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Dynamic Scheimpflug Ocular Biomechanical Parameters in Healthy and Medically Controlled Glaucoma Eyes

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Dynamic Scheimpflug Ocular Biomechanical Parameters

in Healthy and Medically Controlled Glaucoma Eyes
Atsuya Miki, MD, PhD,* Yuichi Yasukura, MD,*† Robert N. Weinreb, MD,‡
Tomomi Yamada, PhD,§ Shizuka Koh, MD, PhD,*∥
Tomoko Asai, MD, PhD,*¶ Yasushi Ikuno, MD,*#
Naoyuki Maeda, MD, PhD,* and Kohji Nishida, MD, PhD*

Results: In multivariable models, glaucoma was negatively corre-

Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between biomechanical lated with A1 time (P < 0.001, coefficient = −0.5535), A2 time
parameters measured with a dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer and (P = 0.008, coefficient = −0.1509), radius (P = 0.011, coefficient =
glaucoma. −0.4034), and whole eye movement (P < 0.001, coefficient =
−0.0622). Negative correlation between glaucoma and 3 parameters
Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional observational data of 47 eyes (A1 time, A2 time, and radius) consistently indicate larger
of 47 consecutive subjects with medically controlled primary open- deformability of the cornea and negative correlation between
angle glaucoma and 75 eyes of 75 healthy subjects examined with a glaucoma and whole eye movement indicate smaller eye movement,
dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer (Corvis ST) were retrospectively in glaucoma eyes. There were significant correlations of many bio-
investigated. Eight biomechanical parameters were compared mechanical parameters with other baseline factors (8 parameters
between eyes with and without glaucoma using multivariable with IOP, 2 with central corneal thickness, 4 with age, and 7 with
models adjusting for intraocular pressure (IOP), central corneal axial length).
thickness, age, and axial length.
Conclusions: Eyes with medically controlled glaucoma were more
deformable than healthy eyes, which may increase the risk of optic
nerve damage through an underestimation of IOP and bio-
Received for publication January 11, 2019; accepted March 24, 2019. mechanical vulnerability of the globe. Many parameters showed a
From the *Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Graduate
significant correlation with baseline factors, suggesting the impor-
School of Medicine; †Department of Ophthalmology, Yodogawa
Christian Hospital; §Department of Medical Innovation, Data tance of adjustment for these confounding factors when evaluating
Coordinating Center, Osaka University Hospital; ∥Department of the correlation between biomechanical parameters and ocular dis-
Innovative Visual Science, Osaka University Graduate School of eases. These results suggest the relevance of measuring biomechanical
Medicine; #Ikuno Eye Center, Osaka; ¶Asai Eye Clinic, Hyogo, properties of glaucoma eyes for accurate IOP measurement and risk
Japan; and ‡Viterbi Department of Ophthalmology and Shiley Eye assessment.
Institute, Hamilton Glaucoma Center, University of California, San
Diego, La Jolla, CA. Key Words: glaucoma, biomechanics, cornea, intraocular pressure,
Disclosure: A.M.: reports personal fees from Santen Pharmaceutical, Scheimpflug photography
Pfizer Japan, Kowa Co. Ltd., Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Alcon Pharma,
Scampo Pharma, Senju Pharmaceutical, Novartis Pharma, Topcon, (J Glaucoma 2019;28:588–592)
Ellex Inc., HOYA, and JFC sales plan, and a grant from JSPS,
outside the submitted work. R.N.W.: reports research support from
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Genentech, Heidelberg Engineering, Konan,
Optovue, Tomey, Topcon, Allergan, Bausch & Lomb, ForSight, and
Unity, National Eye Institute (R01EY029058) and an unrestricted
grant from Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY). S.K.:
reports personal fees from Johnson & Johnson, Alcon Pharma,
C linical relevance of cornea-related factors to glaucoma
is evidenced by studies reporting the association
between thin cornea and an increased risk for glaucoma.1
Santen Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, Menicon, Oculus, Positive correlation between corneal thickness and measured
Shire, and SEED, and research support from JSPS and Johnson &
Johnson, outside the submitted work. Y.I.: reports personal fees from
intraocular pressure (IOP) is one possible mechanism link-
Novartis, Bayer, Alcon Surgical, Senju Pharmaceutical, Santen, and ing cornea to glaucoma.2 However, biomechanical proper-
research support from Tomey, outside the submitted work. N.M.: ties of the cornea could have a more significant impact on
reports personal fees from Santen Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Pharma- glaucoma susceptibility than corneal thickness, which is
ceuticals, Topcon, Abbott Medical Optics, Johnson & Johnson, and
Tomey, and research support from Alcon Laboratories, outside the
only one aspect of biomechanical properties.3 In addition,
submitted work. K.N.: reports personal fees from Otsuka Pharma- the biomechanical characteristics of the cornea might
ceutical, Abbott Medical Optics Japan, HOYA, Wacamoto, MSD, somehow reflect those of the optic nerve head (ONH) and
Pfizer, Novartis, Santen, Johnson & Johnson, Senju, and Takeda, and the peripapillary sclera. Therefore, evaluation of ocular
research support from Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, HOYA, Wakamoto,
Pfizer, Novartis, Santen, and Menicon, and grants from NIBIOHN,
biomechanics in glaucoma eyes is necessary for accurately
MEXT, NEDO, and JSPS, outside the submitted work. The estimating IOP and calculating risk for glaucoma.
remaining authors declare no conflict of interest. The ocular response analyzer (ORA) was the first clinical
Reprints: Atsuya Miki, MD, PhD, Department of Ophthalmology, device for in vivo evaluation of biomechanical properties by
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-2 Yamada-Oka,
Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan (e-mail: amiki@ophthal.med.osaka-u.
measuring an applied force-displacement relationship during
ac.jp). air-puff tonometry.4 The ORA measures corneal hysteresis
Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Direct URL (CH), the difference between the inward applanation pressure
citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and the outward applanation pressure.4,5 Previous studies
and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s website, www.
have shown associations between CH and glaucoma.6–8
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. However, the ORA has not been widely used because of its
DOI: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001268 limitations as a diagnostic tool.5

