Radionuclide Diagnosis
Radionuclide Diagnosis
Radionuclide Diagnosis
• Meckel’s diverticulum.
• In patients who are actively bleeding at the time of injection ,leakage of tracer into
• Extravagated blood from small bowel shows a central area which moves relatively
• Colonic activity moves fairly slowly around the periphery of the abdomen in a clock
wise direction.
Radiolabelled red cells
•Punched out craters
•2 to 4 cm diameter
Mild edema of immediate adj. mucosa
Margins – Perpendicular - No Elevant or Beading
Surrounding Mucosal folds Radiate like Wheel Spokes
Base Remarkably Clean
Clinical features
• Abdominal pain
• Epigastric
• Burning or gnawing discomfort
• 90 min to 3 h after meal
• Frequently relieved by antacids or food in DU.
• Awakes the pt from sleep b/w midnight & 3 am.
• Nausea
• Weight loss
• Dyspepsia if not relieved by food antacids , if not relieved by
food antacids , radiates to back—penetrating ulcer
•Recurrent ulceration
•Afferent loop syndromes
•Dumping syndromes
•Post vagotomy diarrhea
•Bile reflux gastropathy
•Maldigestion & malabsorption
•Gastric adenocarcinoma
Thank you !