parameters: if the values are blank, the function returns the percentage of
ownership for the entity pair in the current Scenario, Year, and Period.
Sub EquityPickUp()
Owned & “.V#” & OwnerCurrencyTotl & “*” & Hs.PEPU (,,,)
End Sub
Gets the period number in the view for the data that is being retrieved. This function
can be used in Dynamic SUB functions.
Return Value
One value for the number of periods of the view.
Hs.Dynamic "A#MarginPct=A#GrossMargin/HS.View.PeriodNumber"
Jan. 1 1 1 1
Feb. 1 2 2 2
Mar. 1 3 3 3
Q1 1 1 1 1
Apr. 1 4 1 4
May 1 5 2 5
June 1 6 3 6
Q2 1 2 1 2
HY1 1 1 1 1
July 1 7 1 1
Aug. 1 8 2 2
Sept. 1 9 3 3
Q3 1 3 1 1
Oct. 1 10 1 4
Nov. 1 11 2 5
Dec. 1 12 3 6
Q4 1 4 1 2
HY2 1 2 2 1
Year 1 1 1 1
Gets the plug account for the current Account member or for a specified account. This
function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
You can use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member
only if you are using it in the Sub Consolidate subroutine.
Return Value
A string that specifies the name of the plug account for the member.
In this example, if the plug account for the Sales account is Plug1 then statements
between the If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Account.PlugAcct("Sales") = "Plug1" Then
End If
Gets the ultimate percentage of ownership for the current member or for a specified
member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
The percentage of ownership for the member.
This example gets the percent ownership for the specified point of view:
POwn = HS.Node.POwn("S#Actual.Y#2014.P#January. E#Regional.Connecticut")
Determines the default translation method for BALANCE accounts (ASSET and
LIABILITY accounts). This function overrides the application defaults for currency
conversions during translation. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if BALANCE accounts use the periodic value (PVA)
translation method; False if BALANCE accounts use the value at exchange rate (VAL)
translation method.
In this example, if BALANCE accounts in the application use the periodic value
translation method, then statements between the If...Then and End If statements are
If HS.AppSettings.PVAForBalance = TRUE Then
End If
Determines the default translation method for FLOW accounts (REVENUE and
EXPENSE accounts). This function overrides the application defaults for currency
conversions during translation. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if FLOW accounts use the periodic value (PVA)
translation method; False if FLOW accounts use the value at exchange rate (VAL)
translation method.
In this example, if FLOW accounts in the application use the value at exchange rate
translation method, then statements between the If...Then and End If statements are
If HS.AppSettings.PVAForFlow = FALSE Then
End If
Gets the default translation rate account to use for BALANCE accounts (ASSET and
LIABILITY accounts). This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A string that specifies the rate account containing the default translation rate to use for
BALANCE accounts.
In this example, if the default translation rate account for BALANCE accounts is Rate1,
then statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.AppSettings.RateForBalance = "Rate1" Then
End If
Gets the default translation rate account to use for FLOW accounts (REVENUE and
EXPENSE accounts). This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A string that specifies the rate account containing the default translation rate to use for
FLOW accounts.
In this example, if the default translation rate account for FLOW accounts is Rate2,
then statements between the If and End If statements are executed:
If HS.AppSettings.RateForFlow = "Rate2" Then
End If
Gets the review status for the specified point of view. This function can be used in
these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string that specifies the review status for the member. Valid review statuses are as
• Not Started
• First Pass
• Submitted
• Approved
• Published
• Not Supported
In this example, if the review status of the specified point of view is Submitted then
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.ReviewStatus("") = "Submitted" Then
End If
Gets the review status for the specified point of view using the process management
submission phase ID.
Return Value
A string that specifies the review status for the member using the Submission Phase
ID. Valid review statuses are as follows:
• Not Started
• First Pass
• Submitted
• Approved
• Published
• Not Supported
Rounds data from the Exp function. You specify the degree of rounding in the
argument. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
where Unit is a factor for rounding. Value of 1 rounds to the nearest whole number.
Value of 0.1 rounds to the nearest tenth. Value of 0 turns off rounding.
If you specify 0 for this argument, rounding is turned off for all subsequent Exp
functions in a Calculation rule. This syntax has the same effect as HS.NoRound:
Return Value
This example rounds the amount inserted into the SalesRound account to the nearest
tenth, then uses NoRound to turn off rounding for the amount inserted into the
SalesNoRound account’s cells:
HS.Exp"A#SalesRound = A#Sales"
HS.Exp"A#SalesNoRound = A#Sales"
Gets the scale of the specified currency. This function can be used in these types of
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Parameter Description
Return Value
A number indicating the scale of the specified currency (0 to 9). Specifies the unit in
which amounts are displayed and stored for the currency by identifying where the
decimal point is placed. The return values are as follows:
• 0 = Units
• 1 = Tens
• 2 = Hundreds
• 3 = Thousands
• 4 = Ten Thousands
• 5 = Hundred Thousands
• 6 = Millions
• 7 = Ten Millions
• 8 = Hundred Millions
• 9 = Billions
In this example, if the scale for French francs (FF) is 3, then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Currency.Scale("FF") = 3 Then
End If
Gets the security class assigned to the specified entity or parent when the entity or
parent is used as an intercompany partner. This function can be used in these types of
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current entity member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string with the security class assigned to the entity or parent when it is used as an
In this example, if Class1 is the security class for France as it is used as an
intercompany partner, then statements between the If...Then and If...End statements
are executed:
End If
End If
Gets the security class for the specified member. This function can be used in these
types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Return Value
The name of the security class assigned to the specified member.
In this example, if Class1 is the security class assigned to the Cash account, then
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Account.SecurityClass("Cash") = "Class1" Then
End If
If HS.Custom(Dimension).SecurityClass(Member) Then
End If
Updates the cell text information for a specified POV and cell text label. This function
can be used in these types of rules:
HS.SetCellTextWithLabel("POVExpression", "CellTextLabel", "CellTextString")
HS.SetCellTextWithLabel "A#Asset.I#[ICP
None].C1#[None].C2#[None].C3#[None].C4#[None]”, “Rating”, “AAA”
Sets an individual record. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
HS.SetData lView, lAccount, lICP, lCustom1, lCustom2, lCustom3,lCustom4, dData,
Parameter Description
Return Value
HS.SetData 2, 002, , , , , , 25000, TRUE
Inserts data into the node or currency cube. This function can be used in these
following types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
HS.SetDataWithPOV POV, dData, bAddToExistingDataInCache
Parameter Description
Return Value
HS.SetDataWithPOV "W#YTD.A#Asset.I#[ICP None].C1#None.C2#None.C3#None.C4#None”,
Gets the process management submission group for a dimension member.
HS.<Dimension>.SubmissionGroup(Dimension member)
Return Value
An integer representing the submission group for the dimension member. Valid
values are 1–99.
Determines if a scenario supports process management. This function can be used in
these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current scenario.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A Boolean that is True if the scenario has process management enabled; False
In this example, if process management is enabled for the actual scenario, statements
between the If and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Scenario.SupportsProcessManagement("Actual") = "TRUE" then
End IF
Specifies the accounts in the application that support intercompany transactions. This
function can be used only in Transactions rules.
HS.SupportsTran "POVExpression"
Return Value
HS.SupportsTran "S#ActMon.A#RecltIC.C1#Closing"
Determines if credits are switched to debits for the current Custom member or for a
specified custom member. This function reverses the debit/credit sign using these
This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if credits are switched to debits for the Custom
member or False if credits and debits are not switched.
In this example, if the credits and debits are switched, then statements between the
If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Custom1.SwitchSign("") = TRUE Then
End If
End If
Determines if the account types are switched for the current Custom member or for a
specified custom member. This function changes the account type for the Custom
dimension member using these rules:
This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A Boolean expression that is True if account types are switched for the Custom
member or False if account types are not switched.
In this example, if the account types are switched for the current Custom1 member,
then statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed:
If HS.Custom1.SwitchType("") = TRUE Then
End If
End If
Translates a currency using the year-to-date method. This function can be used in
Translation rules.
Parameter Description
Return Value
This example uses the rate in the Rate1 account to translate the Sales account using the
year to date method:
HS.Trans("A#Sales", "A#LastYearSales", "A#Rate1", "")
Translates a currency using the periodic method. This function can be used in
Translation rules.
Parameter Description
Return Value
This example uses the exchange rate in the Rate1 account to translate the Sales account
using the periodic method:
HS.TransPeriodic("A#Sales", "A#LastYearSales", "A#Rate1", "")
Gets the text stored in the UserDefined1...3 attribute for the current member or for a
specified member. This function can be used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string that contains the user-defined text stored for the member.
