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Breeding Biology of Guppy Fish, Poecilia Reticulata: (Peters, 1859) in The Laboratory

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J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci.

39(2): 259-267, December 2013


Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

The breeding biology of guppy fish, Poecilia reticulata (Cyprinodontiformes:
Poiciliidae) was studied during March 2008 to May 2009 in ‘Zoological garden
laboratory’, Curzon Hall campus, Dhaka University. Guppy bred all over the year except
in the winter months December and January with a peak period in July. They were
viviparous and multiple breeders, i.e., give birth to fry several times in the breeding
season. The mean egg diameter was measured to be (1.02±0.08mm) and fecundity was
estimated (40-89) per gram of body weight. The gestation period ranged 25-35 days with
an average of 28.1±2.12 days. Developmental stages observed under a compound
microscope were classified based on the changes in the developing eye, such as optic
cup, early-eyed, middle-eyed, late-eyed, very late-eyed etc. It was noticed that tail
portion comes out first at birth. The number of fry per brood ranged from 12 to 60. New
born fries were observed with transparent or blackish in colour having slender body with
jaws developed on mouth and were fully capable of swimming, eating, and avoiding
danger. Guppy grew rapidly, attained sexual maturity at 8 -10 weeks and reached full
size in 6 months.

Key words: Guppy fish, Poecilia reticulata, Breeding biolog

Popular aquarium fish, Poecilia reticulata commonly known as ‘guppy’ was introduced
in various countries for mosquito control and often loosely called ‘mosquito fish’. It has
been found to establish itself in both fresh and polluted waters (Ahmed et al. 1985). It
introduced in India as early as 1910 to control mosquito (Kaira et al. 1967). This
larvivorous fish are quite tolerant of a variety of water conditions thus can be used as
predators of mosquito larvae and they can be moved to water areas where they are
needed (Travis 1957).
Synthetic insecticides are widely used for mosquito control throughout the world, and
some of these has long residual activities and affect the environment adversely. Many
mosquito species has developed resistance to a variety of insecticides (WHO 1986). The
development of resistance in mosquitoes to insecticides, environmental pollution, the
high cost of control due to short duration of action of insecticides and toxicity of newer

Corresponding author: Email: reza.shahjahan56@gmail.com
260 Shahjahan et al.

insecticides and other reasons have given rise to a new thinking to find out other ways of
mosquito control. Among the various vector control measures, the biological control
method is favored due to its cost effectiveness. Larvivorous fish have been used in
mosquito control on and off for many years in different parts of the world (Ahmed et al.
1985). Guppies have the capacity to survive and multiply in both fresh and polluted
waters to solve this problem. An understanding of the breeding biology of P. reticulata is
a basic requirement for the successful proliferation of the fish, hence successful
mosquito control. The guppy is suitable for mosquito control due to its flattened head,
protruded mouth, small size and its voracious appetite for living on prey, especially
insect larvae (Bay 1967). It is a viviparous fish and is capable of increasing its
population in shallow or polluted water (Menon and Rajagopalan 1977). In Bangladesh
no published information on the breeding of P. reticulata is available. Researches have
been carried out on the bio-control of mosquito larvae by guppies (Ahmed et al. 1985,
Khanum et al. 2002). Therefore, the present investigation was carried out on the
breeding biology of P. reticulata in a controlled aquarium condition.

Materials and Methods

The experiments were conducted in Curzon Hall area of Dhaka University campus. A
total of 40 fishes was collected from Kataban fish market and from different drains of
Curzon Hall area and was transferred to rearing aquaria. Males were clearly
distinguished by having modified anal fin taking the form of a gonopodium and in
females, body colour was less bright and had swollen abdomen. Each of the aquaria
contained 8-10 liters of water. Water was changed manually every two alternate days in
the afternoon when the temperature of the aquarium water was close to that of the tap
water. The guppy prefers hard water and can withstand salinity up to one ppt. So, half a
tablespoon (8g) of salt was mixed with 20 liter of water every time during water change.
The broods were provided with bloodworms, Chironomus sp., mosquito larvae and
commercial pallet feed as their food and given twice a day in the morning and at
Diameter of eggs was measured for the estimation of the fecundity. Twelve ripe females
of P. reticulata were randomly sampled and the fecundity was computed by counting the
number of ova and the developing embryonic stages by dissecting the abdomen of the
gravid female specimens. The developmental stages of the embryos inside the gravid
females were observed by dissecting the gravid female’s abdomen. Different embryonic
stages found in the same mother fish at a time were observed with naked eye and under a
compound microscope (10X). The newly born baby fish (fry) were observed in ten
occasions, viz. (1hour, 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 days) of age, till up to 8 weeks.
Breeding biology of guppy fish 261

Results and Discussion

The month wise reproduction of P. reticulata was observed throughout the year except in
December and January (Fig. 1). Guppy began fry birth in February and ended in
November with a peak in July. In February, comparatively few mother guppies gave
birth. Hidebrand (1921) reported that the breeding season of guppy in the Southeastern
U. S. begins in May and ends in September and October. Davis (1978) reported that in
South-central Texas, the breeding season of Gambusia affinis, a closely related fish of
guppy ranges from March to October with a peak in April.

