TM 11-5820-882-23
TM 11-5820-882-23
TM 11-5820-882-23
Remove Insert
i and ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i and ii
1-1and 1-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1and 1-2
2-3 through 2-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 through 2-10
3-15 and 3-16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 and 3-16
A-1 and A-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 and A-2
B-3 through B-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3 through B-5
3. File this change sheet in front of the manual for reference purposes.
General, United States Army
Official: Chief of Staff
Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
To redistributed in accordance with Special List.
TM 11-5820-882-23
TM 06827A-23/2
You con help improve this manual. If you find any mistakes or if you know
of a way to improve the procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter, or
DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms), or
DA Form 2028-2 located in back of this manual direct to: Commander, US
Army Communications-Electronics Command, ATTN: DRSEL-ME-MQ, Fort
Monmouth, New Jersey 07703. Marine Corps units should submit a NAVMC
10772. A reply will be furnished to you.
Paragraph Page
HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL ---------------------------------------------- 0-1
SECTION I. General information --------------------------------------------- 1-1 1-1
II. Equipment description and data ------------------------------ 1-6 1-1
III. Principles of operation ------------------------------------------ 1-9 1-2
SECTION I. Repair parts, special tools, TMDE, and support
equipment ------------------------------------------------------- 2-1 2-1
II. service upon receipt --------------------------------------------- 2-4 2-2
III. Preventive maintenance checks and services
(PMCS)---------------------------------------------------------- 2-9 2-8
IV. Troubleshooting -------------------------------------------------- 2-10 2-10
V. Maintenance procedures ---------------------------------------- 2-13 2-13
VI. Preparation for storage or shipment ------------------------- 2-19 2-14
SECTION I. Repair parts, special tools, TMDE, and support
equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1
II. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 3-3
III. Maintenance procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 3-15
IV. Principles of operation----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 3-17
APPEND IX A REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
SECTION I. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-1
II. Maintenance allocation chart for Radio set
AN/PRC-68--------------------------------------------------------------------- B-3
III. Tool and test equipment requirements for Radio
set AN/PRC-68---------------------------------------------------------------- B-4
IV. Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-5
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TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
Paragraph Page
SECTION I Intrduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-1
II Expendable supplies and materials list ----------------------------------------- C-2
INDEX ----------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------- ------ I-1
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Noise + Distortion
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
Change 1 2-3
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
operating frequency (in MHz) from the switch codes, To find the synthesizer switch codes when the
find the numbers that correspond to the A, B, CHAN frequency (in MHz) is known, find the frequency in the
and D positions. chart and read off the A, B, CHAN, and D switch
Example: Switch code is 3412, where: Example: Frequency is 53.15 MHz
A = 3
(1) Find the chart which contains the fre-
B = 4
CHAN = 1
(2) Read the upper left hand comer codes (A,
D = 2
B,) first (2, 6).
(1) Find the chart which has A = 3 and B = 4 at
(3) Go to the CHAN column and locate the
the top left hand corner.
number that corresponds to frequency (5).
(2) Next locate 1 in the CHAN column.
(3) Read across until you come to the frequency (4) Read the number in the D column that cor-
number under the 2 in the D column. responds to the frequency (3).
(4) Answer should be 62.30 MHz. (5) The synthesizer switch code is 2653.
Change 1 2-5
TM 5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
2-6 Change 1
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
Change 1 2-7
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2-8 Change 1
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Change 1 2-9
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TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
para 2-17
fig. 2-2
paragraph 2-7
para 2-5
figure 2-4
para 2-7
fig 2-1
para 2-7
para 2-6
para 2-7
para 2-5
figure 2-5
para 2-7
fig. 2-1
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
5, App. C, to the top edge of the battery case (to In order to prevent water seepage make sure
facilitate “O” ring sealing). Reinstall battery case and battery case and rubber gasket are not damag-
fasten latches. ed. Make sure battery case and module cover
CAUTION are properly aligned before fastening latches.
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
figure 3-2
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
figure 3-3
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
3-7. Fault Isotation Test Figure 3-4 and 3-6 show the equipment setups necessary
Table 3-3 is a fault isotation test for the radio set. By us- to perform the fault isolation tests.
ing these tests and the associated test equipment, the 3-9. Test Point Locations
radio set may be fault isolated to a defective module. If
the problem cannot be located to a defective module or Figures 3-7 and 3-8 show the test point locations used in
other DS level maintenance, then higher level mainte- fault isolation testing. Test point connections are made
nance is required. In all cases, after a defective module by a special rf cable assembly 565461-801 (part of Main-
has been replaced or a repair made to the radio set, the tenance Kit MK-( ) /PRC-68). In all cases where this
minimum performance test (table 3–2), or minimum per- cable is used, the center conductor is connected to the
formance check using the test set (table 2-4), must be test point called for, and the shield is connected to the
performed to ensure the radio set is fully operational. nearest ground point on the printed circuit board. The
3-8. Fault Isolation Test Equipment Set- BNC connector end mates with the applicable test
equipment unit, when called for.
TM 5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
table 3-3
figures 3-5 and 3-8
para 2-5
fig. 2-1
fig. 3-7
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
para 2-5
fig. 2-1
para 3-10
fig. 3-7
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
fig. 3-8
fig. 3-8
figure 3-8
fig. 3-8
para 2-5
fig. 2-1
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
figure 3-6
para 3-10
table 3-4
fig. 3-7
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
para 2-5
para 3-10
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
Change 1 3-15
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
(2) Insert screwdriver into side slot nearest bot- module into place.
tom side (battery side) of radio and pry up module using f. Vco, Modulator MixerJ and Synthesizer
the left thumb to restrict travel. Move screwdriver to the Modules.
middle slot on i–f/a–f module and pry up. Remove
(1) Hold radio in left hand with modules facing
module with fingers by using slight side to side rocking
up. Insert screwdriver into slots in frame and gently pry
motion of module.
up the removable circuit board with the three modules
(3) To inset i-f/a-f module, align module pins
with frame sockets and gently push module into place.
c. Filter/ I-F Module. modules from frame sockets and pull it away from the
(1) First remove the i-f/a-f module. radio panel to expose the CHAN switch cable connec-
(2) Hold radio in left hand with bottom side (bat- tor. Pull removable circuit board far enough away from
tery connector side) in palm and left thumb over anten- panel (approximately 3/4 inch) to grip the cable connec-
na coupler module (rear part of thumb should be over tor with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand; then
the filter/i-f module). Carefully pry up the i-f/a-f end unplug the connector by gently pulling away with the
of the filter/i-f module with the screwdriver. Then pry removable circuit board assembly.
up the opposite end of filter/i–f module and remove (3) The three modules may be removed now by
module with your fingers. pulling them up from the removable circuit board with
(3) To insert filter/i-f module, align module pins the fingers.
with frame sockets and gently push module into place. (4) To insert the vco, modulator/mixer, or syn-
d. Transmitter Module. thesizer module, align the module pins with the sockets
on the removable circuit board. Gently push the module
(1) First remove the i-f/a-f and converter
into place. When all three modules are installed on the
removable circuit board, connect the synthesizer cable
(2) Hold radio in left hand with transmitter
assembly. Align the removable circuit board pins with
module facing up. Remove module with right thumb
the frame sockets and gently push the removable circuit
and forefinger on ends. Use a top (panel) -to-bottom
board into place. Make sure the modules and removable
rocking motion to loosen the module in the frame
circuit board are properly seated.
(3) To insert the module, align module pins with 3-11. Special Instructions
frame sockets and gently push module into place.
a. Always inspect a module for bent or broken pins
e. Antenna Coupler Module. before inserting it into the frame sockets. To straighten
(1) First remove i-f/a-f and converter modules. bent pins, use needle-nose or long-nose pliers with
(2) Hold the radio in left hand with antenna smooth jaws. Position the jaws so that the whole pin is
coupler module facing up. Remove module with right straightened simultaneously (see fig. 3-11 ).
thumb and forefinger on the ends. Use a top (panel) -to- b. When inspecting for bent pins, the pins should
bottom rocking motion to loosen the module in the appear to be reasonably vertical in relation to the
sockets. module bottom surface. Bent pins usually result when
(3) To insert antenna coupler module, align excessive prying force is applied to only one end or side
module pins with frame sockets and gently push of a module. The thumb of the opposite hand should
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
always be used to stop the module travel and oppose the All sealing surfaces (module cover and battery case)
prying force. should have a thin film of silicone grease (NSN 6850-
c. Always inspect frame sockets for damage before 00-177-5094) applied to hepl preserve watertightness
inserting a module. .4 normal socket should have four and keep the rubber seals pliable. If a handset is used
spring leafs visible. If a spring leaf is pushed over to the with the radio set, a small amount of silicone grease
wrong side of a socket, it can be pushed back into place
should also be applied to the “O” ring in the connector
with a sharp pointed tool (pin, needle, scribe, etc.). If
to facilitate insertion.
the leaf breaks off or is smashed into the bottom of the
socket, the socket should be replaced if possible. 3-13. Placing in Service
However, the socket will still make good contack with
After the radio set has been repaired, the unit must be
the module pin after the damaged leaf is removed from
checked out completely with the minimum performance
the socket. The radio set is still operational until repairs
can be made at a higher level. test (table 3-2). Upon the completion of the test, the
radio set should be set to some predetermined frequency
3-12. Lubrication and properly aligned before being returned to service.
