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Digital Marketing Actions That Achieve A Better at

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Digital Marketing Actions That Achieve a Better

Attraction and Loyalty of Users: An Analytical Study
Juan José López García 1,*, David Lizcano 2, Celia MQ Ramos 3 and Nelson Matos 3
1 Social Faculty, University Distance of Madrid (UDIMA), Vía de Servicio A-6, 15, 28400 Collado Villalba,
28040 Madrid, Spain
2 School of Computer Science, University Distance of Madrid (UDIMA), Vía de Servicio A-6, 15, 28400

Collado Villalba, 28040 Madrid, Spain; david.lizcano@udima.es

3 Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, University of Algarve, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal;

cmramos@ualg.pt (C.M.R.); nmmatos@ualg.pt (N.M.)

* Correspondence: juanjose.lopez.g@udima.es; Tel.: +34-696-634-589

Received: 26 April 2019; Accepted: 5 June 2019; Published: 8 June 2019

Abstract: Currently, the digital economy contributes decisively to an increase in competitiveness,

especially as a digital transformation involves migrating to new technological models where digital
marketing is a key part of growth and user loyalty strategies. Internet and Digital Marketing have
become important factors in campaigns, which attract and retain Internet users. This study aims to
identify the main ways in which users can be gained and retained by using Digital Marketing. The
Delphi method with in-depth interviews was the methodology used in this study. The results of the
research show the most important actions for achieving user recruitment and loyalty with Digital
Marketing from the opinions of consulted experts. The limitations of this study are those related to
the number of experts included in the study, and the number of research papers consulted in the
literature review. The literature review and the results of this research are used to propose new
solid research with a consolidated critical methodology. This research deals with a new approach
that will optimize web technologies for the evolution of user trends, and therefore, will be of
academic and professional use for marketing managers and web solution developers. The
conclusions of the investigation show the key factors, discarding others that do not affect the
optimization of conversions in B2C businesses such as the duration of the session and the rebound
percentage. Likewise, the results of the research identify the specific actions that must be carried
out to attract and retain users in B2C companies that use the Digital Marketing ecosystem on the
Internet. The requirements for companies that wish to implement a model to optimize conversions
using the current digital economy are also shown.

Keywords: digital marketing; websites analytics; lead generation

1. Introduction
It could be said that the Internet has been the factor that has most influenced the cultural,
economic and social changes seen at the beginning of the 21st century. Now, the consumer is the
focal point of business activities and the target of Internet strategies [1].
Companies provide their customers with positive experiences when using social networks and
web 2.0 platforms in order to strengthen their relationships with clients. These companies also need
to find out the reasons why customers identify with one brand or another on the Internet [2,3].
Traditional marketing, considered by Kotler as “the identification and satisfaction of the needs
of people and society in a profitable manner”, constitutes an exchange between consumers and
companies in the market, where entities generate value and welfare for customers. However,

Future Internet 2019, 11, 130; doi:10.3390/fi11060130 www.mdpi.com/journal/futureinternet

