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What is Apache Hive and HiveQL

on Azure HDInsight?
02/28/2020 • 7 minutes to read • +4

In this article
How to use Hive
HiveQL language reference
Hive and data structure
User-defined functions (UDF)
Example data
Example Hive query
Improve Hive query performance
Scheduling Hive queries
Next steps

Apache Hive is a data warehouse system for Apache Hadoop. Hive enables data
summarization, querying, and analysis of data. Hive queries are written in HiveQL, which is
a query language similar to SQL.

Hive allows you to project structure on largely unstructured data. After you define the
structure, you can use HiveQL to query the data without knowledge of Java or MapReduce.

HDInsight provides several cluster types, which are tuned for specific workloads. The
following cluster types are most often used for Hive queries:

Cluster Description

Interactive A Hadoop cluster that provides Low Latency Analytical Processing (LLAP)
Query functionality to improve response times for interactive queries. For more
information, see the Start with Interactive Query in HDInsight document.

Hadoop A Hadoop cluster that is tuned for batch processing workloads. For more
information, see the Start with Apache Hadoop in HDInsight document.

Spark Apache Spark has built-in functionality for working with Hive. For more
information, see the Start with Apache Spark on HDInsight document.
Cluster Description

HBase HiveQL can be used to query data stored in Apache HBase. For more information,
see the Start with Apache HBase on HDInsight document.

How to use Hive

Use the following table to discover the different ways to use Hive with HDInsight:

Use this method if you ...interactive ...batch ...from this client

want... queries processing operating system

HDInsight tools for Visual ✔ ✔ Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, or

Studio Code Windows

HDInsight tools for Visual ✔ ✔ Windows


Hive View ✔ ✔ Any (browser based)

Beeline client ✔ ✔ Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, or


REST API   ✔ Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, or


Windows PowerShell   ✔ Windows

HiveQL language reference

HiveQL language reference is available in the language manual.

Hive and data structure

Hive understands how to work with structured and semi-structured data. For example, text
files where the fields are delimited by specific characters. The following HiveQL statement
creates a table over space-delimited data:

HiveQL = Copy
t1 string,
t2 string,
t3 string,
t4 string,
t5 string,
t6 string,
t7 string)

Hive also supports custom serializer/deserializers (SerDe) for complex or irregularly

structured data. For more information, see the How to use a custom JSON SerDe with
HDInsight document.

For more information on file formats supported by Hive, see the Language manual

Hive internal tables vs external tables

There are two types of tables that you can create with Hive:

Internal: Data is stored in the Hive data warehouse. The data warehouse is located at
/hive/warehouse/ on the default storage for the cluster.

Use internal tables when one of the following conditions apply:

Data is temporary.
You want Hive to manage the lifecycle of the table and data.

External: Data is stored outside the data warehouse. The data can be stored on any
storage accessible by the cluster.

Use external tables when one of the following conditions apply:

The data is also used outside of Hive. For example, the data files are updated by
another process (that doesn't lock the files.)
Data needs to remain in the underlying location, even after dropping the table.
You need a custom location, such as a non-default storage account.
A program other than hive manages the data format, location, and so on.

For more information, see the Hive Internal and External Tables Intro blog post.
User-defined functions (UDF)
Hive can also be extended through user-defined functions (UDF). A UDF allows you to
implement functionality or logic that isn't easily modeled in HiveQL. For an example of
using UDFs with Hive, see the following documents:

Use a Java user-defined function with Apache Hive

Use a Python user-defined function with Apache Hive

Use a C# user-defined function with Apache Hive

How to add a custom Apache Hive user-defined function to HDInsight

An example Apache Hive user-defined function to convert date/time formats to Hive


Example data
Hive on HDInsight comes pre-loaded with an internal table named hivesampletable .
HDInsight also provides example data sets that can be used with Hive. These data sets are
stored in the /example/data and /HdiSamples directories. These directories exist in the
default storage for your cluster.

