Iml 453
Iml 453
Iml 453
1.1 Background
Miri Mini Library is a new public library that established on 10 Mei
2018 in Miri, Sarawak. Our public library is related to education and further
education. The role plays Miri Mini Library is have free access to information
and freedom of speech. Miri Mini Library start working hours from 9.00 am
until 10.00 pm every Monday to Sunday. The ground floor houses Multimedia
Gallery with a special corner dedicated for Children, which aside from books,
it also provides use of tablets & computers for use for free. The first floor
houses an auditorium, special collection area. The basement floor houses the
surau and a multipurpose room, which has a direct linkage to the amphitheater.
The facility serves as a community center for knowledge and cultural
enlightenment, where people can not only access vast store of information, in
the form of both printed and electronic media, but also gather educational and
cultural exchanges through participation within its regularly conducted
activities and programs
1.1.1 Vision
1. Miri Mini Library will be known as aspire to be the best possible library
for community.
2. Miri Mini Library ensuring freedom of access to information.
1.1.2 Mission
Miri Mini Library enhances the quality of life by providing the
resources and services for lifelong learning and enjoyment, the space
and opportunity to gather and connect, and by fostering a love for
1.1.3 Objectives
1. To make use of electronic technologies that disseminate information in
many varied formats.
2. To provide library and information services responsive to the needs of
the community.
3. To establish communication network in all libraries for easy access to
1.1.4 Motto
“Reading is the soul of life”
1.1.5 Tagline
“Public Library, Your Knowledge Partner”
2.1.1 Better IT services
Miri Mini Library are provide better IT services. Having access to a wi-fi
network is a basic requirement everywhere these days. Nowadays, Miri Mini
Library provide computers with internet access, enabling you to browse the web
in a peaceful environment. If you have a portable devise you may also be able to
access free WIFI. By providing wi-fi, library users will be easier to surf the
internet and get the information they want.
Figure 3: Poster about Book Cafe
Miri Mini Library also provide a book café for the users that come to
the library. Some would say that coffee and books are the perfect combination.
Miri Mini Library highlights that having a ‘café on site’ that offers drinks and
snacks is the most commonly cited change that people say would encourage
them to use the library more often. The users of Miri Mini Library also can
enjoy their time at the library while satisfying their basic needs without
leaving the building. This way, there are no interruptions in their activity and
users can stay longer at the library and the library can have a new source of
Figure 4: Poster about KOHA System
Library systems use by Miri Mini Library is Koha. Koha is the first
free software library automation package. In use worldwide, its development is
steered by a growing community of users collaborating to achieve their
technology goals. Koha’s feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet
the needs of its user base. Koha provided many convenience such as full-
featured ILS, multilingual and translatable, full text searching, Library
Standards Compliant, web-based interfaces and free software or open source.
Figure 5: Poster about OPAC
Miri Mini Library also provides the searching skills to the users. The
searching skills that provides is Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). Web
OPAC is an online database of materials held by a Miri Mini Library. Users
search a library catalog principally to locate books and other material available
at a library. By using Web OPAC it provided the lists number of the items,
whether they are in the library or out on loan, and their call number. This
mean Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), it is a computerized form of
the manual catalogue cards.
2.1.5 Entertainment
Figure 6: Poster about Entertainment Provided
In this part, we are using Facebook as a platform to give a guideline on how to
use the facilities that provides in our Miri Mini Library. There are a lot of poster
that we had posted in our Facebook pages to gain more followers. Below we show
some of the guideline poster that have been posted.
This poster show the guideline on how to be a member of Miri Mini Library.
Miri Mini Library always welcome the new user day by day. The fee is only
RM10 and open to anyone interested to the Miri Mini Library. You’ll need
Library membership if you want to request material from the Library stores or use
any of our online services. If you want to use the Library for personal study, you
can just sign in as a day visitor.
How to register as a member? On your first visit to the Library, you can come
to the counter desk and bring two forms of identification; a photo ID and the
application form (if you get it from the website) or get the form from the librarian.
