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The Noun: I. Classifications

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1. Common nouns and proper nouns
2. Concrete nouns and abstract nouns
3. Countable (count) nouns and uncountable (mass) nouns
Uncountable nouns may be:

a) material nouns, like air, milk, cotton, bread, pork, etc.

b) abstract nouns, like biology, peace, music, etc.

c) names of sports, like football, skating, swimming, etc.

d) names of edible plants, when reference is made to the species itself, like maize, onion,
tomato, potato, etc.

e) names of towns, countries, months, etc., like London, England, February, etc.

Obs: There are some words which are uncountable nouns in English, but which refer to things that
are considered countable in other languages, like Romanian, for instance advice, luggage/ baggage,
homework, money, knowledge, information, news, furniture, progress.
Although uncountable nouns are seen as denoting an undifferentiated mass, quantity and thus
countability may be achieved by means of partitive nouns. They may be:

- general partitives, which are not restricted to specific lexical items: piece, bit, item

- typical partitives, which are words restricted to certain lexical items and which form
expressions with specific uncountable nouns: bar, lump, fit, grain, etc.

- measure partitives, which denote exact measurement: inch, gramme, mile, metre, yard,
pound, etc.
A. Classification of nouns: variable and invariable
VARIABLE NOUNS: one singular form and one plural form

1. Regular plurals: singular + the inflection –s

a) Spelling

- nouns ending in a sibilant consonant ⇒ plural in –es (e.g. box-boxes)

- nouns ending in –y:

• consonant + y ⇒ plural in –ies (e.g. fly- flies)

• vowel + y ⇒ plural in –ys (e.g. day-days)

- nouns ending in –o ⇒ plural in –es (e.g. hero-heroes)

Obs1: radio-radios, photo-photos, crescendo-crescendos, Romeo-Romeos

Obs2: hesitation between –os and –oes (e.g. volcanos/volcanoes, mottos/mottoes)

- with letters, abbreviations and numerals, an apostrophe may precede –s (e.g. cross your t’s,
in the 1960’s/ 1960s, half of the MP’s/ half of the MPs

b) Pronunciation of the inflection –s

c) The plural of compound nouns

- the inflection –s is generally added to the final element (e.g. washing-machines, handfuls,

- the inflection –s is added to the first element when:

• this is a noun ending in –er or in –ing (e.g. passers-by, goings-out)

• the compound is formed of two nouns linked with a preposition (e.g. editors-in-chief,

• the compound is formed of noun + adjective (e.g. courts-martial, attorneys general)

- compounds with and make both elements plural (e.g. ins-and-outs, pros-and-cons)

- compounds with man and woman make both elements plural (e.g. women drivers, men
Obs: woman-haters, man-eaters
2. Irregular plurals

a) Voicing + -s plural

- long sound + -th [θ] ⇒ plural in [ðz] (e.g. baths, paths)

- -f(e) [f] ⇒ plural in -ves [vz] (e.g. thieves, leaves)

Obs1: Regular form: roofs, chiefs, beliefs

Obs2: Double form: scarfs/scarves, hoofs/hooves, staffs/staves, wharfs/wharves
- house [s] – houses [ziz]

b) Mutation
Seven nouns (and their compounds) change their root vowel in the plural: man-men, woman-women,
foot-feet, tooth-teeth, louse-lice, mouse-mice, goose-geese.

c) –en plurals
Three nouns: child-children, ox-oxen, brother-brethren

d) Zero plurals: the same form in the singular and in the plural

1) animal names: fish, trout, deer, sheep, duck

Obs: the fishes of the Black Sea

2) nationality names or other proper nouns ending in -ese: Chinese, Viennese, Japanese + the
noun Swiss

3) nouns denoting measure, quantity, number, when they are preceded by an indication of
number: dozen, hundred, thousand, million, score

4) nouns ending in –s: means, works, crossroads, series, species, barracks, headquarters

e) Foreign plurals
Some nouns have been adapted to the English system, others have both the foreign plural and the
plural in –s, while others have only the foreign plural. When you have a choice, the foreign plural is
preferred in the scientific language and the –s plural in the everyday language.