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
MHz), it is 12.000 MHz above the rf input frequencies; fication to approximately 1 vrms. The output of the
for the high-band (54 to 80 MHz), it is 12.000 MHz driver stage is approximately 100 mw. This stage has a
below the rf input frequencies. tuned circuit which tunes the output of the transmiter.
b. Filter/I-f Module (1A3). The filter/i-f module Tuning is accomplished by using the built-in tone tuner
contains a 12 MHz crystal filter, 12 MHz i–f amplifier, and adjusting C1 on the module. The tone tuner cir-
18.5 MHz crystal oscillator, and a 6.5 mixer/amplifier cuitry is located in the i-f/a-f module and converts the
(2nd mixer), The output of the second mixer (6.5 MHz) variation in the collector currents of the transmitter
is the difference of the 12.0 MHz input and 18.5 MHz stages to a tone frequency when the tone tuner button
input from the crystal oscillator. (located on the side of the frame assembly) is depressed.
c. I-f/A-f Module (1A2). The i-f/a-f module The final output (approximately 1.5 watts) is routed
contains a 6.5 MHz i-f amplifier/discriminator, squelch through one of four band-selected low-pass harmonic
circuits, audio amplifier, and a low-pass filter. Other filters to the antenna coupler (1A5).
functions contained within the module are a tone tuner c.Antenna Coupler Module (1A5). The antenna
circuit and battery saver switch. The input signal to the coupler module contains the rf transmit/receive diode
i–f/a-f module is the 6.5 MHz frequency modulated sig- switching circuits and the antenna matching circuit. Pin
nal from the filter/i-f module. The signal is detected diodes in the module provide transmit/receive switching
and routed through the low-pass filter to the audio functions to the antenna matching network. These di-
amplifier. When a handset of other audio accessory is odes also isolate the transmit/receive circuitry to pre-
connected to the AUDIO connector of the radio set, the vent the transmitted signal from entering the receiver in-
speaker mute circuit electronically switches off the put. The antenna matching network provides an imped-
audio signal to the speaker and routes it to the handset. ance match between the antenna and transmitter circuits
The squelch threshold is adjusted by a potentiometer (between 50 ohms and 100 ohms). The matching range is
located in the module. The squelch circuit is normally determined by the position (1 through 4) of the rotary
on when the radio set is turned on. However, squelch switch located on the module (set the same as the A
can be disabled by turning the function switch to the switch on the synthesizer). Optimum tuning is ac-
SQUELCH DIS position. complished by using the field strength meter on the test
set and adjusting L1 on the coupler module (tune for
3-17. Transmit Operation maximum indication).
The transmitter is packaged in three modules. These
modules are: 3-8. Frequency Synthesizer (1A7 and
a. Modulator/Mixer Module (1A8). The modulator/ 1A8)
mixer module contains a speech amplifier and filter, 150
The radio set frequency synthesizer consists of the vco
Hz (squelch tone) buffer, 12 MHz deviation oscillator rf
module (1A7) and the synthesizer module ( 1A9). The
mixer, and two bandswitched, varactor-tuned rf pream-
functon of the frequency synthesizer is to generate the
plifiers. The speech amplifier increases the level of the
required mixer injection frequency and tuning voltage
microphone signal sufficiently for clipping action. The
for the converter and modulator modules when a given
output of the amplifier passes through a low-pass filter
operating frequency is selected. The frequency syn-
before it is superimposed upon a 12 MHz deviation os-
thesizer also determines which band (low or high) is ac-
cillator. The 150 Hz squelch tone from the synthesizer
tive depending upon selection of the operating frequen-
is also routed to the deviation oscillator after passing
through a buffer and the speech filter network. The fre-
quency modulated output of the oscillator is combined a. The frequency range of the synthesizer is from
in a varactor-tuned mixer stage with the frequency syn- 42.000 MHz to 67.950 MHz which corresponds with a
thesizer output signals to create the desired rf output generated tuning voltage range from 2.0 vdc to 11.0 vdc
frequency. The rf output is amplified by two bandswit- respectively. The frequency synthesizer is programmable
ched, varactor-tuned rf preamplifiers. For frequencies in 50 kHz steps with the frequency select (A, B. and D)
in the low-band (30 to 54 MHz), the output frequency is switches on the synthesizer module and the CHAN (C)
