Abdul Aziz2015 PDF
Abdul Aziz2015 PDF
Abdul Aziz2015 PDF
Applying Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic
Principles in Critically Ill Patients: Optimizing
Efficacy and Reducing Resistance Development
Mohd H. Abdul-Aziz, BPharm1 Jeffrey Lipman, MD1,2 Johan W. Mouton, PhD3,4 William W. Hope, PhD5
Jason A. Roberts, PhD1,2,5
1 Burns, Trauma and Critical Care Research Centre, The University of Address for correspondence Jason A. Roberts, PhD, Burns, Trauma
Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and Critical Care Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Level
2 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Brisbane and Women’s 3, Ned Hanlon Building, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital,
Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Herston, Queensland 4029, Australia (e-mail: j.roberts2@uq.edu.au).
Abstract The recent surge in multidrug-resistant pathogens combined with the diminishing
antibiotic pipeline has created a growing need to optimize the use of our existing
antibiotic armamentarium, particularly in the management of intensive care unit (ICU)
patients. Optimal and timely pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) target at-
tainment has been associated with an increased likelihood of clinical and microbiological
success in critically ill patients. Emerging data, mostly from in vitro and in vivo studies,
suggest that optimization of antibiotic therapy should not only aim to maximize clinical
outcomes but also to include the suppression of resistance. The development of
Keywords antibiotic dosing regimens that adheres to the PK/PD principles may prolong the
► antibiotic clinical lifespan of our existing antibiotics by minimizing the emergence of resistance.
► resistance This article summarizes the relevance of PK/PD characteristics of different antibiotic
► pharmacodynamics classes on the development of antibiotic resistance. On the basis of the available data,
► pharmacokinetics we propose dosing recommendations that can be adopted in the clinical setting, to
► antibiotic dosing maximize therapeutic success and limit the emergence of resistance in the ICU.
Severe infections leading to severe sepsis and septic shock are 54.1%, respectively.2 Despite an emerging trend for improved
prominent causes of morbidity and mortality in critically ill survival over recent years,3–5 the mortality rate in this patient
patients. In a large multicenter point prevalence study in- cohort remains unacceptably high worldwide.6 In the context
volving 1,265 intensive care units (ICUs) across 75 countries, of the financial burden incurred, the United States is currently
51% of ICU patients were classified as infected on the day of spending between $121 and $263 billion annually on critical-
study with a mortality rate of 25.3%.1 Data from a large ly ill patients, which represents more than 8% of the country’s
European ICU study has further corroborated the diagnosis total healthcare expenditure.7
of severe sepsis as a global healthcare crisis, whereby the To address these persisting poor patient outcomes, signif-
condition accounted for 26.7% of ICU admissions.2 In this icant amounts of research have been directed toward opti-
study, the corresponding mortality in patients with severe mizing the provision of care for the critically ill patient.
sepsis and septic shock was of concern, with rates of 32.2 and Indeed, improving antibiotic therapy is a core focus of
Issue Theme Antimicrobial Resistance: Copyright © 2015 by Thieme Medical DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Management of Superbugs; Guest Editor, Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0034-1398490.
David L. Paterson, MBBS, PhD, FRACP, New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 1069-3424.
FRCPA Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Applying Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Principles in Critically Ill Patients Abdul-Aziz et al. 137
treatment of infection-driven pathologies such as sepsis. crease the likelihood of treatment success as well as minimize
There is strong evidence to suggest that optimal antibiotic the emergence of resistance.
therapy may have a greater impact on patients’ survival when
compared with novel treatment strategies such as the use of
Applied Clinical Pharmacology of Antibiotics
activated protein C,8 antithrombin III,9 and intensive insulin
therapy in these patients.10–13 However, the process of Pharmacology is the science of drugs including the study of
optimizing antibiotic therapy can be a daunting challenge drug actions. Two principle areas of pharmacology are PK and
in the ICU for a variety of reasons. Extreme physiological PD. Traditionally, antibiotic dosing and administration were
derangements that can occur from either pharmacological only optimized, in accordance with the PK/PD principles, for
interventions or the natural course of critical illness may alter clinical efficacy (i.e., clinical and microbiological cure) with an
antibiotic concentrations and consequently reduce antibiotic associated collateral damage being the selection of resistant
exposure in critically ill patients.14 In addition, pathogens pathogens. Emerging data are suggesting that the PD-based
that are usually isolated in the ICU differ from the general dosing approach should not only aim to maximize clinical
wards, as they are commonly less susceptible to common outcomes but also to include the suppression of resistance.
