Sweet Cherries: in Oregon and Washington
Sweet Cherries: in Oregon and Washington
Sweet Cherries: in Oregon and Washington
in Oregon and Washington
Katie Murray and Paul Jepson
E M 9219
September 2018
Table of Contents
Introductory Pages Cherry Pest Management by Crop Stage
Process for This Integrated Pest Management Dormancy through delayed dormant.............................23
Strategic Plan............................................................ 3 First white......................................................................25
Work Group Members ............................................... 4 Bloom ............................................................................26
Top-Priority Critical Needs........................................ 5 Shuck fall through pit hardening....................................27
Cherry Production Overview..................................... 6 Straw color through harvest..........................................29
Overview of Integrated Pest Management in Cherries ....8 Postharvest...................................................................31
Integrated Pest Management Critical Needs.............. 9 New Plantings/Nonbearing...........................................32
Cherry Export Markets and Maximum Residue Limits...10
Invasive and Emerging Pests 33
Katie Murray
Integrated Plant Protection Center
Oregon State University
2040 Cordley Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-2915
This publication is a summary of a workshop held on January 31, 2018, in The Dalles, Oregon.
This project was sponsored with funding from the Applied Research and Development
program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, United States Department of
Agriculture, Project Number 2016-07652. The IPMSP format is research in progress.
Katie Murray, statewide IPM coordinator, Integrated Plant Protection Center, and assistant professor of practice, Department of
Environmental and Molecular Toxicology; and Paul Jepson, professor, Integrated Plant Protection Center, Department of Environmental
and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University.
Trade-name products and services are mentioned as illustrations only. This does not mean that the Oregon State University Extension
Service either endorses these products and services or intends to discriminate against products and services not mentioned.
© 2018, Oregon State University. Extension work is a cooperative program of Oregon State University, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, and Oregon counties. Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials
without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual
orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs,
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Oregon State University Extension Service is an AA/EOE/Veterans/Disabled.
Published September 2018
Process for This Integrated
Pest Management
Strategic Plan
This plan is part of a proactive effort to identify pest-management priorities and lay
a foundation for future strategies and increased use of integrated pest management
(IPM) in sweet cherry production. It arose out of a January 2018 meeting of growers,
commodity-group representatives, pest control advisors, processors, university
specialists, and other technical experts in Oregon and Washington, who met for a day in
The Dalles, Oregon, where they reached consensus on the strategies outlined here. This
plan lists major pests, current management practices, critical pest-management needs,
activity timetables, and efficacy ratings of various management tools for specific pests
in cherry production. The result is a comprehensive strategic plan that highlights the
current activities in IPM and pest-specific critical needs for the Oregon and Washington
cherry industry.
Members of the group voted on a list of top-priority critical needs. They also compiled
a list of broader IPM needs based on work group input related to specific IPM topics. This
document also includes critical needs specific to crop stage.
The document begins with an overview of cherry production. Each pest is then
described briefly, with links provided for more information. Within each major pest
grouping (insects, diseases, and weeds), individual pests are presented in alphabetical
order, not in order of importance. The remainder of the document is an analysis of
management practices and critical needs organized by crop growth stage in an effort
to assist the reader in understanding whole-season management practices. Current
management practices are presented using a Prevention, Avoidance, Monitoring, and
Suppression (PAMS) framework to place practices within a simple IPM classification
and to demonstrate areas where additional tools or practices may be needed. For more
information on the PAMS framework, see “Using PAMS Terminology,” page 48.
Trade names for certain pesticides are used throughout this document as an aid for
the reader. The use of trade names does not imply endorsement by the work group or
any of the organizations represented.
Work Group Members
In attendance
Betsy Beers, Washington State University
Ryan Bond, K&K Land and Management
Steve Castagnoli, Mid-Columbia Experiment Station, Oregon State University
Stacey Cooper, Cooper Orchards
Silvestre Deras, McClaskey Orchards
Scott Harper, Washington State University
Jeff Heater, The Dalles Fruit Co.
Clive Kaiser, Umatilla County Extension, Oregon State University
Andony Melathopoulos, Oregon State University
Marcelo Moretti, Oregon State University
Mike Omeg, Orchard View Farms
Jay W. Pscheidt, Oregon State University
Sue Root, Oregon Cherry Growers Inc.
Andrew Rust, Chamberlin Agriculture
Eric Shrum, Western Ag Improvement
Prashant Swamy, Washington State University
Megan Thompson, Sage Fruit Co.
Others in attendance
Paul Jepson, Integrated Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University
Katie Murray, Integrated Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University
Cathryn Polehn, The Dalles Fruit Co.
Top-Priority Critical Needs
The following critical needs were voted top priorities by work group members in
attendance. Read on for aspects of these needs specific to certain stages of crop production.
Research topics
Research effective trapping methods and treatment thresholds for spotted wing
drosophila (SWD)
Develop a program for powdery mildew fungicide resistance monitoring
Research effective methods for earlier monitoring and management of viruses
Research effective nonchemical weed management options
Identify cherry virus vectors
Research the extent to which post-harvest fungicide applications provide control
for powdery mildew in the following season
Regulatory actions
Register more fungicides in different Fungicide Resistance Action Committee
(FRAC) groups for use post-harvest
Seek registration for bactericides for bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv.
syringae) control
Reduce the preharvest interval for spinosyn products (spinosad and spinetoram)
to reduce the use of older, more broad-spectrum products, such as chlorpyrifos,
closer to harvest
Register effective products that can replace early season use of chlorpyrifos for
controlling insect pests such as obliquebanded leafroller
Educate growers and pest managers on effective rotation plans and best timing
and frequency of fungicide applications to maintain efficacy and reduce the risk of
Educate growers and pest managers on best practices for effective spray coverage
and application management
Develop an electronic or mobile application for the online cherry pest-
management guides, similar to those available for the eastern United States
Educate growers and pest managers on using AgWeatherNet stations for pest-
management decision support
Cherry Production Overview
Washington and Oregon are primary producers
of sweet cherries, accounting for over 75 percent of
the sweet cherries produced nationwide. In 2016,
Washington led the nation in sweet cherry production,
with over 60 percent of US production at 210,550
tons. Oregon produced 62,080 tons in the same year,
accounting for 17 percent of the nation’s production,
according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service
(NASS) in 2016. Other top cherry-producing states in the
United States include California, Michigan, and Idaho.
The United States is a major producer of cherries in the
world, and US sweet cherry production increased by
25 percent between 2016 and 2017, according to NASS.
In Washington, sweet cherries were the state’s
sixth-most-valuable crop for 2016, with a $491 million
production value. Washington cherries are grown in
three main regions: the Yakima Valley, the North Central
(Wenatchee) district, and the Columbia Basin.
Oregon is the third-highest producer of sweet cherries
(behind California), with a $79 million production value.
The majority of Oregon’s cherries are grown in the Mid-
Columbia Region, where the mountains block most of
the rain from the west, protecting the cherries from
weather that would otherwise split and soften the fruit.
The sunny days also help prevent disease and other issues
associated with abundant precipitation.
Cherry trees grow from rootstock that are grafted
with a specific cherry variety and grown in a nursery
until they are ready to be planted. ‘Bing’ has been one of
the most important sweet cherry varieties grown in the
Pacific Northwest. Since the mid-1990s, more interest
in improved varieties has led to extensive plantings of
newer selections. Breeders are selecting for traits such
as early or late-maturation, self-fertility, rain-cracking
resistance, and stem characteristics. There are a number
of dark red, red, and yellow varieties; find details in Sweet
Cherry Cultivars for the Fresh Market, PNW 604, available
at https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw604. Photo: Betsy Hartley,
The majority of newer varieties grown in the Pacific Northwest were produced © Oregon State University
or evaluated by breeding programs at Washington State University (WSU) Irrigated Picking ‘Regina’ cherries
Agriculture Research and Extension Center (IAREC) in Prosser; the Pacific Agri-Food at the Mid-Columbia
Research Centre (PARC) in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada; and the Oregon Agricultural Research and
State University cultivar evaluation program, based in The Dalles, Oregon. Additional Extension Center in Hood
sweet cherry variety and rootstock trials are carried out at WSU’s Western Washington River.
