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Verbal Logic - 1: Test Drive

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Verbal Logic - 1

• Test Drive
• Fundamentals of Deductive Logic VA - 03
• Fundamentals of Logical Consistency

Number of Questions : 45

Test Drive 7. I despise human beings. I am a MIS ______.

Time Limit 10 Minutes 8. I can never be reformed or corrected.

I am IN ______ BLE.
Can you name me?
9. I create maps. I am a/an ______.
Directions for questions 1 to 5: Read and answer
the following questions. 10. I refer to a gathering of devotees.
I am a CON ______.
1. I treat new born babies. I am called a NEO
______. (TISSNET, 2017) Deductive Logic

2. I am a speech or piece of writing that praises Deductive Logic plays an important role in
someone or something highly. I am called an understanding the fundamentals of Critical
EN ______. (IIFT, 2016) Reasoning. It also helps us in answering inference
based questions in Reading Comprehension. Logic
3. I create dictionaries. I am a/an ______. also plays an important role in solving questions on
(TISSNET, 2017) Para Jumble and Para Completion. CAT has not
asked direct Deductive Logic based questions for a
4. I am an old person who behaves in a confused long time. However, other examinations like NMAT,
manner. I am SE ______. IIFT etc. regularly ask such questions. One also
needs to develop a strong logical thinking ability in
5. I pretend to be someone I am not. I am a order to perform well in the Writing Ability Test which
CHA ______. has become a staple feature in the Interview process
for all major B-Schools.
6. I can speak many languages fluently. I am a
PO ______.

VA - 03 Page 1
This exercise will help you: 11. Statements: All flowers are rooms. Some
a. Understand the fundamentals of Deductive rooms are windows. All cards are windows.
b. Have an orientation to Logical Consistency Conclusions:
c. Grasp the techniques involved in solving I. Some rooms are cards.
questions based on Deductive Logic and II. At least some windows are flowers.
Logical Consistency
12. Statements: Some inputs are outputs. All
Fundamentals of Deductive Logic
outputs are necessary. No necessary is a
Deductive Reasoning was developed by Aristotle,
Thales, and Pythagoras who were renowned
philosophers of the classical period. Deductive
I. No output is a result.
reasoning uses deductive arguments to move from
premises (given statements), which are assumed to II. Some necessary are not outputs.
be true, to conclusions which are necessarily true
under the given condition. Deductive reasoning 13. Statements: Some benches are trees. Some
applies general principles to arrive at specific trees are flowers. All flowers are fruits.
conclusions. Let’s solve a few questions to
understand the types of questions that have appeared Conclusions:
in various management entrance examinations. I. All fruits can never be trees.
II. All flowers being benches is a possibility.
Syllogism : Type A
14. Statements: All elections are dramas. All
Directions for questions 11 to 20: In each question elections are stories. Some dramas are not
below are given two/three statements followed by films.
two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take
the given statements to be true even if they seem to Conclusions:
be at variance with commonly known facts and then I. No film is a story.
decide which of the given conclusions logically II. Some films which are dramas are also
follows from the given statements, disregarding
commonly known facts.

15. Statements: No toffee is coffee. No sweet is

Give answer as:

(1) If only conclusion I follows

(2) If only conclusion II follows Conclusions:
(3) If neither conclusion I nor II follows I. No coffee is sweet
(4) If both conclusions I and II follow II. All sweets are coffee

Page 2 VA - 03
16. Statements: Some forests are dark and hor- Syllogism: Type B
rible. Dark and horrible places are filled with
Freudian imagery. Directions for questions 21 to 25: Each question
has a set of four statements. Each statement has
three segments. Choose the alternative where the
third segment can be logically deduced from the
I. At least some horrible places are forests. preceding two statements.
II. All horrible forests being dark is a
possibility. 21. A. All cells are phones. MI is a phone. MI is
a cell.
17. Statements: All fruits are tasty. No tasty is B. No kidnapping is murder. Kidnapping is
illegal. No murder is illegal.
good. All goods are yummy.
C. Every state in India has a capital. Bihar is
a state. Bihar has a capital.
Conclusions: D. Students are ambitious. Only ambitious
I. All yummy things being tasty is a people are successful. Students are
possibility. successful.
II. All fruits being yummy is a possibility.
(1) C and D (2) A, B, and C
(3) B and D (4) None of the above
18. Statements: Some jobs are occupations. All
jobs are vacancies. No vacancy is an unem- 22. A. Some disciples are not obedient. All sons
ployment. are obedient. Some sons are not disciples.
B. Some ministers are not content. No miser
Conclusions: is content. Some misers are ministers.
I. Some vacancies are occupations. C. No Tejas is a tank. Brahmos is not a Tejas.
Brahmos is a tank.
II. No job is an unemployment.
D. The Northerners don’t forget. Theon never
forgets. Theon is from the North.
19. Statements: Some tables are chairs. All
chairs are pens. All pens are copies. (1) Only A (2) A and B
Conclusions: (3) B, C and D (4) None of the above
I. Some pens are tables.
23. A. Some history is controversial. Some
II. All copies being chairs is a possibility.
history is difficult. Some controversial is
20. Statements: All furniture are jungles. No B. All fathers love their sons. Tyrion is a son.
jungle is a road. Some roads are hills. Tyrion is loved by his father.
C. Friends is an entertaining show. Rohit has
Conclusions: not watched Friends. Rohit watches boring
I. Some hills are definitely not jungles.
D. Tasty food is not healthy. Pasta is not
II. No hill is a jungle. healthy. Pasta is tasty.

