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The University of Adelaide: International Students

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Life Impact The University of Adelaide

A Progressive Institution The University’s location in the central
From the start, the University of Adelaide was business district close to the heart of
one of Australia’s most progressive institutions. Adelaide allows students to enjoy the
It was the first Australian university to admit café strip of Rundle Street, the parklands
women to academic courses—in 1881, surrounding the city, cultural institutions such
ahead of Oxford (1920) and Cambridge as the State Library, the State Museum and
(1948). It was the first Australian university South Australia’s State Parliament, and the
to grant degrees in science, the first to shopping district of Rundle Mall.
establish a Conservatorium of Music, the
Leaders in Their Field
first to graduate a woman surgeon.
The University’s alumni are its greatest
This progressive attitude, combined with
achievement and its best ambassadors.
teaching and learning of high quality, one of
the best student-to-staff ratios in Australia, Adelaide alumni become influential leaders in
outstanding research and a strong tradition the global community. They include Penicillin
of community service has enabled the pioneer Howard Florey; present-day achievers
University of Adelaide to build a continuing such as Singaporean political identities Dr Tony
reputation for its impact on the lives of Tan Keng Yam, His Excellency The Honourable
its graduates and through them, on the Sim Cheok Lim, Ong Teng Chong, Peter Ong,
community as a whole. S Iswaran and Raymond S Lim; the Chief
Minister of Sarawak, Malaysia, The Right
A Rich Tradition of Excellence Outstanding Research Honourable Pehin Sri Dr Haji Abdul Taib bin
The University of Adelaide is one of Mahmud; the Chairman of the OCBC Bank
The University of Adelaide is among the most
Australia’s most prestigious institutions, with in Singapore Dr Cheong Choong Kong; and
research-intensive universities in the South
high-calibre graduates in senior positions NASA astronaut Dr Andy Thomas.
East Asian region, with major strengths in wine
throughout the world.
and food studies, health sciences, biological We are committed to producing graduates
• Third-oldest university in Australia, sciences, physical sciences, information recognised worldwide for their creativity, know-
founded 1874 technology and telecommunications, ledge and skills, as well as for their culture
• Ranked among the world’s top 200 environmental sciences and social sciences. and tolerance. Our high-calibre graduates
universities by the 2008 Times Higher From per-capita research grants to higher have skills that go beyond the workplace.
Education Supplement and in the top 25 degree completion rates, the University of
universities in the Asia-Pacific region by
A Great Place to Live and Learn
Adelaide’s achievements consistently rank
the Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2008 among the highest in Australia and our Adelaide is an ideal environment in which to
Academic Ranking of World Universities regional neighbours. The University offers live and study, offering all of the conveniences
outstanding opportunities for research in an of a major city but few of the hassles.
• Member of the ‘Group of Eight’—Australia’s
leading research-intensive universities environment that encourages and values Situated on a fertile plain flanked by the
personal interaction with academic staff. natural beauty of the Adelaide Hills and 22
• Main campus located in the heart of the
kilometres of white sandy beaches, Adelaide
city of Adelaide A Great Campus Life is Australia’s fifth largest city. Adelaide is a
• More than 20,000 students, including over Extending across four campuses, the friendly and safe city with a population over
5,000 international students from more University’s grand old buildings and leafy just over one million who enjoy a relaxed
than 80 countries grounds combine with the most modern lifestyle with a cost of living that is significantly
• More than 120 undergraduate and 200 research facilities to provide an exceptional lower than that of larger Australian cities.
postgraduate degree programs learning atmosphere in which students
Adelaide was recognised in the 2008 Mercer
can achieve their best. More information
• Five faculties: Engineering, Computer Worldwide Quality of Living survey, with a
on our campuses is online available at
and Mathematical Sciences; Health ranking higher than cities such as London,
Sciences; Humanities and Social New York, Tokyo, and Singapore.
Sciences; Professions; Sciences The student population includes over 5,000
For more information on Adelaide please
international students from more than 80
• Associated with five Nobel prize winners, visit the following websites:
countries. They enjoy an active social life on
more than 100 Rhodes Scholars, and over www.studyadelaide.com
campus, with facilities including cafeterias, a
100 Fulbright Scholars www.southaustralia.com
bookshop and fitness centre, plus numerous
sporting and special interest clubs.
UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS www.international.adelaide.edu.au/study/ug/
Bachelor degrees offered include the following areas. In addition, a wide variety of double degree programs are available.

Agricultural Sciences Computer Science Finance Science: Animal, Behavioural Sciences,

Biomedical, Biotechnology, Chemical,
Architecture Dental Surgery Health Sciences Earth Sciences, Ecochemistry, Ecology,
Environmental Biology, High Performance
Arts (majors include: Anthropology, Design Studies International Studies Computational Physics, Marine Biology,
Asian Studies, Asian Politics and Foreign Mineral Geoscience, Molecular and Drug
Policy, Chinese Language, Chinese Development Studies Laws Design, Molecular Biology, Nanoscience
Studies, Classical Studies, Development and Materials, Natural Resources, Neuro-
Studies, English, European Studies, Economics Mathematical and Computer Sciences
science, Optics and Photonics, Petroleum
French Studies, Gender, Work and Social Geoscience, Pre-Veterinary, Physics, Psych-
Engineering: Aerospace, Automotive Mathematical Sciences
Inquiry, Geographical and Environmental ology, Soil Science, Space Science and
and Mechanical, Architectural, Avionics
Studies, German Studies, History, Media Astrophysics, Spatial Information Science
and Electronic Systems, Chemical, Civil
Indonesian, International Studies, Italian,
and Environmental, Civil and Structural,
Japanese Language, Japanese Studies, Medicine/Surgery Social Sciences
Computer Systems, Electrical and
Linguistics, Modern Greek, Music Studies,
Electronic, Mechanical, Mechatronic, Teaching
Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Spanish) Music
Mining, Petroleum, Pharmaceutical,
Commerce: Accounting, Corporate Software, Sports, Sustainable Energy, Nursing Veterinary Science
Finance, International Business, Telecommunications
Management, Marketing Oral Health Viticulture and Oenology
Environmental Policy and Management
Computer Graphics Psychological Science Wine Marketing
Food and Nutrition Science