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worldwide Marketing has evolved rapidly in recent years, diversifying the approach, techniques
and tools used [4].
These modern marketing tools all have ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
integrated into the advertising strategies of companies so that they can compete adequately in the
new 2.0 markets [1,5].
Micro, small, and medium enterprises can use this technological business perspective to
modernize and acquire the necessary tools to achieve a permanent position in the market and above
all in the 2.0 sector, and successfully identify their clients on the Internet [6,7].
Ambler and O’Reilly used these facts to suggest a change from the traditional Marketing model
to Marketing using new technologies on the Internet and especially Digital Marketing [8,9].
Currently, in most cases, consumers can easily obtain a lot of information online before making
purchase decisions. They have access to suppliers everywhere in the world and also have up-to-date
market prices in real time [5,9].
The most modern trend of digital marketing arrives with Kotler, Marketing 3.0 “in the mind of
the consumer” [10]. Three years later, Marketing 4.0 “the importance of trust and fidelity” [11].
This has been the incentive for the creation of new Internet marketing strategies such as
strategic alliances, exclusive points programs, discounts coupons, banners, and even communication
strategies that had not been previously used, such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM
(Search Engine Marketing), SMM (Social Media Marketing) or ASO (App Store Optimization).
Different authors, starting from a traditional base, have developed different strategies that have
evolved from traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing. Different institutions have been created in
the non-academic research sector to study strategies with these characteristics. Institutions such as
the EIAA (European Interactive Advertising Association), the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau)
or the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) are examples which show the interest that the business
sector has in this area.
In order to show the conceptual and theoretical interest of academic authors in this area of
research, the various existing studies into Digital Marketing must also be explained. Authors
investigate different types of Digital Marketing strategies with different characteristics [12].
As we have previously noted, the growing use of Digital Marketing as a technique to achieve
sales in digital environments has led to a variety of published research in the first decade of the 21st
century, “Marketing Communication and the World Wide Web” initiated the scientific study of
these technologies and Internet Marketing [13].
In recent years, there has been a lot of academic research published about Digital Marketing.
Especially relevant are works [14] in which new ways to advertise on the Internet compared to
off-line media are shown; [15], Web Analytics can be used in Digital Marketing techniques; the
interesting work of Jayaram and Manrai [16] analyzes user behavior with AW on social media,
digital campaigns and mobile applications, and the mathematical algorithm proposed to analyze the
effectiveness of Search Marketing (Content Marketing) in any sector [17].
Other works show how Digital Marketing has increased business opportunities for companies,
and explain how advances in ICT have improved Digital Age Marketing [18]. Nabout, Bernd, Tanja
and Gerstmeier make a profitability analysis of Search Marketing techniques [19]. Pierre and Lester
propose a measurement model for Digital Marketing techniques when using search engines and the
work of Nabout and Skiera show ways to improve the investment made in search engines [20,21].
Research has also been done into the categories and subcategories of Digital Marketing on the
Internet. The aim of this research is to understand how users investigate and consequently make
decisions to buy goods or services with B2C channels. These channels are influenced by Digital
Marketing strategies which have only existed for around 10 years.
This document is organized as follows: the first section contains the literature review. The
second section explains the importance of digital marketing. The third section describes the
conceptual framework and develops the hypotheses. The fourth section explains the methodology
used. The fifth section presents the results found. The sixth and seventh sections show the discussion
and the conclusions of the study.
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2. Related Works
Net economy is a very important principle. The economy has not changed, but there are new
instruments and technologies that support economic processes; the economic use of data networks.
It is based on four technological innovations (telecommunication, information technology, media
technology, and entertainment) that impact the possible ways in which information, communication
and transactions are managed. It refers to the commercial/business dimension of electronic data
networks and is therefore a digital network economy. Different electronic platforms perform the
execution of information, communication, and transaction processes. The starting point for its
expansion is the development of the information society. The basis of the Net Economy is formed by
four technological innovations: telecommunication, information technology, media technology, and
entertainment. These innovations continue to significantly impact the possible ways in which
information, communication and transactions are managed. The increased support of business
processes using electronic systems takes center stage here. There are a number of terms for this that
can be identified, which can, to some degree, be used synonymously [22,23].
The use of the Internet in the last decade has been one of the most significant examples of
globalization. In this new Era of Information and the New Economy, Electronic Commerce
(E-Commerce) is one of the main methods for achieving new commercial, labor and social
relationships [24].
There are currently a lot of social changes in which new technologies are responsible for
changing different aspects of economic and social life. The Internet is constantly being used for new
ways of doing business [25].
The quality and performance of business services are improving and are being driven by the
use of innovative processes for logistics and the automation of services. Management, quality and
speed of data transmissions have become the key factors for competitiveness on the internet [26].
The use of the Internet conditions all stages of the new economy, which, together with
Electronic Commerce, offers new ways of doing business such as the new Marketing techniques in
the 2.0 environment [1].
Traditional Marketing techniques have evolved to incorporate new Digital Marketing
techniques, in which potential customers are considered as users. These users are people who buy or
use products and services on the Internet, and who also become prosumers by generating content
that interacts with the brand by means of the Internet [27]. Globalization has caused constant
changes in which information and knowledge play a prominent role. New business models are
being seen in which the traditional concepts of business, customer, taxation, and currency are
changing. From a historical perspective, it can be seen that the economy has had to adapt its
methods to satisfy the needs of individuals. New techniques have evolved for what some authors
consider the New Economy or Information Economy. Global information networks are transforming
the world, causing changes in different areas of human activity, such as competitiveness,
employment, and quality of life.
Time and distance cease to be obstacles for new technologies. Internet content can be given to a
mass audience or a small group of experts looking for a global or local link [28].
Marketing is a form of marketing based on the use of digital media with the aim of structuring
direct conversations in which the consumer feels identified [29]. Through Digital Marketing, the aim
is to boost the efficiency of commercial actions in these ecosystems. Kotler, Shalowitz, and Stevens,
referring to Digital Marketing, define it as, “a social and management process through which
different groups and individuals obtain what they need and want, creating, offering and exchanging
products with value for others” [30].
The economic and social changes that are associated with globalization give new economic and
production characteristics to companies. Producers and suppliers of goods and services have
worldwide access to inexpensive transmission of information for commercial or social purposes [31].
One of those changes is being caused by m-commerce. Commerce through mobile phones or
tablets (m-commerce) is defined as the purchase and sale of goods and services through wireless
handheld devices [32]. We are facing an online commerce adapted to touch screens and with
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 4 of 16