(1) A and D (2) A, B and C

(3) C and D (4) None of these

VA - 03 Page 3
24. A. Ross speaks Japanese well. Ross speaks 27. A. Only fools fall in love.
only Japanese. Only Ross can speak B. Andy is a fool.
Japanese well. C. Andy falls in love.
B. Kramer goes to Mass. Kramer’s friend D. Some fools don’t fall in love.
Jerry goes to Mass. Jerry goes to Kramer. E. Andy doesn’t fall in love.
C. Bernie is pretty. Pretty girls are decent.
F. Some fools don’t believe in love.
Bernie is decent.
D. No star is a celebrity. Only celebrities are
(1) ABC (2) EDB (3) BFE
famous. No star is famous.
(4) EBD (5) CFA
(1) A and B (2) B and C
(3) C and D (4) Only D 28. A. No yellow is red.
B. Red is green.
25. A. Castiel has a birthmark on his wrist. C. No yellow is green.
Angels have birthmarks. Castiel is an D. Some yellow is green.
E. Greens are not violets.
B. All emoticons are funny. All funny are
facetious. All emoticons are facetious. F. Some red may be violet.
C. Robin is popular. Patrice is not popular.
Robin knows Patrice. (1) EBF (2) BAC (3) CBA
D. No artificial is intelligent. Samaritan is (4) ADB (5) CDE
intelligent. Samaritan may be artificial.
29. A. Robotics is physics.
(1) Only A (2) C and D
B. Some robotics is not physics.
(3) A and B (4) Only B
C. Physics is tough.
Syllogism: Type C D. All tough is robotics.
E. Some tough is not robotics.
Directions for questions 26 to 30: Each question F. Robotics is tough.
consists of six statement followed by five sets of
combinations of three. Choose the alternative where
(1) DCF (2) CAF (3) CFA
the third statement can be logically deduced from
(4) CBD (5) DEB
the preceding two.

26. A. Some pals are enemies. 30. A. Banks are valuable.

B. Some pals are foes. B. Gringotts is a respected bank.
C. All pals are foes. C. Selence is a bank.
D. All enemies are hostile. D. Gringotts is the leader in Hogwarts.
E. Some enemies are foes.
E. Selence is valuable.
F. All foes are hostile.
F. Hogwarts is a leading market for banks.
(1) DEF (2) FDE (3) CAE
(4) CEA (5) BAE (1) CAE (2) BAF (3) BAD
(4) DCE (5) DBA

Page 4 VA - 03
Logical Consistency 34. Whenever I watch On the Golden Pond, I cry
like a baby.
Logical Consistency refers to the semantic principle A. I do not cry like a baby.
in Aristotelian logic where two or more propositions B. I watch On the Golden Pond.
are simultaneously true under some interpretation. C. I don’t watch On the Golden Pond.
Let us solve some questions based on the D. I cry like a baby.
fundamentals of logical consistency.
(1) DB (2) CA (3) AC (4) BA
Let’s solve now!
35. Every actor is vain.
Directions for questions 31 to 45: Each question A. Marlon is an actor.
has a main statement followed by four statements. B. Marlon is vain.
Choose the alternative (ordered pair of the C. Marlon is an engineer.
statements) where the first statement implies the D. Marlon is not vain.
second and the two statements are logically
(1) CD (2) DC (3) AB (4) AC
consistent with the main statement.

36. He fractures his knee every time he plays

31. Either he pays me back or I sue him.
A. I sue him.
A. He did not play football.
B. He pays me back.
B. He fractured his knee.
C. I don’t sue him.
C. He did not fracture his knee.
D. He doesn’t pay me back.
D. He played football.
(1) AD (2) BC (3) CB (4) DC
(1) CA (2) BD (3) AC (4) BA

32. White walkers are dead or alive.

37. Khushi goes for shopping along with her best
A. White walkers are dead.
friend Cheryl.
B. White walkers are alive.
A. Cheryl doesn’t go for shopping.
C. White walkers are not dead.
B. Khushi doesn’t go for shopping.
D. White walkers are not alive.
C. Khushi goes for shopping.
(1) CB (2) CD (3) AB (4) AD D. Cheryl goes for shopping.

