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DB2 Version 9.

for Linux, UNIX, and Windows 
Version 9 Release 5

Troubleshooting Guide
Updated December, 2010

DB2 Version 9.5
for Linux, UNIX, and Windows 
Version 9 Release 5

Troubleshooting Guide
Updated December, 2010

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under Appendix B, “Notices,” on
page 135.

Edition Notice
This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected
by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any
statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such.
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About this book . . . . . . . . . . . v Troubleshooting optimization guidelines and
profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 1. Learning more about Troubleshooting the storage key support . . . 42
Data compression dictionary is not automatically
troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . 1 created . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Introduction to troubleshooting . . . . . . . . 1 Troubleshooting global variable problems . . . 43
About first occurrence data capture . . . . . . . 3 Troubleshooting scripts . . . . . . . . . 45
Collecting diagnosis information based on Troubleshooting data inconsistencies . . . . . 46
common outage problems . . . . . . . . . 3 Troubleshooting index to data inconsistencies . . 46
Configuring for automatic collection of diagnostic Collecting data for DB2 . . . . . . . . . . 46
information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Collecting data for installation problems. . . . 47
Data collected as part of FODC and its placement 5 Collecting data for data movement problems . . 47
Automatic FODC data generation . . . . . . 5 Collecting data for DAS and instance
First occurrence data capture information. . . . 6 management problems . . . . . . . . . 48
DB2 Query Patroller and First Occurrence Data Analyzing data for DB2 . . . . . . . . . . 49
Capture (FODC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Analyzing data for installation problems . . . 49
Monitor and audit facilities using First Occurrence Analyzing DB2 license compliance reports . . . 50
Data Capture (FODC) . . . . . . . . . . 9 Submitting data to IBM Software Support . . . . 52
Graphical tools using First Occurrence Data
Capture (FODC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
About administration notification log files . . . . 11
Chapter 4. Troubleshooting DB2
Administration notification log . . . . . . . 11 Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Setting the error capture level for the
administration notification log file . . . . . . 11 Chapter 5. Troubleshooting . . . . . . 57
Interpreting administration notification log file Gathering relevant information . . . . . . . . 57
entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Initial connection is not successful . . . . . . . 57
About DB2 diagnostic log (db2diag.log) files . . . 13 Problems encountered after an initial connection . . 58
Diagnostic data directory path . . . . . . . 13 Unsupported DDM commands . . . . . . . 59
Setting the diagnostic log file error capture level 16 Diagnostic tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Interpreting the db2diag.log file informational Common DB2 Connect problems . . . . . . . 61
record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Interpreting diagnostic log file entries . . . . 17 Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 65
db2cos (callout script) output files . . . . . . . 20 Learning more about internal return codes . . . . 65
Dump Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Checking archive log files with the db2cklog tool. . 66
Trap files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Overview of the db2dart tool . . . . . . . . 69
Formatting trap files (Windows) . . . . . . 23 Comparison of INSPECT and db2dart . . . . 69
Platform specific error log information . . . . . 24 Analyzing db2diag log files using db2diag tool . . 71
System core files (Linux and UNIX) . . . . . 25 Displaying and altering the Global Registry (UNIX)
Accessing system core file information (Linux using db2greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
and UNIX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Identifying the version and service level of your
Accessing event logs (Windows) . . . . . . 26 product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Exporting event logs (Windows) . . . . . . 26 Mimicking databases using db2look . . . . . . 76
Accessing the Dr. Watson log file (Windows) . . 26 Listing DB2 products installed on your system
Combining DB2 database and OS diagnostics . . . 27 (Linux and UNIX) . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Monitoring and troubleshooting using db2pd . . . 81
Chapter 2. DB2 Health Advisor Service 31 Collecting environment information using
How to use the DB2 Health Advisor Service . . . 31 db2support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Basic trace diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 . . . . 35 DB2 Traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Current release troubleshooting guidance . . . . 35 DRDA Traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Troubleshooting high availability . . . . . . 35 Control Center traces . . . . . . . . . . 106
Troubleshooting installation of DB2 database JDBC traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 CLI trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Troubleshooting partitioned database Platform-specific tools . . . . . . . . . . 113
environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Diagnostic tools (Windows). . . . . . . . 113
Diagnostic tools (Linux and UNIX) . . . . . 114

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 iii

Chapter 7. How to search effectively Accessing different versions of the DB2
for known problems . . . . . . . . 117 Information Center . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Troubleshooting resources . . . . . . . . . 117 Displaying topics in your preferred language in the
DB2 Information Center . . . . . . . . . . 130
Updating the DB2 Information Center installed on
Chapter 8. Getting DB2 product fixes 119 your computer or intranet server . . . . . . . 130
Applying fix packs . . . . . . . . . . . 119 DB2 tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Fix packs, interim fix packs and test fixes . . . . 121 DB2 troubleshooting information . . . . . . . 132
Applying test fixes . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Terms and Conditions . . . . . . . . . . 133

Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 Appendix B. Notices . . . . . . . . 135

technical information . . . . . . . . 125
DB2 technical library in hardcopy or PDF format 126 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Ordering printed DB2 books . . . . . . . . 128
Displaying SQL state help from the command line
processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

iv Troubleshooting Guide
About this book
This guide provides information to get you started solving problems with DB2®
database clients and servers. It helps you to:
v Identify problems and errors in a concise manner
v Solve problems based on their symptoms
v Learn about available diagnostic tools
v Develop a troubleshooting strategy for day-to-day operations.

Who should use this book?

This guide is intended for customers, users, system administrators, database

administrators (DBAs), communication specialists, application developers, and
technical support representatives for DB2 database clients and servers. To use it,
you should be familiar with:
v Communications, relational database, and local area network (LAN) concepts
v Hardware and software requirements and options
v The overall configuration of your network
v Application programs and other facilities that run on your network
v Basic DB2 database administrative tasks
v The information on installation and early tasks described in the Quick Beginnings
guides for the products you have installed.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 v

vi Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting
At some point when working with DB2 database products, you may encounter a
problem. This problem might be reported by the database manager, by an
application running against the database, or by your users as they give feedback to
you that “something is not quite right” with the database. The concepts and tools
presented here are to introduce you to, and to help you with, the task of
troubleshooting a real or perceived problem in the operations of your database.
The importance of capturing the right data at the right time is emphasized and so
first occurrence data capture is the first tool discussed. Other logs and files that are
used by the database manager to capture data about the operations of the database
are presented including mention of operating system diagnostic tools.

Introduction to troubleshooting
The first step in good problem analysis is to describe the problem completely.
Without a problem description, you will not know where to start investigating the
cause of the problem. This step includes asking yourself such basic questions as:
v What are the symptoms?
v Where is the problem happening?
v When does the problem happen?
v Under which conditions does the problem happen?
v Is the problem reproducible?

Answering these and other questions will lead to a good description to most
problems, and is the best way to start down the path of problem resolution.

What are the symptoms?

When starting to describe a problem, the most obvious question is "What is the
problem?" This might seem like a straightforward question; however, it can be
broken down into several other questions to create a more descriptive picture of
the problem. These questions can include:
v Who or what is reporting the problem?
v What are the error codes and error messages?
v How does it fail? For example: loop, hang, crash, performance degradation,
incorrect result.
v What is the business impact?

Where is the problem happening?

Determining where the problem originates is not always easy, but it is one of the
most important steps in resolving a problem. Many layers of technology can exist
between the reporting and failing components. Networks, disks, and drivers are
only a few components to be considered when you are investigating problems.
v Is the problem platform specific, or common to multiple platforms?
v Is the current environment and configuration supported?
v Is the application running locally on the database server or on a remote server?
v Is there a gateway involved?

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 1

v Does the database reside on individual disks, or on a RAID disk array?

These types of questions will help you isolate the problem layer, and are necessary
to determine the problem source. Remember that just because one layer is
reporting a problem, it does not always mean the root cause exists there.

Part of identifying where a problem is occurring is understanding the environment

in which it exists. You should always take some time to completely describe the
problem environment, including the operating system, its version, all
corresponding software and versions, and hardware information. Confirm you are
running within an environment that is a supported configuration, as many
problems can be explained by discovering software levels that are not meant to run
together, or have not been fully tested together.

When does the problem happen?

Developing a detailed time line of events leading up to a failure is another

necessary step in problem analysis, especially for those cases that are one-time
occurrences. You can most easily do this by working backwards --start at the time
an error was reported (as exact as possible, even down to milliseconds), and work
backwards through available logs and information. Usually you only have to look
as far as the first suspicious event that you find in any diagnostic log, however,
this is not always easy to do and will only come with practice. Knowing when to
stop is especially difficult when there are multiple layers of technology each with
its own diagnostic information.
v Does the problem only happen at a certain time of day or night?
v How often does it happen?
v What sequence of events leads up to the time the problem is reported?
v Does the problem happen after an environment change such as upgrading
existing or installing new software or hardware?

Responding to questions like this will help you create a detailed time line of
events, and will provide you with a frame of reference in which to investigate.

Under which conditions does the problem happen?

Knowing what else is running at the time of a problem is important for any
complete problem description. If a problem occurs in a certain environment or
under certain conditions, that can be a key indicator of the problem cause.
v Does the problem always occur when performing the same task?
v Does a certain sequence of events need to occur for the problem to surface?
v Do other applications fail at the same time?

Answering these types of questions will help you explain the environment in
which the problem occurs, and correlate any dependencies. Remember that just
because multiple problems might have occurred around the same time, it does not
necessarily mean that they are always related.

Is the problem reproducible?

From a problem description and investigation standpoint, the "ideal" problem is

one that is reproducible. With reproducible problems you almost always have a
larger set of tools or procedures available to use to help your investigation.
Consequently, reproducible problems are usually easier to debug and solve.

2 Troubleshooting Guide
However, reproducible problems can have a disadvantage: if the problem is of
significant business impact, you don't want it recurring. If possible, recreating the
problem in a test or development environment is often preferable in this case.
v Can the problem be recreated on a test machine?
v Are multiple users or applications encountering the same type of problem?
v Can the problem be recreated by running a single command, a set of commands,
or a particular application, or a standalone application?
v Can the problem be recreated by entering the equivalent command/query from
a DB2 command line?

Recreating a single incident problem in a test or development environment is often

preferable, as there is usually much more flexibility and control when

About first occurrence data capture

First occurrence data capture (FODC) is the term applied to the set of diagnostic
information that DB2 database products capture automatically when errors occur.
The information reduces the need to reproduce errors to get diagnostic

The topics concerned with FODC introduce the importance of diagnosis

information and the different methods to gather it. There are several logs that are
associated with database tools, utilities, and DB2 products that will be useful to
you when troubleshooting a problem with your database.

Collecting diagnosis information based on common outage

Diagnostic information can be gathered automatically in a package when an outage
occurs affecting an instance. The information in the package can also be created

When trouble occurs when working with DB2 instances and databases, you should
collect data at the time the problem happens. First occurrence data collection
(FODC) is the term used to describe the actions taken when trouble occurs in your
DB2 environment. You control what data is collected during outages through the
setting of options in the DB2FODC registry variable using the db2pdcfg tool. Use
db2pdcfg -fodc to change the DB2FODC registry variable options. The options
influence the database system behavior regarding data capture in FODC situations.

Automatic collection of diagnostic information

The database manager invokes the db2fodc command for automatic First
Occurrence Data Capture (FODC).

To correlate the outage with the DB2 diagnostic logs and the other troubleshooting
files, a diagnostic message is written to both the administration notification log and
the db2diag.log. The diagnostic message includes the FODC directory name and the
timestamp when the FODC directory was created. The FODC package description
file is placed in the new FODC directory.
Table 1. Automatic FODC types and packages
Package Description type Script executed
FODC_Trap_<timestamp> An instance wide trap has occurred Automatic db2cos_trap(.bat)

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 3

Table 1. Automatic FODC types and packages (continued)
Package Description type Script executed
FODC_Panic_<timestamp> Engine detected an incoherence and decided not to Automatic db2cos_trap(.bat)
FODC_BadPage_<timestamp> A Bad Page has been detected Automatic db2cos_datacorruption(.bat)
FODC_DBMarkedBad_<timestamp> A database has been marked bad due to an error Automatic db2cos(.bat)
FODC_IndexError_<timestamp>_PID_EDUID_Node# A EDU wide index error occurred. ( Automatic N/A
db2cos_indexerror_short(.bat) and/or
db2cos_indexerror_long(.bat) will be dumped to the

Manual collection of diagnostic information

The first occurrence data collection command (db2fodc) is used to collect

information about potential hangs, or when there are severe performance issues.
When the db2fodc command is run, a new directory FODC_hang_<timestamp> is
automatically created under the current diagnostic path. The db2cos_hang script is
run. This script controls the data collection that will be gathered and placed in the
FODC subdirectories. The existence of the FODC subdirectories depends on the way
the db2fodc command is run or on the configuration of the DB2 registry variable.
Table 2. Manual FODC types and packages
Package Description type Script executed
FODC_Hang_<timestamp> User invoked db2fodc -hang to collect data for Manual db2cos_hang(.bat)
hang troubleshooting (or severe performance)
FODC_Perf_<timestamp> User invoked db2fodc -perf to collect data for Manual db2cos_perf(.bat)
performance troubleshooting
Scripts located in User could issue db2fodc -indexerror Manual db2cos_indexerror_long(.bat),
FODC_IndexError_<timestamp>_PID_EDUID_Node# <FODC_IndexError_directory> [basic | full] db2cos_indexerror_short(.bat)
(default is basic) to invoke the db2dart
commands in the script(s).

On DPF, use db2_all "<<+node#< db2fodc

-indexerror <FODC_IndexError_directory>
[basic | full]". The node# is the last number in
the <FODC_IndexError_directory> directory
name. An absolute path is required when using
db2fodc -indexerrorwith the db2_all command.

Configuring for automatic collection of diagnostic information

Before the database manager can carry out actions automatically, you have to
indicate to the database manager what actions are to be taken.

Flags are set indicating actions to be taken by the database manager when an error
or a warning is encountered during database operations. The actions that are
carried out include:
v Producing a stack trace in the db2diag.log. (Default)
v Running the callout script, db2cos. (Default)
v Stopping the trace (db2trc) command.

Change the first occurrence data capture (FODC) options

Change the first occurrence data capture (FODC) options using the Configure DB2
database for problem determination behavior (db2pdcfg) command. The FODC
options are set in the DB2FODC registry variable using the db2pdcfg tool. The
options influence the database system behavior regarding data capture in FODC

4 Troubleshooting Guide
Data collected as part of FODC and its placement
Depending on the type of outage within the instance, first occurrence data capture
(FODC) results in the creation of subdirectories and specific content that is
collected. A series of subdirectories is created along with the collection of files and

One or more of the following subdirectories is created under the FODC directory:
v DB2CONFIG containing DB2 configuration output and files
v DB2PD containing db2pd output or output files
v DB2SNAPS containing DB2 snapshots
v DB2TRACE containing DB2 traces
v OSCONFIG containing operating system configuration files
v OSSNAPS containing operating system monitor information
v OSTRACE containing operating system traces
These directories may not always exist depending on the configuration of
DB2FODC or the mode in which db2fodc is run.

Depending on the type of outage, the following content is found in the FODC
directory and subdirectories:
v Trap files
v All the different binary and plain text dump files generated during the data
capture as part of the outage and completed by different components
v db2evlog's event log file
v DB2 trace dump if trace has been on at the time of the outage
v The directory containing the core file
v DB2FODC log files:
– Only one "log" file is used for a manual FODC. db2fodc_hang.log (for hangs)
or db2fodc_badpage.log (for bad pages)
v Data corruption related information
– Process information: ps (on UNIX) and db2pd -edus output
– Additional information collected currently by db2support (optional):
- errpt -a output (on AIX)
- System logs on UNIX platforms. For example, /var/adm/messages for
SunOS and /var/adm/syslog.log on HP/UX. This will be done provided
that these files may be collected (on Linux, you must have root access to
copy the syslog file).

Automatic FODC data generation

When an outage occurs and automatic first occurrence data capture (FODC) is
enabled, data is collected based on symptoms. The data collected is specific to
what is needed to diagnose the outage.

One or many messages, including those defined as "critical" are used to mark the
origin of an outage.

Trap files contain information such as:

v The amount of free virtual memory
v Values associated with the product's configuration parameters and registry
variables at the time the trap occurred

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 5

v Estimated amount of memory used by the DB2 product at the time of the trap
v Information that provides a context for the outage

The raw stack dump may be included in an ASCII trap file.

Dump files that are specific to components within the database manager are stored
in the appropriate FODC package directory.

First occurrence data capture information

First occurrence data capture (FODC) is the process used to capture scenario-based
data about a DB2 instance. FODC can be invoked manually by a DB2 user based
on a particular symptom or invoked automatically when a predetermined scenario
or symptom is detected.This information reduces the need to reproduce errors to
get diagnostic information.

FODC information can be found in the following files:

Administration notification log ("instance_name.nfy")
v Operating system: All
v Default location:
– Linux and UNIX: Located in the directory specified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter.
– Windows: Use the Event Viewer Tool (Start>Control
Panel>Administrative Tools >Event Viewer)
v Created automatically when the instance is created.
v When significant events occur, DB2 writes information to the
administration notification log. The information is intended for use by
database and system administrators. The type of message recorded in
this file is determined by the notifylevel configuration parameter.
DB2 diagnostic log ("db2diag.log")
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory identified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter.
v Created automatically when the instance is created.
v This text file contains diagnostic information about error and warnings
encountered by the instance. This information is used for
troubleshooting and is intended for IBM® software support. The type of
message recorded in this file is determined by the diaglevel database
manager configuration parameter.
DB2 administration server (DAS) diagnostic log ("db2dasdiag.log")
v Operating system: All
v Default location:
– Linux and UNIX: Located in DASHOME/das/dump, where DASHOME is the
home directory of the DAS owner
– Windows: Located in "dump" folder, in the DAS home directory. For
example: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2DAS00\dump
v Created automatically when the DAS is created.
v This text file contains diagnostic information about errors and warnings
encountered by the DAS.
DB2 event log ("db2eventlog.xxx", where xxx is the database partition number)

6 Troubleshooting Guide
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory specified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter
v Created automatically when the instance is created.
v The DB2 event log file is a circular log of infrastructure-level events
occurring in the database manager. The file is fixed in size, and acts as
circular buffer for the specific events that are logged as the instance
runs. Every time you stop the instance, the previous event log will be
replaced, not appended. If the instance traps, a db2eventlog.XXX.crash
file is also generated. These files are intended for use by IBM software
DB2 callout script (db2cos) output files
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory specified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter
v Created automatically when a panic, trap or segmentation violation
occurs. Can also be created during specific problem scenarios, as
specified using the db2pdcfg command.
v The default db2cos script will invoke db2pd commands to collect
information in an unlatched manner. The contents of the db2cos output
files will vary depending on the commands contained in the db2cos
v The db2cos script is shipped under the bin/ directory. On UNIX, this
directory is read-only. To create your own modifiable version of this
script, copy the db2cos script to the adm/ directory. You are free to
modify this version of the script. If the script is found in the adm/
directory, it is that version that is run. Otherwise, the default version in
the bin/ directory is run.
Dump files
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory specified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter
v Created automatically when particular problem scenarios arise.
v For some error conditions, extra information is logged in binary files
named after the failing process ID. These files are intended for use by
IBM software support.
Trap files
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory specified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter
v Created automatically when the instance ends abnormally. Can also be
created at will using the db2pd command.
v The database manager generates a trap file if it cannot continue
processing due to a trap, segmentation violation, or exception.
Core files
v Operating system: Linux and UNIX
v Default location: Located in the directory specified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 7

v Created by the operating system when the DB2 instance terminates
v Among other things, the core image will include most or all of DB2's
memory allocations, which may be required for problem descriptions

To improve troubleshooting as part of trap, panic, data corruption, or hang outage

situations (when the database or instance cannot be used), DB2 diagnostic files
related to the specific outage type will be directed to a new First Occurrence Data
Capture (FODC) directory. This directory is created under the instance diagnostic

Note: This FODC directory is named FODC_<symptom>_<timestamp>. The DB2

diagnostic files will be in a FODC package. Only AIX and Linux operating systems
have this directory and package creation.

DB2 Query Patroller and First Occurrence Data Capture

If you find you have a need to investigate DB2 Query Patroller problems, there are
logs that contain information about the probable cause for the difficulties you may
be experiencing.
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory identified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter.
v Created automatically when the Query Patroller system becomes active.
v Contains informational and diagnostic records for Query Patroller. This
information is used for troubleshooting and is intended for use by IBM
Software Support.
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory identified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter.
v Created automatically by the qpmigrate utility. The qpmigrate command
can be run implicitly when you install Query Patroller (if you specify an
existing database to run Query Patroller on), or explicitly after the
v Captures information and error messages when Query Patroller is
migrated from one version to another. It is intended for use by Query
Patroller administrators.
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory identified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter.
v Created automatically by the qpsetup utility. The qpsetup command can
be run implicitly when you install Query Patroller (if you specify an
existing database to run Query Patroller on), or explicitly after the
v Captures information and error messages that occur while the qpsetup
utility is running. It is intended for use by Query Patroller

8 Troubleshooting Guide
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory identified by the diagpath
database manager configuration parameter.
v Created automatically when the Query Patroller system becomes active.
v Contains informational messages about Query Patroller; for example,
indicating when Query Patroller stops and starts. It is intended for use
by Query Patroller administrators.

Monitor and audit facilities using First Occurrence Data

Capture (FODC)
If you find you have a need to investigate monitor or audit facility problems, there
are logs that contain information about the probable cause for the difficulties you
may be experiencing.
DB2 audit log ("db2audit.log")
v Operating system: All
v Default location:
– Windows: Located in the $DB2PATH\instance_name\security directory
– Linux and UNIX: Located in the $HOME\sqllib\security directory,
where $HOME is the instance owner's home directory
v Created when the db2audit facility is started.
v Contains audit records generated by the DB2 audit facility for a series of
predefined database events.
DB2 governor log ("mylog.x", where x is the number of database partitions on
which the governor is running)
v Operating system: All
v Default location:
– Windows: Located in the $DB2PATH\instance_name\log directory
– Linux and UNIX: Located in the $HOME\sqllib\log directory, where
$HOME is the instance owner's home directory
v Created when using the governor utility. The base of the log file name is
specified in the db2gov command.
v Records information about actions performed by the governor daemon
(for example, forcing an application, reading the governor configuration
file, starting or ending the utility) as well as errors and warnings.
Event monitor file (for example, "00000000.evt")
v Operating system: All
v Default location: When you create a file event monitor, all of the event
records are written to the directory specified in the CREATE EVENT
MONITOR statement.
v Generated by the event monitor when events occur.
v Contains event records that are associated with the event monitor.

Graphical tools using First Occurrence Data Capture (FODC)

If you find you have a need to investigate command editor, Data Warehouse
Center, or Information Catalog Center problems, there are logs that contain
information about the probable cause for the difficulties you may be experiencing.
Command Editor log

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 9

v Operating system: All
v Default location: The name and location of this log file are specified
using the Command Editor page of the DB2 toolbar. If a path is not
specified, the log is stored in the $DB2PATH\sqllib\tools directory on
Windows and in the $HOME/sqllib/tools directory on Linux and UNIX,
where HOME is the instance owner's home directory.
v Created when you select Log command history to file in the Command
Editor and then specify the file and location.
v Contains the command and statement execution history from the
Command Editor.
Data Warehouse Center IWH2LOGC.log file
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory that is specified by the
VWS_LOGGING environment variable. The default path is the
$DB2PATH\sqllib\logging directory on Windows and in the
$HOME/sqllib/logging directory on Linux and UNIX, where HOME is
the instance owner's home directory
v Created automatically by the Data Warehouse Center if the logger stops.
v Contains messages written by the Data Warehouse Center and OLE
server that could not be sent in the situation where the logger stops.
This log may be viewed using the Log Viewer window in the Data
Warehouse Center.
Data Warehouse Center IWH2LOG.log file
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory that is specified by the
VWS_LOGGING environment variable. The default path is the
$DB2PATH\sqllib\logging directory on Windows and in the
$HOME/sqllib/logging directory on Linux and UNIX, where HOME is
the instance owner's home directory
v Created automatically by the Data Warehouse Center when it cannot
start itself or when a trace is activated.
v Contains diagnostic information for situations when the Data Warehouse
Center logger cannot start itself and cannot write to the Data Warehouse
Center log (IWH2LOGC.log). This log may be viewed using the Log
Viewer window in the Data Warehouse Center.
Data Warehouse Center IWH2SERV.log file
v Operating system: All
v Default location: Located in the directory that is specified by the
VWS_LOGGING environment variable. The default path is the
$DB2PATH\sqllib\logging directory on Windows and in the
$HOME/sqllib/logging directory on Linux and UNIX, where HOME is
the instance owner's home directory
v Created automatically by the Data Warehouse Center server trace facility.
v Contains Data Warehouse Center start up messages and logs messages
created by the server trace facility. This log may be viewed using the
Log Viewer window in the Data Warehouse Center.
Information Catalog Center tag file EXPORT log
v Operating system: All

10 Troubleshooting Guide
v Default location: The exported tag file path and log file name are
specified in the Options tab of the Export tool in the Information
Catalog Center
v Generated by the Export tool in the Information Catalog Center
v Contains tag file export information, such as the times and dates when
the export process started and stopped. It also includes any error
messages that are encountered during the export operation.
Information Catalog Center tag file IMPORT log
v Operating system: All
v Default location: The imported tag file path and log file name are
specified in the Import tool in the Information Catalog Center
v Generated by the Import tool in the Information Catalog Center
v Contains tag file import history information, such as the times and dates
when the import process started and stopped. It also includes any error
messages that are encountered during the import operation.

About administration notification log files

An introduction to administration notification log files describing the different
levels of the type of errors that are logged and how to establish an error capture
level. Once the logs are created, guidance is given on how to interpret the log
records so that you may understand more about your specific database problem.

Administration notification log

The DB2 database manager writes the following kinds of information to the
administration notification log: the status of DB2 utilities such REORG and
BACKUP; client application errors; service class changes, licensing activity; log file
paths and storage problems; monitoring and indexing activities; and table space
problems. A database administrator can use this information to diagnose problems,
tune the database, or simply monitor the database.

Administration notification log messages are also logged to the db2diag.log using a
standardized message format.

Notification messages provide additional information to supplement the SQLCODE

that is provided. The type of event and the level of detail of the information
gathered are determined by the NOTIFYLEVEL configuration parameter.

Setting the error capture level for the administration

notification log file
The information that DB2 records in the administration notification log is
determined by the NOTIFYLEVEL setting.
v To check the current setting, issue the GET DBM CFG command.
Look for the following variable:
Notify Level (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 3
v To alter the setting, use the UPDATE DBM CFG command. For example:
where X is the desired notification level.

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 11

Interpreting administration notification log file entries
Use a text editor to view the administration notification log file on the machine
where you suspect a problem to have occurred. The most recent events recorded
are the furthest down the file. Generally, each entry contains the following parts:
v A timestamp
v The location reporting the error. Application identifiers allow you to match up
entries pertaining to an application on the logs of servers and clients.
v A diagnostic message (usually beginning with "DIA" or "ADM") explaining the
v Any available supporting data, such as SQLCA data structures and pointers to
the location of any extra dump or trap files.

The Administration log, as with all logs in the database, grows continuously. Some
logs grow more quickly than others depending on what is logged in each file.
When a log gets too large, you should back it up and then erase it. A new log is
generated automatically the next time it is required by the system.

The following example shows the header information for a sample log entry, with
all the parts of the log identified.

Note: Not every log entry will contain all of these parts.
2006-02-15- 1 Instance:DB2 2 Node:000 3
PID:940(db2syscs.exe) TID: 6604 Appid:*LOCAL.DB2.020205091435 5
recovery manager 6 sqlpresr 7 Probe:1 8 Database:SAMPLE 9
ADM1530E 10 Crash recovery has been initiated. 11

1. A timestamp for the message.
2. The name of the instance generating the message.
3. For multi-partition systems, the database partition generating the message. (In
a non-partitioned database, the value is "000".)
4. The process identifier (PID), followed by the name of the process, followed by
the thread identifier (TID) that are responsible for the generation of the
Identification of the application for which the process is working. In this
example, the process generating the message is working on behalf of an
application with the ID *LOCAL.DB2.020205091435.
This value is the same as the appl_id monitor element data. For detailed
information about how to interpret this value, see the documentation for the
appl_id monitor element.
To identify more about a particular application ID, either:
v Use the LIST APPLICATIONS command on a DB2 server or LIST DCS
APPLICATIONS on a DB2 Connect™ gateway to view a list of application
IDs. From this list, you can determine information about the client
experiencing the error, such as its node name and its TCP/IP address.
v Use the GET SNAPSHOT FOR APPLICATION command to view a list of
application IDs.
6. The DB2 component that is writing the message. For messages written by user
applications using the db2AdminMsgWrite API, the component will read “User

12 Troubleshooting Guide
7. The name of the function that is providing the message. This function
operates within the DB2 component that is writing the message. For messages
written by user applications using the db2AdminMsgWrite API, the function will
read “User Function”.
8. Unique internal identifier. This number allows DB2 customer support and
development to locate the point in the DB2 source code that reported the
9. The database on which the error occurred.
10. When available, a message indicating the error type and number as a
hexadecimal code.
11. When available, message text explaining the logged event.

About DB2 diagnostic log (db2diag.log) files

The contents of the DB2 diagnostic log files including a description of the different
levels of what is logged is presented along with directions on how to set the error
capture level.

Diagnostic data directory path

Depending on your platform, DB2 diagnostic information contained in a dump file,
trap file, diagnostic log file, administration notification log file, alert log file, and
first occurrence data collection (FODC) package can be found in the diagnostic
data directory specified by the diagpath database manager configuration


The specification of the diagnostic data directory path, using the diagpath database
manager configuration parameter, can determine which one of the following
directory path methods is used for diagnostic data storage:
Single diagnostic data directory path
All diagnostic data for the DB2 instance is stored within a single directory,
no matter whether the database is partitioned or not. In a partitioned
database environment, diagnostic data from different partitions within the
host will be all dumped to this single diagnostic data directory path. This
is the default condition when the diagpath value is set to null or any valid
path name without the $h or $n pattern identifiers.
Split diagnostic data directory path
For partitioned database environments, diagnostic data can be stored
separately within a directory named according to the host, database
partition, or both. Therefore, each type of diagnostic file, within a given
diagnostic directory, contains diagnostic information from only one host, or
from only one database partition, or from both one host and one database

For information about the diagpath database manager configuration parameter

settings, see: “diagpath - Diagnostic data directory path configuration parameter”
in the Data Servers, Databases, and Database Objects Guide.


The benefits of specifying the diagnostic data directory path are as follows:

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 13

v Diagnostic information, from several database partitions and hosts, can be
consolidated in a central location for easy access by setting a single diagnostic
data directory path.
v Diagnostic logging performance can be improved because of less contentions on
the db2diag log file if you split the diagnostic data directory path per host or
per database partition.

Merging files and sorting records

Merging and sorting records of multiple diagnostic files of the same type, based on
timestamps, can be done with the db2diag -merge command in the case of a split
diagnostic data directory path. For more information, see: “db2diag - db2diag logs
analysis tool command” in the Command Reference.

Splitting a diagnostic data directory path by database partition

server, database partition, or both
The default DB2 diagnostic data directory path setting of the diagpath database
manager configuration parameter collects all diagnostic information within a single
diagnostic data directory. You can split the diagnostic data directory path so that
separate directories are created and named according to the database partition
server, database partition, or both. In this way, diagnostic dump files, previously
stored in a single directory, are now stored in separate directories according to the
database partition server or database partition from which the diagnostic data
dump originated.

Before you begin

DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 5 or a later fix pack is required.

About this task

You will be able to split a diagnostic data directory path to separately store
diagnostic information according to the database partition server or database
partition from which the diagnostic data dump originated.


