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Course Goals:: EITHER A Research Paper On A Topic of Your Choice Approved by The Instructor (35%)

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DOCT 406 01A: Christology William J.

Spring, 2020 Office: Luke 210
https://csbsju.instructure.com Hours: Tues. 9:30 – 11:30
or by appointment
Phone: 3182

Course Goals:

1. Understanding. That students understand

a. The major doctrinal tradition of the church on the person and work of Christ,
b. The basis of this tradition in Scripture and experience,
c. Contemporary reflection on this tradition and experience.
2. Appreciation. That students develop an appreciation of this tradition that will enable them to
live, speak and work out of it in their ministries.
3. Continuing Reflection That what is learned in the course, both content and skills, become the
basis for continuing reflection on the meaning of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection throughout
our lives.

The grade for the course will be based on the first of these goals. Though not graded, the other two are
no less important and no less real goals of our work together.

Required Texts:

Raymond Brown, An Introduction to New Testament Christology, Paulist, 1994.

Søren Kierkegaard, Philosophical Fragments, Princeton, 1985.
Richard Norris, The Christological Controversy, Fortress, 1980.
Mark Allan Powell, Jesus as a Figure of History.  Westminster John Knox, 1998.

Course Requirements:
 Completion of assigned readings and class participation (20% of final grade)
 Formulation of personal Christological creed (5%)
o Draft 1 due Jan. 21; Draft 2 with commentary due April 28
 EITHER a research paper on a topic of your choice approved by the instructor (35%)
o Due May 8
OR 2 analysis/reflection papers (35%)
o Due Feb. 11 & May 8
 Mid-term Examination (15%)
 Final Examination (25%)
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Schedule of Readings:

Jan. 14 Introduction: What is Christology?

N.T. Wright, “Preface,” Simply Jesus, ix – xiv (R)
Karl Rahner, "The Two Basic Types of Christology," in Theological
Investigations XIII: 213-223 (R)
Raymond Brown, An Introduction to New Testament Christology, 1-15


Jan. 21 History, 19th- & 20th -century Quests and the Jesus Seminar
CREED DUE Mark Allan Powell, Jesus as a Figure of History, 1-50, 167-184.
Funk, Hoover, et al. The Five Gospels: The Search for the Authentic Words of
Jesus, 1-33. (R)
“The Jesus Controversy,” Luke Timothy Johnson, America, August 2-9, 2010,
“The Jesus of History: Two Scholars Respond to Luke Timothy Johnson,”
Bernard Brandon Scott & Adela Yarbro Collins, America, August 30-
September 6, 2010, 17-19.


Jan. 28 Raymond Brown, An Introduction to New Testament Christology, 23-102

Feb. 4 Brown, 105-152


Feb. 11 The Greek Philosophical Context and Second-Century Christology

PAPER DUE Richard Norris, Christological Controversy, 1-17, 49-81
Bonus: J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, 138-53 (R)

Feb. 18 To and From Nicaea: Arius, Nicaea, Athanasius

Norris, Christological Controversy, 17-21, 81-101
Bonus: J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, 223-240, 280-89 (R)

Feb. 25 Alexandria vs Antioch: the Chalcedonian Resolution

Norris, 21-31, 103-159
Bonus: J.N.D. Kelly, 289-343 (R)

Mar. 3 Reading Week No class

Mar. 10 Chalcedonian Resolution Concluded

What is at Stake in these Debates?
Chalcedon Today: End or Beginning?
Karl Rahner, “Current Problems in Christology,” in Theological Investigations
I:148-85 (R)
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Mar. 17 Atonement — Anselm, Late Medieval & Reformation Reflections

MIDTERM Anselm’s Christology
DUE Hopkins, “Companion to the Study of St. Anselm: Christology and
Soteriology” (R)
Abelard: A Medieval (modern?) Alternative
Scholastic Miscellany, pp. 280-84 (R)
Late Medieval and Reformation Christology
Jaroslav Pelikan, The Christian Tradition IV:22-38, 155-67 (R)


Mar. 24 Contemporary Reflections on Anselm and the Violence of the Cross

Kimberly Vrudny, “Beauty’s Incarnation: On Forgiveness,” in Beauty’s
Vineyard: A Theological Aesthetic of Anguish and Anticipation, pp. 139-89 (R)
Elizabeth Johnson, “Introduction” & Wrestling with Anselm,” in Creation and
the Cross: The Mercy of God for a Planet in Peril, pp. xi-xvii & 1-30 (R)

A Christological Algebra – Introduction

Mar. 31 A Christological Algebra – Continued

Søren Kierkegaard, Philosophical Fragments, 1-36, 49-71, 89-111

Apr. 7 Liberation Christology

Carlos Bravo, “Jesus of Nazareth, Christ the Liberator,” in Systematic
Theology: Perspectives from Liberation Theology, Jon Sobrino & Ignacio
Ellacuria, ed., 106-23 (R)
Jon Sobrino, “Systematic Christology: Jesus Christ, the Absolute Mediator of
the Reign of God,” in Systematic Theology: Perspectives from Liberation
Theology, 124-45 (R)
Timothy Gorringe, “Not Assumed is Not Healed: The Homoousion and
Liberation Theology,” Scottish Journal of Theology 38 (1985) 481-90 (R)

Apr. 14 Feminism & Christology

Inter insigniores, ¶5 (pp. 338-342) (R)
Elizabeth Johnson, "Redeeming the Name of Christ," in Freeing Theology,
pp. 115-134 (R)
Reading to be determined

Apr. 21 Christ and Global Culture

Michael L. Cook, SJ, “The African Experience of Jesus,” Theological Studies
70 (Sept. 2009) 668-92. (R)
Peter Phan, “Jesus the Christ with an Asian Face,” Theological Studies 57
(Sept. 1996) 399-430. (R)
Alexander Malik, “Confessing Christ in the Islamic Context,” in Asian Faces
of Jesus, ed. R.S. Sugirtharagah, 75-84 (R).
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Apr. 28 Catch-up and Review


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