In this example, if the user-defined text for the UD1 account is History, then
statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed.
If HS.Account.UD1(strAccount) = "History" Then
End If
End If
Gets the validation account for an application. This function can be used in these types
of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Return Value
A string that specifies the name of the validation account for the application.
If the validation account for the application is MyAccount, then statements between
the If...Then and the End If statements are executed.
If HS.AppSettings.ValidationAccount = "MyAccount" Then
End If
Gets the validation account for a process management submission phase.
Return Value
A string that specifies the name of the validation account for the process management
submission phase.
This example returns the validation account defined for Submission Phase 5:
Gets the XBRL tag assigned to the specified Account member. This function can be
used in these types of rules:
• Calculation
• Translation
• Consolidation
• Allocation
Use a blank string ("") to apply this function to the current member.
Parameter Description
Return Value
A string that specifies the XBRL tag for the specified account.
This section lists the internal HS custom functions available for Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management for management reporting functions and planning functions.
The functions include a description, type of function, syntax, example, and sample
Calculates the average value for an account across a number of periods.
Return Value
Returns a string of characters representing the correct expression to be used as part of
the HS.EXP function.
Average (PointOfView, Periods)
Detailed Description
This function calculates the average value of an account over a specified number of
prior periods. If the source is a balance type account, the average is based on the
entered data. If the source is a flow type account, the average is based on the periodic
data only.
The Average value is derived differently based on the Periods parameter.
• If the Periods parameter is YTD, the average value is the sum of all periods in the
current year up to the current divided by the current period number.
• If the Periods parameter is Periodic, the average value is the sum of the current
and immediately prior periods divided by two. If the current period is the first
period of the year, the average value is the same value as the source.
• If the Periods parameter is a number, the average value is the sum of the current
and each preceding period for the specified number of periods, divided by the
specified number.
The SALES account will return these values for January, February, and March 2014
depending on the Periods parameter used in the Average custom function. The default
view set for the scenario being processed is YTD.
Sample Script
' sample statement written in the calling routine
Sub Calculate()
End Sub
strPOV = UCASE(strPOV)
FOR i = 0 TO nPERIOD-1
IF i = 0 THEN
Calculates the total of the preceding period’s values for a specified account.
Return Value
Returns a string of characters representing the correct expression to be used as part of
the HS.EXP function.
Cumulative (PointOfView, View, NumPeriod)
Detailed Description
This function calculates the sum of either the periods specified or the sum year to date
for the specified account. By default, the view of the accumulated data is the scenario
default; however, you can override this for flow type accounts.
• If the View parameter is YTD, the function accumulates the year-to-date values.
• If the View parameter is Periodic, the function accumulates the periodic values.
• If the View parameter is blank ( " " ), the function accumulates the data using the
scenario default view.
The CASH account will return the following values for January, February, and March
2014 depending on the Number parameter used in the Cumulative function.
The a SALES account will return the following values for January, February, and
March 2014 depending on both the View and Number parameters used in the
Cumulative function. The default view set for the scenario being processed is YTD.
Sample Script
' sample statement written in the calling routine
Sub Calculate()
End Sub
strPOV = UCASE(strPOV)
strVIEW = ".W#YTD"
IF i = 0 THEN
Calculates the difference between the current period value and the opening value.
Return Value
Returns a string of characters representing the correct expression to be used as part of
the HS.EXP function.
Difference (PointOfView, View)
Detailed Description
This function calculates the difference between the value of the current period and the
opening value. (Current - Opening)
The opening value is derived differently based on the View parameter passed to the
• If the View parameter is YTD, the opening value is retrieved from the last period
of the prior year.
• If the View parameter is Periodic, the opening value is retrieved from the prior
period of the current year. If the current period is the first period of the year, the
opening value is retrieved from the last period of the prior year.
• If the View parameter is blank ( " " ), the opening value is based upon the default
data view of the scenario.
The CASH account will return the following values for January, February, and March
2014 depending on the View parameter used in the Difference function. The default
view set for the scenario being processed is YTD. The Difference function subtracts the
opening value from the current period value.
Sample Script
' sample statement written in the calling routine
Sub Calculate()
End Sub
strPOV = UCASE(strPOV)
Return Value
This routine calculates a single value representing the amount of days sales contained
within the current period trade debtors figure. The DSO sub-routine included makes
these assumptions:
• The parameters supplied are fully defined points of view (for example,
Account/C1/C2/C3/C4/ICP) because the routine uses the HS.GETCELL
• The routine calculates the days going back as far as possible in time. However, it
will stop if the periodic sales value for any period is a negative or zero value.
Detailed Description
The routine takes the values in the Debtors account (parameter 2) and Sales account
(parameter 3) for the current period and compares them. If either are zero or negative,
the calculation stops. For each successive period where the debtors value exceeds that
of the cumulative sales (working backwards from the current period), the routine adds
the number of days for that period as specified in the days in the Period account
(parameter 4) to a running total.
When all the Debtors values has been "exhausted" in this way, the final period’s days
are calculated as a proportion of the unexpired debtors against the periodic sales
Finally, the routine posts the running total to the destination account (parameter 1).
The example calculates the total days outstanding for the months shown.
Month Debtors Period Sales Days in Month Formula for Total DSO
Month Debtors Period Sales Days in Month Formula for Total DSO
Sample Script
' Use within the calculation section:
' 1. Standard use
CALL DSO("A#DSO","A#TradeDebtors.C1#AllAges.C2#[None].I#[ICP
Top]","A#TotalSales.C1#[None].C2#AllProducts.I#[ICP Top]","A#DIP")
CALL DSO("A#DSO."&iITEM,"A#TradeDebtors.C1#AllAges.I#[ICP
Top]."&iITEM,"A#TotalSales.C1#[None].I#[ICP Top]."&iITEM,"A#DIP")
vDSO = 0
vCOUNT = 0
vXS = vXS_1 - HS.GETCELL(strSALES&".W#Periodic")
vDSO = 0
Retrieves the opening value for a specified, fully defined account
Return Value
This function returns a string of characters representing the correct expression to be
used as part of the HS.EXP function.
Opening (PointOfView, View)
Detailed Description
This function calculates the opening value of a specified account. The opening value is
derived differently based on the View parameter.
• If the View parameter is YTD, the opening value is retrieved from the last period
of the prior year.
• If the View parameter is Periodic, the opening value is retrieved from the prior
period of the current year. If the current period is the first period of the year, the
opening value is retrieved from the last period of the prior year.
• If the View parameter is blank ( " " ), the opening value is based on the default data
view of the scenario.
The FA_COST account will return the following values for January, February, and
March 2014 depending on the View parameters used in the Opening function. The
default view set for the scenario being processed is YTD.
Sample Script
' sample statement written in the calling routine
Sub Calculate()
End Sub
strPOV = UCASE(strPOV)
Calculates the relative exchange rate between a parent and child and returns the value
as a multiplier.
Return Value
This function returns a value to be used as part of an HS.EXP function, usually in the
translation section.
Rate (ExchangeRate, TriangulationCurrency)
Detailed Description
• This function calculates the relative exchange rate between a parent and child,
returning a value as a multiplier. The value is calculated based on the
TriangulationCurrency parameter.
• If the TriangulationCurrency parameter is blank ( " " ), the function first searches for
a valid direct rate, and if none is found, uses Triangulation against the application
Child Parent
Parent (1)
In the following table, Triangulation has been specified and is not the same as either
the child or parent currencies.
Triangulation (1)
In the following table, Triangulation has not been specified and the application
currency is different from both the child and parent currencies.
Parent (1)
Application (3)
The application currency is Euros, and you need to translate a French child entity to a
US parent entity using these rates entered in the [None] entity against the C2#EURO:
The following function multiplies the opening balance account by the difference
between the relative ending and opening rates. This is useful when calculating
movement analyses if the translation is not consistent between the local and
application currencies.
HS.EXP "A#FXO = A#OPEN * (" & RATE("A#EOP_RATE"," ") & "-" & RATE("A#OPE_RATE"," ")
For the previous example, if the value in the OPEN account for the child is FFR
10,000,000, the value in the US parent FXO account will be USD 44,102 [10,000,000 *
(0.165 /1.15785 - 0.16 /1.15862)].
Sample Script
' sample statement written in the calling routine
HS.EXP "A#FXO = A#OPEN * (" & RATE("A#EOP_RATE"," ") & "-" & RATE("A#OPE_RATE"," ")
retValue = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
' bRET is a boolean that returns true if data is found. First search the child...
