Specific Heat and Thermal Expansion of Refractory Nonmetal: Cao
Specific Heat and Thermal Expansion of Refractory Nonmetal: Cao
Specific Heat and Thermal Expansion of Refractory Nonmetal: Cao
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In this paper in the development and dissemination ideas of previously published works on a new class of objects (refractory
nonmetals), a correlation study of molar specific heat C(T), volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion ο(T) and molar volume
V(T) of solid calcium oxide has been made. As for earlier investigated solids, for CaO clear correlation ο(C) takes place not only
at low temperatures, but also to a much wider temperature range. A significant deviation from the linear low-temperature
behaviorο(C) occurs on reaching heat capacity the classical limit 6R by Dulong and Petit law. Temperature dependence is
estimated for calcium oxide of the differential Grüneisen parameter.
Calcium Oxide (CaO), Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Correlation, Differential Grüneisen Parameter, Heat Capacity,
Molar Volume
should be made on fused and well certified the material. Solid reasonably presents the empirical data on the heat capacity of
(trend) line in Fig. 1 is the result of statistical averaging and calcium oxide. For convenience, the smoothed data C(T), along
smoothing the data C(T) by different authors; the trend with VCTE ο(T) for CaO are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Recommended heat capacity C (JK–1mol–1) and VCTEο (10–6K–1) of solid CaO.
T, K C ο T, K C ο T, K C ο T, K C ο
5 0.0025 0.002 150 26.26 20.17 750 51.47 40.79 1950 56.58 48.47
10 0.020 0.015 160 28.13 21.60 800 51.81 41.24 2000 56.77 48.76
15 0.068 0.051 170 29.83 22.91 850 52.10 41.68 2050 56.96 49.05
20 0.162 0.125 180 31.37 24.09 900 52.37 42.06 2100 57.15 49.34
25 0.316 0.243 190 32.76 25.16 950 52.63 42.49 2150 57.34 49.62
30 0.547 0.42 200 34.03 26.13 1000 52.89 42.87 2200 57.53 49.91
35 0.868 0.67 210 35.17 27.01 1050 53.12 43.22 2250 57.73 50.21
40 1.29 0.99 220 36.20 27.81 1100 53.33 43.54 2300 57.94 50.53
45 1.84 1.42 230 37.14 28.53 1150 53.53 43.86 2350 58.16 50.87
50 2.51 1.92 240 38.03 29.21 1200 53.73 44.15 2400 58.39 51.22
55 3.30 2.53 250 38.84 29.83 1250 53.92 44.44 2450 58.63 51.59
60 4.22 3.24 260 39.58 30.39 1300 54.11 44.73 2500 58.89 51.98
65 5.26 4.03 270 40.27 30.92 1350 54.30 45.01 2550 59.17 52.41
70 6.39 4.91 280 40.92 31.42 1400 54.49 45.30 2600 59.47 52.86
75 7.61 5.84 290 41.52 31.89 1450 54.68 45.59 2650 59.79 53.35
80 8.89 6.83 300 42.15 32.37 1500 54.87 45.88 2700 60.13 53.86
85 10.21 7.84 350 44.87 34.48 1550 55.06 46.16 2750 60.49 54.41
90 11.58 8.89 400 46.72 35.93 1600 55.25 46.45 2800 60.87 54.98
95 12.94 9.94 450 47.97 36.98 1650 55.44 46.74 2850 61.28 55.61
100 14.30 10.99 500 48.94 37.84 1700 55.63 47.03 2900 61.73 56.29
110 16.99 13.05 550 49.63 38.49 1750 55.82 47.32 2950 62.23 57.05
120 19.56 15.02 600 50.22 39.10 1800 56.01 47.61 3000 62.79 57.90
130 21.98 16.88 650 50.71 39.74 1850 56.20 47.89 3050 63.42 58.86
140 24.21 18.59 700 51.12 40.29 1900 56.39 48.19 Tm 64.15 59.97
handbook [24]). There aren’t clear reasons for preferring one set
of data to another, so all of them, including theoretical
estimations, were involved in the computation. Much greater
inconsistency in VCTE compared with heat capacity is
probably due to methodological difficulties in carrying
high-temperature measurements of thermal expansion, and
essentially higher quality requirements to the dilatometric, than
calorimetric, specimens. It is necessary to carry out additional
modern dilatometric studies of well certified fused solid
calcium oxide over the entire temperature range.
Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of molar heat capacity C(T) for solid CaO.
Symbols – tabular data: 1 – [16], 2 – [17], 3 – [18], 4 – [19], 5 – [11], 6 – [12],
7 – [20], 8 – [13], 9 – [14], 10 – [21], 11 – [1], 12 – [15], 13 – [22], 14 (solid
line) – trend.
modulus for CaO. The value K0 is estimated based on the V(T) = V0exp ο . (4)
values of the elastic constants [21]. The value V0 is obtained
from dilatometric data [1], [21], [23], [24], [29]–[37] (13 sets The comparison of molar volume V(T) computed using Eq.
of data, about 230 points). Additional checking molar volume (4) with the dilatometric data [1], [21], [23], [24], [29]–[37]
of CaO was necessary because of the valuable dispersion of (Fig. 5) confirms its quantitative adequacy and therefore
thermal expansion data by various authors. For this, the trend established trend ο(T). For convenience, the smoothed
dependence ο(T) was numerically integrated and temperature temperature dependences of molar volume V(T) and density ρ
dependence of molar volume was get: = µ/V, where µis the molar mass of CaO, are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Recommended molar volume V (cm3mol–1) and densityρ (kgm–3) of solid CaO.
T, K V ρ T, K V ρ T, K V ρ T, K V ρ
5 16.71 ± 0.02 3356 ± 4 500 16.92 3315 1400 17.57 3191 2300 18.35 3057
50 16.71 3356 600 16.98 3302 1500 17.65 3177 2400 18.44 3041
100 16.72 3355 700 17.05 3289 1600 17.74 3162 2500 18.54 3025
150 16.73 3352 800 17.12 3275 1700 17.82 3147 2600 18.63 3010
200 16.75 3348 900 17.19 3262 1800 17.90 3132 2700 18.73 2994
250 16.77 3344 1000 17.27 3248 1900 17.99 3117 2800 18.84 2977
300 16.80 3338 1100 17.34 3234 2000 18.08 3102 2900 18.94 2961
350 16.83 3333 1200 17.42 3220 2100 18.16 3087 3000 19.05 2944
400 16.86 3327 1300 17.49 3206 2200 18.26 3072 Tm 19.16 2927
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