Maritime Research and Extension Center in Mount Vernon, and at WSU’s Tree Fruit
Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee and at its associated Sunrise Research
Orchard. A few other sweet cherry varieties grown in lesser amounts are a product of the
New York State Agricultural Research Station at Geneva, New York.
‘Mazzard’ is the most common rootstock in the Pacific Northwest, producing a
tall, vigorous tree that takes five or six years to come into production. Semi-dwarfing
rootstocks are also widely planted in the Pacific Northwest; these rootstocks grow less
vigorous trees and are suited to high-density orchards and earlier-producing fruit.
Typical spacing for low-density orchards on ‘Mazzard’
rootstock is 18 to 22 feet between rows, and 15 to 17
feet between trees. Spacing for high-density orchards on
semi-dwarfing rootstocks is closer to 15 feet between
rows and from 6 to 10 feet between trees. Some growers
incorporate a trellis system that allows more trees to be
planted per acre, creating a higher density, and higher
yields per acre.
Cherry trees need at least 3 feet of active rooting
depth, and prefer light, well-drained soil with a pH
between 6.0 and 7.0. Although silt loam is best, cherries
can tolerate soils ranging from sandy loam to clay loam as
long as there is sufficient drainage.
Most cherry orchards use under-tree irrigation
systems, which are not as effective for frost protection
as overhead sprinklers but are important for disease
prevention. Microsprinklers are most common, but drip
systems are becoming more popular and use less water.
Most cherry trees require significant hours of cool
temperatures in the winter to break dormancy (up to
1,500 hours between 37°F and 48°F but not below 30°F).
This requirement is generally not a problem in the Pacific
Northwest, but warming temperatures could have an
impact in this region. Treatments such as application
of rest-breaking agents are currently available and used
in some areas of California, but these treatments have
Many newer cherry varieties are self-fertile, but
commonly grown self-sterile cultivars such as ‘Bing’,
‘Rainier’, or ‘Regina’ require pollinizers to produce a crop.
Cherry trees begin producing fruit anywhere between
three and six years after planting, with three to four years
possible if grown on a precocious, dwarfing rootstock.
Full fruit-bearing capacity is reached in 8 to 10 years, but
closer to 5 or 6 years if grown on a seedling rootstock
such as ‘Mazzard’ or other full-size rootstocks. A fully
mature cherry tree is capable of producing more than
200 pounds of fruit in a season. Cherry trees bear fruit at Photo © Oregon State University
commercial levels for about 25 years, but if the tree remains healthy it has the capacity June marks the start of
to produce fruit for more than 80 years. cherry harvest in the Pacific
In the Pacific Northwest, cherry harvest begins in early June and lasts through the Northwest.
end of August. Workers harvest the cherries by hand into buckets, which are then
carefully dumped into large, square bins. The bins are stacked and eventually loaded and
transported to a packing facility where they are inspected, washed, sorted, and packed
for retail. Packers use technology to sort cherries based on size, color, grade, external
defects, and internal condition. Three-fourths of the cherry crop is packaged fresh, while
the remaining one-fourth is frozen, brined, glacéd, dried, or canned.
In 2016, approximately 33 percent of the Pacific Northwest cherry crop was exported,
with Canada, China, and Korea as top importers.
Overview of Integrated Pest
Management in Cherry Production
Emerging and invasive pests have affected the success of IPM in cherries over the
years. In the early 2000s, a key insect pest of cherries was Western cherry fruit fly, which
was largely controlled with organophosphate pesticides. The introduction of GF-120,
a spinosad bait and feeding stimulant, greatly reduced overall insecticide use and the
secondary pests associated with overreliance on organophosphates. However, the
emergence of spotted wing drosophila (SWD) in cherries has interrupted IPM programs
and led to a reduction in the use of GF-120 as growers seek products that offer control
for both pests. As this transition has taken place, secondary pests such as mites have
again become a challenge. A major challenge for cherry IPM will be identifying alternative
management methods for SWD.
In terms of disease management, resistance development in both fungal and
bacterial pathogens remains a major threat to cherry production. In the last decade,
powdery mildew has continued to develop resistance to certain fungicides. Resistance to
fungicides categorized as group 3 by FRAC developed many years ago, and lower efficacy
with groups 11 and 13 is of current concern. The continued loss of effective FRAC groups
puts increasing pressure on the remaining groups in the grower toolbox. Part of the issue
includes the development of new cultivars that are harvested later in the growing season,
thus extending the time and number of applications of fungicides used for management.
Education on resistance-management strategies is imperative to maintain the effective
use of existing FRAC groups. Research on the differences between management of
powdery mildew on leaves versus fruit is also essential.
Genes for powdery mildew resistance have been identified and are being selected
for the cherry breeding program at Washington State University, which could reduce the
need for fungicide use against this disease.
Bacterial canker remains a major problem throughout the industry and has no
effective management tactics. Resistance to copper-based bactericides has been
documented, and their use has resulted in significantly more disease than if nothing were
used. This year an antibiotic, Kasumin, was registered for use on cherries. It is too early
to know if this treatment will improve infection rates, or if rapid resistance development
will put the industry right back where it started. But monitoring of Kasumin use will allow
evaluation of this new tactic.
Successful weed IPM is a product of integrating cultural, mechanical, chemical, and
biological methods. Perennial and annual weeds may infest orchards, and they compete
with trees for water and nutrients.
Newly planted trees are particularly vulnerable to weeds, which can reduce growth
and vigor and delay production. More mature orchards can suffer increased frost risk
early in the season if weed infestations are sufficiently high.
Weed resistance to herbicides is a growing problem in Oregon. Oregon has 19
species currently resistant to one or more herbicides (see www.weedscience.org/Details/
USState.aspx?StateAbbr=OR), and this is emerging as a significant challenge that will play
a greater role in the economics and feasibility of cherry production in the future.
Weed-management strategies are influenced by location, climate, soil type, irrigation
water management, management history, and the costs of alternatives. Management
is focused on a 4- to 6-foot-wide row of trees, where weeds may occlude micro-
irrigation sprinklers as well as affect tree growth. Groundcover between rows also
requires management; the orchard floor is managed to provide stable and safe access
by machinery. A comprehensive weed-management strategy is an expensive and time-
consuming—but important—aspect of cherry production.
IPM Critical Needs
The following list of broad IPM needs was compiled based on input from work group members.
Participants were asked to identify specific needs related to each of the headings in bold.
Pollinator protection
Develop an SWD management program that includes best practices for pollinator
Conduct research on whether and how current SWD products harm pollinators
Conduct research to determine best practices for fostering SWD natural predators.