sufficient usability levels to be able to complete the sales process of a product from these devices that
can be connected to the Internet by mobile phone networks or by WIFI access [33].
The adaptation of e-commerce websites to these devices to increase the number of visits gave
way to a new concept: the APP (in English) or mobile application [34]. Also, the social commerce and
especially, the collaborative economy is playing an important role in the aforementioned changes.
Thus, for years, there is a similar model like collaborative consumption or social commerce:
collaborative economy, although it has some distinctions that characterize it as an economic model
of its own. Prior to its appearance, and especially before the Internet and Web 2.0 were born, product
exchange was limited to the most immediate geographical area of the consumer [35]. However, there
would not be a collaborative economy, as we know it, without the appearance of the web 2.0
technology. Hence, it is the result of taking out of the digital environment the culture created on the
Internet for the last fifteen years [36].
The concept of the “sharing economy” is coined under the term “collaborative economy”,
which began to be mentioned in 2012 in a special way in the tourism sector [37]. Nowadays, thanks
to the technologies mentioned before, we can access goods and services from all over the world
through four segments: collaborative consumption, contributory production, peer-to-peer finance,
and open knowledge. Collaborative consumption is the most widespread and developed segment in
the market. On its behalf, the contributory production designs a new industrial peer-to-peer
production model, based on the makers movement, the Do-It-Yourself culture (DIY) and the
application of the methodological principles of free manufacturing software. The combination
of these principles leads to the beginning of a new industrial revolution that democratizes
physical production, in the same way that blogs and social networks have democratized content
publication [38].
In practice, companies start to use the Internet as a new sales channel, substituting personal
visits, mail or telephone calls with electronic alternatives. Digital Marketing, therefore, is an
alternative that can reduce costs and is a fundamental tool in business performance. However, the
emergence of Electronic Commerce and the development of new marketing techniques questions
traditional commerce and gives new problems, while also increasing some of those which already
The fundamental basis for the development of Digital Marketing in the business environment is
the Internet. This is the technology that permits the use of electronic marketing techniques and has
allowed the creation of the World Wide Web, as we know it today. It is the technology that has
allowed the evolution and adaptation of traditional marketing techniques for the new digital
environment. A list of definitions of Digital Marketing is given below in Table 1:

Table 1. Definitions of Digital Marketing.

Author Definition
American Marketing Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
Association (AMA) communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for
(2013) [39] customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
“What a company does to publicize, promote and sell products and
Kotlet (2008) [31]
services on the Internet.”

3. Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses Development

Due to the rapid changes in Internet and the use of Marketing in the 2.0 environment, there was
little academic research about Digital Marketing available until a few years ago. A review of the
main research journals dealing with the type of research we are interested in shows that the main
topics of research which have been carried out are Digital Marketing, Electronic Commerce, Social
Media Marketing, B2C and B2B practices, Email marketing, Digital campaigns, Search Engine
Marketing and Optimization (SEM and SEO), Web Analytics for Social Media and Digital marketing,
Mobile marketing and Video marketing.
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This study aimed to discover the factors which influence the number of Leads obtained on the
Internet by a company. This was done by analyzing the online consumer purchase process. A
detailed literature review was undertaken to find out how these factors are used in the main Internet
Marketing channels [1]. The actions taken in the online consumer purchase process for Leads
acquisition and loyalty were grouped into the following research categories and then studied [15].
Conversions are the actions which the webmaster or web designer wants users to take. Some
examples of conversions are purchase, completed form, user registration, subscription to a service,
duration of the visit, comment on content, share content, download a document and request a call.
The following hypothesis was proposed after taking into account the above:
H1: The duration of the B2C session affects the number of conversions achieved
A new user is considered to be a user who visits a website for the first time. In technical terms, a
new user is a user whose browser does not have a previously stored cookie [4].
A bounce is a visit to a website that does not connect with the website and immediately leaves
it. There are tools that consider a bounce to be a visit only sees one page on the site. However, others
consider a bounce to be a visit which is shorter than a number of predefined seconds. Another very
important indicator is the bounce rate of a website (globally). This is calculated as the number of
rebounds from the total number of visits. It is an excellent indicator of the quality of the contents and
how well the audience accepts them, as well as the strategy proposed. Authors indicate that the
bounce rate can be calculated for the entire site, for a section or group of contents or for individual
content [40].
The following hypothesis was proposed after taking into account the above:
H2: The bounce rate in B2C affects the number of conversions achieved.
The number of conversions can be a measure of the success of a campaign and gives
information that can be used to act accordingly by either optimizing the campaign content (banners,
keywords, and bid strategy) or modifying the daily or monthly investment budget. As seen in the
section about non-scientific studies and research into Digital Marketing and Web Analytics; traffic
sources are needed in order to analyse the actions made and traffic received on a website.
The following hypothesis were proposed after taking into account the above:
H3: The source of the traffic in B2C affects the number of conversions achieved.
The traffic sources can be categorized for analysis into direct traffic; SEO traffic; SEM traffic;
social traffic; display traffic; referred traffic; Emailing traffic and traffic from other sources.
The following hypothesis were proposed after taking into account the above:
H4: SEO and Direct Traffic are the actions that most influence the number of conversions achieved in
B2C businesses.
SEO is a subcategory within Digital Marketing, highly researched for its impact and its
economic value for the company [40].

4. Methodology
The Delphi technique was used in this investigation. This technique is one of the research
methods used for prospective investigation. Delphi is a prospective method that is considered
suitable for analysing opinions made about any topic. These opinions must be made without any
pressure or influence from the experts that make up the group. This method means that the results of
any consensual study can be validated for the near future [41,42]. The Delphi technique is flexible
and uses consensual decision-making by experts for the subject under study. This technique uses a
structured process to obtain information from a previously selected group of experts for a range of
questions that are important for the subject under research. Self-administered individual
questionnaires are presented using web tools and are added to by spontaneous opinions and
anonymous comments that can be given at any time.
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Experts never exchange opinions with each other due to the risk that they may influence each
other’s responses. The Delphi technique systematizes a strategy for the analysis of opinions and
comments that can be understood as a type of group interview that has some special characteristics
[43]. The Delphi technique is a process that questions a group of specialists (carefully selected
previously for their knowledge and professional experience) and uses the answers from successive
questionnaires to find consensus of the answers given. The main objective of this methodology is to
find a consensus of opinion for the ideas or aims that the investigation proposes [44]. It is interesting
to note that the Delphi method, mainly due to the small number of participants—between 6 and
30—does not produce statistically significant results [45].
The different stages used in the method can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Diagram showing the stages in a Delphi study. (Based on Hsu and Sandford, 2007;
Torrecilla-Salinas et al., 2019 [46,47].

First of all, the main research question must be stated. This is designed by a group of experts
who are coordinated by the Delphi technique. A protocol must be established to ensure the correct
evolution and development of the investigation. Once the main question has been correctly posed,
the questionnaire prepared shown in Table A1 (in Appendix A), as Delphi Questionnaire 1) must be
given to the selected experts. Once the results of this anonymous process are obtained, an in-depth
analysis of the answers is carried out. To do this the group must be structured with the methodology
protocol [48]. Then, once the answers to the first questionnaire have been analyzed, a report is made
of any answers or opinions that differ from those given by the group. Once the discrepant answers
have been analyzed, a second Delphi questionnaire is sent. In order to do this effectively, the
conclusions of each round must be expressed clearly and concisely [49]. At this point the Delphi
process is repeated again and the questionnaire is sent to the selected panel of experts and the
answers are collected. These are analyzed and categorized in order to structure the discrepant
responses or opinions about the proposed problems. Afterwards, the answers and the evolution of
the comments made by the panel of experts are analyzed and a draft report of the conclusions of the
study is prepared. Some authors suggest that this draft report should be given to the panel of experts
to ensure that they confirm the results and conclusions of the process [48].
A final report is then prepared in which the evolution of each of the stages and questionnaires
in the process are described [48]. In the event that any member of the panel of experts does not agree
with something, the Delphi process should repeat the rounds of questionnaires until a consensus is
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 7 of 16