Splitting a diagnostic data directory path, to keep multiple sources of diagnostic

information separated, is mostly useful in partitioned database environments.

v Splitting diagnostic data directory path per database partition server
– To split the default diagnostic data directory path, execute the following step:
- Set the diagpath database manager configuration parameter to split the
default diagnostic data directory path per database partition server by
issuing the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"$h"’
This command creates a subdirectory under the default diagnostic data
directory with the computer name, as in the following:
– To split a user specified diagnostic data directory path (for example,
/home/usr1/db2dump/), execute the following step:

14 Troubleshooting Guide
- Set the diagpath database manager configuration parameter to split the
/home/usr1/db2dump/ diagnostic data directory path per database partition
server by issuing the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"/home/usr1/db2dump/ $h"’

Note: A blank space must separate /home/usr1/db2dump/ and $h.

This command creates a subdirectory under the /home/usr1/db2dump/
diagnostic data directory with the database partition server name, as in the
v Splitting diagnostic data directory path per database partition
– To split the default diagnostic data directory path, execute the following step:
- Set the diagpath database manager configuration parameter to split the
default diagnostic data directory path per database partition by issuing the
following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"$n"’
This command creates a subdirectory for each partition under the default
diagnostic data directory with the partition number, as in the following:
– To split a user specified diagnostic data directory path (for example,
/home/usr1/db2dump/), execute the following step:
- Set the diagpath database manager configuration parameter to split the
/home/usr1/db2dump/ diagnostic data directory path per database partition
by issuing the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"/home/usr1/db2dump/ $n"’

Note: A blank space must separate /home/usr1/db2dump/ and $n.

This command creates a subdirectory for each partition under the
/home/usr1/db2dump/ diagnostic data directory with the partition number, as
in the following:
v Splitting diagnostic data directory path per database partition server and per
database partition
– To split the default diagnostic data directory path, execute the following step:
- Set the diagpath database manager configuration parameter to split the
default diagnostic data directory path per database partition server and per
database partition by issuing the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"$h$n"’
This command creates a subdirectory for each logical partition on the
database partition server under the default diagnostic data directory with the
database partition server name and partition number, as in the following:
– To split a user specified diagnostic data directory path (for example,
/home/usr1/db2dump/), execute the following step:
- Set the diagpath database manager configuration parameter to split the
/home/usr1/db2dump/ diagnostic data directory path per database partition
server and per database partition by issuing the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"/home/usr1/db2dump/ $h$n"’

Note: A blank space must separate /home/usr1/db2dump/ and $h$n.

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 15

This command creates a subdirectory for each logical partition on the
database partition server under the /home/usr1/db2dump/ diagnostic data
directory with the database partition server name and partition number, as in
the following:
For example, an AIX® database partition server, named boson, has 3 database
partitions with node numbers 0, 1, and 2. An example of a list output for the
directory is similar to the following:
usr1@boson /home/user1/db2dump->ls -R *

NODE0000 NODE0001 NODE0002

db2diag.log db2eventlog.000 db2resync.log db2sampl_Import.msg events usr1.nfy


db2diag.log db2eventlog.001 db2resync.log usr1.nfy stmmlog


db2diag.log db2eventlog.002 db2resync.log usr1.nfy

What to do next

v If a diagnostic data directory path split per database partition is specified ($n or
$h$n), the NODE0000 directory will always be created for each database partition
server. The NODE0000 directory can be ignored if database partition 0 does not
exist on the database partition server where the NODE0000 directory was created.
v To check that the setting of the diagnostic data directory path was successfully
split, execute the following command:
db2 get dbm cfg | grep DIAGPATH

A successfully split diagnostic data directory path returns the values $h, $n, or
$h$n with a preceding blank space. For example, the output returned is similar
to the following:
Diagnostic data directory path (DIAGPATH) = /home/usr1/db2dump/ $h$n

To merge separate db2diag log files to make analysis and troubleshooting easier,
use the db2diag -merge command. For additional information, see: “db2diag -
db2diag logs analysis tool command” in the Command Reference and “Analyzing
db2diag log files using db2diag tool” on page 71..

Setting the diagnostic log file error capture level

The DB2 diagnostic log is a file that contains text information logged by DB2. This
information is used for troubleshooting and is primarily intended for DB2
customer support.

The information that DB2 records in the db2diag.log is determined by the

DIAGLEVEL setting.

16 Troubleshooting Guide
v To check the current setting, issue the command GET DBM CFG.
Look for the following variable:
Diagnostic error capture level (DIAGLEVEL) = 3
v To change the value dynamically, use the UPDATE DBM CFG command.
To change a database manager configuration parameter online:
db2 attach to <instance-name>
db2 update dbm cfg using <parameter-name> <value>
db2 detach

For example:
where X is the desired notification level. If you are diagnosing a problem that
can be reproduced, support personnel may suggest that you use DIAGLEVEL 4
while performing troubleshooting.

Interpreting the db2diag.log file informational record

The first message in db2diag.log should always be an informational record.

An example of an informational record is as follows:

2006-02-09- I1H917 LEVEL: Event
PID : 3140 TID : 2864 PROC : db2start.exe
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, RAS/PD component, _pdlogInt, probe:120
START : New Diagnostic Log file
DATA #1 : Build Level, 124 bytes
Instance "DB2" uses "32" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09010"
with level identifier "01010107".
Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.1.0.190", "s060121", "", Fix Pack "0".
DATA #2 : System Info, 1564 bytes
System: WIN32_NT MYSRVR Service Pack 2 5.1 x86 Family 15, model 2, stepping 4
CPU: total:1 online:1 Cores per socket:1 Threading degree per core:1
Physical Memory(MB): total:1024 free:617 available:617
Virtual Memory(MB): total:2462 free:2830
Swap Memory(MB): total:1438 free:2213
Information in this record is only valid at the time when this file was created
(see this record’s time stamp)

The Informational record is output for "db2start" on every logical partition. This
results in multiple informational records: one per logical partition. Since the
informational record contains memory values which are different on every
partition, this information might be useful.

Interpreting diagnostic log file entries

Use the db2diag.log analysis tool (db2diag) to filter and format the db2diag.log
file. With the addition of administration notification log messages being logged to
the db2diag.log using a standardized message format, viewing the db2diag.log first
is a recommended choice to understand what has been happening to the database.

As an alternative to using db2diag, you can use a text editor to view the diagnostic
log file on the machine where you suspect a problem to have occurred. The most
recent events recorded are the furthest down the file.

Note: The administration and diagnostic logs grow continuously. When they get
too large, back them up and then erase the files. A new set of files is generated
automatically the next time they are required by the system.

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 17

The following example shows the header information for a sample log entry, with
all the parts of the log identified.

Note: Not every log entry will contain all of these parts. Only the first several
fields (timestamp to TID) and FUNCTION will be present in all the db2diag.log
2007-05-18- I27204F6552 LEVEL: Info3
PID : 32284 TID : 87965 PROC : db2syscs.exe6
APPHDL : 0-5110 APPID:
EDUID : 879613 EDUNAME: db2agntp14 (WIN3DB1) 2
FUNCTION:15 DB2 UDB, data management, sqldInitDBCB, probe:4820
DATA #1 :16 String, 26 bytes
Setting ADC Threshold to:
DATA #2 : unsigned integer, 8 bytes

1. A timestamp and timezone for the message.

Note: Timestamps in the db2diag.log contain a time zone. For example:

2006-02-13-, where "-300" is the difference between
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, formerly known as GMT) and local
time at the application server in minutes. Thus -300 represents UTC - 5
hours, for example, EST (Eastern Standard Time).
2. The record ID field. The db2diag.log's recordID specifies the file offset at
which the current message is being logged (for example, “27204”) and the
message length (for example, “655”) for the platform where the DB2
diagnostic log was created.
3. The diagnostic level associated with an error message. For example, Info,
Warning, Error, Severe, or Event
4. The process ID
5. The thread ID
6. The process name
7. The name of the instance generating the message.
8. For multi-partition systems, the database partition generating the message.
(In a non-partitioned database, the value is "000".)
9. The database name
10. The application handle. This value aligns with that used in db2pd output
and lock dump files. It consists of the coordinator partition number
followed by the coordinator index number, separated by a dash.
11. Identification of the application for which the process is working. In this
example, the process generating the message is working on behalf of an
application with the ID
A TCP/IP-generated application ID is composed of three sections
1. IP address: It is represented as a 32-bit number displayed as a
maximum of 8 hexadecimal characters.
2. Port number: It is represented as 4 hexadecimal characters.
3. A unique identifier for the instance of this application.

18 Troubleshooting Guide
Note: When the hexadecimal versions of the IP address or port number
begin with 0-9, they are changed to G-P respectively. For example, "0" is
mapped to "G", "1" is mapped to "H", and so on. The IP address,
AC10150C.NA04.006D07064947 is interpreted as follows: The IP address
remains AC10150C, which translates to The port number is
NA04. The first character is "N", which maps to "7". Therefore, the
hexadecimal form of the port number is 7A04, which translates to 31236 in
decimal form.
This value is the same as the appl_id monitor element data. For detailed
information about how to interpret this value, see the documentation for
the appl_id monitor element.
To identify more about a particular application ID, either:
v Use the LIST APPLICATIONS command on a DB2 server or LIST DCS
APPLICATIONS on a DB2 Connect gateway to view a list of application
IDs. From this list, you can determine information about the client
experiencing the error, such as its database partition name and its
TCP/IP address.
v Use the GET SNAPSHOT FOR APPLICATION command to view a list
of application IDs.
v Use the db2pd -applications -db <sample> command.
12 The authorization identifier.
13 The engine dispatchable unit identifier.
14 The name of the engine dispatchable unit.
15. The product name ("DB2"), component name (“data management”), and
function name (“sqlInitDBCB”) that is writing the message (as well as the
probe point (“4820”) within the function).
16. The information returned by a called function. There may be multiple data
fields returned.

Now that you have seen a sample db2diag.log entry, here is a list of all of the
possible fields:
<timestamp><timezone> <recordID> LEVEL: <level> (<source>)
PID : <pid> TID : <tid> PROC : <procName>
INSTANCE: <instance> NODE : <node> DB : <database>
APPHDL : <appHandle> APPID: <appID>
AUTHID : <authID>
EDUID : <eduID> EDUNAME: <engine dispatchable unit name>
FUNCTION: <prodName>, <compName>, <funcName>, probe:<probeNum>
MESSAGE : <messageID> <msgText>
CALLED : <prodName>, <compName>, <funcName> OSERR: <errorName> (<errno>)
RETCODE : <type>=<retCode> <errorDesc>
ARG #N : <typeTitle>, <typeName>, <size> bytes
... argument ...
DATA #N : <typeTitle>, <typeName>, <size> bytes
... data ...

The fields which were not already explained in the example, are:
<source> Indicates the origin of the logged error. (You can find it at the end of
the first line in the sample.) The possible values are:
– origin - message is logged by the function where error originated (inception
– OS - error has been produced by the operating system

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 19

– received - error has been received from another process (client/server)
– sent - error has been sent to another process (client/server)
MESSAGE Contains the message being logged. It consists of:
– <messageID> - message number, for example, ECF=0x9000004A or DIA8604C
– <msgText> - error description
When the CALLED field is also present, <msgText> is an impact of the error
returned by the CALLED function on the function logging a message (as specified
in the FUNCTION field)
CALLED This is the function that returned an error. It consists of:
– <prodName> - The product name: "OS", "DB2", "DB2 Tools" or "DB2 Common"
– <compName> - The component name ('-' in case of a system call)
– <funcName> - The called function name
v OSERR This is the operating system error returned by the CALLED system call.
(You can find it at the end of the same line as CALLED.) It consists of:
– <errorName> - the system specific error name
– <errno> - the operating system error number
v ARG This section lists the arguments of a function call that returned an error. It
consists of:
– <N> - The position of an argument in a call to the "called" function
– <typeTitle> - The label associated with the Nth argument typename
– <typeName> - The name of the type of argument being logged
– <size> - The size of argument to be logged
v DATA This contains any extra data dumped by the logging function. It consists of:
– <N> - The sequential number of data object being dumped
– <typeTitle> - The label of data being dumped
– <typeName> - The name of the type of data field being logged, for example,
– <size> - The size of a data object

db2cos (callout script) output files

A db2cos script is invoked by default when the database manager cannot continue
processing due to a panic, trap, segmentation violation or exception. Each default
db2cos script will invoke db2pd commands to collect information in an unlatched
manner. The names for the db2cos scripts are in the form db2cos_hang,
db2cos_trap, and so on. Each script behaves in a similar way except db2cos_hang
which is called from the db2fodc tool.

The default db2cos scripts are found under the bin directory. On UNIX operating
systems, this directory is read-only. You can copy the db2cos script file to the adm
directory and modify the file at that location if you need to. If a db2cos script is
found in the adm directory, it is run; otherwise, the script in the bin directory is

In a multiple partition configuration, the script will only be invoked for the
trapping agent on the partition encountering the trap. If there is a need to collect
information from other partitions, you can update the db2cos script to use the

20 Troubleshooting Guide
db2_all command or, if all of the partitions are on the same machine, specify the
-alldbpartitionnums option on the db2pd command.

The types of signals that trigger the invocation of db2cos are also configurable via
the db2pdcfg -cos command. The default configuration is for the db2cos script to
run when either a panic or trap occurs. However, generated signals will not launch
the db2cos script by default.

The order of events when a panic, trap, segmentation violation or exception occurs
is as follows:
1. Trap file is created
2. Signal handler is called
3. db2cos script is called (depending on the db2cos settings enabled)
4. An entry is logged in the Administration Notification Log
5. An entry is logged in the db2diag.log

The default information collected by the db2pd command in the db2cos script
includes details about the operating system, the Version and Service Level of the
installed DB2 product, the database manager and database configuration, as well
as information about the state of the agents, memory pools, memory sets, memory
blocks, applications, utilities, transactions, buffer pools, locks, transaction logs,
table spaces and containers. In addition, it provides information about the state of
the dynamic, static, and catalog caches, table and index statistics, the recovery
status, as well as the reoptimized SQL statements and an active statement list. If
you need to collect further information, you simply update the db2cos script with
the additional commands.

When the default db2cos script is called, it produces output files in the directory
specified by the DIAGPATH database manager configuration parameter. The files
are named XXX.YYY.ZZZ.cos.txt, where XXX is the process ID (PID), YYY is the
thread ID (TID) and ZZZ is the database partition number (or 000 for single
partition databases). If multiple threads trap, there will be a separate invocation of
the db2cos script for each thread. In the event that a PID and TID combination
occurs more than once, the data will be appended to the file. There will be a
timestamp present so you can distinguish the iterations of output.

The db2cos output files will contain different information depending on the
commands specified in the db2cos script. If the default script is not altered, entries
similar to the following will appear (followed by detailed db2pd output):
PID : 782348 TID : 1 PROC : db2cos
APPHDL : APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.051014155507
FUNCTION: oper system services, sqloEDUCodeTrapHandler, probe:999
EVENT : Invoking /home/db2inst1/sqllib/bin/db2cos from
oper system services sqloEDUCodeTrapHandler
Trap Caught

Instance db2inst1 uses 64 bits and DB2 code release SQL09010

Operating System Information:

NodeName: n1
Version: 5

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 21

Release: 2
Machine: 000966594C00


The db2diag.log will contain entries related to the occurrence as well. For example:
2005-10-14- I19441A349 LEVEL: Event
PID : 782348 TID : 1 PROC : db2sysc
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, pdInvokeCalloutScript, probe:10
START : Invoking /home/db2inst1/sqllib/bin/db2cos from oper system
services sqloEDUCodeTrapHandler

2005-10-14- I19791A310 LEVEL: Event

PID : 782348 TID : 1 PROC : db2sysc
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, pdInvokeCalloutScript, probe:20
STOP : Completed invoking /home/db2inst1/sqllib/bin/db2cos

2005-10-14- E20102A509 LEVEL: Severe

PID : 782348 TID : 1 PROC : db2sysc
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloEDUCodeTrapHandler, probe:10
MESSAGE : ADM0503C An unexpected internal processing error has occurred. ALL
Diagnostic information has been recorded. Contact IBM Support for
further assistance.

2005-10-14- E20612A642 LEVEL: Severe

PID : 782348 TID : 1 PROC : db2sysc
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloEDUCodeTrapHandler, probe:20
DATA #1 : Signal Number Recieved, 4 bytes
DATA #2 : Siginfo, 64 bytes
0x0FFFFFFFFFFFD5C0 : 0000 000B 0000 0000 0000 0009 0000 0000 ................
0x0FFFFFFFFFFFD5D0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
0x0FFFFFFFFFFFD5E0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
0x0FFFFFFFFFFFD5F0 : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................

Dump Files
Dump files are created when an error occurs for which there is additional
information that would be useful in diagnosing a problem (such as internal control
blocks). Every data item written to the dump files has a timestamp associated with
it to help with problem determination. Dump files are in binary format and are
intended for DB2 customer support representatives.

When a dump file is created or appended, an entry is made in the db2diag.log

indicating the time and the type of data written. These db2diag.log entries
resemble the following:

2007-05-18- I24861950A192 LEVEL: Severe

PID:1056930 TID:225448 NODE:000 Title: dynamic memory buffer
Dump File:/home/svtdbm5/sqllib/db2dump/1056930.225448.000.dump.bin

Note: For partitioned database environments, the file extension identifies the
partition number. For example, the following entry indicates that the dump file
was created by a DB2 process running on partition 10:
Dump File: /home/db2/sqllib/db2dump/6881492.2.010.dump.bin

22 Troubleshooting Guide
Trap files
DB2 generates a trap file if it cannot continue processing because of a trap,
segmentation violation, or exception.

All signals or exceptions received by DB2 are recorded in the trap file. The trap file
also contains the function sequence that was running when the error occurred. This
sequence is sometimes referred to as the "function call stack" or "stack trace." The
trap file also contains additional information about the state of the process when
the signal or exception was caught.

The files are located in the directory specified by the DIAGPATH database
manager configuration parameter.

On all platforms, the trap file name begins with a process identifier (PID), followed
by a thread identifier (TID), followed by the partition number (000 on single
partition databases), and concluded with “.trap.txt”.

There are also diagnostic traps, generated by the code when certain conditions
occur which don't warrant crashing the instance, but where it is useful to see the
stack. Those traps are named with the PID in decimal format, followed by the
partition number (0 in a single partition database).

v 6881492.2.000.trap.txt is a trap file with a process identifier (PID) of 6881492, and
a thread identifier (TID) of 2.
v 6881492.2.010.trap.txt is a trap file whose process and thread is running on
partition 10.

You can generate trap files on demand using the db2pd command with the -stack
all or -dump option. In general, though, this should only be done as requested by
DB2 Support.

You can generate stack trace files with db2pd -stacks or db2pd -dumps commands.
These files have the same contents as trap file but are generated for diagnostic
purposes only. Their names will be similar to 6881492.2.000.stack.txt.

Formatting trap files (Windows)

A tool called db2xprt.exe is available to let you format trap files (*.TRP). It formats
the DB2 database binary trap files into a human readable ASCII file.

The tool uses DB2 symbol files in order to format the trap files. A subset of these
.PDB files are included with the DB2 database products.

If a trap file called "DB30882416.TRP" had been produced in your DIAGPATH, you
could format it as follows:
db2xprt DB30882416.TRP DB30882416.FMT

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 23

Platform specific error log information
There are many other files and utilities available outside of DB2 to help analyze
problems. Often they are just as important to determining root cause as the
information made available in the DB2 files. The other files and utilities provide
access to information contained in logs and traces that is concerned with the
following areas:
v Operating systems
v Applications and third-party vendors
v Hardware

Based on your operating environment, there might be more places outside of what
has been described here, so be aware of all of the potential areas you might need
to investigate when debugging problems in your system.

Operating systems

Every operating system has its own set of diagnostic files to keep track of activity
and failures. The most common (and usually most useful) is an error report or
event log. Here is a list of how this information can be collected:
v AIX: the /usr/bin/errpt -a command
v Solaris: /var/adm/messages* files or the /usr/bin/dmesg command
v Linux: the /var/log/messages* files or the /bin/dmesg command
v HP-UX: the /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log file or the /usr/bin/dmesg command
v Windows : the system, security, and application event log files and the
windir\drwtsn32.log file (where windir is the Windows install directory)

There are always more tracing and debug utilities for each operating system. Refer
to your operating system documentation and support material to determine what
further information is available.

Applications and third-party vendors

Each application should have its own logging and diagnostic files. These files will
complement the DB2 set of information to provide you with a more accurate
picture of potential problem areas.


Hardware devices usually log information into operating system error logs.
However, sometimes additional information is required. In those cases, you need to
identify what hardware diagnostic files and utilities might be available for piece of
hardware in your environment. An example of such a case is when a bad page, or
a corruption of some type is reported by DB2. Usually this is reported due to a
disk problem, in which case the hardware diagnostics would need to be
investigated. Please refer to your hardware documentation and support material to
determine what further information is available.

Some information, such as information from hardware logs, is time-sensitive. When

an error occurs you should make every effort to gather as much information as
you can from the relevant sources as soon as is possible.

In summary, to completely understand and evaluate a problem, you might need to

collect all information available from DB2, your applications, the operating system

24 Troubleshooting Guide
and underlying hardware. The db2support tool automates the collection of most
DB2 and operating system information that you will need, but you should still be
aware of any information outside of this that might help the investigation.

System core files (Linux and UNIX)

If a program terminates abnormally, a core file is created by the system to store a
memory image of the terminated process. Errors such as memory address
violations, illegal instructions, bus errors, and user-generated quit signals cause
core files to be dumped.

The core file is named "core", and is placed in the diagpath by default unless
otherwise configured using the values in the DB2FODC registry variable. Note that
system core files are distinct from DB2 trap files.

Accessing system core file information (Linux and UNIX)

The dbx system command helps you determine which function caused a system
core file to be created. This is a simple check that will help you identify whether
the database manager is in error, or whether an operating system or application
error is responsible for the problem.
v You must have the dbx command installed. This command is operating
system-specific: on AIX and Solaris, use dbx; on HP-UX, use xdb, and on Linux
use gdb.
v On AIX, ensure that the full core option has been enabled using the chdev
command or smitty.

The following steps can be used to determine the function that caused the core file
dump to occur.
1. Enter the following command from a UNIX command prompt:
dbx program_name core_filename

program_name is the name of the program that terminated abnormally, and

core_filename is the name of the file containing the core file dump. The
core_filename parameter is optional. If you do not specify it, the default name
"core" is used.
2. Examine the call stack in the core file. Information about how to do this can be
obtained by issuing man dbx from a UNIX command prompt
3. To end the dbx command, type quit at the dbx prompt.

The following example shows how to use the dbx command to read the core file
for a program called "main".
1. At a command prompt, enter:
dbx main
2. Output similar to the following appears on your display:
dbx version 3.1 for AIX.
Type ’help’ for help.
reading symbolic information ...
[using memory image in core]
segmentation.violation in freeSegments at line 136
136 (void) shmdt((void *) pcAdress[i]);
3. The name of the function that caused the core dump is "freeSegments". Enter
where at the dbx prompt to display the program path to the point of failure.

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 25

(dbx) where
freeSegments(numSegs = 2, iSetId = 0x2ff7f730, pcAddress = 0x2ff7f758, line
in "main.c"
main (0x1, 2ff7f7d4), line 96 in "main.c"

In this example, the error occurred at line 136 of freeSegments, which was
called from line 96 in main.c.
4. To end the dbx command, type quit at the dbx prompt.

Accessing event logs (Windows)

Windows event logs can also provide useful information. While the system event
log tends to be the most useful in the case of DB2 crashes or other mysterious
errors related to system resources, it is worthwhile obtaining all three types of
event logs:
v System
v Application
v Security

View the event logs using the Windows Event Viewer. The method used to launch
the viewer will differ, depending on the Windows operating system you are using.
For example, to open the Event Viewer on Windows XP, click Start —> Control
Panel. Select Administrative Tools, and then double-click Event Viewer.

Exporting event logs (Windows)

From the Windows event viewer, you can export event logs in two formats: log-file
format and text or comma-delimited format.

Export the event logs from the Windows event viewer.

v The log-file format (*.evt) allows you to load the data back into an event viewer
(for example on another machine). This format is easy to work with since you
can use the viewer to switch the chronology order, filter for certain events, and
advance forwards or backwards.
v The text or comma-delimited formats (*.txt and *.csv, respectively) allow you to
open the logs in most text editors. They also avoid a potential problem with
respect to timestamps. When you export event logs in .evt format, the
timestamps are in Coordinated Universal Time and get converted to the local
time of the machine in the viewer. If you are not careful, you can overlook key
events because of time zone differences. Text files are also easier to search.

Accessing the Dr. Watson log file (Windows)

The Dr. Watson log, drwtsn32.log, is a chronology of all the exceptions that have
occurred on the system. The DB2 trap files are more useful than the Dr. Watson
log, though it can be helpful in assessing overall system stability and as a
document of the history of DB2 traps.

Locate the Dr. Watson log file. The default path is <install_drive>:\Documents
and Settings \All Users\Documents\DrWatson

26 Troubleshooting Guide
Combining DB2 database and OS diagnostics
Diagnosing some problems related to memory, swap files, CPU, disk storage, and
other resources requires a thorough understanding of how a given operating
system manages these resources. At a minimum, defining resource-related
problems requires knowing how much of that resource exists, and what resource
limits might exist per user. (The relevant limits are typically for the user ID of the
DB2 instance owner.)

Here is some of the important configuration information that you need to obtain:
v Operating system patch level, installed software, and upgrade history
v Number of CPUs
v Amount of RAM
v Swap and file cache settings
v User data and file resource limits and per user process limit
v IPC resource limits (message queues, shared memory segments, semaphores)
v Type of disk storage
v What else is the machine used for? Does DB2 compete for resources?
v Where does authentication occur?

Most platforms have straightforward commands for retrieving resource

information. However, you will rarely need to obtain that information manually,
since the db2support utility collects this data and much more. The
detailed_system_info.html file produced by db2support (when the options -s and
-m are specified) contains the syntax for many of the operating system commands
used to collect this information.

The following exercises are intended to help you discover system configuration
and user environment information in various DB2 diagnostic files. The first
exercise familiarizes you with the steps involved in running the db2support utility.
Subsequent exercises cover trap files, which provide more DB2-generated data that
can be useful in understanding the user environment and resource limits.

Exercise 1: Running the db2support command

1. Start the DB2 instance with the db2start command.
2. Assuming you already have the SAMPLE database available, create a directory
for storing the output from db2support.
3. Change to that directory and issue:
db2support <directory> -d sample -s -m
4. Review the console output, especially the types of information that are
You should see output like this (when run on Windows):
Collecting "System files"

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 27

Collecting "Detailed operating system and hardware information"
Collecting "System resource info (disk, CPU, memory)"
Collecting "Operating system and level"
Collecting "JDK Level"
Collecting "DB2 Release Info"
Collecting "DB2 install path info"
Collecting "Registry info"
Creating final output archive
db2support is now complete.
An archive file has been produced: "db2support.zip"
5. Now use a Web browser to view the detailed_system_info.html file. On each
of your systems, identify the following information:
v Number of CPUs
v Operating system level
v User environment
v User resource limits (UNIX ulimit command)

Exercise 2: Locating environment information in a DB2 trap file

1. Ensure a DB2 instance is started, then issue
db2pd -stack all
The call stacks are placed in files in the diagnostic directory (as defined in the
database manager configuration parameter DIAGPATH).
2. Locate the following in one of the trap files:
v DB2 code level
v Data seg top (this is the maximum private address space that has been
v Cur data size (this is the maximum private address space limit)
v Cur core size (this is the maximum core file limit)
v Signal Handlers (this information might not appear in all trap files)
v Environment variables (this information might not appear in all trap files)
v map output (shows loaded libraries)

Example trap file from Windows (truncated):

<DB2TrapFile version="1.0">
DB2 build information: DB2 v9.1.0.190 s060121 SQL09010
timestamp: 2006-02-17-
uname: S:Windows
process id: 940
thread id: 3592
Number of Processors: 1

28 Troubleshooting Guide
Processor Type: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4
OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP, Service Pack 2 (5.1)
Current Build: 2600
Physical Memory: 1023 total, 568 free.
Virtual Memory : 2047 total, 1882 free.
Paging File : 2461 total, 2011 free.
Ext. Virtual : 0 free.
[e] DB2PATH=C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB
[g] DB2PATH=C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB

Correlating DB2 and system events or errors

System messages and error logs are too often ignored. You can save hours, days,
and even weeks on the time it takes to solve a problem if you take the time to
perform one simple task at the initial stage of problem definition and investigation.
That task is to compare entries in different logs and take note of any that appear to
be related both in time and in terms of what resource the entries are referring to.

While not always relevant to problem diagnosis, in many cases the best clue is
readily available in the system logs. If you can correlate a reported system problem
with DB2 errors, you will have often identified what is directly causing the DB2
symptom. Obvious examples are disk errors, network errors, and hardware errors.
Not so obvious are problems reported on different machines, for example domain
controllers which can affect connection time or authentication.

System logs can be investigated in order to assess stability, especially when

problems are reported on brand new systems. Intermittent traps occurring in
common applications can be a sign that there is an underlying hardware problem.

Here is some other information provided by system logs.

v Significant events such as when the system was rebooted
v Chronology of DB2 traps on the system (and errors, traps, or exceptions from
other software that is failing)
v Kernel panics, out-of-filesystem-space, and out-of-swap-space errors (which can
prevent the system from creating or forking a new process)

System logs can help to rule out crash entries in the db2diag.log as causes for
concern. If you see crash recovery in DB2 Administration Notification or DB2
diagnostic logs with no preceding errors, the DB2 crash recovery is likely a result
of a system shutdown.

This principle of correlating information extends to logs from any source and to
any identifiable user symptoms. For example, it can be very useful to identify and
document correlating entries from another application's log even if you can't fully
interpret them.

Chapter 1. Learning more about troubleshooting 29

The summation of this information is a very complete understanding of your
server and of all of the varied events which are occurring at the time of the

30 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 2. DB2 Health Advisor Service
How to use the DB2 Health Advisor Service
Starting in DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 6, the DB2 Health Advisor Service data
collector (db2has) gathers information about a DB2 instance, its databases, and its
operating environment. The compressed output file can be sent to the DB2 Health
Advisor Service at IBM for analysis and generation of a PDF-based report
containing the findings and recommendations concerning the health of your DB2

Before you begin

The following is a list of items to consider in preparing to perform this task:

v Have your company's IBM Customer Number (ICN) ready, as this is a required
parameter entry when using the db2has tool. If you do not currently have an
ICN, contact IBM Software Support.
v If you want to use a resource file to run the db2has tool with previously
configured settings, you can copy and paste the contents of a sample resource
file into a file that you created. Options that are required for the data collection
can be uncommented and edited as needed. For the sample resource file, see:
“Sample db2has resource file (db2has.res)” in the Command Reference.

About this task

This task shows you how to use the db2has tool and provides examples to
illustrate the usage of the options.


Run the db2has command. A variety of options are available for you to configure
the data collection the way you want (for more details about the command
options, see: “db2has - DB2 Health Advisor Service data collector command”). You
must include the following 3 required parameters and their values:
1. -E | -email "companyEmail" must be specified in order to have the PDF-based
report sent to your e-mail address from the DB2 Health Advisor Service.
2. -I | -icn IBM_Customer_Number must be specified to obtain the PDF-based
report from the DB2 Health Advisor Service. It also serves to facilitate finding
previous Problem Management Records (PMRs) to gain access to historical data
to compare with the current system and instance state.
3. -t | -systype sType must be specified to differentiate the different types of
systems or instances in the analysis.
To immediately send the collected data to the DB2 Health Advisor Service, include
the -send parameter as part of the command string. The specification of an
argument is optional with the -send parameter. However, if the default argument
of the -send parameter fails, the db2has command will send the collected data to
db2has@ca.ibm.com. If this fails, an error message is returned. You can also send
the data by specifying the argument smtp://username:password@host:port/path after
the -send parameter.


© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 31

The resulting compressed file, db2has_hostname_timestamp.zip, will be placed into
the default working directory, ~/sqllib/db2hasdir. The collected data will be
stored in XML format inside the zip archive in the db2has_hostname_timestamp.xml
file. Output of the data collector, showing the flow of execution and displaying all
commands that were issued during the run, will be stored inside the archive in the
db2has_hostname_timestamp.out file. These files can be easily extracted from the
archive and examined.