Education and outreach about the maintenance of on-farm pollinator habitat
Conduct pesticide bioassays for natural enemies
Develop effective lures and controls for SWD
Research fungicide impacts to pollinators, including both native and managed
bees, and timing of applications in relation to pollinator activity
Soil health
Increase education on soil health, including differences between healthy soil and
unhealthy soil
Educate growers and pest managers on the relative importance of soil health vs.
tree health for disease control
Increase education and outreach regarding available soil testing labs and services
Develop economic thresholds for various soilborne pests to determine the need
for fumigation
Educate growers and pest managers on best practices for cover cropping to
increase soil health
Educate growers and pest managers on micronutrient availability in soil
Human health and worker protection
Education about the agricultural exclusion zone (AEZ), including what the real
need is and the science behind it
Develop inexpensive pesticide exposure indicator bracelets (similar to radiation
badge technology)
Water quality
Implement best practices for spray drift control
Develop an effective application program for SWD that does not include
application by air
Develop a testing program for fungal spores
Major Cherry Pests
Listed alphabetically
Cherry Pest-Management
Timing by Crop Stage
Dormancy through delayed dormant
Scale, shothole borer, leafroller, black cherry aphid, mites
Powdery mildew, bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)
Weeds (winter annuals such as pigweed and ryegrass)
Deer, elk, rodents
First white
Leafroller, scale, thrips, grape mealybug, bud moth
Brown rot, cherry leaf spot, fungal shothole
Shuck fall through pit hardening
Black cherry aphid, cherry fruit fly, leafhopper, leafroller, spotted wing drosophila (SWD)
Cherry leaf spot, brown rot, fungal shothole, powdery mildew
Weeds (ryegrass, Canada thistle, resistant mallow) and sucker management
Squirrels, gophers
Straw color through harvest
Cherry fruit fly, thrips, SWD, leafroller, mites
Brown rot, bacterial canker, powdery mildew
Black cherry aphid, mites, SWD, leafhopper, shothole borer
Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae), fungal shothole, cherry leaf spot,
powdery mildew, replant disease
Rodents, coyotes
Major Cherry Pest Descriptions
Presented alphabetically
Eyespotted bud moth (Spilonata ocellana)
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/tree-fruit/
The larvae of the eyespotted bud moth feed on terminal growth, on the surface of the
fruit, and can also feed on blossoms early in the season. Larvae are chocolate-brown with
black heads, and up to 1 inch long. Adults are grayish moths about 0.4 inches long with a
wide, white band on each forewing.
Larvae spend the winter in a cocoon on the bark at the base of small-diameter limbs.
They become active around budbreak, feeding on lower leaf surfaces and buds, and
webbing together leaves and feeding within these nests. Adult moths emerge early to
midsummer. Eggs are laid on the lower surface of leaves.
White apple leafhopper (Typhlocyba pomaria)
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/tree-fruit/
White apple leafhoppers are small, active, whitish-green insects, which hop when
disturbed. These leafhoppers feed on the surface of leaves, causing white or pale
blotches of dead cells that resemble spider mite stippling. Injured leaves may drop
prematurely. This leafhopper is suspected of transmitting Little cherry virus. Sometimes
leafhopper damage will cause the tips of leaves to die and turn brown. Some leafhoppers
exude copious honeydew, which can result in sooty mold.
Obliquebanded leafroller (Choristoneura rosaceana)
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/tree-fruit/
Obliquebanded leafrollers overwinter as larvae and develop through two generations
each year. Second-generation leafrollers overwinter as immature larvae under the bark
on scaffold branches of a variety of host plants, including many native species.
Larvae feed on leaves and enter cherry fruit, contaminating it. They feed for several
weeks, then pupate in rolled leaves. Adult moths emerge in late April to May. These lay
eggs for the second generation. The second generation hatches in early summer during
cherry harvest. Larvae can feed in cherries, creating small holes, or enter through rain-
induced cracks. Obliquebanded leafrollers are the dominant leafroller pest in The Dalles
and Milton-Freewater, Oregon.
San Jose scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus)
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/tree-fruit/
Scale insects are closely related to aphids, mealybugs, and whiteflies. Like these
insects, they also have piercing-sucking mouth parts. Large populations of scale can
devitalize plants and stunt growth. Infested trees show small, grayish to brownish disk-
shaped areas or spots, and raised surfaces on the bark. Severe infestations can kill twigs.
Large quantities of honeydew are produced, which causes russeting on fruit and growth
of sooty mold fungus. San Jose scale can kill trees, and the secondary effect of sooty
mold can result in discolored fruit.
San Jose scale can be differentiated from other scale insects by the scale (shell) that
covers the adult females. The scale is hard, gray to black, cone-shaped, and has a tiny
white knob in the center with a series of grooves or rings around it.
Spider mite
Twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/tree-fruit/
Twospotted spider mite is a principal mite pest of cherries. Appearance of these mites
varies with the species, although all are oval, very small, 0.02 inches or smaller, and
yellowish-brown or green with distinctive black spots on the body. Mites damage fruit
indirectly by feeding on leaves, which causes stippling, bronzing, and possibly leaf drop.
The reduction in photosynthesis causes loss of tree vigor and yield.
Twospotted spider mites overwinter as adult females under bark or in groundcover.
They become active in the spring. There may be eight to 10 overlapping generations per
Spotted-wing drosophila (SWD) (Drosophila suzukii)
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/
This “vinegar fly” was first discovered on the mainland United States in California in
fall 2008 on maturing fruits of raspberries and strawberries. In 2009, it was reported
for the first time in Oregon, Washington, Florida, and Canada. By 2014, the presence
of SWD had become widespread throughout the western and eastern United States, as
well as in many European countries, Brazil, and Mexico. It has been established in Hawaii
since the early 1980s, but no noticeable damage has been reported there. SWD was first
observed in its native Japan in 1916, and also in parts of Thailand, India, China, Korea,
Myanmar, and Russia.
SWD causes scarring or spotting on the fruit surface and a scar or hole where eggs
were laid with softening, collapsing, or bruising of fruit at the damage site. A single
female can lay several hundred eggs in her lifetime. (Each adult lives for an average of
three to four weeks over the summer months.) The legless larvae feed inside the fruit for
about five to seven days, until they are ready to pupate.
Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis)
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/tree-fruit/
Adults of these insects are perceived as mere black specks when observed on foliage.
Female western flower thrips lay eggs in the developing fruit, causing a small oviposition
scar surrounded by a pale area. In recent years, thrip feeding has been implicated in
causing superficial silvery rings, or “halos,” where cherries touch each other, especially
on late cultivars such as ‘Lapins’ or ‘Sweetheart’. The marked fruit are graded as culls and
cannot be sold as fresh. Adult thrips disperse and move into orchards about three to four
weeks before harvest, when other host vegetation surrounding cherry orchards dries up.
Brown rot blossom blight and fruit rot
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/
The fungi Monilinia fructicola and M. laxa can incite both a blossom blight, a twig and
branch dieback, and a fruit rot of several Prunus species, including many ornamental
and fruit trees. Fungi survive year to year on infected twigs, branches, old flower parts,
or mummified fruit. Conidia are produced on infected plant debris in the tree when
the temperature is above 40°F. A small, mushroom-like structure (apothecium) can
be produced on fruit that drops to the ground. Wind and rain blow spores (conidia
and ascospores) to healthy blossoms in spring to begin the infection process during
wet weather. Flowers can be blighted any time floral tissue is exposed but are most
susceptible at full bloom. More spores can be produced on this tissue, initiating several
more disease cycles during the spring. Under severe conditions, non-flowering shoots or
leaves can be infected directly.
Some infections may be symptomless until fruit begins to ripen. The risk of these
latent infections is highest from bloom through pit hardening, declines to a low risk at
embryo growth, and begins to increase as fruit ripen. Ripening fruit are highly susceptible
to infection, and more disease cycles can occur near harvest. Fruit infected in the orchard
may not show symptoms until it is in storage or transit. High nitrogen fertilization also is
associated with increased levels of brown rot. The disease is more of a problem west of
the Cascade Range.
Infected flower parts turn light brown and may develop buff-colored areas. Infected
petals may look water soaked, which can be mistaken for frost injury. Flowers generally
collapse as the fungus invades. Depending on the fungus and plant infected, the disease
may continue into twigs or spurs.