The profiles of each of the experts who participated in the Delphi process panel are presented
below. Experts from different areas of Digital Marketing were selected to enrich the variety of
opinions expressed in the results:
 Professionals from multinationals in the sector, such as Google and Facebook.
 Professionals working in different digital agencies in the Spanish and Portuguese markets.
 Professionals who work in traditional agencies with offline services but also occasionally
provide some digital marketing services to their clients.
 Professionals who outsource digital agencies.
 Freelance professionals who provide digital services.
 Professionals who carry out digital marketing actions internally.
This was considered a wide representation of the sector. More than 120 professionals from each
digital marketing area were invited to participate. The participation achieved was low, but more
than seven experts were found for the group of experts. This means that the results were relevant, as
stated in the literature review. Among the most common limitations and weaknesses that the Delphi
method involves explain that there is a low potential response. They also point out the cost and the
high consumption of time to mold opinions. These days, all these limitations can be overcome
thanks to the current speed of electronic communications, email and techniques that that boost the
participation of experts (recognitions, improvement of online reputation or publicity of results) [50].
Today, authors such as Heiko, differentiate two main concepts when processing the data
collected by Delphi. One of them is “consensus”, which means convergence of opinions towards a
certain value, and the second one is “stability”, which means that values are consistent through
different rounds [51]. Dajani, Sincoff and Talley discuss that this “consensus” does not make any
sense without “stability” and propose a decision tree to determine stop criteria for Delphi methods,
considering both elements. These arguments justify the choice of this method [52].
Regarding the characteristics of the experts consulted: according to gender 83.33% were men
and 16.67% women. Regarding age, the majority (77.7%) was in the age range of 35 to 49 years and
(22,3%) was in the range of 20 to 34 years. The majority educational level was Master’s Degree
(77,7%), Bachelor’s degree (16,66%) and Vocational training (5,55%). About employment, the
majority was Agency managers (83,33%) and researchers (16,67%).
The questions asked in the Delphi process were:

Table 2. Development of the Delphi method Questionnaire of Delphi survey.

Digital Marketing Recruitment Strategy
CA1 The strategic planning of the recruitment actions
CA2 The elaboration of an annual report of actions for User Capture
CA3 The control and monitoring of each one of the Capture actions carried out quarterly
The management of the volume of Capture actions according to the number of Leads
The Digital Marketing department must have a specialist exclusively for the actions of
User Capture
Tactics to Capture Leads in Digital Marketing
LA1 Search Engine Marketing
LA2 Advertising Display
LA3 Email Marketing
LA4 Social Ads
LA5 Video Advertising
Capture Leads in Social Media Marketing on Social Networks
ME1 Facebook
ME2 LinkedIn
ME3 Twitter
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 8 of 16

ME4 Instagram
ME5 Others
User Experience for Lead Capture in Digital Marketing
UX1 Landing page design
UX2 Web page load time
UX3 Number of fields to be filled in the form
UX4 Customized offers
UX5 Colour of objects that represent “calls to action”
Conversion Strategy for recurring customers (loyalty)
Strategic planning of conversion actions for recurring clients is an essential part of the
Digital Marketing plan
LO2 The control and analysis of user responses to the loyalty actions carried out
In the Digital Marketing department, there must be a specialist exclusively for sending,
LO3 managing and controlling the actions aimed at converting customers into recurring
Conversion of customers into recurring customers (loyalty)
CO1 Online after-sales service
CO2 Gift vouchers
CO3 Customer rewards (free premium options)
CO4 E-mail marketing
CO5 Testimonials on the web
CO6 Discounts/Offers
Future Leads Capture
FU1 Voice search
FU2 IOT (Internet of Things)
FU3 Mobile World
FU4 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A 5-point interval scale was used to evaluate the items in the questionnaire, where 5 gives
maximum importance to an item and 1 gives the least importance. Average importance is shown by
a value of 3.
A series of recommendations were followed during the design of the study questionnaire to
avoid the common method bias associated with the responses given to a range of different
questionnaire questions [53].
Questions using familiar terms for the experts surveyed were asked. Secondly, the
confidentiality of the answers was guaranteed so the survey respondent could answer honestly.
Finally, random changes were made in the order of the questions to verify that the questions were
answered frankly, and not randomly [54].