1) Latin plurals

• -us → -i [ai] / -ora [ərə] / -era [ərə] (e.g. stimulus-stimuli, bacillus-bacilli, genus-
genera, corpus-corpora)

Both forms: cactus-i/uses, nucleus-i/uses, radius-i/uses

• -a → -ae [i:] (e.g. larva-larvae, alga-algae)

Both forms: vertebra-ae/as, formula-ae/as

• -um → -a [ə] (e.g. bacterium-bacteria, erratum-errata)

Both forms: sanatorium –a/ums, memorandum-a/ums, stratum-a/ums, ultimatum-a/ums

• -ex/-ix → -ices [isi:z] (e.g. codex-codices)

Both forms: matrix-matrices/matrixes, index-indices/indexes, appendix-


2) Greek plurals

• -is [is] → -es [i:z] (e.g. analysis-analyses, basis-bases, crisis-crises)

• -on → -a [ə] (e.g. criterion-criteria, phenomenon-a)

Both forms: automaton-a/ons

3) French plurals

• -e(a)u → -x [z] (bureau-bureaux/-s, adieu-adieux/-s)

4) Italian plurals

• -o/e → -i [i:] (e.g. virtuoso-virtuosi/-os, tempo-tempi/-os, libretto-libretti/-os)

Only regular plural: solo, soprano

5) Hebrew plurals
e.g. cherub-cherubim

INVARIABLE NOUNS: one form only, either singular or plural ⇒ take either a singular or a plural

1) Singular invariable nouns (+ singular verb)

1. Concrete uncountable nouns: chocolate, sugar, gold, furniture, luggage

Some of them can be reclassified as countable → their meaning changes:
e.g. I’d like a coffee. Romania’s wines are famous.
2. Abstract uncountable nouns: music, progress, nonsense, information, knowledge, advice,
homework, difficulty, work, research, dirt
Some of them can also be countable → when they refer to instances of a given abstract
e.g. After many failures/difficulties, he succeeded.

3. Proper nouns: John, Romania, October

4. Nouns ending in –s

- news

- diseases: measles, mumps

- sciences: optics, linguistics, statistics

If the meaning is different, they take a plural verb.
e.g. Statistics is a branch of mathematics. The statistics show that imports are low.

- games: cards, dominoes, draughts, darts, billiards

In compounds, they are used in the singular: e.g. dartboard, billiard-room

5. Abstract substantivized adjectives: the good, the evil, the useful

2) Plural invariable nouns (+ plural verb)

1. Nouns denoting parts of the body: bowels, tonsils, entrails (e.g. His bowels are very sensitive.)

2. Nouns denoting a state of mind: hysterics, blues, spirits (e.g. High spirits are always

3. Nouns denoting articles of dress: trousers, shorts, flares, tights, braces, pyjamas, tails (e.g.
Your pyjamas are on the bed.)
Obs1: Number contrast is achieved by means of a pair of (e.g. He has only two pairs of trousers.)
Obs2: When used attributively, these nouns are singular (e.g. a trouser leg).

4. Nouns denoting tools and instruments consisting of two parts: scales, scissors,
glasses/spectacles, tongs, pincers, (nail/hairdresser’s) clippers, bellows (e.g. Where are the
Obs1: He wore a pair of earphones, which were plugged into a tape-recorder.
Obs2: a spectacle case

5. Proper nouns: the Highlands, the Alps, the Netherlands

6. Verbal nouns in –ing: savings, earnings, belongings, proceedings, surroundings

7. Other “pluralia tantum”: clothes, customs, wages, premises, stairs, eaves, congratulations
Obs: His whereabouts is/are unknown.

8. Substantivized adjectives: chemicals, riches, valuables, goods, the rich, the poor, the dead
e.g. Their riches were donated to charities.
The poor are suffering.

9. Unmarked plurals: cattle, clergy, people, police, military, vermin, poultry

e.g. These cattle belong to my grandparents.
Obs1: people = “nation” → countable noun
e.g. This is an organization of English-speaking peoples.
Obs2: poultry = “meat” → singular noun
e.g. Poultry is cheaper than veal.