Example 1

The following is an example of the options to specify for a typical run of the
db2has command:
db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -systype test -workload OLTP -send

The data will be collected for all databases that are activated on a test system. The
priority of the run could be set to the lowest setting to minimize the performance
impact of the data collector, which in most cases is negligible, on a system. The
resulting compressed file, db2has_hostname_timestamp.zip, will be placed into the
default working directory, ~/sqllib/db2hasdir and is sent, by way of the
Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep), to the DB2 Health Advisor Service.
A report with findings and recommendations will be sent to DBA John Smith using
the provided e-mail address in this example.

Note: It is recommended to always specify a workload type to ensure a more

accurate health advisor report is generated.

For the first-time run, add the -firsttime option. This option adds several
additional checks and data collections that can be useful for a detailed initial
analysis of a system and DB2 health. These checks can be skipped for subsequent
runs. Also, use this option after each DB2 upgrade to a new fix pack or release, or
after any other significant change to the DB2 database manager and its operating

Example 2

To collect data for a list of specified database names using default values for most
options, run the following command:
db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -systype QA -W Hybrid
-dblist "mydb1,mydb2,mydb3" -runid "QA test run #26"

The data will be collected for databases mydb1, mydb2, and mydb3 on the QA
(quality assurance) system. The run ID is specified for this specific QA test run to
distinguish it from other similar runs.

Example 3

To include a check for tables with type 1 indexes and also an analysis of database
and database manager snapshots to the previous example, run the following

32 Troubleshooting Guide
db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -systype QA -dblist "mydb1,mydb2,mydb3"
-runid "QA test run #26" -W DSS -include "t1index,dbsnap,dbmsnap"

Example 4

The analysis engine applies more than 20 rule-based scenarios to data collected
from snapshots for a database manager and active databases. To include snapshot
data for all active databases (-extended), excluding potentially sensitive
information about IP addresses and active ports (-exclude IP), on a production
system using the quiet mode to suppress output to a terminal (-quiet), run the
following command:
db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -systype production -W OLTP -exclude IP
-quiet -extended

Note: The db2has tool does not enable any monitor switches. Enabling such
switches and activating databases is a user responsibility.
The amount of data sent for analysis depends on what is enabled on a system
during a data collection run. Although using the -extended option is optional, it is
very useful since it adds more scenarios for the analysis engine to consider and,
thereby, increases the chances of finding potential problems with a system or, on
the contrary, confirms the DB2 instance and its operating environment are in good

Example 5

To write the collected data into a specified working directory, run the following
db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -systype integration -workload OLTP
-workdir /home/inst1/IntegrationTests/DB2HAS

Note: A parent directory of the working directory must already exist, otherwise an
error will be returned.

Example 6

To send the data collected to a remote server, run the following command:
db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -systype test -workload DSS
-send "ftp://anonymous@ftp.ecurep.ibm.com:21/toibm/im"

The data is sent using the FTP protocol to the URL for the host server
ftp.ecurep.ibm.com using port number 21. The example specifies anonymous as the
user name. The argument for the -send option is optional. It should be only
specified when a resource file is used or as instructed by DB2 Software Support in
the event that the ECuRep FTP service is unavailable due to outage. In all other
cases, the recommended usage is to specify the -send option without the argument.
However, if the default argument of the -send parameter fails, the db2has
command will send the collected data to db2has@ca.ibm.com. If this fails, an error
message is returned. An alternative is to send the data by specifying the argument
smtp://username:password@host:port/path after the -send parameter.

Chapter 2. DB2 Health Advisor Service 33

Example 7

To collect data using a prepared resource file db2has.res, run the following
db2has -resource /home/inst1/db2has.res

You can copy and paste the contents of a sample resource file into a file that you
created. Options that are required for the data collection can be uncommented and
edited as needed. For the sample resource file, see: “Sample db2has resource file
(db2has.res)” in the Command Reference.

Example 8

To send a description of a symptom or of a problem at hand, run the following

db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -W DSS -systype DR -symptom

The data collector will prompt you for a symptom description and then start the
input mode. The maximum allowed text input is 2 KB. Ctrl-D will terminate the
input mode. Any text is allowed, such as full text or fragments of error messages,
db2diag log records, DB2 trace fragments, call stacks from trap files, to name just a
few examples. This information will be used by the analysis engine to find matches
with other records in our symptom knowledge database. If a match is found, a
known solution, fix, or recommendation will be added to the final PDF-based
report from the DB2 Health Advisor Service.

Example 9

To send feedback about a previous DB2 Health Advisor Service report, run the
following command:
db2has -icn FC123456 -name "Fake 1 Company, Inc." -address "123 Main St., Suite 123,
Anywhere, CA 99999" -phone "555-555-5555" -email "john.smith@fake1company.com"
-desc "Insurance services provider" -W OLTP -systype DR -feedback

The data collector will prompt you for your feedback and then start the input
mode. The maximum allowed text input is 2 KB. Ctrl-D will terminate the input
mode. This option can be used for comments, suggestions, desired improvements,
new requirements, and any criticism you would like to provide on the data
collector and the PDF-based report.

What to do next

If you want to receive a PDF-based report from the DB2 Health Advisor Service
and you did not specify the -send option, the archived file must be sent to
ftp://anonymous@ftp.ecurep.ibm.com:21/toibm/im using your own FTP client. The
ECuRep FTP service prompts you for a password, to which you respond by
entering your e-mail address.

Read and assess the DB2 Health Advisor Service PDF-based report concerning the
health of your DB2 environment. Evaluate the affect of the report's
recommendations by first implementing them in your test environment.

34 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2
In general, troubleshooting requires that you isolate and identify a problem, then
seek a resolution. This section will provide troubleshooting information related to
specific features of DB2 products.

As common problems are identified, the findings will be added to this section in
the form of checklists. If the checklist does not lead you to a resolution, you can
collect additional diagnostic data and analyze it yourself, or submit the data to
IBM Software Support for analysis.

The following questions direct you to appropriate troubleshooting tasks:

1. Have you applied all known fix packs? If not, consider “Applying fix packs” in
Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers.
2. Does the problem occur when you are:
v Installing DB2 database servers or clients? If so, see the topic “Collect data
for installation problems” elsewhere in this book.
v Creating, dropping, updating or migrating an instance or the DB2
Administration Server (DAS)? If so, see the topic “Collect data for DAS and
instance management problems” elsewhere in this book..
v Moving data using EXPORT, IMPORT, LOAD or db2move commands? If so,
see the topic “Collect data for data movement problems” elsewhere in this

If your problem does not fall into one of these categories, basic diagnostic data
might still be required if you are contacting IBM Software Support. You should .see
the topic “Collect data for DB2” elsewhere in this book.

Current release troubleshooting guidance

Guidance is given regarding potential problems you may encounter when working
with new and changed database functions and features. The recent changes to the
database operations can result in you forgetting or overlooking the best possible
way of taking advantage of the new or changed features. The following
troubleshooting topics suggest possible problem areas and suggest directions for
you so that you can take full advantage of the new and changed database
functions and features introduced in this release.

Troubleshooting high availability

Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) Base
Component is not installed by DB2 Version 9.5 GA on AIX 6.1
The IBM Tivoli® SA MP Base Component that is included in the DB2 Version 9.5
GA High Availability Feature does not support the AIX 6.1 operating system. To
obtain the appropriate version of the SA MP Base Component for AIX 6.1, install
DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 1 or later fix packs.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 35


If you install a DB2 Version 9.5 general availability (GA) database product on AIX
6.1, the installer will detect that you are using AIX 6.1 and will not install the SA
MP Base Component.


The SA MP Base Component that is bundled with DB2 Version 9.5 GA does not
support AIX 6.1.

Resolving the problem

When you install DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 1 or later fix packs on AIX 6.1, the SA
MP Base Component will be installed successfully.

Troubleshooting installation of DB2 database systems

If problems occur while you are installing DB2 database products, confirm that
your system meets the installation requirements and review the list of common
installation issues.


To troubleshoot installation problems for DB2 database systems:

v Ensure that your system meets all of the installation requirements.
v If you are encountering licensing errors, ensure that you have applied the
appropriate licenses.
Review the list of frequently asked questions in the “Knowledge Collection: DB2
license issues” technote: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71
v Review the list of installation issues in the documentation and on the DB2
Technical Support Web site: www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/support/db2_9/

What to do next

If you complete these steps but cannot yet identify the source of the problem,
begin collecting diagnostic data to obtain more information.

Errors when installing a DB2 database product to the default

path on a system WPAR (AIX)
Various errors can occur if you install DB2 database products in the default
installation path (/opt/IBM/db2/V9.5) on a system workload partition (WPAR) on
AIX 6.1. To avoid these problems, install DB2 database products on a file system
that is accessible only to the WPAR.


If you install DB2 database products in the /usr or /opt directories on a system
WPAR, various errors can occur depending on how you configured the directories.
System WPARs can be configured to either share the /usr and /opt directories
with the global environment (in which case the /usr and /opt directories will be
readable but not write accessible from the WPAR) or to have a local copy of the
/usr and /opt directories.

36 Troubleshooting Guide
In the first scenario, if a DB2 database product is installed to the default path on
the global environment, that installation will be visible in the system WPAR. This
will give the appearance that DB2 is installed on the WPAR, however attempts to
create a DB2 instance will result in this error: DBI1288E The execution of the
program db2icrt failed. This program failed because you do not have write
permission on the directory or file /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/profiles.reg,/opt/

In the second scenario, if a DB2 database product is installed to the default path on
the global environment then when the WPAR creates the local copy of the /usr
and /opt directories the DB2 database product installation will also be copied. This
can cause unexpected problems if a system administrator attempts to use the
database system. Since the DB2 database product was intended for another system,
inaccurate information might be copied over. For example, any DB2 instances
originally created on the global environment will appear to be present in the
WPAR. This can cause confusion for the system administrator with respect to
which instances are actually installed on the system.


These problems are caused by installing DB2 database products in /usr or /opt
directories on a system WPAR.

Resolving the problem

Do not install DB2 database products in the default path on the global

Mount a file system that is accessible only to the WPAR and install the DB2
database product on that file system.

Beta and non-beta versions of DB2 database products cannot

A DB2 copy can contain one or more different DB2 database products, but it
cannot contain both beta and non-beta products. Do not install beta and non-beta
versions of DB2 database products in the same location.

This restriction applies to both client and server components of DB2 database

Resolving the problem

Uninstall the beta version of DB2 Version 9.5 before installing the non-beta version
or else choose a different installation path.

Resolving service name errors when you install DB2 database

If you choose a non-default service name or port number for the DB2 database
product or DB2 Information Center to use, ensure that you do not specify values
that are already in use.


When you attempt to install a DB2 database product or the DB2 Information Center,
the DB2 Setup wizard reports an error that states "The service name specified is in

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 37


The DB2 Setup wizard will prompt you to choose port numbers and service names
when you install:
v The DB2 Information Center
v A DB2 database product that will accept TCP/IP communications from clients
v A DB2 database product that will act as a database partition server

This error can occur if you choose a service name and port number rather than
accepting the default values. If you choose a service name that already exists in the
services file on the system and you only change the port number, this error will

Resolving the problem

Take one of the following actions:

v Use the default values.
v Use a service name and port number that are both already in the services file.
v Add an unused service name and an unused port number to the services file.
Specify these values in the DB2 Setup wizard.

Installing DB2 UDB Version 8 after DB2 Version 9.5 (Windows)

Installing a DB2 Universal Database™ (DB2 UDB) Version 8 product on a system is
not supported if a DB2 Version 9.5 database product is already installed on that
system. This problem applies to both client and server installations.

Resolving the problem

To install a copy of DB2 UDB Version 8 when DB2 Version 9.5 is already installed:
1. Uninstall DB2 Version 9.5.
2. Install DB2 UDB Version 8.
3. Reinstall DB2 Version 9.5.

For DB2 UDB Version 8 Fix Pack 11 and earlier, the DB2 UDB Version 8 DB2 Setup
Launchpad does not prevent you from installing Version 8 when Version 9.5 is
already installed. However, doing so will cause problems.

Troubleshooting partitioned database environments

There are unique considerations to troubleshooting when you have an environment
that has a partitioned database. Fast communication manager (FCM) will encounter
problems if the host file has a specific entry that is valid when working in other
than a partitioned database environment.

FCM problems related to (Linux and UNIX)

In a partitioned database environment, the fast communications manager (FCM)
might encounter problems if there is an entry for in the /etc/hosts file.


Various error messages might occur, depending on the circumstances. For example,
the following error can occur when you create a database: SQL1229N The current
transaction has been rolled back because of a system error. SQLSTATE=40504

38 Troubleshooting Guide

The problem is caused by the presence of an entry for the IP address in
the /etc/hosts file, where maps to the fully qualified hostname of the
machine. For example: ServerA.ibm.com ServerA

where "ServerA.ibm.com" is the fully qualified hostname.


The problem is limited to DB2 Enterprise Server Edition with the DB2 Database
Partitioning Feature.

Resolving the problem

Remove the entry from the /etc/hosts file, or convert it into a comment. For
# ServerA.ibm.com ServerA

Creating a database partition on an encrypted file system (AIX)

AIX 6.1 supports the ability to encrypt a JFS2 file system or set of files. This feature
is not supported with partitioned database environments in DB2 database
products. An SQL10004C error will occur if you attempt to create a partitioned
database environment using EFS (encrypted file systems) on AIX.


If you attempt to create a database on an encrypted file system in a multiple

partition database environment, you will receive the following error: SQL10004C
An I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory. SQLSTATE=58031


At this time it is not possible to create a partitioned database environment using

EFS (encrypted file systems) on AIX. Since partitioned database partitions use rsh
or ssh, the keystore in EFS is lost and database partitions are unable to access the
database files that are stored on the encrypted file system.

Diagnosing the problem

The DB2 diagnostic log file (db2diag.log) will contain the error message and the
following text: OSERR : ENOATTR (112) "No attribute found".

Resolving the problem

To create a database successfully in a partitioned database environment, you must

have a file system that is available to all of the machines and it must not be an
encrypted file system.

Troubleshooting optimization guidelines and profiles

Diagnostics support for optimization guidelines (passed by optimization profiles) is
provided via EXPLAIN tables.

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 39

You will receive an SQL0437W warning with reason code 13 if the optimizer does
not apply an optimization guideline. Diagnostic information detailing why an
optimization guideline was not applied is added to the EXPLAIN tables. There are
two EXPLAIN tables for receiving optimizer diagnostic output:
v EXPLAIN_DIAGNOSTIC - Each entry in this table represents a diagnostic
message pertaining to the optimization of a particular statement. Each diagnostic
message is represented using a numeric code.
v EXPLAIN_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA - Each entry in this table is diagnostic data
relating to a particular diagnostic message in the EXPLAIN_DIAGNOSTIC table.
The DDLs used to create the diagnostic explain tables is shown below in Figure 1
on page 41.

The following steps can help you troubleshoot problems that occur when you are
using optimization guidelines:
1. “Verify that optimization guidelines have been used” in Tuning Database
2. Examine the full error message using the built-in “EXPLAIN_GET_MSGS table
function” in Administrative Routines and Views.

If you complete these steps but cannot yet identify the source of the problem,
begin collecting diagnostic data and consider contacting IBM Software Support.

40 Troubleshooting Guide




EXPLAIN_LEVEL, STMTNO, and SECTNO columns are part of both tables in order to form the foreign key to the
EXPLAIN_STATEMENT table and the parent-child relationship between EXPLAIN_DIAGNOSTIC and

Figure 1. DDLs used to create the diagnostic explain tables

This DDL is included in the EXPLAIN.DDL file located in the misc subdirectory of
the sqllib directory.

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 41

Troubleshooting the storage key support
Storage protection keys, hardware keys at a thread level, are used to help the DB2
engine have greater resilience by protecting memory from invalid access attempts.
Follow the steps below for any error that you have encountered while enabling
this feature or any trap that you have encountered while this feature is enabled.

Diagnosing registry variable errors

When setting the registry variables “DB2_MEMORY_PROTECT” and

“DB2_THREAD_SUSPENSION” in Data Servers, Databases, and Database Objects
Guide , an Invalid value (DBI1301E) error was returned. This error occurs for one
of the following reasons:
v The value given for the registry variable is invalid. Refer to the registry variable
usage for the applicable variable, DB2_MEMORY_PROTECT or
v If the error occurs when you are setting the DB2_MEMORY_PROTECT variable,
then the hardware and operating system may not support storage protection
keys and the feature cannot be enabled. Storage protection keys are available in
POWER6 processors and are supported as of the AIX 5L Version 5.3, with the
5300-06 Technology Level, operating system.
v If the error occurs when you are setting the DB2_THREAD_SUSPENSION
variable to ON, then the DB2_MEMORY_PROTECT variable was not set prior to
setting the DB2_THREAD_SUSPENSION variable. Use the db2set command to
set the DB2_MEMORY_PROTECT variable to YES. Next, use the db2set
command to set the DB2_THREAD_SUSPENSION variable to ON. Finally, stop
and restart your DB2 instance to activate the registry variable changes.

Diagnosing traps

The DB2 instance prepares the first occurrence data capture (FODC) package for
the trap that you have encountered. If the DB2 instance has been configured for
greater database resiliency, the DB2_MEMORY_PROTECT variable is set to YES
and the DB2_THREAD_SUSPENSION variable is set to ON, then the DB2 instance
has also determined whether or not the trap is sustainable. The term 'sustainable'
means that the trapped DB2 engine thread has been suspended or terminated and
the DB2 instance continues to run. Perform these steps:
1. Use a text editor to view the administration notification log file. You will see
error message ADM14010C if the trap was sustainable and the DB2 instance is
still running. Otherwise, you will see error message ADM14011C and the DB2
instance has shutdown.
2. Note the directory name of the FODC information as specified in the
appropriate error message above.
3. If the trap was sustained, stop the DB2 instance at your earliest convenience.
Since a DB2 engine thread is suspended when the trap is sustained, the
db2stop and STOP DATABASE MANAGER commands will hang if they are
used to stop the DB2 instance. Instead, you must use the db2_kill command to
stop the DB2 instance and remove the suspended DB2 engine thread.
4. Restart the DB2 instance using the db2start or START DATABASE MANAGER
5. Contact IBM Customer Support and refer to the FODC diagnostic information
to resolve the cause of the trap.

42 Troubleshooting Guide
Data compression dictionary is not automatically created
You have a large table but no data compression dictionary is created. You would
like to understand why the creation of the data compression dictionary did not
occur as you were expecting.

You may find yourself in the following situation:

v You have a table where the COMPRESS attribute has been set to YES.
v The table has existed for some time and data has been added and removed.
v The size of the table appears to be close to the threshold size (approximately 1 to
2 MB). You are expecting the data compression dictionary to be automatically
v You run a table data population operation (such as INSERT, LOAD INSERT, or
REDISTRIBUTE) which you expect will increase the size of the table beyond the
threshold size.
v Automatic creation of the data compression dictionary does not occur. The data
compression dictionary is not created and placed into the table. You expect
compression to occur on data added to the table after that point, but the data
remains decompressed.

Why is the table data compression not occurring?

Although the table size is larger than the threshold size to allow automatic creation
of the data compression dictionary, there is another condition that is checked. The
condition is that there must be sufficient data present in the table to allow creation
of the dictionary. Past activity against the data in the table may also have included
the deletion or removal of data. There may be large sections within the table where
there is no data. This is how you can have a large table which meets or exceeds
the table size threshold, but there may not be enough data in the table to allow the
creation of the dictionary.

If you experience a lot of activity against the table, you need to reorganized the
table on a regular basis. If you do not, the table size may be large, but it may be
sparsely populated with data. Reorganizing the table will eliminate fragmented
data and compact the data in the table. Following the reorganization, the table will
be smaller and be more densely populated. The reorganized table will more
accurately represent the amount of data in the table and may be smaller than the
threshold size to allow automatic creation of the data compression dictionary.

Use the REORGCHK command to determine if a table needs to be reorganized.

Troubleshooting global variable problems

In general, troubleshooting applications with regard to global variables is not a
problem if the user experiencing the problem has permission to READ the global
variables. Having READ permission is all that is needed to know what the value of
the global variable is by issuing a VALUES(Global Variable Name) statement.
There will be cases where the user running the application will not have access to
READ the global variable.

The first scenario illustrates a possible problem when referencing global variables
that has a simple solution. The second scenario presents a more likely situation
where the permission to READ the global variables needs to be granted to the
appropriate users.

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 43

Scenario 1

References to global variables must be properly qualified. It is possible that there

exists a variable with the same name and a different schema where the incorrect
schema is encountered earlier in the PATH register value. One solution is to ensure
that the references to the global variable are fully qualified.

Scenario 2

An application developer (developerUser) creates a highly complex series of

procedures, views, triggers, and so on based upon the value of some global
variables to which only he has read access. An end user of the application
(finalUser) logs in and starts issuing SQL using the environment created by
developerUser. finalUser complains to developerUser that he cannot see data that
he should be allowed to see. As part of troubleshooting this problem,
developerUser changes his authorization ID to that of finalUser, logs in as
finalUser, and tries the same SQL as finalUser. developerUser finds that finalUser
is right, and there is a problem.

developerUser has to determine whether finalUser sees the same global variable
values as he does. developerUser runs SET SESSION USER to see the global
variable values that the finalUser sees. Here is a proposed method to determine
this problem and solve it.

developerUser asks the security administrator (secadmUser) to grant him

permission to use SET SESSION USER as finalUser. Then developerUser logs in as
himself and uses the SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement to set the
SESSION_USER special register to that of finalUser. After running the SQL that is
the problem, he then switches back to developerUser using another SET SESSION
AUTHORIZATION statement. developerUser can now issue a VALUES statement
and see the actual value of the global variable.

What follows is sample SQL showing the actions taken in the database by
# developerUser connects to database and creates needed objects

db2 "connect to sample user developerUser using xxxxxxxx"

db2 "create table security.users \

(userid varchar(10) not null primary key, \
firstname varchar(10), \
lastname varchar(10), \
authlevel int)"

db2 "insert into security.users values (’ZUBIRI’, ’Adriana’, ’Zubiri’, 1)"

db2 "insert into security.users values (’SMITH’, ’Mary’, ’Smith’, 2)"
db2 "insert into security.users values (’NEWTON’, ’John’, ’Newton’, 3)"

db2 "create variable security.gv_user varchar(10) default (SESSION_USER)"

db2 "create variable security.authorization int default 0"

# Create a procedure that depends on a global variable

SELECT authlevel INTO security.authorization \
FROM security.users \

44 Troubleshooting Guide
WHERE userid = security.gv_user"

db2 "grant all on variable security.authorization to public"

db2 "grant execute on procedure security.get_authorization to public"
db2 "terminate"

# secadmUser grants setsessionuser
db2 "connect to sample user secadmUser using xxxxxxxx"
db2 "grant setsessionuser on user finalUser to user developerUser"
db2 "terminate"

# developerUser will debug the problem now

echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Connect as developerUser "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
db2 "connect to sample user developerUser using xxxxxxxx"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
db2 "set session authorization = finalUser"

echo "--- TRY to get the value of gv_user as finalUser (we should not be able to)"
db2 "values(security.gv_user)"

echo "--- Now call the procedure---"

db2 "call security.get_authorization()"

echo "--- if it works it should return 3 ---"

db2 "values(security.authorization)"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION = developerUser "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"

db2 "set session authorization = developerUser"

echo "--- See what the variable looks like ----"

db2 "values(security.gv_user)"

db2 "terminate"

Troubleshooting scripts
You may have internal tools or scripts that are based on the processes running in
the database engine. These tools or scripts may no longer work because all agents,
prefetchers, and page cleaners are now considered threads in a single,
multi-threaded process.

Your internal tools and scripts will have to be modified to account for a threaded
process. For example, you may have scripts that invoke the ps command to list the
process names; and then perform tasks against certain agent processes. Your scripts
will need to be rewritten.

The problem determination database command db2pd will have a new option -edu
(short for “engine dispatchable unit”) to list all agent names along with their
thread IDs. The db2pd -stack command continues to work with the threaded
engine to dump individual EDU stacks or to dump all EDU stacks for the current

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 45

Troubleshooting data inconsistencies
Diagnosing where data inconsistencies exist within the database is very important.
One way to determine data inconsistencies is to use the output from the INSPECT
command to identify where a problem exists. When inconsistencies are found, you
will have to decide how to deal with the problem.

Once you have determined that there is a data consistency problem, you have two
v Contact DB2 Service and ask for their assistance in recovering from the data
v Drop and rebuild the database object that has the data consistency problem.

You will use the INSPECT CHECK variation from the INSPECT command to check
the database, table space, or table that has evidence of a data inconsistency. Once
the results of the INSPECT CHECK command are produced, you should format
the inspection results using the db2inspf command.

If the INSPECT command does not complete then contact DB2 Service.

Troubleshooting index to data inconsistencies

Indexes must be accurate to allow quick access to the right data in tables otherwise
your database is corrupt.

You can use the INSPECT command to carry out an online check for index to data
inconsistency by using the INDEXDATA option in the cross object checking clause.
Index data checking is not performed by default when using the INSPECT
command; it must be explicitly requested.

When there is an error discovered due to an index data inconsistency while

INSPECT performs an INDEXDATA inspection, the error message SQL1141N is
returned. At the same time this error message is returned, data diagnostic
information is collected and dumped to the db2diag.log. An urgent message is also
logged in the administration notification log. Use the db2diag.log analysis tool to
filter and format the contents of the db2diag. log file.

Locking implications

While checking for index to data inconsistencies by using the INSPECT command
with the INDEXDATA option, the inspected tables are only locked in IS mode.

When the INDEXDATA option is specified, by default only the values of explicitly
specified level clause options are used. For any level clause options which are not
explicitly specified, the default levels (INDEX NORMAL and DATA NORMAL) are
overwritten from NORMAL to NONE.

Collecting data for DB2

Sometimes you cannot solve a problem simply by troubleshooting the symptoms.
In such cases, you need to collect diagnostic data. The diagnostic data that you
need to collect and the sources from which you collect that data are dependent on
the type of problem that you are investigating. These steps represent how to collect
the base set of information that you typically need to provide when you submit a
problem to IBM Software Support.

46 Troubleshooting Guide
To obtain the most complete output, the db2support utility should be invoked by
the instance owner. In addition, You must activate the database prior to running
db2support, otherwise the information collected does not contain enough

To collect the base set of diagnostic information in a compressed file archive, enter
the db2support command:
db2support output_directory -s -d database_name -c

Using -s will give system details about the hardware used and the operating
system. Using -d will give details about the specified database. Using -c allows for
an attempt to connect to the specified database.
The output is conveniently collected and stored in a compressed ZIP archive,
db2support.zip, so that it can be transferred and extracted easily on any system.

For specific symptoms, or for problems in a specific part of the product, you might
need to collect additional data. Refer to the problem-specific "Collecting data"

You can do any of the following tasks next:

v Analyze the data
v Submit the data to IBM Software Support

Collecting data for installation problems

If you are experiencing installation problems and cannot determine the cause of
the problem, collect diagnostic data that either you or IBM Software Support can
use to diagnose and resolve the problem.

To collect diagnostic data for installation problems:

1. Optional: Repeat the installation attempt with tracing enabled. For example:
db2setup -t trace.out
setup -t trace.out
2. Locate the installation log files.
v On Windows, the default file name is "DB2-ProductAbbreviation-
DateTime.log". For example: DB2-ESE-Wed Jun 21 11_59_37 2006.log. The
default location for the installation log is the "My Documents"\DB2LOG\
v On Linux and UNIX, the default file names are db2setup.log, db2setup.his,
and db2setup.err.
If you recreated the problem with tracing (or debug mode) enabled,
additional files might be created, such as: dascrt.log, dasdrop.log,
dasupdt.log, db2icrt.log.PID, db2idrop.log.PID, db2imigr.log.PID, and
db2iupdt.log.PID, where PID is the process ID.
The default location for all of these files is the /tmp directory.
3. Optional: If you intend to submit the data to IBM Software Support, collect
data for DB2 as well.

Collecting data for data movement problems

If you are experiencing problems while performing data movement commands and
you cannot determine the cause of the problem, collect diagnostic data that either
you or IBM Software Support can use to diagnose and resolve the problem.

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 47

v To collect data for problems related to the db2move command, go to the
directory where you issued the command. Locate the following file(s),
depending on the action you specified in the command:
– For the COPY action, look for files called COPY.timestamp.ERR and
COPYSCHEMA.timestamp.MSG. If you also specified either LOAD_ONLY or
DDL_AND_LOAD mode, look for a file called LOADTABLE.timestamp.MSG as
– For the EXPORT action, look for a file called EXPORT.out.
– For the IMPORT action, look for a file called IMPORT.out.
– For the LOAD action, look for a file called LOAD.out.
v To collect data for problems related to EXPORT or IMPORT or LOAD
commands, determine whether your command included the MESSAGES
parameter. If it did, collect the output file. These utilities use the current
directory and the default drive as the destination if you do not specify
v To collect data for problems related to a REDISTRIBUTE command, look for a
file called "databasename.database_partition_groupname. timestamp" on Linux
and UNIX and “databasename. database_partition_groupname.date.time" on
Windows. It is located in $HOME/sqllib/db2dump directory or
$DB2PATH\sqllib\redist respectively, where $HOME is the home directory of the
instance owner.

Collecting data for DAS and instance management problems

If you are experiencing problems while performing DB2 Administration Server
(DAS) or instance management and you cannot determine the cause of the
problem, collect diagnostic data that either you or IBM Software Support can use
to diagnose and resolve the problem.

These steps are only for situations where you can recreate the problem and you are
using DB2 on Linux or UNIX.

To collect diagnostic data for DAS or instance management problems:

1. Repeat the failing command with tracing or debug mode enabled. Example
db2setup -t trace.out
dascrt -u DASUSER -d
dasdrop -d
dasmigr -d
dasupdt -d
db2icrt -d INSTNAME
db2idrop INSTNAME -d
db2imigr -d INSTNAME
db2iupdt -d INSTNAME
2. Locate the diagnostic files. More than one file might be present, so compare the
timestamps to ensure that you are obtaining all of the appropriate files.
The output will appear in the /tmp directory by default.
Example file names are: dascrt.log, dasdrop.log , dasupdt.log ,
db2icrt.log.PID, db2idrop.log.PID, db2imigr.log.PID, and db2iupdt.log.PID,
where PID is the process ID.
3. Provide the diagnostic file(s) to IBM Software Support.

If the problem is that the db2start or START DATABASE MANAGER command is

failing, look for a file named db2start.timestamp.log in the insthome/sqllib/log

48 Troubleshooting Guide
directory, where insthome is the home directory for the instance owner. Likewise if
the problem is that the db2stop or STOP DATABASE MANAGER command is
failing, look for a file named db2stop.timestamp.log. These files will only appear if
the database manager did not respond to the command within the amount of time
specified in the start_stop_time database manager configuration parameter.

Analyzing data for DB2

After you collect data, you need to determine how that data can help you to
resolve your particular problem. The type of analysis depends on the type of
problem that you are investigating and the data that you have collected. These
steps represent how to start your investigation of any basic DB2 diagnostic data.

To analyze diagnostic data, take the following actions:

v Have a clear understanding of how the various pieces of data relate to each
other. For example, if the data spans more than one system, keep your data well
organized so that you know which pieces of data come from which sources.
v Confirm that each piece of diagnostic data is relevant to the timing of the
problem by checking timestamps. Note that data from different sources can have
different timestamp formats; be sure to understand the sequence of the different
elements in each timestamp format so that you can tell when the different events
v Determine which data sources are most likely to contain information about the
problem, and start your analysis there. For example, if the problem is related to
installation, start your analysis with the installation log files (if any), rather than
starting with the general product or operating system log files.
v The specific method of analysis is unique to each data source, but one tip that is
applicable to most traces and log files is to start by identifying the point in the
data where the problem occurs. After you identify that point, you can work
backward in time through the data in order to unravel the root cause of the
v If you are investigating a problem for which you have comparative data from an
environment that is working and one that is not, start by comparing the
operating system and product configuration details for each environment.

Analyzing data for installation problems

After you collect diagnostic data about installation problems, you can analyze the
data to determine the cause of the problem. These steps are optional. If the cause
of the problem is not easily determined, submit the data to IBM Software Support.

These steps assume that you have obtained the files described in Collecting data
for installation problems.
1. Ensure that you are looking at the appropriate installation log file. Check the
file's creation date, or the timestamp included in the file name (on Windows
operating systems).
2. Determine whether the installation completed successfully.
v On Windows operating systems, success is indicated by a message similar to
the following at the bottom of the installation log file:
Property(C): INSTALL_RESULT = Setup Complete Successfully
=== Logging stopped: 6/21/2006 16:03:09 ===
MSI (c) (34:38) [16:03:09:109]:
Product: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition - DB2COPY1 -- Installation operation
completed successfully.

