Endodontic Treatment of A Large Periradicular Lesion: A Case Report
Endodontic Treatment of A Large Periradicular Lesion: A Case Report
Endodontic Treatment of A Large Periradicular Lesion: A Case Report
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This case report describes the endodontic treatment of a large cyst-like periradicular lesion a 29-
year-old female with a large chronic periapical abscess in the region of right maxillary sinus
presented into private practice, accompanied with non-vital first upper molar and poorly root
treated second upper molar. Conservative root canal treatment was carried out for both of the
involved teeth in a single appointment. Post operative examination after two weeks revealed
complete resolution of the sinus tract. The clinical and radiographic examination after 9 months
revealed complete periapical healing. The appropriate diagnosis of periradicular lesion and the
treatment of the infected root canal system allowed complete healing of these large lesions
without endodontic surgery.
Keywords: Healing, Maxillary sinus, Office visits, Radicular cyst, Root canal therapy.
Gutta-percha was used to trace the path of sinus had disappeared after two weeks of treatment.
tract by periapical radiographic technique; On 9 month and one year recalls, the patient
however as the entire course of the sinus tract had no sign and symptom; panoramic and
was not apparent, panoramic radiograph was periapical radiographic evaluation demonstrate-
taken (Figure 1-B). The panoramic tomograoh ed complete bony regression of the lesion
revealed a well-circumscribed radiolucency (Figure 1-C and 4). Clinical exam revealed no
measuring approximately 25 mm in diameter, sensitivity to percussion and palpation.
extending from distal aspect of the second
premolar to distal aspect of the second Discussion
maxillary molar. Right maxillary first molar This case illustrated a cyst-like periradicular
also showed a profound root resorption. lesion, most probably a radicular cyst. The
Adjacent teeth had no root resorption. exact diagnosis can be made by microscopic
The patient´s clinical and radiographic findings examination. However, the clinical diagnosis of
seemed to suggest a large cyst-like peri- a radicular cyst seemed rational because the
radicular lesion, most likely to be an infected lesion accompanied nonvital teeth, was more
radicular cyst of endodontic origin. than 1.6 mm in diameter, and was bordered
One visit endodontic treatment was performed with a radiopaque line resembling cystic
for the right maxillary first and second molars, lesions (6,7).
in one session. After access cavity preparation, As mentioned in previous studies, in the cases
treatment was continued with a rubber dam in of periradicular radiolucent lesions, sufficient
place. There were no exudates from the canals. biomechanical cleaning of the root canal
Instrumentation was performed by Flexo-File system is the most critical factor for healing. It
(Dentsply, Maillefer, Switzerland) #15-40, has been demonstrated that in these cases, non-
using step-back technique, accompanying with surgical root canal therapy should be the first
copious irrigation with sterile normal saline line of treatment (2) and approximately 74% of
between instruments. The working length was 42 endodontically treated teeth in one study
determined on the basis of radiographs. showed bony healing within their large
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