Changes in The Male Voice at Puberty: Archives of Disease in Childhood December 1997
Changes in The Male Voice at Puberty: Archives of Disease in Childhood December 1997
Changes in The Male Voice at Puberty: Archives of Disease in Childhood December 1997
112 644
5 authors, including:
Ieuan A Hughes
University of Cambridge
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Ieuan A Hughes on 14 January 2015.
each visit were divided into the following three
150 broad categories.
A y = 0.916x + 1.245
300 y = –111.573LOG(x) + 416.433 6
r = 0.762
C status
0 100 200 300 400 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Testosterone level (pmol/l)
G status
B Figure 3 Relation between the Tanner and Cooksey
300 y = –5.649x + 248.855
classification systems of puberty.
Singing fundamental frequency (Hz)
r = 0.884
laryngograph electrodes were strapped in posi-
tion to give the best signal, which was continu-
200 ally monitored on an oscilloscope during the
recording and recorded on uniaxial, chromic,
150 high bias Sony recording tape.
None of the boys was a chorister. Each boy
spoke his name and then read the phonetically
recognised passages ‘The rainbow passage’ and
‘Arthur the rat’. He was then asked to sing a
50 comfortable note within his modal range and
to ascend and descend the musical scale from
0 this baseline without entering the falsetto or
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
vocal fry registers. Lastly, each boy sang the
Testicular volume (ml) tune to ‘Happy birthday’ at a comfortable
pitch. Modal register was assessed using laryn-
C gography by comparing the recorded sung
400 y = 5.475x + 64.898
r = 0.510 notes with those of a tuned piano keyboard.9
The following measurements were performed
Testosterone level (pmol/l)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Results
Testicular volume (ml) Weight and height generally increased between
Figure 2 Relations between singing fundamental assessments at various stages, but the diVer-
frequency and (A) testosterone levels and (B) testicular ences were not statistically significant other
volume. (C) Relation between testosterone levels and than for weight between stages C4 and C5
testicular volume.
(data not shown). Figure 1 summarises the
changes which occurred in the acoustic param-
the basis of electrolaryngography.8 During cord eters studied. The speaking and singing funda-
abduction, air acts as an electrical resistor and mental frequencies showed a relatively large
current flow across the larynx is at a minimum. and significant change between Tanner stages
In cord adduction, the contact area allows a G3 and G4, whereas there was a more gradual
current to flow, thereby increasing the electrical change during stages C3, C4, and C5 accord-
signal across the larynx. The method is ing to the Cooksey voice classification.
non-invasive and does not require sedation. Figure 2 shows the relations between testo-
Acoustic recordings were performed in a sterone concentrations, testis volume, and
sound treated audiology booth using a laryngo- singing fundamental frequency. The correla-
graph (portable laryngograph processor) and tions were poor, except for a clear relation
the measurements were analysed on an IBM between testis volume and singing fundamen-
PC/AT computer with a PCLX system. The tal frequency.
Changes in the male voice at puberty 447