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J Glaucoma  Volume 28, Number 7, July 2019 Corneal Biomechanical Parameters in Glaucoma

Another device, the dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer The axial length was measured by laser interferometry (IOL-
(Corvis ST, Oculus, Germany), captures ultra–high-speed Master; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany). All participants
dynamic images of the cornea during air-puff–induced underwent corneal deformation response measurements using
deformation.9 It is potentially superior to simply measure the Corvis ST. The high-speed Scheimpflug camera obtains 140
CH in that it provides a variety of biomechanical parame- images in the horizontal section of the cornea and anterior
ters and compensates for the movement of whole globe. chamber up to 8.5 mm in diameter with a resolution of
Alterations of dynamic Scheimpflug parameters in glau- 640×480 pixels and a speed of 4330 frames/s. This imaging
comatous eyes have been reported.10–13 However, results of system allows visualization of the corneal reaction to an air
these previous studies are discrepant, which may be impulse. Parameters were calculated in 3 defined states during
explained in part by the confounding effects of other base- deformation as follows: inward applanation or applanation 1
line factors such as IOP, central corneal thickness (CCT), (A1), outward applanation or applanation 2 (A2), and highest
age, and axial length.11,9–16 Most previous studies compen- concavity (HC) (Fig. 1). The applanation phase was defined as
sate for none or only a part of these factors.10–13 Therefore, the transition from a convex to a concave shape (A1) or from a
re-evaluation of the relationship between glaucoma and concave to a convex shape (A2). The HC is the time at which
Corvis parameters with adjustments for possible confound- the cornea is maximally deformed. The new analysis software
ing factors is required. (version 1.3r1538) of the dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer pro-
In this study, we investigated the difference in bio- vides 38 parameters, including IOP, CCT, and 36 parameters
mechanical parameters measured with the dynamic Scheimp- that show the deformation responses. Analyses of too many
flug analyzer between glaucomatous eyes and healthy eyes. parameters may cause confusion and an issue with multiple
comparisons. Therefore, we selected 8 relevant parameters that
MATERIALS AND METHODS showed (1) excellent or good reproducibility in our previous
investigation18 and (2) correlation with clinical factors other
Participants and Design than IOP in previous studies. Relevant parameters include time
This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, observational and velocity at applanation (A1 and A2),16 deflection ampli-
study investigating consecutive patients with glaucoma and tude (DeflA), peak distance (PD), and radius of curvature at
healthy subjects who were examined using the Corvis ST HC (radius), and whole eye movement (WEM). We selected
from June 2012 to October 2017 at Osaka University Hos- DeflA as a parameter showing the vertical movement of the
pital. Exclusion criteria included closed angles, secondary corneal apex, instead of deformation amplitude (DA) which
causes of glaucoma, history of any intraocular or corneal was investigated in many previous studies. DeflA can be
surgery, or other intraocular diseases except for cataract. interpreted as an improved version of DA, in that WEM is
Approximately 10.3% of the examinations were excluded compensated for in the DeflA but not in the DA. The 8 rele-
from the research database because “QS” was not OK. QS is vant parameters are detailed in Table 1 (Supplementary Digital
a quality score for the reliability of the measurements which Content, http://links.lww.com/IJG/A263). The details of all 36
is calculated by the analyzing software based on edge Corvis parameters are listed in Table (Supplementary Digital
detection, alignment, and pressure property. Glaucoma was Content 1, http://links.lww.com/IJG/A257).
defined by the optic disc appearance (presence of neuro-
retinal rim thinning, excavation, notching, or characteristic Statistical Analysis
retinal nerve fiber layer defect) based on fundus photog- Descriptive statistics such as the mean, SD, and range
raphy and corresponding visual field abnormality in stand- were computed for the baseline clinical factors and Corvis
ard automated perimetry based on Anderson and Patella parameters to describe the study population. Differences in
criteria17 of 1 or more of the following: a cluster of 3 or biomechanical parameters between glaucomatous and healthy
more nonedge points with a P < 5%, including 1 point or eyes were evaluated using multivariable linear regression
more with a P < 1%, on the pattern deviation map in at least models. For each Corvis parameter, a set of multivariable
1 hemifield; a pattern SD with a P < 5%; or glaucoma linear regression models were fit with type (glaucoma vs.
hemifield test results outside the normal limits. The healthy healthy), IOP, CCT, age, and axial length as predictors.
group consisted of patients with cataract or myopia with Before multivariable analyses, the absence of apparent non-
any other disease. If both the eyes were eligible, one eye was linear relationships between covariates and outcomes were
randomly enrolled in the healthy group, and an eye with confirmed by examining scatterplots for each variable. The
better visual field sensitivity was selected in the glaucoma Benjamini and Hochberg method was used to adjust for
group. This study was conducted as a part of the non- the multiple comparisons for multivariable analyses, with the
invasive, noncontact anterior segment imaging study. The false discovery rate value < 0.05 was considered significant.19
study protocol adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of For reference, multivariable analyses of all 36 parameters were
Helsinki and was approved by the institutional review board performed afterward. All statistical analyses were performed
of Osaka University Hospital. The institutional review using the statistical programming language R (R Foundation for
board waived the need for written informed consent because Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).
of the noninvasive and retrospective nature of the study.
The protocol of the study has been published on the RESULTS
department’s Web site (http://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/
ophthal/www/attend/research/index.html). Descriptive Statistics
Forty-seven subjects with glaucoma and 75 healthy
Examinations subjects were included. There was no significant difference in
Baseline demographic data such as age and ocular data age and axial length between glaucomatous and healthy
such as refractive error, axial length, and lens status were col- subjects. Average CCT of glaucomatous eyes was significantly
lected from the medical charts. All of these ocular examinations thinner than that of healthy eyes (P < 0.001). The mean
were performed within 3 months of the Corvis measurement. number of topical antiglaucoma medications in the glaucoma

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Miki et al J Glaucoma  Volume 28, Number 7, July 2019

were analyzed in multivariable regression models including

IOP, CCT, age, axial length, and group as covariates.
Results of the multivariable regression analyses are sum-
marized in Table 4 (Supplementary Digital Content, http://
links.lww.com/IJG/A263). Four parameters (A1T, A2T,
radius, and WEM) showed significantly smaller values in
glaucoma eyes than healthy eyes. IOP showed positive
association with 3 parameters (A1T, A2V, and radius), and
negative association with 5 parameters (A1V, A2T,
HCDeflA, PD, and WEM). CCT showed positive associa-
tion with 2 parameters (A2T and radius). Age showed
positive association with 2 parameters (radius and WEM),
and negative association with 2 parameters (A1V and A2T).
Axial length showed positive association with 3 parameters
(A1T, HCDeflA, and PD), and negative association with 3
parameters (A2T, A2V, radius, and WEM). Results of the
multivariable analyses of all 36 parameters are listed in
Table (Supplementary Digital Content 2, http://links.lww.

Glaucomatous eyes showed distinct biomechanical prop-
erties from those of healthy eyes (table 4, Supplementary
Digital Content, http://links.lww.com/IJG/A263). They were
less resistant to deformation (compliant) than healthy control
eyes as demonstrated by easier applanation (smaller A1T) and
steeper deformation (smaller radius). Previous studies have
shown that larger deformability of the cornea lead to under-
estimation of IOP.3,20 Larger deformability of glaucomatous
eyes may increase the risk for development and progression of
glaucomatous damage through underestimation of IOP3,20 and
vulnerability of ocular tissues to pressure-induced damage.
Results of this study also suggest lower CH (as shown by
smaller A1T and A2T) in glaucomatous eyes, which is in
agreement with previous studies using ORA.6 Lower CH was
shown to be associated with increased risk of glaucoma
progression.6,8 Together, the dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer
provides information about biomechanical properties such as
deformability or hysteresis, which are related to pathophysio-
logy of glaucoma. The WEM was also significantly altered in
glaucoma eyes (smaller in glaucomatous eyes). The dynamic
Scheimpflug analyzer, unlike the ORA, can compensate for the
FIGURE 1. Schematic presentations of the defined status and movement of the eye. The observation that WEM per se was
parameters of the Corvis ST during corneal deformation
influenced by the existence of glaucoma supports our notion
responses. A, The applanation status, defined as the transition
from a convex to a concave shape (applanation 1) or a concave to that DeflA (corneal movement with compensation for the
a convex shape (applanation 2). The line indicates the flattened WEM) is more appropriate than DA (without compensation)
(applanated) area of the cornea. B, Highest concavity (HC): the to evaluate the properties of the cornea,16 and shows potential
time at which the cornea is maximally deformed. C, Radius of advantages of the dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer over the
curvature (arc), and deflection amplitude (arrow) were calculated ORA.
at the HC. D, Peak distance (arrow) is also calculated at the HC. Recently, a biomechanical hypothesis of glaucomatous
E, Whole eye movement is determined by the movement of the optic neuropathy, in which the overall magnitude of the
edge points of the cornea. Figure 1 can be viewed in color online optic nerve damage is determined by the interaction between
at www.glaucomajournal.com.
IOP-related stress and biomechanical properties of the
ONH, has attracted much attention.21 Seen from this
group was 1.8 ± 1.2 (range, 1 to 5). Baseline characteristics of viewpoint, it is necessary to measure biomechanical prop-
enrolled subjects are summarized in Table 2 (Supplementary erties of the eye not only to accurately measure IOP but to
Digital Content, http://links.lww.com/IJG/A263). predict IOP-induced optic nerve damage and to optimize
IOP-lowering therapy to halt it. Although it is impossible to
Biomechanical Parameters in Glaucomatous directly measure biomechanical properties of the ONH in a
Versus Healthy Eyes clinical setting, previous studies suggested inter-relation
Values of 8 clinically relevant biomechanical parame- between biomechanical properties of the cornea and those of
ters in glaucomatous and healthy subjects are shown in the ONH.7,22 Larger corneal deformability in glaucoma eyes
Table 3 (Supplementary Digital Content, http://links.lww. in this study may be related to hypercompliance of the ONH
com/IJG/A263). All of the relevant 8 Corvis parameters reported in previous experimental studies.23 Further study is

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J Glaucoma  Volume 28, Number 7, July 2019 Corneal Biomechanical Parameters in Glaucoma

necessary to elucidate the possible interrelation between appropriate to look at the impact of these factors on bio-
biomechanical properties of various ocular tissues. mechanical parameters. The current study enrolled only primary
We selected 8 relevant biomechanical parameters based open-angle glaucoma patients; hence the results cannot be
on reproducibility and correlation with baseline factors in directly extrapolated to other types of glaucoma such as angle-
our previous investigation.16,18 Relevant biomechanical closure glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, and preperimetric glau-
parameters include 2 parameters in A1, 2 parameters in A2, coma. Future work should, therefore, be designed to evaluate the
3 parameters at HC, and the WEM. Because the air pressure influence of factors that were not sufficiently investigated in this
increases with time in the inward indentation phase, smaller study, such as race, disease severity, and treatment on bio-
A1T means smaller pressure is necessary to applanate the mechanical parameters. In addition, prognostic value of the
cornea, thus suggesting easier applanation (larger deform- Corvis parameters regarding disease progression has not been
ability). A1V is the velocity of the corneal movement at A1, clarified, thus requiring further longitudinal research in future.
thus larger A1V means larger deformability. A2 parameters In conclusion, this study demonstrated significant differ-
also show ease of applanation as A1 parameters but in ences in ocular biomechanical properties between glaucoma-
opposite direction. Thus, larger A2T value and smaller A2V tous and healthy eyes in multivariable analyses controlled for
show easier applanation. However, A2 parameters should IOP, CCT, age, and axial length. Eyes with medically con-
also be considered in relation to A1 parameters; A2 pressure trolled primary open-angle glaucoma demonstrated larger
is smaller than A1 pressure, and the difference between A1 deformability of the cornea compared with healthy eyes, which
and A2 pressure is called CH.4,5 In this study, glaucomatous may influence the susceptibility to glaucoma through an
eyes exhibited smaller A1T (smaller A1 pressure) and A2T underestimation of IOP and biomechanical vulnerability of the
(greater A2 pressure), which means smaller CH in glau- globe. Studies on ocular biomechanical parameters should lead
comatous eyes. HCDeflA and PD are maximum corneal to better understanding of pathophysiology and more accurate
deformation in vertical and horizontal directions, respec- risk assessment of glaucoma.
tively. Thus, larger values of these parameters simply show
larger deformability of the cornea. DeflA is an improved REFERENCES
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