Time (hours)
Fig. 1 The graphical illustration of fundamental pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of antibiotics on a hypothetical
concentration–time curve. AUC, area under the concentration–time curve; Cmax , maximum drug concentration; C min , minimum drug
concentration; MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; T >MIC , duration of time that drug concentration remains above MIC.
considered in earlier studies, and that many data retrieved cure and not on minimization of the emergence of antibiotic
from older literature established only the relationship be- resistance. To date, most of the data describing PK/PD and its
tween Cmax/MIC and effect parameter. From a theoretical association with antibiotic resistance comes from preclinical,
point of view, most of the antibiotics should show a relation- albeit advanced, PK/PD infection models. However, the anti-
ship with AUC and effect rather than Cmax. biotic exposure required for clinical efficacy and resistance
Based on the PK/PD indices, antibiotics can be classified suppression is markedly different. For instance, the antibiotic
into three categories that, by and large reflect their modes of exposure–response relationship for clinical efficacy is mono-
bacterial killing.28–30 The first category includes antibiotics tonic or can also be described as a sigmoidal relationship in
where the difference between the maximum effect and which no measurable antibiotic effect is expected at lower
minimum effect is relatively large, and increasing concen- drug exposures while larger exposures are expected to aug-
trations result in progressively increased killing. Therefore, ment the bactericidal effect up to a certain threshold. In
these are also sometimes called concentration-dependent contrast, the relationship between antibiotic exposure and
antibiotics, and include aminoglycosides and quinolones. the selection of resistant mutants is markedly non-monotonic
For these antimicrobials, AUC/MIC describes their antibiotic and has the shape of an inverted “U,” where resistant mutants
activity best, and, mainly because AUC/MIC is closely corre- are amplified with initial antibiotic exposure and then slowly
lated to Cmax/MIC, Cmax/MIC as well.31,32 On the other hand, decline with increasing exposure up to an optimal threshold
time-dependent antibiotics’ activity, such as the β-lactams, is that ultimately prevents resistance amplifications.36–39 The
strongly correlated with fT>MIC and as such, prolonging the inverted U-shape seems to follow a log normal distribution.40
duration of effective drug exposure should be the priority In addition, Jumbe et al40 found that an AUC0–24/MIC of 110
when this antibiotic class is used.33,34 However, some anti- for levofloxacin, which was twice that was necessary for
biotics such as the glycopeptides are more complex where optimal bactericidal effect, was required to suppress drug-
they are found to display both concentration- and time- resistant population of P. aeruginosa in a mouse thigh infec-
dependent kill characteristics.34 For these antibiotics, the tion model.41 This information, among other similar obser-
ratio of AUC0–24/MIC describes their antibiotic activity best vations, has indicated that the magnitude of the PK/PD indices
and higher thresholds are closely related to successful clinical for resistance suppression is generally different and higher
outcome.35 than the thresholds required for clinical success.37,42–44
Therefore, antibiotic dosing that only aims to optimize clinical
efficacy may potentially amplify resistance formation by
selecting mutant bacterial strains with reduced drug suscep-
Considerations and the Resistance
tibility. With enhanced knowledge on antibiotic PK/PD over
recent years, important hypotheses and concepts, such as the
Most of the earlier research on optimizing antibiotic dosing mutant selection window (MSW) and mutant prevention
was focused only on maximizing clinical and microbiological concentrations (MPCs), have been proposed to provide
potential explanations as to how suboptimal antibiotic expo- The MSW hypothesis is potentially important, as contem-
sure may amplify the selection of resistant bacterial strains. In porary antibiotic dosing tends to produce drug concentra-
addition, the dynamics of bacterial populations under various tions within the critical zone where they selectively amplify
dosing regimens can be described using mixture models, the growth of resistant mutants. Essentially, the higher the
where changes in susceptible and resistant subpopulations percentage of time (t) spent by an antibiotic within the MSW
in relation to drug concentrations are quantified.38,41,42,45,46 (tMSW), the greater the opportunity for resistant mutants to
be selected and amplified. Furthermore, the continuous and
Mutant Selection Window prolonged “careless” practice of “dosing to only cure” in the
The term “selective window” (SW), which was first coined by ICU eventually leads to the resistant mutants being the
Baquero,47,48 refers to a critical range of antibiotic concen- dominant bacterial population and it is only at this point
trations in which drug-resistant bacterial mutants could be that surveillance studies would be alerted to the emergent
selectively enriched and amplified when exposed to concen- resistant isolates. The MSW has been defined for many of the
trations in this zone. Subsequent in vitro studies, utilizing quinolones and some of the β-lactams against various micro-
mycobacteria treated with quinolones, were able to define the organisms.60–62 Nevertheless, this concept is currently con-
Fig. 2 Graphical illustration of the mutant selection window and mutant prevention concentration on a hypothetical concentration–time curve.
