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Fusion Tech Act

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Fusion Technical and Integration.................................................................................................................

XSD based on the sample XML....................................................................................................................3
OIC Hellow World Service............................................................................................................................7
Agent in OIC.................................................................................................................................................8
Install Oracle DB XE, unlock hr schema, create table and insert data..........................................................9
Validate CC using OIC.................................................................................................................................10
PO Processing using OIC............................................................................................................................11
OBI Report ................................................................................................................................................12
OTBI Reports..............................................................................................................................................12
BIP Custom Job..........................................................................................................................................13
Navigation in Fusion .................................................................................................................................14
Personal Information.............................................................................................................................14
Person Management.............................................................................................................................14
Order Management...............................................................................................................................20
Notifications (Workflow).......................................................................................................................23
Settings and Actions..............................................................................................................................24
Tools .....................................................................................................................................................25
Security Console....................................................................................................................................25
Personalization and Customization...........................................................................................................28
Create and Activate Sandbox.................................................................................................................28
Edit Pages (Customize a particular page)...............................................................................................30
Global Appearance................................................................................................................................37
Structure (Add link to a custom page)...................................................................................................41
Accessing SOAP web service using pl/sql client.........................................................................................44
Accessing REST web service using pl/sql client..........................................................................................45
File Based Data Import (Manual) – Daily Rates..........................................................................................46
FBDI Automation using OIC – Daily Rates..................................................................................................47
Create Supplier in Fusion...........................................................................................................................48
Create Supplier – Reading from XML File ..................................................................................................49
Create Supplier – Reading from CSV File – One Record.............................................................................50
Create Supplier – Reading from CSV File – Multiple Records ....................................................................51
Create Supplier – Reading from CSV File – Use Lookups...........................................................................52
Fusion Technical and Integration
XSD based on the sample XML

Refer the files: OrderSample.xml and DetailedOrder.xsd

Answer below questions:
1. What is the root element of this XSD
2. How many 1st level sub elements exist for Order element? What are those?
3. Why does Order_id element has attribute type="xsd:integer" and Customer element does not
have type attribute?
4. What is target name space of this XSD
5. What is the meaning of maxOccurs="unbounded" in Item element?
6. How to make an element optional?

1. Order

2. Three. Order_id, Customer, Items

3. Order_id is leaf node whereas Customer is a complex type with additional sub elements

4. http://www.example.org

5. That means, Item element may repeat any number of times in the XML document

6. Use minOccurs=”0” attribute

<wsdl:definitions xmlns:tns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/SoaTrg1/GetEmpService1/EmpMed"

xmlns:inp1="http://www.example.org/emp" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" name="EmpMed"



<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.example.org/emp"

targetNamespace="http://www.example.org/emp" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xsd:element name="EmployeeDetails">



<xsd:element name="employeeId" type="xsd:int"/>

<xsd:element name="firstName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>

<xsd:element name="lastName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>

<xsd:element name="email" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>

<xsd:element name="phoneNumber" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>

<xsd:element name="jobId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>

<xsd:element name="salary" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>

<xsd:element name="commissionPct" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"


<xsd:element name="managerId" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>

<xsd:element name="departmentId" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="0" nillable="true"/>




<xsd:element name="empId" type="xsd:integer"/>



<wsdl:message name="requestMessage">

<wsdl:part name="request" element="inp1:empId"/>


<wsdl:message name="replyMessage">

<wsdl:part name="reply" element="inp1:EmployeeDetails"/>


<wsdl:portType name="Emp">

<wsdl:operation name="empdetails">
<wsdl:input message="tns:requestMessage"/>

<wsdl:output message="tns:replyMessage"/>




Refer above WSDL (file: wsdl\GetEmpTrigger.wsdl)and answer the below questions:

1. What is port type /name of the web service?
2. How many operations are exposed by this web service and names of those operations
3. What is input XSD element for operation: emp_details
4. What is the response XSD element for operation: emp_details
5. Does the WSDL document has end point URL of the web service? If yes, what is the value?
OIC Hellow World Service
This includes accessing the SOAP based web service using SOAP UI as well
Refer recording: oic-greetings.mp4
Agent in OIC
 Create an agent group in OIC

 Download Agent from OIC

 it will download a file: oic_connectivity_agent.zip

 Unzip the above file.

 Configure agent in the file: InstallerProfile.cfg (You can refer sample file from files folder)

 Follow the below steps to start agent:

 Open CMD in Administrator mode

 Change dir to the location where you have the file: connectivityagent.jar

 Run the command: java -jar connectivityagent.jar

 Enter user name and password of your OIC accont when prompted

 Leave the window open.

Install Oracle DB XE, unlock hr schema, create table and insert data
1. Download the DB: OracleXE112_Win64.zip
Extract the zip file
Install it using DISK1/setup.exe (Rightcick and Run As Administrator)
Note down the password entered during installation.

2. Unlock HR schema
Open command prompt
Enter the below command
sqlplus / as sysdba
Execute the below command
alter user hr identified by hr account unlock;

3. Create creditrating table and insert data

download files/create_creditrating_table.sql
Open CMD
Change dir to wherever create_creditrating_table.sql is exist
sqlplus and use hr as username and password

Validate CC using OIC
Refer recording: OIC_validateCC.mp4
PO Processing using OIC
Refer recording: OIC-POProcessing-Orchestration.mp4
OBI Report
Refer video: OBI Report.mp4

OTBI Reports
Refer videos:

 OTBI-part1.mp4

 OTBI-part2.mp4

 OTBI-Top10.mp4
BIP Custom Job
Refer recording: BIP-Custom-Job.mp4
Navigation in Fusion
In this activity, you will get familiar with the Oracle Fusion Apps User Interface. You can navigate across
different areas of the application.