5. Results
The Delphi methodology states that the panel of experts must reach a consensus of opinion for
the concepts and questions which are given to them. In this study the panel of experts was made up
of 14 people and there were two rounds of questionnaires.
The way the Delphi technique was used to reach a consensus among experts and some of the
results obtained are given here. The rest of the results are presented in the discussion section. The
first phase for the Delphi question naira asked about the main theoretical concepts for recruitment
actions and user loyalty to ensure that the panel of experts identified the concepts [55].
The questions in the first Delphi questionnaire were grouped into categories (see Table 2) which
were: (i) Capture strategy; (ii) Leads capture strategy in social networks; (iii) User experience; (iv)
Strategy for converting clients into repeat clients (loyal customers); (v) Technologies according to
their importance for the future of the actions of capturing leads on the Internet, and finally, (vi)
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 9 of 16

Technologies according to their importance for the future of the actions of capturing leads on the
The Delphi methodology was used in two stages and the results of the second questionnaire
have already been analyzed to ensure consensus in the panel of experts.
Figure 2 shows that 92.9% of experts agree that each of the recruitment actions should be
controlled and monitored quarterly (sum of the percentage of opinions for options 4 and 5).

Figure 2. Control and Monitoring of recruitment actions.

In this case, we can see that the panel of experts agrees on the question raised, so the subject is
verified, and the Delphi procedure can continue. In the case of the importance of Search Engine
Marketing actions used to capture leads on the Internet (see Figure 3), we can see that three of the
experts do not agree that it is important for the recruitment strategy. In this case the comment of the
expert is recorded, and a comment is made to raise the question again in another way:

Figure 3. Search Engine Marketing actions used to capture leads on the Internet.

The analysis consisted offending the importance of each Leads recruitment and loyalty channel
on the Internet. For example, 64.3% of the panel of experts believed that Linked In was the best
option, followed by Facebook with (14.3%).

Figure 4. Recruitment using social networks.

Another result shows the comments given by the experts (see Figure 4). These indicate that
Leads can be recruited if the content is structured following the methodology and strategic
categories of B2C and B2B. The second round of questionnaires took into account the comments and
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 10 of 16

opinions of the experts from the first round and changed the questions accordingly. The results are
shown in Figure 5, where it can be seen that the most effective social network for Leads recruitment
in B2C is Facebook (80% True and 20% False).

Figure 5. Comparison of leads recruitment on social networks.

The most effective social network for Leads recruitment in B2B is LinkedIn (80% True and 20%
False). In this case, as a preliminary result we can confirm that the panel of experts agrees. However,
using the Delphi methodology, the experts must agree on the comments and opinions which are
made. In this study, there was an expert who still did not agree with the statements made in
questions 4 and 5 in the second round of questionnaires. When using the Delphi methodology and
the decision-making process for each expert in order to agree on comments to reach a consensus, the
addition of the expert’s ideas at each stage of the process makes the analysis process more complex.
In this study, the factors that were taken into account from the questionnaires were those for the
actions that promote Leads recruitment and the conversion of recurring clients (loyalty).
The Delphi study was supported by a conclusive statistical analysis. The aim of the quantitative
analysis was to show the results obtained from the data sources of the 30 companies in order to see if
there was a relationship between the results obtained in the Delphi process and from the in-depth
interviews carried out with the experts. Quantitative variables were measured with means,
standards, minimum and maximum deviations, histograms and bar graphs. Percentages and sector
graphs were used for qualitative or categorized variables. The quantitative data was analysed with a
set of statistical techniques in order to understand the data and the relationships which exists
between the variables. The quantitative data analysis used simple systematic methods to organize
and prepare the data, (i) to detect if errors exist in the design and collection of data; (ii) treatment and
evaluation of missing data; (iii) identification of atypical cases (outliers) and (iv) verification of the
underlying assumptions in most of the multivariate techniques (normality, linearity,
homoscedasticity). This phase of the research process is considered conclusive because it gives
objectivity to the study and reinforces the previous research phases.
In the following discussion section, each of the actions under study is considered and the
preliminary results of this research are given.