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 49

v On Linux and UNIX operating systems, success is indicated by a message at
the bottom of the installation log file (the one named db2setup.log by
3. OPTIONAL: Determine whether any errors occurred. If the installation
completed successfully, but you received an error message during the
installation process, locate these errors in the installation log file.
v On Windows operating systems, most errors will be prefaced with "ERROR:" or
"WARNING:". For example:
1: ERROR:An error occurred while running the command
initialize and/or migrate the DB2 tools catalog database.
The return value is "4".

1: WARNING:A minor error occurred while installing "DB2 Enterprise Server

Edition - DB2COPY1" on this computer. Some features may not function
v On Linux and UNIX operating systems, a file with a default name of
db2setup.err will be present if any errors were returned by Java (for
example, exceptions and trap information).
If you had enabled an installation trace, there will be more entries in the
installation log files and the entries will be more detailed.

If analyzing this data does not help you to resolve your problem, and if you have
a maintenance contract with IBM, you can open a problem report. IBM Software
Support will ask you to submit any data that you have collected, and they might
also ask you about any analysis that you performed.

If your investigation has not solved the problem, submit the data to IBM Software

Analyzing DB2 license compliance reports

To verify the license compliance of your DB2 features, analyze a DB2 license
compliance report. If there are any licensing violations, they can be addressed by
obtaining the appropriate license keys or by removing the problematic DB2
database products or features.

Before you begin

The following steps assume that you have used the License Center or the db2licm
command to generate a DB2 license compliance report.

1. Open the file that contains the DB2 license compliance report.
2. Examine the status of each DB2 feature in the compliance report. The report
displays one of the following values for each feature:
In compliance
Indicates that no violations were detected. The feature has been used
and is properly licensed.
Not used
Indicates that you have not performed any activities that require this
particular feature.
Indicates that the feature is not licensed and has been used.

50 Troubleshooting Guide
3. If there are any violations, use the License Center or the db2licm -l command to
view your license information.
If the DB2 feature is listed with a status of "Not licensed", you must obtain a
license for that feature. The license key and instructions for registering it are
available on the Activation CD that you receive when you purchase a DB2
Some DB2 features have a soft-stop policy; that is, the feature will continue to
work even in violation, giving you time to obtain and apply the license key.
Other features have hard-stop policies where the feature will cease to function
in violation.

Note: If you are using DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 3 or earlier, it is recommended
that you move up to Fix Pack 4. As of DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 3b, several DB2
features are integrated into the DB2 database products and separate licenses are
no longer required for those features. Earlier license terms that required you to
purchase utilities or functionality that is included as of Fix Pack 3b are not
4. If you choose to drop or delete the problematic objects instead of purchasing a
license, use the following commands to determine which objects or settings in
your DB2 database product are causing the license violations:
v For the DB2 Advanced Access Control Feature:
Check for tables that use label based access control (LBAC). Run the
following command against every database in every instance in the DB2
v For the DB2 High Availability Feature:
Check whether high availability disaster recovery (HADR) is turned on in
any of the instances. Run the following command once in every instance in
the DB2 copy:
WHERE NAME=’hadr_db_role’

A return value of STANDARD means that HADR is not being used. A return
value of PRIMARY or STANDBY indicates that HADR is being used.
v For the DB2 Performance Optimization Feature:
– Check whether there are any materialized query tables. Run the following
command against every database in every instance in the DB2 copy:
– Check whether there are any multidimensional cluster tables. Run the
following command against every database in every instance in the DB2
– Check whether any of your instances use query parallelism (also known
as interquery parallelism). Run the following command once in each
instance in the DB2 copy:

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 51

WHERE NAME IN (’intra_parallel’)
v For the DB2 Storage Optimization Feature:
Check if any tables have row level compression enabled. Run the following
command against every database in every instance in the DB2 copy:

What to do next

Once you have addressed the violations (either by obtaining a license for the
feature or by removing the sources of the violation), you can reset the license
compliance report from the License Center or by issuing the following command:
db2licm -x

Submitting data to IBM Software Support

The steps assume that you have already opened a problem management record
(PMR) with IBM Software Support.

You can send diagnostic data, such as log files and configuration files, to IBM
Software Support using one of the following methods:
v Electronic Service Request (ESR) tool
v To submit files (via FTP) to the Enhanced Centralized Client Data Repository
1. Package the data files that you collected into ZIP or TAR format, and name
the package according to your Problem Management Record (PMR)
Your file must use the following naming convention in order to be correctly
associated with the PMR: xxxxx.bbb.ccc.yyy.yyy, where xxxxx is the PMR
number, bbb is the PMR's branch number, ccc is the PMR's territory code,
and yyy.yyy is the file name.
2. Using an FTP utility, connect to the server ftp.emea.ibm.com.
3. Log in as the userid "anonymous" and enter your e-mail address as your
4. Go to the toibm directory. For example, cd toibm.
5. Go to one of the operating system-specific subdirectories. For example, the
subdirectories include: aix, linux, unix, or windows.
6. Change to binary mode. For example, enter bin at the command prompt.
7. Put your file on the server by using the put command. Use the following file
naming convention to name your file and put it on the server. Your PMR will
be updated to list where the files are stored using the format:
xxxx.bbb.ccc.yyy.yyy. (xxx is the PMR number, bbb is the branch, ccc is the
territory code, and yyy.yyy is the description of the file type such as tar.Z or
xyz.zip.) You can send files to the FTP server, but you cannot update them.
Any time that you need to subsequently change the file, you need to create a
new file name.
8. Enter the quit command.
v To submit files using the ESR tool:

52 Troubleshooting Guide
1. Sign onto ESR.
2. On the Welcome page, enter your PMR number in the Enter a report
number field, and click Go.
3. Scroll down to the Attach Relevant File field.
4. Click Browse to locate the log, trace, or other diagnostic file that you want to
submit to IBM Software Support.
5. Click Submit. Your file is transferred to IBM Software Support through FTP,
and it is associated with your PMR.

For more information about the EcuRep service, see IBM EMEA Centralized
Customer Data Store Service.

For more information about ESR, see Electronic Service Request (ESR) help.

Chapter 3. Troubleshooting DB2 53

54 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 4. Troubleshooting DB2 Connect
The system environment that uses DB2 Connect has unique possibilities for
problems beyond those that would normally be involved with a local database.
Gathering information about problems also has to involve communication
protocols and hardware. In addition, remote databases are possible sources of
problems and need to be considered.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 55

56 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting
The DB2 Connect environment involves multiple software, hardware and
communications products. Troubleshooting is best approached by a process of
elimination and refinement of the available data to arrive at a conclusion (the
location of the error).

After gathering the relevant information and based on your selection of the
applicable topic, proceed to the referenced section.

Gathering relevant information

Troubleshooting includes narrowing the scope of the problem and investigating the
possible causes. The proper starting point is to gather the relevant information and
determine what you know, what data has not been gathered, and what paths you
can eliminate. At a minimum answer the following questions.
v Has the initial connection been successful?
v Is the hardware functioning properly?
v Are the communication paths operational?
v Have there been any communication network changes that would make
previous directory entries invalid?
v Has the database been started?
v Is the communication breakdown between one or more clients and the DB2
Connect Server (gateway); between the DB2 Connect gateway and the host or
iSeries® database server; or between theDB2 Connect Personal Edition and the
host or System i database server?
v What can you determine by the content of the message and the tokens returned
in the message?
v Will using diagnostic tools such as db2trc, db2pd, or db2support provide any
assistance at this time?
v Are other machines performing similar tasks working correctly?
v If this is a remote task, is it successful if performed locally?

Initial connection is not successful

Review the following questions and ensure that the installation steps were
1. Did the installation processing complete successfully?
v Were all the prerequisite software products available?
v Were the memory and disk space adequate?
v Was remote client support installed?
v Was the installation of the communications software completed without any
error conditions?
2. For UNIX operating systems, was an instance of the product created?
v As root did you create a user and a group to become the instance owner and
sysadm group?
3. If applicable, was the license information processed successfully?

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 57

v For UNIX operating systems, did you edit the nodelock file and enter the
password that IBM supplied?
4. Were the host or System i database server and workstation communications configured
v There are three configurations that must be considered:
a. The host or System i database server configuration identifies the
application requester to the server. The host or System i server database
management system will have system catalog entries that will define the
requestor in terms of location, network protocol and security.
b. The DB2 Connect workstation configuration defines the client population
to the server and the host or System i server to the client.
c. The client workstation configuration must have the name of the
workstation and the communications protocol defined.
v Problem analysis for not making an initial connection includes verifying that
PU (physical unit) names are complete and correct, or verifying for TCP/IP
connections that the correct port number and hostname have been specified.
v Both the host or System i server database administrator and the Network
administrators have utilities available to diagnose problems.
5. Do you have the level of authority required by the host or System i server database
management system to use the host or System i server database?
v Consider the access authority of the user, rules for table qualifiers, the
anticipated results.
6. If you attempt to use the Command Line Processor (CLP) to issue SQL statements
against a host or System i database server, are you unsuccessful?
v Did you follow the procedure to bind the CLP to the host or System i
database server?

Problems encountered after an initial connection

The following questions are offered as a starting point to assist in narrowing the
scope of the problem.
1. Are there any special or unusual operating circumstances?
v Is this a new application?
v Are new procedures being used?
v Are there recent changes that might be affecting the system? For example,
have any of the software products or applications been changed since the
application or scenario last ran successfully?
v For application programs, what application programming interface (API) was
used to create the program?
v Have other applications that use the software or communication APIs been
run on the user's system?
v Has a fix pack recently been installed? If the problem occurred when a user
tried to use a feature that had not been used (or loaded) on their operating
system since it was installed, determine IBM's most recent fix pack and load
it after installing the feature.
2. Has this error occurred before?
v Are there any documented resolutions to previous error conditions?
v Who were the participants and can they provide insight into a possible
course of action?

58 Troubleshooting Guide
3. Have you explored using communications software commands that return information
about the network?
v TCP/IP might have valuable information retrieved from using TCP/IP
commands and daemons.
4. Is there information returned in the SQLCA (SQL communication area) that can be
v Problem handling procedures should include steps to examine the contents
of the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE fields.
v SQLSTATEs allow application programmers to test for classes of errors that
are common to the DB2 family of database products. In a distributed
relational database network this field might provide a common base.
5. Was DB2START executed at the Server? Additionally, ensure that the DB2COMM
environment variable is set correctly for clients accessing the server remotely.
6. Are other machines performing the same task able to connect to the server successfully?
The maximum number of clients attempting to connect to the server might
have been reached. If another client disconnects from the server, is the client
who was previously unable to connect, now able to connect?
7. Does the machine have the proper addressing? Verify that the machine is unique in
the network.
8. When connecting remotely, has the proper authority been granted to the client?
Connection to the instance might be successful, but the authorization might not
have been granted at the database or table level.
9. Is this the first machine to connect to a remote database? In distributed
environments routers or bridges between networks might block communication
between the client and the server. For example, when using TCP/IP, ensure that
you can PING the remote host.

Unsupported DDM commands

supported by DB2 Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows when it is acting as
a DRDA® application server (DRDA AS).


If a DRDA application requester (DRDA AR) connects to DB2 Version 9.5 for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows and issues any of the following commands, the
command will fail:
Table 3. Unsupported DDM commands
DDM command DDM codepoint Description
BNDCPY X'2011' Copy an existing relational
database (RDB) package
BNDDPLY X'2016' Deploy an existing RDB
DRPPKG X'2007' Drop a package
DSCRDBTBL X'2012' Describe an RDB table

In addition, the following code points, used in the SQLDTA descriptor for
parameter-wise (or column-wise) array input, are also not supported:

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting DB2 Connect 59

Table 4. Unsupported FD:OCA data objects
FD:OCA data objects DDM codepoint Description
FDOEXT X'147B' Formatted Data Object
Content Architecture
(FD:OCA) Data Extents
FDOOFF X'147D' FD:OCA Data Offsets

The most common error message in this situation is SQL30020N ("Execution failed
because of a Distributed Protocol Error that will affect the successful execution of
subsequent commands and SQL statements").


Distributed Data Management Architecture (DDM) is part of the DRDA protocol.

The DDM commands BNDCPY, BNDDPLY, DRPPKG and DSCRDBTBL exist in all
of the DRDA levels that are supported by DB2 Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows but the DRDA application server does not support these DDM

Likewise, a DB2 Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows DRDA application
server does not support the FDOEXT and FDOOFF codepoints. These codepoints
are used in the SQLDTA descriptor that is sent to server when you submit a
column-wise array input request.

Diagnosing the problem

If you obtain a DB2 trace on the DRDA application server, you will see a message
similar to the following in response to these commands:ERROR MSG = Parser:
Command Not Supported.

Resolving the problem

There are currently no supported alternatives for the BNDCPY and BNDDPLY
DDM commands.

To drop a package, use the SQL statement DROP PACKAGE. For example, connect
to the DB2 Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows DRDA application server
and send a DROP PACKAGE statement in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE request. DB2
Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows will process that request successfully.

To describe an RDB table, use one of the following DDM commands: DSCSQLSTT
(Describe SQL Statement) or PRPSQLSTT (Prepare SQL Statement). For example, if
you want a description of the table TAB1, describe or prepare the following
statement: SELECT * FROM TAB1.

Note: When the DRDA AR issues the PRPSQLSTT command, it is necessary to

also specify the instance variable RTNSQLDA with a value of TRUE, otherwise
the SQLDA Reply Data (SQLDARD) descriptor will not be returned by the server.

To avoid problems with the FDOEXT and FDOOFF code points, use row-wise
array input requests instead of parameter-wise (or column-wise) array input

60 Troubleshooting Guide
Diagnostic tools
When you encounter a problem, you can use the following:
v All diagnostic data including dump files, trap files, error logs, notification files,
and alert logs are found in the path specified by the diagnostic data directory
path (diagpath) database manager configuration parameter:
If the value for this configuration parameter is null, the diagnostic data is
written to one of the following directories or folders:
– For Linux and UNIX environments: INSTHOME/sqllib/db2dump, where
INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance.
– For supported Windows environments:
- If the DB2INSTPROF environment variable is not set then
x:\SQLLIB\DB2INSTANCE is used where x:\SQLLIB is the drive reference and
the directory specified in the DB2PATH registry variable, and the value of
DB2INSTANCE has the name of the instance.

Note: The directory does not have to be named SQLLIB.

- If the DB2INSTPROF environment variable is set then
x:\DB2INSTPROF\DB2INSTANCE is used where DB2INSTPROF is the name of
the instance profile directory and DB2INSTANCE is the name of the
instance (by default, the value of DB2INSTDEF on Windows 32-bit
operating systems).
v For Windows operating systems, you can use the Event Viewer to view the
administration notification log.
v The available diagnostic tools that can be used include db2trc, db2pd and
v For Linux and UNIX operating systems, the ps command, which returns process
status information about active processes to standard output.
v For UNIX operating systems, the core file that is created in the current directory
when severe errors occur. It contains a memory image of the terminated process,
and can be used to determine what function caused the error.

Common DB2 Connect problems

This topic lists the most common symptoms of connection problems encountered
when using DB2 Connect. In each case, you are provided with:
v A combination of a message number and a return code (or protocol specific
return code) associated with that message. Each message and return code
combination has a separate heading, and the headings are ordered by message
number, and then by return code.
v A symptom, usually in the form of a sample message listing.
v A suggested solution, indicating the probable cause of the error. In some cases,
more than one suggested solution might be provided.

SQL0965 or SQL0969
Messages SQL0965 and SQL0969 can be issued with a number of different
return codes from DB2 for i5/OS, DB2 for z/OS®, and DB2 for VM & VSE.
When you encounter either message, you should look up the original SQL
code in the documentation for the database server product issuing the

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting DB2 Connect 61

The SQL code received from the host or i5/OS database cannot be
translated. Correct the problem, based on the error code, then resubmit the
failing command.

Support for one or more communications protocols failed to start
successfully. However, core database manager functionality started
Perhaps the TCP/IP protocol is not started on the DB2 Connect server.
There might have been a successful client connection previously.
If diaglevel = 4, then db2diag.log might contain a similar entry, for
2001-05-30- Instance:svtdbm5 Node:000
PID:10296(db2tcpcm) Appid:none
common_communication sqlcctcpconnmgr_child Probe:46
DIA3205E Socket address "30090" configured in the TCP/IP
services file and
required by the TCP/IP server support is being used by another
This warning is a symptom which signals that DB2 Connect, acting as a
server for remote clients, is having trouble handling one or more client
communication protocols. These protocols can be TCP/IP and others, and
usually the message indicates that one of the communications protocols
defined to DB2 Connect is not configured properly.
Often the cause might be that the DB2COMM profile variable is not
defined, or is defined incorrectly. Generally, the problem is the result of a
mismatch between the DB2COMM variable and names defined in the
database manager configuration (for example, svcename or nname).
One possible scenario is having a previously successful connection, then
getting the SQL5043 error message, while none of the configuration has
changed. This could occur using the TCP/IP protocol, when the remote
system abnormally terminates the connection for some reason. When this
happens, a connection might still appear to exist on the client, and it might
become possible to restore the connection without further intervention by
issuing the commands shown below.
Most likely, one of the clients connecting to the DB2 Connect server still
has a handle on the TCP/IP port. On each client machine that is connected
to the DB2 Connect server, enter the following commands:
db2 terminate

SQL30020N Execution failed because of a Distributed Protocol Error that
will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL
Service should be contacted with this error. Run the db2support command
before contacting service.

62 Troubleshooting Guide
SQL30060N "<authorization-ID>" does not have the privilege to perform
operation "<operation>".
When connecting to DB2 for OS/390® and z/OS, the Communications
Database (CDB) tables have not been updated properly.

Connecting to the wrong host or System i database server location - no
target database can be found.
The wrong server database name might be specified in the DCS directory
entry. When this occurs, SQLCODE -30061 is returned to the application.
Check the DB2 node, database, and DCS directory entries. The target
database name field in the DCS directory entry must correspond to the
name of the database based on the platform. For example, for a DB2
Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390 database, the name to be used
should be the same as that used in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS)
"LOCATION=locname" field, which is also provided in the DSNL004I
message (LOCATION=location) when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is
The correct commands for a TCP/IP node are:
db2 catalog tcpip node <node_name> remote <host_name_or_address>
server <port_no_or_service_name>
db2 catalog dcs database <local_name> as <real_db_name>
db2 catalog database <local_name> as <alias> at <node node_name>
authentication server
To connect to the database you then issue:
db2 connect to <alias> user <user_name> using <password>

SQL30081N with Return Code 79

SQL30081N A communication error has been detected.
Communication protocol
being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS".
where the error was detected: "". Communication function
detecting the error:
"connect". Protocol specific error code(s): "79", "*", "*".
This error can occur in the case of a remote client failing to connect to a
DB2 Connect server. It can also occur when connecting from the DB2
Connect server to a host or System i database server.
1. The DB2COMM profile variable might be set incorrectly on the DB2
Connect server. Check this. For example, the command db2set
db2comm=tcpip should appear in sqllib/db2profile when running DB2
Enterprise Server Edition on AIX.

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting DB2 Connect 63

2. There might be a mismatch between the TCP/IP service name and port
number specifications at the IBM data server client and the DB2
Connect server. Verify the entries in the TCP/IP services files on both
3. Check that DB2 is started on the DB2 Connect server. Set the Database
Manager Configuration diaglevel to 4, using the command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diaglevel 4

After stopping and restarting DB2, look in the db2diag.log file to check
that DB2 TCP/IP communications have been started. You should see
output similar to the following:
2001-02-03- Instance:svtdbm2 Node:00
PID:86496(db2sysc) Appid:none
common_communication sqlcctcp_start_listen Probe:80
DIA3000I "TCPIP" protocol support was successfully started.

SQL30081N with Protocol Specific Error Code 10032

SQL30081N A communication error has been detected.
Communication protocol
being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS".
where the error was detected: "". Communication
function detecting
the error: "send". Protocol specific error code(s): "10032",
"*", "*".
This error message might be received when trying to disconnect from a
machine where TCP/IP communications have already failed. Correct the
problem with the TCP/IP subsystem.
On most machines, simply restarting the TCP/IP protocol for the machine
is the way to correct the problem. Occasionally, recycling the entire
machine might be required.

SQL30082 RC=24 During CONNECT

SQLCODE -30082 The username or the password supplied is incorrect.
Ensure that the correct password is provided on the CONNECT statement
if necessary. Password not available to send to the target server database. A
password has to be sent from the IBM data server client to the target
server database. On certain platforms, for example AIX, the password can
only be obtained if it is provided on the CONNECT statement.

64 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting
Return codes internal to the database manager, tools that are part of the DB2
product, the different types of traces, and the tools that are part of the operating
system are all used when troubleshooting your problems. Each tool provides data
and information to assist you, and DB2 Support, while investigating a database

Learning more about internal return codes

There are two types of internal return codes: ZRC values and ECF values. These
are return codes that will generally only be visible in diagnostic tools intended for
use by IBM Software Support. For example, they appear in DB2 trace output and
in the db2diag.log file.

ZRC and ECF values basically serve the same purpose, but have slightly different
formats. Each ZRC value has the following characteristics:
v Class name
v Component
v Reason code
v Associated SQLCODE
v SQLCA message tokens
v Description
However, ECF values consist of:
v Set name
v Product ID
v Component
v Description

ZRC and ECF values are typically negative numbers and are used to represent
error conditions. ZRC values are grouped according to the type of error that they
represent. These groupings are called "classes". For example, ZRC values that have
names starting with “SQLZ_RC_MEMHEP” are generally errors related to
insufficient memory. ECF values are similarly grouped into "sets".

An example of a db2diag.log entry containing a ZRC value is as follows:

2006-02-13- I17502H435 LEVEL: Error
PID : 940 TID : 660 PROC : db2syscs.exe
APPHDL : 0-1433 APPID: *LOCAL.DB2.050120082811
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data protection, sqlpsize, probe:20
RETCODE : ZRC=0x860F000A=-2045837302=SQLO_FNEX "File not found."
DIA8411C A file "" could not be found.

Full details about this ZRC value can be obtained using the db2diag command, for
c:\>db2diag -rc 0x860F000A

Input ZRC string ’0x860F000A’ parsed as 0x860F000A (-2045837302).

ZRC value to map: 0x860F000A (-2045837302)

V7 Equivalent ZRC value: 0xFFFFE60A (-6646)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 65

ZRC class :
Critical Media Error (Class Index: 6)
SQLO ; oper system services (Component Index: 15)
Reason Code:
10 (0x000A)

Identifer (without component):

File not found.

Associated information:
Sqlcode -980
SQL0980C A disk error occurred. Subsequent SQL statements cannot be

Number of sqlca tokens : 0

Diaglog message number: 8411

The same information is returned if you issue the commands db2diag -rc
-2045837302 or db2diag -rc SQLO_FNEX.

An example of the output for an ECF return code is as follows:

c:\>db2diag -rc 0x90000076

Input ECF string ’0x90000076’ parsed as 0x90000076 (-1879048074).

ECF value to map: 0x90000076 (-1879048074)

ECF Set :
setecf (Set index : 1)
Product :
DB2 Common
118 (0x0076)


Cannot load the specified library

The most valuable troubleshooting information in the db2diag command output is

the description and the associated information (for ZRC return codes only).

For a full listing of the ZRC or ECF values, use the commands db2diag -rc zrc and
db2diag -rc ecf, respectively.

Checking archive log files with the db2cklog tool

Checking your archive log files ensures that known good log files are available in
case a rollforward recovery becomes necessary and that the recovery operation
does not fail because of a problem with a log file. The information in this topic
tells you how to check log files with the db2cklog tool, and what to do if a log file
does fail validation.

66 Troubleshooting Guide
You need to have read permission on the archive log files, so that the db2cklog
tool can read the log files and perform its checks. Only log files that are closed,
such as archive log files, can be validated successfully. If you run the tool on a log
file that is still active, the tool cannot check that file accurately and you will receive
a warning to let you know that the file is still active.

The db2cklog tool reads either single log files or a range of numbered log files and
performs checks on the internal validity of the files. Log files that pass validation
without any error messages or warnings are known good files and you can use
them during a rollforward recovery operation. If an archive log file fails validation
with an error message or if a warning is returned, then you must not use that log
file during rollforward recovery. An archive log file that fails validation cannot be
repaired and you should follow the response outlined in this task for what to do

Checking your archive log files is useful in the following scenarios:

v Immediately before a rollforward operation is started: If it becomes necessary to
perform a rollforward recovery operation, you can first run the db2cklog tool
against all the archive log files that are required to perform the rollforward
operation to ensure that the log files are valid. Running the db2cklog tool
against the log files beforehand helps avoid a situation where a recovery
operation fails partway through because of a problem with a log file,
necessitating a follow-on recovery operation.
v Every time a log file is closed and copied to the log archive directory: As part of
your day-to-day operations, archive log files can be checked as an added
precaution to make sure that known good log files are always available. With
this preventive measure, you know right away whether you need to locate a
copy of a log file or if a full database backup to establish a new recovery point
is needed. This helps to reduce any delay in the event that a rollforward
recovery becomes necessary.

To check your archive log files, you issue the db2cklog command from the
command line and include the log file or files you want checked. Note that you do
not specify full log file names with the db2cklog command but only the numerical
identifiers that are part of the log file names. The numerical identifier of the
S0000001.LOG log file is 1, for example; to check that log file, you specify db2cklog
1. If the archive log files are not in the current directory, include the relative or
absolute path to the log files with the optional ARCHLOGPATH parameter.
1. If you want to check the validity of a single archive log file, you specify the
numerical identifier of that log file as log-file-number1 with the command. For
example, to check the validity of the S0000000.LOG log file in the
/home/amytang/tests directory, you issue the command db2cklog 0
ARCHLOGPATH /home/amytang/tests.
2. If you want to check the validity of a range of archive log files, you include the
first and last numerical identifier of that range with the command (from
log-file-number1 to log-file-number2). All log files in the range are checked, unless
the upper end of the range specified with log-file-number2 is numerically lower
than the beginning of the range (specified with log-file-number1). In that case,
only log-file-number1 is checked. For example, to check the validity of the log
files ranging from S0000000.LOG to S0000005.LOG in the /home/nrichers/tests
directory, you issue the command db2cklog 0 TO 5 ARCHLOGPATH

The db2cklog tool will return a return code of zero for any file that passes
validation. If a range of numbered archive log files is specified, the db2cklog tool

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 67

will read each file in sequence, perform its checks and issue a return code for each
file. The tool stops at the first error it encounters, even if a range of log files was
specified and there are additional files the tool has not yet checked. The DBT
message that is returned when an error is found can provide you with some more
information about why an archive log file failed validation, but you cannot fix an
invalid log file. If you receive a DBT warning message that a log file might still be
active but know for certain that the file is an archive log file, then you should treat
the archive log file as invalid and follow the response for what to do next outlined
in this task.


The following example shows the typical output of the db2cklog command as it
parses a log file, in this case S0000002.LOG. This file passes validation with a return
code of zero.
$ db2cklog 2

_____ D B 2 C K L O G _____

DB2 Check Log File tool


The db2cklog tool is a utility can be used to test the integrity

of an archive log file and to determine whether or not the log file
can be used in the rollforward database command.



"db2cklog": Processing log file header of "S0000002.LOG"

"db2cklog": Processing log pages of "S0000002.LOG" (total log pages: "316840")

==> page "1" ...
==> page "25001" ...
==> page "50001" ...
==> page "75001" ...
==> page "100001" ...
==> page "125001" ...
==> page "150001" ...
==> page "175001" ...
==> page "200001" ...
==> page "225001" ...
==> page "250001" ...
==> page "275001" ...
==> page "300001" ...

"db2cklog": Finished processing log file "S0000002.LOG". Return code: "0".


If an archive log file fails validation, your response depends on whether or not you
have a copy of the log file that can pass validation by the db2cklog tool. If you are
not sure whether you have a copy of the log file, check the setting for the
logarchmeth2 configuration parameter, which determines whether your database
server archives a secondary copy of each log file. If you are validating logs as they
are being archive and log mirroring is also configured on your data server, you

68 Troubleshooting Guide
might still be able to locate a copy of the log file in the log mirror path, as your
data server does not recycle log files immediately after archiving.
v If you have a copy of the archive log file, use the db2cklog command against
that copy. If the copy of the log file passes validation, replace the log file that
cannot be read with the valid copy of the log file.
v If you have only one copy of the archive log file and that copy cannot be
validated, the log file is beyond repair and cannot be used for rollforward
recovery purposes. In this case, you must make a full database backup as soon
as possible to establish a new, more recent recovery point that does not depend
on the unusable log file for rollforward recovery.

Overview of the db2dart tool

The db2dart command can be used to verify the architectural correctness of
databases and the objects within them. It can also be used to display the contents
of database control files in order to extract data from tables that might otherwise
be inaccessible.

To display all of the possible options, simply issue the db2dart command without
any parameters. Some options that require parameters, such as the table space ID,
are prompted for if they are not explicitly specified on the command line.

By default, the db2dart utility will create a report file with the name
databaseName.RPT. For single-partition database partition environments, the file is
created in the current directory. For multiple-partition database partition
environments, the file is created under a subdirectory in the diagnostic directory.
The subdirectory is called DART####, where #### is the database partition number.

The db2dart utility accesses the data and metadata in a database by reading them
directly from disk. Because of that, you should never run the tool against a
database that still has active connections. If there are connections, the tool will not
know about pages in the buffer pool or control structures in memory, for example,
and might report false errors as a result. Similarly, if you run db2dart against a
database that requires crash recovery or that has not completed rollforward
recovery, similar inconsistencies might result due to the inconsistent nature of the
data on disk.

Comparison of INSPECT and db2dart

The INSPECT command allows for the inspection of a database for architectural
integrity, checking the pages of the database for page consistency. The INSPECT
command checks that the structures of table objects and structures of table spaces
are valid. Cross object validation conducts an online index to data consistency
check. The db2dart command examines databases for architectural correctness and
reports any encountered errors.

The INSPECT command is similar to the db2dart command in that it allows you to
check databases, table spaces, and tables. A significant difference between the two
commands is that the database needs to be deactivated before you run db2dart,
whereas INSPECT requires a database connection and can be run while there are
simultaneous active connections to the database.

If you do not deactivate the database, db2dart will yield unreliable results.

The following tables list the differences between the tests that are performed by the
db2dart and INSPECT commands.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 69

Table 5. Feature comparison of db2dart and INSPECT for table spaces
Tests performed db2dart INSPECT
SMS table spaces
Check table space files YES NO
Validate contents of internal YES YES
page header fields
DMS table spaces
Check for extent maps YES NO
pointed at by more than one
Check every extent map NO YES
page for consistency bit
Check every space map page NO YES
for consistency bit errors
Validate contents of internal YES YES
page header fields
Verify that extent maps agree YES NO
with table space maps

Table 6. Feature comparison of db2dart and INSPECT for data objects

Tests performed db2dart INSPECT
Check data objects for YES YES
consistency bit errors
Check the contents of special YES NO
control rows
Check the length and YES NO
position of variable length
Check the LONG YES NO
VARGRAPHIC, and large
object (LOB) descriptors in
table rows
Check the summary total NO YES
pages, used pages and free
space percentage
Validate contents of internal YES YES
page header fields
Verify each row record type YES YES
and its length
Verify that rows are not YES YES

Table 7. Feature comparison of db2dart and INSPECT for index objects

Tests performed db2dart INSPECT
Check for consistency bit YES YES

70 Troubleshooting Guide
Table 7. Feature comparison of db2dart and INSPECT for index objects (continued)
Tests performed db2dart INSPECT
Check the location and YES YES
length of the index key and
whether there is overlapping
Check the ordering of keys YES NO
in the index
Determine the summary total NO YES
pages and used pages
Validate contents of internal YES YES
page header fields
Verify the uniqueness of YES NO
unique keys
Check for the existence of NO YES
the data row for a given
index entry
Verify each key to a data NO YES

Table 8. Feature comparison of db2dart and INSPECT for block map objects
Tests performed db2dart INSPECT
Check for consistency bit YES YES
Determine the summary total NO YES
pages and used pages
Validate contents of internal YES YES
page header fields

Table 9. Feature comparison of db2dart and INSPECT for long field and LOB objects
Tests performed db2dart INSPECT
Check the allocation YES YES
Determine the summary total NO YES
pages and used pages (for
LOB objects only)

In addition, the following actions can be performed using the db2dart command:
v Format and dump data pages
v Format and dump index pages
v Format data rows to delimited ASCII
v Mark an index invalid
The INSPECT command cannot be used to perform those actions.