' ...then search the [None] entity
bRET = GETVALUECP(".E#[None]",retValue,sRATE,sCCUR,sPCUR)
' use a dynamic parameter name for ease of writing the triangulation checks
s3rdCUR = sTRI
bRET = GETVALUE3(".E#[None]",retValue,sRATE,
' this case is used when the 2nd parameter is blank and is the most complex.
s3rdCUR = sACUR
bRET = GETVALUECP(".E#[None]",retValue,sRATE,sCCUR,sPCUR)
bRET = GETVALUE3(".E#[None]",retValue,
RATE = retValue
RATE = 1
' this sub-function is used when comparing direct rates between child and parent
' check if data exists for direct rate child to parent. If it does return it.
' if no direct child to parent rate check for indirect parent to child rate...
' return the inverse of the indirect rate.
IF HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & sCCUR & ".C2#" & sPCUR & sENTITY) <> 0 THEN
sVALUE = CDBL(HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & sCCUR & ".C2#" & sPCUR & sENTITY))
ELSEIF HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & sPCUR & ".C2#" & sCCUR & sENTITY) <> 0 THEN
sVALUE = CDBL(1 / HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & sPCUR & ".C2#" & sCCUR & sENTITY))
IF HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & sCCUR & ".C2#" & s3rdCUR & sENTITY) <> 0 THEN
sVALUE = CDBL(HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & sCCUR & ".C2#" & s3rdCUR & sENTITY) /
HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & sPCUR & ".C2#" & s3rdCUR & sENTITY))
ELSEIF HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & s3rdCUR & ".C2#" & sCCUR & sENTITY) <> 0 THEN
sVALUE = CDBL(HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & s3rdCUR & ".C2#" & sPCUR & sENTITY) /
HS.GETCELL(sRATE & ".C1#" & s3rdCUR & ".C2#" & sCCUR & sENTITY))
This function allocates a Source point of view (POV) to a Destination POV using a
Factor POV as the basis of Allocation, with the option to reverse post the total
allocated amount to an Elimination POV. This function is designed for custom
dimension allocations.
Return Value
No return value.
Detailed Description
This function allocates a Source POV to a Destination POV using a Factor POV as the
basis of allocation, with the option to reverse post the total allocated amount to an
Elimination POV. This function is designed for custom dimension allocations.
The Factor parameter stores the result of FactorN divided by FactorD. This is required
to enable the factor to refer to entities other than the current entity.
If the entity in the Source POV is a parent, that parent must be consolidated before
executing the calculation at the child level. If the parent currency is different from the
child currency, then a translation of all relevant currencies must also be run before
executing the calculation at the child level.
It is recommended that variables are set in the calling routine and passed to the
Custom_Alloc function, which define the Destination, Source, Factor, FactorN,
FactorD and Elimination POVs. It is also recommended that the variable names in the
calling routine be set to be the same as the Custom_Alloc function.
The Elimination parameter can be an empty string (""), in which case this parameter is
ignored. If the Elimination parameter is set, the amount posted to the Destination POV
will be multiplied by -1 and posted to the Elimination POV.
The Telephone account is allocated to Products based on a ratio of Products Sales to
Total Sales. The inverse of the allocated amount is posted to Allocations account.
Sample Script
This script contains the following information:
• Variables set in the calling routine and passed to the Custom_Alloc function.
• Variable names in the calling routine set to be the same as the Custom_Alloc
Sub Calculate()
Dim Destination
Dim Source
Dim Elimination
Dim Factor
Dim FactorN
Dim FactorD
Dim C1list
Dim C1item
C1list = HS.Custom1.List("Alloc")
Source = "A#Telephone.C1#[None]"
Destination = "A#Telephone.C1#" & C1item
Factor = "A#Factor.C1#" & C1item
FactorN = "A#Sales.C1#" & C1item
FactorD = "A#Sales.C1#TotalProducts"
Elimination = "A#ProductAllocations.C1#" & C1item
Call Custom_Alloc(Destination,Source,Factor,FactorN,
End Sub
Sub Custom_Alloc(Destination,Source,FactorN,FactorD,
HS.Clear Factor
HS.Exp Factor & " = " & FactorN & "/" & FactorD
HS.EXP Destination & " = " & Source & " * " & Factor
HS.EXP Elimination & " = " & Source & " * -1 * " & Factor
End If
End Sub
This function increases or decreases a Destination POV by a percentage Factor. The
percentage factor may be taken from either a Source POV, a VBScript constant or a
VBScript variable.
Return Value
No return value.
Detailed Description
This function increases or decreases a Destination POV by a percentage factor. The
percentage factor may be taken from a Source POV, a VBScript constant or a VBScript
In general, the Source POV is the same as the Destination POV, however, it can be
The Scale parameter is used to scale down the factor, if required. This applies when the
factor is taken from a Source POV and the factor is stored in a non-scaled form (for
example, 50% is stored as 50 and not 0.50).
The Inverse parameter is used to reverse the sign of the factor. This applies when the
factor is taken from a Source POV and the factor is stored as an absolute number. If the
Inverse parameter is set to True, the factor is multiplied by -1. If the Inverse parameter
is set to False, the factor is not multiplied -1.
In this example, the Telephone account is increased by 10%.
A#Factor/C1[None] 10 10 10
Sample Script
• Variables set in the calling routine and passed to the Increase_Decrease function.
• Variable names in the calling routine set to be the same as the Increase_Decrease
Sub Calculate()
Dim Destination
Dim Source
Dim Factor
Dim Scale
Dim Inverse
Destination = "A#Telephone"
Source = "A#Telephone"
Factor = "A#Factor.C1#[None]"
Scale = "100"
Inverse = False
Call Increase_Decrease(Destination,Source,Factor,Scale,
End Sub
Sub Increase_Decrease(Destination,Source,Factor,Scale,Inverse)
(1 + (" & Factor & " / " & Scale & "))"
(1 + ((" & Factor & " * -1) / " & Scale & ))"
End If
End Sub
This function calculates the ratio between two source POVs (C = A / B).
Return Value
No return value.
Detailed Description
This function calculates the ratio between two source POVs (C = A / B).
As a best practice, it is recommended that variables are set in the calling routine and
passed to the Pro_Rata_Ratio function, which define the Destination, SourceN and
SourceD POVs. It is also recommended that the variable names in the calling routine
be set to be the same as the Pro_Rata_Ratio function.
The system does not naturally calculate weighted average ratios for parent members.
Parent member values display as an aggregation of child values. This results in a
mathematically incorrect value for parent members. As such, it is recommended that
aggregation be turned off for Ratio accounts.
The MarginPct account will return the value of GrossMargin/TotalRevenues.
Sample Script
The script contains the following information:
• Variables set in the calling routine and passed to the Pro_Rata_Ratio function.
• Variable names in the calling routine set to be the same as the Pro_Rata_Ratio
Sub Calculate()
Destination = "A#MarginPct"
SourceN = "A#GrossMargin"
SourceD = "A#TotalRevenues "
Call Pro_Rata_Ratio(Destination,SourceN,SourceD)
End Sub
Sub Pro_Rata_Ratio(Destination,SourceN,SourceD)
HS.EXP Destination & " = " & SourceN & " / " & SourceD
End Sub
This function allocates a single time period value (for example,. P#[Year]) of a Source
Account to all periods of a Destination Account based on a profile defined in a Profile
Account (for example, Revenue profile, 4-4-5, etc.).
Return Value
No return value.
Detailed Description
This function allocates a single time period value (for example, P#[Year]) of a Source
POV to all periods of a Destination POV based on a profile defined in a Profile POV
(for example, Revenue profile, 4-4-5, and so on).
Time-based allocations are particularly suited to budgeting applications where
amounts are first entered for the total year, and then later allocated across time periods
based on a suitable profile.
The Source POV must contain a single time period. The time period will generally be
P#[Year], but could be any single period, such as P#January.
The value in the Source POV is stored by the calculation in a temporary account. This
is required because the source and destination accounts are typically the same
account. Where this is the case, the value in P#[Year] changes as the calculation
proceeds from 1 period to the next. Therefore, you must store the value first to be able
to refer to it for all time periods.
It is recommended that variables are set in the calling routine and passed to the Spread
function, which define the Destination, Source, Profile, Temp, and Period1 parameters.
It is also recommended that the variable names in the calling routine be set to be the
same as the Spread function.
The Year value in the Telephone account are allocated across Time Periods using a
4-4-5 quarterly ratio.
The result returned from the SPREAD function is as follows:
HS.EXP "A#TempTelephone.C1#[None] = A#Telephone.C1#[None].P#[Year]" (Where
Period.Number = 1)
Sample Script
The script contains the following information:
• Variables set in the calling routine and passed to the Spread function.
• Variable names in the calling routine set to be the same as the Spread function.