12.000 MHz below the synthesizer frequency; and for switch on the panel of the radio set.
the high-band (54 to 80 MHz), the output frequency is b. The frequency range of the synthesizer is
12.000 MHz above the synthesizer frequency. generated twice to provide low-band radio set operation
b. Transmitter Module (1A4).. The transmitter from 30,000 MHz to 53.950 MHz (positions 1 and 2 of
module contains an rf preamplifier, driver, final power the A switch), and high-band radio set operation from
amplifier and low-pass band filters. The output from 54.000 MHz to 79.950 MHz (positions 3 and 4 of the A
the modulator is applied to the preamplifier for ampli-
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
switch). The two bands are required to cover the 30 to the output frequency of the vco with the ± 4 prescaler in
80 MHz range of the radio set with varactor tuning. the vco module. The prescaler output is routed to the
c. The basic purpose of the frequency synthesizer is mixer in the synthesizer module. The output of the mix-
to generate the discrete channel frequencies with an ac- er is the difference frequency of the prescaler input and
curacy of ±25 ppm. This is accomplished by phase lock- the 10 MHz or 12.5 MHz reference oscillator.
ing a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) to a standard f. Because the capture range of the phase detector is
crystal controlled reference frequency. The reference narrow (approximately ± 500 kHz at the vco frequency),
frequency of the synthesizer is 12.5 kHz crystal oscilla- the vco must be swept over its frequency range to a fre-
tor by a factor of 800, or dividing the output of the 12.5 quency within this capture range. When this occurs, the
MHz crystal oscillator by a factor of 1000. The division phase detector output control voltage (superimposed on
factor is determined by the position of the A switch. The the sweep voltage) pulls the vco into phase-lock with the
reference divider ( ÷ K) consists of an injection locked reference frequency of the synthesizer.
oscillator which divides by 4 (10 MHz) or 5 (12.5 MHz), g. The sweep voltage is a sawtooth staircase
and a fixed divide ratio (200) digital counter. The 12.5 waveform consisting of additive coarse tune voltage
kHz output of the reference divider is routed to the steps over a voltage range from 1.5 vdc to 13.0 vdc. The
phase comparator (detector). ramp sweeps the vco over its frequency range by stepp-
d. To achieve phase locking, the output of the vco ing up from 1.5 vdc to the coarse tune voltage required
(42 to 68 MHz) must be frequency translated and divid- to put the vco frequency within the capture range of the
ed douwn to 12.5 kHz for phase comparison with the 12. phase detector. Once phase lock is achieved, the ramp
5 kHz reference frequency. Because the vco must pro- stops and holds at that coarse tune voltage. The tune
vide 520 discrete frequencies spaced 50 kHz apart, a voltage output from the synthesizer is the phase detector
variable frequency divider is required to divide each one control voltage superimposed on the ramp coarse tune
of these discrete frequencies down to 12.5 kHz. The voltage. The level of the phase-locked tuning voltage is
variable divider ( ÷ N) ratio is determined (programmed) proportional to the selected operating frequency, and
by setting the synthesizer switches to the code cor- varies from 2.0 vdc to 11.0 vdc.
responding with the desired operating frequency. Once h. The loop filter attenuates the 12.5 kHz reference
the ÷ N ratio is programmed, the vco can phase lock on- frequency to minimize frequency modulation of the
ly at that frequency which translates down to 12.5 kHz. Vco.
e. Because the maximum counting speed of the i. The synthesizer also generates the battery saver
cmos programmable divider is 5 MHz, the 42 to 68 MHz timing waveform and the 150 Hz squelch tone wave-
range of the vco must be frequency translated down to form, Both of these signals are derived from the crystal
less than 5 MHz. This is accomplished by first dividing reference frequency with digital frequency dividers.
TM 11 -5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
A-1. S c o p e
This appendix lists the forms and publications that are referenced in this manual or that contain information ap-
plicable to the operation and maintenance of Radio Set AN/PRC-68.