Example Hive query

The following HiveQL statements project columns onto the /example/data/sample.log

HiveQL = Copy

DROP TABLE log4jLogs;

t1 string,
t2 string,
t3 string,
t4 string,
t5 string,
t6 string,
t7 string)
SELECT t4 AS sev, COUNT(*) AS count FROM log4jLogs

In the previous example, the HiveQL statements perform the following actions:

Statement Description

DROP TABLE If the table already exists, delete it.

CREATE EXTERNAL Creates a new external table in Hive. External tables only store the table
TABLE definition in Hive. The data is left in the original location and in the
original format.

ROW FORMAT Tells Hive how the data is formatted. In this case, the fields in each log
are separated by a space.

STORED AS Tells Hive where the data is stored (the example/data directory) and that
TEXTFILE LOCATION it's stored as text. The data can be in one file or spread across multiple
files within the directory.

SELECT Selects a count of all rows where the column t4 contains the value
[ERROR]. This statement returns a value of 3 because there are three
rows that contain this value.

INPUT__FILE__NAME Hive attempts to apply the schema to all files in the directory. In this case,
LIKE '%.log' the directory contains files that don't match the schema. To prevent
garbage data in the results, this statement tells Hive that we should only
return data from files ending in .log.

7 Note

External tables should be used when you expect the underlying data to be updated by
an external source. For example, an automated data upload process, or MapReduce

Dropping an external table does not delete the data, it only deletes the table

To create an internal table instead of external, use the following HiveQL:

HiveQL = Copy
t1 string,
t2 string,
t3 string,
t4 string,
t5 string,
t6 string,
t7 string)
SELECT t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7
FROM log4jLogs WHERE t4 = '[ERROR]';

These statements perform the following actions:

Statement Description

CREATE If the table doesn't exist, create it. Because the EXTERNAL keyword isn't used,
TABLE IF this statement creates an internal table. The table is stored in the Hive data
NOT EXISTS warehouse and is managed completely by Hive.

STORED AS Stores the data in Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format. ORC is a highly
ORC optimized and efficient format for storing Hive data.

INSERT Selects rows from the log4jLogs table that contains [ERROR], and then inserts
OVERWRITE the data into the errorLogs table.

7 Note

Unlike external tables, dropping an internal table also deletes the underlying data.

Improve Hive query performance

Apache Tez

Apache Tez is a framework that allows data intensive applications, such as Hive, to run
much more efficiently at scale. Tez is enabled by default. The Apache Hive on Tez design
documents contains details about the implementation choices and tuning configurations.

Low Latency Analytical Processing (LLAP)

LLAP (sometimes known as Live Long and Process) is a new feature in Hive 2.0 that allows
in-memory caching of queries. LLAP makes Hive queries much faster, up to 26x faster than
Hive 1.x in some cases.

HDInsight provides LLAP in the Interactive Query cluster type. For more information, see
the Start with Interactive Query document.

Scheduling Hive queries

There are several services that can be used to run Hive queries as part of a scheduled or
on-demand workflow.

Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory allows you to use HDInsight as part of a Data Factory pipeline. For
more information on using Hive from a pipeline, see the Transform data using Hive activity
in Azure Data Factory document.

Hive jobs and SQL Server Integration Services

You can use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to run a Hive job. The Azure Feature
Pack for SSIS provides the following components that work with Hive jobs on HDInsight.

Azure HDInsight Hive Task

Azure Subscription Connection Manager

For more information, see the Azure Feature Pack documentation.

Apache Oozie

Apache Oozie is a workflow and coordination system that manages Hadoop jobs. For more
information on using Oozie with Hive, see the Use Apache Oozie to define and run a
workflow document.

Next steps
Now that you've learned what Hive is and how to use it with Hadoop in HDInsight, use the
following links to explore other ways to work with Azure HDInsight.
Upload data to HDInsight
Use Python User Defined Functions (UDF) with Apache Hive and Apache Pig in
Use MapReduce jobs with HDInsight

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