You pay the fee and then wait for a minutes to give a time for the librarian
finishing the registration process. After that, you will get the membership card and
everything is done.
Figure 8: Poster about Guideline how to get the WiFI Password
Poster below show the guideline on how to get access to the free internet that
available in the Miri Mini Library. Wi-Fi for free was the basic thing that must be
available in all types of library. So that, Miri Mini Library also no exception in
providing this free Wi-Fi
All users of this library are allowed to access this Wi-Fi as long as the user is
in the library. Users will be able to get passwords through the librarian in charge.
Librarian will give you the passwords and access it just for free. The user can
enjoy how much they want. User can get connected with the Wi-Fi Mini Miri
Library and use aBcD1234 as the password. So, everybody can enjoy using the
free Wi-Fi provided.
Figure 9: Poster about How to use OPAC
How to use OPAC ? Follow the steps provided to locate books in the Library:
1. Go to Library Catalogue (OPAC)
2. Search the catalogue using keywords relevant to your desired items
(author, title, subject etc.)
3. Click the title of an item to see its detailed bibliographical information,
call number and location in the Library
4. If the Library does have a copy of the book you want and it is available
on the shelf, the status 'In Stock' will be indicated. If the book is on
loan to someone else, there will be a due date
5. Write down the call number to locate the item on the library
bookshelves (look for the stickers). If you don’t know how to locate
books with call numbers, you can ask the staff at Library Service for
So that, you are all set up. You can use the OPAC when you need to find a
2.2.4 How to Join A Competition/ Talk/Event
Talk, Speech, Event and Contest always held in library. Miri Mini Library also
held some activities that can be joined by the user of the library. We provided a
special level to handle this kind of event which is located in level 3. Any event
will be special held at that level.
So here are some guideline on how to participate with our Miri Mini Library
contest or event or talk even the competition.
The participant just have to fill the contestant form and they will be given a
QR code by the librarian to be scanned when they want to attend the event. The
way so easy so that there will more contestant will be interested.
Figure 11: Poster about Guideline How to Enter Entertainment
The Miri Mini Library has also provided entertainment for their library users.
The forms of entertainment provided are like chess games, puppets and others.
The Miri Mini Library also has a games room for children. The games room for
children provided up to about 6 years old. Types of toys you’ll find might include
puzzles, baby dolls, farm animals, and music makers.
Public user just only can enter to the public entertainment that contain some
game like chess games, puppets and many more. Unless for the kids
entertainment. Only kids below 10 years old can use the kid’s room. In this
section, the kids will enjoy some special entertainment. So, the kids also can enjoy
the special space that provided for them.
2.3.1 Information Searching Class
Figure 12: Poster of Smart Library User Class.
Often library users would wander around the library, and rummaging
through the shelves to get the book they need. It is obviously taking some time
and energy that eventually might cause frustration if they end up not finding
any. Most library user do not know on how to search the book they need in a
smart way. Therefore, the Smart Library Class is mainly to teach library users
the smarter ways to reach to information with classification number, and Open
Public Access Classification.
This class also teach users about using the library official website. The
website usage among library users is very important because the staffs had
spent so much money, time, and energy on developing it to ease the users. It
allows users to not only depend on printed material, but they can acquire
digital resources such as eBook and eJournal. The website also improves the
library marketing. Miri Mini Library may get more recognition since
information spread faster online. More people can visit and share the website,
proving how social media helps to promote the library better.
think library exist in physical form. But, it could educate users how library are
leading the Internet use to get the right, accurate and valid information.
Librarians are also proven to have high technology skill where they could
control and utilize the information acquiring process with client focused. The
library could decrease the information overload faced and demonstrate how
information searching is actually easier with some technics.
The promotion of the library class in social media could increase the
participation. It then increase users interest to get information from the library
instead of depending to invalid articles that are posted recklessly. The bond of
trust is what keep the library important to the public.