The MSW describes the range of antibiotic concentrations where resistant mutants may be selectively amplified and these concentration zones are
those between the MIC of the susceptible pathogens and that of the least susceptible mutants, i.e., MPC. In area (A), which is below the MIC, no
resistant mutants are expected to grow, as there is no selective pressure in this area. In area (C), which is above the MPC, the growth of resistant
mutants is severely restricted and highly unlikely as the exposure in the area is able to suppress the growth of the least susceptible pathogens. On
the contrary, the selection of resistant mutants would be most intense in area (B) which is also known as MSW. Conversely, the longer the time
spent by an antibiotic in this concentration zone, the greater the opportunity for resistant mutants to be selected and amplified. Cmax , maximum
drug concentration; C min, minimum drug concentration; MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; MPC, mutant prevention concentration; MSW,
mutant selection window.
mutants are expected to be severely hindered. Conversely, indices that have been shown to correlate with both outcomes
antibiotic dosing that aims to achieve concentrations higher are presented in ►Table 1.
than the MPC, as opposed to MIC, theoretically provides both
an optimal bactericidal effect and resistance suppression. Quinolones
Furthermore, the ratio of AUC0–24 to MPC (AUC0–24/MPC) as Quinolones are mostly lipophilic antibiotics and display largely
opposed to AUC0–24/MIC is also suggested as a predictor of the concentration-dependent kill characteristics but with some
development of resistance in several in vitro and in vivo time-dependent effects. Previous in vitro studies have shown
evaluations as MIC quantifications generally ignore mutant that the achievement of a Cmax/MIC ratio of at least 8 to 12 is
subpopulations.36,60,63,64 The argument has been mostly important for optimal bactericidal activity.68,69 Given the half-
tested in in vitro studies for quinolones where the mutant- life of most quinolones, this corresponds to AUC0–24/MIC
restrictive thresholds of AUC0–24/MPC were approximately values that correlate to efficacy. More important, however, is
one-third of those AUC0–24/MIC values.39,65 that the index has also been associated with the reduction of
The MPC has been described mostly for quinolones, al- resistant mutants in several experimental studies.70–72
though data for other classes of antibiotics are emerg- Several studies found that the ratio of AUC0–24/MIC is
Table 1 Optimal pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic indices for antibiotic activity and the magnitudes associated with maximal
therapeutic outcomes and resistance suppressiona
Antibiotic class Optimal PK/PD PK/PD magnitude PK/PD magnitude Optimal PK/PD PK/PD magnitude
index for bacterial for clinical efficacyc index for for resistance
killingb resistance suppressiond
Aminoglycosides AUC0–24/MIC AUC0–24/MIC: 80– AUC0–24/MIC: 50– Cmax/MIC Cmax/MIC 2094
16086,88,90 10089
Cmax/MIC – Cmax/MIC 831,66,87 Cmax/MIC 3094
Penicillins T>MIC 40–50% T>MIC34 40–50% T>MIC T>MIC 40–50% T>MIC62
Cephalosporins T>MIC 60–70% T>MIC34 45–100% tMSW 40% tMSW112
Carbapenems T>MIC 40% T>MIC34 50–75% T>MIC 40% T>MIC116
Abbreviations: AUC0–24/MIC, ratio of area under the concentration–time curve during a 24-hour period to minimum inhibitory concentration;
AUC0–24/MPC, ratio of area under the concentration–time curve during a 24-hour period to the concentration that prevents mutation; Cmax/MIC, ratio
of maximum drug concentration to minimum inhibitory concentration; T>MIC, duration of time that drug concentration remains above the minimum
inhibitory concentration during a dosing interval; tMSW, percentage of time spent by an antibiotic within the mutant selection window.