B. Number and meaning

The following situations are possible:

1. Nouns with two plural forms, each having its meaning(s): brother – brothers/brethren,
genius – geniuses/genii, staff – staffs/staves

2. Nouns with one meaning in the singular and a different meaning in the plural: air –
airs, nylon – nylons, advice – advices, content - contents

3. Nouns whose plural form has two or more meanings: effect – effects1/effects2, custom
– customs1/ customs2/ customs3

4. Nouns that, besides the regular plural, have a plural form which is identical with the
singular form and which has a collective meaning: cannon – cannons/cannon, horse
– horses/horse

5. Nouns that are countable in one meaning and uncountable in another meaning: hair,
business, character, game, sport
III. THE CATEGORY OF GENDER → not richly developed in English; the gender usually
coincides with the sex of the beings or objects denoted

A. Categories of gender

1. Masculine: represented by nouns denoting male beings (e.g. man, brother, son, uncle, king).
They can be replaced by he and referred to by him or himself.

2. Feminine: represented by nouns denoting female beings, that can be replaced by she and
referred to by her or herself.

3. Neuter: represented by nouns denoting inanimate objects, substances, abstractions, which are
replaced by it.
Obs: Collective nouns (e.g. class, family, government) are considered to be neuter and may be
replaced by either it or they.
e.g. His class is small. It is made up of only 15 children.
The class were busy. They were reading some poems.

4. Common/ Dual: represented by nouns denoting beings, which have only one form for both
masculine and feminine (e.g. cousin, friend, teacher, neighbour). The gender proper of
such nouns becomes obvious in the context:
e.g. My neighbour Mary works in a hospital.
When I met my neighbour, he told me about the accident.
Obs1: Man is mortal. The horse is a noble animal.
Obs2: s/he, wo/man, firefighter, spokesperson, Member of Congress, homemaker, mail carrier

B. Means of expressing the gender of animate nouns

1. Different words, one for the masculine and one for the feminine: boy-girl, gander-goose,
Obs: father-mother-parent, boy-girl-child, king-queen-monarch/sovereign, stag-hind-deer, boar-sow-

2. Composition, with the help of words denoting sex (male-female, boy-girl, man-woman, he-
she, bull-cow, cock-hen, dog-bitch) or some proper names (billy-nanny, tom-tib, jack-
e.g. milkman-milkwoman, male cousin-female cousin
3. Suffixation

• –ess added to the masculine to form the feminine :

- no change of form: lion-lioness, host- hostess

- omission of the vowel in the last syllable: tiger-tigress, actor-actress, waiter-waitress

- other modifications: duke-duchess, master-mistress

• other (less productive) suffixes added to the masculine: -ine (hero-heroine), -ina (czar/tzar-
czarina/tzarina), -a (don-donna), -ette (usher-usherette), -ix (executor-executrix)

• -er and –groom are added to the feminine to form the masculine: widow-widower, bride-

4. Nouns denoting animals are generally considered to be neuter; however, in personifications:

• big and strong animals (e.g. horse, lion, elephant, dog, eagle) are said to be masculine
e.g. The lion was very proud of his mane.

• small animals (e.g. cat, mouse, hare) are looked upon as feminine
e.g. The hare was afraid of her own shadow.

Obs: In fairy-tales, the gender of animals or plants often depends on the author.

C. Inanimate nouns in personification

As a rule, inanimate nouns are neuter. However, in the poetical and the rhetorical style or even in
everyday speech, they may be treated as either masculine or feminine.

1. Nouns which can be masculine denote:

a) natural elements and phenomena characterized by force: wind, sun, winter, ocean, sleep,
e.g. Mr. Winter was an old gentleman who lived in the mountains.

b) violent passions and actions: anger, fear, crime, war, love

e.g. The War, with his grim face, came again to take his toll.

c) rivers and mountains: the Danube, the Thames, Mount Everest

e.g. You can see old father Thames.
2. Nouns which can be feminine denote:

a) natural elements and phenomena implying fertility or attachment: earth, moon, sea,
spring, morning, evening
e.g. Good Mother Earth will give us her fruits.

b) gentle feelings or abstractions: hope, modesty, devotion, friendship, peace, truth,

e.g. Peace will soon wave her flag again.

c) negative passions and feelings: jealousy, ambition, revenge, pride, treason

e.g. Jealousy often walks with her sister revenge.

d) countries viewed as political or economic units

e.g. The book is about Romania and her people.

e) vessels or vehicles to which an affectionate attitude is attached: ship, car, bus, boat
e.g. Have you seen our new boat? Isn’t she beautiful?