6. Discussion
The Delphi methodology was to reach a consensus of opinion about the actions that maximize
the recruitment and loyalty of leads in a Digital Marketing strategy for on-line consumers in B2C
businesses. The results of the Delphi process were organized into two large groups of actions, which
were (i) Recruitment and (ii) Loyalty (conversion of recurring customers). For the first group, the
results showed that the actions should be divided into three subgroups:
(i). DDBB. Generation of Leads from actions that use information in Databases.
The actions that use a Database for Leads recruitment could be grouped into two types of
strategies: (i) Campaigns on Twitter and (ii) Email marketing campaigns. The Database information
can be obtained in two ways: (i) Purchase of quality databases or (ii) Construct a database using the
actions mentioned above.
(ii). Advertising (Ads) on social networks.
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 11 of 16

Two social networks stood out for leads recruitment campaigns, (i) Facebook and (ii) LinkedIn.
Although advertising on all social networks works correctly, segments the audience, and achieves
high conversion ratios, the panel of experts believed that advertising is most effective on two social
networks, Facebook for B2C-type businesses and Linked In for B2B-type businesses.
(iii). Special Digital Marketing Actions.
There are two types of special actions for Digital Marketing strategies, (i) Display Advertising
and (ii) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing).
Display-type actions are effective due to the high amount of segmentation used and the impact
on direct audiences. These actions are called RTB actions, although they are commonly known
among experts as Display-type advertising. Marketing on Search engines can also be seen to be an
effective strategy because it receives the highest amount of business in the digital market in Spain.
The most effective strategies are organic positioning of searches and sponsored searches on search
engines and blogs.
Loyalty actions (Recurring customer conversions) have two main categories of actions due to
their effectiveness: (i) After-sales service and (ii) Email-marketing services.
(iv). After-sales service
There was a complete consensus on this point from the two rounds of questionnaires. The
results showed that freemium-type compensation actions are most effective.
When using this type of actions, the business allows customers to test new products or services
using a freemium strategy so that the client trusts the business and tries new experiences for free,
although the long-term strategy is to turn that user into a premium user of the product offered.
(v). Email-marketing sends
For Loyalty actions (Recurring customer conversions) email-marketing strategies are the most
effective as they offer discounts and personalized promotions for each of the segmented groups in
the Database (BBDD).
The theoretical framework was confirmed by the feedback obtained from the panel of experts,
and then the next stages of the Delphi process started. The panel of experts who agreed to take part
was made up of 18 experts from the Digital Marketing industry. The conclusions made from the
information and comments given by the panel of experts are given below:
The actions to generate the Database aim to attract Leads in order to contract B2C-type
businesses. The experts suggest that the Leads should be gathered with campaigns on Twitter and
Email Marketing due to the nature of these social networks. In addition, the Data bases of Leads for
B2C-type businesses should use two main channels to obtain the Leads: the purchase of quality
databases and the generation of a database of customers that the company has.
The social networks that are most useful for the capture of leads for B2C-type businesses are
Facebook and Twitter because they are social networks that share content in a non-intrusive way
with advertising campaigns which provide the user with interesting information and content. The
social network that the panel of experts preferred for Loyalty actions (actions to convert customers
into recurrent/loyal customers) for B2C was YouTube. It is the social network that has the best ratios
of content categorization and segmentation as it uses visual adverts which are related to the content
a user is watching.

7. Conclusions
The results of this study have important practical implications for Managers of Digital
Communication Agencies and people responsible for online content and e-commerce stores, as well
as for Academics and Researchers.
The results of this research conclude that the future of Leads generating actions in the mobile
ecosystem will be influenced by voice searches from mobile devices and the influence of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), although the panel of experts indicate that this will happen in the long-term.
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 12 of 16