Fig. 1. Number of broods of Poecilia reticulata in different months of the year

In the present study, it was observed that the gestation period of guppy was 25-35 days
with an average of 28 days (Table 1). Guppy was reported to bring out broods at
approximately four-week intervals (Ahmed et al. 1985). Krumholz (1948) reported that
the average gestation period of G. affinis, a closely related fish of guppy (P. reticulata),
was 23-24 days. In guppy, fertilization is internal and takes place through mating of
couples showing specific mating behavior. Male transfers sperms into female body by a
modified anal fin called gonopodium. Male perform an S-shaped posture known as
‘sigmoid display’ and orientates himself in front of the females at the beginning of
courtship. Collier (1936) and Paden (1975), obsereved courtship behaviour in mosquito
fish, that was similar to the present study. Houde and Endler (1995) observed that
females exhibit sexual preferences for males with larger color spots, which is displayed
during elaborate “sigmoid” courtship displays.
The egg weight of 12 gravid females was 0.60 ± 0.04 g (range, 0.54-0.68 g) and mean
egg diameter was: 1.02 ± 0.08 mm (range, 0.9-1.2mm) (Table 1). Fecundity was
expressed as the total number of eggs produced by fully mature gravid female of P.
262 Shahjahan et al.

reticulata during the peak period of their breeding. The fecundity of guppy under
different body sizes as well as per gm estimated body weight has been shown in Table 1.
It was observed that total fecundity of various body sizes (range, 0.54- 0.68 g) was 22-
52, while estimated mean fecundity per gm body weight was estimated 63 ± 13.45
(range, 40-89). The results indicate that the fecundity was directly proportional to the
body weight of the fish, i.e., the fecundity increased with the increase in body weight. It
was found that the number of the fry per brood ranged from 12-60 and the number also
varied with the size of female. Larger females produce large number of offspring than
smaller fish. Shikano and Fujio (1997) reported that the female guppy gave birth 2 to100
fry, but the typical range is between 5 and 30. Nutritional balance, water condition or
differences in rearing procedure might be the cause of the variation.

Table 1. Fecundity, size of ova and gestation period of the gravid females of Poecilia
reticulata (n=12).
Body length Body weight Total fecundity Estimated Egg Gestation
(cm) (g) (mean ±SD) fecundity/g diameter period
(mean ±SD) (mean ±SD) body weight (mm) (days)
(mean ±SD) (mean (mean
±SD) ±SD)
(3.98±.208) (0.60±.04) (39.58±7.76) (63±13.45) (1.02±.08) (28.1±2.12 )

Embryonic development (in womb): As guppy can store the sperm of their mates, eggs
may become fertilized at different times facilitating the availability of several successive
embryonic stages at a time in a single mother fish. Studies on embryogenesis have been
limited by the fact that fertilization is internal and guppies are live-bearers. Normal
development of guppy embryos was observed at various times after dissecting gravid
mother guppies. Development of each batch of eggs was found to be slightly
asynchronous, most likely due to asynchronous fertilization. Embryos were withdrawn
from the gravid guppy and were observed. Eleven stages (Plate 1a-k) could be observed
during the study.
Fertilized eggs: Fully swollen fertilized eggs were observed as brownish yellow in
colour, rounded in shape and translucent (Plate 1a). The mature ovum contains oil
droplets that are evenly distributed over the yolk surface similar to the observation stated
by Martyn et al. (2006).
Blastodisc: After fertilization, the oil droplets coalesce underneath the embryo proper,
which forms a blastodisc (Plate 1b).
Gastrula: Gastrula was viewed under microscope with clearly visible archenteron (Plate
Optic cup stage: At the optic cup stage (Plate 1d), the eyes remain unpigmented, blood
vessels of the portal system are visible in the lower part of the yolk sac.
Breeding biology of guppy fish 263

Early-eyed stage: During the early-eyed period, pigmentation of the eye, including the
choroid, gradually increases, the pectoral fin buds emerge, and somitic as well as
nonsomitic muscles differentiate (Plate 1e).
Middle-eyed stage: During the middle-eyed stage, melanophores first appear above the
midbrain and subsequently behind the midbrain-hindbrain boundary.
Oil droplet Blastocoel Oil droplet Archenteron Optic cup

0.25 mm 0.25mm 0.25mm 0.25mm

a. Fertilized eggs b. Blastodisc c. Gastrula d. Optic cup stage
Eye pigment Pigment cells Eye
Eye Pigment cells

0.25mm Body
0.25mm 0.25mm
e. Early-eyed stage f. Middle-eyed stage g. Late-eyed stage
Body segmentation Somites Somites Tail Head



0.25mm 0.25mm 0.25mm Jaws ─ 0.25mm

h. Very late-eyed stage i. Straightened embryo j. Matured embryo k. Embryo ready to come
Plate. 1. Successive stages of embryo found in gravid guppy, Poecilia reticulata. The stages
b,c,d,g,h,i and j were observed by compound microscope (10X) whereas a,e,f and k were
taken directly by 13 megapixels camera. Name of the stages were according to Martyn
et al. 2006.
264 Shahjahan et al.