Sub Calculate()
Dim Destination
Dim Source
Dim Factor
Dim FactorN
Dim FactorD
Dim Temp
Dim Per
Source = "A#Telephone.C1#[None].P#[Year]"
Destination = "A#Telephone.C1#[None]"
Factor = "A#Factor.C1#[None]"
FactorN = "E#Globals.A#Profile445.C1#[None].P#CUR"
FactorD = "E#Globals.A#Profile445.C1#[None].P#[Year]"
Temp = "A#TempTelephone.C1#[None]"
Per = "January"
Call Spread(Destination,Source,Factor,
End Sub
Sub Spread(Destination,Source,Factor,FactorN,FactorD,Temp,Per)
If HS.Period.Number = 1 Then
End If
HS.Clear Factor
HS.EXP Factor & " = " & FactorN & " / " & FactorD
HS.Clear Destination
HS.EXP Destination & " = " & Temp & ".P#" & Per & " * " & Factor
End Sub
This function calculates the product of two source POVs (C = A * B).
Return Value
No return value.
Detailed Description
This function calculates the product of two source POVs (C = A * B). As a best practice,
it is recommended that variables are set in the calling routine and passed to the
Units_Rates function, which define the Destination, Units and Rates POVs. It is also
recommended that the variable names in the calling routine are set to be the same as
the Units_Rates function.
The Sales account will return the value of UnitsSold * Price.
Sample Script
The script contains the following information:
• Variables set in the calling routine and passed to the Units_Rates function.
• Variable names in the calling routine set to be the same as the Units_Rates
Sub Calculate()
Dim Destination
Dim Units
Dim Rates
Destination = "A#Sales"
Units = "A#UnitsSold"
Rates = "A#Price"
Call Units_Rates(Destination,Units,Rates)
End Sub
Sub Units_Rates(Destination,Units,Rates)
HS.EXP Destination & " = " & Units & " * " & Rates
End Sub
The Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager module provides a common user interface
to create calculation rules for Oracle Hyperion Financial Management. The graphical
flow provides a better understanding of the calculation process and enables you to
switch between the graphical view and the VB Script view. Calculation Manager
provides a central repository to maintain all calculation rules, and share rules among
applications. You can import, export, and print calculation rules, and create custom
folders for easy navigation.
• Rules Administrator - can perform any tasks in Calculation Manager for the
specified application, such as create, modify and delete rule objects, templates and
variables, and validate and deploy any rule sets
• Rules Designer - can create rules objects and modify or delete those objects
After you have deployed rules to Calculation Manager, when you attempt to
load VB script rules, you will receive a prompt that the Calculation Manager
rules will be overwritten. You can either click OK to continue or Cancel.
When you open the Consolidation folder in Calculation Manager, the system displays
a list of your applications in alphabetical order. Classic applications are identified with
this icon , and Performance Management Architect applications use this icon: .
You can expand the application folder to view Rule Sets, Rules, Formulas, Scripts, and
Templates. For information on using Calculation Manager, see theOracle Hyperion
Calculation Manager Designer's Guide or online help.
You can also use other VB functions in the script component, even though
they are not available in the UI for selection.
Array Functions
Function Description
Function Description
Function Description
Function Description
Function Description
For / ForStep
If you need a reverse step,
add a negative sign (-) in
front of the step, for
@ExitFor - exiting the loop
The system generates these VB script statements:
For each element in group
Exit For
Next [element]
For counter=start To end [Step step]
Exit For
Next [counter]
@ExitSub - exiting the rule
The system generates these VB script statements:
Sub name [(x,y)]
Redimensions one or more dynamic array variables and reallocates their storage
space. The optional Preserve keyword can be used to keep the contents of the array
intact when it is being redimensioned.
{VarArrayX(5)} = @Redim
{VarArrayXY(5,9)} = @Redim
The system generates these VB statements:
Redim VarArrayX(5)
Redim VarArrayXY(5,9))
{VarArrayXY(5)} = @RedimPreserve
{VarArrayXY(5,9)} = @RedimPreserve
{VarArrayXY(5,{i})} = @RedimPreserve
The system generates this VB statement:
RedimPreserve VarArrayX(5)
RedimPreserve VarArrayXY(5,9)
RedimPreserve VarArrayXY(5,i)
Related Topics:
• Define and load intercompany transaction rules into the application. The
HS.SupportsTran function specifies the accounts, scenarios, and custom
dimensions in the application that support intercompany transactions. See
Creating Rules Files and Loading Rules.
• Define reason codes to indicate why a transaction has a MisMatched status. See
Adding Reason Codes.
transaction has been entered, it can only be changed to Closed. It cannot revert to
For each period, you can set the Match/Validate Before Post option and specify
matching tolerances that apply to the Auto-Match and Manual Match processes. See
Setting Match/Validate Before Post Option and Setting Matching Tolerances.
To open intercompany periods, you must have the Application Administrator security
To open periods:
• If you require the system to check the match status before posting transactions,
select Yes or Restrict.
• If you do not require the system to check the match status, select No.
8. Optional: To save the settings for the period, click Save Period Settings, or select
Actions, and then Save Period Settings.
To restore the periods to their original status without saving changes, click
Restore, or select Actions, and then Restore.
amount as comparison. In this example, the difference between the entity total and the
partner total is 20 and the percentage tolerance is 30, but the amount tolerance is 15.
This would not be considered within the tolerance and the transactions are not
You can also leave the TID amount and percentage blank. If either has a zero value, or
if both are blank, the system matches only transactions that have zero transaction
For Account tolerance and Manual Match tolerance, the matching tolerance is
represented in the application currency and the amount entered is represented in the
scale factor of the application currency. During the matching process, the system
converts each transaction into the application currency and compares the total
difference amount to the matching tolerance set for the period. The comparison is
done in units.
During the TID/RID matching process, the system does not translate the transaction
to the application currency when comparing it to the TID tolerance value.
Unmatched transactions or mismatched
transactions without a reason code
cannot be posted.
Unmatched transactions or mismatched
transactions without a reason code
cannot be posted.
To close a period:
2. From the Scenario list, select a scenario for which to close periods.
If the Match/Validate Before Post option is selected for the period, you can post
transactions with a Matched status, or transactions with a MisMatched status that
contain a valid reason code.
You can add, edit, or delete reason codes for an application.
See these procedures:
2. From the list of reason codes, select the reason code to edit.
3. From the Description column, edit the description, and click OK.
2. From the list of reason codes, select the reason code or codes to delete.
3. Click Delete Row or Delete All, or select Actions, and then Delete Row or Delete
Status Description
Status Description
You can click an entity in the list to view the total number of posted and unposted
transactions for the entity, categorized by matching status.
For example, if you click the plus (+) sign next to an Entity A to expand it, the page
displays the number of posted and unposted transactions by status for Entity A. If you
click the value for unposted transactions in the Unmatched column, the system links
to the Manage Intercompany Transactions page, with the filtering selected to display
the unposted transactions with an Unmatched status for Entity A. You can expand
multiple entities simultaneously to view their details.
You can send email alerts for any of the entities in the Intercompany Transactions
Monitor page. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management User's Guide.
• To view the entity information using the label and description, select Both.
4. From the Filters list, for Entity, enter or browse for the entity for which to monitor
If you leave Entity blank, the system returns all entities in the list.
6. Optional: To filter the transactions list by Process Status, select one or more of
these transaction types:
• Not Started
• Started
7. Optional: To filter the transactions list by Lock Status, select one or more of these
transaction types:
• Lockable
• Not Lockable
• Locked
8. Optional: To sort the transactions list by Process or Lock status, click the column
heading and select Ascending or Descending.
9. Click the plus sign (+) next to an entity or select Show Details from the context
menu to display the Intercompany Transactions Monitor detail.
10. From the Intercompany Transactions Monitor Detail box, click a value from one
of the status columns.
The Manage Intercompany Transactions page is displayed with the selected filter
11. Optional: To send an email alert for an entity, from the Intercompany Transactions
Monitor page, select an entity and click Email Alert, or select Email Alert from the
context menu, or select Actions, and then Email Alert.
The transaction lock status is different from the data lock status. For
information on data lock status, see the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
User's Guide.
If you are assigned the Intercompany Transaction Administrator security role, you can
view Process status, Lock status, entity details, intercompany transactions summary,
and perform email alerts.
When the entity is locked, you cannot enter new intercompany transactions. You also
cannot delete or change existing transactions. You cannot post or unpost transactions
to a locked entity, or update the match status of a transaction that involves a locked
entity. Therefore, even if the partner entity is not locked, the partner cannot match
transactions because the match status cannot be updated for the entity.
