Stoll2019 Chapter ProcessControlInAPressHardenin PDF
Stoll2019 Chapter ProcessControlInAPressHardenin PDF
Stoll2019 Chapter ProcessControlInAPressHardenin PDF
1 Introduction
One of the goals of Industry 4.0 is the optimization and customization of pro-
duction processes through digitization with algorithms, big data approaches and
high technologies [1]. Currently, machine learning (ML) approaches support mon-
itoring, diagnosis and (off-line) system optimization for fault detection, mainte-
nance, decision support and product quality improvement [2,3]. The field of ML
is manifold and various different methods are available. However, in manufac-
turing and other fields of application the complexity of ML methods can hinder
their adoption even though the data acquisition for many production processes
is possible and a sufficient data base is available or can be obtained. Therefore,
this work aims to implement a simplistic ML and optimization approach for a
production line. The paper starts with a discussion of work related to ML and
process control in Section 2, followed by the presentation of the methodology in
Section 3, that includes a description of the data sets, the data preparation, and
the estimation techniques. The results of the analysis are described in Section 4.
Section 5 presents the conclusions and discussion of practical implications.
We consider a production line for the press hardening of sheet metal in order
to produce center pillars, which are ultra-high-strength car body parts. Here,
we will focus on the three process steps warming, handling and quenching, see
Figure 1. The process involves inserting sheets, which have been heated beyond
the austenitizing temperature of about 900 C, into a cooled forming tool, in
which they are then quenched. The thermal integrated processing produces press-
hardened parts with an extremely high tensile strength of up to 1,500 MPa for
the ultra-high-strength steel 22MnB5. The handling of the sheets is done by
Fig. 1. Production line for the press hardening of sheet metal focusing on the three
steps: (1) warming in a furnace unit, (2) handling with a robot system with grippers,
and (3) quenching.
Fig. 2. Production line with three process steps and their respective controllable and
uncontrollable variables. Linear regression is conducted based on the existing database.
After the warming process is finished, parameter optimization for the process steps
handling and quenching is possible.
ML model to describe the relationship between the input and output param-
eters. Upper and lower boundaries for the allowed input parameter variations
are defined as stated in Table 1. Boundaries for the quality criteria have to be
defined as well. These depend on the type of component that is produced. The
focus can be on maximum component hardness or for example on the maximum
thickness of the finished component. As we focus on a part from the automotive
industry we want to maximize/increase both, the sheet thickness and hardness
at critical points which are prone to tearing. Thus, no upper boundaries for P1H
and P2ST were defined.
Table 1. Process parameters, quality criteria, and regression coefficients for the esti-
mation of P1H and P2ST.
Description of the Model Ultimately, we aim for on-line process control which
makes the application of high speed models and fast predictions necessary. As
a first step – conducted off-line – we need to describe the relationship between
input and output variables in a distinguishable way. A general linear model which
accounts for the single parameters linear effects was considered. In general, a
linear regression equation has the following form
Validation of the Model The regression analysis indicates that STemp, TT,
ToTemp, QF, QT and Sp had significant influence on P1H, which is confirmed by
the p-values (no significant influence of ST). The overall suitability of a linear
regression approach is supported by an adjusted R2 of 0.90 which describes
the percentage of the dependent variable variation by the model. P2ST can be
thoroughly described by linear combinations of ST, TT, ToTemp, QF, QT and
Sp (no significant influence of STemp) with an adjusted R2 of 0.99.
Since the total number of observations is limited and a partition into training
and test data is not sensible without loosing significant modeling capability the
models were validated with K-fold cross-validation. For K = 5, the overall mean
square of prediction error is 97.6 for the linear model (compared to 102 for the
complete model with all variables) to predict P1H and 3.87×10−6 for the predic-
tion of P2ST (compared to 6.14 × 10−6 for the complete model). This indicates
reasonably good linear models despite the limited number of observations which
will be increased in the future.
lower boundaries of the adjustable variables and the linear regression equations
combined with the quality boundaries. The optimization after process step 2 is
conducted in a similar way but only 4 adjustable variables are remaining.
Sometimes the quality prognosis after process step 1 indicates that the produced
part will not meet the final product quality requirements. Given the fact, that
the prognosis is accurate, this is a very valuable information this early on in a
production line because defective parts can be removed early in the production
process with the additional benefit of cost and energy savings. Table 4 shows an
example where after process step 2 no parameter adjustment is possible without
violating the constraints. HP1 and P2ST will both be too low no matter how
the process parameters in process 3 are altered.
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