Late-eyed stage: In the subsequent late-eyed stage, a line of dark pigment cells appears
that demarcates the horizontal midline, and the mostly stellate black pigment cells on the
head increase in number, size and density, and become more dendritic in their
appearance. Head bent with chromatophores on it, eyes were large and huge blood
vessels appeared in yolk sac. Different regions of the embryo are often covered by
melanophores of different shapes (Goodrich et al. 1944 and Tavolga 1949).
Very late-eyed stage: During very late-eyed stage (Plate 1h), clear segmentation of the
embryo was visible. The almost rectangular flexure between the head and the trunk was
gradually straightened.
Straightened embryo: The myotome consists of approximately 22 somites (Plate 1i).
Matured embryo: Embryo was then observed with developing jaws and became mature
(Plate 1j). Matured embryo was ready to come out (Plate 1k). Some of the mature
embryo absorbed its yolk completely and retracted the yolk sac, but the rest came out
with a small amount of yolk. The developmental stages in present observation were
similar to those of Goodrich et al. (1944) Tavolga (1949) and Martyn et al. (2006).
The neonate fry was knocked by the mother with her head to learn swimming and they
floated and moved around the aquarium. The fries took birth with jaws developed on
mouth. So, they could easily take food immediately after birth. It was observed that from
the moment of birth, each fry was fully capable of swimming, eating and avoiding
danger. Shikano and Fujio (1997) also made similar observation.
It was observed that females typically mate with more than one male. Evans and
Magurran (2000) noted the similar facts in guppies during their sexually receptive phase.
Females have the ability to store sperm, so that they can give birth many times, after
mating with a male only once. Three to five times hatching was observed after a single
mating in several couples during this study. Constantz (1989) also observed that female
guppies store sperm for several months. It was observed that P. reticulata hatch its first
brood at the age of 3-4 months. Menon and Rajagopalan (1977) also reported that this
fish can reproduce at the age of 90 days. After giving birth, the female became ready for
conception again within only a few hours.

Development after birth: Newly hatched fries were blackish or transparent and slender
with chromatophore on head measuring from 6.5 to 7.5 mm in length. They settled down
at the bottom of the aquarium and searched food in the stones within 1-2 hours.
Characteristics of the different stages of fry development are briefly pointed below-
Fry, just after birth: Transparent, some are blackish or grayish in colour. Body slender,
about 6.5~7.5 mm long. Pectoral fins were larger than caudal.
One hour after hatching: All of the fry appeared transparent within few hours of birth.
Approximate body size was 6.5~8.0 mm.
Breeding biology of guppy fish 265

One day old fry: Fins clearly observed, pelvic fin is smaller than pectoral. Caudal fin
with dark spot. Length of the body was 6.8~ 8.5 mm.
7-day old fry: Caudal fin somewhat flat clearly appeared as a tail. A longitudinal thread
like structure, the alimentary canal was observed in the transparent body. Body length
was 7.0~9.0 mm.
14-day old fry: A primary concept might be achieved of sex differences. Female
abdomen was somewhat wider than male. Body measured 7.5~9.5 mm in length. Anal
fins of both sexes were similar.

─1 mm
a. Fry, just after hatching
─ 1 mm

b. After one hour of hatching

─ 1 mm
c. One day old fry
─ ─ 1 mm
d. 7 days old fry

e. 14 days old fry

─ 1 mm ─ 1 mm
─ 1 mm

f. 21 days old fry g. 28 days old fry

i. 35 days old fry

─ 1 mm
j. 42 days old fry
─ 1 mm

─ 1 mm
─ 1 mm

k. 49 days old fry l. 56 days old fry

Plate 2. Successive stages of fry development of Poecilia reticulate.

21-day old fry: The anal fin of male becomes elongated and tube shaped while in the
female it becomes small and rounded. Fin rays observed in male but not in female.
28-day old fry: Caudal fin of the male becomes coloured, especially appeared as
brownish. Female caudal fin was blackish in colour. Size of female became larger
compared to that of the male. The range of the body length was 8~9.5 mm.
266 Shahjahan et al.

35-day old fry: Male and female were clearly distinguished according to their size, tail
and anal fin. The abdomen of female became larger and flatter compared to that of the
male. Body size ranged 8.5~10 mm on average.
42-day old fry: Blacked tail clearly appeared in female. Body length was 91~0.5 mm.
49-day old fry: Male initiate their sexual traits and moved behind female. In some cases,
a dark spot surrounding the anus and urinogenital area known as ‘gravid spot’ present in
females while that was absent in males. Approximate body length was 9.5~12 mm.
56-day old fry: The male and female become sexually mature. Fins were fully
developed. Approximate body length was 11.5~14 mm. Body and fins were brightly
coloured in male.
The full size of male ranged 3~5 cm and female ranged 4~7 cm and reached full size at
about 6 months.

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(Received revised manuscript on 12 November 2013)

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