For example, suppose Entity A is locked. You cannot enter any more transactions for
Entity A, and no posting or matching can be done to the entity. You can still have
intercompany transactions for Entity B with its partner Entity A if Entity B is not
locked. However, if you try to match Entity B with Entity A, the process fails because
the system cannot update the match status for Entity A.
If you are using submission phases, an entity should not be locked until all phases
have Published status.
To lock an entity:
6. Click Lock, or select Lock from the context menu, or select Actions, and then Lock.
To unlock entities, select the entity to unlock, then click Unlock, or select
Unlock from the context menu, or select Actions, and then Unlock.
3. Using the Entity filter, select one or more entities for which to view a summary of
4. Click Summary, or select Summary from the context menu, or select Actions, and
then Summary.
Process management is the management of the review and approval of financial data.
For the purpose of review, data is organized into process units, which are the
combination of data for a specific Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimension.
During the review cycle, you perform actions on process units, such as promote,
submit, approve, reject, and publish.
In Process Management, you can divide a data process unit into different submission
phases to work with subsets of data. During the review process, you can promote each
phase of the process unit rather than the entire process unit. This eliminates the need
for additional scenarios to enforce the review process.
To manage Process Management Submission Phases, the UseSubmissionPhase
application attribute must be enabled, and you must be an Application Administrator
or Review Supervisor.
• Set the application and dimension metadata attributes to use submission phases.
See Defining Application Settings.
– Set SupportSubmissionPhaseForAccounts,
SupportSubmissionPhaseForCustom, or SupportSubmissionPhaseForICP
The submission group value for the cell is 2 because the maximum submission group
number for these dimensions is 2.
Example 2:
The submission group value for the cell is 5 because the maximum submission group
number for these dimensions is 5.
HistData 0
Cash 1
Invest 1
ICRec 2
ICPay 2
Liability 3
Equity 3
Revenue 4
Expense 4
SuppData1 5
SuppData2 5
Headcount 6
MiscData 6
[None} 1
Golf Balls 7
Tennis Balls 8
Soccer Balls 9
Base accounts do not inherit submission groups from parent accounts, and a parent
account does not assume any submission group from its children. You must assign a
submission group to each account. In this example, the HistData account has a
submission group assignment of 0, which means that the account does not require
review process.
This example shows submission group assignments by period for the Actual scenario.
March (Multiple 2 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 5, 6
June (Multiple 2 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 5, 6
September (Multiple 2 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 5, 6
December (Multiple 2 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 5, 6
By default, all phases are displayed. From the Options pane on the right, you can
clear phases that you want to hide.
2. To change the scenario, click the Scenario dimension in the POV, select a scenario,
and click OK.
3. In each phase column, enter the groups for that submission phase and press Enter.
4. Click Submit or select Actions, and then Submit to save the data.
5. click Refresh, or select Actions, and then Refresh to refresh the database.
If you select the option to display unassigned groups, for January in the previous
example, these groups are shown as unassigned:
January 6,10
2. Select a row for the period, and from the Unassigned Groups pane, click Refresh.
You can use email alerting for intercompany transactions and during the process
management review process. Email alerts help highlight a key event or data change in
the system. For example, you can send an email alert that an intercompany transaction
is mismatched and needs to be matched, or that a process unit is ready for the next
promotion level.
Email alerts are sent using standard Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), so you can
use alerts with any email system that works with Internet email. To use alerts, you
must configure email settings and specify the SMTP server name when you run the
Financial Management configuration utility. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.
The alert process uses the email addresses that are stored in your authentication files,
such as LDAP, MSAD, or Native Directory.
Before you can send or receive email alerts, you must have set up user and data
security rights in the application. The security class assigned to the scenario and entity
for the alert must support email alerts, and users must be assigned a security role to
receive email alerts. For information on setting security roles, see the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.
1. From Metadata Manager, for the scenario in the process unit, set the
SupportsProcessManagement metadata attribute to “A” to allow alerts.
When you enable this attribute, the scenario generates email alerts during the
review process for the users that have the security rights to receive them.
2. Assign the user to the Receive Email Alerts for Process Control security role.
3. Assign the user ALL or PROMOTE access to the security classes assigned to the
scenario and entity in the process unit and add an alert for each security class.
4. In the Security Access section for the security class, set the Support Alert option to
Y for Yes to enable alerts. For example: [Default];User1@NativeDirectory;All;Y.
Process Unit Level Before or After Action Process Management User Roles Notified
When a process review action is performed, the system automatically generates email
alerts to the appropriate users, according to the security rights that have been set up.
The user that performed the action is also notified with a confirmation email.
Users with the Application Administrator role do not receive email alerts. For
a user with the Application Administrator role to receive email alerts, set up
the administrator as a separate user and assign the role to receive alerts.
1. Assign the user to the Receive Email Alerts for Intercompany security role.
2. In the Security Access section for the security class, set the Support Alert option to
Y for Yes to enable alerts. For example: [Default];User1@NativeDirectory;All;Y.
Users who meet all criteria receive email alerts from the Intercompany Transactions or
Intercompany Partner Matching Report modules.
For information on generating email alerts in intercompany transactions, see the Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management User's Guide.
The Settings module enables you to view and modify Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management configuration settings. By default, the Settings table is populated with
the recommended settings at the time of installation.
You can change setting values if required. For example, you might need to change
values based on memory usage or to improve performance. For considerations on
updating these values, see Optimizing Performance.
You can override settings for a specific application. To change a system-level value,
you must have the Financial Management Administrator security role. To change an
application level value, you must have both the Financial Management Administrator
and the Application Administrator security roles.
You can sort the settings list, search for settings, and export them to an Excel
worksheet. You can delete setting overrides, but you cannot delete settings created by
the system.
You can also view runtime values for specific application settings. See Viewing
Effective Settings.
See these topics:
• Overriding Values
• Exporting Settings
• Deleting Settings
AutoClearEAFlatfileTasksAfterSeco Number of seconds for the system Range: 600 seconds (10 minutes) -
nds to wait before automatically 864,000 seconds (10 days)
clearing an Extract Data task from Default value: 86,400 seconds
Running Tasks and deleting the file
from the Application Server
BRCRowFetchSize Row fetch size for every iteration of Range: 1000 to 100000 rows
the table. Used only for LCM Default value: 5000
application snapshot export.
DefaultAdminPage Default opening page for Valid values: Any of these pages:
Consolidation Administration System Messages, Applications,
System Settings, System Users,
System Manage, Task Audit, Data
Audit, Manage Task Flows, Task
Flow Status, Configure DSN
Default value: System Messages
MaxDataCacheSizeInMB Maximum memory in MB that the Range: The value should be greater
application server allocates to store than or equal to 500.
the cell Default value: 4,500
MaxFileSelectionOnLoad Maximum number of files that can Value must be greater than or equal
be selected in multiple file selection to 1.
control Default value: 10
MaxNumCubesInRAM Maximum number of subcubes for Range: The value should be greater
FreeLRU algorithm than or equal to 100.
Default value: 60,000
NumCubesLoadedBeforeCheckingL The number of cubes that must be Range: No hard limit on range.
RU loaded in RAM to trigger the Value must be a positive number.
FreeLRU algorithm. FreeLRU is Default value: 100
triggered when either of the two
conditions is met:
NumMinutesBeforeCheckingLRU is
met, or
RU is reached.
NumEAThreads Number of threads per data extract Range: No hard limit on range.
Value must be a positive number.
Default value: 8
NumMinutesBeforeCheckingLRU Interval in minutes for checking The value should be greater than or
limits of FreeLRU algorithm equal to 1.
Default value: 15
NumThreadsToUseWhenUpdating Number of threads to use when The value should be greater than or
CalcStatusSystemWasChanged updating Calculation Status after a equal to 1.
metadata load Default value: 16
SessionManagerTimeoutInMS Timeout limit used by session The value should be greater than or
manager in Financial Management, equal to 60,000.
in milliseconds Default value: 1,200,000
OverrideUserFetchSizeWhenOpeni Whether to override the fetch sizes 0 - Do not override fetch sizes for all
ng for all users on data forms and data users
grids 1 - Override fetch sizes for all users
Default value: 1
To reset to the original values, click Reset, and from the confirmation prompt,
click Yes.
4. Optional: To enter a comment, click the Notes icon for the row, enter a comment,
and then click OK.
5. Click Save.
Overriding Values
You can override the default value for a setting for a server and application. If a
setting is Global, you cannot override it.
To copy a setting:
2. Click Override, or select Actions, and then Override, or right-click a setting and
select Override.
3. From the Override dialog box, change the setting value, and then select the Server
and Application to which the setting applies.
4. Optional: To enter a comment, click the Notes icon for the row, enter a comment,
and then click OK.
