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A Compressed Beamforming Framework For Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging

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A compressed beamforming framework for ultrafast

ultrasound imaging
Adrien Besson∗ , Rafael E. Carrillo∗ , Dimitris Perdios∗ , Marcel Arditi∗ , Olivier Bernard† , Yves Wiaux‡ ,
and Jean-Philippe Thiran∗§
∗ SignalProcessing Laboratory (LTS5), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
† CREATIS, CNRS UMR5220, University of Lyon, INSA-Lyon, University of Lyon1, Villeurbanne, France
‡ Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
§ Department of Radiology, University Hospital Center (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland

Abstract—Classical beamforming methods, based on Delay- in the time-frequency domain. Recently, David et al. [9]
And-Sum (DAS) require an extensive number of samples and introduced a simplified model in which the inverse scattering
delay calculations to obtain high-quality images. Compressed problem is solved only in the time domain. Fourier-based CS
Beamforming (CB) proposes an alternative to DAS, based on
compressed sensing, which aims at reducing the data rate. beamforming has also been studied by Chernyakova et al. [10]
However, proposed CB approaches induce a computationally in which a finite rate of innovation framework is used to reduce
heavy measurement model that hampers their attractiveness for the data rate while the beamforming is achieved in the Fourier
iterative image reconstruction. In this paper, a CB framework, domain.
applicable to either radio-frequency or in-phase quadrature data The main problem of CS based beamforming is the size
and for both plane wave and diverging wave compounding, is
described. The proposed framework exploits a computationally of the measurement model, usually prohibitive [8], which
light measurement model which leads to tractable reconstruction. prevents its use in US imaging. In this paper, we formulate
It solves a convex problem and assumes sparsity in a wavelet- the inverse problem using a simplified measurement model
based model to achieve high-quality image reconstruction from that can be stored as a sparse matrix. Such a measurement
measurements acquired with only few transducer elements. model allows fast reconstructions using iterative algorithms.
Index Terms—Plane wave, Diverging wave, Ultrafast imaging,
Sparsity, Compressed sensing, Beamforming
The inverse problem is applicable to any type of transmit
scheme but the present study focuses on coherent Plane Wave
(PW) and Diverging Wave (DW) compounding. The proposed
model is expressed for both RF and In-phase Quadrature (IQ)
Compressed-sensing based beamforming, also denoted as images.
Compressed Beamforming (CB) relies on a Compressed Sens- Section II briefly reviews CS principles. The compressed
ing (CS) framework [1] to achieve data rate reduction as it has beamforming framework is then described in Section III. Fi-
been successfully applied to other medical imaging modalities nally, the proposed framework is evaluated through simulation
such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) [2]. In order to and in vivo experiments in Section IV and concluding remarks
apply CS onto an imaging problem, the image reconstruction are given in Section V.
process has to be formulated as an inverse problem and the
unknown desired image has to be compressible i.e sparse in
a given model. Based on these two assumptions, the desired The now famous theory of CS introduces a signal acqui-
image is retrieved by solving a convex optimization problem. sition framework that goes beyond the traditional Nyquist
In ultrasound (US) imaging, CS has been extensively used sampling paradigm [11]. Formally, the signal x ∈ CN is
for various purposes. Liebgott et al. [3] use the sparsity of acquired through the linear measurement model Φ ∈ CM ×N
backscattered echoes in the wave atom frame to reduce the and y = Φx + n where y ∈ CM is the measurement vector
number of required echoes in a pre-beamforming step. The ob- and n ∈ CM is the observation noise. CS relies on two
jective of such an approach is to reduce the complexity of the principles [1]:
probe hardware by simplifying cabling. In a post-beamforming 1) Sparsity expresses the notion that the information carried
step, CS has been used for two main purposes, namely by a signal can be concentrated into few coefficients in
data rate reduction and image quality enhancement through a proper basis Ψ. This concentration is described by the
deconvolution [4]. A sparsity prior of Radio-Frequency (RF) `0 -norm, i.e. the number of non-zero coefficients.
images has been exploited in various models such as: Fourier 2) Incoherent sampling expresses the notion that signals
basis [5], wavelet basis [5], α−stable distribution [6] or more which have a sparse representation in Ψ must be spread
recently in learned dictionaries [7]. Finally, CB has been out in the measurement domain Φ.
used as an alternative to classical beamforming methods. CS demonstrates that x can be recovered exactly from y, for a
Schiffner and Schmitz [8] introduced plane-wave-based CS sufficiently high number of measurements M (lower than the
beamforming in which the inverse scattering problem is solved number of unknowns N ) whose lower bound is a function of
the coherence between Ψ and Φ [12], by solving the following 3) The inverse problem: Given the propagation delays on
analysis-based convex problem: transmit and receive, it can be deduced that the points of the
medium which contribute to the value of r (xi , t) are such
min kΨ† x̄k1 subject to ky − Φx̄k2 ≤ , (1) that the sum of their propagation delays (transmit and receive)
equates t. This statement defines the following inverse problem
where Ψ† denotes the adjoint operator of Ψ and  is an in the continuous domain:
upper bound on the `2 -norm of the noise. Recall that the
r (xi , t) = s (x, z) dxdz, (5)
`p -norm of a complex-valued vector a ∈ CM is defined as
kakp ≡ ( i=1 |ai |p )1/p , where |·| represents the modulus of a (x,z)∈Ω(xi ,t)