(1) BA (2) AB (3) CD (4) BD

33. Aunt Eleanor either reads or travels.
A. Aunt Eleanor doesn’t travel.
38. Jon Snow dies anytime Sir Davos is around.
B. Aunt Eleanor doesn’t read.
A. Jon Snow dies.
C. Aunt Eleanor reads.
B. Sir Davos is not around.
D. Aunt Eleanor travels.
C. Sir Davos is around.
(1) CA (2) DB (3) AC (4) AB D. Jon Snow doesn’t die.

(1) AC (2) CA (3) DC (4) AB

VA - 03 Page 5
39. Each time Monica cleans the house, Chandler 43. Only if I eat a pastry, I will go for a walk.
gets mad. A. I ate a pastry.
A. Monica cleans the house. B. I didn’t go for a walk.
B. Chandler gets mad. C. I went for a walk.
C. Chandler doesn’t get mad. D. I didn’t eat a pastry.
D. Monica doesn’t clean the house.
(1) AB (2) AC (3) DB (4) BD
(1) BA (2) AB (3) DC (4) CA
44. The mother shouts only when she is angry.
40. Arjun goes shopping with Salman on Thursday A. The mother is not shouting.
only if Kapoor is not with Khan. B. The mother is angry.
A. Arjun goes shopping with Salman on C. The mother is shouting.
Wednesday. D. The mother is not angry.
B. Kapoor is with Khan.
C. Kapoor is not with Khan. (1) CB (2) DA
D. Arjun did not go shopping with Salman (3) BC (4) Both (1) and (2)
on Thursday.
45. Joker smiles only when Bruce is not present.
(1) AC (2) AB (3) BD (4) BA A. Bruce is present.
B. Joker is smiling.
41. Arnav shouts only if Lekhi talks about politics. C. Brue is not present.
A. Lekhi doesn’t talk about politics. D. Joker is not smiling.
B. Arnav shouts.
C. Lekhi talks about politics. (1) CB (2) BC (3) BA (4) DA
D. Arnav doesn’t shout.

(1) DA (2) DB (3) AB (4) AD

42. Mike gets scared only if Donnie tweets.

A. Donnie tweets.
B. Mike gets scared.
C. Mike doesn’t get scared.
D. Donnie doesn’t tweet.

(1) AB (2) BA (3) CD (4) AD

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VA - 03 : VL - 1 CEX-V-0240/20
Answers and Explanations

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 –
11 3 12 1 13 2 14 3 15 3 16 4 17 2 18 4 19 4 20 1
21 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 3 27 4 28 3 29 2 30 1

31 3 32 1 33 3 34 3 35 3 36 1 37 1 38 2 39 2 40 3
41 4 42 2 43 3 44 4 45 2

1. Neonatologist 13. 2
B en ch es

2. Encomium Tre e

Flow e rs
3. Lexicographer
Fru its
4. Senile

5. Charlatan Only the second conclusion follows.

6. Polyglot
14. 3
D ra m a story
7. Misanthrope E lection
8. Incorrigible film

9. Cartographer None of the conclusions follow.

10. Congregation
15. 3
Toffe e C o ffee S w e ets
11. 3 R o om

Flow e r W ind o w S w e ets

C a rd
None of the conclusions follow.

None of the conclusions follow.

16. 4
Fre u dia n
Im a ge ry
12. 1 H = D =F=
Fo re st D a rk FI
O utpu t
In pu t = N ece ssary R e su lt
H o rrib le

Only the first conclusion follows. Both conclusions follow.

VA - 03 Page 1
17. 2
Yu m m y 22. 4 A.
D iscip les

O be dien t
Fru its Tasty G oo d

Only the second conclusion follows.

B. M in iste rs
C o nte nt M iser

18. 4 Vacan cy

C. Tejas Tan k B ra hm o s
O ccu pation
D o n’t fo rge t

U n em ploym en t D. N o rthe rn ers

Th eo n

Both the conclusions follow.

