The Concept of Ayatullah The Importance of Scientific Exploration of Nature in Islam
The Concept of Ayatullah The Importance of Scientific Exploration of Nature in Islam
The Concept of Ayatullah The Importance of Scientific Exploration of Nature in Islam
the generic meaning of “kawn” in Arabic simply implies anything
(Universe) and or being that has come into existence as a consequence of the
process of creation determined by the will of the Maker, Allāh
Kawn (Nature) ق ِم ْثلَ ُهم بَلَى ْ َاْلَرْضَ بِ َقا ِد ٍر َعلَى أَ ْن ي
َ َُخل ْ تو ِ السمَاوَا َّ قَ َ خلَ أَوَلَ ْيسَ الَّ ِذي
ُ ن َفي َُك
ون َ ش ْيئاً أَ ْن ي َُقو
ْ ل لَ ُه ُك َ يم \ إِنَّمَا أَ ْم ُر ُه إِ َذا أَ َرا َد ُ ِق ْال َعلُ خ ََّّل
َ َه َو ْال
ُ و
Ibn ʿAbbās: have looked at the world of creation, nature or
cosmos, and all things or beings that exist in it as none but Allāh’s
Reality (ḥaqīqah) according to them is divided it into two kinds;
“waḥdat al-
all things derived their being and existence
wujūd” of ṣūfī from the Absolute and Infinite Reality, God.
The meaning of the unity of existence in this
term should be sense is expressed in the Qurʾānic verse “We
interpreted as are but from and for God and unto Him we
shall return”.