Chapter 1 PDF
Chapter 1 PDF
Chapter 1 PDF
relative to other companies that produce similar products or services. Understanding the
planning. Industry analysis enables small business owners to identify the threats and
opportunities facing their businesses, and to focus their resources on developing unique
capabilities that could lead to a competitive advantage (Inc., 2018). Industry Analysis
will help the dying industry of Kesong Puti, by formulating a strategy that will make
them competitive again. Industry analysis is also known as Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
it is a very useful tool for business strategists. It is based on the observation that profit
margins vary between industries, which can be explained by the structure of an industry.
Kesong Puti industry in Sta. Cruz, Laguna was originated and learned from the
particularly in the municipality of Sta. Cruz. Every year, the municipality of Sta. Cruz
organized the Kesong Puti festival and its main objective is to boost the struggling
industry of the Kesong Puti and to reintroduce the culture and tradition of production and
consumption to the new generation of Sta. Cruz residents. Before Kesong Puti industry is
at its peak, almost every house in the street sides of Sta. Cruz has a small Kesong Puti
stall. The business is highly profitable at that time, which is evident at the number of
stores present in the sidewalks. However, the Kesong Puti industry did not stay at its
peak, due to the number of factors such as decreased on carabaos’ milk supply, the life
span of the Kesong Puti, and the poor promotion of the product. Industry Analysis will
help to solve the problems of the Industry by identifying the strength, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of the industry and to formulate a strategic management plan.
The purpose of this study is to help the Kesong Puti industry to be sustainable and
study will analyze the position of Kesong Puti industry by identifying the external
affecting the industry of Kesong Puti in Sta. Cruz. Laguna. In order to formulate
strategies, the initial phase is industry analysis. Understanding the forces at work in the
analysis enables small business owners to identify the threats and opportunities facing
their businesses, and to focus their resources on developing unique capabilities that could
This includes the discussion of related literature and studies, both local and
foreign from which particular study premised. This will certainly help in giving the
reader better understanding to the internal and external factors that affect the production
of dairy industry.
This related literature focuses on the Industry Analysis and Production Analysis
of Dairy Industry. The effect of the global economic meltdown by Andrew H. Savage,
(2013), The success of dairy sector depends on production and availability of raw milk by
Poulomi Bhattacharya, Badri Narayan Rath and Aruna Kumar Dash (2016), Milk price is
depending on the economic and political situation in the world said by Liga Paura & Irina
profitable milk production and marketing by T.S.P. Jayaweera et., al. (2007). The growth
rate of milk production has increased statistically significantly while its instability has
declined by Ramphul Ohlan (2014). The major constraints of the Philippines’ dairy sector
are shortage of dairy stocks etc. by Angelo M. Tapia (2011). The critical factors
The value of the Global Cheese Manufacturing industry has shrunk over the past
five years, despite stable demand for dairy products, improved per capita consumption of
cheese worldwide and continued product innovation. While the industry performed well
during the first half of the reporting period, in 2015, an appreciation in the US dollar
alongside a sharp decline in the price of milk, the industry's primary input, placed
revenue figures in dollar terms. Economic recovery and relative stability in dairy product
prices will grow demand for cheese and support industry growth over the next five years.
The Global Cheese Manufacturing industry has had a mixed performance over the past
five years. Cheese has evolved from its status as a European delicacy and has become a
staple in many other cuisines. Relatively strong economic growth and rising affluence in
emerging markets, especially India and China, are stimulating cheese consumption.
Cheese is now one of the world's largest agricultural commodities, with production
exceeding 23 million metric tons, according to estimates based off data from the Food
As cited by Savage (2013), the effect of the global economic meltdown has had a
less impact in food processing industry than in other industries due to its rising demand
for convenience food and ready to serve products. However, one of the challenges that all
food processing companies face today is the rising price of raw ingredients such as corn,
wheat and dairy. Other factors that affect demand for processed food are issues
concerning dieting and obesity, allergens, and increased interest in the use of quality
ingredients. One major key segment in the food processing industry is the increasing
Supply response of Milk Production: Analysis and Implications for BRIC countries
In line with Bhattacharya, Rath and Dash (2016), the success of dairy sector
function of milk price, price of substitute goods, quality of milking animals, cost of
inputs etc. Price of milk is expected to be positively associated with the number of
milking animals and milk yield. A higher price of milk, ceteris paribus will enhance the
profitability of milk production and hence motivate milk producers to increase their herd
size and yield of the milking animals. Milk producer’s decision regarding the number of
milking animals also depends on the expected price of milk which broadly can be
captured by previous year’s milk price. Price and production conditions of the related
commodities can also influence milk producer’s supply decisions. Prices of competing
Milk price is depending on the economic and political situation in the world. It is
also influenced by the geographic location, seasonality, and raw materials (feed,
Jayaweera (2007) states that the success of Dairy farming, as a form of business,
depends on profitable milk production and marketing. The price of milk depends on
various factors such as demand, supply, cost of production, location of the area and
marketing channel. Profit margin in the dairy industry has been considered to rest on the
difference between the cost of production per liter of milk and the average farm gate
Growth and Instability in Dairy Production and Trade: A Global Analysis.