Figure 13: Poster about Event Talk WIth Librarian
Figure 14: Poster about Literature Performance Show
The unique characteristic of the library could grab more attention from
public to come to the library and also raise some funding from the media
companies. Performance process could involve many people, therefore it gives
the chance for the users to participate either directly or indirectly. Moreover, the
ticket selling improve budgeting of the library without having to fully rely on
the government money to developing the library.
Social media can play the role in estimating how many users are interested
with the event which assist with the preparation and presentation. Social media
helps to hype up the event by sharing the teaser of the performance thus lifting
the status of the public library in the community.
Figure 15: Poster about Book Review
Book review is the method of how users could express their thoughts and
opinion of what they have read. Book that can be reviewed is not limited to any
genre that everyone from various range of age could do. Mainly, book review
focuses on the comment of the content, strength of the point, the plot (if it is a
literature reading), and questioning any parts that left the reader confused or
unanswered. When users use critical skill in evaluating the quality of the book,
they connect with the book and gain deeper understanding.
Book review also raise the interest of reading in the community. Users can
see the rating of the book from one to five based of the readers’ experience with
the book. The book with high rating will be in high demand which then bring
curiosity and attention that the books is a must-read among the users.
Since the book review is shared by the users, they can create a community
of reading or even a book club in the social media. Social media users could
discuss among each other of their opinions of the books and it helps the social in
the community in a literate way and finally improve the community’s reading
3.1 Membership
The library membership defines the conditions under which various
categories of users are eligible to borrow library materials in the collections.
You’ll need Library membership if you want to request material from the Library
stores or use any of our online services. If you want to use the Library for personal
study, you can just sign in as a day visitor.
For Permanent Residents
1. Photocopy of re-entry permit or relevant documents to verify PR status
2. A One-time non-refundable registration fee Rm10
3. Annual membership is free for Malaysians
For Foreigners
1. Completed registration form
2. Copy of passport
3. Copy of student pass/re-entry permit
4. Copy of parents FIN (if students is under 14 years old )
Figure 17: Examples of Membership Card
Social media network plays an important role in many things whether
good or bad. Social networks are really useful for business purposes. It can be
proven when customer participation in our public Miri Mini Library. In this online
participation which is the interaction between users and our public library on
Facebook that is very important. This is because we can also help users to get any
information on our new services in the library. For example, Miri Mini Library
often involves users to join any activities held by our library in order to attract
more user to come. It can be joined by various parties such as parents and
children. There are many recent and upcoming activities in our Miri Mini Library
for the users.
Miri Mini Library is organizing the competition of Spelling Bee for the
users. There are people who do not know Spelling Bee competition. Spelling
Bee is the Bees which are social insects, and so the word "bee" was used for
gatherings of neighbors working together for the common good or for the
benefit of an individual. Hence, when people got together to spell words, the
gathering was called a "spelling bee." Children who join this competition will
gain their knowledge. The public library attracts more children to love the
library by doing this competition. It will attract more users to come to our
public library.
3.2.2 Readathon
3.2.3 Teachers Day
Figure 22: Poster about School Holidays
School holidays are coming every year as vacations and breaks which
schools are closed or no classes are held. The dates and periods of school
holidays are coming in December of the year. The school holidays involve
school students are given below apply to primary and secondary education.
Miri Mini Library as the public library was given the opportunity for the
students to come and visit during school holidays. We can update about
activities on our official Facebook to tell users. This is because our library
giving the special program and many activities will be held in order to attract
students to come to our library. The activities such as exhibition, storytelling,
quiz, and drawing. Students will fill their school break with useful things and
unnecessary things like playing phones and hanging out can be avoided.
The Miri Mini Library has been operate since 2018 and has been providing the
best services to you. But, we would like know feedback and comment of our
library. In this section, user can fill out feedback forms about the facilities
provided by the Miri Mini library or improvements to the library by filling out any
available forms. The diagram below is an example of feedback form provided by
the Miri Mini Library.
