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The Impact of Top Management Support For Strategic Planning On Crisis Management: Case Study On UNRWA-Gaza Strip

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International Journal of Academic Research and Development

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4197, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 1; Issue 10; October 2016; Page No. 20-25

The impact of top management support for strategic planning on crisis management: Case study on
UNRWA-Gaza strip
Mazen J Al Shobaki, Youssef M Abu Amuna, Samy S Abu Naser
Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, Al- Azhar University, Gaza, Palestine

The study aims to analyze the impact of top management support for strategic planning on crisis management in UNRWA-Gaza
Strip field in Palestine. Several descriptive analytical methods were used for this purpose, and a survey as a tool for data
collection. Community size was (881), and the study sample was stratified random (268).
The overall findings of the current study show that top management provides needed HR for strategic planning but with no
financial support. Also there are shortcomings in the way that organization manages the crises before and after they occur. A crisis
management is only practicing during the crisis. The study suggest that top management must provide the financial support for
strategic planning, periodic meetings to prepare how to deal with potential crisis in the future, establishing a specialized team and
provide them with all sources needed.

Keywords: Top Management, Strategic Planning, Crisis Management, UNRWA, Gaza Strip

1. Introduction 2. To which extent crisis management practicing in the

Contemporary organizations live in complex political, UNRWA (before, during, after)?
social, economic, technological, and cultural changes.
Opportunities and threats are changing on an ongoing 2. Literature review
basis, not just the external environment of the Palestinian environment is unstable and unsecure with all
organization, but also their interior environment. This means. Also suffer from the ongoing blockade and a lot
change put the organization in a tough mission that of crisis. Despite the fact that the international relief
require a fast adoption and cope with the external and agency "UNRWA" in Gaza practiced strategic planning,
internal environment to ensure survival and achieve their there are shortcomings in dealing with crises.
goals, otherwise it will be doomed to finish and For example, microfinance program for SMEs has been
disappearing. reduced by 15% in 2012, teaching level is collapsing in
Under these rapid changes in the organization dramatic way cause of extra student's number with
environment, the need for a strategic planning process shortage in facilities. Unemployed percent were 60% for
increased. The analyzing process for the internal and youth in 2014 which represent the highest in the world.
external environment in light of the vision, mission and Crisis management in such environment is so difficult
clear objectives of the organization is essential. Strategic and quite good strategic plan it will be wasting of sources
and operational plans for the organization are important not any more.
to success and survival.
Crisis has also become a key feature also of 2.1 Strategic planning
contemporary organizations under this dynamic Goldman & Casey (2010) defined strategic planning:
environment, and these crises threaten the continuity of "Oriented systematic based on the router untapped
the organization, survival and the ability to continue opportunities, which lead to discover new organizational
providing their services. Also crisis put organizations strategies".
reputation and image in the community at stake, if those The important of strategic planning comes from it is
organizations not able to deal with crises through the ability to lead the organization in the future and decreases
effective management of the different stages of the crisis the failed opportunity (Poister, 2010; Al-Waleed, 2010)
[28, 14]
either before, during or after the fact. . The concept of strategic planning might differ
NGOs are no different from the rest of the business between organizations according to future concept and
organizations according to that, the objective of this means to deal with the future (Suklev & Debarliev; 2012,
study is to examine the impact of UNRWA top Bin Sdira, 2013) [16].
management support for strategic planning on crisis The main frame of strategic planning is strategic
management. management. Wheelen & Hunger (2012) & David (2011)
The study raises the question of pointed that strategic management are a series of
1. How far the top management supports strategic administrative decisions and actions that determine the
planning in UNRWA? long-term performance of the organization, which

