Introduction To Pragmatics17 PDF
Introduction To Pragmatics17 PDF
Introduction To Pragmatics17 PDF
▶ Focuses on the literal meanings of words, phrases and
▶ concerned with how grammatical processes build
complex meanings out of simpler ones
Semiotic triangle
▶ Focuses on the use of language in particular situations;
▶ aims to explain how factors outside of language
contribute to both literal meaning and nonliteral
meanings which speakers communicate using language
Pragmatics vs. semantics
▶ The study of meaning in use
▶ Provides tools to help us understand the meaning in a
given social context, including the effect that language
has on those involved in the speech situation
▶ Semantics – the study of meaning outside of its
contextualized use with a focus on the literal meaning
of words and phrases
Pragmatics v. semantics
▶ Semantics – concerned with what language says
▶ Pragmatics – concerned with what language can do
▶ Semantics – sense
▶ Pragmatics – force
▶ Semantics: words or lexemes are central to the study
▶ Pragmatics: events or potential events are of main
▶ Speech act theory
▶ Conversational implicature
▶ Deixis
▶ Presupposition
Speech act theory
▶ We often think that the role of language is to explain,
inform, describe, and say sth about the world
▶ Language – also used to do things, such as promise,
bet, request, threaten, warn, apologize, swear (in
court), etc.
Speech act theory
▶ J.L. Austin, How to do Things with Words (1955)
▶ "It was for too long the assumption of philosophers
that the business of a 'statement' can only be to
'describe' some state of affairs, or to 'state some fact',
which it must do either truly or falsely.„
▶ Wittgenstein: „Don't ask for the meaning, ask for the
use." - language as a vehicle for social activity
Speech Act Theory
▶ Austin suggested that most utterances are created not
to ‘describe’, but to perform action
▶ His approach was not of „What do sentences mean?”
but „What kind of act do we perform when we utter a
Speech Act Theory
▶ Austin emphasized the contexts in which utterances
take place and suggested that they should be defined
as felicitous or not, rather than false or true
▶ Felicity conditions: describe all the circumstantial
properties of an utterance which are relevant to its
successful accomplishment
Speech act theory
▶ Austin questioned the truth value of statements, a
view which centered on the conditions of an utterance
that can be declared true or false
▶ Austin examined performatives: sentences that are
used to do things, rather than declare or state sth
Speech acts
▶ Performatives: „I now pronounce you husband and
▶ Only certain people in certain conditions can do this
kind of pronouncing; if the conditions are right, then a
change has taken place through the uttering the words
▶ Make a list of performative utterances.
▶ What new state of affairs do the utterances create?
▶ What conditions must be present for the new state of
affairs to come about?
Speech acts
▶ A) I promise to visit tomorrow
▶ B) She promised to visit tomorrow
▶ Sentences which perform actions – performatives (A);
other sentences (B) – constatives
▶ A good test of whether a sentence is a performative is
whether you can insert the word hereby before the
verb (I hereby promise; *I hereby walk)
Speech Act Theory
▶ Syntactic markers of a performative utterance:
▶ 1) the subject is in the 1st person
▶ 2) the verb is in the simple present tense
▶ 3) the indirect object is ‘you’
▶ 4) it is possible to insert the adverb ‘hereby’
▶ 5) the sentence is not negative
▶ Speech acts which in themselves constitute an action
▶ This aspect of language – illocutionary force
▶ The illocutionary force of an utterance is its ability to
carry out an act
Speech acts
▶ Locutionary act: the act of saying sth
▶ Illocutionary act: the act of doing sth by saying sth
▶ Perlocutionary act: the act of achieving sth by saying
Speech acts
▶ John Searle took work on speech acts further by
introducing direct ad indirect speech acts
▶ "In indirect speech acts the speaker communicates to
the hearer more than he actually says by way of relying
on their mutually shared background information, both
linguistic and nonlinguistic, together with the general
powers of rationality and inference on the part of the
Speech acts
▶ There are speech acts which are so fundamental to
communication that they are captured through the
mood of our utterance:
▶ Indicative mood: giving information
▶ Interrogative mood: request for information
▶ Imperative mood: command to do sth
Speech acts
▶ The mood of each utterance signals its illocutionary
▶ Context – key in explaining what people are trying to
do with the language they use
Exercise: write the common locutionary act of the underlined
words, illocutionary act and the perlocutionary act