IV. THE CATEGORY OF CASE → refers to the relation in which one noun/pronoun stands to
some other word in the sentence.
Some grammarians speak about 2 cases in English: genitive/possessive and common.
Others support the idea of 4 cases: the nominative, the possessive, the dative and the accusative.

A. The Nominative: has the syntactic function of a subject, predicative or apposition

B. The Genitive: has the function of an attribute or a predicative

a) From the point of view of meaning, the G may be: possessive, of origin, subjective,
objective, descriptive, partitive and of measure.

b) From the point of view of form, the G may be:

1) The synthetical (Saxon) G:

- ’s added to the singular number or to the irregular plural

e.g. the girl’s house, the women’s letters
- ’ added to the regular plural or to proper nouns ending in –s
e.g. the girls’ books, Dickens’ works

Obs1: pronunciation problems

Obs2: group genitives
The synthetical genitive may be used with the following types of nouns:

• nouns denoting persons and names of persons (e.g. George’s letter, the doctor’s

• nouns denoting other beings when given some importance or in personification (e.g.
the cow’s milk, the spider’s web)

• nouns denoting measurement, time, space, quantity, value (a two months’ vacation,
yesterday’s news, a two miles’ walk, a pound’s worth of potatoes)
Obs: Measurement can also be expressed by means of a compound adjective.

• collective nouns (e.g. the government’s decision)

• inanimate nouns in personification, i.e. geographical names, vehicles, abstractions,

natural phenomena, institutions, celestial bodies (e.g. England’s history, the ship’s
crew, freedom’s voice, the day’s heat, the world’s economy, the sun’s rays)

Obs: When such nouns are followed by a superlative adjective or by only, first, last,
the synthetical G may be replaced by a prepositional phrase with in

• other nouns of special relevance to human activity (e.g. the mind’s development, my
life’s aim, duty’s call, love’s spirit)

When the head noun is not expressed, we may speak of the elliptic genitive.

2) The analytical G with the preposition of is used mainly with neuter nouns (e.g. the cover
of the book).
In certain situations, it is preferred to the synthetical G:
e.g. the responsibility of the man at the wheel. the murder of John, a great admirer of Shakespeare,
the suffering of the poor

3) The double G is a construction with a synthetical and an analytical genitive (e.g. a friend
of Henry’s)
Obs: a portrait of Rembrandt vs. a portrait of Rembrandt’s
C. The Dative: marked by the prepositions to and for or by word-order; it has the function of an
indirect object.
Sometimes, it can modify a whole sentence:
e.g. To John, there is nothing more beautiful in the world.
It can also indicate direction:
e.g. He waved his hand to the girl from the train.
There are two types of dative:
1) The prepositional D is used in the following situations:

• when the Acc precedes the D (e.g. Give the money to your mother. He bought the pen for his

• after verbs like announce, belong, communicate, describe, explain, introduce, listen, suggest,
translate, speak, occur, reply, dictate (e.g. Explain to Mary what it means. He didn’t reply to
his parents.)

• when the D is governed by an adjective or noun (e.g. He was kind to the old woman.)

2) The D without a preposition is used when the D precedes the Acc (e.g. He showed the boy his
new book.)
D. The Accusative: can function as a direct object, a prepositional object, an adverbial or an
Obs1: Certain verbs are followed by two accusatives: answer, ask, envy, forgive, hear, save, teach
e.g. She taught Jane English. Forgive him his ignorance.
Obs2: Certain verbs are followed by a noun in the Acc which is a
cognate object. This noun is usually modified by an adjective. (e.g. He
died a miserable death.)

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