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5S Audit Guidelines - 5 Pages

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What is a 5S Audit Checklist?

A 5S audit checklist is a syst em used t o evaluat e 5S implement at ion in t he workplace. It helps
ensure t hat a workplace follows t he 5S principles: Seiri (Sort ), Seit on (Syst emat ize), Seiso (Shining),
Seiket su (St andardizing), and Shit suke (Sust aining). Following t he 5S met hod proposes 5 major long-
t erm benefit s:

Safet y & securit y

Wast e eliminat ion
Increased efficiency
Low implement at ion cost for high-impact performance
Development of a collaborat ive mindset among co-workers

3 Simple Steps to Implement 5S in your Workspace

Step #1: Make a Plan

Work t hrough each st ep of t he 5S principles and make a habit of doing t he following during planning:

Visualize t he work area

Look for wast e
Look for t he root cause of every problem
Develop st andards
Repeat t he process

Step #2: Bring Action

Implement 5S in your organizat ion by assigning a t rained employee or a t eam of workers t o do t he
following on a weekly basis:

1. Take a phot o of your workplace’s current st at us

2. Sort it ems needed and t o be disposed of. Det ermine t he it em’s frequency of use (daily, mont hly,
or never) iAuditor
and if it ’s st ill essent ial or defect ive and out dat ed.
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3. Organize and group it ems according t o use and funct ion. You may also add labels and apply a color
coding scheme for easy sort ing.
4. Clean t he workspace. Remove it ems t hat cause dirt , cont aminat ion, and filt h.
5. Conduct an audit t o review it ems you weren’t able t o deal wit h t hat day, including it ems you found
difficult t o classify or t ag for disposal. Est ablish an act ion plan (e.g., selling, donat ing, recycling or
t hrowing away it ems) for it ems t hat need t o be disposed of.
6. For review purposes, t ake a phot o of t he workspace aft er implement ing changes.

Step #3: Monitor

As one of t he core principles of kaizen, area supervisors or plant managers should do a mont hly and
quart erly audit t o ensure t hat 5S st andards are being met . Regular audit s also help keep t rack of
it ems and equipment so you can det ermine whet her t hey are in need of repairs or if somet hing is

5S Auditing Tool
Conduct digit al 5S audit s using iAudit or, t he world’s #1 inspect ion app, and capt ure phot os of it ems
t hat are no longer needed, not ify your t eam members or vendors t o work on urgent act ions, and
schedule 5s inspect ions t o promot e product ivit y best pract ices.

Writ e up addit ional not es

Take or at t ach phot os and add annot at ions
Save & share report s immediat ely
Sign off wit h digit al signat ures for account abilit y 

6 of the Best 5S Audit Checklists

General 5S Housekeeping Checklist

A General 5S Housekeeping Checklist is used t o organize workspaces and enable employees
t o perform t heir work efficient ly, effect ively, and safely. Use t his checklist and begin your 5S
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inspect ion by following t he guide below:

1. Describe nature of work and capture a photo of the workspace

2. Assess each principle (Sort & set-in-order, shine, standardize, and sustain)
3. Take and attach photos of red-tagged items
4. Add notes or comments on compliant or non-compliant items
5. Assign corrective actions to team members, provide a description, and set priority and due
6. Sign off with a digital signature from assigned employee

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5S Audit Checklist
This 5S Audit Checklist is a t ool used by area supervisors or plant managers t o perform
mont hly or quart erly audit s. Use t his checklist t o ensure t hat 5S principles and set st andards
are being followed and implement ed by workers.

1. Take and attach photo evidence of workspace

2. Conduct an inspection using your mobile phone or tablet
3. Add remarks or comments and assign corrective actions for non-compliant items
4. Promote accountability in doing audits by capturing the digital signature of area supervisor or
plant manager
5. Share comprehensive reports with members of your organization

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5S Manufacturing Checklist
Use t his 5S Manufact uring Checklist t o help your business improve product ivit y t hrough
workplace cleanliness and efficiency. This checklist can help ident ify t he unnecessary it ems
st ored in t he manufact uring sit e and ensure machines, equipment , and t ools are kept clean and
in working order. Use iAudit or t o generat e onsit e report s t hat capt ure phot o(s) evidence of
broken, unusable, or occasionally used it ems.

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5S Warehouse Checklist
5S Warehouse Checklist aims t o increase t he value of product s for cust omers. This can be
accomplished by eliminat ing wast e from warehouse product ion. This t emplat e would check if
floors, loading docks, and st orage areas are free from obst ruct ions or blockages. In addit ion,
forklift , mat erials, equipment , and cont ainers can be checked if st ored in t heir proper places.
Use iAudit or t o assign a correct ive act ion t o ot her employees and address areas for
improvement .

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5S in the Workplace Checklist

Use t his 5S in t he Workplace Checklist convert ed using iAudit or t o ident ify t he it ems t hat
need t o be removed from t he workplace. This inspect ion form will help you not e obsolet e,
broken or unnecessary workbenches, shelves, chairs, lockers, and ot her it ems t hat are not
required for project s. The checklist helps ensure t he allocat ion of t ime and resources for all
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employees t o part icipat e in 5S act ivit ies.

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5S O ice Checklist
Inspect t he cleanliness, order, and st ruct ure of your facilit ies by using t his 5S Office Checklist .
This checklist will help ensure t hat t he cabinet s, shelves, and files have labels t o allow
immediat e ident ificat ion. Ident ify if displays are t idy, free of clut t er, and up-t o-dat e. Use
iAudit or t o add comment s and recommendat ions on how t o maint ain a clean and organized

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Bonus! 6S Lean Safety Checklist

Safet y is t he addit ional S t o t he exist ing 5S program. 6S Lean focuses on what can be done t o
eliminat e risks in work processes. Use t he 6S Lean Safet y Checklist t o ident ify hazards or
pot ent ial risks while performing t asks in t he workplace. Use iAudit or t o conduct bet t er 6S
inspect ions t o provide risk rat ing and hazard cont rol measures t o be implement ed. Take a
phot o of st eps or act ivit y conduct ed and generat e report onsit e. Learn more about t he 6S
met hod here.

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