All values refer to the nonprotein bound, free fraction except when indicated otherwise.
Data have been summarized from in vivo animal studies and may utilize different infection models employing different bacteria. Where the index is
reported as a range, specific data for the contributing indices, which may have been derived from different studies, can be found in the associated
references. The data also reflect the 2-log kill and in some cases 1-log kill which may or may not coincide with maximum kill.
Data have been summarized from clinical studies and may recruit different patient population. Where the index is reported as a range, specific data
for the contributing indices, which may represent PK/PD thresholds for clinical or microbiological cure, can be found in the associated references.
Data have been summarized from preclinical studies, which may include in vitro and in vivo experimental infection models employing different
bacteria. Specific data for the contributing indices can be found in the associated references.
Values reported here refer to total drug concentration.
activity.34 In the 1980s, Moore et al32 suggested that an the gram-positive pathogens. However, clinical data from
aminoglycoside dose that provided a Cmax/MIC ratio of 8 to critically ill patients have not consistently supported these
10 was associated with a higher probability of clinical success targets. Some studies recommend these in vitro exposures to
against gram-negative infections. However, the investigators be the minimum antibiotic exposures required, with patients
chose the index due to their sparse PK sampling times and potentially benefiting from higher and longer antibiotic ex-
consequently, AUC0–24/MIC ratio was not considered in the posures than those previously described in in vitro and in vivo
study. Importantly, high collinearity existed between Cmax studies.33,102–106 It has also been demonstrated that maximal
and AUC. Several investigators have since suggested that the bactericidal activity occurs when drug concentrations are
ratio of AUC0–24/MIC is more likely to be a “better” PD maintained at four to five times the MIC, with higher con-
descriptor for aminoglycosides activity,29,89 in which an centrations providing little added benefit.106–108 Therefore, it
AUC0–24/MIC ratio of 80 to 160 has been advocated for its has been suggested that β-lactam concentrations should be
efficacy.89,90 maintained at least four to five times the MIC for extended
Although higher concentrations enhance aminoglycoside periods during each dosing interval to ensure clinical success,
activity, prolonged exposure of such concentrations may lead particularly in severely ill patients.109
infections.107 In addition, only a ratio of Cmin/MIC of >5 was also described that higher exposures are needed, specifically
significantly associated with clinical and microbiological cure a ratio of AUC0–24/MIC of 578, when treating critically ill
in this cohort of patients. Further, Tam et al used an in vitro patients with septic shock.128 Owing to common clinical
HFIM to demonstrate that a Cmin/MIC of >6.2 was required to practice of measuring trough concentrations when vancomy-
suppress the development of resistant P. aeruginosa mu- cin is used, a trough concentration ranging between 15 and 20
tants.108 The finding was later corroborated by the same mg/L is recommended for optimal outcome in hospital-
group of investigators in a neutropenic mouse infection acquired pneumonia and complicated infections.129,130
model, and in this current analysis, % fT>MIC of >40% was Although scarce data exist, it could be assumed that the
also associated with the selection of resistant mutants.116 development of resistance is linked to suboptimal vancomy-
Recently in an in vitro dynamic model simulating doripenem cin exposure. Through their in vitro PD model, Tsuji et al were
concentrations, Zinner et al found that resistant P. aeruginosa able to conclude that the development of vancomycin-inter-
mutants were likely to be selected at drug concentrations that mediate susceptible S. aureus (VISA) strains was driven by
fell 45% within the MSW (45% tMSW).117 suboptimal vancomycin exposure in the setting of dysfunc-
Similar to the other β-lactam antibiotics, maintaining tional agr locus in S. aureus.131 In addition, the investigators
variable,27,115,139–141 particularly in patients with severe resistance is driven by low drug exposures and prolonged
infections, and the phenomenon has, in part, contributed to duration of antibiotic course.162 There has also been some
