Daily Schedule: Time To Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Daily Schedule: Time To Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Daily Schedule: Time To Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Wake up and freshen Wake up and freshen Wake up and freshen Wake up and freshen Wake up and freshen Wake up and freshen Wake up and freshen
4:30 AM 5:00 AM
up up up up up up up
Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or
5:00 AM 5:30 AM hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge,
Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect.
Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or Meditate, Read or
5:30 AM 6:00 AM hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge, hear knowledge,
Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect. Plan, Introspect.
Rerturn from Gym Rerturn from Gym Rerturn from Gym Rerturn from Gym Rerturn from Gym
7:30 AM 8:00 AM and get ready for and get ready for and get ready for and get ready for and get ready for Return from Gym
School School School School School
Reach Office and Reach Office and Reach Office and Reach Office and Reach Office and Reach Office and
9:00 AM 9:30 AM assign work and assign work and assign work and assign work and assign work and assign work and
check last day report check last day report check last day report check last day report check last day report check last day report
Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
things things things things things
Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own
10:00 AM 10:30 AM
things things things things things
10:30 AM 11:00 AM Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media
Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own
11:00 AM 11:30 AM
things things things things things
Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own
11:30 AM 12:00 PM
things things things things things
Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own Work on your own
12:00 PM 12:30 PM
things things things things things
12:30 PM 1:00 PM
1:00 PM 1:30 PM
1:30 PM 2:00 PM
Call up clients / Call up clients / Call up clients / Call up clients / Call up clients / Call up clients /
2:30 PM 3:00 PM
Follow up Follow up Follow up Follow up Follow up Follow up
3:00 PM 3:30 PM
Assign Task and Assign Task and Assign Task and Assign Task and Assign Task and Assign Task and
3:30 PM 4:00 PM
team reporting team reporting team reporting team reporting team reporting team reporting
4:00 PM 4:30 PM
4:30 PM 5:00 PM
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Time to time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
5:00 PM 5:30 PM
5:30 PM 6:00 PM
6:00 PM 6:30 PM
6:30 PM 7:00 PM
7:00 PM 7:30 PM
7:30 PM 8:00 PM
8:00 PM 8:30 PM
8:30 PM 9:00 PM
9:00 PM 9:30 PM
9:30 PM 10:00 PM
10:30 PM 11:00 PM
11:00 PM 11:30 PM
11:30 PM 12:00 AM
12:00 AM 12:30 AM
12:30 AM 1:00 AM
1:00 AM 1:30 AM
1:30 AM 2:00 AM
2:00 AM 2:30 AM
2:30 AM 3:00 AM
3:00 AM 3:30 AM
3:30 AM 4:00 AM
4:00 AM 4:30 AM
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