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Grades:1-3 Week:5: Warm Up Activity (Échauffement) Pancake Flipper

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​ ​Grades:1-3​ ​ Week:5
Voici les activités suggérées pour cette semaine. Below are the suggested Daily Physical Activities that your child can do
over the course of the week along with some links to guided lessons. 30 mins of Daily Physical Activity is recommended.

Activity 1:​ Warm up activity ​(Échauffement) Activity 2:​ Pancake Flipper

Curricular Focus:​ Non-locomotor skills, Functional Curricular Focus:​ Manipulative Skills
Suggested time:​ 30-40 mins​(including ​échauffement a​ ctivity 1)
Suggested time:​ 7 mins
Materials:​ Tape, spatula, paper plate, sock
Materials:​ None
Description:​ Start with ​échauffement​ from activity #1​ (pick
Description:​ ​Follow the link below for a guided kids warm-up a different character​ /personnage​ than the last time)
exercise session. This activity allows students to select their
“character” for each exercise and will complete the exercise their Follow the link below for equipment preparation instructions along with
character is doing (choose) from 3 characters for each exercise). No a series of “pancake flipping challenges” to practice manipulative skills
tech? No problem! Do each exercise below for 30 seconds with a 10 while using an implement. No tech? No problem! Follow instructions
second rest in between. below:

1. ​Running on spot with high knees Equipment prep:

2. ​Pushup shoulder touches:​ in pushup position, touch hand to 1.)Tape a paper plate to a spatula for your pancake flipper or paddle.
Opposite shoulder (alternate) 2.)Fold a long sock on itself approximately 4 times and flatten to create
3. ​Front squats: a “bean bag” ​(sac de haricot)​.
4. ​Kneel and kick:​kneel down to one knee the stand up and high kick Game Play:
With the same leg. (alternate) Practice different toss catch exercises using your makeshift “pancake
5. ​Jumping Jacks flipper” and “beanbag”.
6. ​V-sit toe touches:​ V -sit position then reach to touch toes Level 1. Flip with paddle/catch with hand then toss with hand/catch
7. ​Do the “Shoot move from Fortnite: With the paddle.
8. ​Mountain Climbers:​ in pushup position. Bring one knee up towards Level 2. Flip with paddle/ catch with paddle (right hand).
Arms. (alternate legs) Level 3. Flip with paddle/catch with paddle (left hand).
Level 4. Flip under your leg and catch on paddle.
9. ​Squat/Double Punch:​ Front squat then double punch Level 5. Flip behind your back and catch on paddle
How many times can you flip your ​“sac de haricot”​ over the height of
Link: ​ 7 minute character choice exercise your head and catch with your paddle in 1 minute? Challenge a family
member! Try to beat your own score! Have fun!

Link:​ ​P.E. At Home: Pancake Flip

Activity 3:​ Underhand throw/bowl technique Activity 4:​ Locomotion Is Fundamental!

​Lancer surnois
Curricular Focus:​ Physical Literacy / Manipulative Skills Curricular Focus:​ ​Fundamental Movement: Locomotor

Suggested time:​ 30 mins ​(including échauffement activity 1) Suggested time:​ 30-40 mins

Materials:​ 3sock balls or small hand sized soft objects Materials:​ ​A collection of small colored objects (different colors to
represent different locomotor skills: approximately 2 per color)

Description:​ ​Start with ​échauffement​ from activity 1 ​(pick a

different character / ​personnage​ than the last time)
Description:​ ​ ​PARENTS:
** It is VERY important that children practice Fundamental 
This week's challenge is to practice, in a variety of ways, all of Movement Skills (FMS) regularly. This week we highlight 
the aspects of a perfect underhand throw and bowl (​Lancer en fundamental locomotor skills ​(mouvements locomotrices) 
dessous)​ - one of the key skills of Physical Literacy. Please see with the correct vocabulary (Hop, Skip, Leap, and Jump).  
the poster below! Throughout this school year, we have been The links below focus on demonstrating seven important 
practicing this skill - through a variety of activities. locomotor skills and a game that they can complete to 
practice these important skills. Practice with your kids as 
often as possible!   
No tech? No problem! Practice the 7 locomotor skills listed 
below. Create a game or an activity (perhaps an obstacle 
course, a tag game, a movement game) that incorporates 
some of these fundamental skills. Be creative and have fun! 
1.) Run/courir:​ ​running forward using arms to pump 
2.) Skip/ sautiller: ​hop on one foot and step with other 
3.) Hop/sauter à un pied:​ ​one foot and land on same 
4.) Jump/sauter:​ ​two feet together and land two feet 
5.) Gallop/Galloper:​ ​one leg leads moving forward  
6.) Side step (shuffle/ pas chassé: ​one leg leads moving 
7.) Leap/ sauter en bonds:​ ​Jump from one foot and land 
on the other 

Link:​ ​7 Fundamental Locomotor skills

​Locomotor skills Treasure Game

Underhand Throw
Please remember that we also:
● Point our opposite toe towards the target.
● Use a pendulum (grandfather clock) action with our arm
​Please practice both a throw and a bowling motion!

Link:​ ​Underhand Throw Technique

​Sock toss game

Activity 5:​ Mini Hurdles (​haies) Bonus Activity:​ Your choice!
Curricular Focus:​ Functional Fitness Curricular Focus:​ Well-being

Suggested time:​ 30 mins (​including échauffement) Suggested time:​ 30-45 mins

Materials:​ 3 or more shoe boxes ​or other solid objects as Materials:​ Depends on activity
Description:​ I want you to choose an activity or game that
Description:​ ​Start with the ​échauffement ​from activity 1 gets you moving! Whether it’s going for a bike ride,
playing tag in the backyard, playing catch with a family
Follow the link (​lien) ​below to complete the “Mini Huddle member. Now that the weather has turned to warmer
Challenge”. What locomotor skill / ​mouvement​ ​locomotrice climates, perhaps go enjoy the outdoors. I want you to
(from activity 4) is being used to advance over the hurdles / choose something that you enjoy and get active!
haies​? Play the game more than once using a different
Remember to ask your parents permission, practice social
locomotor skill (hopping, jumping). Add boxes or raise the
distancing, stay safe and have fun!
height of the boxes to increase the difficulty. Compete against a
family member. Try to beat your own record. No tech? No
problem! Here’s how to play: Link:

Game Play:​ Place the shoe boxes on their side spacing them
​ tart on one end. Complete 5
apart to act as hurdles (​haies). S
jumping jacks (or another exercise) then leap over each box to
score a point. Repeat. How many points can you score in 1
Link:​ ​Mini Hurdle Challenge

Additional Activities without Technology:

1. Go for a 5 minute marathon power walk inside or outside, add in the 7 locomotor skills, lunges, squats during the time frame to
bring variety & break up the boredom
2. Quietly do stairs in your home, apartment or, noisily do stairs outdoors
3. Go for a walk with your family, take your pet dog or cat if you have one
4. Tapeball Games Find laundry basket(s) make a tape/sock ball of various sizes. Play tapeball hand hockey in a hallway, tapeball
basketball, tape volleyball, tape handball or tape raquet ball against a wall, over a homemade net.
​5.. Play Outside
6. Do some yard work for your parents!
7. Draw a Hop-Scotch outside - using chalk
8. Go for a Bike Ride, Scooter Ride, or Run (with parents permission).

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