Fruit symptoms begin as small, dark spots that enlarge rapidly. Fruit remains fairly
firm and dry relative to a watery rot caused by Rhizopus spp. These fungi often colonize
rain-cracked cherries. Occasionally, green fruit pitting has been attributed to this fungus
as it can be detected in small necrotic areas at the bottom of the depression in the skin.
Crown gall
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/
Crown gall is caused by Rhizobium radiobacter (formerly Agrobacterium tumefaciens),
a bacterium that lives for several years in soil, often spreading from diseased nursery
stock. It also may be moved by irrigation water or cultivation equipment. Although the
bacterium has a wide host range, plants more likely to have crown gall include all stone
fruit, euonymus, poplar, rose, walnut, and willow.
The bacterium enters plants through wounds, either natural or caused by pruning,
grafting, mechanical injury from cultivation, heaving of frozen soils, chewing insects,
or the emergence of lateral roots. After the bacterium enters a wound, its foreign DNA
transforms normal plant cells into tumor cells, which proliferate automatically. The result
is a disorganized mass of tissue known as a gall.
On young nursery trees, soft, spongy, or wart-like galls develop on the crown or on
roots. Gall size on mature trees ranges from a fraction of an inch to several inches across.
Galls on woody plants become hard with a rough, fissured surface as they age. Gall
tissues are irregular and have no definite growth pattern. If galls completely encircle the
trunk of a young tree, it may become girdled and die.
Fungal shothole
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/
Good information on the control of shothole in sweet cherry is lacking. Much of our
information is derived for the same disease on peaches or almonds. In peach, the disease
is caused by Thyrostroma carpophilum (formerly Wilsonomyces carpophilus), a fungus that
overwinters on infected peach (stone fruit) buds and twigs. Cherry and plum are less
susceptible, and show only leaf and fruit symptoms when extended periods of moisture
are present in late spring and early summer.
Symptoms on green fruit are sunken, necrotic spots surrounded by a red halo. Leaves
develop small, round, tan-to-purplish spots. Tissue becomes somewhat raised, and often
drops out in dry, warm weather, producing a shothole effect.
Spores are spread primarily by splashing water and can remain viable several months
when dry. Under favorable conditions, spores can be produced from infected buds and
stem lesion throughout the growing season.
Little cherry
Also referred to as little cherry disease, or Little cherry virus
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/
Little cherry virus (LChV) consists of two different closteroviruses that result in similar
symptoms. Reports of LChV-1 and LChV-2 in Oregon and Washington include mixed
infections of both viruses. The LChV-2 is mealybug vectored; the vector for LChV-1 is
unknown. Grafting infected scion or rootstock can also transmit the disease, as well as
natural root grafts. There is a one-year lag between infection and symptom development.
Little cherry virus/little cherry disease is distinct from X-disease, which has similar
symptoms but is caused by a phytoplasma (Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni, a type of
Powdery mildew
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/
Powdery mildew is caused by Podosphaera clandestina, a fungus that infects leaves and
fruit. It overwinters on dead leaves, on the orchard floor, in bark crevices, or in areas where
the trunk splits into two large branches. In spring, irrigation or rain and temperatures
between 70° and 80°F induce spore release, causing primary infection, and wind spreads
spores from infected leaves to young leaves. When leaves remain wet for the right amount
of time and under the right temperatures, these spores start the first colonies of the
season, typically within four to six weeks of the first major precipitation of the spring.
Ideal conditions for spread of the disease during late spring and summer are high
humidity and temperatures from 70° to 80°F. Vigorously growing trees with dense foliage
encourage disease development.
The first few infections may be found on the leaves of sucker shoots, branches close to
the ground, or leaves on main scaffold branches. As leaves age, they become more resistant
to infection and disease development. Unlike other fruit crops, flowers are not susceptible.
The first symptom is a light-green, circular lesion, most commonly on the underside
of leaves. A subtle, white, cotton-like growth develops in the infected area. Severe leaf
infection can result in curling or blistering, and leaves are covered with the characteristic
white, cotton-like growth. Infected fruit are unmarketable because they collapse in storage
and transport.
Replant disease
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/
Replant disease is caused by a complex of biological and environmental factors that
varies by geographic region. Although more research has been done on apple replant
disease, cherry replant disease is considered to be similar in its overall epidemiology.
Contributing factors in cherry replant disease include Pratylenchus penetrans (root-lesion
nematode), inadequate soil or orchard management, and winter injury. Additionally,
Cytospora canker, Mesocriconema spp. (ring nematode), and Pseudomonas syringae pv.
syringae (bacterial canker) may also be factors. Limited evidence also suggests that
cherry replant disease may also occur when planting back into old pome fruit orchards.
Replant disease has no definite symptoms other than poor tree growth the first few
years after transplanting. Vigorous young trees planted in a problem site stop growing in
early summer. Affected trees leaf out each spring but produce little or no shoot growth.
Few new lateral or feeder roots are produced, and existing roots discolor and deteriorate.
For pest description information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/
X-disease is caused by a phytoplasma sometimes called albino in
Oregon. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ is the suggested scientific name for the Western
X-disease phytoplasma. X-disease can be transmitted by budding or grafting, but because
the disease is unevenly distributed in the tree, a fair number of buds will not carry the
organism. Although leafhoppers spread the organisms in the orchard, attempts to control
the disease’s spread with insecticides for leafhopper control have been unsuccessful.
Affected fruits are small, pointed, often flat-sided, and pale-red to greenish-white.
Affected fruit often is confined to a small portion of the tree, while the rest of the tree
bears normal fruit. Leaves on terminals become bronze or rusty several weeks earlier
than leaves on healthy trees. Trees infected with the little cherry viruses will also have
symptoms of little, off-colored cherries.
The area under the tree row cannot be properly mowed, and would become a thick
tangle of annual and perennial weeds if left to grow. Cherry orchards can be plagued by
a number of weed species, including problem perennial weeds such as field bindweed,
Canada thistle, and yellow nutsedge, and annual weeds such as wild carrot, puncture
vine, and quack grass. Other major cherry weeds include perennials such as common
dandelion, and annuals such as barnyard grass, common mallow, crabgrass, foxtail, Italian
ryegrass (glyphosate resistant), marestail, and pigweed.
While cherry trees may be much larger than most weeds, they have root systems that
do not compete well with other plants. Trees on dwarfing rootstocks are particularly
affected by weeds because they have smaller root systems. Weeds can greatly
outcompete the trees for nutrients, especially nitrogen. This complicates the growers’
attempts to create an efficient nutrient balance in the trees. Where cover crops or weeds
grow, the bulk of tree roots form in the second and third foot of soil. If competition
is reduced, the trees form the highest percentage of their roots in the much more
biologically active first 2 feet of soil depth.
Grass and weed cover crops also provide habitat for mice and other rodent pests.
There are also known insect pests, such as thrips, that build up on weedy hosts and then
spread to damage the trees or fruit. Some research has shown that bacterial canker can
be spread through weeds.
Thus, controlling orchard weeds is a large part of cherry pest-management activities.
Various methods have been tried over the years to cut down this growth, including
mechanical tillage, mulches, and flaming. Each one of these alternatives work, but these
often are time consuming and expensive, and some practices such as flaming come
with risks of tree damage. Thus, many producers use herbicides in combination with
other control practices to reduce weeds under trees. This has consequences in terms
of environmental risk and also in weed resistance management, given the growth in
numbers of herbicide-resistant weeds.
Environmental risks include surface water contamination in streams, including areas
where tree fruit is grown intensively (https://www.oregon.gov/oda/programs/pesticides/
water/pages/pesticidestewardship.aspx). Pesticide Stewardship partnerships with
farming groups have played a significant role in reducing contamination in the tree fruit
production areas of the Mid-Columbia, Milton-Freewater (Walla Walla) and the Middle
Rogue watersheds (oregon.gov/deq/FilterDocs/pestAnnSum.pdf), but a number of
herbicides are mobile, and reducing surface water contamination by these chemicals has
become a priority.
