S.Y. 2019-2020 Daily Lesson Plan Grade 11-Oral Communication
S.Y. 2019-2020 Daily Lesson Plan Grade 11-Oral Communication
S.Y. 2019-2020 Daily Lesson Plan Grade 11-Oral Communication
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
S.Y. 2019-2020
OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the different oral forms of literature in different during the pre-colonial period, Spanish Period, American Period,
Japanese Period, The Republic and Today;
2. Create different oral forms of literature in different perspectives; and
3. Appreciate the value of forms of literature.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic Literature of the Philippines The Spanish Period The Spanish Period American Period
during the Pre-Colonial Period
B. Instructional Laptop, projector, Card Strips Laptop, projector, Card Strips Pictures, Projector, Laptop Projector, Laptop
C. References
D. Valuing
III. Procedure
A. Introductory
- Review Asks the students what they Short quiz about Pre-colonial Crossword puzzle about the Question and Answer
know about Literature. Period. topic yesterday. Portion about the topic
Yesterday. (In the form of
stop Dance with magic
- Motivation Group the students into three Group the students into four. The The class is divided into Show two pictures of
and have them write riddles, teacher gives two minutes to four. On the given pictures products from America and
folktales and folksongs from the write what they know during the about the writers during the Philippines. Then, the
places they come from. Spanish Period. After it, the Spanish Period, the students teacher has the students to
Then, have them present it. students paste their works on the give what is known for them choose which they want
board. through chant, rap, hugot from the two.
lines, and salute.
B. Lesson The teacher asks what is all The teacher asks what lesson we The teacher presents the The teacher asks:
Presentation about the presentations they might discuss today. topic about Filipino What do you think is our
had. writers during the topic for today?
Spanish Periods. When and How did
Filipinos Learn to speak
C. Discussion In the same group, the teacher The teacher with the students The Teacher discusses the Present the PowerPoint
gives them each form of discusses Spanish Colonization lesson through Interactive presentation on the
Literature during the Pre- while checking their work. recitation in connection with different forms of
colonial Period and has them The teacher asks what they know history. Literature during the
pick cards strip and lets them about Philippine status during the American Period.
paste on the table below: Spanish Periods and How they
Oral Folktale Folkson were challenged. Then, students Have an active discussion
Literatur s (G2) gs(G3) enumerate what writings were about the topic through
e (G1) produced during that time and the Recitation.
famous writers.