Analyzing db2diag log files using db2diag tool

The primary log file intended for use by database and system administrators is the
administration notification log. The db2diag log files are intended for use by DB2
Support for troubleshooting purposes.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 71

Administration notification log messages are also logged to the db2diag log files
using a standardized message format.

The db2diag tool serves to filter and format the volume of information available in
the db2diag log files. Filtering db2diag log file records can reduce the time
required to locate the records needed when troubleshooting problems.

Example 1: Filtering the db2diag log files by database name

If there are several databases in the instance, and you want to only see those
messages which pertain to the database "SAMPLE", you can filter the db2diag log
files as follows:
db2diag -g db=SAMPLE

Thus you would only see db2diag log file records that contained "DB: SAMPLE",
such as:
2006-02-15- E21432H406 LEVEL: Error
PID : 940 TID : 660 PROC : db2syscs.exe
APPHDL : 0-1056 APPID: *LOCAL.DB2.060216003103
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqleDatabaseQuiesce, probe:2
MESSAGE : ADM7507W Database quiesce request has completed successfully.

Example 2: Filtering the db2diag log files by process ID

The following command can be used to display all severe error messages produced
by processes running on partitions 0,1,2, or 3 with the process ID (PID) 2200:
db2diag -g level=Severe,pid=2200 -n 0,1,2,3

Note that this command could have been written a couple of different ways,
including db2diag -l severe -pid 2200 -n 0,1,2,3. It should also be noted that the -g
option specifies case-sensitive search, so here "Severe" will work but will fail if
"severe" is used. These commands would successfully retrieve db2diag log file
records which meet these requirements, such as:
2006-02-13- I18366H421 LEVEL: Severe
PID : 2200 TID : 660 PROC : db2syscs.exe
APPHDL : 0-1433 APPID: *LOCAL.DB2.060213193043
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldPoolCreate, probe:273
"Bad container path"

Example 3: Formatting the db2diag tool output

The following command filters all records occurring after January 1, 2006
containing non-severe and severe errors logged on partitions 0,1 or 2. It outputs
the matched records such that the time stamp, partition number and level appear
on the first line, pid, tid and instance name on the second line, and the error
message follows thereafter:
db2diag -time 2006-01-01 -node "0,1,2" -level "Severe, Error" | db2diag -fmt
"Time: %{ts}
Partition: %node Message Level: %{level} \nPid: %{pid} Tid: %{tid}
Instance: %{instance}\nMessage: @{msg}\n"

An example of the output produced is as follows:

Time: 2006-02-15- Partition: 000 Message Level: Error
Pid: 940 Tid:940 Instance: DB2
Message: ADM7506W Database quiesce has been requested.

72 Troubleshooting Guide
For more information, issue the following commands:
v db2diag -help provides a short description of all available options
v db2diag -h brief provides descriptions for all options without examples
v db2diag -h notes provides usage notes and restrictions
v db2diag -h examples provides a small set of examples to get started
v db2diag -h tutorial provides examples for all available options
v db2diag -h all provides the most complete list of options

Example 4: Filtering messages from different facilities

The following examples show how to only see messages from a specific facility (or
from all of them) from within the database manager. The supported facilities are:
v ALL which returns records from all facilities
v MAIN which returns records from DB2 general diagnostic logs such as the
db2diag log files and the administration notification log
v OPTSTATS which returns records related to optimizer statistics

To read messages from the MAIN facility:

db2diag -facility MAIN

To display messages from the OPTSTATS facility and filter out records having a
level of Severe:
db2diag -fac OPTSTATS -level Severe

To display messages from all facilities available and filter out records having
instance=harmistr and level=Error:
db2diag -fac all -g instance=harmistr,level=Error

To display all messages from the OPTSTATS facility having a level of Error and
then outputting the Timestamp and PID field in a specific format:
db2diag -fac optstats -level Error -fmt " Time :%{ts} Pid :%{pid}"

Example 5: Merging files and sorting records according to


This example shows how to merge two or more db2diag log files and sort the
records according to timestamps.

The two db2diag log files to merge are the following:

v db2diag.0.log; contains records of Level:Error with the following timestamps:
– 2009-02-26-
– 2009-02-26-
– 2009-02-26-
– 2009-02-26-
v db2diag.1.log; contains records of Level:Error with the following timestamps:
– 2009-02-26-
– 2009-02-26-
– 2009-02-26-
– 2009-02-26-

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 73

To merge the two diagnostic log files and sort the records according to timestamps,
execute the following command:
db2diag -merge db2diag.0.log db2diag.1.log -fmt %{ts} -level error

The result of the merge and sort of the records is the following:
v 2009-02-26-
v 2009-02-26-
v 2009-02-26-
v 2009-02-26-
v 2009-02-26-
v 2009-02-26-
v 2009-02-26-
v 2009-02-26-
where the timestamps are merged and sorted chronologically.

Example 6: Merging split diagnostic directory path files from a

single host and sorting records by timestamps

This example shows how to merge files from three database partitions on the
current host. To obtain the split diagnostic directory paths, the diagpath database
manager configuration parameter was set in the following way:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"$n"’

The following is a list of the three db2diag log files to merge:

v ~/sqllib/db2dump/NODE0000/db2diag.log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/NODE0001/db2diag.log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/NODE0002/db2diag.log

To merge the three diagnostic log files and sort the records according to
timestamps, execute the following command:
db2diag -merge

Example 7: Merging split diagnostic directory path files from

multiple hosts and database partitions

In this example, the default diagnostic data directory path was split according to
physical host and database partition by setting the diagpath database manager
configuration parameter using the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath ’"$h$n"’

This example shows how to obtain an output of all the records from all the
diagnostic logs and merge the diagnostic log files from three database partitions on
each of two hosts, bower and horton. The following is a list of the six db2diag log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_bower/NODE0000/db2diag.log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_bower/NODE0001/db2diag.log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_bower/NODE0002/db2diag.log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_horton/NODE0003/db2diag.log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_horton/NODE0004/db2diag.log
v ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_horton/NODE0005/db2diag.log

74 Troubleshooting Guide
To output the records from all six db2diag log files, run the following command:
db2diag -global

To merge all six db2diag log files in the diagnostic data directory path from all
three database partitions on each of the hosts bower and horton and format the
output based on the timestamp, execute the following command:
db2diag –global –merge –sdir /temp/keon –fmt %{ts}

where /temp/keon is a shared directory, shared by the hosts bower and horton, to
store temporary merged files from each host during processing.

Displaying and altering the Global Registry (UNIX) using db2greg

The Global Registry exists only on UNIX and Linux platforms:
v For root installations, the Global Registry file is located at /var/db2/global.reg
(/var/opt/db2/global.reg on HP-UX).
v For non-root installations, the Global Registry file is located at
$HOME/sqllib/global.reg, where $HOME is the non-root user's home directory.

The Global Registry consists of three different record types:

v "Service": Service records contain information at the product level - for example,
version, and install path.
v "Instance": Instance records contain information at the instance level - for
example, Instance name, instance path, version, and the "start-at-boot" flag.
v "Variable": Variable records contain information at the variable level - for
example, Variable name, Variable value, and Comment.

You can view the Global Registry with the db2greg tool. This tool is located in
sqllib/bin, and in the install directory under bin as well (for use when logged
in as root).

You can edit the Global Registry with the db2greg tool. Editing the Global Registry
in root installations requires root authority.

You should only use the db2greg tool if requested to do so by DB2 Customer

Identifying the version and service level of your product

The db2level command will help you determine the version and service level
(build level and fix pack number) of your DB2 instance. To determine if your DB2
instance is at the latest service level, compare your db2level output to information
in the fix pack download pages at the DB2 Support web site: www.ibm.com/

A typical result of running the db2level command on a Windows system would be:
DB21085I Instance "DB2" uses "32" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09010" with
level identifier "01010107".
Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.1.0.189", "n060119", "", and Fix Pack "0".
Product is installed at "c:\SQLLIB" with DB2 Copy Name "db2build".

The combination of the four informational tokens uniquely identify the precise
service level of your DB2 instance. This information is essential when contacting
IBM support for assistance.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 75

For JDBC or SQLJ applications, if you are using the IBM DB2 Driver for SQLJ and
JDBC, you can determine the level of the driver by running the db2jcc utility:
db2jcc -version

IBM DB2 JDBC Driver Architecture 2.3.63

Mimicking databases using db2look

There are many times when it is advantageous to be able to create a database that
is similar in structure to another database. For example, rather than testing out
new applications or recovery plans on a production system, it makes more sense to
create a test system that is similar in structure and data, and to then do the tests
against it instead. This way, the production system will not be affected by the
adverse performance impact of the tests or by the accidental destruction of data by
an errant application. Also, when you are investigating a problem (such as invalid
results, performance issues, and so on), it might be easier to debug the problem on
a test system that is identical to the production system.

You can use the db2look tool to extract the required DDL statements needed to
reproduce the database objects of one database in another database. The tool can
also generate the required SQL statements needed to replicate the statistics from
the one database to the other, as well as the statements needed to replicate the
database configuration, database manager configuration, and registry variables.
This is important because the new database might not contain the exact same set of
data as the original database but you might still want the same access plans chosen
for the two systems. The db2look command should only be issued on databases
running on DB2 Servers of Version 9.5 and higher levels.

The db2look tool is described in detail in the DB2 Command Reference but you can
view the list of options by executing the tool without any parameters. A more
detailed usage can be displayed using the -h option.

Using db2look to mimic the tables in a database

To extract the DDL for the tables in the database, use the -e option. For example,
create a copy of the SAMPLE database called SAMPLE2 such that all of the objects
in the first database are created in the new database:
C:\>db2 create database sample2
DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
C:\>db2look -d sample -e > sample.ddl
-- USER is:
-- Creating DDL for table(s)
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful

Note: If you want the DDL for the user-defined spaces, database partition groups
and buffer pools to be produced as well, add the-l flag after -e in the command
above. The default database partition groups, buffer pools, and table spaces will
not be extracted. This is because they already exist in every database by default. If
you want to mimic these, you must alter them yourself manually.

Bring up the file sample.ddl in a text editor. Since you want to execute the DDL in
this file against the new database, you must change the CONNECT TO SAMPLE
statement to CONNECT TO SAMPLE2. If you used the -l option, you might need
to alter the path associated with the table space commands, such that they point to

76 Troubleshooting Guide
appropriate paths as well. While you are at it, take a look at the rest of the
contents of the file. You should see CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE
INDEX statements for all of the user tables in the sample database:
-- DDL Statements for table "DB2"."ORG"



Once you have changed the connect statement, execute the statements, as follows:
C:\>db2 -tvf sample.ddl > sample2.out

Take a look at the sample2.out output file -- everything should have been executed
successfully. If errors have occurred, the error messages should state what the
problem is. Fix those problems and execute the statements again.

As you can see in the output, DDL for all of the user tables are exported. This is
the default behavior but there are other options available to be more specific about
the tables included. For example, to only include the STAFF and ORG tables, use
the -t option:
C:\>db2look -d sample -e -t staff org > staff_org.ddl

To only include tables with the schema DB2, use the -z option:
C:\>db2look -d sample -e -z db2 > db2.ddl

Mimicking statistics for tables

If the intent of the test database is to do performance testing or to debug a

performance problem, it is essential that access plans generated for both databases
are identical. The optimizer generates access plans based on statistics, configuration
parameters, registry variables, and environment variables. If these things are
identical between the two systems then it is very likely that the access plans will
be the same.

If both databases have the exact same data loaded into them and the same options
of RUNSTATS is performed on both, the statistics should be identical. However, if
the databases contain different data or if only a subset of data is being used in the
test database then the statistics will likely be very different. In such a case, you can
use db2look to gather the statistics from the production database and place them
into the test database. This is done by creating UPDATE statements against the
SYSSTAT set of updatable catalog tables as well as RUNSTATS commands against
all of the tables.

The option for creating the statistic statements is -m. Going back to the
SAMPLE/SAMPLE2 example, gather the statistics from SAMPLE and add them
into SAMPLE2:
C:\>db2look -d sample -m > stats.dml
-- USER is:
-- Running db2look in mimic mode

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 77

As before, the output file must be edited such that the CONNECT TO SAMPLE
statement is changed to CONNECT TO SAMPLE2. Again, take a look at the rest of
the file to see what some of the RUNSTATS and UPDATE statements look like:
-- Mimic table ORG


As with the -e option that extracts the DDL, the -t and -z options can be used to
specify a set of tables.

Extracting configuration parameters and environment variables

The optimizer chooses plans based on statistics, configuration parameters, registry

variables, and environment variables. As with the statistics, db2look can be used to
generate the necessary configuration update and set statements. This is done using
the -f option. For example:
c:\>db2look -d sample -f>config.txt
-- USER is: DB2INST1
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful

The config.txt contains output similar to the following:

-- This CLP file was created using DB2LOOK Version 9.1
-- Timestamp: 2/16/2006 7:15:17 PM
-- Database Name: SAMPLE
-- Database Manager Version: DB2/NT Version 9.1.0
-- Database Codepage: 1252
-- Database Collating Sequence is: UNIQUE


-- Database and Database Manager configuration parameters

78 Troubleshooting Guide
UPDATE DBM CFG USING cpuspeed 2.991513e-007;
UPDATE DBM CFG USING intra_parallel NO;
UPDATE DBM CFG USING comm_bandwidth 100.000000;


-- Environment Variables settings



Note: Only those parameters and variables that affect DB2 compiler will be
included. If a registry variable that affects the compiler is set to its default value, it
will not show up under "Environment Variables settings".

Listing DB2 products installed on your system (Linux and UNIX)

On supported Linux and UNIX operating systems, the db2ls command lists the
DB2 database products and features installed on your system, including the DB2
Version 9 HTML documentation.

Before you begin

At least one DB2 Version 9 database product must already be installed by a root
user for a symbolic link to the db2ls command to be available in the
/usr/local/bin directory.

About this task

With the ability to install multiple copies of DB2 database products on your system
and the flexibility to install DB2 database products and features in the path of your
choice, you need a tool to help you keep track of what is installed and where it is

The db2ls command can be used to list:

v Where DB2 database products are installed on your system and list the DB2
database product level
v All or specific DB2 database products and features in a particular installation


The output that the db2ls command lists is different depending on the ID used:
v When the db2ls command is run with root authority, only root DB2 installations
are queried.
v When the db2ls command is run with a non-root ID, root DB2 installations and
the non-root installation owned by matching non-root ID are queried. DB2
installations owned by other non-root IDs are not queried.

The db2ls command is the only method to query a DB2 database product. You
cannot query DB2 database products using Linux or UNIX operating system native

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 79

utilities, such as pkginfo, rpm, SMIT, or swlist. Any existing scripts containing a
native installation utility that you use to query and interface with DB2 installations
will need to change.

You cannot use the db2ls command on Windows operating systems.

v To list the path where DB2 database products are installed on your system and
list the DB2 database product level, enter:

The command lists the following information for each DB2 database product
installed on your system:
– Installation path
– Level
– Fix pack
– Special Install Number. This column is used by IBM DB2 Support.
– Installation date. This column shows when the DB2 database product was last
– Installer UID. This column shows the UID with which the DB2 database
product was installed.
v To list information about DB2 database products or features in a particular
installation path the q parameter must be specified:
db2ls -q -p -b baseInstallDirectory

– q specifies that you are querying a product or feature. This parameter is
mandatory. If a DB2 Version 8 product is queried, a blank value is returned.
– p specifies that the listing displays products rather than listing the features.
– b specifies the installation directory of the product or feature. This parameter
is mandatory if you are not running the command from the installation


Depending on the parameters provided, the command lists the following

v Installation path. This is specified only once, not for each feature.
v The following information is displayed:
– Response file ID for the installed feature, or if the p option is specified, the
response file ID for the installed product. For example,
– Feature name, or if the p option is specified, product name.
– Product version, release, modification level, fix pack level (VRMF). For
– Fix pack, if applicable. For example, if Fix Pack 1 is installed, the value
displayed is 1. This includes interim fix packs, such as Fix Pack 1a.
v If any of the product's VRMF information do not match, a warning message
displays at the end of the output listing. The message suggests the fix pack to

80 Troubleshooting Guide
Monitoring and troubleshooting using db2pd
The db2pd tool is used for troubleshooting because it can return quick and
immediate information from the DB2 memory sets.

The tool collects information without acquiring any latches or using any engine
resources. It is therefore possible (and expected) to retrieve information that is
changing while db2pd is collecting information; hence the data might not be
completely accurate. If changing memory pointers are encountered, a signal
handler is used to prevent db2pd from aborting abnormally. This can result in
messages such as "Changing data structure forced command termination" to
appear in the output. Nonetheless, the tool can be helpful for troubleshooting. Two
benefits to collecting information without latching include faster retrieval and no
competition for engine resources.

If you want to capture information about the database management system when a
specific SQLCODE, ZRC code or ECF code occurs, this can be accomplished using
the db2pdcfg -catch command. When the errors are caught, the db2cos (callout
script) is launched. The db2cos file can be dynamically altered to run any db2pd
command, operating system command, or any other command needed to solve the
problem. The template db2cos file is located in sqllib/bin on UNIX and Linux. On
the Windows operating system, db2cos is located in the $DB2PATH\bin directory.

What follows is a collection of examples in which db2pd can be used to expedite


Scenario 1: Diagnosing a lockwait.

Use the db2pd -db <database name> -locks -transactions -applications -dynamic
command to get the following results:
Address TranHdl Lockname Type Mode Sts Owner Dur HldCnt Att ReleaseFlg
0x07800000202E5238 3 00020002000000040000000052 Row ..X G 3 1 0 0x0000 0x40000000
0x07800000202E4668 2 00020002000000040000000052 Row ..X W* 2 1 0 0x0000 0x40000000

For the database that you specified using the -db database name option, the first
results show the locks for that database. We can see that TranHdl 2 is waiting on a
lock held by TranHdl 3.
Address AppHandl [nod-index] TranHdl Locks State Tflag Tflag2 Firstlsn Lastlsn LogSpace ...
0x0780000020251B80 11 [000-00011] 2 4 READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000 0x000000000000 0 ...
0x0780000020252900 12 [000-00012] 3 4 WRITE 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000FA000C 0x000000FA000C 113 ...
... SpaceReserved TID AxRegCnt GXID ClientUserID ClientWrkstnName ClientApplName ClientAccntng
... 0 0x0000000000B7 1 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
... 154 0x0000000000B8 1 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a

We can see that TranHdl 2 is associated with AppHandl 11 and TranHdl 3 is

associated with AppHandl 12.
Address AppHandl [nod-index] NumAgents CoorPid Status C-AnchID C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid

0x07800000006879E0 12 [000-00012] 1 1073336 UOW-Waiting 0 0 17 1 *LOCAL.burford.060303225602

0x0780000000685E80 11 [000-00011] 1 1040570 UOW-Executing 17 1 94 1 *LOCAL.burford.060303225601

We can see that AppHandl 12 last ran dynamic statement 17, 1. ApplHandl 11 is
currently running dynamic statement 17, 1 and last ran statement 94, 1.
Dynamic SQL Statements:
Address AnchID StmtUID NumEnv NumVar NumRef NumExe Text
0x07800000209FD800 17 1 1 1 2 2 update pdtest set c1 = 5
0x07800000209FCCC0 94 1 1 1 2 2 set lock mode to wait 1

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 81

We can see that the text column shows the SQL statements that are associated with
the lock timeout.

Scenario 2: Using the -wlocks option to capture all the locks being waited on

In the sample output below, application 1 (AppHandl 47 ) is performing an insert,

and application 2 ( AppHandl 46 ) is selecting on that table.
venus@boson:/home/venus =>db2pd -wlocks -db pdtest

Database Partition 0 -- Database PDTEST -- Active -- Up 0 days 00:01:22

Locks being waited on :

AppHandl [nod-index] TranHdl Lockname Type Mode Conv Sts CoorEDU AppName AuthID AppID
47 [000-00047] 8 00020004000000000840000652 Row ..X G 5160 db2bp VENUS *LOCAL.venus.071207213730
46 [000-00046] 2 00020004000000000840000652 Row .NS W 5913 db2bp VENUS *LOCAL.venus.071207213658

Scenario 3: Using the -apinfo option to capture detailed run time information
about the lock owner and the lock waiter

The sample output below is captured under the same conditions as Scenario 2
venus@boson:/home/venus =>db2pd -apinfo 47 -db pdtest

Database Partition 0 -- Database PDTEST -- Active -- Up 0 days 00:01:30

Application :
Address : 0x0780000001676480
AppHandl [nod-index] : 47 [000-00047]
Application PID : 876558
Application Node Name : boson
IP Address: n/a
Connection Start Time : (1197063450)Fri Dec 7 16:37:30 2007
Client User ID : venus
System Auth ID : VENUS
Coordinator EDU ID : 5160
Coordinator Partition : 0
Number of Agents : 1
Locks timeout value : 4294967294 seconds
Locks Escalation : No
Workload ID : 1
Workload Occurrence ID : 2
Trusted Context : n/a
Connection Trust Type : non trusted
Role Inherited : n/a
Application Status : UOW-Waiting
Application Name : db2bp
Application ID : *LOCAL.venus.071207213730
ClientUserID : n/a
ClientWrkstnName : n/a
ClientApplName : n/a
ClientAccntng : n/a

List of inactive statements of current UOW :

UOW-ID : 2
Activity ID : 1
Package Schema : NULLID
Package Name : SQLC2G13
Package Version :
Section Number : 203
SQL Type : Dynamic
Isolation : CS
Statement Type : DML, Insert/Update/Delete
Statement : insert into pdtest values 99

venus@boson:/home/venus =>db2pd -apinfo 46 -db pdtest

82 Troubleshooting Guide
Database Partition 0 -- Database PDTEST -- Active -- Up 0 days 00:01:39

Application :
Address : 0x0780000000D77A60
AppHandl [nod-index] : 46 [000-00046]
Application PID : 881102
Application Node Name : boson
IP Address: n/a
Connection Start Time : (1197063418)Fri Dec 7 16:36:58 2007
Client User ID : venus
System Auth ID : VENUS
Coordinator EDU ID : 5913
Coordinator Partition : 0
Number of Agents : 1
Locks timeout value : 4294967294 seconds
Locks Escalation : No
Workload ID : 1
Workload Occurrence ID : 1
Trusted Context : n/a
Connection Trust Type : non trusted
Role Inherited : n/a
Application Status : Lock-wait
Application Name : db2bp
Application ID : *LOCAL.venus.071207213658
ClientUserID : n/a
ClientWrkstnName : n/a
ClientApplName : n/a
ClientAccntng : n/a

List of active statements :

*UOW-ID : 3
Activity ID : 1
Package Schema : NULLID
Package Name : SQLC2G13
Package Version :
Section Number : 201
SQL Type : Dynamic
Isolation : CS
Statement Type : DML, Select (blockable)
Statement : select * from pdtest

Scenario 4: Using the callout scripts when considering a locking problem

Find the db2cos output files. The location of the files is controlled by the database
manager configuration parameter DIAGPATH. The contents of the output files will
differ depending on what commands you enter in the db2cos file. An example of
the output provided when the db2cos file contains a db2pd -db sample -locks
command is as follows:
Lock Timeout Caught
Thu Feb 17 01:40:04 EST 2006
Instance DB2
Datbase: SAMPLE
Partition Number: 0
PID: 940
TID: 2136
Function: sqlplnfd
Component: lock manager
Probe: 999
Timestamp: 2006-02-17-
AppID: *LOCAL.DB2...
Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active -- Up 0 days 00:06:53

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 83

Address TranHdl Lockname Type Mode Sts Owner Dur HldCnt Att Rlse
0x402C6B30 3 00020003000000040000000052 Row ..X W* 3 1 0 0 0x40

Just look for the "W*" as this is the lock that experienced the timeout. A lock
timeout can also occur when a lock is being converted to a higher mode. In those
cases, you will not see a “W*” in the output, but rather a “C*”. In this particular
case, however, a lockwait has occurred. You can map the results to a transaction,
application, agent, and even an SQL statement with the output provided by other
db2pd commands in the db2cos file. You can narrow down the output or use other
commands to collect the information you need. For example, you could change the
db2pd command options to use the -locks wait option that only prints locks with a
wait status. You could also put in -app, and -agent options if that is what you

Scenario 5: Mapping an application to a dynamic SQL statement

The command db2pd -applications reports the current and last anchor ID and
statement unique ID for dynamic SQL statements. This allows direct mapping from
an application to a dynamic SQL statement.
db2pd -app -dyn

Address AppHandl [nod-index] NumAgents CoorPid Status
0x00000002006D2120 780 [000-00780] 1 10615 UOW-Executing

C-AnchID C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid

163 1 110 1 *LOCAL.burford.050202200412

Dynamic SQL Statements:

Address AnchID StmtUID NumEnv NumVar NumRef NumExe Text
0x0000000220A02760 163 1 2 2 2 1 CREATE VIEW MYVIEW
0x0000000220A0B460 110 1 2 2 2 1 CREATE VIEW YOURVIEW

Scenario 6: Monitoring memory usage.

The db2pd -memblock command can be useful when trying to understand

memory usage. For example:
All memory blocks in DBMS set.

Address PoolID PoolName BlockAge Size(Bytes) I LOC File

0x0780000000740068 62 resynch 2 112 1 1746 1583816485
0x0780000000725688 62 resynch 1 108864 1 127 1599127346
0x07800000001F4348 57 ostrack 6 5160048 1 3047 698130716
0x07800000001B5608 57 ostrack 5 240048 1 3034 698130716
0x07800000001A0068 57 ostrack 1 80 1 2970 698130716
0x07800000001A00E8 57 ostrack 2 240 1 2983 698130716
0x07800000001A0208 57 ostrack 3 80 1 2999 698130716
0x07800000001A0288 57 ostrack 4 80 1 3009 698130716
0x0780000000700068 70 apmh 1 360 1 1024 3878879032
0x07800000007001E8 70 apmh 2 48 1 914 1937674139
0x0780000000700248 70 apmh 3 32 1 1000 1937674139

This is followed by the sorted 'per-pool' output:

Memory blocks sorted by size for ostrack pool:
PoolID PoolName TotalSize(Bytes) TotalCount LOC File
57 ostrack 5160048 1 3047 698130716
57 ostrack 240048 1 3034 698130716
57 ostrack 240 1 2983 698130716
57 ostrack 80 1 2999 698130716
57 ostrack 80 1 2970 698130716
57 ostrack 80 1 3009 698130716
Total size for ostrack pool: 5400576 bytes

84 Troubleshooting Guide
Memory blocks sorted by size for apmh pool:
PoolID PoolName TotalSize(Bytes) TotalCount LOC File
70 apmh 40200 2 121 2986298236
70 apmh 10016 1 308 1586829889
70 apmh 6096 2 4014 1312473490
70 apmh 2516 1 294 1586829889
70 apmh 496 1 2192 1953793439
70 apmh 360 1 1024 3878879032
70 apmh 176 1 1608 1953793439
70 apmh 152 1 2623 1583816485
70 apmh 48 1 914 1937674139
70 apmh 32 1 1000 1937674139
Total size for apmh pool: 60092 bytes

The final section of output sorts the consumers of memory for the entire set:
All memory consumers in DBMS memory set:
PoolID PoolName TotalSize(Bytes) %Bytes TotalCount %Count LOC File
57 ostrack 5160048 71.90 1 0.07 3047 698130716
50 sqlch 778496 10.85 1 0.07 202 2576467555
50 sqlch 271784 3.79 1 0.07 260 2576467555
57 ostrack 240048 3.34 1 0.07 3034 698130716
50 sqlch 144464 2.01 1 0.07 217 2576467555
62 resynch 108864 1.52 1 0.07 127 1599127346
72 eduah 108048 1.51 1 0.07 174 4210081592
69 krcbh 73640 1.03 5 0.36 547 4210081592
50 sqlch 43752 0.61 1 0.07 274 2576467555
70 apmh 40200 0.56 2 0.14 121 2986298236
69 krcbh 32992 0.46 1 0.07 838 698130716
50 sqlch 31000 0.43 31 2.20 633 3966224537
50 sqlch 25456 0.35 31 2.20 930 3966224537
52 kerh 15376 0.21 1 0.07 157 1193352763
50 sqlch 14697 0.20 1 0.07 345 2576467555

You can also report memory blocks for private memory on UNIX and Linux. For
db2pd -memb pid=159770

All memory blocks in Private set.

Address PoolID PoolName BlockAge Size(Bytes) I LOC File

0x0000000110469068 88 private 1 2488 1 172 4283993058
0x0000000110469A48 88 private 2 1608 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046A0A8 88 private 3 4928 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046B408 88 private 4 7336 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046D0C8 88 private 5 32 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046D108 88 private 6 6728 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046EB68 88 private 7 168 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046EC28 88 private 8 24 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046EC68 88 private 9 408 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046EE28 88 private 10 1072 1 172 4283993058
0x000000011046F288 88 private 11 3464 1 172 4283993058
0x0000000110470028 88 private 12 80 1 172 4283993058
0x00000001104700A8 88 private 13 480 1 1534 862348285
0x00000001104702A8 88 private 14 480 1 1939 862348285
0x0000000110499FA8 88 private 80 65551 1 1779 4231792244
Total set size: 94847 bytes

Memory blocks sorted by size:

PoolID PoolName TotalSize(Bytes) TotalCount LOC File
88 private 65551 1 1779 4231792244
88 private 28336 12 172 4283993058
88 private 480 1 1939 862348285
88 private 480 1 1534 862348285
Total set size: 94847 bytes

Scenario 7: Determine which application is using up your table space

Using db2pd -tcbstats, the number of Inserts can be identified for a table. Here is
sample information for a user-defined global temporary table called TEMP1:

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 85

TCB Table Information:
Address TbspaceID TableID PartID MasterTbs MasterTab TableName SchemaNm ObjClass DataSize LfSize LobSize XMLSize
0x0780000020B62AB0 3 2 n/a 3 2 TEMP1 SESSION Temp 966 0 0 0

TCB Table Stats:

Address TableName Scans UDI PgReorgs NoChgUpdts Reads FscrUpdates Inserts Updates Deletes OvFlReads OvFlCrtes
0x0780000020B62AB0 TEMP1 0 0 0 0 0 0 43968 0 0 0 0

You can then obtain the information for table space 3 via the db2pd -tablespaces
command. Sample output is as follows:
Tablespace 3 Configuration:
Address Type Content PageSz ExtentSz Auto Prefetch BufID BufIDDisk FSC NumCntrs MaxStripe LastConsecPg Name
0x0780000020B1B5A0 DMS UsrTmp 4096 32 Yes 32 1 1 On 1 0 31 TEMPSPACE2

Tablespace 3 Statistics:
Address TotalPgs UsablePgs UsedPgs PndFreePgs FreePgs HWM State MinRecTime NQuiescers
0x0780000020B1B5A0 5000 4960 1088 0 3872 1088 0x00000000 0 0

Tablespace 3 Autoresize Statistics:

Address AS AR InitSize IncSize IIP MaxSize LastResize LRF
0x0780000020B1B5A0 No No 0 0 No 0 None No

Address ContainNum Type TotalPgs UseablePgs StripeSet Container
0x0780000020B1DCC0 0 File 5000 4960 0 /home/db2inst1/tempspace2a

You would notice the space filling up by referring to the FreePgs column. As the
free pages value decreases, there is less space available. Notice also that the values
for FreePgs plus UsedPgs will equal the value of UsablePgs.

