On Building A Cluster Watch-List For Identifying Strongly Lensed Supernovae, Gravitational Waves and Kilonovae
On Building A Cluster Watch-List For Identifying Strongly Lensed Supernovae, Gravitational Waves and Kilonovae
On Building A Cluster Watch-List For Identifying Strongly Lensed Supernovae, Gravitational Waves and Kilonovae
2 Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
3 Institute for Computational Cosmology, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
4 Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041, South Africa
Motivated by discovering strongly-lensed supernovae, gravitational waves, and kilo-
novae in the 2020s, we investigate whether to build a watch-list of clusters based on
observed cluster properties (i.e. lens-plane selection) or on the detectability of strongly-
lensed background galaxies (i.e. source-plane selection). First, we estimate the fraction
of high-redshift transient progenitors that reside in galaxies that are themselves too
faint to be detected as being strongly-lensed. We find ∼ 15 − 50 per cent of transient
progenitors reside in z = 1 − 2 galaxies too faint to be detected in surveys that reach
AB ' 23, such as the Dark Energy Survey. This falls to ∼ <10 per cent at depths that
will be probed by early data releases of LSST (AB ' 25). Second, we estimate a con-
servative lower limit on the fraction of strong lensing clusters that will be missed by
magnitude limited searches for multiply-imaged galaxies and giant arcs due to the
faintness of such images. We find that DES-like surveys will miss ∼ 75 per cent of
1015 M strong lensing clusters, rising to ∼ 100 per cent of 1014 M clusters. Deeper
surveys, such as LSST, will miss ∼ 40 per cent at 1015 M , and ∼ 95 per cent at 1014 M .
Our results motivate building a cluster watch-list for strongly-lensed transients that
includes those found by lens-plane selection.
Key words: gravitational lensing: strong – gravitational waves – transients: super-
Survey (DES, Abbott et al. 2018). This indicates that with pi (0|M200, mlimit ) = exp[−Ni (mlimit ) σi (M200 )], (3)
present surveys, a significant fraction of lensed transients where Ni is the mean number density of detectable galaxies
will be located in lensed galaxies that are not identifiable in and σi is the strong lensing cross-section of the foreground
magnitude-limited surveys, and thus if the lensed transients lens. It should be noted that σi takes different values de-
are detected they will appear to be hostless. The situation is pending on the redshift of the sources because it depends
less severe for sensitivities comparable with that of LSST af- explicitly on the geometry of the lensing system (Equations
<0.1. However, this is
ter one year of observing, with fhostless ∼ 7 & 8). The overall fraction of unidentifiable strong lensing
little comfort for efforts to detect strongly lensed transients clusters is therefore given by:
within the first year or two of LSST observations, because !
cluster watch-lists for these early years of LSST will be con- Õ
f0 = exp − Ni σi . (4)
structed from pre-LSST data. It is also important to stress
that our estimates of fhostless are lower limits, because they
assume that all strongly-lensed galaxies brighter than ilim Equations 3 & 4 assume that galaxies are randomly dis-
are detectable – i.e. source-plane lens detection methods are tributed on the sky, and therefore ignore galaxy cluster-
perfect. ing. Clustering concentrates some of the galaxy population
In summary, our estimates of fhostless motivate consid- into particular regions of space near to each other, mean-
eration of lens-plane search methods for finding strong lens- ing a randomly-positioned aperture of fixed size will find
ing clusters, as they suggest current watch-lists built from zero galaxies within it more frequently than using the above
purely source-plane search methods may not contain all of Poisson-based calculations. Using Equation 4 will therefore
the clusters responsible for lensing a non-negligible number result in a conservative lower limit on f0 .
of hostless transients.
3.2 Strong lensing cross-section
Our model for the strong lensing cross-section, σ, of a lens
relies on an analytic description of the typical mass distribu-
tion in galaxy clusters on the scale of the Einstein radius –
To answer the second question posed in the introduction, we i.e. a few tens of arcseconds. The singular isothermal sphere
develop a model to estimate the fraction of strong lensing (SIS) model is commonly used to quantify the density pro-
clusters that will be unidentifiable as lenses in magnitude- file in studies that predict the lensing properties of massive