complex number. In Equation (1), the `0 -norm is approximated where Ω (xi , t) = {(x, z) | t = tRx (xi , x, z) + tT x (x, z)}.
by the `1 -norm for convex relaxation purpose. 4) Creating the measurement matrix: Formally, a linear
array is composed of Nel transducer elements with a pitch
III. C OMPRESSED BEAMFORMING FRAMEWORK of pt . The time dimension is discretized according to the
sampling frequency fs and the desired imaging range leading
A. The measurement model
to Nt samples. These considerations induce the following
In the remainder of the paper, the ultrasound array will gridding of the element raw data in the lateral dimension
be located at a depth zi = 0. Formally, let us denote as xi = xki with xki = x1i + (k − 1) pt , for
r (xi , t) the element raw data received at time t by a transducer k ∈ {1..Nel }, and in the time dimension t = (l − 1)/fs ,
element located at xi . Let us define s (x, z) the RF-image for l ∈ {1..Nt }. The element raw data are thus defined by a
corresponding to the point in the medium located at (x, z). In matrix R ∈ RNt ×Nel which contains the values of the received
order to formulate the measurement model, two delay values echoes on the grid points. In the desired-image space, let us
are introduced as follows: consider the Cartesian grid defined by the lateral dimension
1) Propagation delay on transmit: The propagation delay x = x1 + (m − 1)∆x, for m ∈ {1...Nx }, and the axial
on transmit, denoted as tT x (x, z) corresponds to the time dimension z = z 1 + (n − 1)∆z, for n ∈ {1...Nz }, where
spent by the transmitted wave to reach a point located at (x, z) ∆x and ∆z are the image grid spacing in the lateral and axial
in the insonified medium. The propagation time depends on directions respectively. The desired image is thus defined by a
the nature of the transmit wave. In this work, we will focus matrix S ∈ RNz ×Nx . The discretization of the inverse problem
on steered plane waves (SPW) and DW. These schemes lead consists in interpolating Equation (5) on the two grids defined
to the transmit delays defined below: above. In the proposed work, the interpolation is limited to
a linear interpolation in the axial direction. More elaborated
• Steered plane wave: A SPW is a PW with a given
interpolation schemes may be derived. The interpolation leads
angle θ. In this case, it has been demonstrated that [13]:
to the discretization of Ω (xi , t) to Ωf (k, l) which contains
(x − xref ) z the closest points on the image grid to Ω (xi , t). Let us define
tT x (x, z) = sin θ + cos θ, (2) the following quantity:
c c

where xref designates the position of the first or last  λklmn if (m, n) ∈ Ωf (k, l) ,
transducer element if θ > 0 or θ < 0 respectively. Hklmn = 1 − λklmn if (m, n − 1) ∈ Ωf (k, l) , (6)
0 otherwise,