Once this is known, you can identify the dynamic SQL statement that is using the
table TEMP1:
db2pd -db sample -dyn

Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active -- Up 0 days 00:13:06

Dynamic Cache:
Current Memory Used 1022197
Total Heap Size 1271398
Cache Overflow Flag 0
Number of References 237
Number of Statement Inserts 32
Number of Statement Deletes 13
Number of Variation Inserts 21
Number of Statements 19

Dynamic SQL Statements:

Address AnchID StmtUID NumEnv NumVar NumRef NumExe Text
0x0000000220A08C40 78 1 2 2 3 2 declare global temporary table temp1 (c1 char(6)) not logged
0x0000000220A8D960 253 1 1 1 24 24 insert into session.temp1 values(’TEST’)

Finally, you can map this to db2pd -app output to identify the application.
Address AppHandl [nod-index] NumAgents CoorPid Status
0x0000000200661840 501 [000-00501] 1 11246 UOW-Waiting

C-AnchID C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid

0 0 253 1 *LOCAL.db2inst1.050202160426

The anchor ID (AnchID) value resulting from the request for dynamic SQL
statements in the previous use of db2pd is used with the request for the associated
applications. The applications result shows that the last anchor ID (L-AnchID)
value is the same as the anchor ID (AnchID) value. The results from one run of
db2pd is used in the next run of db2pd.

The output from db2pd -agent will show the number of rows read (Rowsread
column) and rows written (Rowswrtn column) by the application. These values
will give you an idea of what the application has completed and what the
application still has to complete.
Address AppHandl [nod-index] AgentPid Priority Type DBName
0x0000000200698080 501 [000-00501] 11246 0 Coord SAMPLE

State ClientPid Userid ClientNm Rowsread Rowswrtn LkTmOt

Inst-Active 26377 db2inst1 db2bp 22 9588 NotSet

86 Troubleshooting Guide
The values for AppHandl and AgentPid from the db2pd -agent request can map
back to the corresponding values for AppHandl and CoorPiid from the db2pd -app

The steps are slightly different if you suspect that an internal temporary table is
filling up the table space. You would still use db2pd -tcbstats to identify tables
with large numbers of inserts. Here is sample information for an implicit
temporary table:
TCB Table Information:
Address TbspaceID TableID PartID MasterTbs MasterTab TableName SchemaNm ObjClass DataSize ...
0x0780000020CC0D30 1 2 n/a 1 2 TEMP (00001,00002) <30> <JMC Temp 2470 ...
0x0780000020CC14B0 1 3 n/a 1 3 TEMP (00001,00003) <31> <JMC Temp 2367 ...
0x0780000020CC21B0 1 4 n/a 1 4 TEMP (00001,00004) <30> <JMC Temp 1872 ...

TCB Table Stats:

Address TableName Scans UDI PgReorgs NoChgUpdts Reads FscrUpdates Inserts ...
0x0780000020CC0D30 TEMP (00001,00002) 0 0 0 0 0 0 43219 ...
0x0780000020CC14B0 TEMP (00001,00003) 0 0 0 0 0 0 42485 ...
0x0780000020CC21B0 TEMP (00001,00004) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

In this example, there are a large number of inserts for tables with the naming
convention "TEMP (TbspaceID, TableID)". These are implicit temporary tables. The
values in the SchemaNm column have a naming convention of the value for
AppHandl concatenated with the value for SchemaNm, which makes it possible to
identify the application doing the work.

You can then map that information to the output from db2pd -tablespaces to see
the used space for table space 1. Take note of the UsedPgs in relationship to the
UsablePgs in the table space statistics.
Tablespace Configuration:
Address Id Type Content PageSz ExtentSz Auto Prefetch BufID BufIDDisk FSC NumCntrs MaxStripe LastConsecPg Name
0x07800000203FB5A0 1 SMS SysTmp 4096 32 Yes 320 1 1 On 10 0 31 TEMPSPACE1

Tablespace Statistics:
Address Id TotalPgs UsablePgs UsedPgs PndFreePgs FreePgs HWM State MinRecTime NQuiescers
0x07800000203FB5A0 1 6516 6516 6516 0 0 0 0x00000000 0 0

Tablespace Autoresize Statistics:

Address Id AS AR InitSize IncSize IIP MaxSize LastResize LRF
0x07800000203FB5A0 1 No No 0 0 No 0 None No


You can then identify the application handles 30 and 31 (since these were seen in
the -tcbstats output), using the command db2pd -app:
Address AppHandl [nod-index] NumAgents CoorPid Status C-AnchID C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid
0x07800000006FB880 31 [000-00031] 1 4784182 UOW-Waiting 0 0 107 1 *LOCAL.db2inst1.051215214142
0x07800000006F9CE0 30 [000-00030] 1 8966270 UOW-Executing 107 1 107 1 *LOCAL.db2inst1.051215214013

Finally, map this to the Dynamic SQL using the db2pd -dyn command:
Dynamic SQL Statements:
Address AnchID StmtUID NumEnv NumVar NumRef NumExe Text
0x0780000020B296C0 107 1 1 1 43 43 select c1, c2 from test group by c1,c2

Scenario 8: Monitoring recovery.

The command db2pd -recovery shows several counters that you can use to verify
that recovery is progressing. Current Log and Current LSN provide the log
position. CompletedWork counts the number of bytes completed thus far.
Recovery Status 0x00000401
Current Log S0000005.LOG
Current LSN 000002551BEA
Job ID 7
Job Start Time (1107380474) Wed Feb 2 16:41:14 2005
Job Description Database Rollforward Recovery
Invoker Type User

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 87

Total Phases 2
Current Phase 1

Address PhaseNum Description StartTime CompletedWork TotalWork
0x0000000200667160 1 Forward Wed Feb 2 16:41:14 2005 2268098 bytes Unknown
0x0000000200667258 2 Backward NotStarted 0 bytes Unknown

Scenario 9: Determining the amount of resources a transaction is using

The command db2pd -transactions provides the number of locks, the first log
sequence number (LSN), the last LSN, the log space used, and the space reserved.
This can be useful for understanding the behavior of a transaction.
Address AppHandl [nod-index] TranHdl Locks State Tflag
0x000000022026D980 797 [000-00797] 2 108 WRITE 0x00000000
0x000000022026E600 806 [000-00806] 3 157 WRITE 0x00000000
0x000000022026F280 807 [000-00807] 4 90 WRITE 0x00000000

Tflag2 Firstlsn Lastlsn LogSpace SpaceReserved

0x00000000 0x000001072262 0x0000010B2C8C 4518 95450
0x00000000 0x000001057574 0x0000010B3340 6576 139670
0x00000000 0x00000107CF0C 0x0000010B2FDE 3762 79266


0x000000000451 1 0
0x0000000003E0 1 0
0x000000000472 1 0

Scenario 10: Monitoring log usage.

The command db2pd -logs is useful for monitoring log usage for a database. By
watching the Pages Written output, you can determine whether the log usage is
Current Log Number 0
Pages Written 0
Method 1 Archive Status n/a
Method 1 Next Log to Archive n/a
Method 1 First Failure n/a
Method 2 Archive Status n/a
Method 2 Next Log to Archive n/a
Method 2 First Failure n/a
Log Chain ID 0
Current LSN 0x00000177000C

Address StartLSN State Size Pages Filename

0x0000002AC1240818 0x000001770000 0x00000000 1000 1000 S0000000.LOG
0x0000002AC12408D8 0x000001B58000 0x00000000 1000 1000 S0000001.LOG
0x0000002AC1240998 0x000001F40000 0x00000000 1000 1000 S0000002.LOG

Two problems can be identified with this output:

1. If there is a problem with archiving, Archive Status will be set to a value of
"Failure" indicating that the most recent log archive failed. Alternatively, if there
is an ongoing archive failure preventing logs from archiving at all, First Failure
will be set.
2. If log archiving is proceeding very slowly, the Next Log to Archive value will
be lower than the Current Log Number value. This can cause the log path to
fill up, which in turn can prevent any data changes from occurring in the
database when the log path is completely filled.

Scenario 11: Viewing the sysplex list

88 Troubleshooting Guide
Without the db2pd -sysplex command, the only way to report the sysplex list is via
a DB2 trace.
Sysplex List:
Alias: HOST
Location Name: HOST1
Count: 1

IP Address Port Priority Connections Status PRDID 400 1 0 0

Scenario 12: Generating stack traces

The db2pd -stack all command for Windows operating systems (-stack for UNIX
operating systems) can be used to produce stack traces for all processes in the
current database partition. You might want to use this command iteratively when
you suspect that a process or thread is looping or hanging.

You can obtain the current call stack for a particular engine dispatchable unit
(EDU) by issuing the command db2pd -stack <eduid>. For example:
db2pd -stack 137

Attempting to dump stack trace for eduid 137.

See current DIAGPATH for trapfile.

If the call stacks for all of the DB2 processes are desired, use the command db2pd
-stack all, for example (on Windows operating systems):

db2pd -stack all

Attempting to dump all stack traces for instance.

See current DIAGPATH for trapfiles.

If you are using a partitioned database environment with multiple physical nodes,
you can obtain the information from all of the partitions by using the command
db2_all "; db2pd -stack all". If the partitions are all logical partitions on the same
machine, however, a faster method is to use db2pd -alldbp -stacks.

Scenario 13: Viewing memory statistics for a database partition

The db2pd -dbptnmem command shows how much memory the DB2 server is
currently consuming and, at a high level, which areas of the server are using that

Here is an example of the output from db2pd -dbptnmem on an AIX machine:

Database Partition Memory Controller Statistics

Controller Automatic: Y
Memory Limit: 122931408 KB
Current usage: 651008 KB
HWM usage: 651008 KB
Cached memory: 231296 KB

Here are the descriptions of these data fields and columns:

v Controller Automatic: Y if the instance_memory configuration parameter is set
to AUTOMATIC. This means that database manager automatically determines
the upper boundary on memory consumption.
v Memory Limit: The DB2 server's upper bound of memory that can be consumed.
It is the value of the instance_memory configuration parameter.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 89

v Current usage: The amount of memory the server is currently consuming.
v HWM usage: The high water mark (HWM) or peak memory usage that has been
consumed since the activation of the database partition (when the db2start
command was run).
v Cached memory: How much of the current usage is not currently being used,
but is cached for performance reasons for future memory requests.

The continuation of the sample output from the db2pd -dbptnmem on AIX is
shown below.
Individual Memory Consumers:
Name Mem Used (KB) HWM Used (KB) Cached (KB)
APPL-DBONE 160000 160000 159616
DBMS-name 38528 38528 3776
FMP_RESOURCES 22528 22528 0
PRIVATE 13120 13120 740
FCM_RESOURCES 10048 10048 0
LCL-p606416 128 128 0
DB-DBONE 406656 406656 67200

All registered “consumers” of memory within the DB2 server are listed with the
amount of the total memory they are consuming. The column descriptions are:
v Name: A brief, distinguishing name of a “consumer” of memory. Examples
– APPL-<dbname> for application memory consumed for database <dbname>
– DBMS-xxx for global database manager memory requirements
– FMP_RESOURCES for memory required to communicate with db2fmps
– PRIVATE for miscellaneous private memory requirements
– FCM_RESOURCES for Fast Communication Manager resources
– LCL-<pid> for memory segment used to communicate with local applications
– DB-<dbname> for database memory consumed for database <dbname>
v Mem Used (KB): How much memory is currently allotted to that consumer.
v HWM Used (KB): High-Water Mark, or Peak, memory that the consumer has
v Cached (KB): Of the Mem Used (KB), the amount of memory that is not
currently being used but is immediately available for future memory allocations.

Collecting environment information using db2support

When it comes to collecting information for a DB2 problem, the most important
DB2 utility you need to run is db2support. The db2support utility is designed to
automatically collect all DB2 and system diagnostic information available. It also
has an optional interactive "Question and Answer" session, which poses questions
about the circumstances of your problem.

Using the db2support utility avoids possible user errors, as you do not need to
manually type commands such as GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION FOR
<database name> or LIST TABLESPACES SHOW DETAIL. Also, you do not
require instructions on which commands to run or files to collect, therefore it takes
less time to collect the data.
v Execute the command db2support -h to display the complete list of command
v Collect data using the appropriate db2support command.

90 Troubleshooting Guide
You must activate the database prior to running db2support, otherwise the
information collected does not contain enough information.
The db2support utility should be run by a user with SYSADM authority, such as
an instance owner, so that the utility can collect all of the necessary information
without an error. If a user without SYSADM authority runs db2support, SQL
errors (for example, SQL1092N) might result when the utility runs commands
If you're using the db2support utility to help convey information to IBM
support, run the db2support command while the system is experiencing the
problem. That way the tool will collect timely information, such as operating
system performance details. If you are unable to run the utility at the time of the
problem, you can still issue the db2support command after the problem has
stopped since some first occurrence data capture (FODC) diagnostic files are
produced automatically.
The following basic invocation is usually sufficient for collecting most of the
information required to debug a problem (note that if the -c option is used the
utility will establish a connection to the database):
db2support <output path> -d <database name> -c
The output is conveniently collected and stored in a compressed ZIP archive,
db2support.zip, so that it can be transferred and extracted easily on any system.

The type of information that db2support captures depends on the way the
command is invoked, whether or not the database manager has been started, and
whether it is possible to connect to the database.

The db2support utility collects the following information under all conditions:
v db2diag.log
v All trap files
v locklist files
v Dump files
v Various system related files
v Output from various system commands
v db2cli.ini

Depending on the circumstances, the db2support utility might also collect:

v Active log files
v Buffer pool and table space (SQLSPCS.1 and SQLSPCS.2) control files (with -d
v Contents of the db2dump directory
v Extended system information (with -s option)
v database configuration settings (with -d option)
v database manager configuration settings files
v Log File Header file (with -d option)
v Recovery History File (with -d option)

The HTML report db2support.html will always include the following information:
v Problem record (PMR) number (if -n was specified)
v Operating system and level (for example, AIX 5.1)
v DB2 release information
v An indication of whether it is a 32- or 64-bit environment

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 91

v DB2 install path information
v Contents of db2nodes.cfg
v Number of CPUs and disks and how much memory
v List of databases in the instance
v Registry information and environment, including PATH and LIBPATH
v Disk freespace for current filesystem and inodes for UNIX
v Java SDK level
v Java JCC version
v Java JCC configuration
v Database Manager Configuration
v Listing of the database recovery history file
v ls -lR output (or Windows equivalent) of the sqllib directory
v The result of the LIST NODE DIRECTORY command
v The result of the LIST ADMIN NODE DIRECTORY command
v The result of the LIST DCS DIRECTORY command
v The result of the LIST DCS APPLICATIONS EXTENDED command
v List of all installed software

The following information appears in the db2support.html file when the -s option
is specified:
v Detailed disk information (partition layout, type, LVM information, and so on)
v Detailed network information
v Kernel statistics
v Firmware versions
v Other operating system-specific commands

The db2support.html file contains the following additional information if DB2 has
been started:
v Client connection state
v Database and Database Manager Configuration (Database Configuration requires
the -d option)
v CLI config
v Memory pool info (size and consumed). Complete data is collected if the -d
option is used
v The result of the LIST ACTIVE DATABASES command
v The result of the LIST DCS APPLICATIONS command

The db2support.html file contains the following information if the -c has been
specified and a connection to the database is successfully established:
v Number of user tables
v Approximate size of database data
v Database snapshot
v Application snapshot
v Buffer pool information
v The result of the LIST APPLICATIONS command
v The result of the LIST COMMAND OPTIONS command
v The result of the LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY command

92 Troubleshooting Guide
v The result of the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command
v The result of the LIST DATABASE PARTITION GROUPS command
v The result of the LIST DBPARTITIONNUMS command
v The result of the LIST ODBC DATA SOURCES command
v The result of the LIST PACKAGES/TABLES command
v The result of the LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS command
v The result of the LIST TABLESPACES command
v The result of the LIST DRDA IN DOUBT TRANSACTIONS command

Example contents of db2support.zip file

For an example of the contents of a db2support.zip file, the following command

was executed:
db2support . -d sample -c -f -st "select * from staff"

Extracting the db2support.zip file, the following files and directories were
v DB2CONFIG/ - Configuration information (for example, database, database
manager, BP, CLI, and Java developer kit, among others)
v DB2DUMP/ - db2diag.log file contents for the past 3 days
v DB2MISC/ - List of the sqllib directory
v DB2SNAP/ - Output of DB2 commands (for example,db2set, LIST TABLES, LIST
v db2supp_opt.zip - Diagnostic information for optimizer problems
v db2supp_system.zip - Operating system information
v db2support.html - Diagnostic information formatted into HTML sections
v db2support.log - Diagnostic log information for db2support collection
v db2support_options.in - Command line options used to start the db2support

Information about Optimizer can be found in the db2supp_opt.zip file. Extraction

of this file finds the following directories:
v OPTIMIZER/ - Diagnostic information for optimizer problems
v OPTIMIZER/optimizer.log - File contains a log of all activities
v OPTIMIZER/CATALOGS - All the catalogs with LOBs in the following
v OPTIMIZER/DB2DUMP - db2serv output (serv.* and serv2.* output files)

System information can be found in the db2supp_system.zip file. Extraction of this

file finds the following file and directories:
v DB2CONFIG/ - db2cli.ini (files from ~/sqllib/cfg)
v DB2MISC/ - DB2SYSTM file (binary), among others
v OSCONFIG/ - Different operating system information files (for example, netstat,
services, vfs, ulimit, and hosts, among others)

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 93

v OSSNAP/ - Operating system snapshots (for example, iostat, netstat, uptime,
vmstat, and ps_elf, among others)
v SQLDBDIR/ - Important buffer pool meta files (~/sqllib/sqldbdir)
v SQLGWDIR/ - DCS directory (files from ~/sqllib/sqlgwdir)
v SQLNODIR/ - Node directory (files from ~/sqllib/sqlnodir)
v SPMLOG/ - Files from ~/sqllib/spmlog
v report.log - Log of all collection activities

Basic trace diagnostics

If you experience a recurring and reproducible problem with DB2, tracing
sometimes allows you to capture additional information about it. Under normal
circumstances, you should only use a trace if asked to by DB2 Customer Support.
The process of taking a trace entails setting up the trace facility, reproducing the
error and collecting the data.

The amount of information gathered by a trace grows rapidly. When you take the
trace, capture only the error situation and avoid any other activities whenever
possible. When taking a trace, use the smallest scenario possible to reproduce a

Collecting a trace often has a detrimental effect on the performance of a DB2

instance. The degree of performance degradation is dependent on the type of
problem and on how many resources are being used to gather the trace

DB2 Customer Support should provide the following information when traces are
v Simple, step by step procedures
v An explanation of where each trace is to be taken
v An explanation of what should be traced
v An explanation of why the trace is requested
v Backout procedures (for example, how to disable all traces)

Though you should be counseled by DB2 Customer Support as to which traces to

obtain, here are some general guidelines as to when you'd be asked to obtain
particular traces:
v If the problem occurs during installation, and the default installation logs are not
sufficient to determine the cause of the problem, installation traces are
v If the problem occurs in one of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) tools, and the
same actions succeed when performed via explicit commands in the DB2
command window, then a Control Center trace is appropriate. Note that this will
only capture problems with tools that can be launched from the Control Center.
v If the problem manifests in a CLI application, and the problem cannot be
recreated outside of the application, then a CLI trace is appropriate.
v If the problem manifests in a JDBC application, and the problem cannot be
recreated outside of the application, then a JDBC trace is appropriate.
v If the problem is directly related to information that is being communicated at
the DRDA layer, a DRDA trace is appropriate.
v For all other situations where a trace is feasible, a DB2 trace is most likely to be

94 Troubleshooting Guide
Trace information is not always helpful in diagnosing an error. For example, it
might not capture the error condition in the following situations:
v The trace buffer size you specified was not large enough to hold a complete set
of trace events, and useful information was lost when the trace stopped writing
to the file or wrapped.
v The traced scenario did not re-create the error situation.
v The error situation was re-created, but the assumption as to where the problem
occurred was incorrect. For example, the trace was collected at a client
workstation while the actual error occurred on a server.

DB2 Traces
How to obtain a DB2 trace using an internal utility is discussed. Once a DB2 trace
file is created from the trace data in the trace buffer, you will need to format the
output to make it readable. The information within that file can be used by DB2
Support to address your particular problem.

Obtaining a DB2 trace using db2trc

The db2trc command controls the trace facility provided with DB2. The trace
facility records information about operations and formats this information into a
readable form.

Keep in mind that there is added overhead when a trace is running so enabling the
trace facility might impact your system's performance.

In general, DB2 Support and development teams use DB2 traces for
troubleshooting. You might run a trace to gain information about a problem that
you are investigating, but its use is rather limited without knowledge of the DB2
source code.

Nonetheless, it is important to know how to correctly turn on tracing and how to

dump trace files, just in case you are asked to obtain them.

Note: You will need one of SYSADM, SYSCTRL or SYSMAINT authority to use

To get a general idea of the options available, execute the db2trc command without
any parameters:
Usage: db2trc (chg|clr|dmp|flw|fmt|inf|off|on) options

For more information about a specific db2trc command parameter, use the -u
option. For example, to see more information about turning the trace on, execute
the following command:
db2trc on -u

This will provide information about all of the additional options (labeled as
"facilities") that can be specified when turning on a DB2 trace.

When turning trace on, the most important option is -L. This specifies the size of
the memory buffer that will be used to store the information being traced. The
buffer size can be specified in either bytes or megabytes. (To specify megabytes
append either "M" or "m" after the value). The trace buffer size must be a power of
two megabytes. If you specify a size that does not meet this requirement, the
buffer size will automatically be rounded down to the nearest power of two.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 95

If the buffer is too small, information might be lost. By default only the most
recent trace information is kept if the buffer becomes full. If the buffer is too large,
it might be difficult to send the file to the DB2 support team.

If tracing an operation that is relatively short (such as a database connection), a

size of approximately 8MB is usually sufficient:
C:\> db2trc on -l 8M
Trace is turned on

However, if you are tracing a larger operation or if a lot of work is going on at the
same time, a larger trace buffer might be required.

On most platforms, tracing can be turned on at any time and works as described
above. However, there are certain situations to be aware of:
1. On multiple database partition systems, you must run a trace for each physical
(as opposed to logical) database partition.
2. On HP-UX, Linux and Solaris platforms, if the trace is turned off after the
instance has been started, a very small buffer will be used the next time the
trace is started regardless of the size specified. For example, yesterday you
turned trace on by using db2trc on -l 8m, then collected a trace, and then
turned the trace off (db2trc off). Today you wish to run a trace with the
memory buffer set for 32 megabytes (db2trc on -l 32m) without bringing the
instance down and restarting. You will find that in this case trace will only get
a small buffer. To effectively run a trace on these platforms, turn the trace on
before starting the instance with the size buffer you need and “clear” the buffer
as necessary afterwards.

Dumping a DB2 trace file

Once the trace facility has been enabled using the on option, all subsequent work
done by the instance will be traced.

While the trace is running, you can use the clr option to clear out the trace buffer.
All existing information in the trace buffer will be removed.
C:\>db2trc clr
Trace has been cleared

Once the operation being traced has finished, use the dmp option followed by a
trace file name to dump the memory buffer to disk. For example:
C:\>db2trc dmp trace.dmp
Trace has been dumped to file

The trace facility will continue to run after dumping the trace buffer to disk. To
turn tracing off, use the off option:
C:\>db2trc off
Trace is turned off

Formatting a DB2 trace file

The dump file created by the command db2trc dmp is in binary format and is not

To verify that a trace file can be read, format the binary trace file to show the flow
control and send the formatted output to a null device. The following example
shows the command to perform this task:
db2trc flw example.trc nul

96 Troubleshooting Guide
where example.trc is a binary file that was produced using the dmp option.

The output for this command will explicitly tell you if there is a problem reading
the file, and whether or not the trace was wrapped.

At this point, the dump file could be sent to DB2 Support. They would then format
it based on your DB2 service level. However, you might sometimes be asked to
format the dump file into ASCII format before sending it. This is accomplished via
the flw and fmt options. You must provide the name of the binary dump file along
with the name of the ASCII file that you want to create:
C:\>db2trc flw trace.dmp trace.flw
C:\Temp>db2trc flw trace.dmp trace.flw
Total number of trace records : 18854
Trace truncated : NO
Trace wrapped : NO
Number of trace records formatted : 1513 (pid: 2196 tid 2148 node: -1)
Number of trace records formatted : 100 (pid: 1568 tid 1304 node: 0)

C:\>db2trc fmt trace.dmp trace.fmt

C:\Temp>db2trc fmt trace.dmp trace.fmt
Trace truncated : NO
Trace wrapped : NO
Total number of trace records : 18854
Number of trace records formatted : 18854

If this output indicates "Trace wrapped" is "YES", then this means that the trace
buffer was not large enough to contain all of the information collected during the
trace period. A wrapped trace might be okay depending on the situation. If you
are interested in the most recent information (this is the default information that is
maintained, unless the -i option is specified), then what is in the trace file might be
sufficient. However, if you are interested in what happened at the beginning of the
trace period or if you are interested in everything that occurred, you might want to
redo the operation with a larger trace buffer.

There are options available when formatting a binary file into a readable text file.
For example, you can use db2trc fmt -xml trace.dmp trace.fmt to convert the
binary data and output the result into an xml parsable format. Additional options
are shown in the detailed description of the trace command (db2trc).

Another thing to be aware of is that on Linux and UNIX operating systems, DB2
will automatically dump the trace buffer to disk when it shuts the instance down
due to a severe error. Thus if tracing is enabled when an instance ends abnormally,
a file will be created in the diagnostic directory and its name will be db2trdmp.###,
where ### is the database partition number. This does not occur on Windows
platforms. You have to dump the trace manually in those situations.

To summarize, the following is an example of the common sequence of db2trc

db2trc on -l 8M
db2trc clr
<Execute problem recreation commands>
db2trc dump db2trc.dmp
db2trc off
db2trc flw db2trc.dmp <filename>.flw
db2trc fmt db2trc.dmp <filename>.fmt
db2trc fmt -c db2trc.dmp <filename>.fmtc

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 97

DRDA Traces
Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA) defines how data is passed
between databases linked by common structures. DB2 Connect uses DRDA to link
database client workstations to databases on host or System i® machines. If you
experience problems with such an environment, you will need to know about
DRDA trace files, the utility used to create the trace, the output generated, and
how to analyze the output. You are also shown DRDA trace samples. Finally, there
is a recommendation to check subsequent send and receive buffers because they
may contain information that is relevant to the problem you are experiencing.

DRDA trace files

Before analyzing DRDA traces, you need to understand that DRDA is an open
standard for the definition of data and communication structures. For example,
DRDA comprises a set of rules about how data should be organized for
transmission and how communication of that information should occur. These
rules are defined in the following reference manuals:
v DRDA V3 Vol. 1: Distributed Relational Database Architecture
v DRDA V3 Vol. 2: Formatted Data Object Content Architecture
v DRDA V3 Vol. 3: Distributed Data Management Architecture

PDF versions of these manuals are available on www.opengroup.org.

The db2drdat utility records the data interchanged between a DRDA Application
Requestor (AR) and a DB2 DRDA Application Server (AS) (for example between
DB2 Connect and a host or Series i database server).

Trace utility
The db2drdat utility records the data interchanged between the DB2 Connect
server (on behalf of the IBM data server client) and the host or System i database

As a database administrator (or application developer), you might find it useful to

understand how this flow of data works, because this knowledge can help you
determine the origin of a particular problem. Suppose you found yourself in the
following situation: you issue a CONNECT TO database statement for a host or
System i database server but the command fails and you receive an unsuccessful
return code. If you understand exactly what information was conveyed to the host
or System i database server management system, you might be able to determine
the cause of the failure even if the return code information is general. Many
failures are caused by simple user errors.

Output from db2drdat lists the data streams exchanged between the DB2 Connect
workstation and the host or System i database server management system. Data
sent to the host or System i database server is labeled SEND BUFFER and data
received from the host or System i database server is labeled RECEIVE BUFFER.

If a receive buffer contains SQLCA information, it will be followed by a formatted

interpretation of this data and labeled SQLCA. The SQLCODE field of an SQLCA
is the unmapped value as returned by the host or System i database server. The
send and receive buffers are arranged from the oldest to the most recent within the
file. Each buffer has:
v The process ID
v A SEND BUFFER, RECEIVE BUFFER, or SQLCA label. The first DDM command
or object in a buffer is labeled DSS TYPE.
98 Troubleshooting Guide
The remaining data in send and receive buffers is divided into five columns,
consisting of:
v A byte count.
v Columns 2 and 3 represent the DRDA data stream exchanged between the two
systems, in ASCII or EBCDIC.
v An ASCII representation of columns 2 and 3.
v An EBCDIC representation of columns 2 and 3.

Trace output
The db2drdat utility writes the following information to tracefile:
v -r
– Type of DRDA reply/object
– Receive buffer
v -s
– Type of DRDA request
– Send buffer
v -c
v TCP/IP error information
– Receive function return code
– Severity
– Protocol used
– API used
– Function
– Error number.

1. A value of zero for the exit code indicates that the command completed
successfully, and a non-zero value indicates that it did not.
2. The fields returned vary based on the API used.
3. The fields returned vary based on the platform on which DB2 Connect is
running, even for the same API.
4. If the db2drdat command sends the output to a file that already exists, the old
file will be erased unless the permissions on the file do not allow it to be

Trace output file analysis

The following information is captured in a db2drdat trace :
v The process ID (PID) of the client application
v The RDB_NAME cataloged in the database connection services (DCS) directory
v The DB2 Connect CCSID(s)
v The host or System i database server CCSID(s)
v The host or System i database server management system with which the DB2
Connect system is communicating.

The first buffer contains the Exchange Server Attributes (EXCSAT) and Access RDB
(ACCRDB) commands sent to the host or System i database server management
system. It sends these commands as a result of a CONNECT TO database command.
The next buffer contains the reply that DB2 Connect received from the host or

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 99

System i database server management system. It contains an Exchange Server
Attributes Reply Data (EXCSATRD) and an Access RDB Reply Message
The EXCSAT command contains the workstation name of the client
specified by the Server Name (SRVNAM) object, which is code point
X'116D', according to DDM specification. The EXCSAT command is found
in the first buffer. Within the EXCSAT command, the values X'9481A292'
(coded in CCSID 500) are translated to mask once the X'116D' is removed.
The EXCSAT command also contains the EXTNAM (External Name) object,
which is often placed in diagnostic information on the host or System i
database management system. It consists of a 20-byte application ID
followed by an 8-byte process ID (or 4-byte process ID and 4-byte thread
ID). It is represented by code point X'115E', and in this example its value is
db2bp padded with blanks followed by 000C50CC. On a Linux or UNIX IBM
data server client, this value can be correlated with the ps command,
which returns process status information about active processes to
standard output.
The ACCRDB command contains the RDB_NAME in the RDBNAM object,
which is code point X'2110'. The ACCRDB command follows the EXCSAT
command in the first buffer. Within the ACCRDB command, the values
X'E2E3D3C5C3F1' are translated to STLEC1 once the X'2110' is removed.
This corresponds to the target database name field in the DCS directory.
The accounting string has code point X'2104'.
The code set configured for the DB2 Connect workstation is shown by
locating the CCSID object CCSIDSBC (CCSID for single-byte characters)
with code point X'119C' in the ACCRDB command. In this example, the
CCSIDSBC is X'0333', which is 819.
The additional objects CCSIDDBC (CCSID for double-byte characters) and
CCSIDMBC (CCSID for mixed-byte characters), with code points X'119D'
and X'119E' respectively, are also present in the ACCRDB command. In this
example, the CCSIDDBC is X'04B0', which is 1200, and the CCSIDMBC is
X'0333', which is 819, respectively.
CCSID values are also returned from the host or System i database server
in the Access RDB Reply Message (ACCRDBRM) within the second buffer.
This buffer contains the EXCSATRD followed by the ACCRDBRM. The
example output file contains two CCSID values for the host or System i
database server system. The values are 1208 (for both single-byte and
mixed byte characters) and 1200 (for double-byte characters).
If DB2 Connect does not recognize the code page coming back from the
host or System i database server, SQLCODE -332 will be returned to the
user with the source and target code pages. If the host or System i
database server doesn't recognize the code set sent from DB2 Connect, it
will return VALNSPRM (Parameter Value Not Supported, with DDM code
point X'1252'), which gets translated into SQLCODE -332 for the user.
The ACCRDBRM also contains the parameter PRDID (Product-specific
Identifier, with code point X'112E'). The value is X'C4E2D5F0F8F0F1F5'
which is DSN08015 in EBCDIC. According to standards, DSN is DB2

100 Troubleshooting Guide

Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390. The version number is also
indicated. ARI is DB2 Server for VSE & VM, SQL is DB2 database or DB2
Connect, and QSQ is DB2 for i5/OS.

