CrashUp 11PH07 Rotational Motion PDF
CrashUp 11PH07 Rotational Motion PDF
CrashUp 11PH07 Rotational Motion PDF
System of Particles
and Rotational Motion
For IIT JEE, NEET, Boards & Olympiad | Made with love by Vikrant Kirar
Rigid Body
A body with perfectly definite and unchanging shape.
The distance between two points of a rigid body does
not change.
रिजिड बॉडी के ककन्ही भी दो पॉइंट्स के बीच की दिू ी बदलती नहीं है।
इसके जलए वह इंटिनल फोसेि का इस्तेमाल किती है।
Types of Motion
Translational Motion
Every point on the body has same velocity. No
बॉडी के पॉइंट्स की वेलोजसटी बिाबि होती है।
Circular Motion
Circular path, but no rotation. Mostly meant for point
िोटेशन नहीं होता है। चाय कप से गििे िी नहीं।
Rotational Motion
Circular Motion with rotation of body.
बॉडी िोटेट भी कि िही है। चाय गिि िाएिी।
Rotation and translation together.
Pure rotation: Fan
Pure translation: Wagon of a train
Pure rolling: Wheel of a train
Pure circular motion: difficult to find in nature
Translational Angular
Position Angular Position
Force Torque
Right-Hand Rule
All angular quantities have
magnitude and direction. But
they are not vector.
A + B ≠ B + A.
is not vector.
& are pseudo vectors.
Uniform Angular Acceleration
General Equations
Linear and Angular Motion
We’re interested in distance, not displacement.
Distance = arc length =
Angular Velocity
How many times per second (or per day/minute)
SI Unit: Hz (hertz).
1 Hz = 1 per second.
Time Period
Frequency = f
Time Period = T
T = 1/f
One Revolution
2π radian = 1 revolution
𝜔 = 2𝜋𝑓
2𝜋 1
𝑇= =
𝜔 𝑓
Angular Velocity
Relative to the viewer. Always because of the
perpendicular component of the velocity.
Analogue of force in angular terms. Moment of Force.
जितना दिू से force लिता है, उतना ज्यादा torque होता है।
Torque Vector
Graphical Method
Analytical Method
Cross Product or vector product.
वीकडयो से समझने के जलए यहाँ क्लिक किें ।
Moment of Inertia
Resistance to rotate. Inertia to rotate.
Depends upon mass and its distribution.
मास एक्लिस से जितना दिू होिा, उसे घूमना उतना ही मुश्किल होिा।
Rigid Body Dynamics
Every particle of the
body moves in a circle
which lies in a plane
perpendicular to the
axis and has its center
on the axis.
Moment of Inertia
Uniform Rod
Hollow Sphere
Solid Sphere
Perpendicular Axes Theorem
For 2D (planer) objects
Parallel Axes Theorem
For any 3D/2D object.
When Axis is shifted parallelly.
Radius of Gyration (k)
Defined to keep calculations simple.
Center of Mass
CoM moves as if all the mass of the system was
concentrated at CoM and all external forces were
applied at that point.
Other parts may feel some different forces due to
internal forces.
Center of Gravity
Point where the total gravitational torque on the body
is zero. For Uniform gravitational field, it’s same as
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
The linear and angular momentum must be constant.
For mechanical equilibrium, net force and net torque
should be zero.
If friction is sufficient, the body may rotate before
translation starts.
सिकने से पहले लुढ़क िाती है।
Mechanical Advantage = Load / Effort
A pair of equal and opposite forces with different lines
of action is known as a couple.
Net force is zero. CoM does not move.
Rotational Dynamics
Equivalent Mass
Imaginary concept to solve questions quickly.
Kinetic Energy
Rolling Motion
No Slip Condition
Cycloid Trajectory
Instantaneous Axis of
Every point is doing circular motion about some point.
जसफफ उस क्षण के जलए उसे हहन्ज माना िा सकता है।
Translation to Rolling
िब तक pure rolling शुरू नहीं होती, तब तक acceleration औि
angular acceleration constant िहेंिे। क्योंकक अभी pure rolling
नहीं हो िही है, Instantaneous Axis of Rotation का इस्तेमाल नहीं
कि सकते।
Rolling to Translation
िब तक pure rolling शुरू नहीं होती, तब तक acceleration औि
angular acceleration constant िहेंिे। क्योंकक अभी pure rolling
नहीं हो िही है, Instantaneous Axis of Rotation का इस्तेमाल नहीं
कि सकते।
Pure Rolling on an Incline
Pure rolling हो िही है, इसीजलए Instantaneous Axis of
Rotation इस्तेमाल ककया िा सकता है।
Which is Faster?
Work-Energy Theorem का इस्तेमाल किें
Maximising rotational KE for fun. No-slip है, पि छोटे वाले
radius पि। v=rw भी छोटे वाले िे कडयस पि ही लिेिा।
Angular Momentum
Moment of Momentum
To stabilize angular velocity. ताकि झटिे न लगें।
Linear and Angular momentum (about any point) will
be conserved.
Hinge can apply some forces. Only Angular
momentum about hinge will be conserved.
Gyroscopic Precession
Vikrant Kirar
IIT Kharagpur