Draft: Using Automated Tools To Implement Selected Intelligence Preparation of The Battlefield (Ipb) Functions
Draft: Using Automated Tools To Implement Selected Intelligence Preparation of The Battlefield (Ipb) Functions
Draft: Using Automated Tools To Implement Selected Intelligence Preparation of The Battlefield (Ipb) Functions
Website: www.e-mapsys.com
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Last Updated August 23, 2001
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Last Updated August 23, 2001
101. Purpose. This manual explains how to apply the techniques and procedures in MCWP 5-1,
Marine Corps Planning Process, with the Integrated Marine Multi-Agent Command and Control
System (IMMACCS) to implement maneuver warfare.
102. Background
d. IMMACCS also has software routines to help users to reduce the large quantities of data
that MAGTFs can expect to receive to a few pieces of important knowledge, thereby laying a
foundation for situational awareness. The three most important software routines implement
three of the most important tasks laid out in Marine Corps Planning Process: monitoring
named areas of interest (NAI), target areas of interest (TAI), or decision points (DP). These
three routines notify IMMACCS users when a hostile unit is detected in a NAI, TAI, or DP.
e. It is important that users understand the significance of these three routines. As has been
mentioned before, modern computer-based sensors produce thousands of times as much data
as the sensors they are replacing in which humans played a large roll. Ten years ago, the G-2
Section of the I Marine Amphibious Force command element was overwhelmed in Operation
Desert Storm when it received more than 6,000 reports and messages in a single day.
Because of advances in sensor technology since then, a MAGTF needs to be prepared to
process far more reports and messages than the I MEF G-2 received. IMMACCS’ routines
are designed to process such quantities of data and produce a few well-focused pieces of
a. The concepts, techniques, and procedures for identifying the information that is important
in a particular situation are detailed in Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 4,
Planning, and Marine Corps Planning Process. In the course of implementing these
techniques and procedures, NAIs, TAIs, and DPs, are identified.
b. After the situation has been analyzed, the locations of NAIs, TAIs, and DPs are entered
into IMMACCS database. As the tactical situation unfolds, IMMACCS software routines,
which are named agents, perform command and control functions now performed by people:
scanning the incoming data for reports that place a hostile element in a NAI, TAI, or DP.
Not only can a software routine do this analysis much faster than people can, these routines
also free people to perform functions software cannot perform.
c. The key then, is to blend the practices documented in Marine Corps Planning Process
with capabilities of IMMACCS to produce an overall better capability for the Marine Corps.
The question is not whether people or computers are better at performing command and
control functions, but what how can computers be used to support people in command and
104. Approach of Publication. To show how the methods in Marine Corps Planning Process
can be implemented with IMMACCS, Chapter 2 is a very simple example of a plan being
developed. Chapter 3 then builds on Chapter 2 by explaining how the named areas of interest
(NAIs), target areas of interest (TAIs), and decision points (DPs) developed in Chapter 2 can be
exploited with IMMACCS to provide commanders with better information faster than is possible
currently. Because IMMACCS is in its early stages of development, Chapter 3 is a very simple
example of how IMMACCS could be used. Chapter 3 is intended to prompt questions and
thoughts on better ways to use IMMACCS. Chapter 3 and the rest of this pamphlet are intended
only to hint at the potential of IMMACCS when used in conjunction with the classic command
and control techniques and procedures.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
105. Importance of Planning. IMMACCS is not a stand-alone tool. It does not replace planning
and it will not be an effective tool if used without the classic command and control concepts.
IMMACCS is a tool for implementing these concepts. Because of this, the planning done
without IMMACCS must continue to be done with IMMACCS.
106. IMMACCS Improvements. The discerning or imaginative reader will see ways that
IMMACCS can be expanded and improved to help him or her. The reader must remember,
however, that software development, as is true of all fields of endeavor, proceeds with one small
step after another. All of the improvements that are possible should be incorporated into
IMMACCS eventually, but in using this publication, readers should focus on IMMACCS’ first,
basic functions.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Last Updated August 23, 2001
203. Overview of Example. This chapter contains eight maps that trace the development of a
simple plan. The first map shows a situation with three units, two friendly and one enemy. The
enemy’s most likely and most dangerous courses of action are then defined and shown. This is
followed by the selection of named areas of interest (NAIs), target areas of interest (TAIs), and
decision points (DPs). The next map shows all the features. The last map shows how
IMMACCS could represent the situation as it develops using agents to screen the incoming
messages and identify the information that meets the criteria for the agents.