The new setting that you created is displayed in bold and selected in the table.
Optional: To override another setting, click Apply and Override Another.
6. Click Save.
1. From the Settings list, click View, then Columns, and then select the columns to
display, or select Show All.
2. Optional: To show or hide columns, select View, then Columns, then Manage
Columns, and then use the arrow keys to move columns to the Hidden or Visible
column lists.
3. Optional: To change the column sort order, click the header icons and then select
Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
1. From the Search fields, select or enter criteria for which to search.
2. Select All to match all criteria, or select Any to match any selected criteria.
3. Click Search.
To reset the Search settings, click the Reset button next to Search.
The effective settings are based on the selected application and server. Default
values that are overridden are displayed in blue.
3. To return to the main settings list, click Manage Settings, or select Actions, and
then Manage Settings.
Exporting Settings
You can export the list of settings and save them to an Excel worksheet.
To export a setting:
1. From Manage Settings, click Export, or select Actions, and then Export.
Deleting Settings
You can delete settings that are overridden. You cannot delete system-created settings.
To delete a setting:
1. From the Settings table, select the setting row that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete Selected, or select Actions, and then Delete Selected, or right-click a
setting and select Delete Selected.
This chapter assumes familiarity with the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
application, database administration, and general operating system concepts. Actual
implementations and environments will vary widely based on business requirements,
Financial Management data set, network topology, and hardware usage. Therefore,
you must consider how to adapt these guidelines to your own implementations. All
test results and performance numbers are only intended as examples to illustrate
tuning concepts.
Before implementing any of the tuning settings, it is recommended to carry out end-
to-end performance testing to obtain baseline performance data for the default
configurations, make incremental changes to the tuning settings and then collect
performance data. It should be verified that configuration changes improve, not
impair, system performance.
For supported platforms and components, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Supported Platform Matrix: Oracle EPM Supported Platform
Performance Overview
Introduction to Oracle Hyperion EPM System Performance
To maximize Oracle Hyperion EPM System performance, you need to monitor,
analyze, and tune all the components. This section describes the tools that you can use
to monitor performance and the techniques for optimizing the performance of Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management.
Middleware Home
A Middleware home consists of the Oracle WebLogic Server home, and, optionally,
one or more Oracle homes, including EPM Oracle home. The default installation
directory is Oracle\Middleware. The Middleware home location is referred to as
MIDDLEWARE_HOME throughout this chapter.
• Scenario
• Year
• Entity
• Value
There are two types of subcubes: currency subcubes and node subcubes. These types
of subcubes differ in how they use Entity and Value dimension members:
– The triplet that points to the entity's default currency. This triplet consists of
the <Entity Currency>, <Entity Curr Adjs>, and <Entity Curr Total> Value
Note: The non-node Value dimension members that point to parent entities'
default currencies - <Parent Currency>, <Parent Curr Adjs>, and <Parent
Curr Total> - are irrelevant to currency subcubes.
• A node subcube contains cells that share a common node Value dimension
member. For node subcubes, both parent and child Entity members must be
specified. The node Value dimension members are as follows:
– [Contribution Total]
– [Contribution Adjs]
– [Contribution]
– [Elimination]
– [Proportion]
– [Parent Total]
– [Parent Adjs]
– [Parent]
Because the subcube is a natural unit of data for the purposes of consolidation, data
movement and processing are carried out on a subcube basis in many places in
Financial Management.
This section discusses several areas that provide a quick start for performance tuning
While this list is a useful tool in starting your performance tuning, it is not
meant to be a comprehensive list of areas to tune. You must monitor and track
specific performance issues within your implementation to understand where
tuning can improve performance.
application server, web servers, database server(s) and network layers provide useful
performance data.
On a Linux environment, tools such as OS Watcher Black Box can be used to monitor
the operating system and the Financial Management processes.
On a Windows environment, a tool such as Microsoft Performance Monitoring can be
used to monitor the Financial Management application process performance. Steps for
configuring Performance Monitor to gather the counters specific for Financial
Management applications can be found here:
Configuring Performance Monitor.
Performance counters to monitor include:
Memory Memory: Free System Page Table “Warning” when Free System Page
Entries Table Entries is less than 8,000.
“Critical” when Free System Page
Table Entries is less than 5,000.
Disk Physical Disk: Avg. Disk sec/ Must be lower than about 25 ms.
Transfer General rule: When Avg. Disk
Seconds/Transfer (the disk latency
counter) is significantly greater than
25 ms, the disk subsystem is
unhealthy and is a bottleneck.
Please note that this counter does
not tell you how to fix the problem;
it only indicates there is a problem.
Disk PhysicalDisk: Average Disk Queue The average should be less than the
Length number of spindles of the disk. If a
SAN is being used, ignore this
counter and concentrate on the
latency counters: PhysicalDisk
\Average Disk sec/Read and
PhysicalDisk\Average Disk sec/
Disk PhysicalDisk: Average Disk sec/ The average value should be below
Read 20 ms.
Spikes (maximum values) should
not be higher than 50 ms.
Disk PhysicalDisk: Average Disk sec/ The average value should be below
Write 20 ms. Spikes (maximum values)
should not be higher than 50 ms.
TcpTimedWaitDelay 240 30
This parameter controls the amount
of time the OS waits to reclaim a
port after an application closes a
TCP connection. It has a default
value of 4 minutes. During a heavy
users load, these limits may be
exceeded resulting in an address-
in-use connection exception.
Set this parameter in the Windows
registry at the following location:
Value Name: TcpTimedWaitDelay
Value Type: DWORD
Data: 30 (decimal)
NumConsolidationThreads 8 24
MaxNumConcurrentConsoli 8 8
NumThreadsToUseWhenUp 16 16
NumEAThreads 8 16
Before running the software on the flash drive, make sure that you create a
backup of your current configuration.
To use the flash drive, the system administrator must configure it when the Exalytics
server is set up. Instructions are available at:
Exalytics Procedures.
After the drive is configured and mounted, the software must use that mount point.
Stuck Threads (Weblogic Admin
Long-running tasks like Metadata
loads can appear to be stuck when
HFM application process is busy
processing the load file. Increase the
Stuck Thread Time when these
issues occur.
Change the following setting from
the Weblogic console.
Select "Lock and Edit".
Select Servers and click on
Select the Tuning tab.
Change "Stuck Thread Max Time"
to 1200.
Change "Stuck Thread Timer
Interval" to 1200.
Select "Activate Changes".
The HFMWeb0 server will need to
be restarted.
Where HFMWeb(N) is HFMWeb0,
HFMWeb1, etc., depending on how
many HFM web servers are
deployed and which server you are
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer
In general, MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM is the most significant setting, as it decides
how many records to maintain in RAM. The number of records in memory is checked
when either of the two conditions NumMinutesBeforeCheckingLRU or
When total number of records in RAM goes above this value, the FreeLRU is
called to release records from memory to free up some memory for the Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management server. The informational message
“FreeLRUCachesIfMoreRAMIsNeeded released data cubes” is recorded in the
By setting this value at a higher number, you can reduce the number of DataCache
growth attempts and thus reduce memory fragmentation. Typically DataCache is
grown on a per-need basis, and grows 25 MB maximum at a time.
Range: No hard limit on range.
Default value: 2,000
This setting controls the maximum amount of memory that the Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management application server allocates to store the cell values and cell
status. If more memory is required by the system, then the cell value and cell status
are paged out to disk based on the LRU logic. The workaround is to increase the cache
Range: The value should be greater than or equal to 500.
Default value: 4,500
This setting controls the number of cubes that are held in memory at any given time.
The number of cubes in memory is checked when either of the two conditions
NumMinutesBeforeCheckingLRU or NumCubesLoadedBeforeCheckingLRU is
reached. Lowering this setting can alleviate high memory usage for sparse
applications (applications with many entities, but relatively few records per entity).
This setting affects all data operations including consolidations and data retrievals.
Range: 100-500,000
When running an Intercompany Matching System Report that requires currency
translations, translated values are written to the database by default. This can lead to
longer running reports and a significant increase in database size. This setting allows
for control over how translated values are handled.
Range: 0,1,2
Default value: 0
Valid Data options:
• 1 - On-the-fly calculations use Sub Translate in rules, but no translated values are
written to the database. Note: Parent Entities in CN status will also be translated.
• 2 - On-the-fly calculations only execute default translation (no Sub Translate rule).
No changes are written to the database. Note: Parent Entities in CN status will
NOT be translated.
This setting controls the multi-threading of consolidations per application server.
Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.
Default value: 8
Before increasing this value, ensure all settings are the same on all application
servers; you should test to see how many current consolidations will run on a
given server before total consolidation time is actually worse when running
concurrent consolidations versus consolidations waiting in queue.