A number of vertebrate pests have an impact on cherry production, including birds,
deer, elk, ground squirrels, pocket gophers, voles, and mice. Management strategies
depend on the pest.
Birds eat a lot of fruit and damage what they don’t consume. Electronic distress calls
and exclusion with nets are commonly used management strategies.
Deer and elk can damage trees by rubbing young antlers on young trees, shredding
main stems and branches and removing bark from trunks and branches. They can also eat
tips and buds of trees.
Cherry Pest-Management
Activities by Crop Stage
Dormancy through delayed dormant
Major insects managed during this stage include scale, shothole borer, leafroller,
black cherry aphid, and mites. This is also an important time for deer, elk, and rodent
management. Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae) is managed during
this timeframe, and pre-emergent herbicides are applied now to control weeds, including
winter annual weeds.
Field activities and pest-management decisions that occur during dormancy through
delayed dormant
Planting orchards
Shredding or flail mowing (destroying pruned branches)
Frost control
Painting trunks
Training trees
New irrigation lines
Installing overhead sprinklers
Mouse and gopher control
Stump removal
Fence repair
Soil sampling
Cleaning bird boxes
Sucker management (for those not managed during the growing season)
Herbicide applications (via boom or backpack)
PAMS practice* Dormancy through delayed dormant Target pest(s)
pest-management activities
Suppression Copper treatment after pruning (used in certain regions only; Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas
resistance is present in the Mid-Columbia and Willamette Valley syringae pv. syringae)
regions) Oxidate is used in the Willamette Valley due to resistance
issues with copper
Apply sealant to pruning cuts and tree trunks Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas
syringae pv. syringa )
Paint trunks (with white wash) Winter injury, sunscald
Apply horticultural oils Mites, black cherry aphid,
Pre-emergent herbicides applied: General weed management,
Indaziflam (Alion) targeting pigweed, Italian
Oryzalin (Surflan) ryegrass
Oxyfluorfen (Goal)
Pendimethalin (Prowl)
Rimsulfuron (Matrix)
Post-emergent herbicides applied for controlling winter annuals Winter annual weeds
(more effective at later stages with drier, sunnier weather): (chickweed, annual grasses)
Glyphosate (Roundup)
Glufosinate (Rely)
Insecticides: Scale, leafroller, black cherry
Horticultural oil aphid, shothole borer,
Buprofezin (Centaur) (for mealybug) mealybug
Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) (general insect control; targets listed at
Esfenvalerate (Asana) (for shothole borer)
Spinosad (Entrust, Success) (used by some instead of chlorpyrifos)
Regulatory actions
More registered options are needed for early season insect management that can
decrease or replace chlorpyrifos usage.
Pursue a registration for antibiotics labeled for use in cherries (as they are in pome
fruits) for management of bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae).
Education for growers and pest managers on the use of copper contributing to an
increase of bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae).
Education for growers and pest managers on most effective timing with use of
insect growth regulators (IGRs) for scale control.
Education for growers on the use of the WSU Decision Aid System model for
timing sprays (https://decisionaid.systems/help_center/playmedia/7).
First white, also known as
white bud, or popcorn
Early April
Major insects managed during this stage include leafrollers, scale, thrips, grape
mealybug, and bud moth (eyespotted bud moth in the Willamette Valley region).
Regulatory actions
None at this time
Education for growers on the use of beneficial insect releases to control pests
Education for growers on the use of border strip plantings for conserving and
attracting beneficial insects
Early April to early May
Pest-management priorities during this stage include managing for thrips and starting
programs for management of brown rot and cherry leaf spot.
Shuck fall through pit hardening
Early to late May
Note: Timing of this stage can be highly variable between regions.
Developing cherries have a papery “shuck” around their exterior, which is left over
from the flowers. As the fruits grow, the shucks split and are shed. This process is known
as shuck split. As the cherry continues to expand, the shuck eventually falls off. This stage
is known as shuck fall.
Pit hardening occurs around the same time that the cherries turn from green to
yellow. It is the stage of development when the pit (seed) can no longer be cut by a knife.
It signals the final stage of fruit expansion before harvest.
Insects managed during this stage include leafrollers, black cherry aphid, and
leafhopper. Diseases include leaf spot, fungal shothole, shothole disease, and powdery
mildew. (Control for powdery mildew begins here and continues through harvest.) Weeds
are also managed, and control for ground squirrels and gophers begins during this stage.
Critical needs for pest management during
shuck fall through pit hardening
Research topics
Research on brown marmorated stink bug: define the impact on cherries, determine
which varieties will be most affected, select the most effective controls, etc.
Develop a powdery mildew fungicide resistance-monitoring program
Research on best practices, tools, and methods for application technology and
spray coverage to achieve most effective fruit cluster penetration
Explore the potential for the use of chemigation
Research the potential for use of a drip (irrigation) applicable fungicide for
powdery mildew management
More research on the distribution and mechanisms of resistant weeds
Research more options for nonchemical weed management
Identify more options for organic growers, specifically for managing weeds and
Evaluate alternatives to airblast spraying
Evaluate the use of electrostatic technology in tree fruits
Regulatory actions
Pursue the registration of chemigation formulations labeled for use in cherry
Examine the label restrictions for spinosad and spinetoram and increase the
number of seasonal applications allowed
Explore the potential for shorter preharvest intervals for spinosad and spinetoram
in cherry. (Can it be reduced in cherry as it was in blueberry?)
Inquire whether fruit washing after harvest is a protective standard
Pursue a special local needs registration (SLN) for spinosad and spinetoram that
includes a reduction in preharvest interval
Limit regulations on airblast spraying until effective alternatives are identified
Education for growers and pest managers on best practices for effective spray
Education for growers and pest managers on safe and effective application-
management practices for airblast applications
Straw color through harvest
When the cherry turns from green to yellow, it is said to be at “straw color.”
Major insects managed during this stage include cherry fruit fly, SWD, thrips,
obliquebanded leafroller, and mites. Diseases include brown rot, bacterial canker
(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae), and powdery mildew. Birds are also managed during
this stage.
PAMS practice Straw color through harvest pest-management activities Target pest(s)
Prevention Plant growth regulators (Apogee) used to limit shoot Powdery mildew
extension, which limits canopy volume
Summer pruning Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas
syringae pv. syringae), powdery
Avoidance Repelling, hazing, or excluding Birds
Irrigation management Powdery mildew
Nitrogen management Powdery mildew
Soil moisture and weather monitoring to determine irrigation
timing, prevent fruit cracking
Monitoring Scouting for symptoms and signs, then testing for virus Little cherry viruses, X-disease,
brown marmorated stink bug,
powdery mildew
Mowing based on best timing Thrips, mites
Suppression Insecticide applications: Scale crawlers, black cherry aphid
Neonicotinoids: imidacloprid, others (the timing for this is
generally postharvest in eastern Oregon)
Pyrethroids SWD; also cherry fruit fly
ULV (ultra-low volume) insecticide applications (malathion) SWD; also cherry fruit fly
Removing infested trees; glyphosate (Roundup) is applied to Viruses
stumps to monitor spread to neighboring trees
To ensure coverage and penetration to fruit clusters during this stage, increase spray volume
per acre (GPA).
Critical needs for pest management
during straw color through harvest
Research topics
Research effective management for SWD, including effective trapping for
monitoring and management and treatment thresholds, to reduce the broad
spectrum, calendar spray program and better protect natural enemies
Identify an effective lure or bait (such as GF-120 attract and kill) for SWD
Research best practices for vector control prior to or after cutting virus-infected
Identify cherry virus vectors.