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

includes the following four stages: environmental 2.2 Top management support
scanning, strategy formulation, application and The success of strategic planning depends on top
implementation of the strategy, evaluation, monitoring management support. Many authors debate this point.
and control. Top management plays pivotal role as a leader (Abu
According to them, strategic planning is the main Naser et al., 2010, Naser et. al. 2016). Leadership is an
function for strategic management. important subject for almost many years in many fields.
Sharbiny (2009) and Elzamly (2015) [19] mentioned the Leadership has been plays a crucial part in organization
difference between strategic planning and strategic in achieving its goal through a strategic planning towards
management as the following: increasing organizational performance (Rashid et al.,
2016, Slavik et al., 2016) [29] .
1. Strategic planning is an analytical process, while the
The good leader must identify the direction to achieve
strategic management is also concern about organizational goal. Karsten et al. (2009) [21] mentioned
performance. that different style of leadership is use as a medium for
2. Strategic planning end when pick the things that will planning. It also provides the notion that leader’s
be made, while the strategic management skip the personal matter could affect the strategic planning if they
process of identifying options for the orientation of not manage their self well. In addition, charismatic and
the organization to search for appropriate choices by transformational character in leadership is to be said that
it has significant relationship effectiveness (Amirul &
people who can implement the decisions.
Daud, 2012) [15].
3. The strategic planning outcomes lead to better Therefore, individual as leader is exactly significant
strategic decisions, while strategic management towards strategic planning. Besides, leadership in change
outcomes represented in strategically results. flexibility has reflects it pivotal role in strategic planning.

Fig 1: Leadership Elements and Strategic Planning

Top management refers to senior-level leaders including 2.3 Crisis management

presidents, owners, and other high ranking executives Crisis management involves quick decision-making in
(CEO, CFO, COO etc.) and senior-level managers. critical conditions, with the obligation of issuing a public
Several researchers have emphasized the effect of top report to the media. Crises therefore lead
management on strategy implementation. Most of them Decision-makers into an urgent decision-making
point out the important figurehead role of top situation, with the obligation to minimize the potential
management in the process of strategy planning (Musse, consequences for a wide range of high-stake elements
2013, Al-Sabah, 2013) [12] . There are many definitions for crisis management
Effectiveness of strategy planning and implementation is, (Chollet et al., 2016) [17]. Jad Al-Rab (2010), Yamamoto
at least in part, affected by the quality of people involved & Sekeroglu (2011) [34], & Panos (2013) [27] define it as
in the process. Here, quality refers to skills, attitudes, "Systematic attempt to define and identify potential
capabilities, experiences and other characteristics of crises, take action and measures to prevent and contain
people required by a specific task or position (Al- the impact and get rid of the effects".
Khateeb, 2015; Ridwan, 2015; Dandira, 2011) [10, 30, 18] . Crisis management in the organization process passed
Viseras, Baines, and Sweeney (2005) group (36) key through several stages represents each stage of them to
success factors into three research categories: people, deal with the crisis basis, although each of these phases is
organization, systems. Their intriguing findings indicate characterized by a kind of autonomy in dealing with them
that strategy planning success depends crucially on the depending on the nature of each of its stages. The main
human or people side of project management, and less on goal remains to find a solution to the crisis and come out
organization and systems related factors. from it with minimal losses.
Leadership style is also important factor in top Sense of crisis and ignoring it is the first phase o f the
management support. Leadership style that folds crisis because it is fast-moving, and vice versa,
knowledge management into the strategy achieves recognition, handling and treatment is the first stage of
advantage and productivity. Abu Naser et al. (2016) facing, treatment and reducing the negative effects.
discussed the importance of knowledge management Yarmohammadian et al. (2016) [35] , Abu Moamer (2011)
leadership style as a main factor in high performance and , Al-Saeed (2011) [13] & Jad Al-Rab (2010) classified
productivity. crisis into three stages:
International Journal of Academic Research and Development

