Grades:1-3 Week:5: Warm Up Activity (Échauffement) Pancake Flipper
Grades:1-3 Week:5: Warm Up Activity (Échauffement) Pancake Flipper
Grades:1-3 Week:5: Warm Up Activity (Échauffement) Pancake Flipper
Grades:1-3 Week:5
Voici les activités suggérées pour cette semaine. Below are the suggested Daily Physical Activities that your child can do
over the course of the week along with some links to guided lessons. 30 mins of Daily Physical Activity is recommended.
Suggested time: 30 mins (including échauffement activity 1) Suggested time: 30-40 mins
Materials: 3sock balls or small hand sized soft objects Materials: A collection of small colored objects (different colors to
represent different locomotor skills: approximately 2 per color)
Materials: 3 or more shoe boxes or other solid objects as Materials: Depends on activity
Description: I want you to choose an activity or game that
Description: Start with the échauffement from activity 1 gets you moving! Whether it’s going for a bike ride,
playing tag in the backyard, playing catch with a family
Follow the link (lien) below to complete the “Mini Huddle member. Now that the weather has turned to warmer
Challenge”. What locomotor skill / mouvement locomotrice climates, perhaps go enjoy the outdoors. I want you to
(from activity 4) is being used to advance over the hurdles / choose something that you enjoy and get active!
haies? Play the game more than once using a different
Remember to ask your parents permission, practice social
locomotor skill (hopping, jumping). Add boxes or raise the
distancing, stay safe and have fun!
height of the boxes to increase the difficulty. Compete against a
family member. Try to beat your own record. No tech? No
problem! Here’s how to play: Link:
Game Play: Place the shoe boxes on their side spacing them
tart on one end. Complete 5
apart to act as hurdles (haies). S
jumping jacks (or another exercise) then leap over each box to
score a point. Repeat. How many points can you score in 1
Link: Mini Hurdle Challenge
1. Go for a 5 minute marathon power walk inside or outside, add in the 7 locomotor skills, lunges, squats during the time frame to
bring variety & break up the boredom
2. Quietly do stairs in your home, apartment or, noisily do stairs outdoors
3. Go for a walk with your family, take your pet dog or cat if you have one
4. Tapeball Games Find laundry basket(s) make a tape/sock ball of various sizes. Play tapeball hand hockey in a hallway, tapeball
basketball, tape volleyball, tape handball or tape raquet ball against a wall, over a homemade net.
5.. Play Outside
6. Do some yard work for your parents!
7. Draw a Hop-Scotch outside - using chalk
8. Go for a Bike Ride, Scooter Ride, or Run (with parents permission).