204. Agents Explained. An agent is a small piece of software, a software routine. An agent for
an NAI, TAI, or DP performs three functions:
b. Screens incoming data and message to see if they contains information that meets the
criteria established for the agent’s activation, and
c. If the incoming message contains information that meets the criteria, the agent takes the
designated action.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
b. As planning unfolds, selected elements are recorded in IMMACCS. Items such as
possible enemy course of action graphically and NAIs, TAIs, and DPs will be active objects
that trigger agent alerts.
A Marine infantry battalion is operating east of Las Pulgas Canyon and south of Basilone Road.
Enemy units are operating northwest of this area and may advance on the Marines. Planning is
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
An analysis of the situation leads the commander and his staff to conclude that the enemy’s most
likely course of action is to advance southeast along Basilone Road to Camp Pulgas at the head
of Las Pulgas Canyon and then continue on Basilone Road to the head of Aliso Canyon. There,
the enemy will deploy to attack the Marines.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
From this analysis, the commander and his staff have also concluded that the most dangerous
course of enemy action would be an advance along Basilone Road and then turn south and go
down Las Pulgas Canyon at Camp Pulgas. This could lead the enemy to the Marine’s rear.
Another dangerous course of action is for the enemy to advance down the coast. This would
place the enemy in the Marine’s rear. Such a course of action appears unlikely because the
advance could be observed from the sea, with fires being directed by observers afloat.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Based on further analysis, the commander decides the critical place in an enemy advance will be
the road junction at Camp Pulgas. There the enemy will turn down Las Pulgas Canyon or
continue down Basilone Road. Two named areas of interest (NAIs) are designated. Intelligence
collection will be focused on these NAIs.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Having selected NAIs, the commander turns his attention to selecting areas where fires can be
used particularly effectively. One was selected and is shown above. In this place, the canyon
walls keep traffic on or close to the road; the enemy cannot move out of the impact area easily.
Note also that an NAI is located up the avenue of approach from the TAI. The NAI warning can
be used to alert the fire support assets.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
The commander now determines that he must make important decisions shortly after the enemy
passes the head of Las Pulgas Canyon on Basilone Road. He sites two decision points short
distances after the crossroads where the enemy must commit to either the most dangerous or the
most likely course of action.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
When all of the features discussed in the previous pages are displayed, the map display above is
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Last Updated August 23, 2001
a. Using the techniques and procedures laid out in Marine Corps Planning Process, the
named areas of interest (NAIs), target areas of interest (TAIs), and decision points (DPs),
(along with the other significant control features) are determined. NAIs, TAIs, and DPs, are
treated as part of intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) in Marine Corps Planning
Process. Their development is discussed in Chapters 1-6. Page D-18 has a sample decision
support template (DST) with NAIs, TAIs, and DPs.
b. When implementing the techniques and procedures for NAIs, TAIs, and DPs, remember
that the purpose is to help those overseeing the execution of an operation to get the important
information quickly. Modern sensors and other collection assets and national agencies can
produce information far faster and in far larger volume than any MAGTF staff can process
and exploit it during the execution of an operation. This is not an entirely new situation, just
a situation that gets worse with each year and each improvement in communications and
c. The planning phase of an operation has always been intended to provide a commander
and his staff with an opportunity to review large quantities of information, determine the
probably course of future events, and develop plans. Often these plans included a scheme of
defense and fire support plan. While NAIs, TAIs, and DPs have always been helpful, they
are becoming more important with each advance in communications and sensors. Indeed,
they are now as important as a scheme of maneuver and fire support plan because of their
potential to help prevent information overload.
(1) Use decision points to indicate where enemy hostile activity will require a reaction.
(2) If hostile elements can be detected approaching the decision points, locate named
areas of interest (NAIs) along the routes to these points where sensors will be able to
collect data. NAIs can provide decision makers with warning that hostile forces are
developing the situation in such a manner that a decision may be required soon.
(3) Target areas of interest are placed where (a) they can be observed by humans or
sensors, (b) fires can be delivered, and (c) movement of those being fired on will be
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
restricted. If movement is not restricted, a force that is being fired on in a TAI will
quickly shift their route and bypass the NAI area.
(4) NAIs can be located along avenues of approach to provide warning of a hostile
force’s approach.
e. With the BVT, tinting (transparency and color) and line width, can be varied for NAIs
and TAIs and color and line width can be varied for DPs. The tinting of the areas and
symbols on the maps that represent the NAIs, TAIs, and DPs is very important. Tinting
determines whether the viewer of the map will be able to see the NAI, TAI, or DP quickly
and easily during the execution of an operation, a time when events can happen very rapidly
and decisions may need to be made quickly.
(1) On the one hand, standardization of tinting makes it easy to understand the
information being represented on a map. If icons representing the hostile units are red
and icons representing friendly units are blue, it is easy to tell who is who when looking
at a map.