Click on Home icon top right corner

Click on Navigator icon on top left corner

Navigate to some pages like

Personal Information
Navigator -> Me -> Personal Information
Notice that it has personal Information

Person Management
Navigator -> My Client Groups -> Person Management
Enter 101 in Person Number field and click on Search button
Click on Name field from the results

That opens Person Details in read only mode

Notice that there is Edit Button

Click on Book icon on the right

Notice that it opens a panel with related actions for the current page

Click on Manage Person

Navigate through tabs:
Manage Person, Contacts, Documents etc.

Also notice that, it shows the existing entries in the bottom portion
Have View, Create actions etc.

Click on any Number in any of the the boxes

You see list of Invoices in the result table

Also notice that there is icon the right. Clicking on that, you will find relaed actions.
To open any Invoice details, click on the Invoice Number column enry
Order Management

Click on either on the chart bar or any number to get the list of Orders related to that
Click into Order (number) column to get the details of the particular Order
Notice that, there are tabs Order Lines, Fulfillment Lines, Returns

You may further click and navigate across them.

Notifications (Workflow)
Click on Notifications icon

Click on More Details for BPM worklist app

Settings and Actions
Navigator -> More -> Tools

Security Console
Click on Users on the left Navigation
Enter user name and click on search icon
Click on the Display Name entry to manage roles of the user
Personalization and Customization
Create and Activate Sandbox
Click on Manage Sandboxes from the drop down of User name on top right corner

Click on + icon

Enter a name for Sandbox:bkDemo Sandbox

Clock on Save and Close.
Wiat for the action to complete and click on OK on Confirmation popup.

Search for your sandbox by entering the starting part of the name
Note that the name is prefixed with ApplCodeLongSB_
Select the row from the result (Do not click on the name, just select the row)
Click on Set as Active button
Notice tht the name of the Sandbox is displayed on top left corner, that means you are in the context of

Edit Pages (Customize a particular page)

Navigate to Order Management and Open any Order details, please follow the steps you used in the
earlier activity.
Click on Edit Pages from the Settings and Actions
Click on Select tab on top left corner

Activity: Show/Hide Items, Change Order

Click on the details section towards empty space on the right and select Edit Component
Click on Children

Un select an existing selected item

Select an existing un selected item
Change the order of the items
Click on OK
Notice that the changes are reflected in the main page.
Activity: Customize the value field of a particular item
Now select value displayed for Source Order System
Click on Edit Component
Note it has properties related to that item and possible to customize. Don’t do any changes though.
Activity: Customize the whole item field
This time, click on the label of the Source Order System

Click on Edit Component

Select the checkbox Show Required
Click on drop down at the right most of Label
Select Expression Builder

Enter Value: System Name - Source Order for the field Type a value or Expression (note: remove the
existing value)
Click OK
Click OK
Notice that the field is showing a required and also reflecting the label as entered in the previous step
Click on Close button on top right corner

Notice the customization changes are still reflecting in the page

Global Appearance
Navigator -> More -> Configuration -> Appearance
Activity: Change Logo
Select Logo drop down as File
Browse and select zenzar.png from lab->files
Activity: Change other attributes
Pages section:
Change Heading color to Blue etc.

Buttons Section:
Change Label color to Red
Border to Blue
Click on Actions -> Save As

Enter value for Theme Name: bkDemo – Theme

Click OK

Logo should be reflecting the new logo.
Open Order details and notice the heading, buttons, links etc. should be reflecting as per the changes
done in the above steps.

Structure (Add link to a custom page)

Navigator -> More -> Configuration -> Structure

Click on Create and Create Page Entry

Enter as per the below image

Click on Save and Close
Open Navigator -> More
You can notice new entry: Zensar Home
Click on that

It will open the link in a new tab

Accessing SOAP web service using pl/sql client
In this activity, you will learn how to call a SOAP based web service using pl/sql. You will be using
Calculator web service tha is available public (WSDL: http://www.dneonline.com/calculator.asmx?

Code reference: soapclient-plsql.sql

Refer recording: Soap-plsql-client-Calculator.mp4
Accessing REST web service using pl/sql client
In this activity, you will learn how to call a REST based web service using pl/sql. You will be using
Calculator web service tha is available public (https://api.mathjs.org/ )

REST API URL: http://api.mathjs.org/v4/?expr=2*5

You can do this activity similar to pl/sql client for SOAP web service.

Code reference: restclient-plsql.sql

File Based Data Import (Manual) – Daily Rates
Refer recording: FBDI-manual.mp4
FBDI Automation using OIC – Daily Rates
Refer recording: OIC-FBDIAutomation.mp4
Create Supplier in Fusion
1. Create Supplier table in hr schema and insert one row.
2. Use file: suppliers.sql
Refer recording: OIC-CureateSupplier-inFusion.mp4
Create Supplier – Reading from XML File
Create Supplier – Reading from CSV File – One Record
Create Supplier – Reading from CSV File – Multiple Records
Create Supplier – Reading from CSV File – Use Lookups

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