4.1 Staff Needed
Miri Mini Library as the public library was also needed staff in it as the
workers. Library are involved in all library operations at all levels with support
staff, or library paraprofessionals. They may manage libraries or they may
contribute very specialized expertise in some specific field. They may engage in
routine activities or supervise and direct other staff. For example, Staff in public
library is dealing with library users, helping people find information, research
help, internet or technology support, and organizing and running events and
activities, and also partnership works with schools and other organizations.
Miri Mini Library as the public library where provide job vacancy to
all the people with specific criteria. What is a job vacancy? A job vacancy can
be defined as a paid post that is newly created, unoccupied, or about to
become vacant for which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared to
take further steps to find a suitable candidate from outside the organization.
Our public library provides a job which is a library assistant in our public
library. This job vacancy will be posted and announce on our official media
social Facebook so users can apply. To apply these job users need to fulfill
this requirement such as has a sitting examination of SPM. This library
assistant needs to work full time and will be paid every month. It is important
to work and without work life is impossible. With a job, we can do everything,
either fulfill our desires or family needs but the important one is we eventually
attain confidence, self-respect and social status which makes us feel the part of
Part time librarian also needed in our public library. The most part-
time librarians spend the majority of their shifts “on desk,” which means
helping patrons who walk in or call with reference and computer issues, while
juggling other duties like building the collection, creating, marketing, and
implementing in our library programs. We are very encourage university
students to apply this job especially information management students. This is
because they are already learn more about the life in library. A part-time job
can help students gain their skills that a university or college degree does not
teach them. Indeed, by working as the part time librarian in our public library
students will gain their knowledge about library.
Figure 26: Poster about Information Skills Class
Figure27 : Advertisement for new staff offer
Each library is encouraged to improve their service and broaden the function
to the users. Therefore, library should increase the role of librarian by bringing in
more staffs that could contribute with the advancement of the library. It is a must that
library should follow the trend of the interest of the community, which then attract
them to support it. The innovation that the staffs bring to the library will breakdown
the limit of what users can do in the library.
One step in welcoming more services is by spreading the skills needed in the
library. New service advertisement that would be needed are, as example, the kids and
children service, mobile and application service, and school works coordinator. With
increasing service that have been provided, it is unintentionally raises the type of users
that would come to the library. However, the director should be careful in choosing
the new department since we do not want to lose the purpose of the public library. The
service should be an extra service to the library users without losing the identity of the
library itself.
The new services by library also an expand the selection of collection to meet
greater range of needs of its users’ education, information, leisure, and personal
development. According to the IFLA publication (2001), the culture of the local
community and society must be reflected in the resource collection. Therefore, the
more collection is added, the more the community can gain knowledge and meets
their needs from the library, thus raises the vitality of the collection development.
As for the conclusion, we can conclude that social media can as a tool to marketing or
promote our library. It can attract more user from the social media. In spite of the fact that
social media presence has become a necessity, there are numerous ways to leverage social
media presence into improving in promotion something.
Facebook helps a lot in doing our library to the highest level and Facebook make the
user of the Miri Mini Library increasing day by day. So, it’s very helping in promoting
our library on this day. The follower help the page more visible time by time.
Social media marketing has become a necessity, one that is imposed to the business
by the overall presence and impact social networks have on the users. In such world, we
have to admit that social networks are a new dimension of reality that has become a part
of the business world as well. There are over 90% report they are or will be using social
networks, while over 60% of them claim to have acquired new user over social networks.
Aghauche, Esther & F. Umeaku, Chima. (2016). Online Public Access Catalog (Opac).
Retrieve from
Gill, P. (Ed.). (2001). The public library service: The IFLA/UNESCO guidelines for
development. Netherland; International Federation of Library Institution and
Association. Retrieved from
Huffpost. (2015, April 29). 8 awesome ways libraries are making learning Fun. Retrieved
M. N., & Kumar, T. K. G. (2013). Marketing of library services and products through
social media: An evaluation. Inspiring Library Services. 144-154. Retrieved
Example of form :
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