• Diverging wave: A DW simulates the case where a
virtual point source has been positioned at coordinates with λklmn ∈ [0, 1] the corresponding linear interpolation
(xn , zn ) behind the US array. It has been demon- coefficient. Equation (6) defines the indicator function on the
strated [14] that the transmit delay is in this case equal set Ωf {k, l} and characterizes the response of the point located
to: at (xm , z n ) observed by the transducer positioned in xki at time
2 2
tl . We can deduce the following inverse problem:
(x − xn ) + (z − zn ) + zn
tT x (x, z) = . (3) R = HS, (7)
2) Propagation delay on receive: The propagation delay on with H a 4D-tensor approximating the Green’s function of a
receive corresponds to the time spent by the US wave reflected homogeneous medium, under Born approximation, and taking
by any point scatterer in the medium to reach a transducer into account both the transmit and receive contributions.
element located at xi . According to acoustic principle, any Equation (7) is unwrapped in order to retrieve the formulation
point source creates a spherical acoustic wave. Assuming that of the inverse problem derived in Section II:
the point is located at (x, z) the US wave will reach the r = Hs, (8)
transducer element located at xi after a time tRx such that:
q with r ∈ RNel Nt , s ∈ RNz Nx and H ∈ RNel Nt ×Nz Nx . The
2 2 matrix H is thus very sparse with a density of non-zero values
(x − xi ) + (z − zi )
tRx (xi , x, z) = . (4) of at most 2/Nz .
5) Measurement matrix in the IQ domain: Equation (8) and for the reference are −31 dB, −26 dB and −31 dB. These
links the element raw data to the desired RF image. In order values and a visual assessment show that CB reconstruction
to reduce the data rate as well as the size of the measurement has a quality similar to DAS reconstruction with the full
model, a complex base-band demodulation may be applied array and overcomes DAS-interp with the same number of
on the element raw data. Such a procedure involves a down- transducer elements.
mixing, a low pass filtering and a decimation, leading to a
complex baseband signal called the IQ signal. B. Diverging wave imaging
It has been demonstrated [15] that the measurement model A simulation study has been performed to test the frame-
in the IQ domain may be derived from the measurement model work on DWs. A phantom composed of an 8-mm anechoic
in the RF domain by adding a phase shift which corresponds cyst positioned at 80 mm and embedded in a medium with a
to the time delay. high density of scatterers (30 scatterers per resolution cell) is
insonified with 3 successive DWs whose corresponding virtual
B. Image reconstruction sources are positioned at −5.9 mm, 0 mm and 5.9 mm in the
Problem (8) may be recast as a CS problem in which H lateral dimension and at −2.93 mm in the axial dimension.
plays the role of the measurement model, r is the measurement The probe used in the study mimics a phased-array with
vector and s is the desired image. In order to decrease the 64 transducer elements, a central frequency of 2.7 MHz and
data rate, a downsampling operator P ∈ RM ×Nel Nt which a half-wavelength pitch. The generation of simulated raw
selects the active transducers is introduced leading to a new data is performed using Field II software [19]. The element
measurement vector ru = Pr and a new measurement model raw data are received with few randomly selected transducer
Hu = PH. elements spanning the whole aperture. The desired image is
The following problem, denoted as compressed beamform- reconstructed with both DAS-interp and CB.
ing problem, is solved: The reconstruction methods are compared in terms of
contrast-to-noise-ratio (CNR) [18] against the number of trans-
min kΨ† s̄k1 subject to kru − Hu s̄k2 ≤ . (9)
s̄∈CNz Nx ducers selected on receive. B-mode images are also displayed
In the study, the downsampling schemes consists in select- on Figure 2. The CNR values, displayed in Figure 3, as well
ing few transducer elements on receive as it has been done as a visual assessment show that the proposed approach leads
in our previous work [16]. Such a choice is guided by the to better image reconstruction than classical interpolation.
hardware feasibility. V. C ONCLUSION
IV. E XPERIMENTS In this paper, a compressed beamforming framework is
Two main experiments have been performed to validate presented, which permits to apply CS-based algorithms with
the approach in both SPW and DW imaging in which CB a tractable measurement model for both plane-wave- and
is compared against classical Delay-And-Sum (DAS) beam- diverging-wave-coherent compounding as well as for both IQ
forming on interpolated element raw data (DAS-interp). A and RF data. Equipped with an appropriate downsampling
spline interpolation has been used for this comparison. The scheme, such a framework allows us to fully benefit from the
log-compressed B-mode images, obtained by normalization CS-based algorithm in order to recover high quality images
of the envelope image and log-compression are displayed. The from few selected transducer elements.
sparsifying model used for CB is the sparsity averaging model ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(SA) which surpassess wavelet-based models on classical [17]
This work was supported in part by the UltrasoundToGo
and US images [18].
RTD project (no. 20NA21 145911), evaluated by the Swiss
A. Plane wave imaging NSF and funded by Nano-Tera.ch with Swiss Confederation
A carotid is imaged using a Verasonics system equipped financing. The RF Verasonics generator was cofounded by the
with a linear array probe (128 transducer elements, 0.195 mm FEDER program, Saint-Etienne Metropole (SME) and Conseil
pitch, 5 MHz central frequency, 31.2 MHz sampling fre- General de la Loire (CG42) within the framework of the
quency). Five SPWs with angles uniformly spaced between SonoCardio-Protection Project leaded by Pr Pierre Croisille.
−2◦ and 2◦ are used on transmit. On receive, the array is R EFERENCES
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