1. Pre- crisis: prevent the crisis and prepare for it. crises and its origin.
2. Response: deal and respond to the crisis. 5. Leadership and coordination: The authorities, powers
3. Post-crisis: improve preparedness for future crises and responsibilities for crisis management.
and record the flow of information which happened 6. Planning team and different sectors in the
during the crisis and take advantage of any future organization.
crisis. 7. Foreign aids: Grants power and authorities to request
Appropriate response toward the unexpected events foreign aid to the affected sites.
requires providing facilities and suitable plans. Different 8. Identify emergency centers: Set site emergency
societies always look for managing the damages of the centers and secure transport and communication
unexpected events. Therefore, the organization’s manager among them.
always needs to be prepared to encounter the crisis and 9. Notification and warning: Determine the receipt of
think to decrease the effects of crises on the organization broadcast news and alerts and create a data base
(Yarmohammadian et al., 2016) [35] . system.
As the main aim of the crisis management plan is to 10. Support associations: Ministries and institutions such
provide the most appropriate services to most of injured as health, police, medical centers and specialized
people, it is necessary to develop a specified plan with medical devices.
scientific and precise management at all stages before, in 11. Sub-plans: Find a complementary basic service plans
progress and after crisis by taking precautionary actions, such as rescue and relief, ambulance, nursing, police,
establishing the crisis management committee, education transportation, electric power, etc. ….
familiarizing the staffs, and doing the periodical Adding to previous variables mentioned above and cause
maneuver to get prepared and facing the crisis, giving an of each country have it is own specifications, other
appropriate response while the crisis occurs and taking domestic factors should be included in the strategic plan
actions for rebuilding after the crisis occurs. These for facing crisis (Tidwell, 2016; Maiorescu, 2016) [32, 22] :
actions should be on the basis of the activities, strategies, 1. Geographical factor: Total area of the country, areas
and the crisis plans at the national level (Naghibosadat, that can be supported as soon as possible, the border
2008) [24]. with the neighboring countries and the possibility of
cooperation with them in the attribution urgency of
2.4 Strategic planning and Crisis management the border area, if possible, depending on the
The recent events throughout the world have brought political situation between these countries.
about an increase in paying attention to strategic planning 2. Demographic factor: Identify the population of the
and getting ready against crises. Although major human’s areas, distribution of manpower, population
progresses have increased his power to counter crises and distribution and density.
to respond to the unexpected events, he has not totally 3. Work activities in structures and the nature of
been able to have control over them yet. manpower activities.
Explore the future vision for crises are the essence of 4. Important economic and financial resources in the
strategic planning to deal and monitor the stages and country.
steps for it is development. Reliance on accurate According to literature review, following is the main
prediction that expansion scope and help to prepare the hypothesis for the study:
appropriate scenarios, processing of human, technical, H1: There is a statistically significant effect for top
physical and administrative resources to cope with future management support on crisis management
crises and reduce their impact in the shortest time and at (before, during, after) in UNRWA- Gaza Strip.
the lowest cost and effort (Al-Waleed, 2010) [14] . And that lead us to the next sub-hypotheses:
Strategic planning oriented to face crisis require full H1-1: There is a statistically significant effect for top
support and assistance from top management, well- management support on crisis management before
defined communications plan, gather information as input crisis in UNRWA- Gaza Strip.
to strategic detect signs of the crisis and the beginning H1-2: There is a statistically significant effect for top
and the extent of its development through integration management support on crisis management during
between quantitative methods and how to plan for crisis crisis in UNRWA- Gaza Strip.
management by choosing appropriate strategies (Abo H1-3: There is a statistically significant effect for top
Halima, 2013; Bin Sdira, 2013; Abu Moamer, 2011; Al management support on crisis management after
Shobaki & Abu Naser, 2016)) [1, 16, 2, ] . crisis in UNRWA- Gaza Strip.
For designing any strategic plan to address the crisis we
must take into account the following variables 3. Research design
(Yarmohammadian et al., 2016; Chollet et al., 2016; Jad 3.1 Study population and sampling
Al-Rab, 2010; Al-Shaalan, 2002) [35, 17] : This study conducted at UNRWA- Gaza Strip Field–
1. Objective: Be prepared to face the crisis. Palestine. UNRWA is the biggest supporter for
2. Definitions and abbreviations: Risk, exposure, Palestinian refugee all over the world in almost all fields.
elements exposed to hazard. In Gaza Strip live about (1.50 M) refugee (for more
3. Country specifications: Terrain, climate, statistics, information, http://www.unrwa.org). The UNRWA
population distribution, industry, energy sources and manager's population in Gaza Strip Filed is (881),
regime. stratified random sample was (268) and the usable sample
4. Threat description: Historical background, types of was (235).
International Journal of Academic Research and Development