This controls the number of concurrent consolidations allowed per application server.
Any consolidations executed above the value are queued as Scheduled
Range: 1 - no limit
Default value: 8
Scenario: If you have three Oracle Hyperion Financial Management application
servers, each server could run 8 maximum number of concurrent consolidations, but
the default value of NumConsolidationsAllowed limits you to running only 8
concurrent consolidations total on the three servers against one application. Example:
Users submit six consolidations on ServerA, then users submit two more
consolidations on ServerB; these 8 consolidations will all run. At the same time, if
users submit the next consolidation on ServerC, it will not run until one of the
previous 8 finish (in the Running Tasks page, it will have a status of Scheduled Start).
Before increasing this value, ensure all registry settings are the same on all
application servers; you should test to see how many current consolidations
will run on a given server before total consolidation time is actually worse
when running concurrent consolidations versus consolidations waiting in
During the metadata load, when the entity hierarchy changes (members are moved,
added or deleted), then in-use members may become inconsistent with their children
or parents. Oracle Hyperion Financial Management must verify calculation status for
each scenario and year combination. This setting enables multiple threads instead of a
single thread to verify and update calculation status.
Range: 1 - no limit
Default value: 16
If multiple applications will be active, then divide the total physical memory
installed on the server by the number of applications to arrive at the Available
Physical Memory for each application.
8 GB 10,000,000 1,500
16 GB 30,000,000 4,500
32 GB 60,000,000 9,000
64 GB 100,000,000 15,000
Application-Specific Settings
Some settings that previously were only environment-level settings have been
expanded to an application level. Typically, tuning Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management at the application level is beneficial when several applications must run
on the same Financial Management application server, but only one application is
heavily used. In this case, the heavily used application is tuned to enable it to use the
bulk of the server’s memory and the remaining applications simply use the default
values, limiting the amount of memory the application can utilize. To use the Financial
Management application-specific or server-specific settings, use the Override
procedure described in the Configuration Settings chapter. See Overriding Values.
2. If an application-specific setting does not exist, the setting defined in the Server
key is used.
• AllowOverlappingConsolidationOverride
• AutoClearDeadTasks
• AutoClearEAFlatfileTasksAfterSeconds
• EnableRulesLogging
• EnableRunningTasksMaskUserNames
• DSStartupOption
• MaxDataCacheSizeInMB
• MaxNumConcurrentConsolidations
• MaxNumCubesInRAM
• MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM
• MaxNumRetriesOfBaseLevelCalculation
• MinDataCacheSizeInMB
• NumConsolidationThreads
• NumCubesLoadedBeforeCheckingLRU
• NumDataLoadsAllowed
• NumEAExportsAllowed
• NumEAThreads
• NumMinutesBeforeCheckingLRU
• NumThreadsToUseWhenUpdatingCalcStatusSystemWasChanged
MaxDataCacheSizeinMB (6,000)
MinDataCacheSizeinMB (4,000)
Set up alerts so that action can be taken if these tables grow beyond the
recommended number of records (> 500,000). Note that large audit tables can
have severe impact on Financial Management performance.
• If Financial Management is not properly shut down, temporary files may remain
upon reboot. To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended that you delete
all *.db.* file names from the Financial Management Server Working folder before
launching Financial Management.
You can set a size limit for document attachments and a maximum number of
document attachments by user when you create an application. You can set
the limits in the AppSettings attribute for the application metadata.
• Use the Consolidate All option only under appropriate circumstances. If this
option is used, the system does not skip entities with NODATA, which can have a
significant impact on consolidation performance.
How to Calculate the Number of Processes for Oracle Database Release 11g
Other Considerations
Oracle Hyperion Financial Management requires a relational database to store
application data. Each Financial Management application contains a set of tables,
indexes, stored procedures, and other objects. Because the number and sizes of these
objects vary according to the user’s data set, application design, and reporting
requirements, it is difficult to specify a concrete set of rules for setting up the database.
This section addresses the two most common issues that arise during deployment to
Oracle databases:
repeat this process periodically to keep up with changes to your data set, workload,
and application design.
Oracle 11g has made the process of monitoring and tuning the database much easier
than previous versions. We strongly recommend using Oracle Enterprise Manager
(both Data Control and Grid Control) to monitor, diagnose, and tune database
performance. To obtain accurate instance statistics, Oracle recommends that you
enable Oracle database Automatic Maintenance Tasks.
It is very important that tuning not be done immediately after database startup. At
that point, the buffer caches are empty and no statistics have been collected. Always
test and tune your database after a period of activity on Financial Management
• New Scenario/Year is opened and loaded with data. This includes scenarios
populated by Financial Management rules.
CURSOR_SHARING determines what type of SQL statements can share the same
cursors. If this parameter is set to EXACT, only statements with identical text can
share the same cursor. If this parameter is set to FORCE, statements that differ in some
literals but are otherwise identical can share and reuse SQL cursors, unless the literals
affect the meaning of the statement. Tests show that setting this parameter to a value
of FORCE may improve consolidation and reporting performance significantly. This is
because with this parameter set to FORCE, the Oracle database spends less time
parsing SQL statements, and requires less memory.
Suggested setting for all releases prior to FORCE
Suggested setting for releases and later: EXACT
MEMORY_TARGET and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET are two new parameters in
Oracle database release 11g. These two parameters determine the use of Automatic
Memory Management for an Oracle database. Oracle strongly recommends the use of
Automatic Memory Management to manage the memory on your system. By setting
these two parameters to non-zero values, Oracle enables Automatic Memory
Management, and tunes to the target memory size, redistributing memory as needed
between system global area (SGA) and the instance program global area (PGA). As a
result, the following parameters are automatically sized:
However, LOG_BUFFER is not affected by Automatic Memory Management, and still
needs to be manually sized. Tuning LOG_BUFFER is discussed later in this section.
Since MEMORY_TARGET specifies the total memory size of SGA and PGA, it should
be set to a relatively high value to achieve better performance. Oracle Hyperion
Financial Management consolidation and reporting are memory-intensive tasks, and
require abundant memory. Considering that 32-bit operating systems have limits on
available address space (typically 2 GB or 3 GB), Oracle recommends this parameter to
be set to at least 1.2 GB. Generally, higher values are associated with better Oracle
database performance, so we would like to set this parameter as high as possible
without running out of virtual address space.
Suggested setting: minimum 1.2GB, generally higher than 1.2GB (depending on the
When determining the amount of memory to allocate to the Oracle 11g instance,
review this section: How to Calculate the Number of Processes for Oracle Database
Release 11g.
MEMORY_MAX_TARGET specifies the maximum value to which a DBA can set the
MEMORY_TARGET parameter. It serves as an upper limit so MEMORY_TARGET
cannot be set too high accidentally. It also reserves memory for the Oracle database
instance, in case you want to increase MEMORY_TARGET at runtime without a
restart. Therefore, MEMORY_MAX_TARGET should be no lower than
Suggested setting: No lower than MEMORY_TARGET
SGA_TARGET specifies the total size of all SGA components. If Automatic Memory
Management is enabled, and SGA_TARGET is set to a non-zero value, then this value
serves as the minimum size of SGA.
Suggested setting: 0 if Automatic Memory Management is enabled; otherwise refer to
How to Determine Memory Settings for Oracle Database Release 11g.
SGA_MAX_SIZE specifies the maximum size of the SGA for the lifetime of the
instance. This parameter sets the upper limit for SGA_TARGET. If Automatic Memory
Management is enabled, the Oracle database cannot increase the total size of SGA
components beyond SGA_MAX_SIZE.
Suggested setting: Use the default setting if Automatic Memory Management is
enabled; otherwise refer to How to Determine Memory Settings for Oracle Database
Release 11g.
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET specifies the total PGA memory available to all server
processes attached to the instance. If Automatic Memory Management is enabled, and
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set to a non-zero value, then this value serves as the
minimum size of PGA.
Suggested setting: 0 if Automatic Memory Management is enabled; otherwise refer to
How to Determine Memory Settings for Oracle Database Release 11g.
LOG_BUFFER specifies the amount of memory (in bytes) that Oracle uses when
buffering redo entries to a redo log file. Redo log entries contain a record of the
changes that have been made to the database block buffers. Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management is a high-update transactional system, and the database constantly uses
log buffer. Properly sizing the log buffer can improve the database performance. In
general, larger values for LOG_BUFFER reduce redo log file I/O, particularly if
transactions are long or numerous. If the buffer is too small, the system waits until the
buffer is clear before adding new updates, so it is important to set this buffer correctly
to improve database performance.