Perform trials and research to demonstrate the safety of neonicotinoid use at this
timing with respect to pollinators
Determine the impacts of adjacent unmanaged trees and other hosts, both
positive and negative
Examine the role of irrigation delivery mechanisms in disease management
Investigate the role of beneficials in cherry orchards
Develop a plan for protecting beneficials and natural enemies
Regulatory actions
Retain at least four uses of malathion ULV for use in the late season for controlling
SWD because of locations of later ripening
Identify and register new products for controlling SWD to reduce resistance risk
with reliance on malathion ULV
Shortening the preharvest interval for spinosyns would provide protection against
SWD and reduce use of ULV and pyrethroids because of a shorter preharvest
Education for growers and pest managers on the importance of scouting and
testing for Little cherry virus and X-disease
Education for growers and pest managers on the process of tagging and removing
infested trees when fruit is still present to manage little cherry diseases; what to
look for, etc.
Education for growers and pest managers on the impacts of adjacent unmanaged
trees and other hosts, both positive and negative
Education to growers and pest managers on best practices for rotation and
frequency of fungicide applications
Major insects managed during this stage include mites, black cherry aphid, SWD, and
leafhoppers. Weeds and rodents are also managed.
Critical needs for pest management during postharvest
Research topics
Research additional effective fungicide products to increase options and reduce
overlap with products used in packing houses
Research on the need for fumigants and potential alternatives
Determine the extent to which postharvest fungicide applications control powdery
mildew in the following season
Develop automated mowing options for orchards
Regulatory actions
Register more postharvest fungicides (from different FRAC groups) for use on
harvested fruit to support resistance management.
Communication and education to packing houses on importance of coordinating
fungicide programs with growers to prevent resistance
Educate growers on which fungicides to use based on which are used on harvested
fruit in packing houses
Educate growers on MRLs for export markets
New Plantings/Nonbearing
Site preparation is important for new plantings. Clean out the old orchard if
applicable, as infected roots from old trees can reinfect new plantings. Fumigating and
leaving orchard fallow for one or more years can manage soil and root-borne pests.
Insects, diseases, viruses, and weeds are also a problem in new plantings and non-
bearing orchards. Many viruses enter orchards through infected material during new
plantings, which emphasizes the importance of certification and testing of material.
Invasive and Emerging Pests
Brown marmorated stink bug
For more information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/
The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys, has been established in
the eastern United States since the mid-1990s, and began its Pacific Northwest spread in
the early 2000s. This insect is an extremely invasive and damaging crop pest because it
feeds on a wide range of plants, has strong capacity for dispersal, and populations increase
rapidly. It is also a nuisance pest when it overwinters inside houses in large numbers.
Adults and immatures readily attack fruit trees such as apple, pear, peach, and cherry,
particularly when fruit is present. They will also attack wine grapes and small fruits, such
as caneberries and blueberries. They will feed on nut crops such as hazelnut (Corylus
avellana). Many ornamental species are important host plants, such as catalpa (Catalpa
speciosa), tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), female English holly (Ilex aquifolium), various
maples (Acer spp.), lilac (Syringa spp.), mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) and empress
tree (Paulownia tomentosa).
BMSB will feed on developing buds, fruit, trunks of thin-barked trees such as maple
and peach, through ears of corn, on peppers, tomatoes and a wide range of other plants.
The eggs are laid in clusters ranging in number from 25 to 30 per egg mass (28 on
average), are typically blue-green, and are attached to the underside of leaves. Eggs are
most easily detected on broadleaf hosts such as Catalpa and Paulownia. After the eggs
hatch, immature BMSB will molt five times as they grow and turn into an adult. Two
generations per season can occur in Oregon.
The BMSB, like other plant-feeding stink bugs, damages plants during feeding. All
nymphal stages and adults can cause damage except for the first-stage nymphs. It is
frequently observed that BMSB feeding on fruit and vegetables results in pithy, loose,
cell-textured tissue surrounding the feeding site. Damage to fruits and nuts will not be
apparent without cutting away the skin of the fruit or the nut surface.
Cherry leaf roll virus (virus-induced cherry decline)
For more information, see: https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/host-disease/
One of the causes of virus-induced decline of sweet cherry trees is Cherry leaf roll
virus. Although Cherry leaf roll virus belongs to a group of viruses that are transmitted by
nematodes, there are no known nematode vectors present in the Pacific Northwest. How it
is transmitted is unknown, but evidence points to root grafts. The disease has spread more
rapidly than expected in the Yakima Valley of Washington and is now found with increasing
frequency in all cherry-production areas of eastern Washington. Many infected trees have
been removed. It was also identified in The Dalles production region of Oregon.
Alone, Cherry leaf roll virus causes delayed flowering. Virus infection promotes a
heavy set of fruit that matures late and ripens poorly, yielding small, light-color fruit,
which often is unmarketable. Also, an early leaf drop begins just after bloom, leaving the
tree with a sparse, open canopy. Young shoots tend to die back over winter, and many
buds fail to develop, leaving blind wood. The symptoms become much more severe when
the infection occurs in combination with one or two other commonly found viruses.
None at this time.
Critical needs for invasive and emerging pests
Research topics
Research on brown marmorated stink bug: what will the impact be in cherries,
which varieties will be most impacted, what are the most effective controls, etc. ?
Research to determine how Cherry leaf roll virus spreads.
Regulatory actions
None at this time.
Educate growers and pest managers on the importance of monitoring for brown
marmorated stink bug.
Long, L. and C. Kaiser. 2013. Sweet Cherry Orchard Establishment in the Pacific Northwest.
PNW 642.
Long, L., M. Whiting, and R. Nunez-Elisea (2007). Sweet Cherry Cultivars for the Fresh
Market. PNW 604.
Northwest Horticultural Council Cherry Fact Sheet: http://nwhort.org/industry-facts/
“Cherry Production,” National Agricultural Statistics Service, June 2017. http://usda.
Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook. 2017. Oregon State University,
Washington State University, and the University of Idaho
Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Management Handbook. 2017. Oregon State University,
Washington State University, and the University of Idaho
Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook. 2017. Oregon State University,
Washington State University, and the University of Idaho
“Weed Management in Orchards,” Smith, Timothy J., Washington State University
Extension. https://extension.wsu.edu/chelan-douglas/agriculture/treefruit/
“Varieties—Cherry,” Washington State University Tree Fruit Program. http://treefruit.wsu.
Activity Tables for Sweet Cherries
in Oregon and Washington
An activity may occur at any time during the designated time period, but generally not continually during that time period.
Pest-management activities
Activity Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Bird management X X X X
Fumigation X X X X X
Fungicide applications X X X X X
Gopher/squirrel management X X X X X X X X
Harvest X X X
Herbicide applications X X X X X X X X
Insecticide applications X X X X X X X X
Mowing X X X X X X X X X
Painting trunks X X X
Pruning/destroying prunings X X X X X X X X X X
Removing infested trees X X X
Scouting and monitoring X X X X X X
Sealant to pruning cuts and trunks X X X
Stump removal/large wood burning X X X X X X X X
Sucker management X X X X X X X X
Seasonal Pest Management for Sweet Cherries
in Oregon and Washington
X = times when pest-management strategies are applied to control these pests, not all times when pest is present.
Insects and mites Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Shothole borer X X X X X X X X
San Jose scale X X X X X
Obliquebanded leafroller X X X X X X
Black cherry aphid X X X X X X X
Twospotted spider mite X X X X X X X
Thrips X X X X X
Bud moth X
Leafhopper X X X X
Spotted wing drosophila X X X X
Diseases and viruses Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas) X X X X X X X X X X X
Powdery mildew X X X X
Brown rot X X X X X
Cherry leaf spot X X
Fungal shothole X X X X X
Little cherry viruses X X X X
Replant disease (nematodes, X X X
fungal disease)
Weeds Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Annual broadleaves X X X X X X X X
Perennial broadleaves X X X X X X X
Annual grasses X X X X X X X X
Woody species X X X X X X X X
Sweet Cherry Pesticide Risk Management
The letters below represent four categories of nontarget risk potentially affected by pesticide use. If a letter is used, it indi-
cates that mitigation is needed at commonly used application rates in order to reduce risk. Risks were calculated using the
risk-assessment tool IPM PRiME. This table does not substitute for any mitigations required by the product label.