The same situation as for Recruitment actions is expected for Loyalty actions (conversion of
recurring customers). In his case however, innovation is introduced using the Internet of Things
Experts point out that (IoT) will be less intrusive than certain current advertising actions and
that, therefore, it will be consolidated in the future as one of the strategies for user loyalty.
In comparing with other authors from Europe and USA we have evidenced that (AI) and (IoT)
is being incorporated in digital marketing actions and probably will be very important in the near
future [56,57].
Within the broad ecosystem of possibilities offered by Digital Marketing on the Internet, this
research demonstrates and clarifies the specific actions that must be carried out to attract and retain
Leads after studying the consumer’s on-line purchase process.
The research hypotheses were formulated and then tested by using of the prospective research
technique known as the “Delphi method”.
The Delphi method is a prospective methodology for finding consensus on any type of
short-term future question. This methodology found that the future of Lead recruitment and Loyalty
of users for B2C-type businesses must be mobile friendly because of the increase in the use of this
technology and the purchasing power of the users. The most influential technologies for Leads
recruitment of B2C-type businesses will be Voice Searches and Artificial Intelligence. These must
also be Mobile Friendly.
From the results of the study it can be seen that customer loyalty actions (conversion of clients
into recurring/loyal customers) improve the results of long-term online recruitment campaigns for
B2C businesses. SEO and SEM search engine marketing campaigns should be carried out to attract
customers and clients for B2C companies.
It can also be seen that customer loyalty actions (conversion of clients into recurring / loyal
customers) for B2C-type businesses should be grouped into two types, (i) After-sales service and (ii)
Email Marketing.B2C type businesses should use After-Sales Service with Freemium-type actions or
Testing of products because they are highly effective with a high success rate.
Therefore, it is important to analyze how each user’s results contribute to the global results in
order to determine which measurement has no direct relationship with the achievement of
Email marketing actions for B2C businesses should use (i) Discounts and (ii) Personalized
Offers for the customer. These actions are highly attractive for customers and can provide the
company with a lot of useful data and Leads.
The results of this study show that the information for a Database which will be used for Leads
recruitment for B2C-type businesses should be obtained with campaigns on Twitter and Email
Marketing campaigns.
B2C businesses in the future will use artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT)
technology as the most effective Customer loyalty actions. It is very important for companies to have
a diversified marketing strategy which includes different digital marketing actions. Companies that
sell general products or services should not only focus on one type of audience. They must consider
several targets and adapt their message for each of them. This sector is evolving at considerable pace
and it is very important to constantly update the strategy.
There are three main limitations to this research:
1. Limitations due to the rapid growth and development of the digital ecosystem and also due to
the research sample.
2. As this is a relatively new research category, previous research is relatively scarce, which means
that the thorough literature review conducted in this research is of great relevance. The use of
the literature review and the results of the research can be used to propose new research with a
consolidated critical structure.
3. There is only a moderate participation rate in the Delphi surveys, which although it complies
with the established minimums it could be improved. 120 invitations were sent out and 18
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 13 of 16

participants were obtained. The results could have been more representative with more

8. Future Research
Expansion of the geographical scope. Future investigations could be extended geographically to
other countries, given that our research is limited to Spain and Portugal.
Expansion of the digital marketing techniques used. Since digital marketing is constantly
evolving some of the emerging techniques may be included.
Future research can use the results of this doctoral thesis to widen knowledge in the analysis of
webs, as well as in studies of digital marketing by different disciplines and sectors.

Author Contributions: Designed and wrote the paper, J.L.-G.; conceptualization, D.L.; methodology, J.L.-G.
and D.L.; investigation, J.L.-G.; writing—original draft preparation, J.L.-G.; writing—review and editing,
J.L.-G.; supervised the work, D.L., C.M.R. and N.M. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Acknowledgments: Thanks to the experts who have participated in the study, and without whose effort and
dedication this research would not have been possible.

Conflicts of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Guide for the Spanish interview.

Interview Guide
Blocks Questions
How would you explain the difference between Recruitment and Loyalty
of users in Digital Marketing?
Are the strategies of User Recruitment and Loyalty independent of each
other? Why?
What is the importance of the actions of Capturing users in Digital
Digital Marketing
What value do User Loyalty actions have in a Digital Marketing strategy?
What are, in your opinion, the main techniques for attracting users in
Digital Marketing? And, if we talk about concrete actions, what would
you highlight?
If we talk about user loyalty techniques in Digital Marketing, which ones
could you identify? Could you high light some specificaction?
What is the use of the AW in Digital Marketing?
What types of AW or Data can we find in a Digital Marketing strategy?
Should companies establish a measurement strategy based on AW?
Web Analitics
With regard to the strategy of User Capture ... What is the function of the
AW and why is it important?
And from the point of view of user loyalty ... What is the use and
importance of the AW?
How would you define the user experience on a website?
How important is the design and content structure of a website in a
Content Design Digital Marketing strategy?
and Structure (UX) What graphic elements would you highlight in the design and structure
of content in a Digital Marketing strategy?
If we talk specifically about user experience on the web, what role does
Future Internet 2019, 11, 130 14 of 16

the AW develop?
With regard to user loyalty ... What changes exist in the Design and
Structure of content?
What is the importance of the concepts described above - User
Global Digital Assignment, User Loyalty, AW and Design and Content Structure -
Marketing regarding the Digital Marketing strategy? Why is its development
Strategy important or not?
How is the Digital Marketing strategy conditioned by these concepts?

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