POSTGRADUATE COURSEWORK PROGRAMS www.international.adelaide.edu.au/study/pgc/

Postgraduate programs offered include the following areas:

Accounting: and Finance, and Marketing, Creative Writing Geostatistics Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
and Performance Management
Curatorial and Museum Studies Global Wealth Management Petroleum Geoscience
Addiction Studies#
Design Studies Grief and Palliative Care Counselling# Physics: Applied, Astrophysics, Atmospheric,
Applied Finance Optic and Lasers, Theoretical
Design Studies (Landscape) Health Economics and Policy
Applied Linguistics Planning
Drug and Alcohol Studies Information Technology
Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship* Planning (Urban Design)
Economics Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Applied Project Management: Plant Health and Biosecurity
Climate Change, Defence, Mining Economics: Advanced, Applied, International Studies
International, Public Policy Project Management
Architecture with Landscape Architecture Law
Education, Educational Studies Psychology: Clinical, Health,
Art History Management Organisational and Human Factors
Education (Mathematics and Technology)
Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology) Marine Engineering Public Health
Education (Science and Technology)
Business Administration Mathematical Science Science and Technology Commercialisation
Engineering: Aerospace, Chemical, Civil
Business Law and Environmental, Civil and Structural, Mathematical Signal and Information Software Engineering
Electrical and Electronic, Engineering
Business Research Mathematics, Mechanical, Sensor Systems Processing Sustainability
Signal Processing, Telecommunications
Clinical Dentistry Music Viticulture
Environmental Policy and Management
Design Studies Nursing Science# Water Resources Management
Finance and Business Economics
Commerce: Accounting, Applied Finance, Occupational Health and Wealth Management
Marketing, Performance Management Food Writing Safety Management#
Wine Business#
Comparative Laws Forensic Odontology Oenology
Programs may be available at Grad. Cert.,
Computer Science Gastronomy Petroleum Business Management Grad. Dip., and Masters level.
(offered in conjunction with Le Cordon # Programs may be offered both externally,
Computing and Innovation Bleu www.lecordonbleu.com.au) Petroleum Engineering and/or internally
* Program offered in intensive mode

POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH PROGRAMS www.international.adelaide.edu.au/study/pgr/

University of Adelaide is one of Australia’s best-performing research universities, and offers higher degrees by research in the following broad discipline areas:

Agriculture, Food and Wine Computer Science and Mathematics Humanities and Social Sciences Sciences: Earth and Environmental,
Life, Physical
Architecture, Landscape Dentistry Medicine and Health Sciences
Architecture and Urban Design For more information about research
Education Music areas please refer to www.adelaide.
Business, Commerce, Economics edu.au/research/area.html
and Finance Engineering
All the Support You Need How to Apply Education for Overseas Students Act
The Education for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act
International Student Centre Entry to the University’s academic 2000 provides consumer protection to international
www.international.adelaide.edu.au/support/isc/ programs is competitive and the University students studying in Australia. The Commonwealth
Academic Language and Learning attracts the highest quality students. Students Government is committed to ensuring that students
www.adelaide.edu.au/clpd/all/ receive quality tuition, are treated fairly regarding
may apply directly to the University, or
payment of tuition fees and receiving refunds, and be
Accommodation Service via one of the University’s International offered support services to assist them to settle into
www.adelaide.edu.au/accommodation/ Representatives: www.international. Australia and complete their studies. The law also
Careers Service adelaide.edu.au/offshore/reps/ requires that the University assist the government to
www.adelaide.edu.au/student/careers/ check that international students comply with their visa
Application forms and further details conditions, and advise the Department of Immigration
Counselling Service on how to apply can be found online: and Citizenship (DIAC) if its students breach their
www.international.adelaide.edu.au/apply/ visa conditions. More information is available on the
Childcare Centre University’s ESOS website: www.adelaide.edu.au/esos/
Further Information © The University of Adelaide
Disability Service CRICOS Provider Number 00123M
www.adelaide.edu.au/ disability/ For further information please contact:
The Student Centre, The University of Adelaide,
Health Service
www.adelaide.edu.au/student/health/ South Australia 5005 Australia
Telephone: +61 8 8303 5208
Security Service Facsimile: +61 8 8303 4401
Online enquiry form: www.international.
Sport/Gym Centre adelaide.edu.au/enquiries/
www.sportshub.com.au Website: www.international.adelaide.edu.au


www.health.adelaide.edu.au www.adelaide.edu.au/professions/
Dentistry Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
Australian School of Petroleum
Medical Sciences Business
Chemical Engineering
Medicine Economics
Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering
Paediatrics and Reproductive Health Education
Computer Science
Population Health and Clinical Practice Law
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation SCIENCES
and Innovation Centre
HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES www.sciences.adelaide.edu.au
Mathematical Sciences
www.hss.adelaide.edu.au Agriculture, Food and Wine
Mechanical Engineering
Centre for Australian Indigenous Research Australian School of Petroleum
and Studies (incorporating Wilto Yerlo/CASM)
Chemistry and Physics
Elder Conservatorium of Music
Earth and Environmental Sciences
History and Politics
Molecular and Biomedical Science
Veterinary Sciences
Social Sciences


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