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Introduction To Finance: Steven Skiena

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Lecture 1:

Introduction to Finance
Steven Skiena

Department of Computer Science

State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794–4400

Why Computational Finance?
It is hard to overstate the importance of the financial industry
to the state, national, and world economies.
The financial industry relies on a wide variety of advanced
computing technologies and mathematical modeling tech-
The availability, volume and significance of financial data
lends itself to many interesting research problems.
There are interesting and relevant theories of how markets
work which lend themselves to formal analysis.
Why Are You Interested in this Course?

• Have a general interest in finance?

• Avoiding a more undesirable course?
• Want a job in the financial industry?
• Want to apply your research expertise to financial data?
• Other?
Who am I?
I am a visiting professor from Stony Brook University.
My primary research is in combinatorial algorithms and their
applications, particularly to biology and news/blog analysis.
Why am I teaching this?
I have a side interest in gambling systems, which has made
me somewhat known in the hedge fund community.
I’ve been an invited speaker at Barra’s Research Conference
and O’Reilly Money:Tech, and at certain hedge funds.
I’ve previously taught a seminar in computational finance at
Stony Brook.
Why this Course?
Much of this material (e.g. financial engineering and
time-series data analysis) is traditionally taught in business
schools, and practiced by quantitative researchers from
economics, finance, and the mathematical sciences.
Computer science researchers have not been as engaged with
conceptual problems in finance so much as technological
problems like encryption and transaction processing.
My goal is to teach an introduction relevant for computer
scientists, which may be both broader and shallower than
traditional “Computational Finance”.
Good Reasons to Take this Course

• Very interesting and intellectually satisfying subject.

• Finance provides an interdisciplinary experience where
data matters.
• For some, there is possible relevance to future career
This material is aimed at computer scientists, although I am
very happy to have students from certain other fields.
Good Reasons to Avoid this Course

• This is not a hard-core course on options pricing, just an

• It is not taught by a knowledgable business school
• There is no real evidence of a Computer Science research
community emerging in finance.
• We will not learn how to beat the market. I recommend
investing in index funds with your own money.
• My understanding is biased toward financial markets in
the United States.
Course Lecture Topics

• Derivatives – arbitrage arguments, options and other

finanicial instruments, options pricing
• Time Series Analysis – financial time series, linear and
non-linear analysis, clustering, and pattern recognition
• Trading/Investment Strategies – CAPM, Kelly criteria,
online algorithms
Course Projects
The course projects will concern the acquisition and analysis
of financial data.
We will view ourselves as the Quant group of “Baroque
Technologies”; official slogan Go for Baroque!
Certain projects will involve making presentations about
standard financial resources, including the CRSP, Reuters,and
RiskMetrics databases.
Project lists will go out in a few weeks, but I need a few
volunteers ASAP for our “Rapid Response Team”, to run
simple experiments on a regular basis to see how the theory
matches reality.
Fundamentals of Investing
The return on an investment is strongly related to its level of
risk, closely associated with its volatility.
U.S. Treasury bills are extremely safe but low-yield invest-
The interest rate paid depends upon how long you are willing
to wait for payment, with longer-term notes incurring more
A $1 investment in short (long)-term T-bills/bonds in 1925
grew to $10.46 ($19.20) in 1999, before taxes.
Stocks vs. Bonds
Stocks are much more volatile, but offer higher expected
returns. A $1 investment in major blue-chip stocks in 1925
grew to $594.45 in 1999, before taxes.
The relative value of these returns depends upon the amount
of inflation over the investment period.
Financial Markets
An exchange is a place where buyers and sellers trade
securities such as stocks, bonds, options, and futures.
Well known exchanges include the New York Stock Ex-
change (NYSE), NASDAQ, and the American Stock Ex-
change (AMEX).
Each stock is typically listed on a particular exchange,
although more complicated trading venues are evolving
(after-hours trading, dark pools, etc.)
Exchanges provide liquidity, the ability to buy and sell
securities quickly, inexpensively, and at fair market value.
In general, the more trading that occurs in a security, the
greater its liquidity.
Regulations of Financial Markets
Each exchange has different rules about the qualifications of
companies which can be listed on it.
Exchanges also differ in the rules by which they match buyers
to sellers. Certain exchanges use people (brokers, market
makers) to match buyers and sellers, others use computers
(particularly on small orders).
The exact trading rules and mechanisms can have a significant
impact on the price one gets for a given security.
The strength of an exchange’s rules and their enforcement
impacts the confidence of investors and their willingness to
Common Stocks
Companies sell shares of stock to raise business capital.
Companies “go public” by agreeing to sell a certain number
of shares on an exchange.
Each share of stock represents a given fraction of the
ownership of the company.
Certain stocks pay dividends, cash payments reflecting profits
returned to shareholders.
Other stocks reinvest all returns back into the business.
Stock Prices
In principle, what people will pay for a stock reflects the
health of its current business, future prospects, and expected
However, the current price of a stock is completely deter-
mined by what people are willing to pay for it.
If there was no differences of opinion as to the value of a
stock, there would be no trading.
Stock Prices and Indices
Roughly 70% of an individual stock’s price movement
reflects the performance of the overall market, with roughly
30% of price movement due to characteristics of the specific
Stock indices (such as the S & P 500 or Dow Jones Industrial
Average) are measures of the performance of well-defined
collections of stocks.
Mutual funds are investment vehicles representing collections
of stocks selected by a given company/manager.
My Investment Advice
As an small, individual investor, it is likely that your
best long-term investment is in a low-expense mutual fund
tracking one of the major stock indices (such as the Vanguard
500 fund).
Very few actively managed mutual funds consistently do
better than such index funds, demonstrating how difficult it
is to beat the market.
Short Sales
If an investor believes prices will go down, they can profit by
selling a stock short.
Today: Borrow shares from someone Sell these shares in market

Future: Buy shares from the market Return the borrowed shares

Shares can be borrowed/rented from owners who do not

intend to sell, such as retirement holdings.
Markets differ on the rules regarding short selling, e.g. down-
tick rules and “naked” shorts.

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