Suggested setting: Start with 8 MB. Refer to How to Determine Memory Settings for
Oracle Database Release 11g.
OPTIMIZER_MODE establishes the default behavior for choosing an optimization
approach for the instance. You can set the optimizer mode to FIRST_ROWS for
optimal online application response, or to ALL_ROWS to minimize total execution
time for batch operations. Because Oracle Hyperion Financial Management deals only
with the total returned data set, minimizing the total execution time is more
Suggested setting: ALL_ROWS
OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ allows you to tune optimizer behavior for access
path selection to be more or less index friendly; that is, to make the optimizer more or
less prone to selecting an index access path over a full table scan. The default for this
parameter is 100 percent, at which the optimizer evaluates index access paths at the
regular cost. But Oracle Hyperion Financial Management transactions generally favor
index access paths more than full table scan paths, so Oracle recommends a lower
value for this parameter.
Suggested setting: 50
PROCESSES specifies the maximum number of operating system user processes that
can simultaneously connect to an Oracle database. Because Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management only works with dedicated servers, each connection requires a process.
Each Financial Management application requires a minimum of 20 database
connections in addition to the number specified by the Financial Management
database connection pool setting. For example, if the Financial Management database
connection pool setting is 40, then each Financial Management application on each
application server requires at least 60 Oracle database connections.
Suggested setting: Refer to How to Calculate the Number of Processes for Oracle
Database Release 11g.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of sessions that can be created on the
database system. Because every login requires a session, this parameter effectively
determines the maximum number of concurrent users on the Oracle database. The
default value is 1.1 * PROCESSES + 5. Oracle does not recommend setting this
parameter below its default value.
TRANSACTIONS specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions. Because
some transactions may be recursive, this parameter should be greater than SESSIONS,
and in turn, PROCESSES, to allow for recursive transactions. The default value is 1.1 *
SESSIONS. Oracle does not recommend setting this parameter below its default value.
OPEN_CURSORS specifies the maximum number of open cursors (handles to private
SQL areas) that a session can have at once. It is important to set the value of
OPEN_CURSORS high enough to prevent your application from running out of open
cursors. Assuming that a session does not open the number of cursors specified by
OPEN_CURSORS, there is no added overhead to setting this value higher than
actually needed.
Suggested setting: 5000
SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS specifies the number of session cursors to cache.
Repeated parse calls of the same SQL statement cause the session cursor for that
statement to be moved into the session cursor cache. Subsequent parse calls will find
the cursor in the cache, and do not need to reopen the cursor. Performance of Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management applications will benefit from this cache because
Financial Management connections are also cached.
Suggested setting: 50
TRACE_ENABLED controls tracing of the execution history, or code path, of Oracle
database. Enabling this option by setting the parameter to TRUE adds additional
overhead on the database and is not recommended for a normal Financial
Management application environment.
Suggested setting: FALSE
STATISTICS_LEVEL specifies the level of statistics collection for database and
operating system. The Oracle database collects these statistics for a variety of
purposes, including making self-management decisions. The default setting of
TYPICAL ensures collection of all major statistics required for database self-
management functionality, and provides the best overall performance.
Suggested setting: TYPICAL
TIMED_STATISTICS specifies whether statistics related to time are collected. Starting
with Oracle database release, the value of the TIMED_STATISTICS
parameter cannot be set to FALSE if the value of STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to
Suggested setting: TRUE
TIMED_OS_STATISTICS specifies (in seconds) the interval at which Oracle collects
operating system statistics when a request is made from the client to the server or
when a request completes. Enabling this option by setting the parameter to a number
greater than 0 severely degrades the performance of applications.
Suggested setting: 0
360 1 341 1 0
The row with the MEMORY_SIZE_FACTOR of 1 shows the current size of memory, as
set by the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter, and the amount of DB time
required to complete the current workload. In previous and subsequent rows, the
results show a number of alternative MEMORY_TARGET sizes. For each alternative
size, the database shows the size factor (the multiple of the current size), and the
estimated DB time to complete the current workload if the MEMORY_TARGET
parameter were changed to the alternative size. Notice that for a total memory size
smaller than the current MEMORY_TARGET size (360 in this example), estimated DB
time (ESTD_DB_TIME) increases. Notice also that in this example, there is nothing to
be gained by increasing total memory size beyond 450MB, because the
ESTD_DB_TIME value is not decreasing. Therefore, in this example, the suggested
MEMORY_TARGET size is 450 MB.
Based on a similar analysis in the Total Memory Sizing section, the current setting of
SGA_TARGET is already optimal.
In the system view v$sysstat, the value for redo buffer allocation retries reflects the
number of times a user process waits for space in the redo log buffer. This value
should be near zero for a properly sized database. For example:
select name, value
from v$sysstat
If the log buffer has no space for updates, the database must wait and retry. In this
example, the database has retried a total of 1,021,967 times. To improve performance,
increase the LOG_BUFFER parameter value. This value is expressed in bytes and must
be a multiple of the “log block size” value, which is the operating system block size.
For the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management application, set LOG_BUFFER to a
minimum of 8 MB, and then use the above query to monitor the performance and
increase as necessary. If LOG_BUFFER needs to be increased, Oracle recommends
growing it by 50% at a time.
How to Calculate the Number of Processes for Oracle Database Release 11g
The number of user processes that can simultaneously connect to the Oracle database
is limited by the PROCESSES initialization parameter of the Oracle database instance.
For an application, the value of this parameter depends on the connection pool size
parameter of that application. Each Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
application requires a minimum of 20 database connections, plus the Financial
Management database connection pool setting value. For example, if the Financial
Management database connection pool setting is 40, then each Financial Management
application requires at least 60 Oracle database connections. As a result, the value of
PROCESSES should be set higher than 60.
The total number of servers in a cluster, and the total number of applications,
affect the number of required database connections.
This example illustrates how to calculate the number of processes that connect to the
Oracle database. Suppose a cluster of two Financial Management application servers
has two applications on each server. The Financial Management database connection
pool setting is 40. The minimum number of Oracle database connections is calculated
as the sum of the connection pool setting plus 20, times the number of applications,
times the number of application servers: (40 + 20) * 2 * 2 = 240. For additional safety,
multiply this number by a factor of 1.1 to allow for ancillary connections and general
usage of the database. Considering that the Oracle database also has some background
processes, add 20 to this number to arrive at the value of PROCESSES. So, in this case,
PROCESSES should be set to 260.
In general,
PROCESSES = (Financial Management connection pool setting + 20) * (Number of
Financial Management applications) * (Number of Financial Management application
servers) * 1.1 + 20.
Other Considerations
Related Topics:
Index Fragmentation
For more details about how to tune MTTR target and the size of online redo files,
please refer to the Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide.
Index Fragmentation
Oracle Hyperion Financial Management applications usually create hundreds or even
thousands of indexes. As application data changes over time, indexes could become
fragmented. Regular monitoring and defragmentation of these indexes can improve
performance. However, index rebuild is a time-consuming and resource-intensive
operation. Oracle does not recommend any index rebuild while applications are in
Any table created after issuing this statement is created automatically. If you already
have an instance with empty tables and want to export the application, you can alter
each table individually to force creation and allow the table to be used by the EXP
(export) command.
To determine if a schema has empty tables, run either of the two following commands:
select segment_name, segment_type, extents from dba_segments where extents < 1 and
segment_type='TABLE' and owner='<hfm db schema>'
select table_name from all_tables where owner='<hfm db schema>' and table_name not
in (select segment_name from dba_segments where owner='<hfm db schema>' and
segment_type='TABLE' and extents>0)
Are there any memory settings that must be tuned for Financial Management?
Financial Management default memory settings are appropriate for a small to medium
size application in a 32-bit environment. To take full advantage of available memory,
Oracle recommends the following settings for a monthly application. The relevant
settings are MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM and MaxDataCacheSizeinMB, which should
be changed. The following table contains suggested values for these parameters
depending on available memory. The table assumes that Financial Management is the
only memory-intensive process running on the machine and running only one
Financial Management application. If multiple applications are active, then divide the
Total physical Memory installed on the server by the number of Financial
Management applications, to determine the Available Physical Memory for each
4 4,000,000 500
8 10,000,000 1500
16 30,000,000 4500
32 60,000,000 9000
On average, the amount of memory used for one data record in a monthly application
is 112 bytes, a weekly application uses 472 bytes per data records and a daily
application uses 3,296 bytes per data record.
For a Weekly application, divide the MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM by 4, without
changing the value in the last column for MaxDataCacheSizeinMB.
For Daily applications, divide the MaxNumDataRecordsInRAM by 30, without
changing the value in the last column for MaxDataCacheSizeinMB.