3.2 Research instrument management contains three sub-fields depending on other

The first dimension instrument is about top management research literatures. Those statements were further
support and contain (8) statements. The second revised and modified by experts in a subsequent stage
dimension of the instrument which measure crisis before drafting the final version of the questionnaire.

Table 1: Research Instrument

Dimension 1: Top Management Support No. of statements Dimension 2: Crisis Management No. of statements
8 Before Crisis 6
During Crisis 6
After Crisis 6

A five-point Lekert scale of agreement was used for 3.4 Statistical procedures
measurement, running from “Strongly Agree” to Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and
“Strongly Disagree”, with a Neutral category for scale hypotheses testing, including reliability Correlation using
midpoint. Cronbach’s alpha, “ANOVA”, Pearson Correlation
Coefficient, and Scheffe.
3.3 Validity and reliability assessment
The study adopted Cronbach’s α to measure the internal 4. Data analysis and discussion of results
consistence reliability of the questionnaire. The results T-test was used to examine the dimensions and
showed that Cronbach’s α values for all dimensions were hypotheses. The results of the analysis are shown in table
> (0.5). It indicated that the design of the questionnaire 2.
had a high internal consistency.

Table 2: T test for dimensions

sig t SD MAR MA Dimension Index
0.000 15.05 0.592 71.62 3.58 Top Management 1
0.000 8.69 0.694 66.30 3.31 Before Crisis 2
0.000 17.28 0.581 73.11 3.66 During Crisis 3
0.000 7.49 0.557 68.34 3.42 After Crisis 4
0.000 15.08 0.491 69.66 3.48 TR for SD

For the first dimension (top management support), the happened.

sample agree with the existence of the support as the Second sub-dimension (during crisis) was (73.11%), this
mean average was (71.62%). mean that the UNRWA treat well with crisis only when it
The second dimension (crisis management) has three sub- happened.
dimensions. The mean average for first sub-dimension The hypotheses test shows that there is a weak static
(before crisis) was (66.30%) and for the third sub - relation between top management support and crisis
dimension. Those results infer a shortage in crisis management with Pearson Correlation Coefficient
management for the period before and after crisis (0.431). This finding is shown in table 3.

Table 3: Hypotheses Test

correlation Crisis
Crisis Management Top Management Support
after during Before
0.431 Pearson 0.377 0.406 0.458

The weak relation comes from the lack in strategic including in situations of armed conflict. With such
planning before and after the crisis. The authors refer that responsibilities which been adopted since 1949, and with
to the sequential crises passed out generally in the Middle more than (5.3 M) refugee all over the world, and with a
East and in Palestine in particular. huge lack in finance and resources, crisis might form a
real humanity disaster in the area.
5. Conclusion Strategic planning in UNRWA as a Framework for crisis
UNRWA is a multi-service organization. It is role in the management must be reinforcement by resources and
world is very operative, not just in Palestine, but it also team work.
serves millions of Palestinians refugees all around the Such organization cannot stop services cause of crises, to
world (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan). UNRWA human that one of it is basic priorities is to design a solid system
development and humanitarian services encompass to manage crisis before, during and after it happened.
primary and vocational education, primary health care, The current study shows some weak in crisis prediction,
relief and social services, infrastructure and camp which might be normal thing in ordinary organizations,
improvement, microfinance and emergency response, but for UNRWA this issue must be solved so fast.

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

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