A-2. Forms
DA Form 2028 Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
DA Form 2028-2 Recommended Changes to Equipment Technical Publications
NAVMC 10772 (USMC) Suggested Recommendations and Improvements for Marine Corps
Technical Manuals
SF 364 Report of Discrepancy (ROD)
SF 368 Quality Deficiency Report
TM 4700-15/1 (USMC) Forms and Records Procedures
A-3. Publications
DA Pam 310-4 Index of Technical Publications
SB 11-573 Painting and Preservation Supplies Available for Field Use for Elec-
tronics Command Equipment
SB 38-100 Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking Materials, Supplies
and Equipment Used by the Army
SC 5180-91 -CL-R07 Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-105/G (NSN 5180-00-610-8177)
SC 5180-91 -CL-R13 Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-101/G (NSN 5180-00-064-5178)
TB 43-0118 Field Instructions for Painting and Preserving Electronics Command
Equipment Including Camouflage Pattern Painting of Electrical
Equipment Shelters
TM 11-5820-882-10 Operator’s Manual: Radio Set AN/PRC-68 (NSN 5820-01-079-9260)
TM 11-5820-882-23P Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Repair Parts and
(To Be Published) Special Tools Lists for Radio Set AN/PRC-68
TM 11-5965-257-l5 Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support and
Depot Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special
Tools Lists): Handset H-138/U (FSN 5965-892-0972)
TM 11-5965-280-15 Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and
Depot Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special
Tools Lists): Handset H-189/GR (NSN 5965-00-069-8886)
TM 11-6130-247-15 Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and
Depot Maintenance Manual for Power Supply PP-3940/G
TM 11-6625-255-14 Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support
Maintenance Manual: Spectrum Analyzer TS-723A/U,
TS-723B/U, TS-723C/U, and TS-723D/U (NSN 6625-00-668-9418)
TM 11-6625-400-12 Operator’s and Organizational Maintenance Manual for Meter, Modu-
lation ME-57/U
TM 11-6625-444-15 Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and
Depot Maintenance Manual: Digital Voltmeter AN/GSM-64
TM 11-6625-524-14 Operator’s, Organizational and Field Maintenance Manual: Volt-
meter Electronic AM/URM-145
TM 11-6625-586-12 Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Generator,
Signal AN/URM-103
TM 11-6625-683-15 Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and
Depot Maintenance Manual: Signal Generator AN/URM-127
(NSN 662540783-5965)
Change 1 A-1
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
A-2 Change 1
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
B-l. General to restore serviceability to an item by correcting
specific damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a
This appendix provides a summary of the maintenance
operations for AN/PRC–68. It authorizes categories of part, subassembly, module (component or assembly),
maintenance for specific maintenance functions on end item, or system.
repairable items and components and the tools and j Overhaul. That maintenance effort (service/act-
equipment required to perform each function. This ap- ion) necessary to restore an item to a completely ser-
pendix may be used as an aid in planning maintenance viceable/operational condition as prescribed by mainte-
operations. nance standards (i.e., DMWR) in appropriate technical
publications. Overhaul is normally the highest degree of
B-2. Maintenance Function maintenance performed by the Army. Overhaul does not
Maintenance functions will be limited to and normally return an item to like new condition.
defined as follows: k. Rebuild. Consists of those services/actions
a. Inspect. To determine the serviceability of an necessary for the restoration of unserviceable equip-
item by comparing its physical, mechanical, and/or ment to a like new condition in accordance with
electrical characteristics with established standards original manufacturing standards. Rebuild is the highest
through examination. degree of materiel maintenance applied to Army equip-
b. Test. To verify serviceability and to detect inci- ment. The rebuild operation includes the act of return-
pient failure by measuring the mechanical or electrical ing to zero those age measurements (hours, miles, etc.)
characteristics of an item and comparing those charac- considered in classifying Army equipments/com-
teristics with prescribed standards. ponents.
c. Service. Operations required periodically to B-3. Column Entries
keep an item in proper operating condition, i.e., to
clean (decontaminate), to preserve, to drain, to paint, or
a. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1 lists
group numbers, the purpose of which is to identify com-
to replenish fuel, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or com-
ponents, assemblies, subassemblies and modules with
pressed air supplies,
the next higher assembly,
d. Adjust. To maintain, within prescribed limits,
by bringing into proper or exact position, or by setting b. Column 2, Component/Assembly. Column 2
the operating characteristics to the specified parameters. contains the noun names of components, asemblies,
e. Align. To adjust specified variable elements of subassemblies, and modules for which maintenance is
an item to bring about optimum or desired perfor- authorized.