Trace output file samples

The following figures show sample output illustrating some DRDA data streams
exchanged between DB2 Connect workstations and a host or System i database
server. From the user's viewpoint, a CONNECT TO database command has been
issued using the command line processor (CLP).

Figure 2 on page 102 uses DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition Version 9.1 and DB2
Universal Database (UDB) for z/OS Version 8 over a TCP/IP connection.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 101

1 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 0 probe 100
bytes 16

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,8) unsigned integer:

2 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 19532 probe 1177
bytes 250



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 00C3D041000100BD 1041007F115E8482 ...A.....A...^.. .C}........".;db
0010 F282974040404040 4040404040404040 ...@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2bp
0020 4040F0F0F0C3F5F0 C3C3F0F0F0000000 @@.............. 000C50CC000...
0030 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ................ ................
0040 0000000000000000 000000000060F0F0 .............`.. .............-00
0050 F0F1A2A495404040 4040404040404040 .....@@@@@@@@@@@ 01sun
0060 4040404040404040 4040404040404040 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
0070 C4C5C3E5F8404040 F0A2A49540404040 .....@@@....@@@@ DECV8 0sun
0080 4040404040404040 4000181404140300 @@@@@@@@@....... .......
0090 0724070008147400 05240F0008144000 .$....t..$....@. .............. .
00A0 08000E1147D8C4C2 F261C1C9E7F6F400 ....G....a...... .....QDB2/AIX64.
00B0 08116D9481A29200 0C115AE2D8D3F0F9 ..m.......Z..... .._mask...]SQL09
00C0 F0F0F0 ... 000


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 0026D00100020020 106D000611A20003 .&..... .m...... ..}......_...s..
0010 00162110E2E3D3C5 C3F1404040404040 ..!.......@@@@@@ ....STLEC1
0020 404040404040 @@@@@@
3 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 110546200 probe 100
bytes 12

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,4) unsigned integer:

4 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 110549755 probe 1178
bytes 122



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 0059D04300010053 1443000F115EE5F8 .Y.C...S.C...^.. ..}..........;V8
0010 F1C14BE2E3D3C5C3 F100181404140300 ..K............. 1A.STLEC1.......
0020 0724070007147400 05240F0007144000 .$....t..$....@. .............. .
0030 0700081147D8C4C2 F20014116DE2E3D3 ....G.......m... .....QDB2..._STL
0040 C5C3F14040404040 4040404040000C11 ...@@@@@@@@@@... EC1 ...
0050 5AC4E2D5F0F8F0F1 F5 Z........ ]DSN08015


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 0010D0030002000A 14AC000611A20003 ................ ..}..........s..
5 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 110656806 probe 100
bytes 16

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,8) unsigned integer:


Figure 2. Example of Trace Output (TCP/IP connection)

102 Troubleshooting Guide

6 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 110659711 probe 1177
bytes 250



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 003CD04100010036 106E000611A20003 .<.A...6.n...... ..}......>...s..
0010 00162110E2E3D3C5 C3F1404040404040 ..!.......@@@@@@ ....STLEC1
0020 404040404040000C 11A1D9858799F485 @@@@@@.......... ....Regr4e
0030 A599000A11A09585 A6A39695 ............ vr....newton


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 00ADD001000200A7 20010006210F2407 ........ ...!.$. ..}....x........
0010 00172135C7F9F1C1 F0C4F3C14BD7C1F8 ..!5........K... ....G91A0D3A.PA8
0020 F806030221064600 162110E2E3D3C5C3 ....!.F..!...... 8..........STLEC
0030 F140404040404040 4040404040000C11 .@@@@@@@@@@@@... 1 ...
0040 2EE2D8D3F0F9F0F0 F0000D002FD8E3C4 ............/... .SQL09000....QTD
0050 E2D8D3C1E2C30016 00350006119C0333 .........5.....3 SQLASC..........
0060 0006119D04B00006 119E0333003C2104 ...........3.
7 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 259908001 probe 100
bytes 12

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,4) unsigned integer:

8 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 0 nsec 259911584 probe 1178
bytes 193



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 0015D0420001000F 1219000611490000 ...B.........I.. ..}.............
0010 000511A400 ..... ...u.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 009BD00200020095 2201000611490000 ........"....I.. ..}....n........
0010 000D002FD8E3C4E2 D8D3F3F7F0000C11 .../............ ....QTDSQL370...
0020 2EC4E2D5F0F8F0F1 F500160035000611 ............5... .DSN08015.......
0030 9C04B80006119E04 B80006119D04B000 ................ ................
0040 0C11A0D5C5E6E3D6 D540400006212524 .........@@..!%$ ...NEWTON .....
0050 34001E244E000624 4C00010014244D00 4..$N..$L....$M. ....+...<.....(.
0060 06244FFFFF000A11 E8091E768301BE00 .$O........v.... ..!.....Y...c...
0070 2221030000000005 68B3B8C7F9F1C1F0 "!......h....... ...........G91A0
0080 C4F3C1D7C1F8F840 4040400603022106 .......@@@@...!. D3APA88 .....
0090 46000A11E8091E76 831389 F......v... ....Y...c.i
9 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 2 nsec 364420503 probe 100
bytes 16

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,8) unsigned integer:


Figure 3. Example of Trace Output (TCP/IP connection) continued

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 103

10 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 2 nsec 364440751 probe 1177
bytes 27



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 000AD00100010004 200E ........ . ..}.......
11 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 2 nsec 475009631 probe 100
bytes 12

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,4) unsigned integer:

12 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 2 nsec 475014579 probe 1178
bytes 71



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 002BD05200010025 220C000611490004 .+.R...%"....I.. ..}.............
0010 00162110E2E3D3C5 C3F1404040404040 ..!.......@@@@@@ ....STLEC1
0020 4040404040400005 211501 @@@@@@..!.. .....


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 000BD00300010005 2408FF ........$.. ..}........
13 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 721710319 probe 100
bytes 16

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,8) unsigned integer:

14 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 721727276 probe 1177
bytes 143



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 0053D0510001004D 200A00442113E2E3 .S.Q...M ..D!... ..}....(......ST
0010 D3C5C3F140404040 4040404040404040 ....@@@@@@@@@@@@ LEC1
0020 D5E4D3D3C9C44040 4040404040404040 ......@@@@@@@@@@ NULLID
0030 4040E2D8D3C3F2C6 F0C1404040404040 @@........@@@@@@ SQLC2F0A
0040 4040404041414141 41484C5600CB0005 @@@@AAAAAHLV.... ......<.....
0050 2105F1 !.. ..1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 002BD00300010025 2414000000001B64 .+.....%$......d ..}.............
0010 656C657465206672 6F6D206464637375 elete from ddcsu .%......?_......
0020 73312E6D79746162 6C65FF s1.mytable. ..._`./.%..
15 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 832901261 probe 100
bytes 12

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,4) unsigned integer:


Figure 4. Example of Trace Output (TCP/IP connection) continued

104 Troubleshooting Guide

16 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 832906528 probe 1178
bytes 119



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 0066D00300010060 240800FFFFFF3434 .f.....`$.....44 ..}....-........
0010 3237303444534E58 4F544C2000FFFFFE 2704DSNXOTL .... ......+.!.<.....
0020 0C00000000000000 00FFFFFFFF000000 ................ ................
0030 0000000000572020 2057202020202020 .....W W ................
0040 001053544C454331 2020202020202020 ..STLEC1 ....<...........
0050 2020000F44444353 5553312E4D595441 ..DDCSUS1.MYTA ............(...
0060 424C450000FF BLE... .<....
17 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 833156953 probe 100
bytes 16

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,8) unsigned integer:

18 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcSend fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 833159843 probe 1177
bytes 27



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 000AD00100010004 200F ........ . ..}.......
19 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 943302832 probe 100
bytes 12

Data1 (PD_TYPE_UINT,4) unsigned integer:

20 data DB2 UDB DRDA Communication Manager sqljcReceive fnc (
pid 807116 tid 1 cpid -1 node 0 sec 5 nsec 943306288 probe 1178
bytes 71



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 002BD05200010025 220C000611490004 .+.R...%"....I.. ..}.............
0010 00162110E2E3D3C5 C3F1404040404040 ..!.......@@@@@@ ....STLEC1
0020 4040404040400005 211502 @@@@@@..!.. .....


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF
0000 000BD00300010005 2408FF ........$.. ..}........

Figure 5. Example of Trace Output (TCP/IP connection) continued

Subsequent buffer information for DRDA traces

You can analyze subsequent send and receive buffers for additional information.
The next request contains a commit. The commit command instructs the host or
System i database server management system to commit the current unit of work.
The fourth buffer is received from the host or System i database server database
management system as a result of a commit or rollback. It contains the End Unit of
Work Reply Message (ENDUOWRM), which indicates that the current unit of work
has ended.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 105

In this example, trace entry 12 contains a null SQLCA, indicated by DDM code
point X'2408' followed by X'FF'. A null SQLCA (X'2408FF') indicates success

Figure 2 on page 102 shows an example of a receive buffer containing an error

SQLCA at trace entry 16.

Control Center traces

Before attempting to trace a problem in the Control Center, it is advisable to first
ensure that the same problem does not occur when the equivalent actions are
performed via explicit commands from the DB2 command prompt. Often when
you are performing a task within the Control Center (or one of the other GUI tools
which can be launched from the Control Center), you will see a "Show Command"
button, which provides the exact syntax for the command which the tool will use.
If that exact command succeeds from the DB2 command prompt, but fails when
executed within the GUI tool, then it is appropriate to obtain a Control Center

In order to obtain a trace of a problem which is only reproducible within the

Control Center, launch the Control Center as follows:
db2cc -tf filename

This turns on the Control Center Trace and saves the output of the trace to the
specified file. The output file is saved to <DB2 install path>\sqllib\tools on
Windows and to /home/<userid>/sqllib/tools on UNIX and Linux.

Note: When the Control Center has been launched with tracing enabled, recreate
the problem using as few steps as possible. Try to avoid clicking on unnecessary or
unrelated items in the tool. Once you have recreated the problem, close the Control
Center (and any other GUI tools which you opened to recreate the problem).

The resulting trace file will need to be sent to DB2 Support for analysis.

JDBC traces
Depending on the type of the JDBC driver you are using, there are different ways
to obtain trace files for the applications or stored procedures you are running.
These different ways are presented here.

Obtaining traces of applications that use the DB2 JDBC Type 2

Driver for Linux, UNIX and Windows
This task describes how to obtain a trace of an application using the DB2 JDBC
Type 2 Driver for Linux, UNIX, and Windows systems.

This type of trace is applicable for situations where a problem is encountered in:
v a JDBC application which uses the DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver for Linux, UNIX
and Windows (DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver)
v DB2 JDBC stored procedures.

Note: There are lots of keywords that can be added to the db2cli.ini file that can
affect application behavior. These keywords can resolve or be the cause of
application problems. There are also some keywords that are not covered in the
CLI documentation. Those are only available from DB2 Support. If you have
keywords in your db2cli.ini file that are not documented, it is likely that they
were recommended by DB2 Support. Internally, the DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver
106 Troubleshooting Guide
makes use of the DB2 CLI driver for database access. For example, the Java
getConnection() method is internally mapped by the DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver to
the DB2 CLI SQLConnect() function. As a result, Java developers might find a DB2
CLI trace to be a useful complement to the DB2 JDBC trace.
1. Create a path for the trace files. It is important to create a path that every user
can write to.
For example, on Windows:
mkdir c:\temp\trace
On Linux and UNIX:
mkdir /tmp/trace
chmod 777 /tmp/trace
2. Update the CLI configuration keywords. There are two methods to accomplish
v Manually edit the db2cli.ini file. The location of the db2cli.ini file might
change based on whether the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager is used, the
type of data source names (DSN) used, the type of client or driver being
installed, and whether the registry variable DB2CLIINIPATH is set. For more
information, see the “db2cli.ini initialization file” topic in the Call Level
Interface Guide and Reference, Volume 1.
a. Open up the db2cli.ini file in a plain text editor.
b. Add the following section to the file (if the COMMON section already
exists, just append the variables):

where <path> is, for example, C:\temp\trace on Windows, or /tmp/trace

on Linux or UNIX operating systems.
c. Save the file with at least one blank line at the end of the file. (This
prevents some parsing errors.)
v Use UPDATE CLI CFG commands to update the db2cli.ini file. Issue the
following commands:
where <path> is, for example, C:\temp\trace on Windows, or /tmp/trace on
Linux or UNIX operating systems.
When you use the trace facility to diagnose application issues, keep in mind
that it does have an impact on application performance and that it affects all
applications, not only your test application. This is why it is important to
remember to turn it off after the problem has been identified.
3. Issue the following command to verify that the correct keywords are set and
being picked up:
4. Restart the application.
The db2cli.ini file is only read when the application starts, therefore, for any
changes to take effect, the application must be restarted.
If tracing a JDBC stored procedure, this means restarting the DB2 instance.
5. Capture the error. Run the application until the error is generated, then
terminate the application. If it is possible, reduce the situation, such that the

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 107

only JDBC applications that are running at the time of trace are those related to
the problem recreation. This makes for much clearer trace files.
6. Disable the JDBC trace.
Set the JDBCTrace=0 keyword in the [COMMON] section of the db2cli.ini
manually, or issue:
7. Restart any applications that are running and tracing.
8. Collect the trace files.
The JDBC trace files will be written to the path specified in the
JDBCTracePathName keyword. The filenames generated will all end with a .trc
extension. All files generated in the trace path at the time of the problem
recreation are required.

Obtaining traces of applications that use the DB2 Universal

JDBC Driver
If you have an SQLJ or JDBC application that is using the DB2 Universal JDBC
Driver, a JDBC trace can be enabled in several different ways:
v If you use the DataSource interface to connect to a data source, then use the
DataSource.setTraceLevel() and DataSource.setTraceFile() method to enable
v If you use the DriverManager interface to connect to a data source, the easiest
way to enable tracing will be to set the logWriter on DriverManager before
obtaining a connection.
For example:
DriverManager.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("trace.txt")));
v If you are using the DriverManager interface, you can alternatively specify the
traceFile and traceLevel properties as part of the URL when you load the driver.
For example:
String databaseURL =
"jdbc:db2://hal:50000/sample:traceFile=c:/temp/foobar.txt;" ;

CLI trace files

The CLI trace captures information about applications that access the DB2 CLI

The CLI trace offers very little information about the internal workings of the DB2
CLI driver.

This type of trace is applicable for situations where a problem is encountered in:
v a CLI application
v an ODBC application (since ODBC applications use the DB2 CLI interface to
access DB2)
v DB2 CLI stored procedures
v JDBC applications and stored procedures

When diagnosing ODBC applications it is often easiest to determine the problem

by using an ODBC trace or DB2 CLI trace. If you are using an ODBC driver
manager, it will likely provide the capability to take an ODBC trace. Consult your
driver manager documentation to determine how to enable ODBC tracing. DB2
CLI traces are DB2-specific and will often contain more information than a generic

108 Troubleshooting Guide

ODBC trace. Both traces are usually quite similar, listing entry and exit points for
all CLI calls from an application; including any parameters and return codes to
those calls.

The DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver for Linux, UNIX and Windows (DB2 JDBC Type 2
Driver) depends on the DB2 CLI driver to access the database. Consequently, Java
developers might also want to enable DB2 CLI tracing for additional information
on how their applications interact with the database through the various software
layers. DB2 JDBC and DB2 CLI trace options (though both set in the db2cli.ini file)
are independent of each other.

Enabling CLI traces

A CLI trace is enabled by adding specific entries to the db2cli.ini file.

Note: There are lots of keywords that can be added to the db2cli.ini file that can
affect application behavior. These keywords can resolve or be the cause of
application problems. There are also some keywords that are not covered in the
CLI documentation. Those are only available from DB2 Support. If you have
keywords in your db2cli.ini file that are not documented, it is likely that they
were recommended by the DB2 Support team.

By default, the location of the DB2 CLI/ODBC configuration keyword file is in the
sqllib directory on Windows operating systems, and in the sqllib/cfg directory
of the database instance running the CLI/ODBC applications on Linux and UNIX
operating systems. The location of the db2cli.ini file might change based on
whether the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager is used, the type of data source
names (DSN) used, the type of client or driver being installed, and whether the
registry variable DB2CLIINIPATH is set. For more information, see the “db2cli.ini
initialization file” topic in the Call Level Interface Guide and Reference, Volume 1.
1. Create a path for the trace files.
It is important to create a path that every user can write to. For example, on
mkdir c:\temp\trace
On Linux and UNIX:
mkdir /tmp/trace
chmod 777 /tmp/trace
2. Update the CLI configuration keywords.
This can be done by either manually editing the db2cli.ini file or using the
Option A: Manually Editing the db2cli.ini file.
a. Open up the db2cli.ini file in a plain text editor.
b. Add the following section to the file (or if the COMMON section already exists,
just append the variables):

where path is, for example, C:\temp\trace on Windows, or /tmp/trace on

Linux and UNIX.
c. Save the file with at least one blank line at the end of the file. (This prevents
some parsing errors.)

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 109

Option B: Using UPDATE CLI CFG commands to update the db2cli.ini file.
Issue the following commands:
where path is, for example, C:\temp\trace on Windows, or /tmp/trace on Linux
and UNIX.
3. Confirm the db2cli.ini configuration.
Issue the following command to verify that the correct keywords are set and
being picked up:
4. Restart the application.
The db2cli.ini file is only read on application start, therefore, for any changes
to take effect, the application must be restarted.
If tracing a CLI stored procedure, this means restarting the DB2 instance.
5. Capture the error.
Run the application until the error is generated, then terminate the application.
If it is possible to reduce the situation, such that only applications related to the
problem recreation are running at the time of the trace, this makes for much
clearer trace analysis.
6. Disable the CLI trace.
Set the Trace keyword to a value of zero in the [COMMON] section of the
db2cli.ini manually, or issue:
Then restart any applications that might be running and tracing.
7. Collect the trace information.
The CLI trace files will be written to the path specified in the TracePathName
keyword. The filenames generated have a format of ppidttid.cli where pid is the
operating system assigned process ID, and tid is a numerical counter (starting
at 0) for each thread generated by the application process. For example,
p1234t1.cli. If you are working with DB2 Support to diagnose a problem, they
will want to see all of the files that were generated in the trace path.

When you use the trace facility to diagnose application issues, keep in mind that it
does have an impact on application performance and that it affects all applications,
not only your test application. This is why it is important to remember to turn it
off after the problem has been identified.

Interpreting input and output parameters in CLI trace files

As is the case with any regular function, DB2 CLI functions have input and output
parameters. In a DB2 CLI trace, these input and output parameters can be seen,
providing details about how each application is invoking a particular CLI API. The
input and output parameters for any CLI function as shown in the CLI trace can
be compared to the definition of that CLI function in the CLI Reference sections of
the documentation.

Here is a snippet from a CLI trace file:

SQLConnect( hDbc=0:1, szDSN="sample", cbDSN=-3, szUID="",
cbUID=-3, szAuthStr="", cbAuthStr=-3 )
---> Time elapsed - +6.960000E-004 seconds

110 Troubleshooting Guide

SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, /* hdbc */
SQLCHAR *FAR ServerName, /* szDSN */
SQLSMALLINT NameLength1, /* cbDSN */
SQLCHAR *FAR UserName, /* szUID */
SQLSMALLINT NameLength2, /* cbUID */
SQLCHAR *FAR Authentication, /* szAuthStr */
SQLSMALLINT NameLength3); /* cbAuthStr */

The initial call to the CLI function shows the input parameters and the values
being assigned to them (as appropriate).

When CLI functions return, they show the resultant output parameters, for
SQLAllocStmt( phStmt=1:1 )
<--- SQL_SUCCESS Time elapsed - +4.444000E-003 seconds

In this case, the CLI function SQLAllocStmt() is returning an output parameter

phStmt with a value of "1:1" (connection handle 1, statement handle 1).

Analyzing Dynamic SQL in CLI traces

DB2 CLI Traces also show how dynamic SQL is performed, via the declaration and
use of parameter markers in SQLPrepare() and SQLBindParameter(). This gives
you the ability to determine at runtime what SQL statements will be performed.

The following trace entry shows the preparation of the SQL statement ('?' denotes a
parameter marker):
SQLPrepare( hStmt=1:1, pszSqlStr=
"select * from employee where empno = ?",
cbSqlStr=-3 )
---> Time elapsed - +1.648000E-003 seconds
( StmtOut="select * from employee where empno = ?" )
SQLPrepare( )
<--- SQL_SUCCESS Time elapsed - +5.929000E-003 seconds

The following trace entry shows the binding of the parameter marker as a CHAR
with a maximum length of 7:
SQLBindParameter( hStmt=1:1, iPar=1, fParamType=SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, fSQLType=SQL_CHAR, cbColDef=7, ibScale=0,
rgbValue=&00854f28, cbValueMax=7, pcbValue=&00858534 )
---> Time elapsed - +1.348000E-003 seconds
SQLBindParameter( )
<--- SQL_SUCCESS Time elapsed - +7.607000E-003 seconds

The dynamic SQL statement is now executed. The rbgValue="000010" shows the
value that was substituted for the parameter marker by the application at run time:
SQLExecute( hStmt=1:1 )
---> Time elapsed - +1.317000E-003 seconds
( iPar=1, fCType=SQL_C_CHAR, rgbValue="000010" - X"303030303130",
pcbValue=6, piIndicatorPtr=6 )
sqlccsend( ulBytes - 384 )
sqlccsend( Handle - 14437216 )
sqlccsend( ) - rc - 0, time elapsed - +1.915000E-003
sqlccrecv( )
sqlccrecv( ulBytes - 1053 ) - rc - 0, time elapsed - +8.808000E-003
SQLExecute( )
<--- SQL_SUCCESS Time elapsed - +2.213300E-002 seconds

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 111

Interpreting timing information in CLI traces
There are a few ways to gather timing information from a DB2 CLI trace. By
default a CLI trace captures the time spent in the application since the last CLI API
call was made on this particular thread. As well as the time spent in DB2, it
includes the network time between the client and server. For example:
SQLAllocStmt( hDbc=0:1, phStmt=&0012ee48 )
---> Time elapsed - +3.964187E+000 seconds

(This time value indicates the time spent in the application since last CLI API was
SQLAllocStmt( phStmt=1:1 )
<--- SQL_SUCCESS Time elapsed - +4.444000E-003 seconds

(Since the function has completed, this time value indicates the time spent in DB2,
including the network time)

The other way to capture timing information is using the CLI keyword:
TraceTimeStamp. This keyword will generate a timestamp for every invocation and
result of a DB2 CLI API call. The keyword has 4 display options: no timestamp
information, processor ticks and ISO timestamp, processor ticks, or ISO timestamp.

This can be very useful when working with timing related problems such as
CLI0125E - function sequence errors. It can also be helpful when attempting to
determine which event happened first when working with multithreaded

Interpreting unknown values in CLI traces

It is possible that a DB2 CLI function might return "Unknown value" as a value for
an input parameter in a CLI trace. This can occur if the DB2 CLI driver is looking
for something specific for that input parameter, yet the application provides a
different value. For example, this can occur if you're following out-dated
definitions of CLI functions or are using CLI functions which have been

It is also possible that you could see a CLI function call return an "Option value
changed" or a "Keyset Parser Return Code". This is a result of the keyset cursor
displaying a message, such as when the cursor is being downgraded to a static
cursor for some specific reason.

SQLExecDirect( hStmt=1:1, pszSqlStr="select * from org", cbSqlStr=-3 )

---> Time elapsed - +5.000000E-002 seconds
( StmtOut="select * from org" )
( COMMIT=0 )
( StmtOut=" SELECT A.TABSCHEMA, ...... )
( StmtOut=" SELECT A.TABSCHEMA, ...... )
( Keyset Parser Return Code=1100 )

SQLExecDirect( )
<--- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO Time elapsed - +1.06E+001 seconds

In the above CLI trace, the keyset parser has indicated a return code of 1100, which
indicates that there is not a unique index or primary key for the table, and
therefore a keyset cursor could not be created. These return codes are not
externalized and thus at this point you would need to contact DB2 Support if you
wanted further information about the meaning of the return code.

112 Troubleshooting Guide

Calling SQLError or SQLDiagRec will indicate that the cursor type was changed.
The application should then query the cursor type and concurrency to determine
which attribute was changed.

Interpreting multi-threaded CLI trace output

CLI traces can trace multi-threaded applications. The best way to trace a
multithreaded application is by using the CLI keyword: TracePathName. This will
produce trace files named p<pid>t<tid>.cli where <tid> is the actual thread id of
the application.

If you need to know what the actual thread id is, this information can be seen in
the CLI Trace Header:
[ Process: 3500, Thread: 728 ]
[ Date & Time: 02/17/2006 04:28:02.238015 ]
[ Product: QDB2/NT DB2 v9.1.0.190 ]

You can also trace a multithreaded application to one file, using the CLI keyword:
TraceFileName. This method will generate one file of your choice, but can be
cumbersome to read, as certain API's in one thread can be executed at the same
time as another API in another thread, which could potentially cause some
confusion when reviewing the trace.

It is usually recommended to turn TraceTimeStamp on so that you can determine

the true sequence of events by looking at the time that a certain API was executed.
This can be very useful for investigating problems where one thread caused a
problem in another thread (for example, CLI0125E - Function sequence error).

Platform-specific tools
There are troubleshooting commands, performance monitoring utilities, and other
methods of gathering diagnostic information that are associated with the platforms
you are using. These tools are presented as part of your Windows operating
system, or your Linux and UNIX operating systems.

Diagnostic tools (Windows)

The following diagnostic tools are available for Windows operating systems:
Event viewer, performance monitor, and other administrative tools
The Administrative Tools folder provides a variety of diagnostic
information, including access to the event log and access to performance
Task Manager
The Task Manager shows all of the processes running on the Windows
server, along with details about memory usage. Use this tool to find out
which DB2 processes are running, and to diagnose performance problems.
Using this tool, you can determine memory usage, memory limits, swapper
space used, and memory leakage for a process.
To open the Task Manager, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, and click Task
Manager from the available options.
Dr. Watson
The Dr. Watson utility is invoked in the event of a General Protection Fault

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 113

(GPF). It logs data that might help in diagnosing a problem, and saves this
information to a file. You must start this utility by typing drwatson on the
command line.

Diagnostic tools (Linux and UNIX)

This section describes some essential commands for troubleshooting and
performance monitoring on Linux and UNIX platforms. For details on any one of
these commands, precede it with "man" on the command line. Use these
commands to gather and process data that can help identify the cause of a problem
you are having with your system. Once the data is collected, it can be examined by
someone who is familiar with the problem, or provided to DB2 Support if

Troubleshooting commands (AIX)

The following AIX system commands are useful for DB2 troubleshooting:
errpt The errpt command reports system errors such as hardware errors and
network failures.
v For an overview that shows one line per error, use errpt
v For a more detailed view that shows one page for each error, use errpt
v For errors with an error number of "1581762B", use errpt -a -j 1581762B
v To find out if you ran out of paging space in the past, use errpt | grep
v To find out if there are token ring card or disk problems, check the errpt
output for the phrases "disk" and "tr0"
lsps The lsps -a command monitors and displays how paging space is being
lsattr This command displays various operating system parameters. For example,
use the following command to find out the amount of real memory on the
database partition:
lsattr -l sys0 -E
For AIX systems using Motif, this command starts a graphical monitor that
collects and displays system-related performance data. The monitor
displays three-dimensional diagrams for each database partition in a single
window, and is good for high-level monitoring. However, if activity is low,
the output from this monitor is of limited value.
If you are using system partitioning as part of the Parallel System Support
Program (PSSP), you might need to check if the SP Switch is running on all
workstations. To view the status of all database partitions, use one of the
following commands from the control workstation:
v spmon -d for ASCII output
v spmon -g for a graphical user interface
Alternatively, use the command netstat -i from a database partition
workstation to see if the switch is down. If the switch is down, there is an
asterisk (*) beside the database partition name. For example:
css0* 65520 <Link>

114 Troubleshooting Guide

The asterisk does not appear if the switch is up.

Troubleshooting commands (Linux and UNIX)

The following system commands are for all Linux and UNIX systems, including
AIX, unless otherwise noted.
df The df command lets you see if file systems are full.
v To see how much free space is in all file systems (including mounted
ones), use df
v To see how much free space is in all file systems with names containing
"dev", use df | grep dev
v To see how much free space is in your home file system, use df /home
v To see how much free space is in the file system "tmp", use df /tmp
v To see if there is enough free space on the machine, check the output
from the following commands: df /usr , df /var , df /tmp , and df
truss This command is useful for tracing system calls in one or more processes.
pstack Available for Solaris 2.5.1 or later, the /usr/proc/bin/pstack command
displays stack traceback information. The /usr/proc/bin directory contains
other tools for debugging processes that appear to be suspended.

Performance Monitoring Tools

The following tools are available for monitoring the performance of your system.
This command is useful for determining if something is suspended or just
taking a long time. You can monitor the paging rate, found under the page
in (pi) and page out (po) columns. Other important columns are the
amount of allocated virtual storage (avm) and free virtual storage (fre).
iostat This command is useful for monitoring I/O activities. You can use the read
and write rate to estimate the amount of time required for certain SQL
operations (if they are the only activity on the system).
This command lets you know the network traffic on each database
partition, and the number of error packets encountered. It is useful for
isolating network problems.
system file
Available for Solaris operating system, the /etc/system file contains
definitions for kernel configuration limits such as the maximum number of
users allowed on the system at a time, the maximum number of processes
per user, and the inter-process communication (IPC) limits on size and
number of resources. These limits are important because they affect DB2
performance on a Solaris operating system machine.

Chapter 6. Tools for troubleshooting 115

116 Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 7. How to search effectively for known problems
There are many resources available that describe known problems, including DB2
APARs, whitepapers, IBM Redbooks® publications, technotes and manuals. It is
important to be able to effectively search these (and other) resources in order to
quickly determine whether a solution already exists for the problem you are

Before searching, you should have a clear understanding of your problem


Once you have a clear understanding of what the problem situation is, you need to
compile a list of search keywords to increase your chances of finding the existing
solutions. Here are some tips:
1. Use multiple words in your search. The more pertinent search terms you use,
the better your search results will be.
2. Start with specific results, and then go to broader results if necessary. For
example, if too few results are returned, then remove some of the less pertinent
search terms and try it again. Alternatively, if you are uncertain which
keywords to use, you can perform a broad search with a few keywords, look at
the type of results that you receive, and be able to make a more informed
choice of additional keywords.
3. Sometimes it is more effective to search for a specific phrase. For example, if
you enter: "administration notification file" (with the quotation marks) you will
get only those documents that contain the exact phrase in the exact order in
which you type it. (As opposed to all documents that contain any combination
of those three words).
4. Use wildcards. If you are encountering a specific SQL error, search for
"SQL5005<wildcard>", where <wildcard> is the appropriate wildcard for the
resource you're searching. This is likely to return more results than if you had
merely searched for "SQL5005" or "SQL5005c ".
5. If you are encountering a situation where your instance ends abnormally and
produces trap files, search for known problems using the first two or three
functions in the trap or core file's stack traceback. If too many results are
returned, try adding keywords "trap", "abend" or "crash".
6. If you are searching for keywords that are operating-system-specific (such as
signal numbers or errno values), try searching on the constant name, not the
value. For example, search for "EFBIG" instead of the error number 27.

In general, search terms that are successful often involve:

v Words that describe the command run
v Words that describe the symptoms
v Tokens from the diagnostics

Troubleshooting resources
A wide variety of troubleshooting and problem determination information is
available to assist you in using DB2 database products.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 117

DB2 documentation

Troubleshooting information can be found throughout the DB2 Information Center,

as well as throughout the PDF books that make up the DB2 library.

DB2 Technical Support Web site

Refer to the DB2 Technical Support Web site if you are experiencing problems and
want help finding possible causes and solutions. The Technical Support site has
links to the latest DB2 publications, TechNotes, Authorized Program Analysis
Reports (APARs), fix packs and other resources. You can search through this
knowledge base to find possible solutions to your problems.

Access the DB2 Technical Support Web site at: www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/


118 Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 8. Getting DB2 product fixes
Fix packs contain code updates and fixes for problems found by IBM during
product testing and by customers as they use the product. How to find the latest
fix pack and how to apply the fixes to your database environment are discussed.

