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Position Analysis - Analytical

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Analytical Position Analysis

In planar mechanisms, position analysis can also be performed analytically. But

before we embark on to doing analytical analysis. Lets refresh our memory about
Vector algebra forms the mathematical foundation for kinematics and dynamics.
Geometry of motion is at the heart of both the kinematics and the dynamics of
mechanical systems. Full understanding of vector algebra is necessary in order to
perform kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanical systems.
starting point
A vector is presented as a directed line with a (tail)
known length (magnitude). A vector is
geometrically presented as an arrow. The starting
point of a vector is called the tail, and the end
point is called the tip. end
A PBA point
Naming Vectors: PBA is a vector connecting point B to B
point A, where the tail is at A and the tip is at B.
Vector direction: The direction of a vector is usually described by an angle. We always
measure the angle between the vector and an horizontal line starting at the tail of the
vector pointing to the right (positive x-axis). Counter-clockwise (ccw) direction is
defined as positive 336°

−73° 180°

Complex Numbers as Vectors

Vectors in two-dimensions can also be represented as complex numbers. In
complex number notation, and taking advantage of Euler’s equation relating the
component form to the exponential form for complex numbers, we can express
the vector as:
Vector-loop method
The vector-loop method is a classical procedure that provides a set of vector
equations that can be solved analytically for the kinematics of a planar
mechanism. In this method a vector loop (or loops) around the linkage is
created. The links are represented as position vectors that form a vector loop.
This loop closes on itself making the sum of the vectors around the loop zero.

Analytical Analysis of A Four-bar Mechanism

The four vectors form a vector loop equation:

complex number notation for each position


unknown zero
Input, known

We have two unknowns θ3, θ4. We need two equations

By Substituting Euler equivalent
Now square both sides and add them


Freudenstein’s Eq.
Now consider Eq. 4.8b again. Assume θ2 and lengths are known.

Substitute cosθ4 and sinθ4 for their expressions in terms of the half angle tangent

The solution for angle θ3 is essentially similar to that for θ4. solution is
If the solution is complex conjugate, the link lengths chosen are not capable of connection

The solution will usually be real and unequal

• Crossed (+)
• Open (-)

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