19. 4 H isto ry
Tab le s C h airs P e ns C o pies T= C =P 23. 4 A. D ifficu lt
=C op ie s C o ntro versia l

Both the conclusions follow. B. By direct deduction

C. By direct deduction

20. 1
Jun gle P a sta

D. Tasty
Fu rn itu re H ill R o ad H e althy

Only the first conclusion follows. 24. 4 A. By direct deduction

B. By direct deduction
C. It’s not mentioned whether Bernie is a girl or not.
P h on es
C e leb rity
21. 4 A. C e lls
D. Sta r Fa m ou s

Ille ga l 25. 4 A. By direct deduction

B. K
M Fu nn y Fa cetiou s
Em o

C. By direct deduction

A m bitio n s P o pu la r
C. R o bin P a trice
D. Stud en ts S u cce ssfu l

Page 2 VA - 03
In te llige nt Fo ols
D. A rt
S a m an ta n (3) A n dy
L ove

H o stile s

26. 3 (1) E n em ie s Fo es N o lo ve

(4) A n dy
Fo ols
H o stile

(2) Fo es E n em ies

L ove

Fo es (5) Fo ols
A n dy

(3) P a ls

E n em ie s

G ree n

Fo es V io let
28. 3 (1) Red
(4) E n em ie s
P a ls

G re en
P a ls
(5) Fo es (2)
E n em ies Red Ye llow

Fo ols G re en
Ye llow
27. 4 (1) Fa ll in (3) Red
A n dy
lo ve

Ye llo w

(4) Red
A n dy Lo ve G re en
Fo ols (5) Contradictory statements can’t be validated

VA - 03 Page 3
36. 1 It is an if…then condition. The occurrence of the cause
29. 2 (1)
R o bo tics implies the occurrence of the effect. And the negation
of the effect implies the non-occurrence of the cause.
No other inference is valid. Hence, option 1 is the
P h ysics answer.

Tou gh 37. 1 It can be interpreted as “If her best friend Cheryl goes
for shopping, Khushi goes for shopping”. It is an
if…then condition. The occurrence of the cause im-
Tou gh plies the occurrence of the effect. And the negation of
the effect implies the non-occurrence of the cause.
P h ysics No other inference is valid. Hence, option 3 is the
R o bo tics
38. 2 It is an if…then condition. The occurrence of the cause
implies the occurrence of the effect. And the negation
of the effect implies the non-occurrence of the cause.
No other inference is valid. Hence, option 2 is the
Tou gh answer.

39. 2 It is an if…then condition. The occurrence of the cause

(3) P h ysics R o bo tics implies the occurrence of the effect. And the negation
of the effect implies the non-occurrence of the cause.
No other inference is valid. Hence, option 2 is the

Tou gh 40. 3 It is an only if…then condition. Here the negation of

the cause results in the negation of the effect. And the
ti c s

(4) P h ysics occurrence of the effect implies the occurrence of


the cause as it is a binding cause. Hence, option 3 is


the answer.
(5) Contradictory statements can’t be validated
41. 4 It is an only if…then condition. Here the negation of
30. 1 By clear deduction. the cause results in the negation of the effect. And the
occurrence of the effect implies the occurrence of
31. 3 It is an either or condition. The negation of one condi- the cause as it is a binding cause. Hence, option 4 is
tion implies the occurrence of the other condition. the answer.
Hence, option 3 is the answer. Both the conditions
can happen together. 42. 2 It is an only if…then condition. Here the negation of
the cause results in the negation of the effect. And the
32. 1 It is an either or condition. The negation of one condi- occurrence of the effect implies the occurrence of
tion implies the occurrence of the other condition. the cause as it is a binding cause. Hence, option 2 is
the answer.
Hence, option 1 is the answer. Both the conditions
may or may not happen together.
43. 3 It is an only if…then condition. Here the negation of
the cause results in the negation of the effect. And the
33. 3 By the logic of either or condition.
occurrence of the effect implies the occurrence of
the cause as it is a binding cause. Hence, option 3 is
34. 3 It is an if…then condition. The occurrence of the cause
the answer.
implies the occurrence of the effect. And the negation
of the effect implies the non-occurrence of the cause.
44. 4 It is an only if…then condition. Here the negation of
No other inference is valid. Hence, option 3 is the the cause results in the negation of the effect. And the
answer. occurrence of the effect implies the occurrence of
the cause as it is a binding cause. Both 1 and 2 are,
35. 3 It can be interpreted as “If you are an actor, you are thus, valid. Hence, option 4 is the answer.
vain”. It is an if…then condition. The occurrence of
the cause implies the occurrence of the effect. And 45. 2 It is an only if…then condition. Here the negation of
the negation of the effect implies the non-occurrence the cause results in the negation of the effect. And the
of the cause. No other inference is valid. And engi- occurrence of the effect implies the occurrence of
neer may or may not be an actor. Hence, option 3 is the cause as it is a binding cause. Hence, 2 is the
the answer. answer.

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