A Risks to aquatics: invertebrates and fish T Risks to terrestrial wildlife: birds and mammals
P Risks to pollinators: risk of hive loss B Risks to bystanders: e.g., a child standing at the edge of the field
ND No data is available for this product. — risks are not anticipated for this product
■ Product classified as a “highly hazardous pesticide” (HHP) by the World Health Organization and the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. These products may pose significant risks to human health
and/or the environment, and risk-reduction measures may not be effective in mitigating these risks.
Risks requiring mitigation
Target pest(s)
First white
Shuck fall
Pesticides Comments
Products marked with ^ are go-to If used, average number of applications per crop stage
products; those marked with * are
considered critical to the industry.
Acetamiprid (Assail) A 1
Beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) 1 Only one app/year
Bifenazate (Acramite) — 1 Only one app/year
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) — 1 1 Two apps/year
Buprofezin (Centaur) Mealybug,
— 1 scale
Carbaryl (Sevin) A, T, 1
Chlorantraniliprole (Altacor) — 1 Only one app/year
Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) A, T, Limited use
P, B
Clofentezine (Apollo) — 1 Limited use
Cyantraniliprole (Exirel) ND 1 Limited use
Diazinon A, T, Washington only
P, B
Dimethoate A, T,
Used preharvest in
1 1 Willamette Valley,
P, B otherwise postharvest
Etoxazole (Zeal) A 1
Fenazaquin (Magister) ^
^ new product, no
rating; not widely used
Fenpropathrin (Danitol) A, T, Important for SWD
Risks requiring mitigation
Target pest(s)
First white
Shuck fall
Pesticides Comments
Products marked with ^ are go-to If used, average number of applications per crop stage
products; those marked with * are
considered critical to the industry.
Products marked with ^ are go-to If used, average number of applications per crop stage
products; those marked with * are
considered critical to the industry.
GF-120 Reduced use with SWD
P 4
(spinosad + bait spray) but still important
Hexythiazox — 1
(Onager, Savey)
Horticultural oil Used for powdery
mildew control, or
in combination with
— 1 1 1 diazinon, pyriproxifen,
chlorpyrifos; also as
adjuvant at low rate
Imidacloprid A, P 1
Lambda-cyhalothrin Important for SWD
A, P 2
Malathion (ULV) P 1
Methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) — 1
Pyradiben (Nexter) A, P 1 Limited use
Pyriproxyfen (Esteem) — 1 Limited use
Spinetoram (Delegate) — 1 1
Very important for
Spinsoad (Entrust, Success) P 2
Very important for
Spirodiclofen (Envidor) A 1
Spirotetramat (Ultor) — Not widely used
Thiamethoxam (Actara) A, P Not widely used
Fungicides and bactericides
Bicarbonate (Kaligreen) — 2–3
Captan P 1 For high rainfall areas
Chlorothalonil (Bravo) A, T 1 2 For high rainfall areas
Fenbuconazole (Indar) — 1 2
Fenhexamid (Elevate) — 1
Fluopyram + trifloxystrobin 1 1
A, T
(Luna Sensation)
Fluxapyroxad + 1
pyraclostrobin (Merivon)
Risks requiring mitigation
Target pest(s)
First white
Shuck fall
Pesticides Comments
Products marked with ^ are go-to If used, average number of applications per crop stage
products; those marked with * are
considered critical to the industry.
Hydrogen dioxide (Oxidate) For bacterial canker
— 1 1 (Pseudomonas)/dead
Metconazole (Quash) ? 1
If used, average number of applications per crop stage
Myclobutanil (Rally) T 1
Penthiopyrad (Fontelis) — 1 1 1
Propiconazole (Tilt) 1 Applied once, at any
— stage
Pyraclostrobin + boscalid 1 1–2 Depends on rotation
Quinoxyfen (Quintec) — 2
Sulfur 1 2 Used more with
— organic
Tebuconazole (Tebucon) — 1 1
Thiophanate-methyl 1 Must tank mix with
(Topsin) other products
Trifloxystrobin (Gem) A 1
Triflumizole (Procure) — 1 2
Ziram A, T, 1 For higher rainfall
P areas
Telone + chloropicrin ND
Vapam ND Used pre-plant
Mustard ND
2,4D (Saber) A
Acetic acid (Weed pharm)
Carfentrazone (Aim) 1 1
Clethodim (Select Max)
Clopyralid (Stinger)
Dichlobenil (Casoron) T
Diquat (Reglone) T, B
Diuron (Karmex) T
Fluazifop (Fusilade)
Risks requiring mitigation
Target pest(s)
First white
Shuck fall
Pesticides Comments
Products marked with ^ are go-to If used, average number of applications per crop stage
products; those marked with * are
considered critical to the industry.
Flumioxazin (Chateau)
Glufosinate (Rely) 1 1 1
Glyphosate (Roundup) 1 1 1
Halosulfuron (Sandea)
Indaziflam (Alion)
Isoxaben (Trellis) T
If used, average number of applications per crop stage
Napropramide (Devrinol) T
Norflurazon (Solicam) A, T
Oryzalin (Surflan) A, T 1 1
Oxyflurofen (Goal) A, T 1 1
Usually used
Paraquat (Gramoxone) T 1 1 1 nonbearing
Pendimethalin (Prowl) T 1 1
Penoxsulam + oxyfluorfen A, T
Pronamide (Kerb)
Pyraflufen (Venue) 1 1 Sucker control
Rimsulfuron (Matrix) 1 1
Saflufenacil (Treevix)
Sethoxydim (Poast) 1
Simazine (Princep) T
Terbacil (Sinbar)
Efficacy Ratings for Insect and Mite
Management Tools in Sweet Cherries
Rating scale:
E = excellent (90–100% control) G = good (80–90% control)
F = fair (70–80% control) P = poor (< 70% control)
? = efficacy unknown in management system; more research needed blank cell = not used for this pest
Shothole borer
Cherry fruit fly
Management tools Comments
Registered chemistries
Abamectin Resistant populations
G have developed
Acetamiprid (Assail) G G ? G P ? P P P
Beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) F E ? G P ? ? E P 14-day PHI inhibits use
Bifenazate (Acramite) E
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) G ?
Buprofezin (Centaur) G
Carbaryl (Sevin) F E E P ? E
Chlorantraniliprole P E G
Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) G G F G ? G Used in dormancy
Clofentezine (Apollo) Resistant populations
F have developed
Cyantraniliprole (Exirel) F G G F P
Diazinon G G F G G ?
Dimethoate G G ? ? G
Etoxazole (Zeal) Resistant populations
E have developed
Fenpropathrin (Danitol) G E G G P ? E ?