mance. c. Column 3, Maintenance Functions. Column 3
f. Calibrate. To determine and cause corrections lists the functions to be performed on the item listed in
to be made or to be adjusted on instruments or test column 2. When items are listed without maintenance
measuring and diagnostic equipments used in precision functions, it is solely for purpose of having the group
measurement. Consists of comparisons of two instru- numbers in the MAC and RPSTL coincide.
ments, one of which is a certified standard of known ac- d. Column 4, Maintenance Category. column 4
curacy, to detect and adjust any discrepancy in the ac- specifies, by the listing of a “work time” figure in the
curacy of the instrument being compared. appropriate subcolumn (s), the lowest level of mainte-
g. Install. The act of emplacing, seating, or fixing nance authorized to perform the function listed in
into position an item, part, module (component or column 3. This figure represents the active time required
assembly) in a manner to allow the proper functioning to perform that maintenance function at the indicated
of the equipment or system. category of maintenance. If the number or complexity
h. Replace. The act of substituting a serviceable of the tasks within the listed maintenance function vary
like type part, subassembly, or module (component or at different maintenance categories, appropriate “work
assembly) for an unserviceable counterpart. time” figures will be shown for each category. The
Repair. The application of maintenance services number of task-hours specified by the “work time”
figure represents the average time required to restore an
(inspect, test, service, adjust, align, calibrate, replace)
or other maintenance actions (welding, grinding, rivet- item (assembly, subassembly, component, module, end
ing, straightening, facing, remachining, or resurfacing) item or system) to a serviceable condition under typical
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
field operating conditions. This time includes prepara- numbers in this column coincide with the numbers used
tion time, troubleshooting time, and quality assurance/ in the tools and equipment column of the MAC. The
quality control time in addition to the time required to numbers indicate the aplicable tool or test equipment
perform the specific tasks identified for the maintenance for the maintenance functions.
functions authorized in the maintenance allocation b. Maintenance Category. The codes in this COl-
chart. Subcolumns of column 4 are as follows: umn indicate the maintenance category allocated the
C—Operator/Crew tool or test equipment.
O—Orangizational c. Nomenclature, This column lists the noun name
F—Direct Support and nomenclature of the tools and test equipment re-
H—General Support quired to perform the maintenance functions.
D—Depot d. National/NATO Stock Number. This column
e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment. Column 5 lists the National/NATO stock number of the specific
specifies by code, those common tool sets (not in- tool or test equipment.
dividual tools) and special tools, test, and support e. Tool Number. This column lists the manufac-
equipment required to perform the designated function. turer’s part number of the tool followed by the Federal
f. Column 6, Remarks. Column 6 contains an Supply Code for manufacturers (5-digit) in parentheses.
alphabetic code which leads to the remark in section IV,
Remarks, which is pertinent to the item opposite the B-5. Remarks (See IV)
particular code. a. Reference Code, This code refers to the ap-
propriate item in section II, column 6.
B-4. Tool and Test Equipment Require- b. Remarks. This column provides the required
ments (Sect III) explanatory information necessary to clarify items ap-
a. Tools or Equipment Reference Code. The pearing in section II.
Change 1 B-3
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
B-4 Change 1
TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
SB 11-30
1. S c o p e O—Organizational Maintenance
This appendix lists expendable supplies and materials F—Direct Support Maintenance
you will need to operate and maintain Radio Set AN/ H—General Support Maintenance
PRC-68. These items are authorized to you by CTA 50- c. Column 3—National Stock Number. This is the
970, Expandable Items (Except Medical, Class V, Re- National stock number assigned to the item; use it to re-
pair Parts, and Heraldic Items). quest or requisition the item.
d. Column 4—Description. Indicates the Federal
2. Explanation of Columns item name and, if required, a description to identify the
a. Column 1—Item Number. This number is item. The last line for each item indicates the part
assigned to the entry in the listing and is referenced in number followed by the Federal Supply Code for Manu-
the narrative instructions to identify the material (e.g., facturer (FSCM) in parentheses, if applicable.
“Use cleaning compound, item 5, App. C“). e. Column 5— Unit of Measure (UM), Indicates
b. Column 2—Level. This column identifies the the measure used in performing the actual maintenance
lowest level of maintenance that requires the listed item. function. This measure is expressed by a two-character
alphabetical abbreviation (e. g., ea, in, pr). If the unit of
(enter as applicable)
measure differs from the unit of issue, requisition the
C—Opoerator/Crew lowest unit of issue that will staisfy your requirements.
TM 5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
General, United States Army
Official: Chief of Staff
Major General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
Major General, US Marine Corps
Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations
and Logistics
PIN ;047728-000