Applying fix packs

It is recommended that you keep your DB2 database environment running at the
latest fix pack level to ensure problem-free operation. To install a fix pack
successfully, perform all of the necessary pre-installation and post-installation tasks.

About this task

A DB2 fix pack contains updates and fixes for problems (Authorized Program
Analysis Reports, or "APARs") found during testing at IBM, as well as fixes for
problems reported by customers. The APARLIST.TXT file describes the fixes
contained in each fix pack and it is available for download at http://www-

Fix packs are cumulative. This means that the latest fix pack for any given version
of DB2 contains all of the updates from previous fix packs for the same version of

The fix pack images available are:

v A single server image.
The single server image contains the new and updated code required for all DB2
database server products and the IBM Data Server Client. If more than one DB2
database server product is installed in a single location, the DB2 database server
fix pack applies maintenance code updates to all the installed DB2 database
server products. The Data Server Client fix pack is contained within the one DB2
database server fix pack (namely the fix pack that can service any one of the
following database server products: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, DB2
Workgroup Server Edition, DB2 Express® Edition, DB2 Personal Edition, DB2
Connect Enterprise Edition, DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, DB2
Connect Unlimited Edition for zSeries®, and DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for
i5/OS®). You can use the DB2 database server fix pack to upgrade a Data Server
A single server image can also be used to install any of the DB2 database server
products, at a particular fix pack level, with a DB2 try and buy license by
The single server f ix pack image contains DB2 try-and-buy licenses for all DB2
server products. When you select a new DB2 server product to install or a
previously installed DB2 server product to update, the try-and-buy licenses are
installed. The try-and-buy licenses do not affect any valid licenses already
installed in the same DB2 installation path. Regarding DB2 Connect Server
products, if you run the db2licm -l command to query valid licenses, the
try-and-buy license for DB2 Connect Server product might display as an invalid
license. However, if you do not need to use the DB2 Connect functionality, you
can ignore the report. To remove the try-and-buy license for DB2 Connect Server,
use the db2licm command.
v A fix pack for each of the other DB2 database products.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 119

Use this fix pack only if you only have non-server database products or add-on
products installed. For example, IBM Data Server Runtime Client or DB2 Query
Do not use this type of fix pack if the installed DB2 database products are only
DB2 database server products or a Data Server Client. Instead, use the single
server image fix pack.
For Windows platforms, if you have more than one DB2 database product
(which includes at least one product that is not a Data Server Client or a DB2
database server) installed in a single DB2 copy, you must download and
uncompress all of the corresponding product-specific fix packs before starting
the fix pack installation process.
v A universal fix pack (on Linux or UNIX platforms only).
The universal fix pack services installations where more than one DB2 database
product has been installed.
The universal fix pack is not needed if the installed DB2 database products are
only DB2 database server products or a Data Server Client. In this case, the
single server image fix pack should used.

On Linux or UNIX operating systems, if national languages have been installed,

you also require a separate national language fix pack. The national language fix
pack can not be installed alone. A universal or product-specific fix pack must be
applied at the same time and they must both be at the same fix pack level. For
example, if you are applying a universal fix pack to non-English DB2 database
products on Linux or UNIX, you must apply both the universal fix pack and the
national language fix pack to update the DB2 database products.

v A DB2 Version 9.5 fix pack can only be applied to DB2 Version 9.5 general
availability (GA) or fix pack level copies.
v All DB2 instances, DAS, and applications related to the DB2 copy being updated
must be stopped before installing a fix pack.
v In a partitioned database environment, prior to installing the fix pack, you must
stop the database manager on all database partition servers. You must install the
fix pack on the instance-owning database partition server and all other database
partition servers. All computers participating in the instance must be upgraded
to the same fix pack level.
v On Linux or UNIX operating systems:
– If you have DB2 database products on a Network File System (NFS), you
must ensure the following are stopped completely before installing the fix
pack: all instances, the DB2 administration server (DAS), interprocess
communications (IPC), and applications on other machines using the same
NFS mounted installation.
– If the system commands fuser or lsof are not available, the installFixPack
command cannot detect loaded DB2 files. You must ensure no DB2 files are
loaded and provide an override option to install the fix pack. On UNIX, the
fuser command is required to check for loaded files. On Linux, either the
fuser command or lsof command is required.
For details on the override option, see the installFixPack command.
v On client applications, after a fix pack has been applied, to perform autobind of
applications, the user must have bind authority.
v Installation of a DB2 fix pack will not service IBM Data Studio Administration
Console or IBM Data Studio.

120 Troubleshooting Guide


To install a fix pack:

1. Check fix pack prerequisites.
2. Perform the necessary tasks prior to installing a fix pack.
3. Choose a fix pack installation method and install the fix pack.
4. Perform the necessary tasks after installing the fix pack.
5. Apply the appropriate DB2 database product license.
If a previously licensed copy of a DB2 database server product does not already
exist on the machine, a single server fix pack image can be used to install any
of the DB2 database server products. In this case, the DB2 database product
installed is treated as a try and buy license, and will stop working after a 90
day trial period unless you upgrade the try and buy license.

What to do next

Check the log file for any post-installation steps, or error messages and
recommended actions.

For non-root installations on Linux or UNIX, root-based features (such as High

Availability and operating system-based authentication) can be enabled using the
db2rfe command. If root-based features were enabled after installing your DB2
database product, you must rerun the db2rfe command each time a fix pack is
applied in order to re-enable those features.

If you have multiple DB2 copies on the same system, those copies can be at
different version and fix pack levels. If you want to apply a fix pack to one or
more DB2 copies, you must install the fix pack on those DB2 copies one by one.

Fix packs, interim fix packs and test fixes

An Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) is a formal report of a problem
caused by a suspected defect in a current unaltered release of an IBM program.
APARs describe problems found during testing by IBM, as well as problems
reported by customers.

The modified DB2 code that resolves the problem described in the APAR can be
delivered in fix packs, interim fix pack and test fixes.
Fix pack
A fix pack is a cumulative collection of APAR fixes. In particular, fix packs
address the APARs that arise between new releases of DB2. They are
intended to allow you to move up to a specific maintenance level. Fix
packs have the following characteristics:
v They are cumulative. Fix packs for a particular release of DB2 supersede
or contain all of the APAR fixes shipped in previous fix packs and
interim fix packs for that release.
v They are available for all supported operating systems and DB2 database
v They contain many APARs.
v They are published on the DB2 Technical Support Web site and are
generally available to customers who have purchased products under
the Passport Advantage® program.
v They are fully tested by IBM.

Chapter 8. Getting DB2 product fixes 121

v They are accompanied by documentation that describes changes to the
database products, and how to install and remove the fix pack.

Note: The status of an APAR is changed from "Open" to "Closed as

program error" when the APAR fix is provided in a fix pack. You can
determine the status of individual APARs by examining the APAR
descriptions on the DB2 Technical Support Web site
Interim fix pack
An interim fix pack is a cumulative collection of important APAR fixes that
arise between fix packs. To qualify for inclusion in an interim fix pack, an
APAR must be considered pervasive or otherwise important. Candidate
APARs are evaluated and approved by experts on the DB2 technical
support team. Interim fix packs have the following characteristics:
v They are cumulative. Interim fix packs for a particular release of DB2
supersede or contain all of the APAR fixes shipped in previous fix packs
and interim fix packs for that release.
v They are available for a subset of operating systems and DB2 database
v They usually contain 20 to 30 new APARs.
v They are published on the DB2 Technical Support Web site and are
generally available to customers who have purchased products under
the Passport Advantage program.
v They are fully tested by IBM.
v They are accompanied by documentation that describes how to install
and remove the interim fix pack.
Interim fix packs are supported in production for two years after they are
released. They are available at the approximate midpoint between fix packs
and are intended as the preferred alternative to test fixes, which do not
receive the same level of testing or enjoy the same level of support as
interim fix packs.
Test fix
A test fix is a temporary solution that is supplied to specific customers for
testing in response to a reported problem. Test fixes are sometimes referred
to as "special builds" and they have the following characteristics:
v They usually contain a single APAR.
v They are obtained from DB2 Support and are not generally available to
the public.
v They undergo limited IBM testing.
v They include minimal documentation, including a description of how
the test fix should be applied, the APARs it fixes, and instructions for the
removal of the test fix.
Test fixes are supplied in situations where a new problem has been
uncovered, there is no workaround or bypass for the problem and you
cannot wait until the next fix pack or interim fix pack becomes available.
For example, if the problem is causing critical impact on your business, a
test fix might be provided to alleviate the situation until the APAR is
addressed in a fix pack or interim fix pack.

It is recommended that you keep your DB2 environment running at the latest fix
pack level to ensure problem-free operation. To receive notification of the

122 Troubleshooting Guide

availability of new fix packs, subscribe to My Support e-mail updates on the DB2
Technical Support Web site at: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/support/

To learn more about the role and purpose of DB2 fixes and fix packs, see the
support policy statement.

Applying test fixes

A test fix is a temporary fix that is supplied to specific customers for testing in
response to a reported problem. A Readme accompanies every test fix. The test fix
Readme provides instructions for installing and uninstalling the test fix, as well as
a list of the APARs (if any) included in the test fix.

Each test fix has specific prerequisites. Refer to the Readme that accompanies the
test fix for details.

There are two types of test fixes:

v A test fix for an individual DB2 product. These test fixes can be applied on an
existing installation of the product, or can be used to perform a full product
installation where there is no existing DB2 installation.
v Universal test fixes (Linux and UNIX only). A universal test fix services
installations where more than one DB2 product has been installed.

If national languages have been installed, you might also require a separate
national language test fix. The national language test fix can only be applied if it is
at the same test fix level as the installed DB2 product. If you are applying a
universal test fix, you must apply both the universal test fix and the national
language test fix to update the DB2 products.

Obtain the test fix from DB2 Customer Support and follow the instructions in the
Readme with respect to installing, testing and removing (if necessary) the test fix.
When installing a test fix in a multi-partition database partition environment, the
system must be offline and all computers participating in the instance must be
upgraded to the same test fix level.

Chapter 8. Getting DB2 product fixes 123

124 Troubleshooting Guide
Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information
DB2 technical information is available through the following tools and methods:
v DB2 Information Center
– Topics (Task, concept and reference topics)
– Help for DB2 tools
– Sample programs
– Tutorials
v DB2 books
– PDF files (downloadable)
– PDF files (from the DB2 PDF DVD)
– printed books
v Command line help
– Command help
– Message help

Note: The DB2 Information Center topics are updated more frequently than either
the PDF or the hard-copy books. To get the most current information, install the
documentation updates as they become available, or refer to the DB2 Information
Center at ibm.com®.

You can access additional DB2 technical information such as technotes, white
papers, and IBM Redbooks publications online at ibm.com. Access the DB2
Information Management software library site at http://www.ibm.com/software/

Documentation feedback

We value your feedback on the DB2 documentation. If you have suggestions for
how to improve the DB2 documentation, send an email to db2docs@ca.ibm.com.
The DB2 documentation team reads all of your feedback, but cannot respond to
you directly. Provide specific examples wherever possible so that we can better
understand your concerns. If you are providing feedback on a specific topic or
help file, include the topic title and URL.

Do not use this email address to contact DB2 Customer Support. If you have a DB2
technical issue that the documentation does not resolve, contact your local IBM
service center for assistance.

If you would like to help IBM make the IBM Information Management products
easier to use, take the Consumability Survey: http://www.ibm.com/software/

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 125

DB2 technical library in hardcopy or PDF format
The following tables describe the DB2 library available from the IBM Publications
Center at www.ibm.com/e-business/linkweb/publications/servlet/pbi.wss.
English and translated DB2 Version 9.5 manuals in PDF format can be downloaded
from www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27009727 and
www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27009728 respectively.

Although the tables identify books available in print, the books might not be
available in your country or region.

The form number increases each time a manual is updated. Ensure that you are
reading the most recent version of the manuals, as listed in the following table.

Note: The DB2 Information Center is updated more frequently than either the PDF
or the hard-copy books.
Table 10. DB2 technical information
Name Form Number Available in print Last updated
Administrative API SC23-5842-03 Yes December, 2010
Administrative Routines SC23-5843-03 No December, 2010
and Views
Call Level Interface SC23-5844-03 Yes December, 2010
Guide and Reference,
Volume 1
Call Level Interface SC23-5845-03 Yes December, 2010
Guide and Reference,
Volume 2
Command Reference SC23-5846-03 Yes December, 2010
Data Movement Utilities SC23-5847-03 Yes December, 2010
Guide and Reference
Data Recovery and High SC23-5848-03 Yes December, 2010
Availability Guide and
Data Servers, Databases, SC23-5849-03 Yes December, 2010
and Database Objects
Database Security Guide SC23-5850-03 Yes December, 2010
Developing ADO.NET SC23-5851-02 Yes April, 2009
and OLE DB
Developing Embedded SC23-5852-02 Yes April, 2009
SQL Applications
Developing Java SC23-5853-03 Yes December, 2010
Developing Perl and SC23-5854-02 No April, 2009
PHP Applications
Developing User-defined SC23-5855-03 Yes December, 2010
Routines (SQL and

126 Troubleshooting Guide

Table 10. DB2 technical information (continued)
Name Form Number Available in print Last updated
Getting Started with GC23-5856-03 Yes December, 2010
Database Application
Getting Started with GC23-5857-03 Yes December, 2010
DB2 installation and
administration on Linux
and Windows
Internationalization SC23-5858-02 Yes April, 2009
Message Reference, GI11-7855-00 No
Volume 1
Message Reference, GI11-7856-00 No
Volume 2
Migration Guide GC23-5859-03 Yes December, 2010
Net Search Extender SC23-8509-02 Yes April, 2009
Administration and
User's Guide
Partitioning and SC23-5860-03 Yes December, 2010
Clustering Guide
Query Patroller SC23-8507-01 Yes April, 2009
Administration and
User's Guide
Quick Beginnings for GC23-5863-03 No December, 2010
IBM Data Server Clients
Quick Beginnings for GC23-5864-03 Yes December, 2010
DB2 Servers
Spatial Extender and SC23-8508-02 Yes April, 2009
Geodetic Data
Management Feature
User's Guide and
SQL Reference, Volume 1 SC23-5861-03 Yes December, 2010
SQL Reference, Volume 2 SC23-5862-03 Yes December, 2010
System Monitor Guide SC23-5865-03 Yes December, 2010
and Reference
Text Search Guide SC23-5866-02 Yes December, 2010
Troubleshooting Guide GI11-7857-03 No December, 2010
Tuning Database SC23-5867-03 Yes December, 2010
Visual Explain Tutorial SC23-5868-00 No
What's New SC23-5869-03 Yes December, 2010
Workload Manager SC23-5870-03 Yes December, 2010
Guide and Reference
pureXML Guide SC23-5871-03 Yes December, 2010
XQuery Reference SC23-5872-02 No April, 2009

Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information 127

Table 11. DB2 Connect-specific technical information
Name Form Number Available in print Last updated
Quick Beginnings for GC23-5839-03 Yes December, 2010
DB2 Connect Personal
Quick Beginnings for GC23-5840-03 Yes December, 2010
DB2 Connect Servers
DB2 Connect User's SC23-5841-03 Yes December, 2010

Table 12. Information Integration technical information

Name Form Number Available in print Last updated
Information Integration: SC19-1020-01 Yes
Administration Guide for
Federated Systems
Information Integration: SC19-1018-02 Yes
ASNCLP Program
Reference for Replication
and Event Publishing
Information Integration: SC19-1034-01 No
Configuration Guide for
Federated Data Sources
Information Integration: SC19-1030-01 Yes
SQL Replication Guide
and Reference
Information Integration: GC19-1028-01 Yes
Introduction to
Replication and Event

Ordering printed DB2 books

If you require printed DB2 books, you can buy them online in many but not all
countries or regions. You can always order printed DB2 books from your local IBM
representative. Keep in mind that some softcopy books on the DB2 PDF
Documentation DVD are unavailable in print. For example, neither volume of the
DB2 Message Reference is available as a printed book.

Printed versions of many of the DB2 books available on the DB2 PDF
Documentation DVD can be ordered for a fee from IBM. Depending on where you
are placing your order from, you may be able to order books online, from the IBM
Publications Center. If online ordering is not available in your country or region,
you can always order printed DB2 books from your local IBM representative. Note
that not all books on the DB2 PDF Documentation DVD are available in print.

Note: The most up-to-date and complete DB2 documentation is maintained in the
DB2 Information Center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/

To order printed DB2 books:

v To find out whether you can order printed DB2 books online in your country or
region, check the IBM Publications Center at http://www.ibm.com/shop/

128 Troubleshooting Guide

publications/order. You must select a country, region, or language to access
publication ordering information and then follow the ordering instructions for
your location.
v To order printed DB2 books from your local IBM representative:
1. Locate the contact information for your local representative from one of the
following Web sites:
– The IBM directory of world wide contacts at www.ibm.com/planetwide
– The IBM Publications Web site at http://www.ibm.com/shop/
publications/order. You will need to select your country, region, or
language to the access appropriate publications home page for your
location. From this page, follow the "About this site" link.
2. When you call, specify that you want to order a DB2 publication.
3. Provide your representative with the titles and form numbers of the books
that you want to order. For titles and form numbers, see “DB2 technical
library in hardcopy or PDF format” on page 126.

Displaying SQL state help from the command line processor

DB2 returns an SQLSTATE value for conditions that could be the result of an SQL
statement. SQLSTATE help explains the meanings of SQL states and SQL state class

To invoke SQL state help, open the command line processor and enter:
? sqlstate or ? class code

where sqlstate represents a valid five-digit SQL state and class code represents the
first two digits of the SQL state.
For example, ? 08003 displays help for the 08003 SQL state, and ? 08 displays help
for the 08 class code.

Accessing different versions of the DB2 Information Center

For DB2 Version 9.8 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://

For DB2 Version 9.7 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://

For DB2 Version 9.5 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://

For DB2 Version 9.1 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://

For DB2 Version 8 topics, go to the DB2 Information Center URL at:

Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information 129

Displaying topics in your preferred language in the DB2 Information
The DB2 Information Center attempts to display topics in the language specified in
your browser preferences. If a topic has not been translated into your preferred
language, the DB2 Information Center displays the topic in English.
v To display topics in your preferred language in the Internet Explorer browser:
1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools —> Internet Options —> Languages...
button. The Language Preferences window opens.
2. Ensure your preferred language is specified as the first entry in the list of
– To add a new language to the list, click the Add... button.

Note: Adding a language does not guarantee that the computer has the
fonts required to display the topics in the preferred language.
– To move a language to the top of the list, select the language and click the
Move Up button until the language is first in the list of languages.
3. Clear the browser cache and then refresh the page to display the DB2
Information Center in your preferred language.
v To display topics in your preferred language in a Firefox or Mozilla browser:
1. Select the button in the Languages section of the Tools —> Options —>
Advanced dialog. The Languages panel is displayed in the Preferences
2. Ensure your preferred language is specified as the first entry in the list of
– To add a new language to the list, click the Add... button to select a
language from the Add Languages window.
– To move a language to the top of the list, select the language and click the
Move Up button until the language is first in the list of languages.
3. Clear the browser cache and then refresh the page to display the DB2
Information Center in your preferred language.

On some browser and operating system combinations, you might have to also
change the regional settings of your operating system to the locale and language of
your choice.

Updating the DB2 Information Center installed on your computer or

intranet server
If you have installed the DB2 Information Center locally, you can obtain and install
documentation updates from IBM.

Updating your locally-installed DB2 Information Center requires that you:

1. Stop the DB2 Information Center on your computer, and restart the Information
Center in stand-alone mode. Running the Information Center in stand-alone
mode prevents other users on your network from accessing the Information
Center, and allows you to apply updates. Non-Administrative and Non-Root
DB2 Information Centers always run in stand-alone mode. .
2. Use the update feature to see what updates are available. If there are updates
that you would like to install, you can use the update feature to obtain and
install them.

130 Troubleshooting Guide

Note: If your environment requires installing the DB2 Information Center
updates on a machine that is not connected to the internet, you have to mirror
the update site to a local file system using a machine that is connected to the
internet and has the DB2 Information Center installed. If many users on your
network will be installing the documentation updates, you can reduce the time
required for individuals to perform the updates by also mirroring the update
site locally and creating a proxy for the update site.
If update packages are available, use the update feature to get the packages.
However, the update feature is only available in stand-alone mode.
3. Stop the stand-alone Information Center, and restart the DB2 Information Center
on your computer.

Note: On Windows Vista, the commands listed below must be run as an

administrator. To launch a command prompt or graphical tool with full
administrator privileges, right-click on the shortcut and then select Run as

To update the DB2 Information Center installed on your computer or intranet server:
1. Stop the DB2 Information Center.
v On Windows, click Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services.
Then right-click on DB2 Information Center service and select Stop.
v On Linux, enter the following command:
/etc/init.d/db2icdv95 stop
2. Start the Information Center in stand-alone mode.
v On Windows:
a. Open a command window.
b. Navigate to the path where the Information Center is installed. By
default, the DB2 Information Center is installed in the
Program_files\IBM\DB2 Information Center\Version 9.5 directory,
where Program_files represents the location of the Program Files directory.
c. Navigate from the installation directory to the doc\bin directory.
d. Run the help_start.bat file:
v On Linux:
a. Navigate to the path where the Information Center is installed. By
default, the DB2 Information Center is installed in the /opt/ibm/db2ic/V9.5
b. Navigate from the installation directory to the doc/bin directory.
c. Run the help_start script:
The systems default Web browser launches to display the stand-alone
Information Center.
3. Click the Update button ( ). On the right hand panel of the Information
Center, click Find Updates. A list of updates for existing documentation
4. To initiate the installation process, check the selections you want to install, then
click Install Updates.
5. After the installation process has completed, click Finish.
6. Stop the stand-alone Information Center:

Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information 131

v On Windows, navigate to the installation directory's doc\bin directory, and
run the help_end.bat file:

Note: The help_end batch file contains the commands required to safely
terminate the processes that were started with the help_start batch file. Do
not use Ctrl-C or any other method to terminate help_start.bat.
v On Linux, navigate to the installation directory's doc/bin directory, and run
the help_end script:

Note: The help_end script contains the commands required to safely

terminate the processes that were started with the help_start script. Do not
use any other method to terminate the help_start script.
7. Restart the DB2 Information Center.
v On Windows, click Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services.
Then right-click on DB2 Information Center service and select Start.
v On Linux, enter the following command:
/etc/init.d/db2icdv95 start

The updated DB2 Information Center displays the new and updated topics.

DB2 tutorials
The DB2 tutorials help you learn about various aspects of DB2 products. Lessons
provide step-by-step instructions.

Before you begin

You can view the XHTML version of the tutorial from the Information Center at

Some lessons use sample data or code. See the tutorial for a description of any
prerequisites for its specific tasks.

DB2 tutorials

To view the tutorial, click on the title.

“pureXML®” in pureXML Guide
Set up a DB2 database to store XML data and to perform basic operations
with the native XML data store.
“Visual Explain” in Visual Explain Tutorial
Analyze, optimize, and tune SQL statements for better performance using
Visual Explain.

DB2 troubleshooting information

A wide variety of troubleshooting and problem determination information is
available to assist you in using DB2 database products.
DB2 documentation
Troubleshooting information can be found in the DB2 Troubleshooting
Guide or the Database fundamentals section of the DB2 Information
Center. There you will find information on how to isolate and identify

132 Troubleshooting Guide

problems using DB2 diagnostic tools and utilities, solutions to some of the
most common problems, and other advice on how to solve problems you
might encounter with your DB2 database products.
DB2 Technical Support Web site
Refer to the DB2 Technical Support Web site if you are experiencing
problems and want help finding possible causes and solutions. The
Technical Support site has links to the latest DB2 publications, TechNotes,
Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs or bug fixes), fix packs, and
other resources. You can search through this knowledge base to find
possible solutions to your problems.
Access the DB2 Technical Support Web site at http://www.ibm.com/

Terms and Conditions

Permissions for the use of these publications is granted subject to the following
terms and conditions.

Personal use: You may reproduce these Publications for your personal, non
commercial use provided that all proprietary notices are preserved. You may not
distribute, display or make derivative work of these Publications, or any portion
thereof, without the express consent of IBM.

Commercial use: You may reproduce, distribute and display these Publications
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You may not make derivative works of these Publications, or reproduce, distribute
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Except as expressly granted in this permission, no other permissions, licenses or

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IBM reserves the right to withdraw the permissions granted herein whenever, in its
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determined by IBM, the above instructions are not being properly followed.

You may not download, export or re-export this information except in full
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including all United States
export laws and regulations.



Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information 133

134 Troubleshooting Guide
Appendix B. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 135

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136 Troubleshooting Guide

This information may contain sample application programs, in source language,
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Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of

Appendix B. Notices 137

138 Troubleshooting Guide
A Control Center
tracing 106
about this book v core files
ACCRDB command 99 Linux systems 25
ACCRDBRM command 99 problem determination 61
ACCSEC command 99 UNIX systems 25
administration notification log 6, 11 creating
interpreting 12 database 39
introduction 11 current release
analyzing diagnostic data 49, 50 troubleshooting 35
audit facility
troubleshooting 9
authorized program analysis report (APAR) 121
B inconsistencies 46
Data Warehouse Center
books troubleshooting 9
printed database analysis and reporting tool command
ordering 128 overview 69
database engine processes 45
C corrupt 46
CLI (call level interface) names
applications RDBNAM object 99
trace facility configuration 109 DB2 Connect
trace troubleshooting 55
troubleshooting overview 108 DB2 governor
trace facility troubleshooting 9
starting 109 DB2 Health Advisor Service
command collecting data 31
db2support 27 DB2 Health Advisor Service data collector command 31
command editor DB2 Information Center
troubleshooting 9 languages 130
commands updating 130
ACCRDB 99 versions 129
ACCRDBRM 99 viewing in different languages 130
ACCSEC 99 DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver
commit 99 trace facility configuration 106
db2cklog 67 DB2 products
db2dart 69 list 79
db2diag 72 DB2 traces 95
db2drdat 98 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver
db2has 31 trace facility configuration 108
db2inspf 46 db2cklog command
db2level 75 troubleshooting 67
db2look 76 db2cli.ini file
db2ls 79 trace configuration 109
db2pd 20 db2cos script
examples 81 output files 20
db2pdcfg 3 db2dart command
db2support 90 INSPECT command comparison 69
db2trc 95, 96 troubleshooting overview 69
EXCSAT 99 db2diag command
EXCSATRD 99 examples 72
INSPECT 69 db2diag log files
SECCHK 99 interpreting
commit command using db2diag tool 72
trace output buffers 99 db2diag.log file
compression dictionary administration notification log messages 11
not created 43 first occurrence data capture (FODC) information 6
contacting IBM 52

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2010 139

db2diag.log file (continued) Distributed Data Management (DDM) 59
interpreting db2drdat output 98
informational record 17 Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)
overview 17 traces 98
using db2diag tool 72 documentation
introduction 13 overview 125
db2drdat command PDF 126
output file 98 printed 126
DB2FODC registry variable terms and conditions of use 133
collecting diagnostic information 3 dump files
db2inspf command error reports 22
troubleshooting 46 dumping a trace to file
db2level command overview 96
service-level identification 75
version-level identification 75
db2licm command
compliance report 50
ECF return codes
db2look command
overview 65
creating databases 76
end unit of work reply message (ENDUOWRM) 99
db2ls command
error messages
listing installed products and features 79
DB2 Connect 61
db2pd command
output collected by default db2cos script 20
troubleshooting 57
troubleshooting examples 81
event monitors
db2pdcfg command
troubleshooting 9
setting options in DB2FODC registry variable 3
exchange server attributes command 99
db2support command
EXCSAT command 99
description 90
EXCSATRD command 99
running 27
EXTNAM object 99
db2trc command
dumping trace output 96
formatting trace output 96
overview 95 F
ddcstrc utility 99 first failure data capture (FFDC)
DDM (Distributed Data Management ) trap files 23
db2drdat output 98 first occurrence data capture
decision support system (DSS) 98 introduction 3
diaglevel configuration parameter first occurrence data capture (FODC)
updating 16 data generation 5
diagnostic information description 6
analyzing 49, 50 dump files 22
applications 24 platform-specific 24
data movement problems 47 subdirectories 5
DB2 administration server (DAS) problems 48 trap files 23
Dr. Watson logs 26 fix packs
first occurrence data capture (FODC) acquiring 119
configuring 4 applying 119
description 3 description 121
files 6
hardware 24
installation problems 47
instance management problems 48
global registry
altering 75
diagnostic tools 114
global variables
obtaining information 24
troubleshooting 43
system core file 25
log files 13
overview 47, 61
submitting to IBM Software Support 52 H
UNIX help
diagnostic tools 114 configuring language 130
obtaining information 24 SQL statements 129
system core file 25
diagnostic tools 113
event logs 26
index data consistency 46
obtaining information 24

140 Troubleshooting Guide

INSPECT command 69 problem determination (continued)
installation problems installation problems 36
analyzing 49 post-connection 58
troubleshooting 36 post-connection problems 59
installing tutorials 132
DB2 Information Center process status utility 61, 99
known problems 37 ps command
DB2 products 36 EXTNAM object 99
known problems 37, 38 overview 61
error logs 47
listing DB2 products 79
interim fix packs
description 121
Query Patroller
troubleshooting 8

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
receive buffer 98
trace facility configuration 106, 108
return codes
traces 106
internal 65

License Center
compliance report 50
troubleshooting 45
compliance report 50
techniques 117
SECCHK command 99
listing DB2 products 79
send buffer
log files
tracing data 98
administration 11
SQL statements
checking validity 67
displaying help 129
SQL0965 error code 61
SQL0969 error code 61
N SQL1338 error code 61
notices 135 SQL30020 error code 61
notify level configuration parameter SQL30060 error code 61
updating 11 SQL30061 error code 61
SQL30073 error code 61
SQL30081N error code 61
O SQL30082 error code 61
SQL5043N error code 61
ODBC (open database connectivity)
SQLCA (SQL communication area)
buffers of data 98
trace facility configuration 109
SQLCODE field 98
operating system
troubleshooting tools 113
field in SQLCA 98
SRVNAM object 99
storage keys
troubleshooting 39
troubleshooting 42
optimization profiles
system commands
troubleshooting 39
dbx (UNIX) 25
ordering DB2 books 128
gdb (Linux) 25
xdb (HP-UX) 25
system core files
P identification 25
parameters Linux 25
partitioned database
troubleshooting 38
PRDID parameter 99
problem determination
connection 57
ACCSEC command 99
diagnostic tools
SECCHK command 99
overview 61
information available 132

Index 141
terms and conditions troubleshooting (continued)
use of publications 133 CLI and ODBC applications 108, 109
test fixes Control Center traces 106
applying 123 DRDA 101, 105
description 121 JDBC applications 106, 108
types 123 tutorials 132
threads 45 troubleshooting FCM problems 38
Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms tutorials
troubleshooting installation 36 problem determination 132
tools troubleshooting 132
diagnostic Visual Explain 132
overview 114
Windows 113
trace facility
CLI applications 109
Control Center traces 106
listing DB2 products 79
DB2 traces 95, 96
DRDA traces 101, 105
DB2 Information Center 130
JDBC applications 108
trace option configuration 106
db2drdat 98
troubleshooting overview 94
process status 99
trace utility (db2drdat) 98
ps (process status) 61, 99
trace 98
buffer information for DRDA traces 105
CLI 108
analyzing 110, 111, 112, 113
data between DB2 connect and the server 98 V
DRDA Visual Explain
interpreting 98 tutorial 132
output file 98, 99
output file samples 101
overview 94
trap files 23
ZRC return codes
formatting (Windows) 23
description 65
troubleshooting 1, 27
connect 57, 58
database 39
current release 35
DB2 Connect 61
db2cklog command 67
description 35
diagnostic data
automatic collection 3
collecting base set 47
configuring collection 4
directory path 13
for DAS or instance management 48
for data movement 47
for installation 47
manual collection 3
splitting by database partition server, database partition,
or both 14
gathering information 47, 52, 57, 75, 81, 90
high-availability problems 36
installation problems 36, 37
introduction 1
known problems 37, 38, 59
log files 67
online information 132
overview 1, 57
problem recreation 76
resources 118
searching for solutions to problems 117
storage keys 42
tools 65
trace facilities 94, 95

142 Troubleshooting Guide

Printed in USA

Spine information:

DB2 Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 9 Release 5 Troubleshooting Guide

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