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Practice Problems: Divide and Conquer

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Practice problems: Divide and conquer

1. (exam1 fall 2003) In this problem we consider a monotonously decreasing function f :

N → Z (that is, a function defined on the natural numbers taking integer values, such that
f (i) > f (i + 1)). Assuming we can evaluate f at any i in constant time, we want to find
n = min{i ∈ N |f (i) ≤ 0} (that is, we want to find the value where f becomes negative).

12 n

We can obviously solve the problem in O(n) time by evaluating f (1), f (2), f (3), . . . f (n).
Describe an O(log n) algorithm. (Hint: Evaluate f on O(log n) carefully chosen values ≤ n
and possibly at a couple of values between n and 2n - but remember that you do not know
n initially).
2. (exam1 fall 2003) The maximum partial sum problem (M P S) is defined as follows. Given
an array A[1..n] of integers, find values of i and j with 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n such that

is maximized.

Example: For the array [4,-5,6,7,8,-10,5], the solution to M P S is i = 3 and j = 5 (sum


To help us design an efficient algorithm for the maximum partial sum problem, we consider
the left position ` maximal partial sum problem (LM P S` ). This problem consists of finding
value j with ` ≤ j ≤ n such that
is maximized. Similarly, the right position r maximal partial sum problem (RM P Sr ), consists
of finding value i with 1 ≤ i ≤ r such that

is maximized.

Example: For the array [4,-5,6,7,8,-10,5] the solution to e.g. LM P S4 is j = 5 (sum 15)
and the solution to RM P S7 is i = 3 (sum 16).

(a) Describe O(n) time algorithms for solving LM P S` and RM P Sr for given ` and r.
(b) Using an O(n) time algorithm for LM P S` , describe a simple O(n2 ) algorithm for solving
M P S.
(c) Using O(n) time algorithms for LM P S` and RM P Sr , describe an O(n log n) divide-
and-conquer algorithm for solving M P S.

3. Suppose you are given an array A[1..n] of sorted integers that has been circularly shifted
k positions to the right. For example, [35, 42, 5, 15, 27, 29] is a sorted array that has been
circularly shifted k = 2 positions, while [27, 29, 35, 42, 5, 15] has been shifted k = 4 positions.
We can obviously find the largest element in A in O(n) time. Describe an O(log n) algorithm.
4. In this problem we consider divide-and-conquer algorithms for building a heap H on n ele-
ments given in an array A. Recall that a heap is an (almost) perfectly balanced binary tree
where key(v) ≥ key(parent(v)) for all nodes v. We assume n = 2h − 1 for some constant h,
such that H is perfectly balanced (leaf level is “full”).
First consider the following algorithm SlowHeap(1, n) which constructs (a pointer to) H by
finding the minimal element x in A, making x the root in H, and recursively constructing
the two sub-heaps below x (each of size approximately n−1
2 ).

SlowHeap(i, j)
If i = j then return pointer to heap consisting of node containing A[i]
Find i ≤ l ≤ j such that x = A[l] is the minimum element in A[i . . . j]
Exchange A[l] and A[j]
P trleft = SlowHeap(i, b i+j−1
2 c)
P trright = SlowHeap(b 2 c + 1, j − 1)
Return pointer to heap consisting of root r containing x with child pointers
P trleft and P trright

a) Define and solve a recurrence equation for the running time of Slowheap.
Recall that given a tree H where the heap condition is satisfied except possibly at the
root r (that is, key[r] ≥ key[leftchild(r)] and/or key[r] ≥ key[rightchild(r)] and key[v] ≥
key[parent(v)] for all nodes v 6= r), we can make H into a heap by performing a Down-
Heapify operation on the root r (Down-Heapify on node v swaps element in v with ele-
ment in one of the children of v and continues down the tree until a leaf is reached or heap
order is reestablished).
Consider the following algorithm FastHeap(1, n) which constructs (a pointer to) H by plac-
ing an arbitrary element x from A (the last one) in the root of H, recursively constructing
the two sub-heaps below x, and finally performing a Down-Heapify operation on x to make
H a heap.

FastHeap(i, j)
P trleft = FastHeap(i, b i+j−1
2 c)
P trright = FastHeap(b i+j−1 2 c + 1, j − 1)
Let P tr be pointer to tree consisting of root r containing x = A[j] with child
pointers P trleft and P trright
Perform Down-Heapify on P tr
Return P tr

b) Define and solve a recurrence equation for the running time of Fastheap.

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