A line with Ohlan (2014) the growth rate of milk production has increased
statistically significantly while its instability has declined. It indicates that high rate of
growth in milk production does not cause high instability. The decomposition of output
growth indicates that the main source of growth in the global milk production is an
Tapia (2011) asserts that major constraints of the Philippines’ dairy sector are
shortage of dairy stocks, limited industry entrants, competition with cheap imported milk
powders, trained technicians and farmers leaving the country to work in dairy farms in
New Zealand and Australia, improve productivity of animals on the ground, increase
herds through intensive local upgrading, increase the number of small-hold farmers
generating profits from dairy enterprise, support the establishment of breeding farms to
supply new industry entrants with good dairy stocks, continue training of farmer
provincial boards, a marked improvement from the time when only village and town or
city officials supported dairying efforts. Breakthroughs in appropriate technology for
long-life milk. In the absence of guaranteed public or private demand for milk products,
milk producers in the Philippines have no guaranteed market. As such, the burden of
managing the product mix is on the enterprises at all levels, from farm to retail outlets.
Availability of smaller processing facilities. With the training of local engineers and
fabricators and access to Chinese, Indian, Thai and Taiwanese dairy equipment suppliers,
the old practice of commissioning dairy plants on a turn-key basis has been abandoned.
In fact, even old plants have been reconfigured to suit the needs of smaller production
sites. Some of these are privately financed like the processing plants of two popular
brands in the market: Milk Joy and Gatas ng Kalabaw. Technical support for milk-
quality assurance. For many years, local industry relied on academia-based technical
support. This meant following the prescriptions of the Dairy Training and Research
Institute on all aspects of dairying, from farm to plant. While such support was
dairy entrepreneurs has been the theme and pre-occupation of the industry movers, both
in government and the private sector. The transformation process includes training
at the collection centers and the processing plants, assisting in obtaining product licenses
and plant accreditation and enforcing product standards for suppliers in milk-feeding
programs. Island dairies for local milk supply. Even Manila-based bureaucrats could
not believe that small islands could operate viable dairy enterprises. When dairy zones
were established on the islands of Siquijor, Iloilo and Negros Occidental and the
enterprises managed to penetrate local markets, it proved credible. Supplying the local
system. Local teams were trained to handle these aspects. In the immediate communities
of the dairy producers, milk also became affordable to farm workers and households.
Dairy zones and the clustering of big and small farms. In previous years, there were
strong sentiments on whether support should emphasize big or small farms. The dairy
zone model provides a structure for the participation of smallholder farmers. Over time
and as dairy cooperatives and their counterpart big farms gained confidence in their
capacities, they started to do business with one another. Their transactions demonstrated
that they could gain bigger market shares by stabilizing the supply – if those who had
more milk made it available to those who did not have enough. In the end, it was good
business for big and small farms to collaborate. Commercial farm module. When
smallholder producers began growing into medium- and bigger-sized farms (of 20–100
animals), the National Dairy Authority started to design commercial farm modules that
would suit the emerging crop of dairy farmers. Farm size is a very fluid figure, but there
are stages of growth: Farmers first engage in dairy on a part-time basis; then one member
of the family goes into it full time, with about three other family members assisting in
forage gathering, milking, and milk delivery to the collection center and selling some of
the milk to the immediate community. Philippine Carabao Center. The PCC is a world-
class research center for buffalo. Its studies and researches on genetic improvement are
directed towards making the Philippine carabao a major milk supplier for the country.
Today, 36 percent of national milk production comes from carabao, 63 percent from
cattle and less than 1 percent from goats. The emphasis on carabao is based on climate
suitability and the huge number of animals on the ground that may potentially be
upgraded to a dairy buffalo breed. Aside from the research focus, PCC also supports
buffalo-based dairy enterprises in various parts of the country. Dairy Training and
Research Institute. With its core staff of dairy specialists, the DTRI continues to be a
resource for the industry although its facilities are in need of improvement. Training
courses for cooperative-based dairy technicians are conducted in coordination with the
DTRI. It also maintains a semen-collection facility that supplies dairy farms in Luzon.
has accelerated dairy zone expansion in the past six years. Specifically, official
development assistance from the US Government’s Section 416(b) facility and the Food
The review of related literature focuses on the different industry analysis of dairy
industry. Industry analysis enables small business owners to identify the threats and
opportunities facing their businesses, and to focus their resources on developing unique
This review laid the foundation of the present study especially the conceptual
framework. Moreover, much of the information gathered was from the different studies
from the different scholars which was also used as references in composing this study.
This study will provide a new knowledge on how to handle and deal with those
internal and external factors that affects the kesong puti industry. This will also help in
identifying the strength and weaknesses that will help not only the kesong puti industry in
Sta. Cruz, Laguna but also the dairy industry here in the Philippines.
This study will give benefits to the Kesong Puti industry in Sta. Cruz, Laguna by
providing appropriate strategic plan that suits to them that will make them competitive
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of the study will illustrate the Industry Analysis of
Strategies to mitigate
the constraints
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
This framework was used to collect data for this study through questionnaire with
the producers of Kesong Puti in Sta. Cruz, Laguna in order to identify the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats that may use to formulate a suitable strategies to
Statement of the Problem
1. What is the profile of the Kesong Puti producers in Sta. Cruz, Laguna in terms of: