Syllabus: Department of Business Administration
Syllabus: Department of Business Administration
Syllabus: Department of Business Administration
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With a view to bring about greater reliability, validity and objectivity in the
examination system and also for closer integration of teaching, learning and
(i) The syllabus has been divided into units. Questions will be set from each unit
with provision for internal choice.
(ii) In order to ensure that students do not leave out important portion of the
syllabus, examiners shall be free to repeat the questions set in the previous
[Ref. Resolution No. 21 (c) of Academic Council dated 9-2-84]
The examinees be permitted to use their personal transistorized pocket battery
operated calculators in the examinations. The calculator to be used by the
candidates in the examinations should not have more than
12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories a n d s h ould be noiseless and cordless. A
calculator belonging to one candidate shall not be allowed to be used by another
candidate. The Superintendent of the centre will have complete discretion to
disallow the use of a calculator which does not confirm to the above specification.
[Ref. Res. No. 6/90 of Academic Council dated 20th July, 1990]
In Engineering and any other examinations where the use of calculators is already
permitted, it shall remain undisturbed.
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The Department offers the following programmes of teaching and research :
B.Com. (In combination with other Department of the Faculty)
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The Examination for the degree of M.Com. Business Administration will consist of
two parts : (1) Previous Examination, and (2) Final Examination.
M.Com. Previous (400 marks) : A written examination in four compulsory papers,
each paper being of 100 marks.
M.Com. Final (500 marks) : A written examination in Two compulsory papers
and remaining three papers will be the Optional Group offered in Final Examination,
each paper being of 100 marks.
To pass M.Com. (Previous and Final) Examination a candidate is required to
secure at least 25 per cent marks in each paper, and 36 per cent marks in the
aggregate of subjects concerned in each of the examination separately.
Successful candidates will be placed in the following divisions on the basis of the
marks obtained in Previous and Final examination taken together.
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Paper I 6 3 100 25
Paper II 6 3 100 25
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Optional Groups :
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M.Com. Previous Examination, 2017
Compulsory Papers
Unit 1 : An overview of strategic Management : Defining Strategy, levels at
which strategy operates; Approaches to strategic decision making; strategic
intent, vision,
Mission, Business definition, objectives and goals, Environmental analysis and
Diagnosis : concept of e n v i r o n m e n t a n d i t s c o m p o n e n t s ; E n v i r o n
m e n t scanning and appraisal, Organisation appraisal, Strategic advantage
analysis and diagnosis
Unit 2 : Corporate-level strategies : Grand, Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment,
combination strategies, Corporate Restructuring. Business-level/strategies:
Generic and tactics for business strategies
Unit 3 : Strategic Analysis and choice : Process of strategic choice, corporate and
business level strategic analysis, Subjective factors in strategic choice,
contingency strategies and strategic plan
Unit 4 : Activating Strategies : Interrelationship between formulation and
implementation, Aspects of strategy Implementation, Project and Procedural
Implementation. Resource allocation. Structural and Behavioural
Unit 5 : Functional and Operational Implementation : Financial, Marketing,
operations/production, Personnel plans and policies, information,
Integration of functional plans and policies. Strategic evaluation and
control; Techniques of strategic evaluation and control
Azhar Kazmi: Business Policy and strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2005
Jain, P.C. : Strategies Management (Hindi), 2005
Bhattacharry, S.K. And N. Venkataramin :Managing Business Enterprises:
Strategies, Structures and Systems, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004
Budhiraja, S.B. And Athreya, M.B.: Cases in Strategies Management, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 1996
Coulter, Mary K.: Strategies Management in Action, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2005
David, Fred R. : Strategies Management, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2005
Glueck, William F. And Lawrence R. Jauch : Business Policy and Strategic
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Management. McGraw-Hill, International Edition, 1988
H. Igor, Ansoff : Implanting Strategic Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
Michal, E. Portor : The Competitive Advantage of Nations, McMillan, New Delhi
Mintzgerg, Henry and James, Brian Quinn : The Strategy Process, Pearson
Education, Delhi, 2003
Newman, William H. And James, P. Logan : Strategy, Policy and Central
Management, South Western Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
Sharma, R.A. : Strategic Management in Indian Companies, Deep and Deep
Publications, New Delhi
Peters, T.J. And R.H. Waterman, Jr. In Search of Excellence, Harper and Row, New
Ramaswamy, V.S. and S. Namakumari, Strategie Planing : Formulation of Corporate
Strategy, Text and Cases. The Indian Context. Macmillan India Delhi, 2001
Unit 1 : Marketing : Concept , old , new including Meta Marketing and Social
Marketing. Functions, Importance, Marketing Mix, Marketing Organisation,
Purpose, Basis, Forms, Marketing vs. Sales, Marketing segmentation,
marketing in a developing economy
Unit 2 : Marketing Research : Meaning, Importance, Areas Elementary study of
methods and Procedure, Product Planning : Definition, Terms, Scope,
Branding, Packaging. Development of New Products, Product Life Cycle,
Diversification, Simplification. Consumer Behaviour, Concept, Buying
Process, Economic, Social and Psychological Determinants of Consumer
Unit 3 : Pricing: Meaning, Importance, Affecting Factors, Pricing Policies,
Marketing Communication-Meaning, Importance, Marketing
Communication through- Product, Price, Place, Promotion
Unit 4 : Advertising : Concepts, Purpose, Planning Advertising Media, Advertising
Effectiveness, Public Relations, Concept and Relevance.
Sales Promotion-Meaning Objective and Role, The variety of Promotion
Tools and their suitability in given situation-Sales promotion programme:
Development; Implementation, controlling and Evaluation.
Personal Selling : Meaning factors affecting personal selling. The selling
Process, follow up after sales, Relationship Management.
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Unit 5 : Marketing Logistics (Physical Distribution) : Components, Function Objectives-
Marketing planning and Control : Concept and Relevance.
Channels of Distribution : Meaning and Importance. Types of channels,
Factor Affecting Choice of Channels, Channels policies, Management of Channel
Still, Condiff and Govani : Fundamental of Modern Marketing
Kotler, Philip : Marketing Management-Analysis, Planning and Control
Stanton, W.J. : Fundamentals of Marketing
Davar, R.S.: Modern Marketing Management
Johnson, L.K.: Sales and Marketing Management
Neelameghan, S. (Ed.) : Marketing Management and the Indian Economy
Srivastave, P. Kumar : Marketing in India
Phelps, D.M. and Westing, J.H. : Marketing Management
Ghandi, J.C. : Marketing : A Management Approach
Stand, T.A. and Taylor, D.A: A Management Approach of Marketing
Agrawal, R.C. and Kothari, N.S. : Vipnan Prabandh {Hindi}
Kumbhat, J.R.: Vipnan Prabandh (Hindi)
Bhadada, B.M. and Porwal, B.L. : Vipnan Prabandh ke Siddhant evam Vyavahar
Unit 1 : Human Aspect of Management, Human Relations, Personnel
Management, Human Resource Management: Concept, Scope, Importance
and Functions, H.R.
Organisation-Line and Staff relationship, Human Resource Management in
India, Concept of Quality Circle, TQM, Empowerment
Unit 2 : Human Resource Planning : Meaning, Objectives and Significance,
Process, Human Resource Forecasting. Job Description and Job
specifications, Job design approaches
Unit 3 : Recruitment: Sources, Method, Selection : Process, tests. Training
and Development : Objectives, Methods and evaluation of training and
development programme . Career planning and development methods.
Unit 4 : Compensation Management-Job evaluation: Techniques, wages and salary
administration. Incentive payments. Performance appraisal: concept,
objectives and techniques, job changes transfer promotion and separation.
Human Resource Audit.
Unit 5 : Ethical Issues in HRM : Nature and Need, H.R.Ethical issues. Challengers of
HRM. International Human Resource Management, Domestic HRM and IHRM
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Compared, Managing International H.R. Activities
Gomez-Meija, Luis R.,D.B.Balkin and R.L. Cardy: Managing Human Resources,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1998
D’Cenzo, David A. and Stephan P. Robbins: Human Resource Management, John Wiley
and Sons, New Delhi, 2001
Ian, Beardwell and Len Holden : Human Resource Management, Macmillan, Delhi, 1998
Dessler, Garry : Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India, 7th Ed., 1998
Saiyadain, Mirza S. : Human Resource Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1999
Chhabra T.N.: Human Resource Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1999
Flippo, Edwin B.: Principles of Personnel Management, McGraw Hill, New York
Dwivedi, R.S. : Managing Human Resources : Personnel Management in Indian
Enterprises, Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2000
Harzing, A.W. And Joris Van Ruysseveldt : International Human Resource Management :
An Integrated Approach, Sage Publication, London, 1999
Dowling, Peter J., D E. Welch and R.S. Schuller : International Human Resource
Management : Managing People in a Multiple Context, South Western College
Publishing Cincinnati, 1999
Sharma and Surana : Sevivargiya Prabhandh evam Audhyogik Sambandh (Hindi)
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Unit 1 : Financial Management : Meaning, Objectives, Scope and Functions of
Finance Manager, Ratio Analysis, The Finance Function : Concept and
Unit 2 : Capital Budgeting: Conventional and Non-conventional appraisal techniques
of Capital Budgeting and their relative merits and demerits; Analysis of selected
investment decisions. Concept and measurement of cost of Capital
Unit 3 : Planning Capital Structure : Raising long term funds, Approaches : Net
Operating Income (NOI) Approach, Net-Income (NI) Approach and Modigliani
and Miller (MM) Hypothesis. Indifference point of Earning before Interest and
Tax (EBIT) Earning per share (EPS)
Unit 4 : Dividend Policy : Meaning, Requisities of a good dividend Policy,
Models; Walter Model, Gordon Model, Modigliant and Miller (MM)
Unit 5 : Working Capital Management : Concept, Operating Cycle, Product Life
Cycle, Factors affecting Working Capital : Functions and Components of
Working Capital; Ratios relating to Working Capital; Estimation of Working
Capital : Cash, Cost and operating Cycle methods , Cash Management:
Receivables an Inventory management
Bierman, H. : Financial Policy Decisions, Macmillan
Bierman, H. and Smidt, S. : The Capital Budgeting Decisions, Macmillan
Fama, E.F. and Miller, M.H. : The Theory of Finance, Holt, Rinchart and Winston
Hunt, P., Williams, C.M. and Donaldson, G.: Basis Business Finance
Richard D. Irwin Van Horne, J.C. : Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall
Kuchhal, S.C. : Financial Planning An Analytical Approach, Chaitanya Publishing
Ramchandran, H. : Financial Planning and Control, S.Chand and Co. Lawrence, D. Sohall
and Chanles W. Haley : Introduction to Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill
Agarwal and Agarwal : Financial Management (Hindi), Ramesh Book Depot., Jaipur
Malodia, G.L. : Financial Management (Hindi and English), Jodhpur Publishing
House, Jodhpur
Khan and Jain : Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill Co.
Ravi M. Cishore : Financial Management, Taxmann’s Publications
S.N. Maheshwari : Financial Management, Sultan Chand and Co.
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M.Com. Final Business Administration, Examination-2017
Compulsory Paper-I
Unit 1: Manager and Organizational Behaviour: Managerial Roles and Skills, Environmental
Forces: Meaning, Characteristics, key elements and Evolution of Organizational
Behaviour (OB); Research on Organizational Behaviour; Biological Foundations of
Behaviour; Biological foundation Inherited and Learned Characteristics of
Unit 2: Individual Dimension of OB: Motives and Behaviour; Personality and Behaviour:
Perception and Behaviour; Learning and Behaviour; Theories of Motivation;
Expectancy Theory; Equity Theory; Reinforcement Theory; Goal Theory; Job Stress:
Meaning and Sources; Stress moderators; Consequences and Management of Stress.
Unit 3: Groups and Leadership: Meaning and Classification of Group; Reasons for group
formation; Conditions imposed on the Group; Group Member Resource; Group
Structure; Group Cohesiveness, Committees: Nature and functions; Advantage and
Disadvantage; Guidelines for effectivity. Leadership: Meaning and Roles in
Organization; Major approaches; Leadership styles; Distinction between Manager
and leader; Theories: Ohio and Michigan studies; Fiedler’s Contingency Model;
Hersey and Blanchard’s model; Path- Goal Theory.
Unit 4: Power, Politics and Conflict: Power; Meaning, Sources and Bases; How Power
influences Behaviour; Impression management; Defensive Behaviour; Rational
versus Political Behaviour; Acquiring and exercising Political Power, Conflict:
Meaning, Nature, Sources and Types; Effect of Inter-Group conflict handling and
Resolution; P; Preventing and stimulating conflict.
Luthans, Fred: Organizational Behaviour.
Davis Keith: Human Behaviour at Work.
Stogdill, R.M.: Hand Book at Leadership.
Hersey, Paul and Blanchard, K.H.: Management of Organizational Behaviour.
Korman, Abraham, K: Organizational Behaviour.
Bennis and Thomas(ed): Management of Change and Conflicts.
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Drucker, Peter, P: The Effective Executive.
Sharma J.K.: Leadership Styles and Effectiveness of Potential mangers. Sheel Write Pvt. Jaipur.
Dr. M.L. Dashora: Sangathan Sidhant and Vyavhar (Hindi).
Dr. P.C. Jain: Sangathanatmak Vyavhar (Hindi).
K. Aswathappa : Organization Behaviour.
K. Aswathappa and G. Sudarsana Reddy: Management and Organization Behaviour.
G.S. Sudha: Management concept and Organization Behaviour.
Unit 1: Research: Meaning, Types, Research and the Managerial Process, Management
Research and the Social Science, Fundamental/ Applied Approaches: Historical /
Experimental / Exploratory Methodology.
Unit 4: Sampling: Different Types, Determination of Sample Size, Selection of Sample. Case
Study: Meaning, assumptions procedure, merits and limitation.
Unit 5: Research Report: General Principles and Practice. Layout of Research Report, Types
of Reports, Mechanics of writing Research Report. Computer and Research.
Rummel, J.F. and Ballaine, W.C.: Research Methodology in Business, Harper and Row,
New York.
Kerlinger. F.N.: Foundations of Behavioural Research.
Hughes, J.: The Philosophy of Social Research, Longman, London.
Blalock, H.M.: An Introduction to Social Research, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Bailey, K.D.: Methods of Social Research, Free Press, New York.
Kothari, C.R. : Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New
Campbel : Form and Style in Thesis Writing ( William Gileo).
Trivedi, R.N. and Shukla, D.P. : Research Methodology (Hindi Edition) College Book
Depot, Jaipur.
Satpal Runela : Sarvekeshan Anusandhan Aur Sankhiki (Hindi Edition) Vikas
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Publishing, New Delhi.
Sharma C.L.: Samajik Anushandhan Evam Surveykshan (Hindi Edition) Rajasthan Hindi
Granth Acadamy, Jaipur.
Nahar and Khanna: Samajik Anushandhan Evam Surveykshan (Hindi Edition) Jain Book
Depot, Jodhpur.
Mukarjee R.N.: Samajik Shodh evam Sankhiki (Hindi Edition) Vivek Prakashan, Delhi.
Optional Paper
Unit 1: Nature, Concept, Definition, Scope, Objectives, Goals, Importance, Principles, and
Functions of HRD; Approaches to HRD. Essentials of a good HRD System;
Competencies of HRD Manager; Role and Responsibilities of HRD Manager;
Organisation of HRD Function; HRM and HRD. Challenges of HRD. HRD Systems;
HRD Strategies; Designing HRD strategy; Future Challenges to HRD Strategy; HRD
Unit 3: Concept, Definition and Component of Learning; Learning Cycle; Learning Pyramid;
Learning Model; Approaches to and process of learning; Business Priority of
learning; Pitfalls of learning. Concept and Definition of Learning Organisation;
Organisational Learning Culture; HRD and its role in Learning Organisation; E-
Learning, Self-Directed Learning.
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Performance Appraisal System; Types and Benefits of Performance Appraisal;
Potential Appraisal.
Tapomoy Deb, Human Resource Development: Theory and Practice. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010,
New Delhi.
Udai Pareek and T.V. Rao : Designing and Managing Human Resource System, 1981,
Oxford and IBM, New Delhi.
T.V. Rao and D.F. Pereira, (eds.): Recent Experiences in HRD 1985, Oxford and IBM, New Delhi.
A.K. Khandelwal : HRD in Bank, 1988, Oxford and IBM, New Delhi.
D.M. Silvera : Human Resources Development, The Indian Experience. Oxford and IBM, 1988.
Santwana Choudhari : Quality Circle-Indian Experience, NIPM, 1992, Culcutta.
Davis Keit : Human Behaviour at Work, New York, McGraw Hill.
Geisler : Manpower Planning : An Emerging Staff Function, American Management
Association, New York.
Marvin Karline : The Human use of Human Resources, New York, McGraw Hill.
Sharma, J.K. : Leadership Styles and Effectiveness of potential Managers, Sheel Write Pvt. Ltd.
Unit 1:Industrial Relations : concept and Parties, Rise and Growth, Industrial
Relations and Human Relations, Changing pattern of Industrial settlement,
State action
Unit 2: Trade Unions: Problems and remedies, Recent Trends in Trade Union
Movement in India, Employers, Organizations and their role
Unit 3: Collective Bargaining: Concept, Need, Process-Collective Bargaining in India:
Progress, Prerequisites for success, Wage Boards
Unit 4: Worker’s Participation in Management Concept, Need, Objectives of
Participation- Indian Scene : Forms, Progress, Barriers, Remedial Measures
Unit 5: International Labour Organization : Objectives, Principles, Functions,
Organization, impact of ILO on Indian Labour, Labour Productivity : Concept,
Causes of low Productivity. Measures for improving productivity
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Myres, C.A. : Industrial Relations in India
Pigors and Myres : Reading in Personnel Administration
Agrwal, R.D. : Dynamics of Labour Relations
Punekar, S. : Industrial Peace in India
Vaid, K.N. : Labour Management Relation in India
Shrivastava G.L. : Collective Bargaining and Labour Management Relations in India
Agnihotri, V. : Industrial Relations
Sharma,Surana and Srivastava: Prabandh evam Audhyogic Sambandh, Hindi
Tanic Zivan : Participation in Management
Unit 1: Need for Labour Legislation, Principles of Labour
Legislation, Factories Act, 1948
Unit 2: Concept of Wages; Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act,
Unit 3: Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Machinery for settlement of Industrial
Dispute; Provisions regarding Strikes and Lockouts, Retrenchment and
Unit 4: Social Security: Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923, Employee’s State
Insurance Act, 1948
Unit 5: Provident Fund Act, 1952
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
Trade Unions Act, 1926
Bare Acts
Sanaray : Industrial and Labour Laws of India
Bhar, B.K. : A Hand Book of Industrial Law
Shukla, S.M. : Audhyogic Sanniyam, Hindi
Saxena, S.C. : Audhyogic saniyam, Hindi
Mathur and Sexena : Vyaparik evam Audhyogic Sanniyam, Hindi
Vaid, K.N. : State and Labour in India
Chawla and Garg : A Text Book of Industrial Law
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Unit 3: Retail Planning - Purpose, Method, Structure and Monitoring the Plan; Retail
Marketing mix - Strategies; Retail Brand Management- Positioning, Personality,
Merchandise Management: Meaning, Methods, Assortment and Inventory; Purchase
Negotiation, Supply Channel and Relationship, SCM.
Unit 4: Retail Location Decisions – Trading Area Analysis, Types of Locations; Site
Evaluation; Store Design - Layout and Space Management; Visual Merchandising and
Displays; Retail Pricing - Approaches, Influencing Factors.
Retail Promotion - Setting Objectives, Role of Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal
Selling, Public Relations and Relationship Marketing in Retailing; Human Resource
Issues and Considerations, Customer Service Management.
Michael Levy, Barton Weitz : Retail Management, McGraw Hill.
Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Arya, Nidhi Varma Srivatava : Retail Management, Oxford Publishing.
Tapan K. Panda, Sunil Sahadev : Sales and Distribution Management, Oxford Publishing.
Suja Nair : Retail Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
Swapna Pradhan : Retailing Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
S.L. Gupta : Retail Management, Wisdom Publications.
Philip Kotler : Marketing Management, Prentice Hall.
Cox, Roger and Paul Brittain : Retail Management, Prentice Hall.
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Unit 1: Marketing Research : Definition, Nature, Scope, Significance, Types, Organisation,
Scientific Method, Basic Marketing Methods : The Survey, Observational and
Experimental Methods.
Unit 2: The Research Design, Types and Sources of Data. Hypothesis Testing, Pre-Testing
Pilot Study, Sampling, Questionnaire, Schedules, Place of Marketing Research in
Unit 3: Collection of Data, Interpretation of Data, Presentation of Results & Research
Report, Motivational Research, Advertising Research, Product Research.
Unit 4:Consumer Behaviour : Nature, Decision Process. Application of Consumer
Behaviour in Marketing, Organisational Buying Behaviour : Meaning, Factors
Influencing Organisational Buying, The Buying Process.
Unit 5 : Reference Group Influence : Family Buying influences.
Family Life- Cycle and buying roles. Social and Sub- Cultural Influences.
Models of Consumer Behaviour.
Narsh K. Malhotra: Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. Pearson Education,
Thomas C. Kinnear and James R. Taylor : Marketing Research.
Aaker, Kumar and Day : Marketing Research, John Wiley and Sons, 1998
Rechard I. Levin : Statistics For Management : Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Henry Assaek : Consumer Behaviour And Marketing Action, Kent Publishing Co.
Berkman and Gilson : Consumer Behaviour: Concepts And Strategies, (Kent Publishing
Bennet and Kassarjian : Consumer Behaviour, (Prentice Hall of India)
Shiffman and Kanuck : Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education Asia, 7th Edition.
Hawkins, Best and Coney : Consumer Behaviour. Tata McGraw Hill.
Kothari, C.R. Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi
Kulkarni, Pradhan & Patil : Modern Marketing Research.
Jain, P.C. : Vipnan Shodh Prabandh (Hindi)
Srivastava, P.K. : Vipnan Anusandhan (Hindi) Jakhotiya, G.N. : Vipnan Anusandhan (Hindi)
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Unit 1: Marketing of Services-Introduction, Growth of Services Sector, The concept of
service, characteristic of services, classification of services, Significance of Service
Marketing, Designing the services- Blue Printing, Service Marketing environment,
Consumer behavior in services, Listening to Customers through Research,
Globalisation of Services.
Unit 2: Marketing-Mix in Services Marketing- The Seven P’s : Service Product-Product
decisions, Service development and Design, Service Standards; The Pricing of
services-Framework for Pricing decisions in services; Promotion-Developing the
Service Communication Mix; Place-Channel Management issues and distribution,
transcending Physical constraints of location; Additional Dimensions of Service
Marketing-Mix: People, Physical evidence and process.
Unit 3: Strategic Marketing Management for services: Matching Demand and Supply
through capacity Planning, Internal Marketing of Service, Building Customer
Relationship, Impact of Technology on service marketing, The service Triangle
Management Model, Yield Management System, Target Marketing in services,
Positioning of services, Market Segmentation in the marketing of services.
Unit 4: Measuring Service Quality, Dimensions/Components of Service Quality, Service
Quality Gaps-Customer Expectation v/s Management Perception, Management
Perception v/s Service Quality Specifications, Service Quality Specification v/s
Service Delivery, Service Delivery v/s External Communications to Customers,
Strategies for closing the Gaps- The Servqual Scale, Bench Marking, Return on
Quality (ROQ), Total Quality Management (TQM) in Service Marketing.
Unit 5: Marketing of Services with Special Reference to:
(A) Financial and Insurance Services.
(B) Health Services.
(C) Hospitality Services including Travel, Hotel and Tourism.
(D) Educational, Software and Other Professional Services.
Nargundkar Rajendra, Services Marketing, The MC Graw-Hill, New Delhi.
Shajahan S., Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
Bhattacharjee C., Services Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi.
Valarie A Zeithmal, Dwayne D Gremler, Mary Jo Bitner & Ajay Pandit : Services Marketing, The
MC Graw-Hill, New Delhi.
Mehta and Khinvasara : Marketing of Services, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur.
Christopher H. Lovelock : Service Marketing : People, Technology Strategy, Pearson Education Asia.
Zethaml, Parasuraman and Berry : Delivery of Quality Services, The Fress Press, Macmillan.
Audrey Gilmore : Services Marketing and Management, Response Books, Sage Publications.
Raghu and Vasnathi Venugopal : Service Marketing.
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