treatment failures as well as the increased occurrence of debate concerning the rapid development of fosfomycin
adverse events in such patients.137,142 As such, therapeutic resistance when it is used as a monotherapy particularly
drug monitoring (TDM) of linezolid is beneficial in this in nonurinary tract infections. In a murine endocarditis
respect and emerging data are suggesting that general TDM model, Thauvin et al found that the combination of fosfo-
may optimize patient outcomes when linezolid is used in mycin and pefloxacin was more effective in suppressing
critically ill patients. In the context of antibiotic resistance, resistant S. aureus strains emergence when compared
low-dose linezolid (200 mg 12 hourly) has been associated with fosfomycin alone.163 In several in vitro and in vivo
with the development of E. faecium and E. faecalis resistant experimental studies, instances of synergism were also
strains.143 In addition, prior exposure and prolonged line- demonstrated against MRSA when fosfomycin was com-
zolid administration have been suggested to increase the bined with the β-lactams,164,165 linezolid,166 and moxiflox-
likelihood of resistance development.144–146 Nevertheless, acin.167 Combining fosfomycin with β-lactams is also
the development of resistance against the antibiotic has not strongly supported by in vitro data, which describe syner-
treatment of MDR infections.185 Among the relevant recom- ies,53,200,202,208,209 no randomized clinical trials to date have
mendations concerning CMS dosing is the need for an initial shown that the approach reduces the emergence of resis-
loading dose, as the conversion of the prodrug CMS to the tance. Furthermore, the benefit is particularly difficult to be
active entity of colistin is very slow and adequate colistin demonstrated in clinical evaluations, which frequently re-
exposure may be delayed for a few days. Although theoreti- cruit heterogeneous patient population and are not con-
cally plausible based on its PD characteristics, the adoption of ducted long enough to detect the emergence of resistance.
EDD is not suitable on the basis of the resultant prolonged In the face of rapidly evolving resistance phenomenon, it is
periods of low colistin concentrations leading to the forma- likely that we have to turn our attention to the concept of
tion of heteroresistance.173,174,180 Based on current PK data of rationally optimized combination antibiotic therapy, partic-
critically ill patients182–184,186,187 and in vivo PK/PD experi- ularly in the treatment of severely ill patients in the ICU. In
mental studies,173,174 colistin monotherapy would not be addition, the approach is likely to be important early in the
beneficial in maximizing therapeutic success and preventing course of infection when the inoculum of the infecting
resistance, particularly in patients with moderate-to-good pathogens is the highest.
renal function and for pathogens with MICs of 1. In addition,
Altered Dosing Approaches cure and not on minimization of the emergence of antibiotic
Optimal and timely PK/PD target attainment has been associ- resistance. With numerous preclinical data indicating that the
ated with the likelihood of clinical success and resistance magnitude of the PK/PD indices for resistance suppression is
suppression in critically ill patients.6 However, organ func- generally higher than the thresholds required for clinical
tion changes that may result from either infectious or nonin- success, antibiotic dosing that only aims to optimize clinical
fectious pathologic processes may alter antibiotics exposure. efficacy may potentially amplify resistance formation by se-
For example, the increase in Vd for hydrophilic antibiotics lecting mutant bacterial strains with reduced drug suscepti-
such as aminoglycosides,214,215 β-lactams,216 glycopepti- bility. Furthermore, the relevance of commonly prescribed
des,135 and linezolid,217 has been extensively documented antibiotic dosing is questionable in severely ill patients as
in critically ill patients. Importantly, this phenomenon leads most dosing recommendations have been derived from studies
to suboptimal antibiotic concentration and may impair the that do not consider the occurrence of pathophysiological
attainment of desired PK/PD targets for optimal activity, changes in critical illness. Therefore, with enhanced knowl-
particularly in the early phase of severe sepsis and septic edge on antibiotic PK/PD over recent years, emerging data are
shock. In this setting, higher initial loading doses of hydro- suggesting that the PD-based dosing approach should not only
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