(2) On the other hand, color contrast is important. If a red icon is placed in an area of a
map that is red, the icon for will be difficult to see. Changing the color slightly will help
users of the map to comprehend the situation much better than would otherwise be
possible. With the BVT, such changes can be made.
(3) Transparency can also be used to set an NAI, TAI, or DP apart from its background.
The less the transparency, the brighter the NAI, TAI, or DP on the map. The greater the
transparency, the less the contrast of the NAI, TAI, or DP with its background. When
setting transparency, remember that transparency also indicates how much of the base
map is visible through the NAI, TAI, or DP.
f. Once the locations and other attributes of NAIs, TAIs, and DPs have been determined,
they are entered into IMMACCS. IMMACCS will use this information first to create the
appropriate display and then screen for data and information. Icons representing relevant
data and information appear on the map as indicated by the agent. With agents, people
continue to play the most important role, making decisions. Since the agents for NAIs, TAIs,
and DPs are inserted individually, their actions or output be controlled individually.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
303. Creating an NAI or TAI. Creating an agent to implement an NAI or a TAI in IMMACCS
is done with the BVT graphic user interface. The steps for opening and using this device are as
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
(1) The BVT and IMMACCS do not react as fast as many graphics programs do. Either
draw slowly enough that the software can keep up with you or realize that your corners
are being saved even if this is not immediately obvious. Because of this characteristic,
those who plan to use the BVT to enter NAIs and TAIs should practice creating NAIs and
TAIs during some quiet time.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
f. Name an NAI or TAI. After the NAI or TAI has been created and tinted, the computer
screen will appear similar to that below, and the NAI or TAI needs to be named and saved.
Because the BVT appends “NAI” or “TAI” at the beginning of each NAI or TAI represented
on a BVT map display, it is suggested that NAIs and TAIs not be given a name that includes
the words NAI or TAI. Rather, it is suggested that TAIs be given three digit numbers
starting with 1 (e.g., 101) and NAIs be given three digit numbers starting with 2 (e.g., 201).
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
The resulting image is shown below.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
e. The result of the effort will look similar to the figure on the
305. Composite View. The image below shows a map with NAIs, TAIs, and DPs.
306. Summary
a. With each year and each new sensor or collection asset, the information that is generated
by a MAGTF or passed to a MAGTF by higher headquarters or a national agencies increases
even more. The experiences of the I MEF G-2 section in Operation Desert Storm showed
that ten years ago that MAGTFs need computer-based tools to process large quantities of
information and find or produce the few important pieces of data or knowledge. IMMACCS
with its software aids and BVT provides tools that can identify the important data as it comes
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
in and produce important knowledge from the flood of information that characterizes modern
b. Most of the concepts, processes, techniques, and procedures needed to make IMMACCS
an effective tool already exist, are taught in military schools, and practiced in the field. A
few new concepts (adjusting the color and transparency of NAIs and TAIs, for example)
need to added to the store of concepts needed by those manning combat operations centers.
c. Those who would use IMMACCS to better implement the processes laid out in doctrinal
publications need to remember that the specific procedures require some new skills, both in
the use of the software and in matters like the selection of colors and the degree of
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
Last Updated August 23, 2001
402. Approach
(2) Process data to produce information of greater value than the data that was processed.
The resulting information is often characterized as knowledge.
b. The software routines are called agents in the software trade. This name often causes
confusion for individuals with a military background because they learned early in their
military experience that agents are individuals who collect information. The use of agent by
the computer industry as a name for a type of software is an unfortunate development, but it
cannot be reversed. The term is used too widely by those outside the military.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
403. Situation. The map below shows an area with NAIs, a TAI, and DPs.
As was noted in Chapter 2, hostile forces are in the northwest corner of the map and the friendly
forces are to the southeast of the decision points (red stars). It is anticipated that hostile forces
will move through NAIs 201 and 203 and TAI 101 to either of the two decision points.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
b. When IMMACCS detects the hostile element in the NAI, the edge of the symbol
for the NAI agent will turn red.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
c. When the NAI icon is clicked, the following window will open. The red letters indicate
an alert that has not been acknowledged. Click on the line of text to acknowledge the alert.
d. Clicking on the red letters with the mouse will produce the following window. Notice
that this window provides information on the action that activated the NAI agent.
Using Automated Tools to Implement Selected Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) Functions
405. Summary. With the BVT and the rest of IMMACCS, software routines named agents
(specifically NAI, TAI, and DP agents) can be created during the planning phase of an operation
and then used to monitor incoming data during the execution of an operation. Used skillfully,
the NAI, TAI, and DP agents can be used to first screen and then process those few important
reports and pieces of data that will be among the thousands that a MAGTF can expect to receive
during each day of heavy activity.