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Commercial Rubric

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Description of Project

A video commercial is created to promote the company’s product or product line. It should be concise and creative. It should also
promote the existence of your product as well as its use and purpose in the market.


a. Student-employees of each company will write and produce two commercials. 1 full length commercial befitting online streaming
platforms and another commercial fit for multimedia advertisement such as television or event promotion.

b. Full length commercial should be at least 2 minutes short and not exceeding 5 minutes.

c. Multimedia commercial should have the contents coming from your full length commercial that is 30 seconds short and not
exceeding 90 seconds.

d. All student-employees can participate in the production of the video commercial. You are allowed to use any model/influencer to
appear in your commercial. You can also use a pure animated commercial by choice.

e. all entries must be appropriate for a school event.

f. Evaluation will follow the rubric for this project.

5 4 3
Creativity and Presentation The commercial is creative The commercial is The commercial shows
and effectively written and somewhat creative and little creativity or
is presented well. effective and/or the effectiveness and/or is not
presentation is adequate. well presented.

Purpose The commercial clearly The commercial somewhat The commercial vaguely
explains and achieves the explains the need for explains the need of
need for product in the product in the society. product in the society.

Visual Aids The commercial makes The commercial includes The commercial did not
good use of visual aids visual aids or props, but include any visual aids or
and props. they do not significantly props or any visual
contribute to the creativity.
commercial or is not
effectively done.

Content Content is suitable and Content is somewhat Content is suitable and

appropriate for school suitable and appropriate appropriate for school
project. Brand image is for the school project. project. Brand image is
supported effectively in the Brand image is visible in lacking in the video
video elements (Logo, the video elements (Logo, elements (Logo, colors,
colors, tagline) colors, tagline) tagline)

Obvious copyright infringement or plagiarism; example, use of different product brands or logo without permission. (2 points for each
occurrence). Video is not within time frame (2 points).

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