GF-120 (spinosad + bait E F
Hexythiazox (Onager, Resistant populations
Savey) have developed
Horticultural oil Needs another active
P F F F G P ingredient to be
Imidacloprid E E G G P
Lambda-cyhalothrin G E E G G ? E G
Malathion (ULV) Short residual makes it
E G popular
San Jose scale (crawlers)
Shothole borer
Cherry fruit fly
Management tools Comments
Efficacy Ratings for Disease and Virus
Management Tools in Sweet Cherries
Rating scale:
E = excellent (90–100% control) G = good (80–90% control)
F = fair (70–80% control) P = poor (< 70% control)
? = efficacy unknown; more research needed
Shothole (fungal)
Powdery mildew
Bacterial canker
Replant disease
Crown gall
Brown rot
Leaf spot
Management tools Comments
Registered chemistries
Bicarbonate (Kaligreen) G
Captan G G
Chlorothalonil (Bravo) G
Fenbuconazole (Indar) G-E P Resistance issues
Fenhexamid (Elevate) F-G
Fluopyram + trifloxystrobin Used early for powdery
(Luna Sensation) G-E mildew due to MRL
Flutriafol (Topguard) Not used
Fluxapyroxad + Used early for powdery
pyraclostrobin (Merivon) G mildew due to MRL
issues; expensive
Horticultural oil
Hydrogen dioxide (Oxidate) F Short residual
Metconazole (Quash)
Metrafenone (Vivando) F Not used
Myclobutanil (Rally) P Resistance issues
Penthiopyrad (Fontelis) Reduced efficacy is
F-G G noted in the last 1–2
Propiconazole (Tilt) Used in rotation to
G F compensate for plant
growth regulation
Pyraclastrobin (Cabrio) Not used
Pyraclostrobin + boscalid Efficacious if used
(Pristine) G-E G ? G ? with Regalia but has
resistance issues
Quinoxyfen (Quintec) G-E
Sulfur G G G
Tebuconazole (Tebucon) F-G F-G Resistance issues
Thiophanate-methyl (Topsin) F-G Resistance issues
Trifloxystrobin (Gem) F-G F-G F-G
Tomato ringspot virus
Cherry leaf roll virus
Shothole (fungal)
Powdery mildew
Bacterial canker
Replant disease
Crown gall
Brown rot
Leaf spot
Management tools Comments
Efficacy Ratings for Weed Management
Tools in Sweet Cherries
Rating scale
E = excellent (90–100% control) G = good (80–90% control)
F = fair (70–80% control) P = poor (<70% control)
? = efficacy unknown—more research needed blank cells = not used for this purpose
pre = soil-active against pre-emerged weeds post = foliar-active against emerged weeds
Note: Weed size or stage of growth is an important consideration with most post-emergent herbicides.
Management tools post Comments
Registered chemistries
2,4D (Saber) post G G F F F
Not commonly used; drift
Acetic acid (Weed pharm) post P P P P P P P P P P
Expensive; phytotoxic to
Carfentrazone (Aim) post P P P E P E P G P
Clethodim (Select Max) post G G G G Non-bearing; not used
Clopyralid (Stinger) post E P P G P P Not commonly used
Dichlobenil (Casoron) pre G G G G G G G G G G Rarely used; toxic, volatile
Diquat (Reglone) post F P F F P P F G F P Not used
Diuron (Karmex) pre G P G G G P G F P P Not commonly used
Fluazifop (Fusilade) post E G G E Not used
Flumioxazin (Chateau) pre/ Not used if pear crop
post F P F F F P F G nearby
Glufosinate (Rely) post G G E E G E G E ? P
Glyphosate (Roundup) post E G G F E G F* F* G G *Resistance noted
Indaziflam (Alion) pre E P G G E P E E P P
Isoxaben (Trellis) pre F P E E F P F E P P Not commonly used
Napropramide (Devrinol) pre G P G F F P F F P P Not commonly used
Norflurazon (Solicam) pre Not commonly used
Oryzalin (Surflan) pre E P G F G P G G P P
Oxyflurofen (Goal) pre/ P P F G P P F F P P
Paraquat (Gramoxone) post E F E F G G F G E P
Pendimethalin (Prowl) pre E P F F G P E F P P
Penoxsulam + pre P P G G G P G G P P Not used
oxyfluorfen (Pindar)
Pronamide (Kerb) pre/ G P G F G P G — E Not used
Pyraflufen (Venue) post P P F F P P P F P P
Rimsulfuron (Matrix) pre G P G F G P P G E P
Sethoxydim (Poast) post E P G E G
Simazine (Princep) pre P P F F P P P F P P Old chemistry; not used
Management tools post Comments
Cultural/non-chemical strategies
Not viable as stand-
Tillage alone weed control
Not viable as stand-
Mulch alone weed control
Not viable as stand-
Flaming alone weed control
Using PAMS Terminology
This system of terminology for IPM was developed for use by US federal agencies seeking to support adoption of IPM by farmers. The table
below summarizes common tactics used in agricultural IPM using a Prevention, Avoidance, Monitoring, Suppression (PAMS) classification.
We also define (in italics) the ecological purpose that lies behind a particular practice. The PAMS tables throughout the text provide a simple
basis for surveying practices that are used at different crop growth stages in terms of their contribution to a comprehensive IPM program.
Prevent introduction to the farm Collect pests
• Pest-free seeds, transplants • Scouting and survey approaches
Prevent reservoirs on the farm • Traps
• Sanitation procedures Identify pests
• Eliminate alternative hosts • Use of identification guides, diagnostic tools and
diagnostic laboratories
• Eliminate favorable sites in and off crop Identify periods or locations of high pest risk
Prevent pest spread between fields on the farm • Use weather-based pest-development and risk models
• Cleaning equipment between fields • Use soil and plant nutrient testing
Prevent pests developing within fields on the farm Determine status and trends in pest risks
• Irrigation scheduling to prevent disease development and classify pest severity
• Prevent weed reproduction • Maintain pest records over time for each field
• Prevent pest-susceptible perennial crops by avoiding Minimize pest risks over time
high-risk locations • Plan an appropriate PAMS IPM strategy, based upon
pest status and trends
Determine interventions based upon risks and economics
• Use of decision-support tools, economic thresholds
Avoiding host crops for the pest Outcompete the pest with other plants
• Crop rotation • Cover crops
Avoid practices that increase potential for pest losses Increase pest mortality from predators,
• Narrow row spacing parasites and pathogens
• Optimized in-row plant populations • Conservation biological control
• No-till or strip till • Inundative release and classical biological control
• Use of pest antagonists
Pesticide Risk Classification
Paul Jepson, Oregon State University
The pesticide risk analysis is based on the Oregon State University Integrated Plant
Protection Center’s state-of-the-science, risk-assessment tool ipmPRiME, a model that
identifies moderate-to-high (10 percent or greater) risk (Jepson et al. 2014, Sustainable
Agriculture Network 2017). We analyzed a total of 800 pesticides, and 168 of these
posed risks to human workers or bystanders, aquatic life, wildlife, and pollinators. The
analysis is intended to provide guidance that is supplementary to the label, which is the
primary source of risk-management information and mandatory practices.
Pesticides qualified for this risk category if one or more ipmPRiME aquatic risk models
(aquatic algae, aquatic invertebrates, or fish chronic risk) exhibited 10 percent or greater
risk at a typical application rate.
Pesticides qualified for this risk category if one or more ipmPRiME terrestrial risk
models (avian reproductive, avian acute, or small mammal risk) exhibited 10 percent or
greater risk at a typical application rate.
3. Risk to pollinators
Pesticides were selected based on a widely used hazard quotient (HQ) resulting of
pesticide application rate in gallons of active ingredient per hectare, and contact LD50
for the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Values of the hazard quotient less than 50 have been
validated as low risk in the European Union, and monitoring indicates that products with
a hazard quotient greater than 2,500 are associated with a high risk of hive loss. The
hazard quotient value (350 or greater) used by IPPC corresponds to a 15 percent risk of
hive loss. The quotient includes a correction for systemic pesticides, where risks to bees
are amplified.
4. Inhalation risk
Inhalation risk to bystanders was calculated using the ipmPRiME model for inhalation
toxicity (Jepson et al., 2014) calculated on the basis of child exposure and susceptibility.
This index is protective for workers who may enter fields during or after application, and
also bystanders.